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Characters / The Sorcerer's Receptionist

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Inhabitants of Doran

    Nanalie Hel

The heroine, a fiery young woman who pursues her ambitions with single-minded tenacity. The first of these ambitions is to become a receptionist for the Guild at Harre, assigning mercenaries jobs and surveying work sites. The second is to outdo Alois, an aristocrat whose rivalry she has cherished ever since their school years together. Interpersonally, Nanalie is dumb as a box of hammers, which is why she hasn't yet noticed that his feelings for her have become romantic.

  • A-Cup Angst: She is quite flat-chested, which her friends lightheartedly tease her about.
  • Animal Motifs: Other than Lala, Nanalie is associated with the fictional "bunny-birds", a species said to have turned their feathers blue to hide better from their many predators. This fear was warranted by them being extremely delicious, which is why they're Nanalie's favorite food.
  • Badass Bookworm: She is a well-educated mage in a setting where magic can do just about anything, including enhancing strength and freezing bodies solid.
  • Badass Long Robe: Her Guild uniform is the Uden Vestitus, a white dress with a cleric-esque hood. Other than signifying that she is an elite sorcerer in service to the Kingdom, the fabric itself nullifies any magic that hits it.
  • Berserk Button: Her aversion to the phrase "second-place" is so strong that just hearing it once, in a complimentary context, critically distracted her from a teleportation spell she was casting at the time.
  • Chaste Hero: She notes when characters are attractive, but she has no desire beyond that- her career is more satisfying.
  • Fatal Flaw: Wrath. She obsesses over proving herself better than Alois (partly because of class insecurities), is easily distracted by even unintentional insults, and prefers the comfort of their familiar rivalry over the truth.
  • Heroic Host: Like all Ancients, Nanalie possesses incredible power she channels from her patron element. It's unclear whether she is Ice or Ice just lives inside her, but their having a conversation in volume 3 implies it's the latter.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: One of the many things Nanalie resents about Rockmann is that he's so tall she has to crane her neck up to look at him, even though she is slightly taller than the average woman.
  • Ironic Name: Nanalie's middle name is "Persephone", a goddess of spring, but her magic revolves around snow.
  • The Lad-ette: A brash, rebellious girl who enjoys alcohol and meat with great abandon.
  • Leeroy Jenkins:
    • During the school "tournament", Nanalie rapidly made the decision to wade in and free her teammates from a trap, knowing that she would get severely burned doing so. note  Her courage inspired the other teams- who had been paralyzed trying to think of a smart solution- to do the same. She never lost this habit of recklessness, which prompted the Gignesthai Nero to give her magic-absorbing robes appropriate to a tank.
    • During a night out, she impulsively drinks something called the "Cocktail from Hell" upon hearing that Rockmann couldn't handle more than two of them. Naturally, the inebriation makes her say several embarrassing things and fall asleep while a friend carries her home.
  • Locked Out of the Loop:
    • For security reasons, she is not told about the Orcinus Operation or the bodyguards assigned to her as part of it until it's over.
    • Her family did not tell her about her merfolk heritage.
  • Mark of the Supernatural: When Nanalie unlocked her magic type, her eyes and hair turned a bright bubblegum blue, which she has mixed feelings about. A more exotic hair color was fine, but blue was not what she had in mind. After the first series' finale, she comes to accept it.
  • Never Gets Drunk: She can easily outdrink a middle-aged man, and keep going. It's not until she tries the Cocktail from Hell that she even learns what intoxication feels like.
  • Personality Powers: If Nanalie shares anything with the original Ice, it is her dauntless certainty that she can turn any situation in life to her will. Just like Ice was able to see the silver lining in her "death", Nanalie rarely panics in dangerous situations.
  • Power Stereotype Flip: She specializes in ice magic, but she is crude, hot-tempered and optimistic. It might be said that an Ice Queen is what she aspires to be, given her admiration of elegant women.

    Alois Rockmann

A baron's son whose beauty and intelligence are matched only by his arrogance. He has considerable difficulty being sincere with people, opting instead to calculatively manage his many admirers. His numerous brawls with Nanalie are one of few outlets where he can express the impatient and judgmental nature bubbling beneath his cultured veneer. He has been in love with her for several years, but feels it would never work for class reasons- and is too afraid to confess his feelings, anyway.

  • And Call Him "George": When Nanalie attempts to leave the bed they were unconsciously spooning in, he hugs her even closer, making it very difficult for her to breathe.
  • Beneath the Mask: As a high-ranking aristocrat with incredibly powerful magic, he must never ever lose control over his emotions, no matter how hard he just got punched in the face. It's...exhausting.
    For the teachers, who knew everything, it was clear that maintaining that sense of composure was difficult for him. The other aristocrats also probably understood how difficult it was for him to maintain that cool, calm exterior at such a young age. No one spoke about it, and not a rumor could be heard about him, but all the adults understood his situation.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: When Alois was a baby, his magic manifested on its own- without the usual incantation needed- long before he had the emotional stability to control it. Unable to protect themselves, Alois' family sent him to live in Doctor Aristo's lab, where he was kept away from other humans as much as possible. He was always safe, and his family took him back the moment they could note , but it was an awful way for to grow up.
  • Exposed to the Elements: He wears the classic sorcerer's black robe, even in hot regions like Soreiyu. Nanalie is surprised to see it doesn't make him sweat at all.
  • Familiar: Yuri, a composed Mavro Lynx with black fur.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: The one field of magic he does not excel in is psychomancy: there is simply too much he wants to keep secret for him to mount any sort of effective defense. Whenever he seriously converses with Nanalie, for example, he panics and retreats within minutes.
  • Stealth Mentor: One reason he fights with Nanalie is to help her vent her excess magic, which would (as he knows firsthand) impair her ability to live life. He never told her this for the other reason, that being that he is genuinely kind of a dick.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He especially likes shapeshifting magic, which he sometimes uses to escape unwanted attention. In the Orcinus Operation, he shapeshifted into an ice witch to get access to the Big Bad's castle and ambush them.[[/spoiler

    Zozo Parasta 

An experienced receptionist who mentors Nanalie.


A marquess' daughter with a flair for the dramatic. She was initially somewhat mean, but outgrew this during her years at school to befriend the common-born Nanalie. In adulthood, their friendship is largely through correspondence- letters about work, aristocrat gossip, and Rockmann, the subject of Maris' affections.

  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: A downplayed example. Her way of forcing Nanalie to learn the waltz involved yelling and slapping her legs when she mis-stepped.
"AH! You sighed at me just now, didn’t you?!"
  • Oblivious to His Own Description: She asks if Nanalie thinks of her as a "clingy, overbearing correspondent", going on to passionately complain that Nanalie is only sending her one letter every two weeks.





    Theodora Locktiss 

The Director of Harre, a prodigious sorceress and national hero for her involvement in the Black Pegasus murders a decade ago.

  • Hair-Trigger Temper: The mere thought of a visit from Grove sends her into a screaming fit in public.
  • The Real Heroes: She's killed her fair share of demons, but she is more important to the viewpoint character as her Benevolent Boss who treats overworked outposts to fancy food and works during the Festival of Flowers so everyone else can go out and have fun.
  • Serious Business: She will punch any subordinate she sees talking instead of tending to clients. Nanalie worries that she'll do this even if there are no clients in the building.
  • Shock and Awe: A Lightning-type who's appropriately fierce and quick to act.



    Ice (spoiler character) 

The Anthropomorphic Personification of ice, and ancestor of all Ice-type mages in the world. Although she is the weakest of the elements, her magic is especially effective against demons, who bear an undying grudge against her.Unlike her 'siblings', Ice has no known reincarnations, and her grave is yet to be discovered.

  • Cool Big Sis: She describes herself as the "firstborn of this world" and (according to legend) mostly watched her siblings' lively antics. Much later, she reassures Nanalie while they're fighting Stadal and personally kills him to protect humanity.
  • Divine Conflict: Ice will fight Stadel for as long as he tries to assimilate her and her mages, which will probably be forever. Every era or so, he gets apocalyptically strong and she subdues him again, in a Heroic Suicide from which she will reform much faster than he does. Notably, the only Ice Ancient we see chose a job that allowed her to keep close watch on the demon population.
  • The Faceless: During a flashback, Nanalie sees a vaguely-described "woman with white hair", who she deduces is Ice, but the goddess never appears in the present. Probably because her current physical form is Nanalie. She can speak, though.
  • Heroic Seductress: She tries to tell Stadel that he's an evil bastard who's going to lose, but he doesn't listen. Then she starts telling him what he wants, so he'll be distracted long enough for Nanalie to shatter him.
  • The Lost Lenore: The other elements never really got over Ice's "death", which was the first in the world. Ice tried to tell them it wasn't that bad (or permanent), but if their tomb inscriptions are any indication, they didn't listen.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Ice offered Nefertieah a deal: she turns her human, and Ice gets to be embodied in her next kid.
  • Sadly Mythcharacterized: An in-universe example. The book of Genesis (no, not that one) focuses mostly on Ice's sensitive, tragic aspects, and states that she was a child when she killed Stadel. That was not the case, and Ice as we see her in the present is neither dead nor dependent on her siblings.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: When Stadel tries to eat her to gain ultimate power, she spreads throughout his body, freezing him into an iceberg. Which Nanalie promptly shatters.
  • War God: Magic researchers theorize (correctly) that demons are vulnerable to ice magic. The original demon, Stadel, simply cannot be hurt by non-ice magic at all. (That said, the elements are not worshipped as gods.)
