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Film / Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Bomb Hurricane!

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The Movie for Himitsu Sentai Gorenger. The Black Cross Army is building a new missile base to launch a new kind of missile and has it defended by the powerful but mindless Steel Sword Dragon. While the Gorangers take a cruise ship to the island where the enemy base is located, they accidentally discover that two of the passengers are working for the Black Cross Army.


  • Actually a Doombot: The Black Cross Furher is shot by several arrows and seemingly falls to his death, but when the Gorangers investigate, they find nothing but an empty cloak.
  • Feral Villain: Steel Sword Dragon is part of the Black Cross Army but does not appear to be intelligent like the Masked Monsters. He does not speak and is kept chained up in a prison cell when not on a mission.
  • Finishing Move: The Gorangers finish off Steel Sword Dragon with a unique variant of the Goranger Hurricane, the eponymous Bomb Hurricane in which all five Gorangers produce Goranger Hurricane balls and kick them at the monster.
  • Monster of the Week: Steel Sword Dragon.
  • Odd Name Out: Steel Sword Dragon is the only monster in the Black Cross Army beside the zolders and the Furher himself who does not have the word "mask" in his name. He described as a Black Sheep to the rest of the Army.
