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Drinking Game / School Days

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  • Take a drink every time there's a sex scene. Take a second drink if there's a voyeur or camera.
  • Take a drink every time there's an obvious Fanservice shot outside of a sex scene. (Do not use this rule if watching the anime. You will die.)
  • Take a very small sip every time Sekai does something stupid.
  • Take a very small sip every time it's mentioned that Kotonoha has big breasts.
  • Take a drink every time Kotonoha was bullied.
  • Take a drink every time someone emotionally blackmails Makoto. Finish your drink if he doesn't give in.
  • Take a drink every time Setsuna makes a peace sign.
  • Take a drink every time Karen seduces Makoto.
  • Take a drink every time Hanon is hinted to be Femme Fatale.
  • Finish your drink every time Kotonoha goes nuts.
  • Finish your drink every time someone dies.
  • Finish your drink every time Ai doesn't give up on Makoto.
  • Finish your drink when you see Setsuna get inebriated (Do not try to get as plastered as she does. Seriously.)
  • Finish your drink every time Setsuna doesn't end up with Makoto in Summer/Shiny Days.
