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Characters / X-Men: Morlocks

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The Morlocks
A group of deformed or outcast mutants who live in the sewers of the cities they inhabit, thought to have been created by Mr. Sinister (later revealed/retconned as being the Dark Beast's handiwork). Usually reclusive and rather unlikely to cause trouble if unprovoked, their powers are often not combat-oriented or just plain weird. Notorious for having been wiped out during the Mutant Massacre by the Marauders and the flooding of their homes by Mikhail Rasputin, they're now reduced to being a groupuscule of freaks. Their run-ins with the X-Men and other teams such as X-Factor or even Power Pack have shown that they're a force to be reckoned with nevertheless.

They are often led by Masque or Callisto, two of the least deformed members of the community. Caliban, Marrow, Skids, Spyke, the Generation X kids Leech and Artie Maddicks and the X-Force twins Feral and Thornn all used to be part of them and usually no longer have any connection with their peers when they leave the sewers.

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    In General 
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Despite their antagonistic nature, both the X-Men and X-Factor were appalled by what the Marauders did to them.
  • Ascended Extra: A number of more prominent characters originally got their start as Morlocks, though few are still prominent today.
  • Back from the Dead: Many of them were resurrected by Selene during the Necrosha arc. Much later, most of them would be truly revived by The Five in Krakoa, the most notable ones being Cybelle, Tommy, Caliban and Feral.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Brutally defied: being a community of predominantly physically deformed mutants, the Morlocks take a rather dim view of conventional beauty. One of their number, Masque, would even go so far as to forcibly make attractive Morlocks ugly by giving them a non-human feature on their bodies, such as Pixie's leg or Caliban's face.
  • Blessed with Suck: Many of them often had rather weak or passive powers such as Beautiful Dreamer who could rearrange memories with the smoke of her cigarettes or Piper who could control animals with his flute (though there are alligators down in those sewers...).
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Some of the Morlocks generally, and Callisto very specifically, adhere to a strange code of honor that permits kidnapping and forcing unwilling mutants into the group but also forces their leader to relinquish leadership if beaten in a duel.
  • Canon Foreigner: Spyke from X-Men Evolution.
  • Challenging the Chief: Callisto was challenged and defeated by Storm in her first appearance. Her Blue-and-Orange Morality forced her to relinquish leadership of the Morlocks to Storm, but Storm had no interest in living in the sewers so she just left Callisto in charge as her representative.
  • Children Are Innocent: Leech and Artie are notable for being this, being among the rare children who survived the Marauders' rampage on their community and being among the least malevolent of the Morlocks.
  • Cute Mute: Artie Maddicks qualifies. He cannot speak and communicates by projecting mental images to make people see what he feels, what he sees or what he just saw not long ago.
  • The Grotesque: Many of them such as Chicken Wings, Ape, Mother Inferior or Mole sported extreme deformations, and ended up being killed off accordingly.
  • Harmless Villain: They're often much less dangerous than what they let on. Erg, an eyepatch-wearing member of their community, is even described outright to be this in his O*N*E* mutant file, which notes that his primary use of his mutation is petty theft and that his greatest ambition is apparently to be a member of the Hell's Angels.
  • Hobos: An entire community of them, justified by most of them having physical mutations that severely limit their ability to lead normal lives.
  • King of the Homeless: Callisto, Masque and Mikhail Rasputin have all led the Morlocks. Callisto tends to be their leader most often, due to being the first and longest-lasting character to serve the role, but Mikhail fits the trope's spirit best.
  • Killed Off for Real: Many of them were killed off en masse during the appropriately titled Mutant Massacre storyline.
  • Magical Homeless Person: They were a society of homeless mutants who lived underground to avoid being attacked by anti-mutant extremists. Most of them had mutations that prevented them from being able to pass as ordinary humans and were consequently driven from their homes and families. Many of them wound up being killed off during the Mutant Massacre event.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Most of them are only known by their nicknames.
  • Power Nullifier: Leech's primary ability is to completely negate other mutants' powers in his presence. As an acquaintance to Power Pack, that's how he prevented Quicksilver from kidnapping Franklin Richards, leaving the smug Pietro utterly flabbergasted to find himself impeded by a mere child.
  • Power-Upgrading Deformation: Their powers often made them into freaks, best examples being Leech (who looks like a reptilian humanoid, complete wiht the green skin and slanted yellow eyes), Bliss (a Storm lookalike whose mouth hides a second face that can deliver a poisonous bite) and Artie Maddicks (a pink-skinned mute child whose oversized cranium hints at his telepathic powers).
  • Plague Master: Plague, who later became one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: The Morlocks can be menacing, as they have numbers and some of their number are strong by human standards (such as Sunder, who has Super-Strength sufficient to throw ordinary humans around but can't stand up to the likes of Colossus). Against trained mutants like the X-Men, mutant assassins like the Marauders or even trained and sufficiently armed humans, however, the Morlocks fold faster than a cheap paper plate.
  • Reluctant Monster: A number of Morlocks don't actually want to live in the sewers and only do because their physical mutations are so extreme they have nowhere else to go. And then you have the ones who didn't start out horrifically deformed, but were made so by Masque so they could "fit in" better...
  • Shout-Out: They are named after the underground species of the same name from The Time Machine.
  • Status Quo Is God: During the M-Pox crisis a number of new mutants took the sewers, essentially rejuvenating the depleted Morlocks community back to their pre-Mutant Massacre numbers. Callisto, of course, has also returned to lead them.
  • Team Mom: Annalee, an elderly mutant with an emotion-influencing mutant ability who is best known today as the mother of the COVERED IN SCORPIONS X-meme.
  • Took a Level in Badass: During the 90's a new generation of Morlocks appeared, calling themselves "Gene Nation". These were the descendants of the original Morlocks who survived the Mutant Massacre.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Among their ranks was the young mutant Revelation, a young woman who could radiate a powerful death aura that kills anyone within her range of action. Since the couldn't turn off her powers, she was kept in stasis for years and her power became stronger as she woke up, leaving Wolverine with no choice but to kill her.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Tommy, Cybelle and Zeek, who were among the first casualties of the Mutant Massacre.
  • Wild Card: The Morlocks don't really view the X-team as their enemies per se and may even help them out if they can get something out of it. However, given their reclusive nature, they're also quite territorial and will readily attack anyone they consider a trespasser or who overstays their welcome. Additionally, when Callisto isn't in charge, Masque's malevolent leadership often leads them into battles they would have stayed out of otherwise.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169 (1983)

Once a up-and-coming model, Callisto's career was ruined after her mutant abilities developed and she was disfigured. Fleeing underground, she became one of the founders of the Morlocks. Callisto has been a both a friend and foe of the X-Men since her introduction, with a particularly contentious relationship with Storm. Upon the founding of the mutant nation of Krakoa, Callisto accepted an offer from Emma Frost to become the White Knight of the Hellfire Trading Company.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Only her closest friends are allowed to call her "Cally".
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: She's by far the most combat-capable member of the Morlocks, boasting fighting ability on power with Wolverine and Sabretooth, so of course she's the group's leader.
  • The Baroness: Due to her role as the leader as well as being one of their most deadly members.
  • Blade Enthusiast: Her preferred weapons are knives.
  • Combat Tentacles: Callisto sported several in place of her arms for a while, but she lost them after the events of M-day.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: Subverted hard between her and Storm. While she relinquished leadership to Storm, and comes to respect the "Windrider", she never really likes Storm, and sometimes her resentment over being dethroned has led her into acts of true villainy. Eventually though, the two of them do become closer, and Callisto even requests that Storm be the one to kill her in the Crucible so that she can regain her mutant powers.
  • De-power: She lost her mutant abilities on M-Day. It was ambiguous whether she had them back or not after moving to Krakoa, before eventually revealing that she still was unpowered before she underwent the Crucible.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: She decided to play the Manipulative Bitch when she met Mikhail Rasputin, hoping to use him to seize control of the Morlocks back from Masque, only to quickly find that Mikhail was far too powerful to be controlled by her or anyone.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Her signature eyepatch that covers her right eye.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Excepting the weird periods when she's had tentacles, Callisto's mutations are all low-level physical enhancements, leading her to fight more or less as an amped-up knife fighter.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: In her debut appearance she kidnapped Angel to be her consort. Since Angel wasn't a regular member of the team in the '90s cartoon, they switched Angel out for Cyclops as the object of Callisto's lust.
  • Innate Night Vision: Her mutant eyesight allows her to see in the dark.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Depending on the Writer: she's usually a Noble Demon but sometimes her rivalry with Storm gets the better of her.
  • The Leader: The longest running leader of the Morlocks, though Masque and Mikhail Rasputin have both supplanted her at points.
  • Parental Substitute: Has had this role to Marrow in the past, comforting her when she was a child and provide guidance and companioship when she was older.
  • Rags to Riches: Callisto enters the employ of Emma Frost on Krakoa, taking different missions such as welcoming new Mutants to Krakoa, which in turn gives her the wealth to provide any Morlock with luxury.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: She is very rarely seen in a outfit that has sleeves, preferring a ripped vest and shirt. When she accepts the position of White Knight in the Hellfire Trading Company, she quickly rips off the sleeves on the suit that Jumbo Carnation made for her, although the fashion designer is ecstatic about the changes she made.
  • Super-Senses: Her mutant ability enhances all of her senses.
  • Super-Strength: She is considerably stronger than a normal human.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Storm claimed leadership of the group from Callisto but quickly absconded back into the normal world and left Callisto as her regent. She very rarely did anything to live up to her responsibilities afterward, which often led to Villain Has a Point moments when Callisto would pop back up and harangue Storm for it (usually while trying to kill her).



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169 (1983)

A co-founder of the Morlocks, Masque is considerably more hostile to the X-Men and humanity than Callisto. Embracing the often grotesque nature of the Morlocks mutations, Masque used his abilities to make some Morlocks even more deformed.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Became this under Chris Claremont, who had Masque as a woman when he brought him back to life in "The Arena" arc for Xtreme X-Men. Ed Brubaker resolved this by simply stating that Masque gained an off-panel upgrade of his powers via a "secondary mutatation", that removed his longstanding inability to use his power on himself.
  • Arch-Enemy: Out of all the heroes he's ever fought, the ex-Morlock Skids (Sally Blevins) is the one he hates the most, since her force field made her completely untouchable to his powers.
  • Bad Boss: Masque was often referred to as a rather ungrateful leader who often ensured his/her minions' loyalty by disfiguring them.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: This in spades. Was repeatedly cloned and humiliated by Cable, who ultimately threatened to chop off Masque's head and parade it around the Morlocks as a warning if he kept pressing his luck before having Shatterstar stab him to death.
  • Biomanipulation: He has the ability to physically reshape other living creatures with a touch, although he initially couldn't use his powers on himself — to his dismay, as his face is disfigured. In a Cerebus Retcon, it was established that most of the Morlocks actually weren't originally hideously deformed, but Masque reshaped all mutants who joined the group in order to make it harder for them to be able to leave the Morlocks and thus betray them, as he's something of a sadist.
  • Body Horror: He would completely disfigure his underlings, or at least give them a non-human feature, so they would "fit-in better" with the other Morlocks who are often horribly deformed, leading to this trope.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: He's one of the most hideous Morlocks (depending on the artist, but this is usually a constant) and is naturally the most evil of their number.
  • Faking the Dead: Because he can alter the appearance of dead bodies, it's a specialty of his to do this, either by altering a corpse to resemble himself or anyone else he wants people to think is dead.
  • Freudian Excuse: His mutation allows him to make anyone else beautiful but not himself, so he grew to hate beauty and made his life's mission to destroy it wherever and whenever he could.
  • Good Feels Good: He starts his heel face turn after taking Krakoa's amnesty deal, but what really sells him on it is helping disfigured children in Madripoor and seeing how it makes them and their families happy.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In the Hickman era Marauders ongoing, Masque finally turned into a good guy after Xavier bought the Morlocks land in Arizona to allow them to live a normal life and now uses his powers to restore the faces of disfigured children in a clinic in Mandripor.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Eventually becomes this in the Krakoan era, helping out Madripoor and disfigured children.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In stark contrast to Callisto, who does have a heart of gold.
  • Malevolent Mutilation: His stock in trade.
  • Mundane Utility: In Marauders he has found a new use for his powers; working at a hospital financed by Emma Frost, he now works as a mutant plastic surgeon, repairing cleft palates and other life-threatening deformities.
  • Mysterious Past: Nothing has ever been revealed about Masque's past, who he was before his mutant powers manifested, or even his original human name.
  • Noodle Incident: Masque's return and his gender bender phase in Xtreme X-Men. Claremont implies that the X-Men and Callisto have known that Masque has been alive for a while in spite of his death along with now being a woman in a past untold adventure. Brubaker cleaned up some of the details, relating to Masque being a woman by revealing that he had undergone a secondary mutation and could change his face (hence him in disguise as a woman) but his resurrection story has never been told or how the X-Men found out he was still alive.
  • Retired Monster: Takes the amnesty deal offered by the mutant nation Krakoa and now spends his days golfing in the mutant retirement community in Rio Verde, Arizona.
  • The Starscream: He's betrayed Callisto more than once, and once even deformed her to make her ugly again after a one-in-a-million accident made her beautiful.
  • Token Evil Teammate: While most of the other Morlocks are more Driven to Villainy than being actively evil, Masque has always been a malevolent sort.
  • The Transmogrifier: He has the ability to change the form of anyone he touches. He's quite angry that it doesn't work on himself early on, as he has an ugly, warped appearance. He likes twisting the forms of others in horrific ways until they're driven mad.
  • Verbal Tic: In earlier appearances Masque had a habit of referring to himself in the third person, rather like his fellow Morlock Caliban. This quality disappeared after he first seized control of the Morlocks.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He can alter anybody's appearance with a touch, including his own.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #179 (1984)

A elderly mutant with the ability to heal the injuries of others. A close friend and ally of Callisto, whom he sacrificed his life to save. Eventually he was returned to life by the Five on Krakoa and now works in the Healing Gardens of the new mutant nation, tending to wounded mutants.

  • Back from the Dead: He is among the many mutants that have been revived by the Five on Krakoa. They have to do so a second time in X-Force (2019) when the bodies of the soldiers who attacked Krakoa blow up during an autopsy, killing Healer once more. Due to his important role on the island his resurrection is fast-tracked.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Using his power on serious wounds takes a lot out of him. When he heals a wound that would've otherwise killed Callisto, he dies instead.
  • Healing Hands: His trademark ability.
  • The Medic: Served as this for the Morlocks and later for Krakoa.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Obviously, given his powers. But he's indeed quite harmless as a member of the Morlocks.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #169 (1983)

  • Back from the Dead: He is among the many mutants that have been revived by the Five on Krakoa. Sadly he ended killed when a brainwashed Angel was sent by Orchis to kill the remaining Morlocks follow the fall of Krakoa
  • Dumb Muscle: He has super strenght and wasn't very smart.
  • Friend to All Children: He usually acted as a guardian and protector of the weakest Morlocks, especially the children. When he moved to Muir Island, he usually spent his time taking care of the children who lived there.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sunder died while protecting the kids of Muir Island from the Reavers' attack.
  • Undying Loyalty: Maybe he wasn't the smartest of the Morlocks, but he was among the most loyal, willing to protect his closest friends.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Power Pack #12 (1985)

Among the most powerful of the group, Erg is one of the few survivors of the Mutant Massacre who lived through all the ordeals his peers were subjected to. A venturesome and rather rough-edged man, he's still among the most faithful to the group and he's always willing to put his life on the line for his fellow Morlocks. He can store the energy sent at him and send it back to his opponents in a concussive blast.

  • '80s Hair: His heavily gelled hairdo is typical of 80's punk-style.
  • Energy Absorption: Erg is capable of absorbing all forms of ambient and directed energy (including kinetic).
  • Eye Beams: Erg is able to use this absorbed ambient energy to fire electrical energy from his left eye. He is able to control which direction goes in midair, as shown when he stopped a train by sending it at the rails, even though it was going towards the train at first.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Which he uses to cover the eye on which he shoots.
  • Heroic Build: Notable for being among the few Morlocks to sport no extreme deformations and having a saliently muscled body and a handsome face.
  • Hidden Depths: Always wished to be a Hell's Angels.
  • Satisfied Street Rat: He always prided himself on being a survivor due to his tough upbringing on the streets.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Always seen wearing sleeveless tops.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: An exception among Morlocks, see Heroic Build above.
  • Undying Loyalty: Above all else, he's loyal to the Morlocks, to the point of always standing by his fellows all through their tribulations.


A homeless vagrant, she's one of the first Morlocks when Callisto first organized the group. Presumably widowed, Annalee was obsessed with adopting children after her own foster kids were murdered by Scalphunter. This led the Morlocks to a run-in with Power Pack, notably, until she could adopt Leech and Artie Maddicks. Her main power was projecting empath and make people feel what she felt, the stronger her feelings, the more it would affect others.She was among the many casualties of the Mutant Massacre.
  • Apron Matron: Always espoused this appearance and was one to some extent.
  • Emotion Control: She can project her own emotional state onto others.
  • The Empath: Inverted. She doesn't sense other people's emotions, she projects hers onto them.
  • Mauve Shirt: She made several eppearances and had a quite important role in the community before getting eventually Killed Off for Real by Scalphunter. She wasn't revived in Krakoa either.
  • Out Living Ones Offspring: It’s implied at one point that Scalphunter killed her children some time before the Mutant Massacre.
  • Taking the Bullet: Successfully shielded several wards she was tending to with her body when Scalphunter came to kill them, saving at least some of them from certain death.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #262 (1990)

Bliss is a mutant and member of the Morlocks, often Masque's Number Two. She has a very strange power, a giant tongue that delivers a bite that can alter people's minds or render them unconscious.

  • Body Horror: Implied. Whenever she fights, a consistent way of dealing with her is attacking the smaller head on her tongue, which will knock her out if it takes too much damage, hinting at the fact that the head on the tongue is her actual head indeed, making the other one a mere husk...
  • The Dragon: For Masque when he took over the Morlocks.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: "Evil" is a strong word for it, but she seems to be among the least violent of the Morlocks and isn't completely happy with the methods of Masque, in particular his treatment of her fellow Morlocks Caliban and Leech.
  • Evil Redhead: Back when Masque gave her the appearance of Jean Grey. It's also her current look.
  • Poisonous Person: The smaller mouth on Bliss' tongue has razor sharp fangs that can inject poison into her victims. The poison can render her victims unconscious for a several minutes. Her bite has even proven effective on Colossus' armored form.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Her tongue not only is extensible and unusually thick, it has a smaller head in it.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Back when Masque used his powers to give her the appearance of Storm.
  • You Don't Look Like You: An In-Universe example. Given that she's one of Masque's most faithful followers, sometimes up to being something of a Number Two to him, he has molded her appearance to suit his schemes multiple times, giving her the face of Jean Grey or that of Storm depending on what was needed. Consequently, her actual appearance remains unknown to this day.

    Beautiful Dreamer 

Beautiful Dreamer

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Power Pack #12 (1985)

A Morlock telepath with the ability to alter other peoples memories. She was a survivor of the Mutant Massacre and one of the 198 mutants to retain her powers after M-Day.

  • Ascended Extra: She was a member of the main hero team in the 2017 Marvel-inspired series The Gifted (2017) as just "Dreamer".
  • Dream Weaver: Beautiful Dreamer is a mutant with the power to implant False Memories and erroneous identities in others using her "dream smoke".
  • Killed Off for Real: As of Feb 2023, she hasn't been revived by Krakoa's Resurrective Immortality system, unlike Cybelle, Tommy and Caliban.
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Normally her ability would only be useful to modify minds, but when her powers run out of control thanks to being injected with the Legacy Virus, she ends up making an entire crowd to forget how to breathe, killing herself in the process.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Heavily associated with the color pink and the smoke she uses to alter memories is also pink.
  • Smoking Is Cool: She used cigarettes to focus her powers.
  • Taking You with Me: Leper Queen made her powers go out of control by injecting her with a modified strain of the Legacy Virus and sending her to a crowd of supporters of the Friends of Humanity. Beautiful Dreamer's powers forced the minds of the entire crowd to forget how to tell their hearts to beat, and after her powers burned themselves out, the entire crowd was killed, along with Beautiful Dreamer herself.

    Hump and Brute 

Hump and Brute

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: New Mutants #91 (July, 1990)

Hump and his brother Brute were both Morlocks and fought alongside Masque. When Brute threatened Cable, he was shot and Hump and Masque left.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: They both have green skin and green hair, with Brute having lighter skin and darker hair, while in Hump's case is the opposite.
  • Back from the Dead: After his unceremonious death in 1991, Brute would be revived in Krakoa and rejoin Masque's retirement community at Krakoa.
  • The Bus Came Back: Disappearing since his brother's death, Hump reappeared alongside the other Morlocks during Marauders.
  • The Brute: Besides being Brute's name, both brothers mainly served as muscle for Masque.
  • Delinquent Hair: Brute has a mohawk.
  • Hot Blooded Sideburns: Both have sideburns and can get pretty fierce in combat.
  • Pointy Ears: As part of their mutation, they both have pointy ears.
  • Sibling Team: Brothers who fought alongside each other.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: They don't bother with shirts.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #51 (July, 1985)



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #51 (February, 1990)

  • Adaptational Wimp: in the animated series he makes a cameo in which he states that he doesn’t have any powers but just looks different. This is while facing down a racist mob.
  • Cheated Death, Died Anyway: Invoked and Subverted as he survived the Mutant Massacre but was hunted and killed by Sabretooth who sought to finish what he started. Then it turned out he escaped.
  • Mole Men: Quite literally but also his powerset allows him to move through material while disintegrating it creating the tropes effect.
  • Not Now, Kiddo: Tries to reach out to the higher ups in order to help out Third Eye and the other mutants in The Pit but no one stops to listen to him as they have more “important things.”
  • Not Quite Dead: Was thought to be killed by Sabretooth but actually escaped to an abandoned highway project fifty feet below the Lower East Side and stayed under the radar there until he joined Krakoa. Then Sabretooth appears to the poor guy as a projection while he’s trying to sleep.
    Chicken Wings 

Jakub Kurczak

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #51 (February, 1990)

  • Cheated Death, Died Anyway: Invoked by Sabretooth who killed him because he wanted to finish what he started with the survivors of the Mutant Massacre.




Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Power Pack #11 (June, 1985)

  • The Beastmaster: Piper can control animals, mindless monsters, and "primitive" creatures, but only if he has access to a wind instrument such as panpipes or flutes to observe as a focus for his powers.
  • Expy Coexistence: A character with an identical name and identical powers debuted later as a member of the Savage Land Mutates. It's never been clarified in any of the Marvel Handbooks if they are different characters, but according to Marvel Super Heroes they are in fact two separate characters.

    Tar Baby 

Tar Baby

Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: ''Power Pack #12" (July, 1985)

  • Killed Off for Real: He survived the Morlock's Massacre, but ended dying when he was captured by Weapon X and sent to the Neverland's gas chambers.
  • Sticky Situation: His mutant power allows him to secrete a powerful adhesive through his skin, which causes things to stick with him.

The Tunnelers


Ray Carter / Berzerker

Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #11 (1986)

Berzerker was a member and the leader of the Tunnelers, an offshoot group of Morlocks who hated the main group, calling them Drain Dwellers. He used to wield mainly electro-magnetic powers.

  • Ascended Extra: While his canon counterpart only appeared once before dying, his counterpart on X-Men: Evolution was a member of the New Mutants and had at least one line in almost every episode he appeared in.
  • Battle Couple: With his lover Scaleface who also got killed and resurrected like him in Necrosha.
  • Delinquent Hair: Has some sort of crest that brings to mind a mohawk.
  • Came Back Wrong: Among the many mutants brought back to life by Selene during the Necrosha arc, as a full time antagonist.
  • Logical Weakness: His powers were extremely dangerous and useful but made him vulnerable to water.
  • My Nayme Is: 'Berzerker' instead of 'Berserker'.
  • Shock and Awe: He can utilize and detect the entire electro-magnetic spectrum, and project destructive energy. He can also hear radio-waves through his powers.
  • Uncertain Doom: It's implied that he died again at the conclusion of the Necrosha arc but they Never Found the Body.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He's killed in the same issue in which he appears.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #210 (1986)

A young and delicate mutant with the ability to become two-dimensional, namely as flat as a sheet of paper. She's the first casualty of the Mutant Massacre after unwittingly leading the Marauders to the Morlocks sewers.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: She is literally multicolored all over her body and hair with blue, yellow, green and pink stripes.
  • Back from the Dead: One of the Morlocks who was brought back to life in Krakoa.
  • Best Served Cold: In Krakoa, Tommy could at last exact revenge on Scalphunter for killing her back then. It's implied later that all the Morlocks present were shot dead and resurrected again by the Five, which got Scalphunter banished to Mr. Sinister's team of "undesirables".
  • The Cameo: She showed up in a lot of stock scenes of the 1992 cartoon, usually when it was time to show a poor defenseless mutant getting picked on by the Friends of Humanity again.
  • Gender-Blender Name: 'Tommy' is usually a male name but this Tommy's very definitely a girl.
  • Kill the Cutie: Her and her boyfriend were young and pure and innocent, so of course they were both gunned down by the Marauders to tell readers they meant business.
  • Nervous Wreck: Deconstructed. She was on her first "day out" with a Hellfire Club operative who was in love with her. The man got shot by Harpoon of the Marauders, incapacitating him. As he pleaded her to pass him his gun, Tommy stood by, trembling in fear and instead chose to flee back to the sewers, unwittingly helping the Marauders to track her right down to the Morlocks' abode and shooting her dead.
  • Only One Name: It's not known if 'Tommy' is a nom du guerre or her true first name. It's the only name she's ever been known by, though.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: She was the very first person killed during the Mutant Massacre.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: As the Marauders point out to her before killing her, had she heeded her lover's words, she just might have had a chance to escape back home without a trace. But the fact that she didn't got the Mutant Massacre started.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She only appeared in one issue, was killed, and would remain dead for over two decades.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Among the weakest of the Morlocks due to her power being mostly useful for camouflage, infiltration and spying but with no direct use in combat.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #211 (November, 1986)

Member of the group called the Morlocks, Cybelle is able to emit corrosive acid from her skin. She was killed along many other teammates, during the Mutant Massacre.

  • Back from the Dead: One of the Morlocks who was brought back to life in Krakoa.
  • Hollywood Acid: At will Cybelle could exude acid from her body that enabled her to sear a path through solid stone in seconds.
  • Magic Pants: Her clothes are somehow unaffected by the acid secreted by her skin.
  • One-Steve Limit: Her name is almost the same as the Eternal Cybele, the mother of Thena.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She was killed in her first appearance and would remain dead for over two decades.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #11 (1986)



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Factor #11 (1986)

  • Came Back Wrong: Was among the many mutants reanimated by Selene during Necrosha.
  • Scaled Up: Capable of turning into a dragon-like creature.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: She could change from a beautiful woman to a giant reptilian monster.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Like most Morlocks, very little is known about her and was killed shortly after her debut.

Gene Nation

    In General 

Gene Nation

A group of Morlocks that were raised in a Year Inside, Hour Outside dimension that they escaped to after the Mutant Masacre. Trained under Mikhail Rasputin's extreme Social Darwinist philosophy and enhanced by the Dark Beast they mostly grew into an dangerous group of mutants bent on revenge against humanity.

  • Ax-Crazy: A combination of Mikhail's Social Darwinist ideology, the harsh environment of the dimension, and Dark Beast tinkering with their bodies has left most of them utterly insane and dangerously violent.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Marrow, who originally started out as a Decoy Leader for Mikhail Rasputin and the Dark Beast, ascended to lead the group for real after its original leader and creator both left.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: From nameless child Morlocks who survived the Mutant Massacre to terrifying murderous terrorist cell.
  • Misplaced Retribution: They are hellbent on Revenge against humanity for their hatred against mutants but the main catalysts for that revenge is the Mutant Massacre which was carried out by the mutant group Marauders, under the orders of Mister Sinister.
  • Mook Horror Show: Inflicted on them by the original Maverick (Agent Zero), who systematically hunted down and Killed Off for Real most of them as revenge for a scheme they perpetrated that ended in the death of Maverick's protégé (and only friend) Chris Bradley. The only one he spared was the group's leader Marrow, and that was purely due to Don't Create a Martyr. Fever Pitch and Boost also escaped, but only because they'd already left Gene Nation of their own initiative.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Referred to and treated as the next step up on the algorithm from their progenitors, as while the original Morlocks were reclusive and only turned violent when attacked Gene Nation was actively violent and went out into the world looking for ways to kill or hurt others.
  • Token Good Teammate: Ever, a hideously deformed but thoroughly moral young man, was the only member of Gene Nation who wasn't malevolent. He sided with Havok when the latter took over the Brotherhood of that day, but he never participated in the Brotherhood's schemes and his only role in the group was to monitor its evil members in secret on Havok's behalf.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Yes they are a collective dangerously insane destructive force but they were also abused by Mikhail and Dark Beast who groomed them into as child soldiers and this was after their families were killed by the Marauders so they never really had a chance.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Generation X #5 (1995)

A genetic nightmare of a mutant who was enhanced by the Dark Beast. Alongside Marrow, he was the first member of Gene Nation to appear, kidnapping Emma Frost to impress his master.

  • Bald of Evil: He has no hair to speak of and is extremely Ax-Crazy.
  • The Brute: The largest and easily the most brutish member of the already-brutish Gene Nationals.
  • Came Back Wrong: He was resurrected during the Necrosha event by Selene to serve in her undead mutant army.
  • Depending on the Artist: In his original appearances Hemingway was monstrously huge, but in later appearances he looked much more ordinary, just being another grey guy with some spikes sticking out of his back. Having been experimented on by the Dark Beast, it's very likely his original form was some sort of Super Mode or Deadly Upgrade, and the later form was how Hemingway normally looked.
  • Freudian Excuse: He's a remorseless murderer because he was put through Training from Hell by Mikhail Rasputin.
  • Giant Mook: For the Dark Beast, and later for Marrow who took him on as her bodyguard.
  • Killed Off for Real: Along with most other members of Gene Nation, Hemingway was slaughtered by the original Maverick as revenge for the death of Maverick's protege Chris Bradley.
  • Merchandise-Driven: Played with in his case, as he is best remembered at this late date not by comics readers (he was a pretty minor character who only appeared a dozen or so times) but by toy collectors due to being the largest and most physically impressive of the cancelled series 3 wave of Generation X figures.
  • Shapeshifter Weapon: He can grow jagged blades out of his arms or transform them into blunt weapons like maces.
  • Spikes of Villainy: His broad backside has razor-sharp bones protruding from him, rather like his teammate Marrow.
  • Super-Senses: Has some degree of enhanced smell, being able to smell targets from twenty floors away.
  • Super-Strength: He can lift somewhere between 75 and 100 tons.
  • Younger Than They Look: Due to time spent in "The Hill", an Alternate Dimension where time passes more quickly than it does on Earth.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #323 (1995)

A grotesque Gene National who specializes in the Body Surf. Bailed out on Gene Nation before Agent Zero killed them all, only to get killed later by a Nimrod.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His gelatinous 'skin' is neon green.
  • Body Horror: His mutation has reduced all the flesh of his body to a gelatinous substance. Even his visible skeleton is not completely solid.
  • Body Surf: He can merge his protoplasmic body into the bodies of others and take control of them, disabling their higher functions. All this extra fluid usually proves fatal to his victims.
  • Face–Heel Turn: In his last appearance he joined up with the X-Men to defend Utopia. Unfortunately he was still a Jerkass even then, insulting a sensibly cautious Toad with his last words.
  • Healing Factor: A limited one. He was able to recover after being cut in two by a blasting Cannonball, but it took some help from his fellow Gene National Vessel to get him back on his feet.
  • Humiliation Conga: After Gene Nation's disbanding he was reduced to homelessness, being one of the refuge mutants who sought asylum with the X-Men after Decimation.
  • Immune to Bullets: Because he's a gelatinous being, bullets and knives and such just go right through him and he can quickly repair the damage. He's not strong enough for From a Single Cell-level shenanigans, though.
  • Killed Off for Real: Decapitated by a Nimrod Mk-II during the X-Men: Second Coming story.
  • Reformed, but Rejected: The X-Men allowed him to take refuge on their property but still didn't trust him.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Drifted away from Gene Nation off-panel for reasons that have never been explained.
  • Smug Snake: He was just a little too fond of Evil Gloating. He actually had Storm dead to rights with a gun to the back of her head, but getting too cocky about it allowed the Windrider to turn the tables on him.
  • Yellow Eyes of Sneakiness: Usually depicted with bugged out yellow eyes befitting his body snatching behavior. In later appearances they became Glowing Eyes of Doom.
  • Younger Than They Look: Due to time spent in "The Hill", an Alternate Dimension where time passes more quickly than it does on Earth.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #323 (1996)

A Gene National arrogant enough to believe his Healing Factor was better than Wolverine's. To no one's surprise, he was eventually proven wrong.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin is Hulk green.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: Vessel is invulnerable to injury after having absorbed some ectoplasmic residue, but when he takes damage the residue leaks out of him as shining light. If that residue is then attacked or dissipated, he loses his power.
  • The Brute: Like Hemingway, Vessel was thoroughly Ax-Crazy and only understood or respected strength and violence.
  • Depending on the Artist: In his original appearances Vessel was visibly monstrous with large pulsating veins sticking out of him, but in later appearances he looked much more ordinary, just being another muscly guy with green skin. Having been experimented on by the Dark Beast, it's very likely his original form was some sort of Super Mode or Deadly Upgrade, and the later form was how Vessel normally looked.
  • Killed Off for Real: Like Hemingway, he was killed off by the original Maverick a.k.a. Agent Zero.
  • Not Helping Your Case: He attacked one of Graydon Creed's political rallies, being too brutish to realize that such action did nothing but justify Creed's bigotry to viewers.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: His mutant ability allows him to absob physical and psionic residue from corpses to give himself Super-Strength, Super-Toughness, and a Healing Factor.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Red eyes and well you know evil.
  • Smug Snake: Boasted to Wolverine himself that his healing power was superior to The Best There Is At What He Does. Little did he realize he was...
  • Tempting Fate: With a boast like that, it was inevitable that Vessel would have to eat his words.
  • Younger Than They Look: Due to time spent in "The Hill", an Alternate Dimension where time passes more quickly than it does on Earth.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #325 (1995)

A Gene National telepath who made exactly one appearance before disappearing into the ether.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #339 (1996)

A Morlock who was apparently among Gene Nation's founding members but for whatever reason did not participate in the team's inaugural attack on Emma Frost and Generation X. He later joined Havok's Brotherhood to work in secret against Gene Nation's corrupt creator.

  • Brain Monster: A great majority of his body is composed of compacted grey matter, the body tissue that brains are made of.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He actually appeared 14 issues before his debut appearance, but only in a hologram showing the members of Gene Nation.
  • Enigmatic Minion: To Havok. At first he looked like the Fallen Hero's new Toad, but as it turned out Alex was only pretending to be evil and he and Ever were both working together to free the Dark Beast's victims.
  • Glass Cannon: His psionic powers are quite potent but physically he's rather frail.
  • Psychic Powers: As a mutant whose power is more or less being a brain on legs, this isn't a surprise. His main shtick is a kind of psychic sight that lets him see areas like secret labs, but he's also got some advanced Telepathy and some basic Mind over Matter.
  • Token Good Teammate: He was the only member of Gene Nation who had any kind of moral fiber as opposed to being an Ax-Crazy psychotic.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: As of Feb 2023, he only appeared in 5 issues and hasn't been seen for years. He was last seen promising to watch over victims of the Legacy virus.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Last seen promising to watch over test tubed victims of the Dark Beast who had been infected with an advanced strain of the Legacy virus. Since Dark Beast showed up a bunch after that and Ever was never seen again, his fate is uncertain at best.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual (1997)

  • Killed Off for Real: He ended killed by the hands of Marrow after Weapon X sent her on a mission to assasinate him. Because she cared for him, she tried to make it a Mercy Kill, quick and painless.
  • Mentor Archetype: He survived the Morlock's Massacre, so he was older than the majority of Gene Nation mutants. He acted as a leader figure after Mikhail Rasputin was defeated, being more bening and compasionate.
  • TheEmpath: His mutant power.


Brian Dunlop / Boost

Nationality: Australian

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual (1997)

An albino mutant who 'boosts' the powers of his fellow mutants by temporarily merging with and acting as a power battery for them. Bears the interesting distinction of being the only surviving member of Gene Nation other than Marrow, and has been mentioned as still being active in X-Men (2019).
  • Albinos Are Freaks: He's an albino mutant with a rather unsettling mutant power, though he's not evil.
  • Awesome Aussie: He's one of the few Gene Nationals who isn't American, hailing from Australia instead.
  • Combo Platter Powers: His plate combines Super-Empowering with the Body Surf, as he can power up other mutants but only by entering their bodies and acting as a living battery to them. Obviously, his ability works best if the host is a Willing Channeler, though he seems to be able to jump into people regardless of whether or not he has their permission.
  • Battle Couple: Prefers to fight alongside his girlfriend, a reptilian mutant named Tether.
  • Mysterious Past: Boost is very different from most members of Gene Nation: he has a known human name, isn't really Ax-Crazy, was born outside of America, and kept his powers after M-Day. It's not clear if he was even one of the original Morlock children, or was simply a mutant who found Gene Nation appealing and joined up with them.
  • Nice Guy: He's level headed and reasonable in personality, which is why his hot-headed girlfriend Tether loves him.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted, as he has red eyes but isn't really all that bad a guy.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After his debut appearance, he and his girlfriend skipped out on Gene Nation and mutant drama completely. This saved him from suffering the fate of the other Gene Nationals, but it also put him on a Long Bus Trip that he is technically still on to this day, his sole other "appearance" merely being a Shout-Out rather than an actual return.
  • Super-Empowering: His primary utility, to the point that he was considered by S.W.O.R.D. as a replacement for the treacherous Fabian Cortez.



Nationality: Australian

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual (1997)

    Fever Pitch 

Fever Pitch

Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Generation X #50 (1999)

A mutant who changes allegiances all the time, to whoever it suits him. Is completely composed of organic fire.

  • Blessed with Suck: When his powers first activated they destroyed his face, and as they grew stronger they burnt his entire body, leaving him as only a skeleton who can't even wear clothes.
  • Flaming Skulls: More like flaming skeleton. His entire body is covered in fire, making him look kind of similar to Ghost Riders.
  • Flying Firepower: Similarly to the Human Torch, his fire powers allow him to fly.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Changed allegiance depending on who he thought was winning.
  • Killed Off for Real: Fever Pitch was captured by the anti-mutant extremist group the Sapien League and injected with a dose of the Legacy Virus. Released in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, his powers overloaded, killing hundreds, including himself.
  • The Needless: That he's a burning skeleton all the time means he doesn't need to eat or drink to sustain himself.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: How he was ultimately used and disposed of.
  • Playing with Fire: His body is composed of organic flame, allowing him to radiate intense heat, fly, and discharge explosive plasma.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: Felt he was burning right before his powers overloaded and killed himself and a crowd.
  • Wild Card: His allegiances sway according to his own assessement of each situation. He can be ally or foe, depending on who's winning.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Generation X #50 (1999)



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Marvel Comics: Storm #3 (1999)

    Iron Maiden 

Iron Maiden

Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Man #50 (1999)



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Man #50 (1999)

  • Our Ghosts Are Different: His power is described as a living unsolved mathematic probability, making him invisible and intangible.
  • The Faceless: Because of his powers, Integer's face is never seen.



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Man #50 (1999)

  • Invisible Monsters: Thanks to his powers, Opsidian could be invisible while in the shadows.
  • Living Shadow: Opsidian exists in a state of pure darkforce.
  • Put on a Bus: He was one of the mutants that kept their powers post M-Day, but he never appeared



Nationality: American

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: X-Man #50 (1999)

The Chicago Morlocks

    In General 
A group of mutants who live in the sewers of Chicago much like the Morlocks do in New York City. They were forced to hide to avoid being detected by the Sentinels.

    Angel Dust 

Angel Dust

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • I Choose to Stay: After defeating the Sentinels in Chicago, she decided to go back with her parents.
  • Super-Strength: Her mutant power allow her to elevate her adrenaline levels to have berzerker strenght.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She is the youngest member of the Morlocks.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Gangbangers: He was a member of a gang. His mutant power manifested after being shot during a gang war and soon was found by the Morlocks.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He sacrificed himself to give his fellow morlocks time to escape from the Sentinel Factory as it was destroyed.

    Electric Eve 

Electric Eve

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Best Served Cold: Eve tricked the other Morlocks to help her in killing her ex boyfriend and pimp Ricky, by using her mutant powers hile he was in the pool.
  • Broken Bird: As a teenager, Eve was forced to a life of drug addiction and prostitution by her ex boyfriend Ricky. The experience left her very jaded and bitter.
  • Shock and Awe: She can generate electric blasts.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Creepy Cockroach: He looks like one.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He used to work building sentinels before his mutant powers manifested. He helped the Morlocks to destroy the Sentinels Factory in Chicago.
  • Military Superhero: Before his mutant powers manifested he was a soldier of the USA army.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Black-and-White Morality: He was the most open about not killing others, and chastised Eve when she turned the other Morlocks into accomplices of murder.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: His mutant power, which allows him to erase memories from his targets brains.
  • The Leader: He acts as the unofficial leader of the Chicago Morlocks, making sure to look for their well-being.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When his powers manifested, he accidentally put his wife into a coma.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Gem Tissue: His body is completely crystalized.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: He convinced the Morlocks to help him rescue his pet dog Hank from the pound.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He is seen carrying a baseball bat as a weapon.
  • Nice Guy: He is the most friendly of the Morlocks, being the first to welcome Cell and doing his best to break out internal fights.
  • Pretty Little Headshots: When his mutant powers manifested, he tried to kill himself with his father’s gun. He survived and ended with a hole in his head that he hides with a cap.
  • The Bus Came Back: He was confirmed to be depowered after M-day, and after many years in limbo, he was back and repowered in the pages of Dark X-men, being repowered and hiding with Callisto and other Morlocks.



Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Morlocks#1 (2002)

  • Heroic Sacrifice: He ended giving his life saving Electric Eve from some policemen that tried to shoot her.
  • Invisible Jerkass: He can use his powers to make himself invisible to the human eye and is one of the most abrasive and unfrendliest Morlocks.
  • Revenge: He wants to murder the guy who outed him as a mutant and ruined his life, so he understood and defended Electric Eve’s vengeance.

The London Morlocks

    In General
A group of mutants who live in the sewers of London much like the Morlocks do in New York City. Most of them were killed by Mr. Clean on behalf of the Church of Humanity.



Nationality: British

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #395 (2001)

No not that one. This one was the apparent leader of the London Morlocks who looks more similar to the beast of Greek myth.

  • Cyclops: He has one very large eye.
  • Super-Strength: His offensive power which likens him further to the creature of myth.


Nationality: British

Species: Human mutant

First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #395 (2001)

A member of the London Morlocks who the X-men helped give birth.
  • Fish People: Her mutation gives her a fish like appearance and set of abilities.
