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Fridge / CatGhost

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Fridge Brilliance:

  • What was Elon doing to the Beth-possesed Naarah in Circle? She was debugging her.
  • Most of the characters next forms rhyme or are somewhat related to their previous forms. Hedgehog > Log [tree stump], Cat > Bat, a ghost to a... Jellyfish? That doesn't rhyme at all. Unless you rhyme ghost with host. As for Beth being a dinosaur-thing, it is a fairly known fact that chickens were once dinosaurs.
  • Gideon refers to the place they live in as "a bubble or something". A bubble can also be described as "used to refer to a good or fortunate situation that is isolated from reality or unlikely to last." That there is some brilliant foreshadowing.
  • The cake the two feed to Gideon, and act disgusted by, has been confirmed by the creators to be a Witch's Cake. A cake created by using the urine of the supposed witch in question. It has also been confirmed the scene with the two eating a very similar looking cake is one of the trials the two had to go through after being outed as witches. They had to eat a cake made with their own urine. No wonder the two react with disgust in Judgement when the cake is referenced.
