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Fridge / Bunnicula

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Fridge Brilliance


  • There actually is a reason for Bunnicula in the TV series to receive vegetable powers that are commonly associated with the vegetable itself(enhanced to supernatural levels) or are pun-based: magic!
  • In many episodes, you can see Bunnicula's pupils widen whenever he drains a chili pepper. Truth in Television: eating something spicy can cause your pupils to dilate.
  • Bunnicula loves eating carrots, falling in line with Stock Animal Diet. However, it has too much sugar in it for real-life rabbits. But this makes perfect sense! An immortal vampire-animal would not have to worry about diabetes, and having a very childish personality could allude to the fact that carrots are essentially sweets for bunnies!
    • This could also explain why he seems to be so hyperactive all the time.
    • Perhaps he likes Mina so much because their situation is akin to a caretaker serving their child candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday.
    • Real life rabbits love carrots too. It's like junk food for them.
  • In "The Invisible Yam", Mina says that she won't be a speller when she grows up. In "Legend of the Lucky Locket", we see Mina in the future. She's a supernatural adventurer who coincidentally casts magic spells.
  • You know why the main characters encounter so many supernatural entities? "New Orleans by night... it's one of the most haunted cities in the world."

Muddy Harry

  • Why does Bunnicula seem so happy when he answers Harold's question of whether he's a monster? Because he himself is a monster, and has seen and befriended plenty other monsters who are actually pretty cool.
  • Chester said: "I think we passed 'getting weird' a half-hour ago." It turns out the clock sent them back half an hour!

Puzzle Madness

  • Chester says he feels like Bunnicula scared him such that he only has eight lives left. Come the episode "Purr-Gatory", turns out he wasn't that off.
  • A quick little clue to tell you that the events were just in Chester's head? Harold translated 'gateway', but Chester said 'doorway'.

Family Portrait

  • Take a look at the calendar and you might see another reason why Mina's birthday was so disastrous (at least to the audience): October 13th, Friday the 13th (if the calendar shown starts with Sunday), and 13th birthday.

Indistinguishable from Magic

  • Fridge Funny: "There's nothing more private than a man's own thoughts."
    Harold: (thinking)I still need to go to the bathroom.
Can't get more private than that!

Revenge of the Return of the Curse of the Weredude

  • Why Mina's dad think Patches was a pet psychic? He was just thinking of calling a psychic.


  • Of course Patches thinks everyone says their own theme song. He's the only other character in the show to have a theme song.
    Patches the weredude; Yes he's back! He is the happy hairy man who's also a cat! When the moon turns full, it rearranges his fat; and makes the magic transformation wherever he's at!(He's Patches!)


  • Its premise can be explained that eating that many sugarbeets allowed Bunnicula to travel at light-speed or incredibly near that(like video game power-up abilities stacking). That's why sending a message, which as you should know doesn't take very long, took an entire episode.
  • It is also very possible that Bunnicula's perception of time changes when he drains a rutabaga(he saw a hummingbird in slow-mo). That's how he can see all the phone messages and emojis being sent. He can also shift his perception(which we can see him doing when he re-enters the living room after starting to see the lines), allowing him to hear Mina's conversation and still intercept the Winky Heart emoji(we could actually hear the audio track slowing down as he started off to stop the Winky Heart).
  • The Winky Heart wasn't bad, it was just trying to follow the 'send' command.
    • His vampire powers allow him to interact with the digital lines and the things within it. That's how he can knock the emojis out of the transmission lines. The emojis can do this normally, but usually no one interferes with their 'send' command so they don't do it.
  • In "Nevermoar" it's shown that Bunnicula can transport himself(and even Chester) onto a digital plane. From there it wouldn't be a stretch to create an account and send the audience a message.
  • Bunnicula did not drain a carrot emoji, he drained an emoji carrot.
  • Of course Bunnicula could catch up with the Winky Heart emoji. He rode a shooting star, a space rock that flies across the sky at blinding speeds. That is definitely faster than an airplane, especially an old Wright-Brothers one.

The Chocolate Vampire Bunny

  • Why does Patches' human self not go for the tuna(humans can eat tuna and it is possible his cat instincts can also pass onto his human form)? Not only is chocolate presumably tastier than tuna, is it a stretch to say that was raw tuna?
  • Maybe Mina's dad was so bad at throwing the cacao beans in his mouth because he had a basket over his eyes.

Lord of the Lucky Locket

  • It's actually scientific (of sorts) that Bunnicula becomes elastic after draining a rubber plant. While the plant itself is not used to make rubber, the sap is—this is most likely what Bunnicula drained from it.

The Curiosity Shop Killed the Cat

  • The two-headed snake is named Milo and Otto. what does Otto do? Auto-translate whatever his cousin says!
  • The episode very subtly shows Chester's Know-Nothing Know-It-All tendencies when Harold reads his note. Knowing Harold, he shouldn't have written the letter in a formal manner, or gone on so long. Writing something like "Trapped at Polidori's! Help!" would get the message across and Harold wouldn't have gotten bored reading it.

Bunn Vs.

  • Cabbage is depicted in its purple variety on the show. This decision makes it distinguishable from the iceberg lettuce that appears in this episode.
  • In the same episode, there is a new reason for Bunnicula to eat so much food. His stomach has a literal black hole inside it!

Yellow Bellied Sound Sucker

  • The feedback made the bird severely overweight because feedback causes the sound waves to amplify and take up more space. Other sounds are then forced out to make room.

The Maltese Bunny

  • Bunnicula draining the juice from a cardoon turns him into a car. But it also turns him into a 'cardoony' car.


  • Patches' dream reflecting his actual life being Played for Laughs is also based on his actual opinion. Evident by his line "My life is awesome.", that to him was the perfect day.


  • Lugosi's comment on Bunnicula's clones not 'smelling like master' was clearly Played for Laughs, but remember many animals rely on smell to identify people.
  • Bunnicula punching his brain might be similar to how sometimes you knock yourself on the head while trying to come up with an idea.

Any Witch Way


  • Chester and Harold were wearing robes with crescent moons and stars respectively. This means that by logic, Lugosi should be wearing robes with a sun pattern. But the ritual is supposed to cure Bunnicula! Why would you use suns to heal a vampire?
