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Drinking Game / Monster Hunter

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Hei, nya! Do not overindulge! Hic!


  • Take a shot every time you die.
    • Take another one if you were killed while dizzy.
    • Take 3 if you were killed while/immediately after healing yourself.
    • Down the whole bottle if Cha-Cha/Kayamba/palico finish their healing dance/song after you die.
    • If you're in a party and one person takes all three defeats, make them buy drinks for the rest of the party.
    • If you're in a party of three or four and everyone gets knocked out at once, everyone drinks until they pass out.
    • If you faint in the Arctic Ridge, Sunken Hollow, Volcanic Hollow, and similar "layered" maps, and the monster is in the area farthest from the camp, take a drink for every minute you spend getting back to the monster.
  • Take a shot if Cha-Cha/Kayamba/palico heal you right as you use a healing item or leave the area.
  • Take a shot every time a monster pins you down.
  • Take a shot for every time you miss an attack when a Monster backs away.
    • Take two if it attacks afterwards.
      • Take three if the missed attack was a Wyvern's Fire.
  • Take two shots every time you try to L-Target a monster because you've played so much Ocarina of Time 3D.
  • Take a shot for every time you press L to aim your bowgun because you've been playing Resident Evil: Revelations.
    • For fifth-generation games where you do press L to aim your bowgun, take a shot instead when you try to play it like a previous gen game.
  • Take a shot every time you get violently interrupted when trying to cook steak.
  • Take a shot every time the Deviljho shows up randomly. Or rather, don't, because you'll need to be sober to escape that thing, let alone fight it.
    • Take two shots if the Deviljho Slendermans you. That is, if this unlikely scenario happens to you: you walk up to an area boundary right as the Deviljho at your destination decides to move to the area you're in, and the Deviljho just APPEARS out of nowhere inches from your face.
    • Down the whole bottle if it spawns right underneath you.
    • And take three if you see a SAVAGE Deviljho. Don't even bother being sober, just run!
  • Take a shot every time you curse the Random Number God for not giving that item you need just one more of.
    • As a matter of fact, take a shot for every Rathian/Rathalos Plate you DO get. Those items are BITCHES to find.
      • And one for every Diablos Medulla. Dear God.
    • Take an extra shot if you cut off a monster's tail, carve it, and don't get the tail as an item.
      • Take another one if you successfully broke a monster's body partnote  and expect it to show up in the Quest Reward screen, only to get some comparatively generic item like a scale or shell.
      • Take two shots if you got a generic item like a scale or shell from cutting the tail, but get the tail anyway on the Quest Reward screen.
    • Down the whole bottle if one of your hunting buddies needed a rare drop, and didn't get one, and you didn't need it and got it.
    • Finish your drink if you needed a common drop and got a rare drop instead.
  • Take two shots every time you get more items than you should from a monster. This counts for carving (such as getting 3 Rathalos Wings from one Rathalos or getting multiple Deviljho Tails from one severed tail) and for rare commodities obtained when freehunting (e.g. getting 3 Zinogre Heads from one Zinogre.)
  • Take a shot every time you accidentally hit yourself with a Felvine Bomb.
  • Take a shot every time you get stun status.
  • Take a shot every time your Might Pill runs out before you can land a hit.
  • Drink enough to collapse every time you consume a food combination that causes Tipsy status.
  • Take a shot every time you or someone else mentions the "desire sensor".
  • In the 3DS games, if you're using the Circle Pad Pro in conjunction with a non-New 3DS, take a shot every time you get a "Circle Pad Pro connection lost" error.
  • Also on the 3DS games: Take a shot every time you're in local or online multiplayer and you accidentally disconnect from closing the 3DS or pressing the sleep button on the 2DS.
  • Take a shot every time you kill a monster you were supposed to capture.
    • Take a shot every time you plant a trap, only for the monster to leave the area.
    • Take three shots every time you successfully trap a monster, but an attack, either from the victim or another monster, knocks you down and the trapped monster breaks out of the trap before you can capture it.
    • Down an entire bottle if the Scratch Damage from one of your Tranq bombs kills the monster.
    • Down another bottle in shame if you or teammates kill the monster, even with Capture Guru, and have Guru fail to notify you in time.
    • Drink to the point of fatal alcohol poisoning if you had previously seen the monster doing its low-health limp, or had Capture Gurunote , had the monster marked on the map, and you did it anyway.
    • Additionally, just down the bottle if you see someone try to capture an Elder Dragon, Akantor, Ukanlos, Ahtal-Ka, Apex monster (either the 4U or Rise versions), or Afflicted monster.note 
  • Take three shots if someone uses an item that a monster is immune to, ex. Shock Trap on a Gypceros or a Zinogre.
    • Take one more if someone attempts to flash Gore Magala at the first minutes of encountering it. Take two more if five flash bombs were used in succession.
  • Take a shot every time you burn your steak.
    • Down a whole bottle if you were using the Fancy Spit, resulting in 10 Burnt Steaks. A bottle and a half if you used the Cook's Spit too, resulting in 15 Burnt Steaks.
  • Take a shot every time you get Garbage out of a combination attempt.
  • Take three shots every time you get the Unlucky Cat skill.
  • If you drop a transport item, take shots equal to the number of areas you traveled through with it, or finish your drink if you were at camp when it happened.
    • Take double if the item in question was a Powderstone.
    • Take a shot every time you encounter a rock barrier preventing you from going between two particular areas, forcing you to take a detour.
      • Take another if the barrier wasn't there when you started the quest.
  • Take a shot every time you Dung Bomb a monster while you're hunting another one already, only for your target to head to the same area that the intruding monster fled to.
  • Take a shot every time you talk to the Veggie Elder and he wants to trade one of the items you need for a delivery quest.
  • Take a shot every time you try to set up a trap or charge an attack on a sleeping monster and a smaller one wakes it up.
  • Blademasters: Take a shot every time you start a quest that doesn't immediately give you supply items and you realize you forgot your Whetstones.
  • Take a shot every time the Congalala uses its fart attack. That is, if you feel like drinking.
    • Take two every time it throws its shit around.
    • Take an additional one if either attack connects.
    • Down the bottle if it carts you.
    • If you kill it while it's in a Pitfall Trap or canopy, causing it to collapse with its butt sticking out, take a shot.
  • Take a shot every time you see a Gathering Hall with a running quest that doesn't match the Hall label (for example, a Hall that has "Great Jaggi" as its Target label, but is in the middle of a Tigrex quest).
  • Take a shot every time you queue up a quest in a Gathering Hall right before or after another person there queues another one. Take an additional shot if when you are canceling the quest, the other play cancels their's.
  • Take a shot every time a Rath-note  monster poisons you.
  • Take a shot every time you cure a status ailment or Blight only to be afflicted with it again.
  • Take a shot every time you cure a status ailment right as it wears off or right as your Palico cures it.
  • Take a shot every time you activate a Dragonator or Demolisher and it misses.
    • Also take a shot if someone else activates either and misses. Throw the shot glass at them if they deployed it at a blatantly incorrect time.
  • Take a shot every time you get disconnected during online play.
    • Take three if it happened within 30 seconds of starting the quest.
  • In pre-World games, take a shot every time you forget to empty your Pouch of gathered and carved items from the previous quest before starting a new one.
  • Take a celebratory drink every time your Hunter Rank increases.
    • If you had other hunters helping you, buy them drinks as a token of gratitude.
    • Once your HR limit is removed, take a drink for every 10 ranks that you go up at once.
    • Treat yourself to a night at a bar if you get to G-Rank...then preemptively drown your sorrows in anticipation of what's to come.
  • Take a shot every time a gathering spot, like an ore deposit or a butterfly, disappears before you reach it. Take two if it disappears while you were in the middle of gathering at it. Down the bottle if it disappears just as you started to gather at it.
  • Take a shot every time you craft and purchase a Joke Weapon such as the Sharq Lance. Take a second one if you make good use of it.
  • Take a shot every time you stand next to a rare gathering spot (the blue ones) and your AI partners won't gather at it. Take another if it disappears before they gather anything at it. Down the bottle if they then proceed to gather at a less valuable gathering spot.
  • Take a shot every time a hunter in your party starts doing something highly non-essential to the quest, such as using the BBQ Spit or fishing on hunting quests. Then whack them with the shot glass.
  • Take a shot every time you enter a lobby that's in "Prepping" status but the hunting party begins the quest during the loading screen.
  • Take a shot every time a CPU sidekick character finishes off the monster for you.
  • In games that use Hunter Rank points and have online mode, every time you enter a lobby, take shots equal to the sum of all players' Hunter Ranks (yours included) divided by 100. If you're feeling brave or have a strong alcohol tolerance, divide by 10 instead. (But don't do that if you're in a G-rank-only lobby!)
  • Take a shot every time you make a lobby with specific labels and someone comes in asking for help with a quest that's completely unrelated to the lobby's labels.
  • During the post-victory standby period, take a shot every time another hunter hits you. Take a second shot if you were in the middle of carving a dead target monster. Toss the shot glass, including its contents, at the hunter if they prevent you from getting a full set of carves before "Quest complete!" appears.
  • If you fail a quest due to the target monster destroying something vital to the quest (such as either of the Mohrans destroying the Dragonship), everybody takes two shots.
  • Take a shot every time you try to approach a monster, but you can't because it's beyond the area boundary.
  • Take a shot every time your weapon bounces off. Take another if you get hit while trying to recover. Just be careful with your drink if you're fighting an Apex monster, though.
  • Take a shot every time Gypceros fakes its death.
    • Take an additional one if the particular one you're fighting has already done it previously.
    • Take three shots if you tried to carve it.
    • Take an additional shot if you successfully carve it.
      • Down the bottle instead if you somehow carve a Gypceros Head.
  • Take a shot if a Bullfango, Rhenopolos, or other annoying small monster charges into you while you're winding up for an attack.
    • Take a second shot if a small monster's attack knocks you out of the way or gives you enough Mercy Invincibility to avoid an oncoming large monster's lethal or much more powerful attack.
  • Take a shot if your Shakalaka/Palico gets Slimeblight/Blastblight and damages you with the explosion.
    • Finish your drink if it carts you.
  • Take a shot (preferably of Mega Potion) if you get hit by an attack so strong that it leaves half of your health bar red.
  • Take a shot if you join in a lobby with an AFK leader.
    • Take two if you join up a quest that doesn't involve the leader. (Does not count if it's in a "turns" lobby.)
    • Finish your drink if the leader kicks everyone out during the quest.
  • Take a shot if someone's armor is made of random pieces that don't provide any skills.
  • Take a shot if someone takes Low Rank armor into an endgame High Rank quest.
  • Finish your drink if you get carted within a minute into the quest. (Doesn't count if you deliberately cart.)
  • Take a shot if you spawn in the same area as a monster in a High or G Rank quest.
  • Take a shot if you spawn in a secret gathering point without having Felyne Explorer.
  • Take a shot when you successfully carve a monster's kill (ex. Great Jagras in Anjanath's intro, Popos in Tigrex's intro, etc.)
  • Take a shot if you sever a monster's tail and forget to carve it.
  • Take a shot if you forgot to eat before leaving for a quest.
  • Take a shot when you carve a large monster and don't get any monster-specific parts.
  • Take a shot every time you get a non-rare drop that is of a lower rank and has a counterpart in that rank. (e.g. getting a Rathalos Scale in High Rank or a Zinogre Tail in G Rank)
  • Take a shot if you begin any quest in the series called "Monster Hunter". Toast if you beat it.
  • Take a shot each time your Palico knocks you out of stunned/paralysis/sleep/confusion
    • Take another if the hit knocks you into an attack.
      • Down the bottle if you get carted. (And fire the Palico, if it satisfies you).
    • Take another if the hit sends you flying off a one way cliff.
      • Down the bottle if the said cliff is the secret area. (Jinxed cat)
  • Take a shot every time someone uses "Omae wa mou shindeiru" as an auto-shout.
  • Finish your drink when you get attacked while using a Farcaster and you waste it.
  • Take a shot when you kill a monster with a deflected hit.
  • Finish your drink when a monster dies right after you cart.
    • Take a shot on top of that if the monster dies while you're still lying on the ground.
  • Down the bottle when you buff back up after being carted, and run all the way across the map, only to kill the monster with a single weak hit.
  • Take a shot when you use a Smoke Bomb but the other monster detects you anyways.
  • Take a shot each time a new person joins in the lobby and posts a quest. (Doesn't count if it's a "turns" room and it is their turn to post.)
    • Take another if the leader kicks them out.
    • Take another if the leader actually signs up on the quest.
      • Finish your drink if that new player leaves the lobby after the quest.
  • In pre-World games, take a drink every time you take on an Elder Dragon quest in a map that isn't single-area, and you encounter Felynes or Melynxes. In the case of Kirin, only take a drink if you're hunting it in Generations or Generations Ultimate (since in previous games, most small monsters will still hang around in its presence).
  • Take a shot whenever a monster starts spamming the same attack repeatedly at any given time.
    • Take a second shot if it hits you every time.
      • Down the bottle if it carts you.

If you're playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate

  • Toast your victory with a glass of expensive champagne whenever you kill one of these monsters for the first time: Ceadeus (repelling counts), the Jhen Mohran (repelling counts), the Ivory Lagiacrus, the Deviljho, Dire Miralis, Alatreon, Abyssal Lagiacrus, Lucent Nargacuga.
  • Take a shot every time the Plesioth successfully hipchecks you even though you're not touching it.
  • Take a shot every time you let the Qurupeco summon another large monster.
  • For Wii U users: Take two shots every time you try to Z-Target a monster because you've played so much Zelda.
  • Take a shot for every Japanese word that the Argosy Captain or Neko (Means Cat) slip into their dialogue. Take another if they translate it.
  • Take a shot if you turn in a large monster from Moga Woods and get Shop Fodder as your reward. Two if it's a monster that doesn't appear often. Finish your drink if it was Ivory Lagiacrus or Deviljho, which reward the highest-valued rare commodities.

If you're playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

  • When using the Insect Glaive, take a shot every time you get an extract that's already in effect.
    • Take a shot if one of your extracts run out before you're able to get all three of them active at once.
    • Take a shot if you are actually able to get the red extract from Deviljho's relatively tiny head without stunning, trapping or knocking it down. Three if you manage to do it while it's doing the multiple swinging bite attack. Well... actually don't, because you might need to be sober to aim the kinsect properly, let alone fight that thing.
    • Take two shots if you stagger a monster with the Kinsect. Take three if you kill it with the Kinsect.
  • When using the Charge Blade, take a shot every time your Amped Elemental Discharge misses. Take two if your Super Amped Elemental Discharge misses.
    • Take a shot for each time you mis-time a Guard Point. Take 3 if you even forget you have a Guard Point. That should dissuade you from drinking anytime soon.
  • Take a shot every time a Plesioth shows up in the Fishing Machine minigame. Take another if you catch it.
  • Take a shot every time you encounter a monster infected with the Frenzy virus.
    • Take a shot every time you get infected by said virus.
    • Take another every time you get buffed by it.
    • Take 2 other every time it consumes you.
      • Down the whole bottle if you get killed by a virus attack.
      • Down the whole bottle if you die for of walking on top of a virus pool.
      • Down the whole bottle if you see a hunter engaging the monster with the debuff. Down another one if he gets killed soon after. Beat him to death with a third one if his death made you fail the quest.
    • Take three shots every time you encounter an Apex monster.
      • Chug like hell if it's an Apex Deviljho or Apex Rajang.
  • Take a shot every time you successfully mount a monster.
    • Take 3 if the monster knocks you off. Down the whole bottle if it's because it walked into an area boundary or terrain players aren't allowed to walk on, like lava.
    • Finish your drink if you fail to mount a monster because of bad positioning, such as being too close to a wall or a ledge.
    • (4(U) only)note  Take a shot for each hunter that attacks said monster while you're on it. Then smash the bottles on their head if they're playing next to you.
    • Take a shot every time someone mounts a monster and their mount auto-message is "Je suis monté!"
  • For players hailing from Generation 2note , take a shot when one of the returning monsters you thought you were already familiar with pulls a completely new move on you.
  • Take a shot every time Zamtrios goes into its bloated mode. note 
    • Finish your drink if you kill it in this form.
  • Take a shot whenever Najarala manages to coil itself around you.
    • Take another for each time it makes you stumble while you're trying to escape.
    • Take 2 when you fail to notice it preparing to bite and paralyze you.
    • Down the whole bottle if it finishes the entire constriction attack. Then empty a second bottle if it kills you while you're still reeling from that combo.
      • Drink to the point of passing out if you got hit even though you were using the Insect Glaive, which would have let you jump out.
  • De wa! Drink entire bowl of choice sake when succeed in making Argosy Captain and Neko (Means "Cat") to appear on Cheeko Sands! Let us undergo keishuku! "Keishuku" means celebration! TOMODACHI!!
    • Nurse a hangover in regret once you realize you need to accomplish certain G-Rank quests first to make them show up, contrary to the alleged Japanese FAQ on how to make them appearnote .
  • Take a shot every time the Guildmarm fawns over a monster. Take another if she asks you to imitate it. Finish your drink if she expresses her love for the Brachydios.
  • Take a shot every time you Meld talismans and the result is worse than any of the ones you used for Melding (for example, throwing in a slotted Health +5 talisman as part of the deal and getting a slotless Health +1 out of it).
    • Celebrate with a cocktail if you dumped your junk Talismans into the melding pot and got a Handicraft +7 out of them.
  • Take a shot every time you scout a Palico and the Forte it has is one you already have five of.
  • Take a shot every time you level up a Guild Quest and the quest updates to an HR requirement that you don't qualify for anymore.
  • Take a shot every time one of your Palicoes starts panicking.
    • Take two if both of them panic.
    • Take another shot when a Palico collapses on the ground afterwards.
      • Finish your drink if a Palico loses the rest of its health while it's collapsed on the ground.
    • Don't do this if the monster can cause Blastblight, which also causes them to panic, unless you want your liver to curse you with its dying breath.
  • Take a shot whenever the Palicoes miss their Rath-of-Meow shots.
    • Take two if they decide to board the Rath-of-Meow tank just as a monster leaves the area.
    • Take three if they instead fail their Flying-F-Bomb.
    • Finish the bottle if they knock a monster out of the air with either special attack.
  • Take a shot every time the Ace Cadet makes a pun on a monster's name.
  • Take a shot every time the Ace Commander hears about or mentions Rathians.
  • Take a shot if any player dies while bleeding (from Seregios).
  • Take a shot every time Seregios intrudes on a High-Rank Caravan quest.
    • Take two if it kills the target for you.
  • Take a shot if Dah'ren Mohran is killed so fast that you're unable to carve it.
  • Take a shot every time the Funky Felyne appears in your house.
  • Take a shot every time you put down a Portable Steam Bomb, but nearby hunters still try to sheathe and heal statuses and Blights with their own items.
  • Take a shot every time you take on a Guild Quest over level 126. Take a second one if it's level 140. Take an additional shot if it makes you fight two powerful monsters (such as 2 Deviljhos or Rajangs). Chug if the monster(s) is/are Apex status. Actually, don't do this if it's two level 140 Apex monsters if you value your life.
  • Finish your drink if you fire the Demolisher while fighting Gogmazios and you miss. If someone else did it when Gog wasn't even near the impact point, hit them with the glass.
  • Take a shot for every hunter who gets carted by Teostra's supernova.
    • Take two shots if it's the timed version, someone warned the party of it, and people get carted anyway.
    • Down the bottle if someone tanks it.

If you're playing Monster Hunter Generations (Ultimate)

  • Take a shot every time you accidentally overheat the Gunlance.
  • Take a shot if you successfully use an Insta-Evade, only to get hit by another attack during the running animation.
  • For MHFU and/or MHP3rd players, take shot every time you subconciously run into and/or talk to Pokke and/or Yukumo chief to ask for a quest.
  • Take a shot each time when a HR2-3 hunter thinks Redhelm Azuros is easy. Take another if said hunter carted. Take two more if the other members are HR2-3. Down your bottle if you somehow get carted as a HR7+.
  • Take a shot each time Dreadqueen Rathian hits and poisons you. Take one more if you deliberately went into the poison crystals.
  • Take a shot for each time you go into Coal Hearted. Take two if you don't get any good charms. Down the bottle (and kick the player) if someone screws up the bug.
    • Take two shots if you attempt the bug on Generations Ultimate. And then rub the shot glass against your forehead if you finish the quest and discover that the bug was fixed.
    • Then when you discover the new charm farming method, take another shot. And yet another if you don't have a good Heavy Bowgun set.
  • Take a shot when you down a healing potion, but get hit during the animation that follows
  • Down your drink if Amatsu wipes the party even with Felyne Insurance active.
  • Take a shot every time Bulldrome is an asshole while you're trying to hunt another monster, especially during the single-area Deviant quests.
  • Take a shot if you complete a Hyper monster quest and don't get any monster-specific Hyper materials.
  • Take a shot when a player wants to do "The Voracious King", "Fire Emblem: Warding Despair", or "A Golden Moon Rises".
    • Take another when someone carts.
    • Spit Take if you clear it.
  • Take a shot when your Hunter art misses.
    • Take two if it's because of a ledge/other monster blocking you.
    • Take three shots if you start up your Hunter Art, but it gets interrupted. Finish your drink if it got interrupted by you moving to the next area. If it got interrupted by another hunter, toss the contents of your glass at them.
  • Take a shot every time you Insta-Evade through a Brachydios slime patch.
  • Take a shot for every hunter who wears the Dreadking, Hellblade, Silverwind, Astral, or Neset armors, a mixed set consisting of Hayabusa Feather, Silver Sol, and Lodestar armors, or the Jho Ceana set.
  • Take a shot every time someone posts a Deviant quest.
    • Another if it's a Hellblade Glavenus, Dreadking Rathalos, or Bloodbath Diablos quest or an EX Deviant.
  • Take a shot from the "wrong" side of the glass every time Malfestio confuses you.
  • Take a shot if you get fully bubbled.
  • Take a shot each time Nakarkos' dragon beam carts someone.
    • Another if it's because they think they can Adept or Valor evade it.
      • Spit take if someone actually adept/valor evades it.
    • Finish your drink if someone jumps into the area and fall onto or directly in the path of it.
    • Down the bottle if that was your last cart.
  • If you're playing Generations Ultimate and World was your first Monster Hunter game:
    • Take a shot every time you have to give up a quest because you forgot to take an important item with you.
    • Take a shot every time you try to solo a multiplayer quest.
    • Take a shot every time you're surprised by a World monster's old moveset.
    • Take a shot when you try to do something that's possible in World but not GU.
  • In Generations Ultimate, take a shot every time you run objective or monster filters on a lobby search and actually get search results.
  • Take a shot if you make a lobby for a specific monster (other than endgame monsters like Deviljho, Rajang, Elder Dragons, and Deviants) and people actually join it.
    • Alternatively, take a shot for every 5 minutes that nobody joins.
    • Also take a shot if you're farming that monster because you just entered High Rank (if you're playing Generations, which has no village High Rank) or G Rank (if you're playing Generations Ultimate, which has no village G Rank) and need to make an armor set appropriate for either.
    • Finish your drink if you give up waiting and decide to just hunt the monster by yourself.
  • Take three shots if you get carted while carving off of Lao-Shan Lung's back. If you go from zero carts to three in an instant because at least three players were carving it, everyone finishes their drink.
  • Take a shot every time someone carts to Valstrax's crash landing attack. Take another if nobody (who isn't a Prowler) had the sense to paintball it first.
  • Take a shot each time any Fatalis types one shots a player.
    • Take another if it's because of the tail sweep attack.
    • Take another if it's because of the Meteor/lightning storm attack. (Crimson and White/Old only)
    • Take another if the victim is no where near Fatalis' reasonable range (Ex. Fatalis' back)
    • If you engage White/Old Fatalis, take a shot and drunkenly attempt to sing about hot fish.
    • When Old Fatalis does its lightning storm attack, take a shot for every player who's a Prowler and simply burrows into the ground.
  • Take a shot every time Bloodbath Diablos runs you over after being stunned by its roar. Take two if you weren't, but you get run over because you were in the way of someone who was.
  • Take a shot every time you engage a "faint once and you fail" Deviant quest.
    • Take another if somebody carts within the first minute.
    • Take a shot if someone (including yourself) ate for Felyne Insurance.
    • Take a shot for every Prowler in the party, and another one for every Prowler with Revival Pro.
  • Speaking of Loophole Abuse, when engaging a "on-site items only" quest, take a drink for every player who is a Prowler with a Purr-ison move equipped.
  • Celebrate if you manage to defeat an EX Deviant.
  • Take a drink for each lobby you find that has one of the following names:
  • Prowlers in general:
    • Take a drink every time someone asks you to switch to Hunter.
    • Take a drink every time you get kicked within 10 seconds of entering a lobby.
    • Take a drink every time you cheese a wide-area attack by digging or using Emergency Retreat. Take another one if it's the aforementioned Old Fatalis thunderstorm.
    • Take a drink every time you completely cure Frenzy by using Emergency Retreat.
    • (Non-Japanese versions only) Take a drink every time you engage a quest with Weakness Exploit active.
    • Take a drink every time you manage to immobilize a monster, but then one of your boomerang buffs wears off.

If you're playing Monster Hunter: World

  • Take a shot if you're surprised yet again by a returning monster's updated moveset.
  • Take a shot if you accidentally get paralyzed by a Paratoad.
  • Take two shots if three large monsters show up at once.
  • Take a shot if Rathalos or Rathian blow out the dam in the Rath nest.
  • Take a shot if you find a Grimalkyne vine trap or the Gajalaka firing squad.
  • Take two shots when a Turf War happens.
  • Take a number of shots equal to the amount of times you're mentioned in the post-mission awards tiles.note 
  • Take a shot if Bazelgeuse intrudes on a High-Rank quest.
    • Chug like hell if Bazelgeuse and Deviljho both intrude.
  • Take a shot if you get damaged by a Bazelgeuse scale that you didn't notice.
  • Take a shot every time you unlock an Investigation. Careful with your drink if you're fighting Barroth or Radobaan, though.
    • Take another shot if it's a Tempered monster investigation.
  • Take a shot every time Nergigante instakills you, or someone else, with its divebomb.
  • Take a shot if a Gajalaka manages to paralyze you.
    • Take two of they follow it up by throwing a bomb on your paralyzed body.
    • Down the whole bottle if everytime after you get up, they paralyze and bomb you again, and you cart as a result.
  • Take a shot every time someone wants to do "Relish the Moment" or Tempered Kirin.
    • Take another when someone carts.
    • Spit Take if you clear it.
  • Take two shots when you miss a True Charged Swing.
    • Three if the monster was asleep.
    • Throw the glass and scream angrily if the monster wakes up while you're trying to pull it off.
  • Take a shot if you get run over by Radobaan or Uragaan while they're rolling between areas.
  • Toast to your victory if you manage to obtain a Hero's Streamstone or an Attack Decoration. Those things are hard to find.
    • Drown your sorrows instead if the Hero's Streamstone is for a weapon you never use.
  • Take a shot if you get a notification that a monster's part was broken and the monster was nowhere near any hunters.
  • Take a shot when Teostra and Lunastra use their combined supernova. Then run.
  • Take a shot every time someone flash-bombs a mounted monster. Then kick them.
  • Take a shot if you don't get anything good from the Kulve Taroth siege.
    • Take a shot if you get something really good.
  • Take a sip for every Wyvern Ignition "Impact" user.
  • Take a shot if you're helping out a new player who starts every complaint with some variant of "But in Dark Souls-!"
  • Take a shot if you're wearing the Temporal Mantle and you get killed by weak attacks that don't trigger its effect.
  • For Behemoth:
    • Take a shot for every bad team.
    • Take a shot every time someone fails to cancel Charybdis' casting.
    • Take a shot for every player carted by Ecliptic Meteor.
      • Another if they didn't bother trying to hide or if there were no comets to hide behind.
      • Take a shot if they successfully dodge it with the Jump emote.
      • Down the bottle if it's a Total Party Kill.
      • Drink yourself into oblivion if it happened after Behemoth dies.

If you're playing Monster Hunter: Rise:

  • Take a shot whenever you miss a Wirebug technique.
  • Take two shots if you use a Puppet Spider and miss your target monster.
  • Take a shot every time you join a lobby, but you can't join the quest in progress because it's already fullnote .
  • Take a shot every time you try to slay a monster but another player captures it instead.
  • If you start a quest with Join Request enabled, take a shot if you go 10 minutes without anybody joining, and another shot for every 5 minutes thereafter. Finish your drink if the quest finishes without anyone joining at all.
  • If you're hunting with a party, take a sip for every Palico (as opposed to a Palamute) in the party.
  • Toast every time your Palico plunders a rare drop.
  • Rampage quests:
    • Take a drink every time you use a Counter Gong, only for the automatic Counter Gong to activate right afterwards.
    • Toast every time you complete a Rampage quest with all subquests completed.
  • Take a shot every time you use a Helper Toad, but you get hit with its effects.
    • Take a second shot if it was because you were incapacitated right after deploying the Toad.
  • Take a shot every time you use a Dango Ticket but you still fail to get all of the meal effects.
    • Finish your drink if all of your meal effects had a 90-95% chance of triggering and none of them did.
  • If you start a quest with a Prism Spiribird at the base came, and forget to tag it on the way into the main area, take a shot. Take two if it was one of the latter two areas, meaning you can't return without using a Farcaster, waiting for all monsters currently in the area to be dead or captured, or fainting. Take three if you intentionally ignored the Prism Spiribird; good luck!
  • Anomaly Quests and Investigations:
    • When fighting an Afflicted monster, take a shot if you allow it to explode. If anyone carts as a result, take another. If it's not because of the explosion but because of the spinning orbs, take another shot.
    • For each extra cart allowed over the default, double all drink amounts. For each cart subtracted from the default instead, halve all drink amounts (we seriously recommend you do this, otherwise 1- and 2-cart Anomaly Investigations will kill you via alcohol poisoning, especially higher-level ones).
  • If you get a Brewhare:
    • Every time it enhances an item's effect, take a shot.
    • If it enhances a Ration (including EZ Rations), take two shots.
    • If it escapes after enhancing only one item, take three shots. If the item in question was an (EZ) Ration, finish your drink.
  • Tahe a shot every time you cart due to health loss caused by Dereliction or Berserk. Take two if you hadn't taken any damage from monsters.

That washn't sho bad...hic!
