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Fanfic / No Batsin Gotham

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No Bats In Gotham is a Batman fanfiction written by Zornech.

The fic shows a Gotham City where there never was a Batman. Due to this, everything is much different. The series seems to be an anthology by the description given by the author, with each chapter being a quick short story set in the same universe in Gotham City in different time periods.

It, all of one chapter so far, can be read here...and it appears to be a Dead Fic. As the one who made this page, I apologize for wasting space.

It contains these following tropes:

  • Adaptational Heroism: Possibly. Dick Grayson's wife Kit might be a version of Kitten.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Dick Grayson doesn't seem to be a Badass Normal. Instead he seems to be a normal guy.
  • The Alcoholic: the seemingly homeless man Dick gives some money is revealed to be this at the end of the first chapter. He uses the money to call his son on a payphone and ask him for another chance to fight his alcoholism.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: The whole point of it.
  • Anachronism Stew: Cellphones aren't mentioned or used in the first chapter. Dick's apartment has a landline that Kit uses to call the police and the homeless man Dick gave money to uses a payphone at the end of the chapter. They may just not own them though.
  • Beige Prose: Downplayed Trope. Not much is described in the first chapter outside of general things, but it isn't as simple as "He walked and he was there".
  • Canon Foreigner: Everyone named in the first chapter outside of Dick and possibly his wife Kit, who as mentioned above, may be Kitten.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Dick's wife is a blonde.
  • For Want Of A Nail: No Batman means no Robin, so Dick Grayson isn't a superhero at all. In-Universe Kit wonders what would have happened if Dick had gotten home just a minute later than he did.
  • Gender-Blender Name: The first chapter gives us a woman named Kit and a man named Ashley.
  • Happily Married: Dick and Kit Grayson.
  • Moment Killer: Dick and his wife had been having a moment before they here gunshots outside their apartment.
  • Police Are Useless: Averted. The police actually do catch a man who tried to rob the front desk at the Grayson's apartment building and killed the night manager while doing so.
  • Tall Darkand Handsome: Dick Grayson.
  • Wretched Hive: Actually, its implied Gotham isn't a complete shithole despite the murder of their apartment's night manager by Kit, who actually says she loves the city at one point.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Mister Howard, the night manager of an apartment building, isn't even mentioned by name before his murder.
