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Fanfic / Two To The Head A Courier Six Novel

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"Two to the head, but one gets up..." Damn right.

Two to the Head: A Courier Six Novel [1] is a Fanfic Novelization of a much grittier and darker version of Fallout New Vegas, reaching [currently] all the way from the start of the game to working for Mister House, with plans to encapsulate the whole game.

Courier Six - also known as Brianna O'Reilly - brings along Sunny Smiles, Veronica Santangelo, and Rose of Sharon Cassidy on herromp across a much grittier Mojave Wasteland.

Two to the Head: A Courier Six Novel provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Above Good and Evil: Brianna generally considers herself too important to worry about whether her actions might be seen as good or evil, and defies even the 'good' forces at work to get what she wants.
  • Action Girl: Brianna and her companions all fall under this trope.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Sunny Smiles. She certainly lives up to her name, but it is later revealed that she is an ex-raider, and capable of single-handedly taking down a group of Freeside raiders.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The group all show examples of this trope, with Brianna leading 'The Battle of Goodsprings', Sunny rescuing the group from Lady Jane's thugs in Freeside, Cass getting her revenge on Gloria Van Graff, and Veronica saving Sunny and Cass from a group of White Gloves.
  • Bond One-Liner: "Time to cash out, you son of a bitch."
  • Challenge Seeker: Brianna O'Reilly in a nutshell.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Brianna takes the cake here when she bites the head off a Cazador.
  • Continuity Nod: When talking about cannibals, it's noted that all cannibals aren't necessarily bad, with the Arefu 'vampires' being the example.
  • Crapsack World: Takes a second serving.
  • Darkerand Grittier: The entire Mojave Wasteland is darker and grittier than the game itself, along with the people in it.
  • Eat the Evidence: Standard Ultra Luxe procedure.
  • Fanservice: Brianna just loves being naked.
  • Fetch Quest: It's based on Fallout after all, and Brianna is a courier... Doesn't mean she has to like it.
  • From Bad to Worse: This fits the story in general, but specifically the Ultra Luxe investigations and the situation with Brianna and Mister House. Multiple times, in multiple, worsening ways.
  • Instant Seduction: Brianna is the master of this, managing to seduce her way past quite a few problematic guards.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Brianna O'Reilly, when she tries to save Sunny during the Powder Ganger attack. Ringo points out that maybe she might still have some compassion left.
  • Odd Friendship: Cold, angry Brianna quickly forms a strong friendship with the bubbly, happy Sunny Smiles.
  • Off Screen Moment Of Awesome: Veronica takes this one when she says: "One time I punched a raider so hard that his skull concaved and his brain came out through his nose."
  • Oh, Crap!: Often.
  • Rousing Speech:
Sunny: "No. If you're not up for it, then get out of my sight. And I hope you feel proud when you walk outta those doors leaving everybody else to fend for themselves! When we kick those Powder Ganger's asses I hope you feel ashamed that you were too busy wiping the shit stains from your panties to defend your own home! We have the supplies, the resources, the skills... Now all we need are people with balls. It's the wasteland for God's sake! You can't hold onto anything out here unless you're willing to fight for it!."''
Sunny: "It's the fucking wasteland. Fucking people get fucking hurt, and you have to suck it the fuck up and fucking deal with it. And that's what I do, because I'm emotionless and curse a lot to channel my deep, inner anger and emotional trauma because I'm too good for feelings."
''""They're dead, Veronica! You know how I know that? Because I haven't seen a single Brotherhood Knight in about six years. I know people who have never even heard of the Brotherhood of Steel! They're dying and you know that there is nothing you can do about it! I've known that for a while, but I didn't do anything about it because I thought that maybe you were right! Maybe we could go against House, take over Vegas, make the world better. But we can't. We just can't."
