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Dethroning Moment / The Amazing World of Gumball

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Gumball's world may be amazing, but these moments certainly aren't.

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  • Explain why it's a Dethroning Moment of Suck.
  • No Real Life examples, including Executive Meddling. It only invites a flame war.
  • No ALLCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSs out loud.

  • Troper/kablammin45: Okay, "The Picnic" actually rubs me the wrong way more than any Season 1 episode did, really thanks in part to massive idiocy on Gumball's part. Okay, I guess we can chalk up Gumball's decision to cut through the Forest Of Doom to mishearing Ms Simian's warnings, but Gumball blatantly ignores any signs that he is making a huge mistake (the wind itself tells him that they're going the wrong way, and he completely disregards it) along with painfully bad decisions (such as discarding Darwin's lunchbox, insisting they can find food in "nature's supermarket", and eating the map they had thinking it would go to his brain), leading to calamity multiple times, and ending with the implication that they're going to go through this all over again. Fortunately, the episode still had some funny moments to soften the blow, but still...
  • fluffything: Good lords, is the episode titled "The Job" just terrible. The episode itself centers around the universe being torn apart just because Richard has a job as a pizza delivery guy (Yes, seriously). However, I could forgive the episode's utter stupidity if it weren't for the DMOS moment I had with this episode. At one point in the episode, Gumball and Darwin (who are helping their dad deliver pizzas since he predictably sucks at his job) deliver a pizza to, and I kid you not, a pair of pizza-people who believe that Gumball and Darwin have delivered their baby. Ok, that's actually pretty funny. But, it goes into "WTF, Writers!?" territory when they accidentally drop said pizza causing it to smear all over the ground and the pizza-people's horrified faces. Let me repeat that more bluntly, folks. Gumball, a series geared towards children (well, older children, but children nonetheless) has a Dead. Baby. Joke. I don't care if it's technically a pizza and not a person or animal or whatnot. That does not forgive the writers for thinking that it was ok to make a dead baby joke in a children's show.
    • Coda Fett: My DMOS was that the show just straight up said that Richard can't be anything besides a useless sack of shit. I mean, how unfair is that?
  • heartauthor: "The Hero" immediately makes it onto this list due to Nicole and Anais pelting Gumball and Darwin with cupcakes made of cement and then denying them necessities like bathing and food simply because the boys said that Richard didn't amount to much, and that hurt Richard's feelings. Not only does the entirety of "The Job" add weight to Gumball and Darwin's claims, but Nicole and Anais get absolutely no comeuppance for behavior that would normally warrant a call to Child Protective Services.
    • regularshowman: Yeah, as much as I love that episode mostly for the song, I'll admit that Nicole's abuse toward her two sons is jarring at best and disgusting at worse. I mean, for God's sake woman, your two sons said some mean stuff about their father at school where they know he's not around but he just so happened to show up at that moment. I think something like that warrants just a grounding and an apology at the most. You don't have to essentially deprive them of basic necessities and try to brain them with cement-filled cupcakes. That's taking it to a level that is warranting of the CPS having a look into. And it didn't help that she was put in the right because of it.
    • Automne: Gumball and Darwin's punishment barely made sense, anyway. They're being denied basic life necessities in order to learn to respect the parent that does not bring home a paycheck, does not do any domestic chores, does not contribute to the household in any way, and is content to allow his wife to work double shifts every day then come home to take care of the house and children. It's even hard to even say that he at least loves his children because in "The Meddler," he's too busy watching TV to give Gumball much needed attention, so that fell onto Nicole as well. That's a great way to ensure adult children that avoid contact with their parents: "Yeah, my dad was a useless piece of crap who never worked or cleaned the house or did anything that would cause him to leave the couch and TV. When I said something about it, I only got abused by my mother and little sister."
    • Raiza: It's Richard, so he could get away with Gumball and Darwin's comments against him. I might disregard that since this show doesn't have a proper continuity but this is too much that they put Nicole and Anais into the right side when Gumball and Darwin, blunt as they put their thoughts about their father, are entirely true. Richard's caring attitude towards his sons might be a thing in the past but considering that in the present times, all Gumball and Darwin could experience and remember is his idiocy that sometimes could cross into Too Dumb to Live territory. For me, this is the only episode in the series that I don't think I could watch (so far that I deleted the episode out of my computer). It's kind of insulting for other children who suffered Parental Abandonment, being subjected to comedic sociopathy and so help me God, Abusive Parents while the others just get away with it and even worse, even trying to justify that kind of treatment. Judging of what I saw on The Laziest, The Prank, The Meddler and The Money (alongside The Hero that cemented my hatred towards him), one could really loathe Richard instead of laughing along with his stupidity. And they made Nicole and Anais look like idiots at best and cruel at worst. This episode always gets my blood boil.
  • ading: For me it's gotta be "The Genius". Darwin scores 100% on his aptitude test, which gives the Feds the right to take him away. That has potential to be an interesting plotline, but we don't actually see him while he's there at all, instead it focuses on the family's reactions. The problem being that said reactions are so completely out of character. Nicole and Richard sit around moping until they find out Rocky is looking for a place to stay, leading them to try and make him a Replacement Goldfish. Uhmm, hello? This is the same Nicole who once beat up a Tyrannosaurus rex so hard it caused a building to collapse just because Gumball got a black eye, and yet here her son is forcibly taken away from her and she doesn't do anything. Gumball takes a different approach, trying to become a genius so he can go to the facility with Darwin. He decides to start by going to the library, but it doesn't do much because he doesn't know what "books" and "the Internet" are (yes, really), even though he had used one of the two in just about every episode prior. Gumball's brain then jumps out of his head (yes, really), without effecting Gumball at all, and Gumball successfully trains his brain to become a genius via montage (yes, really). At the end, we find out what anyone who had seen the show before figured out immediately, which was that the test was actually written by Anais. Then the Feds come to bring Darwin back, having realized there was no way he was a genius, at which point Gumball's brain, showing off its "genius" with a solution which is immediately obvious even to someone in the show's target age range, tells them Rocky did it, thus getting Darwin back to the family and giving Rocky a place to stay. The whole story just feels so ridiculous and everyone is so out-of-character that it feels like it was written by someone who had never watched the show before.
  • CRMartin: Season 2 of Gumball may have been an overall improvement over the first, but one particular episode from that season really grinds my gears. And that would have to be " The Fridge". Wow. I mean, just wow. Talk about taking every aspect of a character that's been established in the past and then throwing it out the window in the span of eleven minutes. Misleading title aside, this is one of the very few episodes from the show that made me want to break something valuable. So what seems to be the problem? Two words: Nicole Watterson. For all of her bouts of anger and short temper, Nicole has been shown to be a doting mother and wife who has her family's best interest in mind. But not in this episode. You want a good reason to call Child Protection Services? Well look no further than this episode. For some inexplicable reason, this episode gives her a competitive drive that we haven't even seen from her in past episodes, and it clearly shows in the worst ways one can imagine. Her desire for her son to strive harder at his goals in life would be understandable if not for how she goes about it. Between waking Gumball up at four in the morning, leaving him stranded in the desert and forcing him to walk back to Elmore, thus endangering him in the process, none of this comes off as remotely hilarious. And as mentioned above, the title could not be any more misleading. I felt absolutely dead inside after watching this...abomination. The resolution wasn't even satisfying. About the only positive thing I can get from this trainwreck is that it foreshadowed Richard improving as a character. Oh, and maybe the climax at the paintball game, but these two things are by no means a saving grace. Thankfully I haven't given up on this show up to now, but if I ever had reason to, this episode would have to be it.
  • MetroidPeter: For me, probably The Voice is my least favorite episode in the series. It's not super terrible, and it has a few good jokes, but compared to the rest of the franchise, it falls short in my opinion. The reason? This episode feels mean spirited to the character centered around it. To begin, Gumball and Darwin seem much meaner than they typically are in the show here, and this is presented right from the start. Gumball & Darwin get annoyed by Alan when browsing Elmore Plus simply for being nice and decide to block him and everyone else on the site that annoys them. After doing this, someone sends a threatening e-mail to them and this gets the two to start apologizing to everyone in the school. This doesn't work, as they instead end up causing even more trouble in the school. Just as some examples, Gumball and Darwin beat an apology out of Tobias (while he's naked), pop Alan, and frighten Leslie. At the peak of it all, when they believe they're safe, Gumball & Darwin are confronted by the central character. Surprise! It's William who has gotten fed up with Gumball and Darwin ignoring him. The episode treats William as the villain, but it's hard to side against him and with Gumball and Darwin; namely the fact that they've been jerkasses throughout the episode, and when you look at William it just becomes depressing. He can't speak because he doesn't have a mouth and he has no friends either, and that's all he wanted. The episode ends after a tense escape scene with William chasing after Gumball & Darwin through the school, where they whack him out a closed window with a tennis racket AFTER he apologizes for scaring them. Now that's hurtful. Poor William, he doesn't deserve that.
  • Black Medusa: "The Limit" is just horrible for me. It's not enough that Harried Mom/Useless Dad is in play here, this episode actually has her whole family (including usually-level Anais & adult Richard) spend the shopping trip trying to torture her as payback for not catering to all their whims when Nicole simply wants to get the shopping done and go home. Though imperfect, Nicole is the only thing keeping their household afloat. She makes the only money in the family, she does basically all the cooking and cleaning (when the children are shown doing chores, they're usually doing them badly), she does the overwhelming majority of the child-rearing, and presumably she takes care of everything else people forget needs to be done (think bill-paying, car maintenance, organizing trips, making sure homework is done, taking care of sick family members, etc). When they're not goofing off, most of the other Wattersons are actually actively screwing up the house, but almost never helping with the upkeep. I'm furious every time Nicole feels the need to apologize to her family at the end of this episode. She doesn't need to be fun. She doesn't need to be likeable. She doesn't need to do anything for anyone else in the house with the sole purpose of being enjoyed. Nicole is taking care of every important aspect of the lives of five people with no help. She not only shouldn't have apologized, she should have gone on vacation alone, using the money that would have been spent on birthday and Christmas gifts for the next several years for good measure. I have a special loathing of episodes in which a character who has done nothing wrong apologizes to those abusing or taking advantage of them. Mutual apologies are not the answer when only one party is wrong.
  • fairygirl567: "The Parasite" wasn't horrible, but just odd and still a DMOS. Why? Because in the episode Gumball assumes Anais assumes is being used by a girl at school. Although he was overreacting I thought it was rather kind he was worried about her even though he sometimes uses her himself. The start isn't so bad and at first I assumed Anais was letting this girl use her because she just wanted a a friend because she is anti-social and I've gone through that. It seemed like she was giving this girl all her things and what not and the girl gleefully took them knowing full well her and Anias weren't really friends... I was really wrong. So after mixing up the girl with some transparent chick who we'll never see again, they see the sister hanging out with this duck girl and from what I see it again looks like she's just hanging out with this girl, desperate to have a friend and I thought gumball was overreacting, but then it's revealed that Anais and the girl have come together, so to speak, and became one. So is Gumball right? Hell no! It turns out Anais was the one clinging to the innocent girl and went all clinging stalker mode and even did this weird "Friend" saying. I get the girl is anti social but really she became a literal parasite and forced herself on to this girl that they became one. And in the end she still doesn't learn anything from this! After the girl she clinged to rightfully ran off in fear she charges after her probably doing the same thing. Isn't Anais supposed to be the level-headed character of the show. This was just insane. I can't believe I'm saying this but, even Gumball would stoop this low!
  • GelitanOverlord: I like this show. It is extremely creative and has good humor. "The Job", I didn't mind because I thought the end was interesting. BUT. I am quite surprised that no one has mentioned this episode before. "The Saint" Is at it's core, the absolute definition of Alan and the horrible Flanderization of Gumball.
    • InactiveTroper: Yeah, I like Gumball. Yeah, despite its consistent quality, it still has given some stikers of episodes. But there is no episode that is quite as insulting as "The Saint". Alan saves Gumball from a punishment. What does Gumball do to repay him? Uses dirty ways to prove that he is not perfect. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks Gumball's "social experiments" like this one are cruel, mean-spirited, and just ruin Gumball's character? And in this episode, he takes it to the furthest possible extreme. He deprives Alan of his friends, his girlfriend, and sells. His. Parents. Not only it's extremely unpleasant, but it also gives a horrible Being Good Sucks message. And guess what? Alan gets everything he lost back. This is insulting for two different reasons. First, this is the most unrealistic a concept I've ever seen in Gumball (as weird as it is), and it gives people who have a hard time in life a brilliant lesson - do not do anything to make your life better, just wait until it all magically resolves. Not only that, but it implies that you could do anything horrible to a person without doing any lasting harm. The rest of the episode is also really unpleasant and unfunny. I just despise this episode.
  • Inkling Studios: As much as I love The Amazing World Of Gumball (after all, it is my favorite show), I'm surprised no one mentioned "The Robot". In this episode, Bobert tries to become a real boy, and he ends up copying Gumball. Now, this episode could've been really funny, and possibly even better with the giant fight scene at the end, but the fact that literally no one can tell the difference between Gumball and Bobert is what drives this into DMOS territory. Now, if it was just a couple of people, it would be fine, but if Penny and Gumball's own family cannot tell the difference between a robot and a cat is honestly worrying. The fight scene at the end is pretty awesome, but the rest of the episode just brings it down.
  • Kaido: "The Rival" is another one of those "little sibling is a shitbag and gets their big siblings in trouble" episodes. Anais gets Gumball and Darwin in trouble multiple times and almost killed in an incinerator at a garbage dump, and gets away with it completely. Why do animators still make episodes like these? They're frustrating beyond belief.
  • Galaxithea: The Pest, where the episode "deconstructs" several legitimate strategies for dealing with bullying (such as telling a teacher and ignoring the bully) and leaves "challenge the bully to a physical fight" as the only solution. While most of Gumball's strategies are deconstructed by having them lead to extremely unrealistic consequnces, the worst has to go to Gumball trying to seek help from an authority figure by telling Miss Simian, who gives them a completely insensitive "real life is offensive, stop being so thin-skinned" speech that's pretty much word for word the exact same thing internet trolls type to gaslight their victims into thinking it's their fault whenever they get hurt or offended. Way to take a sledgehammer to that Aesop, CN!
  • Alienhunter: I'm a big fan of Gumball, but there was one episode that almost made me stop watching all together. That episode would be "The Girlfriend". An episode where Darwin ends up with a girlfriend, who could very easily be called abusive. That in itself could be interesting and give a good message. But nope, instead the message they give repeatedly is that the person being abused in a relationship should remain quiet and just wait until the abuser stop being abusive. As someone who dealt with being in an abusive relationship before, I was furious with how the show gave horrible advice that no one, especially not impressionable children, should ever listen to.
  • Nightfurywitch: I’m surprised no one’s mentioned this one yet, but mine would have to be “The Swipe” due to one joke. Rocky, trying to do something about his loneliness, gets onto the Elmore version of Tinder. While swiping, they see a perfectly normal human girl, who’s seen as disgusting by him, Gumball, and Darwin. He matches with a pineapple girl and immediately goes all over town trying to find info on her to woo her a la romcom. After all this effort, what does he get? Physically assaulted by her because his profile picture was that of a hot human guy and she felt catfished. So are actual humans attractive or not Gumball? Plus, it just makes you feel bad for Rocky, who’s a genuine good guy who didn’t deserve any of this.
  • Rebel Falcon: I love Gumball, no doubt about that, but if there is one episode I cringe at every time it comes on or I make the mistake of watching, its "The Others". This episode was the embodiment of Gumball's Protagonist-Centered Morality / It's All About Me attitude. Gumball and Darwin are made aware of the numerous other students at Elmore thanks to Anais, including Anais' classmate Clare Cooper. While Clare is trying to live out a Shout-Out to Degrassi, Gumball can't handle not being the center of attention, and he and Darwin force themselves into Clare's story and try to make it a Happy Ending. The reason this sits so unwell with me is that Gumball before, while at times obnoxious, tried to help people out genuinely, even if it ended up being Unwanted Assistance. Here, he's doing it out of being an Attention Whore. Then Anais up and tells Claire to just let him help, otherwise he'll never stop, and the entire town miraculously decides to help him enforce the Esoteric Happy Ending. It comes across like a Self Insert Fix Fic, only this time, the characters are aware and helpless to stop the Self Insert, and the changes made to their lives are not only unwanted, but if anything, make things worse. Clare, her dad, and Jared are clearly uncomfortable and frightened by this, Wilson's identity issues are Hand Waved away, and by the end of the episode Gumball is worked up to the point of insanity. It just Flanderizes Gumball for a single episode, and comes across as entirely cringe-worthy. The only good things it did were establish Anais' place at school, and introduce some admittedly nice new characters like Clare and Mr. Corneille. Aside from that however, this is an episode I'm all too happy to forget.
  • Beefbo: Now that the sixth season is over, I've watched every episode of Gumball. In every episode, even the infamously hated ones, I've managed to find at least one thing I genuinely enjoyed about it. But I need to make an exception for "The Revolt", which follows Darwin's attempts to make Elmore's objects realise they're being treated poorly, an obvious analogy for real-life oppression. Before the episode aired, I thought that, while there are much better ways to explore the idea of everything being sentient, maybe a premise like that could work for a show as Black Comedy heavy and cynical and 'Gumball' as Gumball. But, the way they go about it. It's just... not fun to watch for me. A huge chunk of the episode is dedicated to Darwin being an almost uncharacteristically mean Soapbox Sadie while the objects themselves barely even do anything at all and Gumball acts apathetic to the whole thing (which actually accurately reflects how I felt watching the episode). The titular revolt doesn't even happen until 8 or 9 minutes into the episode's 11, and even then, it's just the objects doing the same thing to the people that the people did to them, ultimately making matters worse for said people, and it ends on that. That's how it ends. I didn't find any of it funny or interesting at all. I thought the song was alright, but pretty forgettable and the very closest I got to actually smiling was the pencil sharpener gag (though it came back in the ending and had just as much of an impact on me as the rest of the jokes here), but that's about it. All in all, "The Revolt" seriously bored me, a first for this show.
  • Exist Dragon 29: My least favorite episode is "The Girlfriend", although somebody already covered that episode, so instead I will be talking about "The Laziest". I'm surprised nobody brought up this episode. The episode is about Gumball and Darwin trying to find someone lazier than Richard. They find out that Larry used to be really lazy, so they try and get him to revert back to his old ways to challenge their father to a lazy-off. Gumball and Darwin keep annoying him and ruining his life to where he becomes lazy again. This is extremely obnoxious. Not only is it about half the episode, but Gumball and Darwin are just so sadistic and I cannot stand them. Not only this but it makes Larry so lazy tha he doesn't want to do the lazy-off. Then what was the point of watching Gumball and Darwin ruin his life if it served almost nothing to the episode. Gumball and Darwin themselves challenge Richard to the lazy off. The actual lazy-off wasn't too bad, it was kind of funny, but then Richard hears Nichole coming home and pretends that he's been working all day so that it looks Gumball and Darwin are being the lazy ones and they get in trouble. While it is nice that Gumball Darwin get some punishment for their actions, it doesn't feel like enough for the stuff they pulled in this episode. Not only that but Richard tricking them feels out of character, because normally he would be too dumb to do something like this, and he gets the happy ending for doing this. This is one of the few episodes off Gumball that I really despise, and it is a low point for Season 1.
  • InTheGallbladder: "The Candidate" saw the show's trademark cynicism seeingly extend towards its audience. Given the opportunity to do everything it does best, the show instead dove headlong into all the pitfalls it otherwise avoids. After a setup featuring two of the most blatantly adult jokes in a modern-day CN program (one doesn't even play out as anything but), it takes a complicated subject about humanity (this series' wheelhouse) and grossly oversimplifies it in favor of explaining the writers' views. The show goes as far as Flanderizing everyone on-screen in the name of making the allegory work; this crowbars in some very troubling traits that were never part of their characters. And of course, it ends with a twist that once again turns Gumball into a Hate Sink. It's almost as if, for the first time in six years, the show was second-guessing the intelligence of its viewership.
  • D Yellow Madness: The Deal is easily the worst I've seen. Nicole is finally declared employee of the month like she's wanted so badly & Richard whines jealously instead of being happy for his wife. He then goes on strike even though he never did anything before anyway. Nicole laughs it off for that very reason but we're supposed to sympathize with him just because the episode pulls a series of retcons & derailments of all the characters including him to make him seem right. I've never hated Richard more than in this episode & it all comes off as openly sexist writing considering they glorify him in her place by pretending he's always done all the house work & parenting that's always been explicitly done by her alone & she's portrayed as not knowing how to do any of it so they can spitefully take an episode where she finally got what she wanted & make it about Richard instead. Doesn't help that the episode that showed how much she wanted to be declared employee of the month was supposed to teach that women don't get enough credit or respect & this episode is the exact opposite.
  • W Kennedy 334: I absolutely wish I would rant on more episodes of the show, like The Hero, The Robot, The Move, The Girlfriend, or The Triangle. But I decided to rant on The Promise instead, an episode which I absolutely loathe. I don't know where to begin. The first problem is Gumball himself. Darwin wants to help Banana Joe with the video, but Gumball stopped him from doing so, because he wants Darwin to help him play a game with him. I really hate how he was in the episode, with him acting like a huge, whiny asshole, not allowing Darwin to have a choice in the matter, all for Darwin trying to be a good friend to Banana Joe. The second problem is Darwin. If he wants to help Joe out, why can’t he reschedule? In fact, the third and most damning problem is; why can’t any of them reschedule the stuff they want to do, so that this sorry excuse of an episode doesn’t happen?
  • Eggy 0: There are some episodes that have parts I hate such as "The Hero", but one of the episodes I've realized I'm feeling really sorry for is "The Curse" from the first season. For all intents and purposes, it's basically the episode "Sorry, Wrong Ed" with Gumball in the spotlight instead - the episode revolves around him having such terrible luck that he constantly gets into trouble through no fault of his own. He slips out of the tub and into the toilet while showering, literally misses the bus by an inch of his finger (i.e. it gets caught in the door) and gets dragged all the way while Rocky doesn't even bother to notice, gets stepped on by Hector, winds up in embarrassing clothes, gets repeatedly mocked by Banana Joe over said clothes, then gets detention when Gumball tries to retaliate only for Principal Brown to walk in front of him just as he does it. Anais then tries to prove that it's all a coincidence by making him do several things said to bring bad luck all at once, after which he gets struck by lighting inside of the school. And later on when Gumball's in detention, Principal Brown leaves the classroom and slams the door which causes a chain effect that sets things on fire and sends Gumball fleeing for his life as the world continues throwing bad things his way, culminating in him ending up in the hospital. Poor guy can't catch a break in this meanspirited episode. Really, what was the point of putting him through all of that? Then the episode ends on a tasteless gag: the family starts "using the power of their minds" to get a Daisyland ticket just as someone buys one, which gets blown away and shown through a montage as it makes its way to the Wattersons, then it gets shredded by a fan as Darwin exclaims that he "wished for snow".
  • mkmlp: Ok, since all of my absolutely most hated episodes ("The Hero", "The Curse", "The Rival", "The Girlfriend", "The Laziest" etc) have already been mentioned, I'm going to go with what may or may not be a somewhat controversial pick: "The Money". I know this episode ends on one of the signature scenes of the series (And for what it's worth, I do like the scene in isolation), but by the time we get to that scene, I'm too much in a sour mood to care. Why? Well the episode opens with The Watterson's learning that Richard blew all of their money (again) and Nicole looks like she's about beat him into the ground, but immediately lets it go when he gives her the puppy dog eyes, and he's pretty much off the hook for the rest of the episode. Now, I am glad they didn't have Nicole just beat the crap out of her husband. I don't really like show's treating assaulting you boyfriend/spouse as ok, regardless of the genders. But I hate how much Richard gets let off the hook. Especially when you know, if Gumball had been the one to lose all their money, he would have gotten a lot more crap over it. (Adult characters getting softer treatment and being held to looser standards than child characters, is kind of a big pet peeve of mine.) Anyway, the Watterson's are offered a commercial deal that would solve their financial woes, but for reasons I can't fathom, Gumball demands they turn it down because he will not "sell out" and his family just goes along with it, albeit begrudgingly. (I know this is a metaphor for the show having to balance their budget while dealing with temptations and pressures to "sell out", but I feel the character's actions should still make sense in-universe.) But, as The Watterson's lack of money begins to take its toll and the remaining members basically say screw it to Gumball's (illogical) sense of integrity and are about to take the deal. But in an attempt to sway them back to his side, Gumball sings a song about using their imagination to cope with their situation, while using "the power of imagination" to take the form of various things, to the rest of his family, who are clearly not in the mood. It is actually pretty well done, done but the rest of the family's sour attitudes throughout the whole thing, just makes it feel cringe worthy. Especially since I got the feeling that the other Watersons were on the verge of snapping at Gumball the whole way through. Which sure enough they do, when they start using their imagination to hurt Gumball in various ways. Starting with his loving mother, who had let Richard, the man who got his family in this situation, off without so much as slap on the wrist... (sigh) I'm just going to say it. I think Gumball gets beat up too much in this show to be enjoyable for me. (Yeah, I am the guy who whines about the Butt-Monkey character, like Squidward, Meg, The Eds, Spike in the early seasons, and yes, Gumball being put through the wringer just a little too much. Yeah. Though I can usually look past it, if it's done in moderation or if the show gives me enough elements that I actually enjoy. Like this show most of the time.) I get that he can be a bit of a Jerkass in certain episodes (and in cases like "The Saint", that's putting it lightly) and he brings a lot of it on himself through his idiocy and inability to learn from his mistakes, but I never saw him as significantly worse than how most other characters in the show can be, including his family members. And unlike a couple of them, he at least has the excuse of being twelve years old! So seeing the whole family just gang up on him, is just too much. And it makes his father, again, an actual adult and the man who got them into this situation, getting off so easy feel even more insulting. To be fair, the blow is softened by Gumball's nonchalant reaction after it's over, suggesting it was all just a visual representation, and his family didn't literally hurt him. But the whole scene is just one of the most unpleasant moments in the series for me. Up there with Nicole and Anais's actions in "The Hero". And the Leaning on the Fourth Wall jokes about advertising following it are unfunny and once we get to the iconic scene at the end of the episode, which is admittedly pretty cool, like I said, I'm in too sour a mood to even care at this point.
  • Pokemon439: Now there are several episodes of this show I really cannot stand, but since pretty much all the other ones have been talked about here already, I have decided to pick one that I am surprised wasn’t on here already, "The Dress". I hated pretty much everything about the episode, but the worst part of the episode was the terrible ending where everybody was laughing at Gumball being naked. That was bad enough due to it being cruel instead of funny, but it was made even worse by the fact that Penny was also part of that crowd laughing at him. Not only is that extremely Out of Character for her as normally she is way too nice and friendly to do such a thing, but it is also made worse by the fact she and Gumball have a mutual crush on each other. So seeing that really left a bad taste in my mouth, especially since it is one of the worst cases of a Conforming OOC Moment I have ever seen. Thankfully, at least Penny was never seen acting like that again and in "The Gi" (a later episode from the same season) Penny actually stands up for Gumball when he gets laughed at by everybody else.
