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Fanfic / The Tale of Rhys Stark

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The Tale of Rhys Stark is a Game of Thrones fic written by Drewstar. It's available on and it can be read here. Published in 2019. The story is also available on Game of Thrones fandom wiki here.

There is another Stark kid. His name is Rhys Stark and he's a legitimised bastard son of Brandon Stark and Barbrey Dustin Ryswell. He is raised by his uncle Eddard and his aunt Catelyn. He's the cousin to Robb, Jon, Sansa, Bran, Arya, Rickon and Jon Snow. He is involved in the Westerosi War of Five Kings where he fights alongside King Robb. During his travels, he is often accompanied by Lord Tytos Blackwood and Jeyne Poole. His tale is meant to show the destructive effect of war and how hard it is to remain to true to oneself when everything falls apart.

The fanfic contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Big Brother Instinct: Rhys is fiercely defensive when it comes to his younger cousins like Bran, Rickon, Arya or Sansa. He also forms a brother-like bond with Martyn. He is the first man to rush after Jon during the Battle of the Bastards.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Rhys takes a Frey bastard named Martyn Rivers under his wing.
  • Big "NO!": When Rickon is killed by Ramsey Bolton, Rhys stops and cries NOOO! in grief just before the battle.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Rhys isn’t above using dirty tactics like kicking people in the crotch and throwing dirt in his opponent’s eyes.
  • Dark Secret: Rhys harbours incestuous thoughts about his beautiful cousin Sansa. He knows cousin marriage is possible in Westeros, but it's still frowned upon and he would prefer a normal relationship.
  • Evil Former Friend: Smalljon Umber to Rhys. It culminates in a final confrontation during the Battle of the Bastards.
  • The Hero Dies: As the protagonist of his own storyline, he dies midway through the final chapter (i.e. the final season of the show). He is speared by The Night King.
  • Odd Friendship: He is friends with Tytos Blackwood, a man who is much more reserved and stoic compared to Rhys' energetic antics and hot-blooded ferocity.
  • Off with His Head!: Rhys saws off Smalljon Umber's head in the Battle of the Bastards.
  • Plot Hole: Rhys is a legitimised bastard of the eldest Stark heir Brandon. By the laws of primogeniture in Westeros, he is the rightful heir and should be the lord of Winterfel instead of Eddard.
  • Someone to Remember Him By: Rhys impregnated Jeyne Poole before dying in The Long Night.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Rhys and his men inflict several rounds of torture on Ramsay Bolton, cutting his face, ripping out/cutting off his ears, toes, nails, fingers and teeth, pissing on him, and burning his testicles with a hot brand.
  • Tragic Hero: Rhys goes from being a happy huntsman who fights for the justice of his uncle to a vengeful soul that commits many atrocities to those who are responsible for hurting his family. He tries to come back from this darkness but ultimately accepts it as who he is.
