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Fanfic / Witches and Monsters

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Witches and Monsters is a Godzilla/The Owl House Fusion Fic series written by Atomic_King123

Everyone in The Demon Realm knows that titans once existed many years ago. They know that most of the mainland and islands that exist in their world are made up from the corpses of these deceased and extinct giants who passed away long ago. But what the inhabitants of this world don't know is that their realm is home to more than one species of titans. Titans who fell into hibernation and have laid dormant in their world for centuries.

Until now.

Join Luz, Amity, Eda, King, Raine and many more of your favorite Owl House characters as they come face to face with some of the strongest and most powerful creatures the world has ever seen.

Godzilla, Mothra, Kong, Ghidorah, Rodan and many more of The Monsterverse's famous Titans are stomping their way into The Demon Realm.

Witches and Monsters contains examples of:

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    Tropes that apply to the series as a whole 
  • Adaptational Context Change: Monarch is changed from a scientific organization to a special Coven run by Eda, Lilith, and Raine.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Hunter’s Heel–Face Turn happens a lot earlier than it does in canon.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Gus and Hunter’s Palismen are called Gecko and Redwing instead of Emmiline Bailey Marcostimo and Flapjack respectively. Of course, Godzilla vs Kong reveals that Hunter’s Palisman is still named Flapjack, but he prefers to be called Redwing now.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul:
    • While this already applied to Godzilla and Mothra in the MonsterVerse with their symbiotic relationship, this fic takes things further and had the two see each other as family.
    • Kong is more of a father to Jia after the rest of the Iwi were wiped out thanks to Ghidorah’s rampage.
    • Because they reunite earlier than in canon after they got captured, Raine and Eda start dating again, and eventually get married.
    • Luz and Hunter start to see each other as family long before the events of “Thanks to Them”.
  • Adaptational Species Change: Jia is a witch in this continuity instead of a human, and by extension, so are all of the Iwa.
  • Adaptational Weapon Swap:
    • Rather than the cat Palisman, Ghost, Amity’s Palisman is a bluebird named Chipper, who originally belonged to one of the first wild witches to see Godzilla and Ghidorah fight over a thousand years ago. Later on, she chooses to carve her own Palisman in addition to using Chipper, which ends up being Ghost.
    • In canon, the Palisman Luz carved was an egg which eventually hatched into the "snakeshifter", Stringbean. In this fic, Luz decides to base her Palisman off the late Mothra by combining the recently carved butterfly Palisman with the energy from one of Mothra’s glyphs, so in a way, Mothra is the "mother" of Luz’s new Palisman, Hope.
  • Composite Character: Blight Industries takes on the same role Apex Cybernetics had in Godzilla vs. Kong.
  • Jerkass to One: Eda holds a great deal of resentment for Godzilla because of what the Gojiras did to the apes in the past.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: For a while, Godzilla isn’t aware of Kong’s existence.
  • Logical Weakness: Like most interpretations of the character, Godzilla gets his powers from radiation. The problem in this fic is that because there aren’t as many sources of nuclear energy in the Demon Realm, it’s hard for Godzilla to find a way to recharge.

    Tropes that apply to King of the Monsters 
  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In canon Hunter was the latest in a long line of grimwalker of Caleb Wittebane, but in this story, he was taken in by the Emperor’s Coven and adopted by Emperor Belos as a baby when his parents were killed.
  • Adaptational Context Change: Rather than an experimental superweapon that could kill anything within its radius like it was in Godzilla (1954) and Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), the Oxygen Destroyer is a form of draining magic based on the kind used by basilisks, and if activated, it can drain the energy out of every single organism its blast comes into contact with.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: Anguirus is usually portrayed as one of Godzilla’s closest friends, but in this fic, he and Godzilla see each other like brothers. It only made Anguirus’ death at the hands of Ghidorah all the more upsetting for Godzilla, and made his rivalry with Ghidorah personal.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Both Jia and Kong appear in the present day, long before the events of Godzilla vs. Kong.
  • Bad Boss: Kikimora orders her soldiers to fire her airship’s cannons on the Frost Islands, not even caring that there are still troops there, all so she can eliminate the Golden Guard. When it turns out that Ghidorah was imprisoned in the mountain she shot at, Kikimora takes the first chance she can to run away.
  • Batman Gambit: Odalia schemes to throw Emperor Belos under the bus by blaming the destruction caused by the titans and the Oxygen Destroyer on him. She succeeds.
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Hunter is convinced that all the times he was abused by Belos, it’s a form of "discipline". He eventually realizes how terrible of a parent Belos is thanks to Luz and Amity.
  • Determinator: After Anguirus’ death, Mothra said that Godzilla chased after King Ghidorah for three months without resting.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: Throughout the story, Hunter tries to convince others (and himself) that Belos does love him, and just uses Tough Love. However, he ends up overhearing Belos call him 'weak' and a 'disgrace to [his] coven'.
  • Never My Fault: When the Boiling Isles start rebelling against Belos following his use of the Oxygen Destroyer, he decides that they are traitors and not deserving of his protection, with him trying to kill them via the Orca.
  • "No. Just… No" Reaction: Amity and Luz's reaction to Hooty's alternate couple name for them: Amuz. They think Lumity is better.
  • Sequel Hook: After Emperor Belos is overthrown and Ghidorah is defeated, Odalia and Alador manage to salvage one of Ghidorah’s severed heads, planning to use it for "Project M.G.".
  • Villainous Breakdown: Once his plans start to fall apart (either through interference from outside forces or through events that were out of his control), Belos gradually loses more of his composure.

    Tropes that apply to Return to Skull Island 
  • All for Nothing: Everyone’s efforts to rescue the people on Skull Island end up being this, since the Iwi are all dead by the time they get there, with the exception of Jia.
  • Ascended Extra:
  • Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": Tic-tac-toe is called "noughts and crosses" in the Demon Realm.
  • Call-Forward: When discussing whether they should tell Kong that they helped Godzilla in the past, Luz and Amity wonder which one of them would win in a fight.
  • The Cameo: Godzilla gets some focus in one chapter, showing what he’s been doing since he defeated Ghidorah.
  • A Day in the Limelight: After the last fic focused primarily on Godzilla and Mothra, this fic dives deeper into Kong’s mythos.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • When Eda tells Lilith she regrets not bringing Raine, King, and Luz along with them on their trip to Skull Island, neither of them know that Luz and her friends went to Skull Island while they’re still trying to get there, or that Raine, Hunter, and King are all trying to follow them.
    • After thinking about how much he hates the apes for slaughtering his kind, Godzilla mentally ponders what Luz is doing right now, completely unaware that she’s currently on a mission to save one of the apes he despises so much.
  • The Dreaded: Camazotz.
  • Freudian Slip: Amity almost mentions Godzilla’s name to Kong when explaining what happened before she and her friends went to Skull Island, but backtracks at the last second.
  • Handicapped Badass: Willow’s leg is broken for most of the fic, but she still contributes to the action.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Hunter is shown to have an interest in music after Belos took him to see an opera put on by Kikimora.
  • Hope Crusher: Camazotz aims to be this for Kong after failing to get any kind of emotion out of the other apes he’s killed in the past due to them being at peace before dying honorably in battle.
  • Innocently Insensitive: While Luz tries to get to know Jia, she asks where she got her knife from, unaware that it was a Tragic Keepsake from her mother.
  • Last of His Kind: Jia is the only surviving member of the Iwi Tribe.
  • Morality Pet: Eda discusses this trope in one chapter, as she fears spending too much time away from Raine and the kids is causing her to relapse into her darker and more self-serving instincts from when she was The Most Wanted witch on the Boiling Isles.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: A title like “The Dark Titan” really sums up how scary Camazotz is.
  • Papa Wolf: When Jia is separated from Kong during the latter’s first fight with Camazotz, Kong is determined to make sure Jia is safe.
    If that monster had dared lay even a single claw on Jia's head, Kong swore he was going to make it pay.
  • Puppy-Dog Eyes: Discussed. King protests that Luz used the 'puppy eyes spell' to make him not tell Hunter or Raine that she and her friends followed Eda to Skull Island. Hunter claims that King is just soft, though King points out how Luz used that same tactic to make him teach her how to fight with her staff.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: After defeating Ghidorah and ordering the other titans to stop attacking, rather than force them to hibernate again, Godzilla gave them the choice to either find new homes or go back to hibernating.
  • Sequel Hook: Eda shows Lilith a painting that depicts Godzilla and Kong fighting each other, saying that during her visit to Skull Island all those years ago, an oracle from the Iwi Tribe had a vision of the two.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Jia speaks with her own voice for the first time in a while during the climax.
  • Technicolor Fire: Jia’s preferred spells involve green fire.

    Tropes that apply to Godzilla vs Kong 
  • Abusive Parents: Odalia is more than okay with killing Amity once she disowns her as her daughter, outright strangling her daughter while Luz, Hunter, and King watch in horror through a Penstagram call.
  • Adaptation Expansion: This fic’s Action Prologue shows a battle from the war between the apes and Gojiras.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: While it was hinted at in canon when she was taken in, Vee is officially adopted by Camila, making her the latter’s daughter and Luz’s sister.
  • Ascended Extra: Mokele-Mbembe was a minor titan from Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), and he gets more focus in the first act, thanks to one of his stolen memories containing the location of a portal to the Hollow Realm.
  • Bait-and-Switch: After a scene where Odalia discusses her plan to kill Luz, the next scene focuses on Amity making breakfast for herself, only for Odalia to walk in… except it’s really an illusion created by Edric and Emira.
  • Batman Gambit: Using the Orca technology used for Project M.G., Odalia plans to lure Godzilla to the Boiling Isles to cause chaos, all so that Monarch will see him as an enemy.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: After Amity’s “death”, Odalia puts on a sad face to garner sympathy from the public.
  • It's Personal: After Godzilla seemingly kills the Hexsquad, both Eda and Kong decide to take action against him.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Alador isn't let in on all of Odalia's plan, mainly the part where she leaves Amity to be killed during Godzilla's rampage, even two weeks after it happened.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Once Godzilla realizes he let his violent instincts take over as part of Odalia's plan, he's horrified by his actions and all the innocent people he could have killed.
  • Mythology Gag: The outfits Luz, Amity, and Willow wear after the Time Skip are the same as the ones the characters wore in the concept art for the show.
  • No Sympathy: Odalia couldn’t care less about the fate of the Iwi Tribe. Not only does she refer to them as “primitive fools”, but she mocks Kong for not living up to being worshipped as a god if he wasn’t able to save the Iwi Tribe from perishing.
  • Platonic Co-Parenting: Kong and Lilith both serve as Jia’s parents.
  • Time Skip: The fic takes place three years after the events of King of the Monsters. After the Hexsquad gets trapped in the Human Realm, there’s another two week time skip as well.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Odalia is shown to have a decent reputation among the Boiling Isles, and the caring facade she puts on helps her image too. Of course, she’s nowhere near as nice as she tries to appear.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Part of Odalia’s plan to turn the Monarch Coven against Godzilla involves using the transmitter from Project M.G. to trick Godzilla into killing Luz and her friends, triggering Eda’s maternal instincts as a result. And assuming Amity won’t listen to her after Luz is killed?
    Odalia: Well, Alador and I will still have at least two children left. I'm sure he, Edric and Emira will get over Amity's tragic "accident" if she chooses to side against me.
