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Drinking Game / Dream

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Drinking Game for Dream-based content. Do not attempt this with actual alcohol unless you care not for your liver.

Minecraft Manhunt

  • Take a sip whenever a hunter dies.
    • Two if it was indirectly caused by the speedrunner.
    • Three if the speedrunner had nothing to do with it at all.
    • If it's a team kill* (intentional or not), take an additional shot.
    • Raise your glass in salute if Dream successfully kills at least one of the hunters with an elaborate trap. Take an additional sip to the pre-existing sips if he gets every single hunter at once.
  • Take a shot whenever someone says "Oh Dreeeeam" or "Come here, X!" Substituting X for George or any other hunters.
  • Take a shot if Dream says any of the following:
    "Leave me alone!"
    "Oh my god!"
    • Take two if it's not at the opening chase.
  • Take a shot if either side gets an insane advantage (i.e. protection 4 armor, early armor and weapons) but still ends up losing the Manhunt.
  • Take a shot every time George Screams Like a Little Girl. Take two if someone besides George (likely Sapnap) does so instead.
  • Take a shot if Dream's trap(s) doesn't fool the hunters.
  • Down your entire drink and pre-dial 911 if Dream and/or the hunters let out a Big "NO!" or Big "YES!".
  • Take a big shot if Dream lets out a Big "WHAT?!".
    • And if it's the hunters doing it, take a shot per hunter that lets out a Big "WHAT?!".
  • Take a shot if the hunters are ahead of Dream (i.e already found the fortress or stronghold before Dream).
  • For every minute Dream has one heart left or less, take a sip.
  • Take a shot if Dream or the hunters utilize glitches or exploits (breaking the end portal frame, walking on phantom scaffolding, etc.)
  • Take a shot if the hunters mock Dream for any sort of reason.
  • Take a shot if any of the hunters make a terrible lie that Dream isn't fooled by.
  • Down your entire drink if Dream makes a bluff that the hunters get fooled by.
  • Take a shot every time George gets attacked by an Enderman.
  • Down your entire drink if the Ender Dragon actually kills someone during the final fight (whether by Breath Weapon, fall damage from being launched, or being rammed). Completely down a second one (and prepare your will for good measure) if that someone is Dream.
  • For that matter, take a shot if the Ender Dragon plays any sort of role in the final fight besides being attacked by Dream.

Dream SMP

  • For the L'Manburg War for Independence arc, take a shot if Dream calls L'Manburg as "L'Manchildburg".
  • Take a shot whenever he swears.


  • Take two shots if Dream starts laughing over something he did not actually know (i.e. Piglin's Happy Dance)
  • Drink for as long as Dream laughs in videos such as Minecraft but X-ray is always on.
  • Take a shot whenever Dream makes a sound akin to a tea kettle.
