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Fanfic / The Assumption Of Applejack-or-Appletheosis

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Appletheosis mainly centers around the character Applejack from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic becoming an alicorn and how she copes with this.

Also has a sequel named In the Service of the Goddess.

Appletheosis includes examples of:

  • Alliterative Title: The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis.
  • Either/Or Title: The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis.
  • A God I Am Not: Applejack, before being thrust into godhood, was a humble apple farmer. She's definitely not used to ponies (literally) worshipping the ground she walks on.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: The chapter titles for Appletheosis. They're all Greek and One Word Titles, such as:
  • I Would Say If I Could Say: Applejack, upon being glomped by her younger sister. "Woah, Nellie! Apple Bloom, haha, Ah still need ta breathe... Well, Ah still enjoy it anyway."
  • Nature Spirit: It's eventually discovered that, similar to how Celestia is goddess of the sun, and Luna of the moon, Applejack is a goddess of the earth.
  • One-Word Title: If the title of "Appletheosis" is used.
  • Pun-Based Title: The title is a pun on the word "apotheosis", which means "an individual being raised to a divine or godlike level".
  • Promoted Fanboy: In universe, Merry May.
  • Try to Fit That on a Business Card:
    • Princess Celestia's full name, titles included, is Lady of the Dawn, Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria, Daughter of Harmony and Endless Light of Life, Mother and Guide of the Herd, Once-Bearer of Kindness, Laughter, and Magic, Duchess of Canterlot, Van Hoover, and Cloudsdale, Queen of the Scattered Clouds, the Very High and Very Powerful Princess Celestia.
    • Likewise, Princess Luna's full name, titles included, is Lady of the Night, Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria, Daughter of Harmony and Conqueror of the Midnight Skies, Avenger of the Herd, Once-Bearer of Honesty, Generosity, and Loyalty, Duchess of Zebrica, Stalliongrad, and Manehatten, Queen of the Distant Isles, the Very High and Very Powerful Princess Luna.
    • And in the final chapter, we meet Applejack, or as she is now sometimes known, the Lady of the Soil, Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria, Daughter of Harmony and Wellspring of the Harvest, Benefactress of the Herd, Bearer of Honesty, Duchess of Ponyville, Appleloosa, and the Southern Expanse, Queen of the Fertile Valleys, the Very High and Very Powerful Princess Mara.
  • Wimp Fight: Luna's opinion of Celestia's fighting style.
