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Fanfic / Future Generations

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Future Generations is a Sonic the Hedgehog fanfic written by JC303 and Yolk, set in the future, where old legends like Sonic, Knuckles, Eggman and the like have passed away, leaving only a few from the past to oversee this bright future.

The story centers around an ewe named Jillian Condit, along with her band of friends, and the adventures they share. Unfortunately, Neo Metal Sonic, resurfacing after years of being thought destroyed, boldly announces to the world that he will conquer it, already having taken over Westopolis and Green Hill Zone. With not that many options, it falls to Jill and her friends to stop Metal, along with some other figures from Jill's past...

Character tropes found in this work:

  • Action Girl: She may not look like it, but Jill knows her moves. Others include Natal, Queen and Callous.
  • Badass Adorable: Jack, Ani and Striker can be this when it comes to it, though Tails Doll defines this trope by far.
  • Badass Bookworm: Calculate the Monkey, while seemingly a bookish type, knows his moves, especially after his cybernetic upgrades.
  • Badass Normal: Lock the Sniper, a bounty hunter using nothing but an array of guns, is still capable of fighting toe-to-toe with people with superior abilities, such as Callous.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Jill may be one of the nicest characters in the story; however, get her angry, and you will regret it.
    • Tails Doll doesn't seem threatening in the least, does he? When Metal Sonic himself admits that Tails Doll is one of Eggman's most dangerous creations, he is not exaggerating.
  • Big Bad: Metal Sonic was this in the beginning, but the appearances of Callous and Deity have pushed him from that title.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Team Alpha, consisting of Wiper the Cobra, Newt the Salamander, and Natal the Bullfrog, are this in spades.
  • Character Development: Many characters go through changes in their personality, but the most prominent is Metal Sonic, who goes from a heartless killing machine who wants to Take Over the World, into a Anti-Hero of sorts, who contemplates whether or not the path he was programmed for is the right one for him to take.
  • Determinator: Johnny is this to a T, bordering on Implacable Man.
  • Eviler than Thou: Metal Sonic's main argument for training Jill is to impose this against Deity and Callous. Or is it?
  • Evil Uncle: Played with: Johnny is actually Jack's uncle, though being killed, preserved and resurrected fifteen years later, he's technically just as old.
  • Ghost in the Machine: The spirit of Shadow decides to possess a Shadow Android, fittingly enough.
  • Keet: Jack the Lion, in spite of his age.
  • Musical Assassin: The microphone on Jack's harmonica could qualify him for this, but given the kind of person Jack is...
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Deity, Deity, Deity. To wit: he feeds on both Chaos Energy and life energy, not blood. The Chaos Energy he consumes is also converted into Corruption. Finally, the ones he drains life energy from are suspectible to Mind Control.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Buddy, Striker's Chao, counts as this, along with Tails Doll.
  • The Stoic: Quite a few: Metal Sonic, Wiper, Queen, Hunter, Lock, just to name a few.

General tropes found in this work:
