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Characters / Wes Craven's New Nightmare

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The Entity / "Freddy Krueger"

Played by: Robert Englund

"Miss me?"

An ancient shape-shifting demon who has taken the form of Freddy Krueger for the past decade until the end of the series initiates his release into the real world.

Heather Langenkamp

Played by: Heather Langenkamp

"That was Nancy, Wes. It's not me."

The actress who played Nancy in the original A Nightmare on Elm Street, and is still mainly remembered for the role as she has become a mother.

  • Badass Normal: In the New Nightmare continuity (where she's actually Heather Lagenkamp, an actress who is famous for playing Nancy Thompson), she actually manages to flat out beat the entity that is taking on the form of Freddy Krueger after the movies stopped being produced.
  • Final Girl: The original female survivor, and it's the reason why Freddy targets her.
  • Locked into Strangeness: Heather gets a skunk stripe due to the overwhelming stress of Freddy crossing over into the real world, forcing her to become Nancy once more.
  • Mama Bear: She goes into Freddy's domain by herself, armed with nothing more than a kitchen knife to find and rescue her son.
  • She's All Grown Up: While in the original film she was already a teenager, Nancy was played as more of a dorky Girl Next Door type. Ten years later, she's grown into a far more noticeably attractive woman. Unfortunately, the ones who notice are the likes of the slimy limo driver and the rather insensitive TV interviewer.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Heather vomits when she sees that claw marks on Chase's body.

Dylan Porter

Played by: Miko Hughes

"God wouldn't take me."

Heather Langenkamp's son.

Robert Englund

Played by: Robert Englund

"Just because it's a love story doesn't mean it can't have a decapitation or two."

The affable, playful actor who has portrayed Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare film series.

  • Finishing Each Other's Sentences: When Heather calls him to lament that she is having Nightmares about Freddy. Robert at first assumed that she was afraid of him since he played Freddy, which seems like a concern since Heather and him are friends. However just when Heather assures Robert it's not him but a different kind of Freddy, he finishes her sentence, while at the same time giving a small but subtle Oh, Crap! look on his face, before hanging up on her. It's revealed that he was painting a composite picture of the New Freddy.
    Robert Englund: Heather? You doing okay?
    Heather Langenkamp: Holding my own. You know that guy who was calling me all the time? He's started again. He's been putting stuff in my mail.
    Robert Englund: Must've read about the funeral. Sick mother. That's the last thing you need right now, I'm sure.
    Heather Langenkamp: Actually, it's been giving me Freddy nightmares.
    Robert Englund: Wait a second. Now, let me get this straight. You're having nightmares about Freddy? As in me?
    Heather Langenkamp: No. It isn't you. He's scarier. He's...
    Robert Englund: Darker? More...evil?
    Heather Langenkamp:'d you know?
    Robert Englund: Call it a guess...
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: Englund's painting of Freddy resembles the Entity even though Englund supposedly never encountered him. Whether this is a mere coincidence or a hint that the Entity is influencing Englund is never revealed.
  • Mean Character, Nice Actor: Robert Englund's fictional counterpart in this film is much like the real-life guy; talkative and jovial, and genuinely enjoys the villainous role he's playing.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Robert Englund and his wife's apparent course of action.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The movie leaves it ambiguous what happens to him. The last we see of him he seems to have drawing paintings of the Freddy Entity, possibly enthralled by New Freddy or having nightmares like Heather. It's left unclear if Freddy ultimately took over his body to fight Nancy or not, and if he did, whether that means that Heather killed Robert.
    • Englund would later reveal that, originally, Englund's body would have been taken over by Freddy in a homage of The Fly (1958), with Robert playing both himself and a spider-like Freddy about to capture his prey caught in a spider's nest during a nightmare that Englund is having. But, because of budgetary reasons, it was scrapped.

Wes Craven

Played by: Wes Craven

"Are you ready to become Nancy once again?"

The creator of the Nightmare franchise, he is plagued with nightmares sent by the Entity about its plans.

  • Big Good: Probably the only good force in the movie, that is bent on stopping Freddy. Even if that meant creating a new script to trap the Entity for a time being.
  • Creator Cameo: As himself, no less.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: Wes Craven bases the new Elm Street script on prophetic dreams.
  • Mr. Exposition: He serves to explain the entire plot to Heather Langenkamp (and by extension the audience). He tells her about the Entity that has taken on the form of Freddy Krueger, that it has been released due to the end of the movie series and is trying to cross over into reality, and that Heather is the only one who can stop him.
