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Drinking Game / Berserk
aka: Berserk 1997

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This series is so depressing, you‘re gonna NEED it.

Manga and other:

Take a shot every time...
  • The word 'dream' is mentioned.
  • Griffith tells Guts that he belongs to him (or any other sort of Ho Yay moment between them).
  • The camera pans over Casca's butt.
  • You see a Pastel-Chalked Freeze Frame in Berserk (1997).
  • Somebody comments on how Guts' sword is just a large slab of iron.
  • Guts gives a Slasher Smile.
  • General Adon boasts about his family's secret style.
  • Chestnut Puck makes a meta reference to pop culture.
  • A character is shown hugging a sword.
  • You see a close-up of somebody's bag.
  • Nina thinks about betraying somebody.
  • Somebody gets raped or nearly raped.
  • Somebody dies. (WARNING: Do not try this during major battle scenes. You will die.)
  • Somebody's eyes are sliced, stabbed, crushed, or otherwise brutalized.
  • Somebody's brain matter is visible.
    • Take two drinks if it's Void's.
  • Guts gets slammed by a monster and blood comes out of his mouth.
  • Isidro tries to do something awesome.
    • Take two drinks if it works.
  • A woman is shown naked.
    • Take two drinks if it's a man.
  • Miura treats us to a two-page splash of Guts slicing opponents to ribbons with his Dragonslayer.
  • A character is seen wearing an impossibly ornate suit of armor with spikes/crazy decorations/animal imagery, etc.
  • A Gonk character appears.
    • When Mozgus gets emotional and his face goes all funny.
  • Down the bottle at the end of the Eclipse. Trust us, you'll need it.
  • Drink when Rickert slaps Griffith. Hell, raise a toast to the guy!
  • Retired rule, from the later part of Miura's career: drink when a new chapter ends with "'Til Next Time!" with no clear release date for the next chapter. Then stare out the window and cry for the next five months.
  • When you finish episode 364 (the last episode that Miura worked on), pour one out for him, and drink to the success of Kouji Mori and Studio Gaga as they attempt to finish his work.

Berserk (2016)

Take a shot every time...

  • The "CLANG!!" sound effect plays.
  • "Hai Yo" comes on.
  • The camera does a gratuitous crane shot swooping around the characters instead of a simple shot/reverse shot.
  • A character in shadow is entirely covered in hatching lines.
  • A manga panel is duplicated.
  • An Art Shift occurs.

Alternative Title(s): Berserk 1997, Berserk 2016, Berserk The Golden Age Arc, Berserk And The Band Of The Hawk
