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Fanfic / God Of A New World

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Being taken by surprise during the final battle against Yhwach, Aizen finds himself being overwhelmed by all-consuming darkness. Upon opening his eyes, he found himself in a forest, in a world he had never seen before, in a new world. Follow Aizen as he lives out a new life, in a new world, and eventually comes across the Supreme One himself, Ainz Ooal Gown.

God of a New World is a crossover between Bleach and Overlord (2012) that is written by pta917, in which Aizen kicked out of Bleach's Reality by Yhwach into New World and found by Amelia Bedelia Aigner, daughter of a merchant. Eventually, he decided to turn the New world into a place of fairness and lack of tyranny with him sitting on the top, including re-establish the Espadas as a mercenary company, two to three years before Nazarick arrived.

you can read the fanfic on here.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • The Ace: Aizen is this, even more so than Ainz himself. Despite having nothing but the clothes on his back and his powers as a Shinigami, he was able to effectively gain a newfound network of allies using primarily his charisma alone, gaining a foothold in the New World especially with his marriage to Calca Bessarez and becoming the Holy King. His strength is nothing to scoff at either, casually swatting aside Demiurge when Nazarick attempted to take over the Roble Holy Kingdom and putting everyone on Nazarick on edge when he arrived at the tomb to parley. It's very telling that Demiurge admits Aizen's superiority over him and Ainz isn't comfortable at the idea of antagonizing him in any shape or form. His intelligence is just as great as his combat prowess, as he's the one who effectively comes up with all the planning and strategy-making. It helps that Aizen isn't trying to role-play as someone and is just that good at what he does.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Nazarick is thought to be an unbeatable fortress and even with only Ainz at the helm, everyone is effectively so far up the ladder that no one in the New World can stop them. Aizen, upon arriving at Nazarick to parley, effective intimidated everyone, floor guardians and its leader included with just a display of his power alone. That's right; Nazarick, a tomb full of powerful figures who view everyone not from the tomb as toys to be played with at best or food rations at worst, was effectively intimidated by Aizen, who started out with nothing to his name and effectively built his way up to his current position. Aura felt uneasy around him, Demiurge, having lost against him, acknowledges his power and Albedo, who despite hating him for foiling Nazarick's plans, knows that fighting him head-on is suicidal.
  • Break the Haughty: Demiurge, and by extension Nazarick, have been hit with this upon facing Aizen and the Holy Roble Kingdom. Prior to their meeting, Nazarick always held themselves above others and anyone not created by Ainz or the other Supreme Beings are either tools to be used or food rations to be eaten. Aizen quickly disabused that notion by handing Demiurge his ass like he was swatting a fly along with the Holy Roble Kingdom beating back Nazarick's armies. Keep in mind while Demiurge isn't the strongest Floor Guardian, everyone in Nazarick is so high up that New Worlders won't really get the opportunity to capitalize on their weaknesses. As a result of their loss, Ainz quickly realized that fighting Aizen and the Espada head on is a foolish endeavor and warns the other citizens of Nazarick to not antagonize them. Even Albedo, one of the more insufferable members of the Tomb, hates Aizen but has enough common sense to not act like her usual self around the outsiders of Nazarick since he has the power to back up his words.
  • Character Development: Believe it or not, Aizen actually had a subtle, yet noticeable one. While he's still the manipulative schemer everyone knows him as, he treats his subordinates with care, begins to emote slightly and his goal in the New World is dedicated to changing the world not for his own sake, but also for the people at large. One example is while he has an Arranged Marriage with Calca and tied the knot with her for pragmatic reasons, he's the main reason why the Holy Queen has begun to be more assertive and confident when he could've treated her more as a puppet for his own ends and had her completely tied to his will. It's also very telling when, unlike the reactions of Ainz and everyone from Nazarick (read: shitting their pants in fear), almost everyone allied with Aizen is genuinely swept up with his charisma. It also helps that Aizen is more patient and willing to negotiate instead of resorting to force and he isn't exactly disposing his subordinates like trash.
    • Even the denizens of Nazarick get this as well. Thanks to their defeat within the Holy Kingdom, they begin to recognize that they can't just stomp everyone to the ground that so much looks at them funny, especially since Aizen and his Espada aren't pushovers unlike those of the New World.
      • For example, after Demiurge's defeat at Aizen's hands, he acknowledges the fact that he's outmatched compared to the leader of the Espada, both in combat and intellectually. Considering how Nazarick treats almost everyone not from the tomb as tools as best and food rations at worst, this says a lot. It's very telling when Aizen came to Nazarick to parley, while everyone was incensed with Aizen talking back to Ainz in an accusing manner, Demiurge was the only one who didn't say a word, knowing Aizen isn't someone to be underestimated.
      • Since Nazarick has never suffered a defeat prior to the Roble Holy Kingdom, this has forced Ainz to start playing the long game more often and not just resort to force every time he, and by extension Nazarick, has been slighted in some shape or form. After all, it's not exactly going to be easy building a utopia if its citizens are scared of their leader.
  • The Dreaded: Aizen quickly established this upon meeting Ainz in Nazarick to parley. He's been compared to a World-Class enemy that requires nearly 40 level 100 players to beat. Aura feels uncomfortable around him, Demiurge doesn't even act like his smug self since he literally just survived a Curb-Stomp Battle against the Shinigami and only surviving because he needed Demiurge to send a message and Albedo's forced to rein in her hatred against Aizen as she knows she's asking to die by fighting him head on. Even Cocytus, someone who likes to challenge himself against strong enemies, feels uneasy at how strong he is, nervously clutching his halberd.
  • Foil: Aizen is one to Ainz.
    • Ainz came to the New World with the entirety of Nazarick with him, while Aizen only has clothes on his back and his Zanpakuto, building his way up from scratch.
    • Ainz possesses a group of NPC that is programmed to be loyal to him no question asked, while Aizen (despite possessing Duplicates) creates a trusting relationship with charisma and power for his Espada's main members and has positively influenced those that have allied and sworn themselves to him.
    • While he occasionally negotiates, Ainz prefers direct conquest over all methods, compared to Aizen who prioritizes negotiations, diplomacy, and subtler methods.
    • When Cocytus asked Ainz, The Supreme Being lampshaded the differences between the meanings of the title they shared, God of Death: Ainz is more of a Lich, while Aizen is more of a Psychopomp.
    • While almost everyone reacts to Ainz with fear, Aizen, while not above using intimidation if necessary, is usually met with adoration.
    • Both have motifs with the dead, but Ainz is an undead with only a skeleton while Aizen's more humanoid in spite of his Shinigami powers.
    • Aizen is a master planner and almost every strategy and moves he comes up with is with his own intellect while Ainz thinks on his feet more often due to Demiurge and Albedo coming up with the actual planning in most scenarios and he just rolls with it to maintain his image.
    • Their meeting in Chapter 68 further capitalizes just how they portray themselves as a leader. Aizen never loses his composure and always has a smile on his face, showing his position as the Espada's leader while always having a plan, having earned his way to the top through his own efforts and the allies he's gathered through his charisma. Ainz tries to portray himself as a wise and powerful Overlord but instantly gets on edge when something doesn't go his way, with his undead passive and his skeletal body being the only reason why he doesn't act upon them on impulse, showing how he's basically amounting to roleplaying and the only reason why he got so far is because of luck and having the Tomb and all its valuables treasures handed to him on a silver platter as while he has earned such items within the bounds of YGGDRASIL, Ainz at least had a chance to start again should he fail and it was a game as the end of the day.
  • Hidden Elf Village: The island where Chtapi's worshippers live, through the Eldritch Player's own magic. With the replica of Karakura Pillars Aizen provides, she no longer needs to constantly hide it herself.
  • Lady Land: The island where Chtapi's worshippers live only consists of mermaids. They reproduce by sinking ships and kidnapping male passengers as Sex Slave, dropping most of them and the sons born from this union into a raft with their memory of the island lost when they're done while keeping few of them to be sacrificed to Chtapi to be her Deep ones. They eventually mellowed out by Chtapi's order.
