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Characters / The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious - Ixphoria

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Character tropes page for the residents of Ixphoria, a world in the series, The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious.

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Ixphoria Allies

    General Jonde 


A Termine general who got turned into a zombie for the sake of hazing new beastkin recruits.
  • Attractive Zombie: He's handsome looking for a zombie, at least according to the light novel illustrations. Too bad being a zombie means he'll always have bad body odor.
  • Butt-Monkey: Not only does Rista fail to send him to the afterlife, Seiya has a habit of splashing him with tea whenever he gets annoying.
  • Covert Pervert: When Seiya creates a giant golem of Rista, Jonde keeps trying to look up the golem's skirt.
  • Death Seeker: He wants to be properly sent to heaven so he doesn't have to live as a zombie and eventually lose his sanity.
  • Doomed Moral Victor: He's killing as many beastkin as he can, even though it won't change the situation.
  • Facepalm of Doom: He kills a rat beastkin by crushing the latter's head with one hand. According to his status screen, he's using a skill called Death Squeeze.
  • Friendly Zombie: He's an intelligent zombie, but it's only a matter of time before his sanity wears away and he's reduced to mindlessly attacking everyone around him, which is why he wants to be purified and sent to the afterlife.
  • Ignored Enamored Underling: He admits he had a crush on Princess Tiana, but his feeling won't be reciprocated because she's attracted to Seiya even after her reincarnation.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he's still cross with Seiya for failing to save Ixphoria in his previous summoning and constantly bickers with him, Jonde also makes an effort to try to understand the reasoning behind Seiya's actions, expressing sympathy towards the latter for having to make tough decisions.
  • Mighty Glacier: He has high attack and defense, but his speed is only in the triple digits. This is because the undead are naturally slow, and he's further hindered by the ball and chain on his ankle.
  • One Curse Limit: His curse of undeath prevents him from being cursed again by Celemonic.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: His stats are somewhat high for someone at level 59, having over 100k attack. While these stats can handle most beastkin, they can't make a dent in the demon emperors.
  • Power Levels: LV: 59, HP:172,234, MP:0, ATK:119,874, DEF:98,111, SPD: 282, MAG:0, GRW:698.
  • Running Gag: Whenever Seiya finds Jonde annoying, he pours tea on the general.
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: Undead with high stats like Jonde possess the special ability Corpse Regeneration that lets them heal quickly as long as they're not in battle.



The only sentient Killing Machine other than Machine Emperor Oxerio.
  • Can't Live Without You: Her soul is tied to Ultimaeus, which means she dies when he dies.
  • Children Are Innocent: She's a pacifistic robot containing the soul of Seiya and Tiana's unborn child.
  • Face Death with Dignity: When Seiya chooses to kill Ultimaeus at the cost of her life, Kiriko accepts her fate and states that she's happy Seiya and Rista are her parents
  • Feed the Mole: Played with. All of her senses are transmitted to Oxerio, allowing him to gain information through her. However, she isn't aware of this until Seiya explains his deductions. Seiya takes advantage of this by faking flaws in his golems and earth magic in front of Kiriko, causing Oxerio to be fooled too.
  • Morality Pet: Once Seiya learns that Kiriko was once a human and is Good All Along, he treats her more kindly than the rest of the party. This is because he realized that she's actually his and Tiana's unborn daughter.
  • Nice Girl: She's unwilling to attack people despite Oxerio's orders, attempts to talk Oxerio into making peace with humans, and shows gratitude towards the party for accepting her. This makes her death at the end of the arc all the more sadder.
  • Power Levels: LV:20, HP:138,954, MP:0, ATK:85,121, DEF:98,654, SPD:85,742.
  • Sheep in Sheep's Clothing: The story gives off the impression that Kiriko is faking her kindness to make the party drop their guard. While she is feeding information to Oxerio, she isn't doing so willingly. She really is as kindhearted as her status window indicates.

    Queen Carmilla 


The queen of Termine and mother of Princess Tiana, who is tortured in the beastkin's Fool's Tower.
  • Nerves of Steel: She resists crying despite being tortured, only crying when Grandleon destroys a doll that Tiana gave her.
  • Nice Girl: She's kind and understanding as long as she's not talking to a demon, and even then, she warms up to Rista's fish form after realizing she can trust the latter. When Rista wonders if she's a burden to Seiya, Carmilla assures her that Seiya needs her as a pillar of emotional support, even if they bicker a lot.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: After Ixphoria is saved, the queen remarks that Rista gave her a bigger doll this time, implying she knows Rista is Tiana reincarnated as a goddess.

    Little Light 
The Little Light is a settlement of humans living underneath Galvano. They are led by a man named Braht.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: It's hard to fault them for rejecting Seiya and the gods after they failed to save Ixphoria. Seiya himself doesn't argue with their criticism and hates his past self just as much, if not more.
  • Pet the Dog: They express a bit of sympathy after Seiya beats up Rista.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Played with. While Seiya did fail to bring back all Bunogeos's slaves, Braht and most of the townspeople aren't even thankful for the one slave that Seiya did save. However, some of them, such as Father Luke and Enzo, are willing to cooperate with Seiya. They eventually drop this trope when Seiya reports Grandleon's death, causing them to regain their faith in him.



An earth mage who uses her magic to create Little Light's underground shelter in Galvano. She is also the younger sister of Colt.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Her main element is earth, allowing her to create tunnels and instantly create entrances to the underground.
  • Not So Stoic: She breaks her calm front when she tearfully recounts how Seiya promised to fight alongside her brother and save the world, only for Colt to get killed.
  • The Promise: Seiya promises her that he'll at least free Galvano from the beastkin, which he succeeds in doing halfway into Volume 3.
  • Tears of Joy: She cries tears of happiness when she learns Seiya defeated Grandleon.

Ixphoria Demons

    Demon Lord Ultimaeus 


Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese), Tyler Walker (English)
As a B-ranked Demon Lord
Fourth form as a SS-ranked Demon Lord
The Demon Lord who conquered Ixphoria. He lives in the northwestern continent Gustraid.
  • Bad Boss: In Volume 5, he kills his remaining subordinates in order to test his new powers.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: The reason Ixphoria is a hellhole is because Seiya failed to defeat him the first time and fell by his hand.
  • Can't Live Without You: All the monsters he created after he conquered Ixphoria and the souls placed into killer robots are tied to his life, which means when he dies, they all die. Unfortunately, this includes Kiriko, the robot reincarnation of Seiya and Tiana's daughter.
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: After his time-stopping form is defeated, Ultimaeus reverts back to the multi-armed form he took as a B-ranked Demon Lord, which isn't strong enough to pose a threat to Seiya.
  • Die Laughing: He initially has a Villainous Breakdown when Seiya starts finishing him off, but then he realizes his energy is flowing back to his god and master, Mersais, causing him to gloat that his side will win in the end.
  • Frog Men: In the anime, he's portrayed as a giant four-armed toad beastkin.
  • Hero Killer: He killed Seiya's party during the previous quest to save Ixphoria.
  • Informed Ability: He's stated to be stronger than Gaeabrande's Demon Lord, yet during his rematch with Seiya, he never displays any world-destroying power like Judgement Zero.
  • Maou the Demon King: He's the Demon Lord of Ixphoria, who is dedicated to making the world a living hell for all non-demons in the name of his evil deity.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His name sounds like "ultimate" and he's a Demon Lord. Even during his B-ranked days, he lives up to his name by successfully killing Seiya's party and conquering the world.
  • Physical God: His two strongest forms utilize divine energy, making him a god who is immune to all elements except darkness.
  • Power Levels: LV:99(MAX), HP:1,092,174, MP:354,788, ATK:817,772, DEF:806,584, SPD:789,834, MAG:265,473, GRW:999 (MAX). Note these stats are from one year ago right after he defeated Seiya's party and powered up by receiving the Dark God's Blessing. Unfortunately, he has Fake Out by the time Seiya faces him again in Volume 5, meaning his fully updated stats are never revealed.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After conquering Ixphoria, he was given power by his evil deity, turning him from a B-ranked Demon Lord to a SS-ranked Demon Lord. After viewing an outdated snapshot of Ultimaeus's post-conquest stats, Seiya states that he's stronger than Gaeabrande's Demon Lord.
  • Video-Game Lives: He had at least two lives when he first fought Seiya. During the rematch, he has several lives, each with their own abilities and damage immunities.
  • Villains Want Mercy: He tries to beg Seiya to spare him and states that because Kiriko's life is tied to his, they should just form a truce. However, Seiya already realized he can't save Kiriko's soul, so he kills Ultimaeus anyways.


An orc who serves Beast Emperor Grandleon and rules over the town of Galvano.
  • Anti-Magic: His skin can nullify magic attacks, but the inside of his stomach can't.
  • Ax-Crazy: He's a literal example of this, being an axe-wielding brute who secretly enjoys eating humans and butchers humans for accidentally touching him.
  • Belly Mouth: He has a mouth on his stomach that can suck things in like a vacuum.
  • Bad Boss: Zigzagged. On one hand, he's hypocritical towards his minions by banning them from eating humans while secretly eating humans behind their backs. On the other hand, he does show some sorrow when Seiya kills them.
  • Dumb Muscle: He loses track of how many of his minions were killed by Seiya, showing that he's bad at logistics. He's still a powerful enemy who surpasses all the generals of Gaeabrande. When Seiya impersonates him, he intentionally fails to answer Grandleon's question about the bodycount in order to stay in character.
  • Elite Mook: He's not one of the Four Emperors, but his stats are still on par with Seiya at level 99 and Wohlk's demon form at level 90, despite being only level 67.
  • Feed It a Bomb: Seiya turns his Belly Mouth attack against him by sending in some earth snakes. Once they're inside, they chew up his vulnerable organs.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He seems calm and pragmatic at first, but angers easily, as shown when he kills a woman for touching him.
  • Hypocrite: He tells his minions not to eat human slaves because they're more useful alive. It's an open secret that he privately eats humans, which is why his minions aren't keen on following that rule.
  • Mighty Glacier: His speed is low compared to his attack and defense. He makes up for it with his Belly Mouth, which can suck in enemies until they're in range of his axe.
  • One-Winged Angel: Defied. He attempts to eat his spell stone to achieve his second form, but an earth snake hiding in his body destroys the stone.
  • Power Levels: LV:67, HP:338,547, MP:0, ATK:300,019, DEF:258,344, SPD:77,777, MAG:794, GRW:674.
  • Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Played for laughs. He attempts to eat Rista, but decides against it due to her foul odor. Rista is so offended that she demands he eats her.

    Beast Emperor Grandleon 

One of the four demon emperors and the leader of the beastkin. He rules over the Rhadral continent on behalf of the Demon Lord, but secretly plots against his master.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: He was created by Ultimaeus, but cares nothing for his creator and seeks to overthrow him.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Despite wanting to become the next Demon Lord, he would never be able to defeat Ultimaeus or the last two emperors because of their defensive abilities. Not to mention all demons created by Ultimaeus after he conquered Ixphoria contain his power, and can't survive his death.
  • Faux Affably Evil: When he first meets Seiya, he tries to butter the latter up by complimenting him on his abilties and offering to team up and kill Ultimaeus. This is just a ruse to get Seiya to drop his guard, though Seiya isn't fooled.
  • King of Beasts: He's a lion and the strongest beastkin who rules over them all.
  • Lightning Bruiser: All his stats except magic are well balanced at around 800k.
  • One-Winged Angel: Unlike Bunogeos, Grandleon doesn't need to consume a spell stone to achieve a stronger form. His Beast Hazard form gives him a more chimera-like appearance while increasing his stats. His attack surpasses one million, forcing Seiya to push his Berserk state further in order to keep up.
  • Physical God: His stats rival that of Adenela's after she's unleashed her true power with Order.
  • Power Levels:
    • LV:99(MAX), HP:1,200,044, MP:0, ATK:856,121, DEF:819,637, SPD:807,711, MAG:58,754, GRW:999(MAX).
    • LV:99(MAX), HP:1,200,044, MP:0, ATK:1,023,987, DEF:998,596, SPD:938,855, MAG:58,754, GRW:999(MAX). In Beast Hazard Mode.
  • Reincarnation: He discusses this and hypothesizes that he hates humans because he was killed by one in his previous life. It's implied that he was the lion chimera Seiya killed in his first visit to Ixphoria since it has the same wings and snake tail that Grandleon does in Beast Hazard mode.
  • Sadist: He only keeps Queen Carmilla alive so he can torture her, and only wants to execute her when she finally cries.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Combined with Bad Boss. He tests new recruits by having them fight Jonde, who kills most challengers.
  • The Starscream: He wants to organize his own army to usurp Ultimaeus.
  • Taking You with Me: After Seiya defeats him, Grandleon attempts to kill Rista just to spite him. Fortunately, Seiya planted an earth snake in Rista to protect her and finish off Grandleon.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Downplayed. Stat-wise, he's the only one of the emperors who can go toe-to-toe with Seiya's berserker mode, but he also has the least diverse skillset and no damage-immunity abilities. However, he's still smart enough to see through Seiya's Counter Break and avoid attacking the limb that's targeted by the technique.

    Machine Emperor Oxerio 

A mechanical demon emperor who commands an army of killer robots. He rules over the northern continent of Barakuda/Baraque.
  • Beam Spam: His main form of offense is to shoot lasers. Too bad Seiya can deflect all of them back at him.
  • Damage-Sponge Boss: He has a whopping 3.5 million HP, on top of having already prodigous stats.
  • Humongous Mecha: When Seiya defeats most of his army, Oxerio enlarges himself in order to defeat Seiya's golems.
  • Power Levels: LV:99(MAX), HP:3,487,570, MP:42,475, ATK:794,525, DEF:858,965, SPD:587,544, MAG:85,754, GRW:999(MAX).
  • Psychic Link: He can sense anything his minions sense, but not the other way around. Seiya exploits this by presenting false information to Kiriko.
  • Taking You with Me: Seiya thinks he'll try to self-destruct like many fictional machine enemies. It's ambiguous if Oxerio really has that ability, since it's unknown if the explosion from his death is due to his own mechanisms or from Seiya's Crimson Boom.

    Vengeful Empress Celemonic
Monica (left) and Celena (right)
A humanoid demon emperor who specializes in curses. She rules over the southern continent Kress.
  • Dying Curse: After Rista kills her, Celemonic places the Bloody Systeria curse on Rista, which kills her within a time limit and won't be lifted until Rista dies. Killing Rista's astral soul doesn't fool the curse, but showing Tiana's death does. Unfortunately, Mersais revives Celemonic's spirit to attempt the curse again, but Seiya manages to defeat her with Astral Break and the Hexagram Ritual of Retribution.
  • Holy Burns Evil: Her Dark Resilience special ability means her HP will never reach 0 unless she's finished off by a holy-type attack.
  • Kill One, Others Get Stronger: She gets stronger every time one of her heads is destroyed, since she wants to avenge the fallen heads. It doesn't matter if she's the one who crushes her own heads, since she'll make someone else the target of her vengeance.
  • Multiple Head Case: She has three heads: Shanak, Celena, and Monica. Each of them has a different personality and are willing to kill each other to become stronger.
  • Number of the Beast: All her stats are have only the number 6 in them.
  • Portmanteau: Celemonic's name is a mashup of her two remaining heads, Celena and Monica.
  • Power Levels: LV:99(MAX), HP:666,666, MP:66,666, ATK:666,666, DEF:666,666, SPD:666,666, MAG:6,666, GRW:999(MAX).
  • Sadist: All of her curses are designed to make her victims die painfully, and she dislikes fighting golems because they don't have feelings.
  • Walking Wasteland: All plants wilt in her presence, which is what allows the party to identify her as Celemonic.
  • Weak, but Skilled: She's weaker than Oxerio and Grandleon in terms of stats, but her curse abilities allow her to be a menace from beyond the grave. She can also pull tricks such as tracing the source of surveillance abilities and teleporting to that source.

    Death Emperor Sirrusht
An undead demon emperor who rules over death and destruction. He rules over the western continent Aeris.
  • Achilles' Heel: His ghost form can only be harmed with spirit-type magic and attacks, and his mummy form is weak to fire. His skeleton form is half-physical, half-spirit, so pure spirit-type magic can't harm it, he needs to be attacked with both at the same time or a weapon infused with spiritual energy.
  • Clothing Combat: His mummy form uses his bandages to attack Seiya.
  • Dem Bones: After Seiya kills him once and he uses Cemetery: Night Again to resurrect himself, he takes the form of a horned black skeleton.
  • Hope Crusher: He revives the people of Fulwahna as humans, not undead and alters their memories so that they believe Seiya defeated Ultimaeus. He later cuts them off from the Dark God's power to return them to sand and not even Seiya's new spirit abilities can save them. Worse yet, he restores their memories at the last minute in order to make them die again with despair.
  • Interface Screw: Like Seiya, he has the Fake Out skill, preventing anyone from using a lower level Scan on him.
  • Mummy: His first physical form.
  • Necromancer: His greatest spell Cemetery: Night Again can resurrect every monster killed in Ixphoria so long as a small part of their body remains, and grants them a boost in all stats except speed and Corpse Regeneration. This includes the other three demon emperors Seiya already killed, which would make beating him flat out impossible. However, it's useless because Seiya always takes care to dispose the corpses of every monster he killed, so there's nothing to bring back. He can still use it on himself for self-resurrection.
  • One-Winged Angel: His skeleton form he takes after he resurrects is half-spirit, half-physical, meaning an attack must have both attributes if it is to harm him.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: He initially takes the form of a ghost, but is forced into his mummy after Seiya constantly attacks him with swords infused with his spiritual energy.
  • Sliding Scale of Undead Regeneration: He also has Corpse Regeneration, except his version heals so fast that Seiya has trouble outpacing it, and he can boost it even faster with Permanent Rot. Seiya instead opts to beat him with a massive Charged Attack so Sirrusht has no time to heal.
