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Characters / Touhou Shinkai ~ Awakening Deep Mythos

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The Deep-Dwelling Mermaid

The mermaid who lives in Misty Lake. Normally an easygoing, romantic type, she's been made more unstable as a result of the incident, and being the first boss to face, means the poor mermaid is left with some bruises afterwards. She's capable of controlling the fish in the lake, mostly to attack in this scenario she's introduced in.

    Chima Oozora 
The Baka-Neko With Delusions of Astrology
Chima Oozora

The Baka-Neko- ahem... Bakeneko who believes to have originated from Saturn, which may or may not be a delusion of hers, which is hard to tell due to her generally out there nature. She's capable of controlling dust.

  • Arch-Enemy: She declared Doremy Sweet this in their first meeting, and has remained fixed to that idea — even after becoming more "sane" when things returned to normal. This one-sided rivalry apparently stems from her hatred of the Dream World, which might raise some complications with her Dream counterpart.
  • Bakeneko and Nekomata: Chima's species on her profile. While she doesn't have the split tail or some typical display of the standard abilities, she's at least identified by her cat ears.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Chima is pretty far remove from reality. For starters, she's absolutely convinced that she's from the planet Saturn, and can't be convinced otherwise.
  • The Ditz: She already a cloudcuckoolander, but the fact that her title dubs her Baka-Neko says it all.
  • Sand Blaster: Chima can control dust, with her spawning dust devils in the Forest of Magic because of her current mental instability.

    Etsuko Fukanou 
The Impossible Rainbow
Etsuko Fukanou

While there's no indication what fantastical species she isnote , or if she can even be considered a youkai, but what she definitely know about her is that she's an unusual humanoid from an alternate Earth before humanity happened. She's capable of glowing any color of the spectrum, including those that don't exist, with lethal application.

  • Bad Powers, Good People: She effectively has the power of taking away the vitality in the area, but she's noted to be one of the less actively malicious monsters emerging from the portal. By the Epilogue , she's settled into Gensokyo and maintains her feeding habits by hanging around dead forests and grasslands to avoid causing damage while effectively maintaining the forest cycle.
  • Everything's Better with Rainbows: She is dubbed "The Impossible Rainbow" and lives up to the title by glowing any color, including those that don't exist. This has the adverse affect of taking away the color from her surroundings.
  • Fictional Color: Her specialty. It hurts to look at.
  • Our Monsters Are Different: It's hard to dub her a youkai in the context of Gensokyo; she drains the color (and subsequently the vitality) of her very surroundings to feed, which she does by glowing "a color that doesn't exist". Justified, as she's a monster from a different universe which operates under a different rule-set.
  • Lethal Harmless Powers: Etsuko's capability of "glowing any color" doesn't seem all that threatening, but she's also capable of glowing in colors that don't exist, resulting in her taking away color by draining the vitality from her surroundings.
  • Mysterious Past: All we know about her is that she originated from a world that didn't feature humanity yet, and that she feasted on the creatures that existed there. She's mostly dodgy about her origins, beyond the aforementioned cryptic clues she shared.
  • Shout-Out: To The Colour Out of Space. Being the titular color (according to her species), her feeding method resembles how the color in the original story fed.
  • Vampiric Draining: The effect she has on her surroundings thanks to her "impossible color glow" ability is how she feeds. While she seems to limit this to the fields/forests/plant life in present day, she has implied to have feasted on other living beings in this manner back when she lived on her own equivalent of earth.

Gibbering Mass of Elegance

A shoggoth, normally a massive blob of flesh and organs, taking the form of a kimono girl upon her visit to Gensokyo. She's capable of growing extra organs and taking on different shapes.

  • Clothing Appendage: The kimono and hat are formed from Uchuu's very mass, with this fashion and form chosen because of her fascination with the subject, and that mob caps seemed to be the fashion trend in Gensokyo.
  • Extra Eyes: Those eyes across her kimono aren't just there for stylistic purposes, as they are completely functional.
  • Just Following Orders: Played With. She isn't that bad of an individual, she's just been strong-armed into this invasion plan, one that she wasn't invested in to begin with. In fact, after being thoroughly beaten by the protagonists, she went out of their way to help them out.
  • Poison Is Evil: Subverted Trope. She's been spreading her toxin-spewing Meat Moss in the Rainbow Dragon Cave since she got there, but she's not actively malicious.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: A variant; her power over growing extra organs allows her to conjure a shield made entirely of bones, which she demonstrates to hide from her superior after escorting the Gensokyians.

    Cathu Kurayami 
Ancient Dreaming Herald
Cathu Kurayami

Based on the high priest of the Great Old Ones Cthulu, she's the general of the mastermind behind the Void Passage invasion, who was also once the god of pathways. She's capable of creating pathways between worlds.

  • Dimensional Traveler: She's the one with the power to create holes to and from the Void Passage to just about any dimension, so long as there exists a void. Cathu's power makes her comparable to Yukari's ability to create gaps, but she can more beyond the latter's capabilites, at the cost of having less versatility.
  • The Dragon: She may be The Chessmaster with a powerful ability that allows her to be very effective at conquests, but she's ultimately Hasuta's enforcer, of which the narration lampshades.
  • The Strategist: Cathu's creative enough to come up with effective conquest methods that worked in the past, including twisting the landscape and inflicting nightmares and madness to psychologically break them as a demoralization tactic. While there were instances of failure in the past, that doesn't halt her from improving each time.
  • The Stoic: Described as a stoic, serious figure who doesn't talk much.

    Hasuta Aurelia 
Blinding Royal Of Which None Is Spoken
Hasuta Aurelia

Based on the King of Yellow Hastur, Hasuta's the creator of the eldritch pantheon and ruler of the Void Passage, who been conquering alternate dimensions ever since losing her home-world in an attempt to sustain the pantheon. She's capable of creating living beings.

  • Adorable Abomination: She's an eldritch god who created all the other gods, with a mess of tentacles where her legs should be, but she's also another Touhou-themed girl, and thus remains adorable in spite of her theme.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: For Hatsuta, the destruction of her home-world and the subsequent loss of her fellow youkai and god's source of survival, faith, made her resort to forcibly gather it by initiating conquests against other worlds. It got to the point where she decides to conquer other worlds even after already sustaining the faith they needed to survive, under the belief that those worlds are doomed to die anyways and it was better to get ahead of any disaster.
  • The Power of Creation: Her ability is to create living beings, which is implied to be the reason for the large amount of monsters that Zerg Rush the worlds they invade.

    Hayako Denki 
Supernaturally-Charged Castaway
Hayako Denki

A young girl who died trapped in the Void Passage, now a ghost who has learnt too much about her own reality, seeking a way to end it all for good. She's capable of seeing through lies.

  • Death Seeker: She's already a ghost who died long ago, but her fourth wall induced insanity makes her want to be Killed Off for Real.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She makes an appearance as a mid-boss in Stage 5, but her appearance is limited to being trapped behind a "screen, with her name and spell cards obscured by glitch text, while her species and ability is just listed as "?????". It isn't until the Extra Stage where she's given a proper introduction.
  • Leitmotif: Well of Infinite Depth ~ Electric Onryo.
  • Living Lie Detector: Her ability is to "see through lies." While there's no direct indication of this in the narrative itself, it's possible that this ability of hers resulted in seeing the lies of reality itself.
  • Noticing the Fourth Wall: After Hayako becomes a spirit trapped in the Void Passage, her decades-long afterlife spent staring into the abyss eventually led to her realizing the secret truth regarding everything she's ever known being a work of fiction, causing her to snap and become a monster like the others in the realm.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: Her plan in the Extra stage story was to keep the portal to the Void Passage open and let more monsters into Gensokyo so the protagonists would be spurred to kill her out of necessity. Unfortunately, her efforts to die by their hand would be doomed to fail because the spell-card system Reimu and co. operates on enforces the Non-Lethal K.O. trope.
  • Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl: She's a young ghost girl appearing out of a floating TV screen akin to Sadako from The Ring. The revamped version of her song featuring her full color design furthers the connection by making her hair pure black, her outfit white, and her skin pale.
  • Suicide by Cop: Or rather, by shrine maiden. This is the ultimate goal of her plan.
  • Trapped in Another World: Her fate before death was being pulled into the Void Passage, ripped from her invaded home dimension, before getting killed off by one of Hatsuda's creations.
