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Fanon Pokedex / Furfrou

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Furfrou [Oak Catalog # 676]

Morphology and Notable Biology

Furfrou are a canid Pokemon not known to undergo dramatic metamorphosis throughout their lives. An average sized dog, adults average 1.2 meters by withers height and weigh approximately 28 kilograms. Their dark flesh is protected by a naturally dense, well insulated white coat. While rare, off-white fleshed Furfrou with black coats have also been documented, and are coveted among Furfrou enthusiasts of all varieties.

A Furfrou's coat is thick enough to absorb much of the shock of blunt force trauma; bladed weapons, claws, and other sharp implements; and the crushing power of a predator or rival Furfrou's jaws – notably, vital areas like the chest, head, and limbs are especially overgrown with fur, suggesting this was an adaptation to protect the morph. The coat also serves to protect the Pokemon from exposure both to extreme weather and frigid water. Their tolerance for the cold has led to their popularity as hunting companions throughout history. (See In Human Culture for more details).

Their fur holds static electricity readily, and Furfrou trained for battle can be taught to manipulate electric currents to disable or directly harm foes.


Furfrou are carnivorous, like most canid Pokemon, eating fruit and grass only for their potential medicinal benefits. In the wild, they hunt small to medium sized prey in loose packs, ranging from Rattata, Bunnelby and Pidgey up to the odd Farfetch'd or Skiddo (see Social Structure for more details). This swift Pokemon is more than capable of running down most prey, though packs often ambush larger game to minimize injuries.


Furfrou are rare in the wild, and are often the result of released or escaped domestic Pokemon breeding with local wildlife populations bordering cities and popular travel routes. As such, they are most commonly found ranging plains or forests that humans frequent. As a naturally social species, a single pack of Furfrou may lay claim to several acres of territory.

The 2 largest populations are known to exist in and around the plains to the west of Lumiose City, capital of the Kalos region and a major Furfrou enthusiast center, where they reign as apex predators.


Wild Furfrou are extremely territorial, just barely tolerating humans traveling through their ranges. As they are especially prone to marking territory even in captivity, savvy trainers and especially locals can readily point out common areas Furfrou range. Their bite is deadly enough to tear and shatter limbs, and, while rare in the wild, some Furfrou possess a mastery of electricity sufficient to render prey and intruding humans alike paralyzed and unable to flee from attack.

Even in captivity one should be wary of strange Furfrou, as their territorial, protective natures may lead a poorly trained Furfrou to bite passerbies that get too close to themselves or their trainers.

Courting and Child Rearing

A well groomed, thicker coat is the centerpiece of a Furfrou's courtship ritual. Males or females with lighter coats are regarded as less capable hunters and fighters by potential mates, owing to their lack of nutrition. Still, a particularly skilled dog may still win a mate in a ritualistic battle or hunt.

Females birth live young in the wild in litters of about six pups. These newborn dogs are watched over and reared by the entire pack. Their coats - comparably short to an adult's but still plush at birth - grow considerably during their first few months of life, to such a severe degree that they actually interfere with their ability to see until the dogs begin to mature. It's a common belief that a Furfrou's nose is especially sensitive due to this unusual, if temporary, handicap.

Social Structure

Furfrou live in packs of 6 - 12 dogs led by one or two breeding pairs. Adult "helpers" stick with the pack and are equally responsible for the welfare of the pups born once a year. In their most commonly observed habitat on the plains of the Kalos Region's Versant Road, these apex predators keep their packs relatively small, with excess adults breaking off to form their own.

In Human Culture

Furfrou are perhaps most famous as a status symbol among the social elite, particularly in the Kalos region and the surrounding territories. These popular canines are a mainstay in Contest circuits the world over, and often compete strictly amongst themselves in specialized Contests designed to highlight popular grooming trends and styles. The dog's thick coat lends itself to styling in increasingly elaborate ways, with groomers the world over pushing their creative and, in some critic's estimations, humane limitations to achieve unique and eye catching looks for their Furfrou. Much criticism has been directed at this practice, citing instances of the Pokemon being more susceptible to injury or illness due to their coats being trimmed short in key areas. Advocates commonly purchase clothing or use creative accessories during colder seasons, and claim that shorter coats benefit their Pokemon during warmer times.

The canid's involvement with humans extends far beyond its aesthetic appeal, however. Furfrou are very capable hunting dogs, and have been used to tree rodents, wear down and restrain big game, retrieve felled waterfowl with their respectable swimming ability, and even serve alongside other service Pokemon in warfare as delivery Pokemon or more direct combatants. The earliest known records of the domestication of this Pokemon exist in the form of pictures and oral traditions stretching back to the early days of the Kalos Royal Family, at least 2000 years prior to this article's publication.

Written by Hashil.
