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Characters / Tutenstein

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The main and supporting characters from the animated series Tutenstein.

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Tut as a mummy
When alive: 
Tut's possible in-universe appearance: 
Voiced by: Jeannie Elias (first), Maryke Hendrikse (second), Donna Cherry (third and final)

Pharaoh Tutankhansetamun is one of the main protagonists in the series and in the movie. Tutankhensetamun (His nickname is Tutenstein (wordplay on Frankenstein), often shortened to Tut) is a 3,000 year old Egyptian mummy that lives in The International Museum of World History after having been awoken by Cleo and her cat Luxor. Tutankhensetamun died at the age of ten, before being reawakened about three thousand years later by Cleo.

  • Aesop Amnesia: Each episode ends with him learning he shouldn't use magic for selfish desires or treat his friends kinder. It never sticks.
  • Big Eater: Likes his goose and honey cakes and some episodes have him complaining about being hungry and demanding food. One episode had him and Cleo visit Memphis where he scarfed down a bunch of peanut-butter banana sandwiches.
  • Blue Blood: Royal, and reminding us at every opportunity.
  • Break the Haughty: His station makes him very arrogant and high-and-mighty, but in each episode, something happens that breaks through his hubris, causing him to feel genuine remorse for his actions.
  • Character Catchphrase: "I am all that is!"
  • Cool Crown: Fitting for a pharaoh.
  • Distinctive Appearances: In the show Tut is shown as having green skin and a noticeable 'mummy' look to him, this is done so that the audience knows that he is a mummy. But in the show itself, it is completely impossible for this to be what he looks like in universe for several reasons:
    • Numerous people have interacted with him over the course of the series and never realised that he was a mummy.
    • In the episode "Queen for a Day" Cleo had to pretend to be Tut and the only thing remarked upon was the fact that "Tut" looks somewhat bigger.
    • It's entirely possible that Tut can use his sceptre to look like an actual mummy whenever needed, but normally looks like a normal person of Egyptian descent. In fact concept art for the show depicts what Tutankensetamun possibly looks like in universe as it is less obvious that Tutankensetamun is a mummy as he is depicted as being more human in appearance, being shown with his natural tan skin tone instead of the green skin he is currently shown with and the only supernatural thing about him is his eyes which are glowing green.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He may be selfish and bratty, but as we see in "Friends", there are some lines he won't cross, like scaring a movie a theater full of innocent people in order to impress 2 punk kids. He DOES do it, but he feels bad about it.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: He died over 3,000 years ago, and re-awakens in the 21st century.
  • Glowing Eyelights of Undeath: His pupils and irises are not visible.
  • Idle Rich: As royalty, he's accustomed to having people do things for him; as such, the act of pulling his own weight seems foreign to him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he has flaws, Tut is shown both past and present to truly care about his friends.
    • In "Near Dead Experience" after Cleo falls ill, he tells her "Cleo, I will do everything in my power to save you — even risk my own afterlife!"
    • He's revealed to have died saving his friend Nepka from being crushed, despite knowing that doing so would result in his own death.
    • The episode "Curse of the Pharaoh" reveals that it's not just his friends that Tut is willing to save but he also willing to save people that he'd consider his enemies such as El Zabkar, who had summoned Ammut out of the fear of the Pharaoh's curse.
  • Large Ham: Given that he's royalty (and therefore accustomed — check that, expected to act all grandiose), this is a given. He is capable of subtlety, though.
  • Last of His Kind: He is the last remaining pharaoh.
  • Mummy: Well, considering that he was prepared for the next life in the custom of high-born society in his country, one shouldn't have expected him to be anything else...
  • Nepharious Pharaoh: Averted. Despite being a bit abrasive, Tut is a good guy... er, boy.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Pretty much every episode, and sometimes by epic proportions.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The Mean to Luxor's Nice and Cleo's In-Between. He's genuinely a selfish brat who usually causes the episode's problem due to his own selfish desires, although he does learn his lesson at the end of each episode and he has his moments of kindness and caring about his friends.
  • Not Growing Up Sucks: He died when he was young, forcing him to remain a kid forever.
  • Princess in Rags: Or rather prince in this case.
  • Royal Brat: Tutankensetamun comes across as rude and egotistical, but to be fair to him it is understandable as Egyptian pharaohs were believed to be gods, and Tut's rude-side comes out whenever Cleo or Luxor questions his authority and whenever someone else treats him horribly.
  • Sophisticated as Hell
    Tut: I am, as my people say: the bomb!
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: He's shorter than Cleo.
  • Undead Child: As a mummified kid who is reanimated by accident, he fits this trope to a "T."
  • Undeathly Pallor: Due to the effects of the embalming process, his skin is not colored as it would be if he were still alive. However, his face is noticeably paler than the rest of his flesh.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Cleo; his hubris and recklessness constantly gets on her nerves

    Cleo Carter
Voiced by: Crystal Scales

A 12-year-old girl who wants to become an Egyptologist, because her father, who is currently missing, is also one. After chasing her cat, Luxor, she accidentally brought Tut back to life. She tends to argue with Tut, complaining about his impulsiveness and outspokenness, but she always does it in a very rude and unceremonious way. Although she actually doesn't feel like it, she is often forced to help Tut set things right, but she would prefer Tut to stay nice and quiet in his sarcophagus all day, because she is afraid someone would find out about him being a living mummy. Most of the time it's very obvious that she doesn't really want to spend time with him, she would rather go skateboarding or hang out with her friend Natasha. Typically, she tries to stop Tutenstein doing the wrong thing but because of her impudence and incomplete explanations, he pays no attention to it. She always has her pocket computer, letting her gain instant access to facts about Egypt.

  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She gets VERY easily exasperated with Tut's shenanigans and selfish behavior.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Yes, she can be abrasive and argumentative towards Tut, but she's generally looking out for his well-being and she does care about him.
  • Meaningful Name: Cleo's full name is Cleopatra Carter. The first part is obvious, while "Carter" alludes to Howard Carter, the archaeologist who found Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922.
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The In-Between to Tut's Mean and Luxor's Nice. She can be bossy and argumentative towards Tut, but she does care about him and is kind to her friends and others she interacts with.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Subverted in that she's a Tomboy.
  • Sassy Black Woman: She's probably the only person who can match Tut in biting wit.
  • Secret-Keeper: She tries to prevent anyone else from seeing Tut.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: She's noticeably taller than Tut.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She's a tomboy who wears the color pink and mostly gushes about boys.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In "Keep Your Wandering Eye To Yourself" she becomes so fed up with Tut's antics she decides to stop being friends with him, even after all the adventures they've been through and helping him out throughout the whole series. Tut himself is genuinelly upset by this.
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: She looks alot like her mother.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Cleo takes it upon herself to keep Tut out of trouble, which naturally taxes her sanity. Nonetheless, she genuinely cares for his well-being.

Voiced by: David Lodge

Cleo's pet cat who learns to speak after Tut is brought back to life.

  • Ambiguously Gay: In "Cleo's Catastrophe," while trapped in Cleo's body, he comments that Jake might find him "quite fetching" in a certain ensemble of clothing.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: He's Tut's self-appointed servant, and frequently finds himself worked almost to exhaustion.
  • Butt-Monkey: Goes above and beyond to serve the Pharaoh, and more often than not, he gets hurt and/or humiliated for it. But, trooper that he is, he takes it all in stride.
  • Cats Are Mean: Averted. He's very friendly and loyal to Tut and his owner Cleo.
  • Cats Are Snarkers: When he's not kissing up to Tut, he frequently lets slip a snide remark or two.
  • Cute Kitten: Well, he's not exactly a kitten but he's cute and feline.
  • The Lancer: Pulls double duty, as both Cleo's pet and Tut's servant.
  • Meaningful Name: He's named after the site of one of the largest temple complexes in Egypt (the other being Karnak).
  • Nice Mean And In Between: The Nice to Tut's Mean and Cleo's In-Between. He's genuinely friendly and loyal and doesn't get as frustrated with Tut's antics as Cleo does.
  • Servile Snarker: He even slips in a few jabs at Tut in his inexhaustible list of epithets for the undead king.
  • The Smart Guy: Often notices things that Cleo and Tut don't, and is usually the one to educate Tut on modern technology, customs, etc.
  • Talking Animal: Gains the ability to speak when Cleo aligns the was scepter properly, which also resurrects Tut.
  • Yes-Man: Generally isn't one to openly contradict Tut's orders, though he will try to diplomatically discourage him from doing anything foolish.


Voiced by: David Lodge

Set (Seth, Setesh, Sutekh, Setekh, Suty) is the Egyptian god of chaos, destruction and disorder, and the main antagonist of the series. For thousands of years, Set has been condemned to the darkest pit of the Egyptian underworld.

  • Bad Boss: He does not tolerate any failure of his minions, and whenever he sees an opportunity for it, he punishes them.
  • Big Bad: The main force behind the plans to overthrow Tut and become king of the gods and the mortals.
  • Dark Is Evil: Wears a shroud/robe which makes him look more sinister.
  • Evil Overlord: Desires to rule over the world, with all gods and mortals as his servants.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He speaks in a very monstrous and devil-like voice.
  • God of Evil: He is this to Egyptian myth.
  • Satanic Archetype: Is cast down by the other divine beings, rules over the Underworld and its demons (made of of fire and brimstone), uses Black Magic and is the main embodiment of evil in the series. This is Sadly Mythtaken, since originally Set despite his villainy with the other Egyptian gods was a neutral force of nature and even he detested Apep.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Everytime he appears, things get serious.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are red and glowing.

    Sekhem and Khesef

Two of the many demons who happen to work for Set, they are the most appearing in the series.

  • Butt-Monkey: Usually get treated very badly by Set, even for their failed attempts to capture Tut.
  • Co-Dragons: Set's main henchmen and enforcers.


Apep (Apepi, Aapep, Apophis, Apopis) was a demon of the Egyptian underworld, in the form of a giant water snake. He was the enemy of the sun god, trying to stop him as he travelled on his barque through the underworld each night. He was so powerful that little could defeat him, and even then, he was back again the following evening to threaten Ra. He was a demon outside of ma'at, the opposite of order, a demon of darkness and chaos.

  • 0% Approval Rating: Unlike Set, no-one works for and with Apep since he is the embodiment of evil and therefore detested by all ancient Egyptians.
  • Adaptational Wimp: He’s more or less just a big monster in the show, and even willingly takes orders from Set at one point.


Ammut (Ammit, Ahemait) the Devourer is an Egyptian deity and demon that devours the hearts of the dead. When tested by the gods Thoth, Osiris and Anubis, the victim's heart is weighed against the feather of truth. If the heart is pure, the person is spared. If not, Ammut devours it, dooming the victim to the dark Underworld for all eternity.

  • Turned Against Their Masters: She attempts to devour her Egyptian-American summoner El Zabkar after struggling to kill Tut for a while in the first season's second episode.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: She can and will eat the souls of mortals.

Egyptian Gods


Osiris (Wesir) is the Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld and rebirth. He's the one who judges humans after their death.

  • Big Good: Though the same could also be said about Ra.
  • Destination Host Unreachable: After being murdered by Set, Osiris was resurrected twice but couldn't stay in our world either time. The first time, he died almost immediately after having sex with Isis and impregnating her with Horus. The second time, he was shuffled off to the the underworld to rule over the dead. This wasn't such a bad deal for him, though, as in Egyptian mythology the underworld is a pretty nice place, more akin to heaven than to other mythological underworlds. And Osiris stayed a powerful god and was venerated by the people of Egypt as one of their chief deities.
  • Inhuman Human: Maybe, as he's usually portrayed as a blue- or green-skinned mummy after his resurrection.
  • Scales of Justice: Osiris and Anubis famously use scales to judge the dead to see if they would ultimately have an afterlife by weighing the deceased's heart against Maat.


Isis (Aset) is the Egyptian goddess of magic, motherhood and wisdom. She's the wife of Osiris.

  • Cool Crown: Or rather its ornament, to be more specific.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Punishes Tut for cheating in a game of Senet, even still it seems very harsh since Tut is only 10 years old.
  • Hot Witch: She is the goddess of magic and is quite attractive.
  • I Love the Dead: With Osiris' corpse, though she also brought him back to life.
  • I Will Find You: She had to search for Osiris's body twice (once when he was killed by Set by way of being thrown into the Nile in a coffin, and again when Set tore his body into pieces and scattered them across Egypt).
  • Lady of Black Magic: The only god who could compete with her based on sheer breadth and power of spells was Thoth.
  • Mama Bear: She went to great lengths to make Horus king and protect him from Set.
  • Necromantic: Using spells taught to her by Thoth, she resurrected Osiris and Horus, though the former was only long enough for them to conceive.


Ra (Re) is the Egyptian god of the Sun. He's one of the most important figures in ancient Egyptian religion, since the Sun was sacred to them. Every night he would travel with boat through twelve gates (representing the twelve hours) so he could rise as in the day. However he had to battle the demonic serpent Apep, who sought to kill him and destroy all of existance.

  • Light Is Good: Though he is rather annoyed and gruff (most likely due to Tut's shenanigans).


Horus (Hor, Haru) is the Egyptian god of kingship and the sky. He's the gods' greatest and most revered warrior.

  • Lunacy: Although he was associated with the Sun, he is also associated with the Moon, and it is thought that both were his eyes, the moon being the less bright eye because he was blinded by Set in their battles.
  • One-Man Army: Can handle a legion of demons on his own since he is widely known to be the champion of the gods.
  • Shirtless Scene: Once seen having a bath while Tut was trying to call him.


Anubis (Anoup, Anpu, Inepu) is the Egyptian god of mummification, preparations and ceremonies for the dead. He works along with Thoth under Osiris to ensure order and bring balance to all the worlds.

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Though he and Thoth were going to punish Tut harshly after falling in with some bad kids, he agrees with Cleo's defense that Tut's still a child who doesn't know better yet and instead sentences him to clean up his mess.
  • Scales of Justice: Anubis along with Osiris famously used scales to judge the dead to see if they would ultimately have an afterlife by weighing the deceased's heart against Maat.
  • Scary Black Man: Can get intimidating at some point, even during his judgements.
  • Those Two Guys: He's often accompanied by Thoth.


Thoth (Djehuty) is the Egyptian god of science, knowledge and writing. He works along with Anubis under Osiris to ensure order and bring balance to all the worlds.0000

  • Animal Motifs: The ibis and to a lesser degree, the baboon.
  • The Archmage: Only Isis could match him spell for spell.
  • Badass Bookworm: Wise, and no less competent in combat. There's a reason why the baboon is his secondary symbol, after all.
  • Berserk Button: Don't use his scrolls for infinite knowledge.
  • Bookworm: Thought to have invented writing and most if not all areas of knowledge.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Perhaps we should have a little talk with the pharaoh."
  • Lunacy: A moon god, in the Heliopolis Creation Myth, he also gambled with the moon to add five extra days to the calendar, hence 365 days.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When he saw that Nut despaired over not being able to birth her children, Thoth stepped in and helped her.
    • Though he and Anubis were going to punish Tut harshly after falling in with some bad kids, he agrees with Cleo's defense that Tut's still a child who doesn't know better yet and instead sentences him to clean up his mess.
  • The Smart Guy: Well renowned for his intelligence.
  • Those Two Guys: Is often accompanied by Anubis. Also, his two baboon servants.


An Egyptian chancellor to the pharaoh Djoser, probable architect of the step pyramid, and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. After his death, he was deified and praised alongside the other gods for his deeds.

  • Deadly Doctor: In all fairness, he is not aware that medical science has changed (read: improved) in the last two thousand years.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Was a human in his life, but after his death he was granted immortality and godhood.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: According to the ancient Egyptians, diseases were due to the patients being possesed by demons. His cure for Cleo's cold is to mummify her for the afterlife.
  • Hero Antagonist: He's a good guy, however his conviction and zealousness is the main conflict of his episode.
  • Knight Templar: Read the other tropes in his profile.
  • Magic Staff: One with a snake on it, symbolizing pharmaceutical wisdom. Such staffs were also wielded by other gods, like Asclepius.
  • Obliviously Evil: "Evil" is stretching it, but he didn't know that his fanaticism was causing more problems than help.
  • Renaissance Man: Scholar, chancellor, architect, doctor, mage and priest.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Only wanted to cure Cleo of her cold... even though it meant she had to be mummified.


The Egyptian god of earth.

  • Cool Crown: While not as impressive as the other gods', it's still fancy-looking.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: He's the Egyptian god of earth.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: White.
  • Obliviously Evil: Again, not evil. However he inadvertantly caused alot of mayhem with his powers in the modern world.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: In one episode, he teamed up with Sobek and Bes, with the three of them wanting to start a party. However upon seeing statues of the Greeko-Roman gods in the museum, they took this as an insolence towards them and decided to instead crash the party. Fortunately Cleo calmed them down.


Atum (Atoum) is the Egyptian god of creation and life, said to have made the first humans out of clay.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: His head is colored aqua. Obviously rams are not colored this way. Possibly justified in that he's a god.
  • Animal Motifs: The ram. Ironically, the ram is not one of his aspects in the original myth.
  • Composite Character: He also incorporates some traits and the physical appearance of Khnum.
  • God Is Good: From what we've seen of him, he's a pretty decent person.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: As already stated, he has the head, powers and attributes of Khnum- a separate and different Egyptian deity.


Sobek (Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, Sobki) is the Egyptian god of the Nile river, associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess.

  • Animal Motifs: The Nile crocodile.
  • Berserk Button: If you don't pay tribute to him and instead worship other gods, he will smite you with his divine fury. Seeing as the flooding Nile was considered to be a symbol of his wrath and crocodiles are dangerous animals, this is the expected reaction.
  • Dumb Muscle: His dialogue implies this, however given his short screentime and flat character personality it is never truly made clear.
  • Lizard Folk: Granted he's a humanoid crocodile rather than a lizard, but he still counts. It's worth noting that he's among the few Egyptian gods also depicted with a tail.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Downplayed. As long as you don't anger him, he's a good fellow (if a bit of a braggart).
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: In one episode, he teamed up with Geb and Bes, with the three of them wanting to start a party. However upon seeing statues of the Greeko-Roman gods in the museum, they took this as an insolence towards them and decided to instead crash the party. Fortunately Cleo calmed them down.


Hathor (Hut-hor) is the Egyptian goddess of joy, beauty, music and feminine love.

  • Adaptational Modesty: The Hathor here is nowhere near as raunchy and laschivious as her original counterpart.
  • Animal Motifs: The cow, though her bovine traits are downplayed. Besides the ears and horns, one wouldn't figure out the cow is her chief patron animal. Originally, Hathor could shapeshift into a cow and was also depicted with other bovine traits (mostly udders, for... obvious reasons), but due to the show being aimed at kids, they were deemed explicit and thus removed. In the form of Sekhmet, she gains a lion motif instead.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Hathor is the goddess of love and beauty who always comes off as lovely, nice and pretty, but should a pharaoh like Tut be disdained greatly will develop her wrath.
  • Berserk Button: Tut being refused to have his pyramid built results in Hathor's rage building up as she shapeshifts into the goddess of war and destruction, Sekhmet.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Averted, this is one trait of her that was omitted.
  • The Hedonist: Often seeing drinking, eating grapes, dancing or lying around. However, this is tame compared to the Egyptian myths.


Maat (Ma'at, Ma'et) is the Egyptian goddess of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality and justice. She's the one who weights the dead's hearts on her scales before deciding their fate.

  • Berserk Button: Don't criticise her authority... and her sacred ostrich feather accessory.
  • Cosmic Keystone: The whole of the Egyptian state religion was dedicated to the protection and preservation of Ma'at, otherwise Apep would devour the universe.
  • Hanging Judge: Seeing as her decision determines what your afterlife will be, it's best to say that being on her bad side is not a good idea.
  • Judge, Jury, and Executioner: With Osiris, Thoth and Anubis.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Balanced against Apophis.
  • Scales of Justice: Maat is often shown in helping Osiris and/or Anubis in the weighing of the deceased's heart. This makes sense since the heart is weighed against her feather of truth. She is also one of the oldest examples of this trope.
  • Winged Humanoid: Of the "wings attached to arms" variety.


Bastet (Bast) is the Egyptian goddess of cleanliness, the household and protector of cats. Because of this she gets attracted to Luxor.

  • The Power of the Sun: Sometimes was worshipped as a sun goddess by the ancient Egyptians, though this is not shown in this series.


Sekhmet (Sakhmet) is the Egyptian goddess of battle, warfare and revenge. She is Hathor's wrathful alter ego.


The Egyptian goddess of the sky and stars.

  • Celestial Body: The white dots on her skin? Those are actually all the stars, with her skin being the night sky itself.
  • One-Shot Character: She only appears once in the whole series for a quick gag.
  • The Sacred Darkness: She's a night goddess and a neutral force of nature.
  • Statuesque Stunner: A result of the above. Granted all the Egyptian goddesses qualify for this trope, however seeing as they can use their powers to sizeshift, Nut is the only one to play it straight.


Serket (Serqet, Selket, Selqet) is the Egyptian goddess of nature, animals, medicine and healing from venom/poison.

  • Animal Motifs: The scorpion.
  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Here she's shown having blue hair while wearing green clothes and makeup, whereas in the myths she looked like this: 1.
  • Cranial Eruption: A Visual Gag of her headache caused by the scorpion on her head.
  • No Name Given: She and Nut are never referred to by their names in the series proper.
  • One-Shot Character: Appears only once just to provide a joke.
  • Scary Scorpions: The one on Serket's head is stinging her, thus causing her headaches. Ironically, in the original mythology she was immune to it, being the goddess of medicine and antidotes. However, this was most likely intentionally overlooked in order to give an excuse for her appearance as a one-time comic relief character.


Wadjet (Wedjat, Wudjet, Uadjet, Udjo) is the Egyptian goddess of protection. Her symbol is used by royalty to guard them from evil both during their mortal life and in the afterlife.

  • Animal Motifs: The cobra and the eagle.
  • Cool Crown: She is wearing one AND is a decoration for the crowns worn by pharaohs, who themselves also qualify.
  • Berserk Button: Don't mock her for changing different heads and consider her the "most fickle of the gods".

    Benu bird

A sacred bird in ancient Egyptian mythology linked with the sun, creation, and rebirth.

  • Giant Flyer: Its head alone is bigger than an adult human.
  • The Phoenix: Shares several aspects with it, and according to scholars it's probably the inspiration behind its more famous mythological relative.


Bes (Bisu) is a minor ancient Egyptian deity worshipped as a protector of households, and in particular, of mothers, children and childbirth. He is later regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad.

  • Non-Standard Character Design: Has an actual beard instead of a fake one and possesses a tail. Also, he's a short and pudgy humanoid gnome-like being instead of a tall, normally-proportioned humanoid with an animal head.

Other Characters

    Walter Jacobs 
Voiced by:N/A
  • Book Dumb: With the exception of one episode, Walter is shown to be rather unintelligent.
  • Cowardly Lion: True, Walter is rather weak and cowardly, but he at least tried to fight Apep, the enemy of Ra, in "The Truth Hurts".
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Technically, he tried to punch out Apep in "The Truth Hurts". What makes this even more surprising is that Walter has no divine powers, and normally, he's rather useless in disastrous situations.
  • Dumb Blonde: He's blonde, and not very intelligent.
  • Lazy Bum: Frequently seen eating or listening to the radio.
  • Nice Guy: Despite all of his ineptitude at his job, Walter is actually a pretty chill guy.
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Did we mention he's not very good at his job?

    Professor Horace Bedhety 
Voiced by: Lex Lang
  • Mean Boss: Not that bad, just egotistical and clueless.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is actually a parody of the Egyptian god Horus, whose alternative name is also Bedhety.
  • Mentor: To Roxanne, who surpassed him.

    Roxanne Vanderwheele 
Voiced by:N/A

Voiced by: Liza Del Mundo

Cleo's ditzy best friend who has a bad habit of lying

Voiced by:N/A

Voiced by:N/A

    Rosaline Rivera 
Voiced by:N/A
