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Fanfic / Scented Venom

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Scented Venom is a ten chapter My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fanfic written by Sound of Rainfall

Celestia visits the statue of Discord, planning to vent her frustrations to her imprisoned enemy. Little does she know, he can hear her words and thoughts, and is more than willing to respond...

A Dark Fic which takes Discord, the season 2 premiere antagonist, and converts him from a rather assholish Trickster into a full-blown sadistic No-Nonsense Nemesis with far gruesomer methods of chaotic torment in store for Princess Celestia

This My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Fan Fic contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Dark Fic: It is a gritty, disturbing, gory Revenge Fic, flat out depicting this version of Discord as a cruel vindictive monster and is nothing like his show counterpart.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: The spell she uses to get into Rainbow Dash's head.
  • Dream Weaver: Discord.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Discord has gone from a Humanoid Abomination to this.
  • Mind Rape: Quite literally.
  • Oh, Crap!: Discord, when Luna sends a freakin' tsunami after him!
  • Sadist: Discord's gone from Jerkass trickster to this. Well, in the show proper, he showed sadistic tenancies, but they were relatively bloodless, more petty bullying the Main Six into submission via deception and brainwashing. Here, he's FAR more violent and bloodthirsty, showing a hatred towards Celestia and a desire to torture her through her friends.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Discord tricked Celestia into killing her and Luna's mother Queen Selena when she was young.
  • The Stinger: The epilogue, where Celestia visits Discord's statue that she had put up.
