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Fridge / Commander Clark

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Fridge Brilliance

  • It is wondered how some members of the Ark, who are either grossly incompetent or downright negligent, get hired in the 1st place ? Most of the ship’s most vital crew members are relatively competent at their job: Clark (captain), Kitty (second officer), Gloria (culinary), Gary (sanitation and supplies handling), Porko (engine maintenance), Kong (scientist) and if we really stretch it, Jennifer (pharmacy); it can be assumed that the ship could still run (albeit not as efficiently) with a skeleton crew and that the remaining members, regardless of their competence, are simply assigned to meet the quota for the minimum number of required crew members per ship, which would explain the Mixed Animal Species Team status of the Ark. It is confirmed that not every ship is like this, as most of the crew members of the Feline squadron are…you guess it, cats.
  • Why does the Federation, an intergalactic organization, use the imperial system of measurements, a proprietary measuring system instead of the more conventional metric system? It should be noted that the characters in the show that use the imperial systems are Clark, Kitty and Foxy, who, at least in the dubbed version, speak with an extremely Posh or Mid-Atlantic accent. The viewers can assume that most of these characters are of American or British origin, two countries that still use the Imperial system on a regular basis, even in the military. The fact that their utilization of said system is mostly limited to ship navigation within the control room between the 03 members makes sense within context. When it comes to the episodic “Kong info” section, however, the titular character still uses the metric system (International System of Units) when it comes to addressing the viewers with scientific facts.
