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Drinking Game / Nick Arcade

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  • Take a drink if time runs out in a round before a team can move Mikey to the Goal.
  • Take a drink whenever a team moves Mikey in a direction away from the Goal.
    • Two drinks if Mikey is one space away before the wrong move is made.
  • Take a drink whenever Mikey lands on an Enemy space.
  • Take a drink whenever a team moves Mikey onto a Time Bomb space.
    • Finish your drink if the team somehow wins the Time Bomb challenge.
  • Take a drink if a team tries to move Mikey in a direction he can't even go.
    • Better yet, start sipping when Phil announces that Mikey's moving in that direction and don't stop until he realizes that Mikey can't go there.
  • Take a drink when Phil sings to the Video Challenge entry/exit cue.
  • Take a drink if a player fails the Wizard's/Expert's Challenge.
    • Finish your drink if a player gets a Game Over in a Video Challenge.
  • Take a drink if a player's teammate wagers 15 points or fewer on a Video Challenge.
    • Two drinks if the teammate wagers zero.
    • Finish your drink if the teammate tries to wager an amount greater than the team's total score.
  • Take a drink whenever Phil says "adjust your score and play some more" after a Video Challenge.
  • Take a drink if a Video Challenge failure results in a team having a negative score.
  • Take a drink if the grand prize for the Video Zone is a trip to Universal Studios.
  • Take a drink every time a team gets a Game Over in the Video Zone.
    • Finish your drink if the team doesn't get past Level 1 in the Video Zone.
    • Finish your drink if the team wins the Video Zone thanks to a Good Bad Bug.
