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  • fluffything: For those unfamiliar, there is a Web Animation series called Scientifically Accurate that "parodies" (in the loosest sense of the word possible) classic cartoons, video games, and so forth using "science" (again, loosest sense of the word possible). It only took me one viewing of their Scientifically Accurate Sonic The Hedgehog video to realize just how terrible their attempts at humor are (and, considering they're associated with Fox's "Animation Domination", that should come as no surprise). The DMOS is basically how utterly lazy and juvenile it is. Rather than come up with something clever and witty, the short instead tells such great jokes such as "Hedgehogs eat poop!" and the classic "Echidnas have a four-headed penis!". Heck, they don't even try with the Toilet Humor. It's basically just the same "it's gross so it's instantly funny" mentality you'd expect from a twelve-year-old boy than what I can only assume is a professional writer and/or animator.
  • FromtheWordsofBR: I used to really enjoy Scientifically Accurate, but I knew from the get-go that Scientifically Accurate My Little Pony was going to be a huge mess. Shockingly enough, though, the only brony-bashing there is a mention of how Beijing considers horse privates a delicacy (then again, I didn't mind the brony-bashing line in "Today Was a Good Day on the Internet" because everything else in that one was well-executed and catchy). Unfortunately, the rest of the video is just dull; the accurate stuff isn't as hilariously sick and twisted as the other videos are, and overall, the video is just...boring. Sure, other videos do that sort of thing, but IMO, it's nowhere near as soul-suckingly humorless as it is in this installment.
  • Bengson 26: I am going to say this right now: I fucking hate this show. But the one that makes me want to strangle the writer is Scientifically Accurate Ninja Turtles. Right from the get-go, I knew this would be a colossal mess. And I was right. The "turtle dicks" part is pretty much the low point of this "parody". Hell, they don't even bring anything new to the table with the humor except for the "dicks are funny" mentality. This was just a soulless, humorless video from a soulless, humorless series. And people thought the 2014 film ruined childhoods.
  • CJ Croen 1393: Scientifically Accurate Barney, if for no other reason than the fact that the title is a complete and utter lie. They evidently got all their Tyrannosaurus rex facts from Jurassic Park (complete with a John Hammond expy), as they depict the titular dinosaur as a giant scaly monstrosity that's constantly stomping around and roaring, messily chewing up small children for shock value (yes, because a 9-ton T. rex is going to love eating scrawny little human children) and—to top it all off—they decide to give it a giant penis. Barring the fact that such a huge reproductive organ would kill a female T. rex if the male tried to mate with her, there is serious doubt cast on the idea that dinosaurs even had external genitalia at all (most modern dinosaurs—besides ducks and certain ratites—certainly don't). This video was about as scientifically accurate as The Flintstones.
  • Captain Tedium: I nominate Scientifically Accurate CatDog as the absolute worst of this shit. I was sick of the Scientifically Accurate series long ago because of all the works of fiction that were shamelessly defiled, but finding out that they did a "Scientifically Accurate" version of CatDog while doing a Google Images search on the Nickelodeon series made me just a little bit curious. I instantly regretted watching the video after seeing all the gross and disgusting jokes they made on what would happen in real life if a dog and a cat were surgically grafted together. For one, Cat and Dog were Conjoined Twins rather than a canine and a feline sewn together, so this abominable video kind of misses the point of why Cat and Dog shared a body. Second, it really adds nothing new to the table and is just another unwatchable mess of applying realism to works where the laws of physics and reality weren't very important, to begin with. Third, it was a needlessly spiteful and petty Take That! to have Nickelodeon appear in the video as Nickelodious. Seeing this has made me swear off the Scientifically Accurate series for good. I shudder to think what they'd do with Mickey Mouse.
  • Maths Angelic Version: I don't like this series, and think "Scientifically Accurate DuckTales" (NSFW link) is the worst it has to offer. You are treated to "funny" images like Scrooge violating the corpse of a roadkilled Daisy, Dewey and Donald pooping all over the place, and Scrooge raping a living Daisy... and this is all in the first verse! It briefly gets better in the second verse before reverting to more gross "jokes" and culminating in a verse dedicated to duck genitalia. I can handle Black Comedy Rape and Toilet Humor when done well, but the creators of this animation didn't even try to do anything beyond the juvenile "poop, dicks and rape are automatically hilarious, right?" mentality. At best, they tried to Cross the Line Twice, but they didn't even put in enough effort to make it so offensive it ended up being funny. The only halfway decent joke is "Scrooge tries to dive into his Money Bin, only to break his neck", but CollegeHumor's "DuckTales Theme Gone Horribly Wrong" (which also had the decency to leave the Black Comedy Rape implied) did that better anyway.
    • Melancholy Utopia: I have to agree here. I'm a 20+ woman who's got rather thick skin and this parody made me physically ill. Besides just sucking the fun out of the works they parody, some of the things they are saying makes me suspect they think they're super educated folks who know what they're talking about, when they're just either being obvious or giving false facts anyone with a google search engine could debunk. For example, ducks poop everywhere. No shit, all animals do that. Heads explode in space? If they are as scientifically knowledgeable as they claim they are they would know heads don't explode in space, which proves even more they're going for shock value under the guise of being "realistic". By the way, applying logic to fictional series with cartoon physics, which is supposed to serve as escapism from real-world problems the videos describe, is a depressing idea that's doomed from the start. Also, why focus on all the negatives? I studied animals in senior high school and know lots of interesting facts that don't include their genitalia or digestive. Why not talk about those interesting things that make nature beautiful in a funny and clever way? Nope, let's talk about poop, dicks, and rape 'cause being vulgar to appeal to the lowest common denominator is comedy gold, folks! I deeply regret watching this video, never mind all of SA's content. I can't believe I'm saying this, but CollegeHumor did a better parody of the DuckTales (1987) theme song; at least they weren't trying to claim to be clever underneath all the dark humor. Speaking of CH, if you want to watch an actually funny and clever parody about scientific accuracy, watch their take on Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda".
  • DoctorWTF: "Scientifically Accurate Thundercats" opens by outright acknowledging that the title characters are aliens (and as such have no business being compared to Real Life cats). It then describes them as "half-human cats" and offers to speculate on what that would be like, then uses that as an excuse to spout random factoids about real-life cats. Never mind that introducing human DNA into the mix would mean that one is not necessarily constrained by normal feline brainpower.note  Or that they claim that a cat's memory only lasts 10 minutes, when in fact that refers to short-term memory (their long-term memory is perfectly respectbale). If you're going to advertise your work as "scientifically accurate", do your freaking research! The series has always been primarily focused on shock value and Toilet Humor, but the better ones make at least a token effort to actually deconstruct the series in question. This one essentially admits that they didn't give a damn about that.
