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Drinking Game / BrainScratch Commentaries

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  • Take a shot whenever a member makes a Sonic reference.
    • Two if they lampshade it.
    • If they go into a Sonic tangent on a non-Sonic video, keep slowly pouring the bottle into your mouth until they finish. Swallowing is not allowed.
  • Take a shot whenever someone references Storm Eagle.
  • Similarly, take a shot whenever someone references Toad Man.
  • Take a shot whenever any of the commentators poke fun at Ted for not having a shiny.
  • Take a shot if any of them make up a new word.
  • Take a drink whenever someone is redundant.
  • Take a shot whenever someone asks "What time are we at?" note 
  • Take a shot whenever anyone deliberately acts like an annoying prick in a multiplayer game. note 
  • Take a shot when any Biffalo is mentioned.
  • Take a shot whenever they mention Skype not working.
    • Take two if it's notably audible.
      • Three if there is an outright stop in audio for a second or so. note 
    • Take two if they're dropped from the call altogether... or if they just muted their mic by accident.
  • Take a shot whenever RAPIDASH DASH DASH.
    • Take two if he actually calls Ted in real life to talk about his Rapidash!
  • Take a shot for every time they grievously exclaim "Christ..." in the Return to Dreamland playthrough. Double if they lampshade it.


  • Take a shot whenever he points out the Obvious.
  • Take a shot whenever he sings a brentalfloss song.
  • Take a shot whenever he finishes someone else's sentence.
  • Take two shots whenever the only reason he gives for disliking something is "Because it's stupid" or that it "suuuuucks".
  • Drink whenever he complains about Nintendo
    • Three shots whenever it is in a "whiny" voice. You will die when watching the E3 2013 video.
  • One shot if he asked for another F-Zero game.
  • Take a shot whenever he greets a character who comes onscreen with, "Hiiii, <character's name>!".
  • Take a sip whenever he answers an obviously rhetorical question.
  • Take a shot whenever he says "D'oh!" Take two if he says "D'oh, I missed!"
  • Take a shot whenever Ryan's history of not editing stuff out is brought up.
    • Take another if Ryan retaliates by saying, "I edit shit now!"
  • Take a shot for every minute Ryan doesn't talk.warning 


  • Take a shot if he references the following series: Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Baldur's Gate, Catherine, Legacy of Kain, or Sonic The Hedgehog. However, do not take shots if the video is related to any of these games.
    • Alternately, take two shots if he references Gex 2 without having it uploaded on the channel.
  • Take a shot whenever he has a Kleptomaniac moment.
  • Take a sip whenever he questions the logic of a game.
  • Take a sip at the end of a video if he goes a whole part without speaking or only speaks once or twice.
    • Two if it is just an indifferent "yup".
  • One shot for every time he says he hasn't played a Nintendo game if it is brought up and doesn't seem to particularly care.
    • Two if it is a recent title.
  • Take a shot every time Lewis interrupts the current tangent or is the first one to speak after it ends to bring the commentary back to the game.
  • Take a shot every time he says "Peach is useful" during Super Mario 3D World
  • Take a shot every time he compares a game to Devil May Cry. (Approach the God of War commentary with caution.)


  • Take a shot every time he says "God damn it!"
  • Take a shot every time he makes a pun.
    • Take two if Ryan says "Booooo" in response.
    • Finish the bottle if he makes a really good one. note 
  • Take a shot whenever he bashes on Gen IV, or The Legend of Zelda, or Pikmin 2.
    • Your liver will be in better health from downing entire bottles for each instance of Zelda than individual sips for Gen IV bashing, especially during "The Bullshit Video".
  • Take a shot whenever he's compared to Lewis.
  • Take two shots when he's compared to Loki.
  • Take a shot whenever he coughs/chuckles/cough-chuckles at the end of a sentence. note 
  • Take a sip whenever he questions the logic of a game.
  • One shot for every time he says "if that makes any sense".
  • Take a shot whenever he mentions Kirby's genocidal tendencies.
  • Take a shot whenever he bemoans the loss of a Pikmin.
  • Drink whenever he asks a question.
    • Take 5 swigs if he says a blank "okay" once answered.
  • Take three shots if the game that the crew is commentating over at the time is one that Ted's never played.
    • Take two more when he tries to compare said game to one that he actually has played.
  • Take a shot whenever he says "eh".


  • Take a shot every time he does the Revenge of the Nerds laugh. note 
  • Take a shot every time he does an impression.
    • Take two if it's of Luigi.
  • Take a shot if he bursts out laughing.
    • Take two, if he's laughing for no reason or from a joke that was said more than a minute ago.
  • Take a shot whenever he said he "fell in love" with something, or calls something "the definitive version" of a game, movie, etc.
    • Two if he says "itself."
  • If you are watching a BrainScratch Random video that doesn't have Lewis, Take a shot when he does "The Lewis Call"
  • Take a shot if he says he wants to "get a move on."
