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Fridge / Black Mesa

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    Fridge Brilliance 

    Fridge Horror 
  • In all new high definition graphics watching the military get their collective asses beaten by the invading alien army, to say nothing of the random alien wildlife, is both awesome and genuinely horrifying. Not to mention watching the aliens spread brings up the question of just how far across the Earth they were able to teleport. Was the invasion actually limited to Black Mesa at first or were innocent people in the nearest towns having to contend with alien grunts roaming the streets executing everyone?
    • Confirmed by newly added emergency broadcasts mandating an evacuation of New Mexico to flee the Nihilanth’s growing foothold on Earth.
  • In Unforeseen Consequences, there's a security room with a dead guard lying in a pool of blood inside. The door is locked by an eye scanner, the window is made of reinforced glass, and there's no evidence of any aliens or zombies getting inside. The guard must have chosen to take his own way out.
