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Fridge / Bat Boy: The Musical

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Fridge Logic

  • The slaughter house instantly lights up in flames after a torch is thrown in. And Ron gets third degree burns and dies really fast, that's not how it works.
  • Another example of Fridge Logic. It is physically impossible for her to have had a Half-Human Hybrid son, for the simple reason that bats are way too small to copulate with a human. Seriously, either those bats were gigantic mutants, or Edgar is just a deformed human who happened to look like a bat.
    • Both this and the above entry could be chalked up to Rule of Funny, or at the very least, the MST3K Mantra should be applied.

Fridge Brilliance

  • When Meredith tries to explain to the Ranchers about their cows dying, she stated they were raising cows on the side of a mountain. While there are indeed cases where cows can be herded and raised on mountains, the mountains are usually less viable for farming, especially when taking milk from cows is best done on lowlands and the resources on the mountains are little with oxygen for the cows to breathe in. Because the ranchers were raising cows on the side of a mountain, there's little water for the cows to drink, causing them to die of thirst as the water runs too fast to be easily contained. No wonder the Ranchers sing that "a mountain's no place to raise cows" at the end.
