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Playable Characters

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Son of a Champion

Class: Gallant → Arch Knight

Voiced by: Ryoku

One of the 4 major characters of the game, he lives with his father Siegfried in a village of Atheya after fleeing from Valencia. However, Magnus' invasion has caused him to embark on a journey liberate Solum from Magnus, though his journey would significantly affect him...

  • Anti-Armor: His Piercing Sword, which is a renamed Rapier, deals effective damage against Armored units, and oddly enough, Halberdiers.
  • Anti-Cavalry: His Piercing Sword also deals effective damage to horseback units.
  • BFS: His Infinity +1 Sword, Silvans, which grants him various stat boosts and is a brave weapon with infinite durability.
  • Cannot Talk to Women: He has a fear of talking to women, which is addressed in his support conversations with Tamiko. He does get better over time, and can potentially have a paired ending with her.
  • Child of Two Worlds: He's actually half-Valencian and half-Magnian, due to the fact that her mother Lily was a Magnian noble.
  • Cool Horse: Starts out in one of these, enabling him to use Swords and Lances.
  • Crutch Character: Of a sort. While he has a good stat spread, his promotion item doesn't come until much later in the game (and maybe even further if Kelik used the Heaven Seal in Chapter 21), forcing the player to rely on other Cavaliers/Paladins. He's also unusable for Chapters 25, 25x, and Finale: The Last Promise, making it so that the player must be wiser in choosing other units for those chapters to compensate.
  • Deuteragonist: While he takes a backseat after Chapter 10, he still plays an important role in Solum's Rebellion.
  • Glass Cannon: Has decent Strength, Skill, and Speed growths, alongside a decent HP growth which is countered by an low Defense and Resistance growth, meaning that whenever he gets hit, it will hurt for him, especially if it's an Anti-Cavalry weapon such as Horseslayers. Silvans does somewhat make up for it, but if he is somehow screwed in Speed and Strength, then even with the brave effect, he's still going to be doubled by faster units.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Has a higher Sword rank than his Lance rank, and his Prf weapons are the Piercing Sword, which is a reskinned Rapier, and Silvans, which is a huge sword that grants stat boosts and is basically a more powerful brave weapon, which can be enhanced after the completion of "Reaching The Heavens" sidequest.
  • Heroic BSoD: Gets hit very hard with this with Siegfried's (inital) death at the hands of Lahar, and unlike Eliwood, this has affected him so much that he's unable to participate in Chapter 25 and its gaiden chapter.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: Silvans is this to him, as aside from granting him various stat boosts, allows him to attack twice and potentially four times due to it being a brave weapon, alongside having infinite durability.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: What he aspires to be, and becomes one in his ending.
  • Missing Mom: His mother, Lily, is never seen on screen until the Finale: The Last Promise. This is for a good reason: Lily died when he was still a kid, and he was unable to remember it due to the trauma it caused him. This is partially revealed in Chapter 23 and fully explained in the Finale: The Last Promise.
  • Nice Guy: He's overall one of the nicest members of Solum's Rebellion.
  • Parent-Child Team: Is one of the initial members of Solum's Rebellion alongside his father, Siegfried. This unfortunately doesn't last, as Siegfried is killed by Lahar in Chapter 24.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: The death of his mother Lily has caused him to block out memories relating to it until the final chapter.



Class: Knight Errant → Champion

Voiced by: Arch

A formidable knight in hiding after his home Valencia was conquered and he was wounded. He insists on starting his journey without his son in order to lead a rebellion while keeping his son safe. He relents and lets Shon join him after he proves his mettle.

  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Upon being resurrected by Lahar, he requests that Kelik and company put him down, as he has no control over his body.
  • Composite Character: In a way, he is a mix of multiple archetypes.
    • As one of the main Lords, he takes after some of the more aggressive types in the vein of Alm, in which he is willing to start a rebellion in which he plans to liberate Solum from Magnus' control.
    • He also acts as a father to his own son. As such, his death significantly affects both his army and his son as well, similar to Cornelius.
    • Finally, the fact that he is resurrected by an evil sorcerer in an attempt to crush the rebellion makes him similar to Hardin, in which both of them were close associates with the major lords, but are possessed by an entity and often had to be put down (though in Siegfried's case, he was brought back from the dead with a Etherium)
  • Contractual Boss Immunity: DEFIED. As a Champion, he is not immune to Lethality, meaning that you can hilariously OHKO him with Shadow, Althares, or Liquid provided with a bit of luck and some good high-crit weapons.
  • Crutch Character: He's more in line with the Oifey/Seth archetypes which is kinda funny as his reasoning for being one is the same as Seth's reasoning.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Not as much Sain from FE 7 which this ROM derives from, but he lays some flattery on Tamiko who has an ending with his son.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He intimidates a pressganged soldier to give him all the information he knows by threatening to execute him. When the solider swears he doesn't know anything else, Siegfried lets him go and tells him to get a hobby. It's clear he likes messing with people.
  • Death by Irony: His personal weapon, Nothung, deals bonus damage to mages. His (initial) death comes at the hands of Lahar, a Dark Druid.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: A terrible play on the Trope. His mind is left intact, but when he is resurrected from the dead, he is unable to resist the magic that keeps him fighting the heroes. Worst of all, the resurrection healed the injuries he suffered in life and he's a Lightning Bruiser if there ever was one.
  • Final Boss
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Takes a hit that was meant for Shon, dying the in the process.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He was a legendary combatant before he was injured. Unfortunately, you are forced to fight him as a unwilling revenant at his peak strength and he hurts.
  • Meaningful Name: His sword, Nothung, is the sword the hero the character is named after in Nibelungenlied, and much like the character he's based on, he's killed mid-way throughout the story.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: The mentor to his own son; he dies in chapter 24.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Clearly jaded by Magnus's betrayal and he resulting injuries. He's at first willing to abandon a village who's town leader is naive enough to think that they are safe from local bandits and a nearby conquering empire. Shon convinces him to help.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: As the Final Boss, he's unique in that he has a voiced critical hit line.
    "This divine lightning shall pierce the skies!"
  • The Paragon: Despite being more pragmatic and cautious (and snarky) than most Fire Emblem lords, he will do the right thing when push comes to shove.
  • Shock and Awe: Aside from having a thunder affinity, his other weapon as a Champion is Raikiri, a sword of lightning capable of hitting 1-3 range.
  • SNK Boss: As the Final Boss, he is... Well, busted to say this least. His caps are much higher than anyone in the game (not counting maximized stats Fire Dragon with Flametongue) with the exception of Luck and Resistance, highest strength in the game combined with an extremely absurd Speed cap means he can instantly annihilate anyone that isn't Kelik or an General, not being helped by Raikiri's 1-3 range, though it has 0 might to compensate, 50 skill means that Raikiri's 75 hit won't matter when he's skilled enough to have a good chance of critting anyone that doesn't have high luck or a Iron Rune. He also possesses the highest HP in the game, meaning that it will take a while before he finally goes down. Last but not least, his health regenerates, a skill only shared by Anakin, making a gruesome boss fight more difficult. Even maxed-out units wielding the game's best weapons will find it hard to take him down.
  • So Long, and Thanks for All the Gear: He takes whatever inventory he has to his initial grave in chapter 24, so take off everything except Nothung from him.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: As if his name isn't a dead ringer, he is obviously one towards Sigurd of Chalphy. Both of them are fathers who lead armies against invading nations, but die midway which heavily impacts their own army.
  • Too Awesome to Use: Inverted with Nothung. Because it's his Prf weapon, and thus cannot be sold, it's often used up before he leaves for good, and players often advise this fact to newcomers.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Starts off good, but his stats are low for a prepromoted unit. That's because he's still recovering from a near Career-Ending Injury.


Corben - Faithful Knight

Class: Cavalier → Paladin

A friend of Shon who is loyal to Siegfried. He, alongside Shon joins Siegfried in his rebellion against Magnus.

  • Character Select Forcing: Even if his stats prove middling, the game forces you to use him anyway, as he is capable of finding the Emblem Lance, and can promote much earlier than Shon. It also helps that he gains Axes upon promotion unlike Shon.
  • Duel Boss: He's the boss of Prologue P-2. Fortunately, since it's a friendly sparring match, KO'ing him does not result in his death.
  • Jack of All Stats: In contrast with Shon, his stats are overall more balanced than him, though he is Weak to Magic to compensate.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Becomes this in his ending alongside Shon.
  • Undying Loyalty: He is devoted to Siegfried, to the point where he would stay even if Siegfried kicked him out. Even after being knighted, he still has memories of Siegfried.


Tamiko - Grand Healer

Class: Cleric → Bishop

A cleric living in Atheya. When Atheya is attacked by Jaled's bandits, she joins Solum's Rebellion to protect the village.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Her in-game description describes her as "A shy priestess. Usually calm, but can get angry".
  • Combat Medic: Becomes this upon promotion into Bishop, allowing her to use both Light Magic and Staves
  • Crutch Character: Early on, her Staff utility is very useful for helping Solum's Rebellion survive. However, Staves are indirectly nerfed in this hack because Warp and Rescue are removed from the main game, meaning that while she can prove serviceable for a time, she will later have to compete with Emma, who is a Troubadour who can use Staves while mounted and uses the more powerful Anima Magic, and Anakin, whose best Light Tome Alustrona is locked to him and grants him a magic boost keeping him up on par with Sages. That being said, she's still one of the best users of Ray, since her Magic cap is thankfully higher than Anakin's to besiege enemies from afar.
  • Healer Signs On Early: The first cleric you get in the game for both modes.
  • The Medic: As a Cleric, she can use Staves to support Solum's Rebellion.
  • The Shrink: Her supports have her act like a therapist to whoever she's supporting with.


Shuuda - Spirited Sword

Class: Mercenary → Hero

A mercenary hailing from the Phora tribe of Atheya. He and his companion Inanna heard rumors of a former knight seeking soldiers to fight and decided to join for an extraordinarily low price.


Inanna - Cheerful Wings

Class: Pegasus Knight → Falcoknight

A mercenary originally from Alicia. The younger sister of Lirin and Alice, she found herself working alongside Shuuda and later under the employ of Siegfried.

  • Action Girl
  • Big Little Sister: She's the tallest of her siblings, somewhat emphasized by having one more point of Constitution than either of them.
  • Disc-One Nuke: Can become one if you decide to promote her early. There's a secret Elysian Whip in her join chapter, and using it in Siegfried Mode ensures she comes back as a promoted unit in Anakin Mode. She'll likely struggle in later chapters if you do this, leading you to replace her with the surprisingly solid Alice, but she'll render her sister Lirin redundant upon joining.
  • Fragile Speedster: Being a Pegasus Knight, and all. Can be patched up with an early promotion or some Angelic Robes.
  • Glass Cannon: If she gets lucky with her surprisingly decent 40% Strength growth, she can become one.


Kevin - Silent Klutz

Class: Knight → General

A knight hailing from a Magnian noble family. A klutz with a dour outlook on life, he betrays his homeland when he realizes that Siegfried's cause is far more noble than Magnus's ever would be.

  • Disc-One Nuke: Assuming you trained him in Siegfried Mode, he and Karina will be among your most capable combat units in the early stages.
  • The Eeyore
  • Informed Attribute: His clumsiness isn't actually that important to his character, only being brought up once or twice.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's strong and bulky, and his 35% Speed growth isn't actually terrible, all things considered. Sure, he'll struggle to keep up on larger maps, but he's got strong enough combat that it won't matter too much.


Arthur - Honorable Monk

Class: Monk → Bishop

A light mage from Atheya’s Kashaya tribe, one comprised mostly of mages. Though most of his tribe has sided with Magnus along with the Gorn, he’s decided he’s fed up with Magnus’s tyranny and joins Siegfried at the soonest opportunity.

  • Can't Catch Up: Has this harder than any unit, thanks to joining at level 1 in Siegfried mode and potentially rejoining with that level if you didn’t train him, which many won’t do if they know how long it takes for him to return.
  • Light 'em Up
  • Stone Wall: Has high HP and Resistance, though his Magic is also solid once it gains a few levels.


Storm - Drums of Change

Class: Nomad → Nomad Trooper

A nomad from Atheya's Phora tribe, serving directly under Chief Haas. He finds himself fighting for Sigurd for the first time either when the group is ambushed by the mercenary Cid or when they siege the City of Sark.

  • Can't Catch Up: Doesn't have this as bad as Arthur, seeing as he joins at a slightly higher level and has far less competition in his niche, but he still rejoins extremely underleveled if one doesn't feed him kills later.
  • Horse Archer


Althares - Sly Prankster

Class: Thief → Assassin

A scoundrel and thief who works for Kelik's Legend Mercenaries. He initially joins up with Siegfried's rebellion in Sark, before rejoining his old allies shortly after Siegfried is captured.


Cia - Tearful Child

Class: Mage → Sage


Noah - The Benevolent

Class: Hero


Haas - Chief of the New Era

Class: Nomad Trooper


Anakin - Sleepy Vagrant

Class: Vagrant → Noble


Ace - Named Soldier

Class: Soldier → Halberdier


Eduardo - Valorous Knight

Class: Cavalier → Paladin


Karina - Scarlet Wyvern

Class: Wyvern Rider → Wyvern Lord


The Fairy King

Class: Swordsman → Legend

Voiced by: Blazer

A wandering swordsman, tactical genius and the leader of the Legend Mercenaries. He began to wander the land after the death of his partner and best friend Kain at the hands of his brother Leon. He has closed himself off from others and refuses to form attachments to anyone under any circumstances. He carries an Etherium Amulet containing the soul of Kain with him.

  • Anti-Hero: Type III. Slowly becomes more of a Type II over the course of the game.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Kelik believes that he can take on an entire army, as long as he's stronger than each individual soldier.
  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to Leon's Cain (ironically).
  • Cool Sword: Starts with the Flamberge, and later gains the Arectaris in Chapter 36.
  • Cynic–Idealist Duo: The Cynic to Anakin's idealist.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: The death of his best friend to the hands of his own brother.
  • Deadly Distant Finale: His solo ending stated that he eventually died in a battle to save the world.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Even more than Siegfried.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Male version. He initially avoids any and every opportunity presented to open up to others. However, as the game goes on he learns to place trust in his comrades.
  • Desperation Attack: Used in Chapter 15 when surrounded by Devisian Cavaliers by using up some of the ether in his Etherium, though it exhausts him greatly. Performed again by Kain himself from beyond the grave during Endgame 2 if Kelik loses to Leon.
  • Flaming Sword: His first exclusive weapon, the Flamberge falls under this trope.
  • Freudian Excuse: The reason he keeps his comrades at arm's length is because he feels they'll betray him like Leon did.
  • Ineffectual Loner: While he initially starts out lonely, with the help of Siegfried and others, he manages to open up to others. In fact, this is even reflected in gameplay: While Kelik is capable of soloing the game, he can benefit a lot from supports.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kelik is rude to just about everyone he comes across. Despite that however, he's legitimately a good person underneath.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Kelik has some of the highest Strength, Skill and Speed stats out of any of your characters, allowing him to hit both hard and fast.
  • Master Swordsman: Is stated to have become this in his post-credits ending.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kelik" means “to bend, curve, or dodge” in Malay. Kelik the character has one of the highest dodge stats, as well as high skill & speed growths in the game.
  • My Greatest Failure: Losing Kain to Leon and his inability to stop it.
  • Playing with Fire: Aside from the Flamberge, he has a Fire affinity.
  • Soul Jar: His amulet is an Etherium containing the soul of his deceased friend Kain.
  • Wandering the Earth: He does this before appearing for the first time in Chapter 2 and after you've beaten the game.


Logan - Swordshuman

Class: Myrmidon → Swordmaster


Asch - The Coyote

Class: Hero


Itsuke - Emotional Wizard

Class: Mage → Sage


Lirin - Radiant Rider

Class: Pegasus Knight → Falcoknight


Zach - Otherworldly Archer

Class: Archer → Sniper


Tekun - Immortal Soldier

Class: Myrmidon → Swordmaster


Emma - Wandering Maiden

Class: Troubadour → Valkyrie


Ben - Strategic Mind

Class: Wyvern Rider → Wyvern Lord



Class: Transporter


Mark - Builder of Hope

Class: Pirate → Berserker


Lyam - The White Knight

Class: Ranger


Rex - Poetic Spear

Class: Soldier → Halberdier



Class: Shaman → Druid

A shaman who shows up after chapter 19. Incredibly wordy.

  • Magikarp Power: He shows up alongside Sai with almost the same level, but he's one of two playable dark mages and has a whopping 70% magic growth.


Howard - Erudite General

Class: Paladin


Sai - Vengeful Villager

Class: Fighter → Warrior


Levion - Old Pacifist

Class: Paladin


Risk - ???

Class: Swordmaster


Liquid - Trembling Bandit

Class: Berserker


Shadow - The Lurker

Class: Assassin


Alice - Silver Seraph

Class: Falcoknight


Rana - Abyssal Maniac

Class: Druid


Gary - The Gladiator

Class: Warrior


Frederick - Relic of Magnus

Class: General


Rachel - Kind Patriot

Class: Sniper
