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Fanfic / Broken Kingdom, Broken Crown

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Broken Kingdom, Broken Crown is a Once Upon a Time fanfic by Chess_Blackfyre. The story follows Killian Jones as he becomes king of Camelot with Excalibur. Oh and Emma gets possessed by the Dark One so an average Tuesday.

It can be read here on FanFiction.Net.

Broken Kingdom, Broken Crown contains examples of:

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: As opposed to her movie counterpart Mim is described as a very beautiful woman. However, she is actually described as beautiful in the TH White novel
  • Adaptational Heroism: Madam Mim goes from an outright villain in the Disney movie to somewhat-redeemed ally of the Storybrooke team
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: While Mim and Merlin still have something of an adversarial relationship, they are more like tired grandfather and bratty granddaughter than outright enemies. Same for Belle and Rumple, instead of pining for Rumple while in Camelot, Belle has instead moved on with her life.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: Belle and Emma are stated (or heavily implied in the later case) to be bisexual.
  • Benevolent Mage Ruler: They don’t call her the Queen Witch for nothing. Under her care, Annuvin went from a warring states period that had lasted for centuries into a thriving republic
  • Berserk Button: Do NOT steal someone’s heart when around Mim. You will regret it.
  • Canon Foreigner: Something of a debatable case, because Madam Mim did not appear in the show properly; however she was a villain in The Sword in the Stone Disney Movie, and in the book the movie was based on
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While at first coming off as an alcoholic nuisance, or a "third rate-hex" as Regina states, Mim is actually a genius witch, alchemist, and politician, having not only ended a centuries old warring states period, but also successfully transitioned an absolute monarchy into a full republic.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Arthur goes from an idealistic young man who genuinely wanted to help his people to a paranoid, power-hungry tyrant.
  • Hidden Depths: While at first appearing like little more than a substance-abusing nuisance, Mim actually is a genius alchemist, and a great politician
  • How We Got Here: The story opens with Killian drawing the sword from the stone, something that doesn't happen in story until much later on
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: While heartbroken at Vivienne falling in love and marrying someone else, she's genuinely happy for the knight and wished her the best.
  • King Incognito: Mim makes it a point that as few people as possible know she’s actually the Queen Witch. Given that she's a shapeshifter, it's not that difficult
  • May–December Romance: With Belle, as she is explicitly two and a half centuries older than her.
  • Pet the Dog: Arthur stops Killian from touching Excalibur, something that would presumably kill him, with no ulterior motives.
  • Reluctant Ruler: Mim had been running away from her responsibilities as Queen for centuries before the Green Knight convinced her to go back.
  • Screw Destiny: A major point of disagreement between Merlin and Mim, as the latter is a big believer in free will and personal choice.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Arthur, as he has a thousand years of stories in the real world describing what a stand up guy he is. All of them (or most) are wrong.
  • Weak, but Skilled: The only magic Maeve can do is her animalistic shape-shifting, but she has refined it (and has an encyclopedic knowledge of what individual animals can do) to the point where she could easily keep up with Emma and Regina in terms of magical power.
