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Forced Out Of The Closet / Fan Works

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Times where someone is Forced Out of the Closet in Fan Works.


13 Reasons Why

  • 13 Reasons Why: The Tapes Of Clay Jensen: After listening to Tape 5, Hannah angrily threatens to do this to Tony Padilla as retribution for what else she'd just learned. Ultimately, she doesn't go through with it.

All of Us Are Dead

  • Us, Withering Under The Sun: Woo-Jin is outed towards the end of his junior year by an anonymously posted picture. This leads to vicious bullying that drives him away from his best friend Joon-yeong.


  • Danganronpa Re:Programmed: In order to survive, Chihiro is forced to out themselves to the rest of the students as a crossdressing boy.

Disney Animated Canon

  • Becoming Free:
    • Freya mistook her friendship with her childhood friend for romance and kissed her. Her friend freaked out and told her family. This caused her family to burn Freya's house and run her out of town. When they meet years later, Freya's friend is apologetic as she didn't know her family would try to kill Freya. She even mentions she was going to name her daughter after her due to believing she had died.
    • An assassin attempts to reveal Elsa's Secret Relationship with Freya. He fails because no one believes him.
  • In the fourth Perfect Diamond World story, Elsa and Anna accidentally go to see a play that is based on them. The play was written by a villain who knows about their relationship and depicts them as a somewhat Villainous Incestuous couple. Most people think it's just Malicious Slander. However, Rapunzel realizes that it's truthful and is disgusted by the sisters.

Dungeons & Dragons

  • Vow of Nudity: Averted by Spectra in one story, when she's hired by a goblin hunter to take his son's virginity. By the time she realizes the son is secretly gay they've already got an audience of his friends and hunting mates, so she casts minor illusion to create a small cloud of darkness to hide herself before shapeshifting into a masculine form to service him.

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants

  • A downplayed version appears in Entering a World of Chaos, a Super Fic, with Melvin's hero identity being outed as trans when a reporter asks where he is, forcing George (mercifully with Melvin's permission) to announce the pregnancy. Melvin is also spending the story devastated that being pregnant will likely force him to come out as trans to his peers because the signs won't be able to be hidden indefinitely.

Ever After High

  • Subverted in Girlfrenemies. After Raven lies and tells Blondie that she's dating Apple, Apple believes that Blondie has told the entire school. As it turns out, Blondie knows better than to out people without their permission. This, however, results in Apple accidentally outing herself in front of the entire cafeteria. To make it worse, it turns out later Apple is (even unknown to herself) actually in love with Raven after all, so she really did out herself.
  • Oh Darling is a one-shot that deals with casual homophobia amongst the cast. After "Dragon Games", the entire school is debating whether it was CPR or True Love's Kiss. Apple avoids the issue by saying it didn't matter. This all hurts Darling, who has been prematurely forced out of the closet and feels uncomfortable with everyone speculating about her sexuality.
  • In You Built This House, Apple and Darling are both outed after the events of Dragon Games. The entire school knows that they're destined to be together. This is even more problematic because Apple doesn't even know she's lesbian yet. Apple doesn't realize that Darling, not her brother Daring, kissed her until several days after the event.

Harry Potter

  • In How [Not] To Date a Gryffindor Tom, who's confused by Harriet's passionate involvement in Hermione's LGBTQ group, tricks Draco into discovering Harriet's "big secret". Within a couple of days the entirety of Hogwarts is gossiping about her being a transgender woman.

Hetalia: Axis Powers

  • In Love is a Disease, Matthew, who is in the closet, accidentally confesses his feelings to his crush Alfred. Alfred reveals this to his friend Gilbert— outing him to Gilbert in the process— so that Gilbert can turn Matthew down on Alfred's behalf. Instead, Gilbert uses this information to blackmail Matthew before eventually outing him to the entire school, which leads Matthew to change schools after being severely bullied. Gilbert also later outs Matthew to Ivan, a friend at his new school, though inadvertently this time.


  • Farewell to Life the Way We Knew It:
    • The fic is set in a dystopia where an American Morality office arrests anyone deemed immoral, including homosexuals and bisexuals. Stormer has never told her bandmates that she's lesbian due to worries that they would react badly. While trying to enter Chicago, the American Morality office decides to give everyone a background check in order to keep certain types of people out of the city. The check includes a blood test that can reveal if someone is not heterosexual. Stormer gets outed to her band when they arrest her.
    • Stormer came out to Kimber (though, Kimber more-or-less forced Stormer to share her secret) when they were recording their second album together. It turns out that Kimber told her band afterward. Stormer is a bit annoyed but takes it in stride.
    • In the sequel story, Clash gets forced out of the closet when she's arrested and has to call The Misfits to bail her out. In hindsight, the Misfits think it was a bit obvious, though.
  • A Song of Grumbling & Cotton Candy: Prior to the story, Clash was outed when tabloids leaked pictures of her with Pizzazz. Clash's parents disowned her and she lost her job.

Kim Possible

  • In So the Trauma, Kim discovers that she might be bisexual after meeting Erica. Over time, she comes to realize that she's actually just gay, making Ron's feelings for her completely unrequited. Erica then forces her to come out of the closet before she's ready, and the subsequent discovery that Erica was a synthodrone created by Drakken hits all the harder for that.

Life Is Strange

  • Bloom:
    • Rachel Amber reintroduces Max to Chloe without talking to Max about it first, which is a problem because the last time she saw Chloe Max had been going by Maxwell. Rachel knew this and thought it would be a fun surprise. While it ultimately turns out for the best, Max and Chloe call Rachel out for it and she later apologizes.
    • Rachel also threatens to tell Victoria's friends about their fling if she doesn't back off of Max. She later admits that this was wrong.

Miraculous Ladybug

  • In The Cosmos, this is one of Lila's favorite threats, even against targets who are already publicly out. She also manages to shake Rose by revealing that she knows Rose's parents didn't take it well when she first came out, expressing mock sympathy while forcing her to relive that trauma.
  • Crumbling Down: Lila inflicted this upon one of her past victims. Luigi didn't fall for her lies, so she outed him, along with spreading Malicious Slander which led to him being horrifically bullied until his family was forced to move away.
  • Feralnette AU: After witnessing the nonbinary Felix exiting the girls' bathroom, Lila immediately threatens to take her 'concerns' about them to the school board — unless, of course, they give in to her demands. She's so gleeful about having this leverage over them that she fails to consider just how blatantly she's threatening them, in front of several witnesses... including Alya, who furiously shoves her to the floor and calls her out.

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

  • Hard Reset (Eakin): Played for Laughs. Twilight tells her friends she's a lesbian; they are, of course, supportive, but a few days later she clarifies that she doesn't want anyone else to know until she's more confident. Fluttershy awkwardly says she already told someone: A parrot. Who told his owner. While in the middle of the market on the busiest day of the year.
    Twilight: I got outed to all of Ponyville... by a parrot?

The Owl House

  • In A Blight on Bonesborough, this is why Amity hates her siblings so much; the twins once stole her diary and posted the pages all over their school without realizing that she'd written about her female crushes in it. While an actual outing was narrowly averted, she still despises them for it.

The Penguins of Madagascar

  • Humans unintentionally out Julien in Princess (Laburnum Steelfang). Animals can understand humans, but humans don't understand animals. Julien's friends get confused when the caretakers call him a "beauty" and a "girl". This leads to the other zoo animals learning he's trans, which is something that only the other lemurs knew.


  • In the original version of The Longest Road's Chapter 28, Ash learns that LGBT people are banned from being gym leaders. Ash then outs Erika as revenge for her banning him from her gym for disliking perfume. The chapter was later rewritten to remove this element.

The Twilight Saga

  • Luminosity has two cases where someone is outed by supernatural goings-on:
    • In the first book, Lesbian Vampire Maggie forms an instant attachment to Gianna when they meet. Since vampire mate bonds are symmetrical, this implies that Gianna will also fall for Maggie if and when she turns, thereby revealing to everyone that she's gay.
    • In Radiance, werewolf Victor explains how he was outed as gay when the wolves were first activated, since everyone in a pack shares thoughts while in wolf form.


  • Four Deadly Secrets:
    • During an inter-team meeting between RWBY, JNPR, and MAVM, Weiss outs Miltia Malachite as a lesbian, insinuating that she would use her feminine charms to seduce, manipulate and hurt Ruby. The narration notes that her classmates suspect Weiss was being deliberately malicious in outing her, and Jaune angrily calls her out for going "way over the line" once it dawns upon him what she meant.
    • Immediately after that, the target of Weiss's ire retaliates by implicitly outing Ruby Rose. Unlike Weiss, she does so without naming names, leaving the others to figure out who she was referring to. She gets called out on this later; unlike Weiss, she expresses remorse and regret for her actions.
  • Holding the World On Their Shoulders:
    • While training Weiss, Winter unintentionally pressures them into coming out.
    • Salem's inner circle learns of May's sexuality while digging through her scroll history. She isn't aware of this at first, since Stella needs her name in order to communicate with her; once they learn it, they promptly use what they know to sow paranoia by making May believe that Winter outed her and then lied about it.

Touken Ranbu
