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Drinking Game / Golgo 13

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In general

Take a drink if...

  • Someone gets killed.
    • Take two drinks if it was via headshot.
      • Take a third drink if it was inflicted by someone other than Golgo himself.
  • Golgo use one of his few catchprases. (Such as "I will hear your story." or "It's a deal, I'll take the job.")
  • A character drinks something.
    • Take another drink if it's an alcoholic beverage.
      • Take a third drink if it's an actual named cocktail or an otherwise excessively fancy or expensive drink.
  • Golgo has expressionless sex with someone.
    • Take two drinks if his partner is also his target.
      • Take yet another drink if they complement him on his skill in the sack.
  • Golgo fires a shot(s) at something.
    • Take another drink if it involves extreme Improbable Aiming Skills.
      • Take one more drink if someone else comments on the shot, especially if they express bafflement that such a feat was even possible.
  • Someone refers to Golgo's race or nationality.
    • Take another drink if it's done in a blatantly admiring or derogatory manner.
  • Take a long drink every time Golgo dons a disguise that fools everyone perfectly.
    • Finish your glass if its a particularly outrageous or audacious disguise. (Like the one he used in "The Dark-Skinned Sniper.")
  • Golgo knocks someone out with his bare hands.
    • Take another drink if it was because they stood behind him.
  • Golgo speaks anything more than a single sentence.
  • Take a long drink when Golgo finally takes out his main target for the episode.
    • Take another long drink if they are killed by anything other than a single headshot.
      • Finish your glass if they were a terrible piece of human garbage that the viewers were waiting to see get their comeuppance.
  • Finish your drink if an entire story/episode passes by without Golgo killing anyone.
  • Golgo kills an employer for betraying him.
    • Finish your glass if said employer does so in an incredibly obvious or stupid way when they really should have known better.
  • Take a long drink if Golgo fails the job.
    • Take another long drink if he outright quits.

2008 Anime and Movies

Take a drink if...

  • Some terrible voice acting appears. (English dub only.)
    • Finish your glass if an obvious editing mistake, audio mistake or botched voice line was left in the scene.
  • Dave (the gunsmith) appears.
    • Take another drink every time he he heard speaking or providing narration.
  • Some really kickass music appears.
    • Take another drink if its during a big fight or action scene.
  • Someone engages in Obligatory Swearing.
    • Take another drink if it involves one or more F Bombs.
