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Characters / The Godzilla Power Hour

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Voiced By: Ted Cassidy

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Before Godzilla 2000 and Godzilla vs. Megaguirus this is the first time Godzilla was actually colored green, whereas various movie posters in the Showa era had him painted green instead of charcoal gray. Not only is he green, but so are his scutes, although sometimes they're miscolored as blue which can accidentally blend in with the sky.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In contrast to his usual depiction as an antihero (or straight-up antagonist), this Godzilla aids the crew of the Calico in fending off attacks from other giant monsters.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Debatably the most passive and easy-going version of Godzilla, even moreso than the Showa incarnation. There's even an episode where after the Eartheather was destroyed, he actually waved at the Calico crew before heading off into the sea.
  • Breath Weapon: Rather than the traditional Atomic Breath, this Godzilla breathes fire that can reach temperatures hot enough to melt rock.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: While its very wise to give the big guy a LOT of space, he has his kind moments towards humans, such as plucking up a construction worker from certain death. For comparison - have you ever tried to rescue a tiny bug without killing it? It's not that easy.
  • The Cameo: Briefly appears in issue 43 of DC Comics' Scooby-Doo! Team-Up, alongside the Eartheater, Cyclops Creature, and a recolored version of the Time Dragon. The four monsters were mentioned as being under the control of the Mad Inventor before being defeated by the Hanna-Barbera superheroes Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles.
  • Deadly Dodging: Godzilla's villains repeatedly dispose of themselves by Godzilla dodging their attacks at the last second (the Stone Guardians crashing into one another, the Great Watchuka falling into a giant chasm, Axor's Slave Rays hitting a reflective surface and rebounding back at him, etc.).
  • Destructive Savior: Subverted, as Godzilla tries not to demolish anything.
  • Eye Beams: Unique to this version of Godzilla, he can fire beams of (usually) red energy from his eyes, similar to Superman's heat vision. It can do more than precisely direct thermal and radiant energy at a target. It is shown in The Breeder Beats that it can have enough radiation pressure to make the the thrown Capitol Building's Dome explode. In Moonlode, he can use it to neutralize the gravitational wave powers of the Gravity Goliath.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's not Dumb Muscle, Godzilla himself employs ingenuity, without instruction, and figures out the most practical way to deal with a problem, such as averting a nuclear reactor meltdown. He once clenched his fist around the Calico crew to make an improvised submersible for them in the crushing ocean depths.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Godzilla may be benign in this incarnation, but he's still a 122 meters tall, fire-breathing dinosaur that needs to be frequently summoned to fight off whatever giant monster the Calico has stumbled across. He also has absolutely no hesitation whatsoever about killing his enemies. The human cast are never complacent around him, sometimes nervous, knowing full well the monster can crush them out of existence at any given moment, even if he didn't mean to.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: He always triumphs over his adversaries. "Island of Doom" demonstrated how utterly ineffective conventional military weapons were against Godzilla when a private military called COBRA (not that one) threw everything they had against Godzilla and didn't seem to do much besides make him angry.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Not counting Godzilla Junior he is perhaps the only incarnation of Godzilla who isn't the slightest bit antagonistic towards humans.
  • Not Now, Kiddo: Godzilla tends to brush off Godzooky's poor attempts at helping, even wagging his finger disapprovingly at him at one point.
  • Papa Wolf: Godzilla is very protective of his nephew Godzooky.
  • Professional Wrestling: His fights with other monsters turn into a physical wrestling match more often than not, instead of using his other powers.
  • Rent-a-Zilla: His cameo in Scooby-Doo Team-Up has him go unnamed (due to Hanna-Barbera losing the rights to Godzilla years earlier), leaving him as just another nameless Godzilla knockoff.
  • Super-Strength: Strong enough to throw the similarly-sized Gravity Goliath to the Moon. His strength isn't just for taking on numerous beasts, he's lifted the CALICO on more than one occasion, has carried a broken portion of the Golden Gate Bridge, can chuck boulders very far, managed to fully stretch a crevice wide open with no effort after the Energy Beast's hideout was discovered, casually yanked off one of the Colossus' arm that kept Godzooky restrained, has teared through a chunk of an island with his claws to create a canal passageway for the Cyborg Whale to pass through (since Pete and Brock were trapped inside of it), and has shattered ice with his punches.
  • Time Abyss: He wasn't created by atomic bomb tests in the Pacific, he's essentially a Sea Monster, an ancient immortal alpha predator that has pre-dated mankind.
  • Vocal Dissonance: His "roar" sounds more like someone pretending to sound like a monster than having a natural bellow of his own. Justified because Hanna-Barbera was unable to acquire the license for Godzilla's trademark roar from Toho and instead hired Ted Cassidy to voice Godzilla.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Once got knocked out cold by a WWI torpedo blowing up in his face underwater from the shock wave, where as the movie versions can regularly wipe the floor with the JSDF.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: Apparently his teeth and claws are just for show, as this Godzilla prefers to grapple with his opponents.
  • Your Size May Vary: While this Godzilla is officially 122 meters tall, his size changes A LOT in this series. He can either be as large as any surrounding skyscraper, or small enough to grab the Calico ship — which can be larger than his entire hand alone.

Calico's Crew

    Captain Carl Majors 

Voiced By: Jeff David

    Dr. Quinn Darien 

Voiced By: Brenda Thomson

  • Brainy Brunette
  • The Smart Guy: As the team's resident scientist, she is the one most likely to figure out how a monster's powers work and how to beat them.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: It is never established what her exact field of expertise is, allowing her to be knowledgeable in whatever subject will help advance the plot, whether it be chemistry, biology, or deciphering alien hieroglyphs.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: She and Carl Majors seem close, but not on a romantic level.
  • Science Hero: Arguably the whole crew qualifies, but Dr. Darien is the resident scientist.


Voiced By: Hilly Hicks


Voiced By: Al Eisenman

  • Kid-Appeal Character
  • Nephewism: Pete is Quinn's nephew. Where his parents are is never elaborated on.
  • Tagalong Kid: Honestly, why would anyone think it's a good idea to have a kid on a research vessel that encounters giant monsters on a weekly basis?
  • Translator Buddy: Alone in the cast, he can clearly interpret Godzooky's grunts and roars.

    Godzooky (a.k.a. Godzuki, Godzooki) 

Voiced By: Don Messick

  • Ambiguously Related: Some sources have explained that Godzooky is essentially Godzilla's nephew, but the Calico crew never essentially acknowledged their blood relation or Godzilla actually having a sibling.
  • Artistic License – Paleontology: His ability to fly or rather, the biological impossibility of it. His wings doesn't even have the proportionate length or even giving him enough lift off for him to even take to the skies for that matter. Not to mention that his mass wouldn't even suffice to begin with as well, since he's astronomically bottom-heavy it makes one wonder on how he manages to gain proper altitude for flying at all.
  • Breath Weapon: For most of the series, Godzooky is limited to blowing smoke rings. However, in "The Beast of Storm Island", Godzooky is able to breathe fire after inhaling the vapor emitting from a pit inside the island's temple, even allowing him to drive off Axor. Sadly, the effects wear off very quickly.
  • Cast from Stamina: Basically. His smoke rings are liable to cause him to start coughing.
  • Expy: Of Minilla, being a relative of Godzilla (in this case, his nephew) that befriends a young boy.
    • He also has some similarities to Varan, given the wing-like flaps under his arms that allow him to fly.
  • Flight: One thing he's got over Godzilla.
  • Gigantic Adults, Tiny Babies: What the show implies Godzooky will eventually become. Given time, he will become as large and as powerful as Godzilla.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: Judging by his willingness to constantly try to aid Godzilla and the team against monsters clearly out of his league.
  • Kid-Appeal Character
  • Land, Sea, Sky: Is able to fly, swim, and walk with equal skill.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: To Pete.
  • Morality Chain: Serves as this to Godzilla.
  • Reckless Sidekick: Godzooky tries to help Godzilla often, with little to no success. Godzilla does not appreciate the effort.
  • Shorter Means Smarter: Seems more intelligent than Godzilla. At least, he seems to clearly have a language and thinks as a human rather than a beast.
  • Sidekick Creature Nuisance: Certainly how Godzilla usually views Godzooky, given his frequent interference in Godzilla's fights with the latest Monster of the Week.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Godzooky is also frequently spelled as "Godzooki" or "Godzuki".
  • Super-Strength: Not nearly as strong as Godzilla, but he can still carry around a jeep full of people like it was a toy.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Admittedly a very brief one, but Godzooky is able to hold his own against Axor after inhaling vapors that boost his power, allowing him to breath fire for the only time in the series.
  • Unwanted Assistance: There are times where Godzooky would try to "intervene" and come to his uncle's aid to fight the Villain of the Week. Problem is, he's ant-sized compared to Godzilla and does absolutely nothing useful to anything. Godzilla would either roar at him — which sends him flying — almost as if he's saying "stay out of this!", or put him on top of a high area where he won't get hurt.


    In General 

  • Cast of Expies: Many of the monsters are suspiciously similar to famous Kaiju.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: This series didn't exactly break the bank when it came to creativity, especially with regards to naming its monsters. Many of the monsters' names give you a pretty good idea what they are (Firebird, Seaweed Monster, etc.) or what they do (Magnetic Monster, Energy Beast).
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Many monsters appear with little to no explanation of where they came from.
  • Kaiju: Naturally, given it's a Franchise/Godzilla series.
  • Miracle-Gro Monster: A recurring element of the series' antagonists, most of them get a size boost at some point during the episode, usually to raise the stakes for Godzilla.
  • Monster of the Week: All of the monsters are limited to one appearance, generally being killed off in the episode they are introduced in and never being mentioned again.
  • One-Shot Character: None of the monsters ever makes a second appearance in the series.


Debut: "The Firebird"

The Firebird is a giant pterosaur-like monster that emerged from a volcano in the Aleutian Islands, intending to fly to the Arctic to lay eggs before being confronted by Godzilla.

  • All Flyers Are Birds: Referred to as a bird, despite his reptilian body and batlike wings.
  • Expy: Of Rodan; it's a giant reptilian bird kaiju with an affinity for fire and volcanoes.
  • Giant Flyer: Large enough to carry Godzilla through the air.
  • Kill It with Water: After falling into the ocean during its fight with Godzilla, the Firebird flees into an underwater cave, and Godzilla blocks the entrance with boulders, presumably leaving it to drown.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Has the head and talons of a bird of prey, the wings of a bat, and the body and tail of a theropod.
  • Monster Is a Mommy: One of the geologists rescued by the Calico's crew theorizes that the Firebird is retreating to the Arctic to lay eggs.
  • Playing with Fire: The Firebird is able to cover its body in flames.


Debut: "The Eartheater"

A monster that burrowed underneath San Francisco, opening up numerous sinkholes and causing an earthquake that resulted in the city being evacuated.

  • The Cameo: Briefly appears in issue 43 of DC Comics' Scooby-Doo! Team-Up, alongside Godzilla, Cyclops Creature, and a recolored version of the Time Dragon. The four monsters were mentioned as being under the control of the Mad Inventor before being defeated by the Hanna-Barbera superheroes Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: The Eartheater eats earth.
  • Expy: Of Baragon, being a burrowing monster. All it's missing are the giant ear flaps.
  • Jagged Mouth: Its jaws are lined with rampart-shaped protrusions that give the impression of teeth.
  • Kill It with Water: The Eartheater dissolves into mud after falling into the San Francisco Bay.
  • Make Some Noise: The Eartheater is able to tunnel through the earth by projecting sound waves from his antenna. He is also able to use it as an attack to disorient his opponents.
  • Rock Monster: Parts of the Eartheater's body are visibly rock-like in appearance. Given that it dissolves into mud when it falls into the sea, its entire body is likely made of earth.
  • Tunnel King: The Eartheater builds an elaborate series of tunnels underneath San Francisco, creating a number of sinkholes and small earthquakes in the process.

    Stone Guardians

Debut: "Attack of the Stone Creature"

AKA: The Stone Guardians of Ramal

The Stone Guardians are a pair of lion-like statues created in ancient times to watch over the pyramid of Ramal. They are awakened when an archaelogist discovers Ramal's pyramid in the modern day.

    Megavolt Monster

Debut: "The Megavolt Monster"

The Megavolt Monsters are aquatic reptilian kaiju empowered by an electrically-charged rock located in an air pocket under the sea.

  • Battle Aura: When using their powers, the Megavolt Monsters are surrounded by a yellow aura of electricity.
  • Energy Absorption: They can absorb electricity from outside sources to increase in size and power.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After their power source is destroyed and the last Megavolt Monster's energy is expended, it turns tail and runs, leaving behind a very confused Godzilla.
  • Sea Monster: They're dinosaurs with dolphin-like tails that live in the sea.
  • Shock and Awe: The Megavolt Monsters can shoot electricity from their horns, tusks, and tail. They are also able to release an electromagnetic pulse powerful enough to drive off Godzilla.

    Seaweed Monster

Debut: "The Seaweed Monster"

As its name suggests, the Seaweed Monster is a creature composed entirely of seaweed that rose from the Sargasso Sea and attacked the Calico.

  • Botanical Abomination: A sentient mass of seaweed that starts attacking people with no provocation
  • Combat Tentacles: It uses its vine-like arms to try to restrain Godzilla.
  • Healing Factor: The Seaweed Monster is able to quickly regenerate damaged parts of its body.
  • Kill It with Fire: After its body gets dried out by the sun, Godzilla is able to set it ablaze with his fire breath and laser vision. Considering how potent its Healing Factor is (so much so that even pieces of it can grow into completely new monsters), incinerating it was likely the surest way to make sure it stayed dead.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After his body starts to dry out after being dragged on land, the Seaweed Monster tries (unsuccessfully) to escape back to sea.
  • Logical Weakness: Being made of seaweed, its seriously weakened when its body starts to dry out on land, as well as becoming vulnerable to fire.
  • Miracle-Gro Monster: Through a combination of its rapid regenerative abilities and incorporating more seaweed into its body, the Seaweed Monster is able to grow to Godzilla's size.
  • Mini Mook: After its first attack, the Seaweed Monster leaves behind several excess pieces of seaweed that eventually grow into smaller Seaweed Monsters.
  • Multiarmed And Dangerous: It has six vine-like arms.
  • No-Sell: Initially, the Seaweed Monster's moist body is able to withstand Godzilla's fire breath. Once its body is dried out by the sun, however...
  • Planimal: As its name suggests, it's a giant mass of living seaweed.
  • Sea Monster: A giant monster made of seaweed.

    Energy Beast

Debut: "The Energy Beast"

The Energy Beast is a centipede-like alien that arrives in a UFO that was initially mistaken for a meteor. It uses its shapeshifting abilities to hide from nearby humans while it sought out sources of energy to feed on.

  • Battle Aura: While impersonating Godzilla, the Energy Beast has a yellow aura that differentiates it from the real Godzilla.
  • Call-Forward: An alien life-form that starts out as a saucer-like UFO and drains energy from its opponents? Sounds a lot like Orga.
  • Creepy Centipedes: A giant alien centipede that impersonates Godzilla so it can siphon off energy.
  • Energy Absorption: It's primary ability. It spends most of its appearance seeking new sources of energy to feed on, starting with a hydroelectric dam and then moving on to a solar power plant.
  • It Can Think: The "meteorite" that brought it to Earth turned out to actually be a spaceship, which indicates that the Energy Beast wasn't just a hungry monster that was rampaging on instinct, but a sapient and malevolent invader that knowingly copied Godzilla's appearance for a Frame-Up.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When its energy reserves run out and it shrinks back to its normal size, the Energy Beast tries to get the hell out of Dodge, only for Godzilla to personally launch him back into space.
  • Miracle-Gro Monster: After feeding on energy sources, the Energy Beast grows in size until its as large as Godzilla. It reverts back to its normal size after its energy reserves are depleted.
  • Mirror Match: While impersonating Godzilla, it's able to fight him evenly using his own powers.
  • Shock and Awe: In its normal form, the Energy Beast is able to shoot balls of electricity powerful enough to stun Godzilla.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: The Energy Beast is able to change its appearance at will, first assuming the appearance of a tree and later mimicking Godzilla after absorbing some of his energy. It can also replicate the powers of those whose appearance it assumes, such as Godzilla's Eye Beams.


Debut: "The Colossus of Atlantis"

The Colossus is a giant automaton created by Atlanteans. While its creators went into suspended animation to escape a great earthquake, the Colossus was tasked with awakening the people of the city after the danger had passed, but was damaged in the disaster and kept the Atlanteans imprisoned for centuries.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The Colossus was created to protect the Atlanteans, but the same earthquake that sank Atlantis caused it to malfunction. Rather than waking the Atlanteans like it was supposed to, it leaves them in suspended animation for thousands of years so it can run Atlantis itself.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Subverted; Godzilla rips both of his arms off, only for the Colossus to reveal 16 more arms.
  • Atlantis: Built by Atlanteans, it served as the city's guardian and de facto ruler after Atlantis sank beneath the waves.
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S": Has a giant "A" for Atlantis on its torso.
  • Eye Beams: It can shoot powerful blasts of green energy from its eyes.
  • Humongous Mecha: A giant robot built by the Atlanteans as their guardian.
  • Multiarmed And Dangerous: After losing both of its arms to Godzilla, the Colossus then reveals it has no fewer than 16 more to work with.
  • No Waterproofing in the Future: Despite being a Godzilla-level threat built by freaking Atlantis, the Colossus short circuits after Godzilla throws it into water.
  • Power Pincers: All of its arms end in a giant robot pincer.
  • Ragnarök Proofing: The Colossus has remained mostly functional for thousands of years since its creation.
  • Tin-Can Robot: About as clunky-looking as you'd expect for a villainous robot designed in the 1970's, with its angular body, cylindrical head, and flex-hose arms ending in pincers.

    Cyclops Creature

Debut: "The Horror of Forgotten Island"

A humanoid crustacean monster, the Cyclops Creature was imprisoned on an island by an alien race after they realized they could not destroy it.

  • The Cameo: Briefly appears in issue 43 of DC Comics' Scooby-Doo! Team-Up, alongside Godzilla, the Eartheater, and a recolored version of the Time Dragon. The four monsters were mentioned as being under the control of the Mad Inventor before being defeated by the Hanna-Barbera superheroes Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles.
  • Cyclops: Duh.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: Its Japanese name (Hitotsume Saikuroppusu) literally translates to "One-Eyed Cyclops".
  • Eye Beam: The Cyclops Creature can fire a silver energy beam from his eye which can make objects temporarily levitate and spin or lose all acceleration and fall down. It is powerful enough to cause Godzilla to temporarily lose his balance.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: It resembles a giant humanoid crustacean.
  • Invisibility: The Calico's crew discover that the Cyclops Creature is able to turn invisible at will, allowing it to ambush its adversaries or escape when a battle starts to turn against it.
  • Power Pincers: The Cyclops Creature has crab-like pincers in place of hands.
  • Scary Teeth: Most of its teeth are presumably missing and the ones it does have are misshapen.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: According to hieroglyphics found on the island, a spaceship from another galaxy set up a forcefield to keep the Cyclops contained when they realized they couldn't defeat it.
  • Taking You with Me: The Cyclops Creature seems more concerned with preventing Godzilla from escaping its island than it is in escaping itself.


Debut: "Island of Lost Ships"

The Chimera was imprisoned in a temple on an uncharted island controlled by the Siren Sisters. Later, the sisters release it to prevent Pete and Godzooky from escaping their island, and merge with the Chimera to give it the power to fight Godzilla.

  • Breath Weapon: Capable of breathing fire.
  • Classical Chimera: It has a lion's head, goat's horns, a forked tongue, and a dragon's body.
  • Disney Villain Death: It falls off a cliff into the sea while trying to pounce on Godzilla.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The Chimera is introduced as too violent and uncontrollable to be allowed to roam freely. After Godzooky and Pete continued to evade capture, the Siren Sisters eventually become frustrated enough to release the Chimera from its prison.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Realizing it's not strong enough to fight Godzilla as is, the Siren Sisters fuse with the Chimera, growing it to Godzilla's size.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: With Godzilla unconscious and Majors, Quinn, and Brock all turned to stone, the Chimera then decides to threaten Godzooky, which finally rouses Godzilla from its enchanted slumber.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Due to being fused with the Sirens at the time, the Chimera gives a ladylike scream as it plummets to its death.

     Siren Sisters (Morphea, Minaton, and Kaidora)

Debut: "Island of Lost Ships"

The Siren Sisters are a trio of sorceresses that dwell on an island that only appears once every 1,000 years. While trying to subdue the Calico crew, the three sisters fuse into one body to increase their magical power enough to control the Chimera.

  • Fusion Dance: The three sisters merge into one body, giving them enough power to control the Chimera. Later, the singular siren fuses herself to the Chimera, granting it increased size and power to stand a chance against Godzilla.
  • Our Sirens Are Different: Just like the myths of old, the Siren Sisters are able to hypnotize unwitting passerby into crashing into their island with their singing.
  • Taken for Granite: The sisters shoot beams from their hands that turn people to stone, and can also reverse the effects (demonstrated when they reanimate the Minotaur to go after Pete and Godzooky). After the Siren Sisters are killed, the victims are returned to normal.
  • Ungrateful Bitch: After Godzilla saves everyone (Sirens included) from the Chimera (which the sisters can't control), they respond by deeming Godzilla a threat and using their magic to put him to sleep.


Debut: "Island of Lost Ships"

A minion of the Siren Sisters, the Minotaur first appeared as a statue, although the Sisters reanimate him to capture Pete and Godzooky.

  • Badass Normal: It displays no special powers or abilities of its own, yet it still presents a formidable adversary for humans.
  • The Dragon: Of the Siren Sisters.
  • Mook: The Minotaur may be fearsome enough to menace Pete and Godzooky, but he's just a pawn of the Siren Sisters. It isn't even threatening enough to cross the Godzilla Threshold, as Pete and Godzooky are able to defeat him by locking him in a room.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: In this case it's a reanimated statue.

    Magnetic Monster

Debut: "The Magnetic Terror"

A giant sea turtle with the power of magnetism, the Magnetic Monster surfaced in the Antarctic and began consuming all the metal it could find.

  • Big Eater: He devours entire boats whole. After growing to his largest size, he attempts to eat Godzilla himself (it's also worth pointing out that this was the tallest incarnation of the Big G until Godzilla Earth).
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: It eats metal, even consuming a minisub with Captain Majors and Brock trapped inside.
  • Deflector Shield: It can use its magnetism to deflect incoming attacks, such as Godzilla's fire breath.
  • Eating the Enemy: It attempts to swallow Godzilla whole after its massive growth spurt.
  • Evil Is Bigger: At its largest, the Magnetic Monster becomes so large that Godzilla (who is an impressive 122 meters tall himself) only comes up to about its thighs! Not only is it the largest monster in the series by a considerable margin, it's one of the largest monsters in any Godzilla media.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: It can project magnetic waves from its mouth, using it to draw in or repel metallic objects or create a forcefield to protect it from attacks.
  • "Pop!" Goes the Human: The Magnetic Monster continues to grow as it absorbs more magnetic energy, with Quinn eventually realizing that it has a limit to how much energy it can handle. The heroes then have Godzilla draw the monster to the South Pole, where the Earth's magnetic field increases until the monster explodes.
  • Shout-Out: Possibly to Gamera, being a giant bipedal turtle that first appears near one of the Earth's poles.

    Breeder Beast

Debut: "The Breeder Beast"

The Breeder Beast is a mutated amoeba that consumes virtually everything in its path as it makes its way towards Washington, D.C..

  • Blob Monster: It's an amorphous mass of brown slime surrounding a red core. It continues to grow as it absorbs more matter.
  • Continuity Nod: At one point, Godzilla jams his claw inside the Breeder beast's body to tear out its power source and has to be warned by Quinn not to touch it or risk getting badly injured. This is probably a nod to him doing the same thing against his titular opponent in Godzilla vs. Hedorah having the flesh of his hand eaten away.note 
  • Expy: Of Hedorah, in that it is seen feeding on pollution as a food source. Also, to the titular monster of The Blob (1958), seeing as how it continues to grow as it absorbs more and more matter.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: It goes from being a microscopic amoeba to a building-sized Blob Monster whose body is so combustible that it effectively becomes a living bomb.
  • Grey Goo: It consumes everything in sight, continuing to grow until its practically unstoppable.
  • Made of Explodium: Initially, the Breeder Beast's body is shown to be highly explosive when exposed to sources of heat, though the monster is later able to control its internal reactions enough that this no longer applies. This leads to the Calico's crew spending much of the episode trying to stop Godzilla from attacking it for fear that it will blow up.

    Great Watchuka

Debut: "The Sub-Zero Terror"

The Great Watchuka is the guardian of a race of yeti-like hominids, summoned to prevent the crew of the Calico from warning the world about their plans for world domination.

  • Beard of Evil: It sports a large forked beard
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: The Watchuki are a race of yeti-like beings, with the Great Watchuka being their Godzilla-sized guardian.
  • Disney Villain Death: The Great Watchuka attempts to tackle Godzilla while the latter is standing on the edge of a chasm. Godzilla sidesteps him and the Watchuka falls to his death.
  • Expy: Of King Kong; both are giant apes that serve as gods for lost civilizations.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: Godzilla and the Great Watchuka's battle is fierce enough to cause a dormant volcano to start erupting. As the Calico's crew evacuates, Godzilla takes the time to block off the entrance to the valley, trapping the Watchuki as the valley fills with lava.
  • Hidden Elf Village: The Watchuki are a race of yeti-like beings that were driven into the mountains by humanity.
  • Primate Versus Reptile: One of the earliest inversions of the trope. The reptile in question is Godzilla, the title character and the one that the audience is rooting for, while the primate is the Watchuka, the monster of the week he must take down.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The Great Watchuka has pupil-less red eyes.
  • Shout-Out: It wouldn't be a proper Godzilla Rogues Gallery without a giant ape for him to fight. He even takes Quinn hostage in an obvious reference to the original King Kong.

    Time Dragon

Debut: "The Time Dragons"

The Time Dragon is a giant tyrannosaur that menaced the Calico crew when they became trapped in prehistoric times.

  • Adaptational Dye-Job: Its brief appearance in Scooby-Doo! Team-Up changes its skin color from blue to orange and adds large yellow spikes down its back and fins under its arms.
  • The Cameo: A heavily modified version of the Time Dragon briefly appears in issue 43 of DC Comics' Scooby-Doo! Team-Up, alongside Godzilla, the Eartheater, and the Cyclops Creature. The four monsters were mentioned as being under the control of the Mad Inventor before being defeated by the Hanna-Barbera superheroes Frankenstein Jr. and The Impossibles.
  • Dire Beast: Other than being Godzilla's size, it's a fairly standard-looking depiction of a theropod.
  • Expy: It could easily be a stand-in for Toho's Gorosaurus.
  • Nonindicative Name: It's not a dragon (it's a T. rex) and it time travels through no action of its own.


Debut: "The Time Dragons"

The Diplodocus is a dinosaur that attacks the Calico crew when they became stranded in the past.

  • Artistic License – Paleontology: The Diplodocus is shown as being amphibious and sea-going when in fact it was strictly land-based, something that was mostly agreed upon by 1978.
  • Ascended to Carnivorism: Diplodocus is a very well-known herbivorous dinosaur, but this one appears to have acquired a taste for humans.
  • Gentle Giant Sauropod: Subverted; the Diplodocus attacks unprovoked and attempts to prey on the humans before Godzilla chases him off.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When Godzilla shows up and starts breathing fire, the Diplodicus wisely decides to cut its losses and run.

    Giant Squid

Debut: "Calico Clones"

Cloned by Dr. Voltrang, the Giant Squid was released by the scientist to kill the Calico crew when they escaped his lair.

  • Attack Animal: A giant squid cloned by Dr. Masmia Voltrang to serve as his own personal sea monster.
  • The Dragon: To Dr. Masmia Voltrang.
  • Giant Squid: Duh.
  • Knotty Tentacles: Godzilla defeats it by tying its tentacles in knots. Becomes something of a Running Gag when Godzilla does the same thing to the Giant Octopus two episodes later.
  • Kraken and Leviathan: Dr. Voltrang specifically engineered it to be large enough to menace ships like the sea monsters of lore.

    Giant Fly

Debut: "Microgodzilla"

The Giant Fly is an ordinary housefly mutated by a strange pink mist.

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: An ordinary house fly that begins growing to kaiju proportions while Godzilla shrinks down to a molecular level.
  • Dire Beast: It's just a giant fly with no unique abilities.
  • Miracle-Gro Monster: A normal fly mutated to gigantic proportions by the same cloud that causes Godzilla shrink to microscopic sizes.

    Giant Octopus

Debut: "Ghost Ship"

The Giant Octopus emerged from an undersea cave after having been awakened by an exploding torpedo, attacking a nearby U-Boat while Brock and Pete are onboard.

  • Diabolus ex Nihilo: In contrast to most monsters in the series, the Giant Octopus has very little bearing on the plot of the episode despite being the primary antagonist. He just suddenly appears after the misunderstanding between the U-Boat crew and the heroes has been resolved and serves no other purpose than giving Godzilla something to do during the episode.
  • Knotty Tentacles: Godzilla defeats it by tying its tentacles in knots. It's something of a Running Gag, considering Godzilla defeated the giant squid the same way just two episodes prior.
  • Kraken and Leviathan: An octopus so large it can wrap its tentacles around a World War I U-boat.


Debut: "The Beast of Storm Island"

A gigantic cobra-like kaiju, Axor enslaved the human population of Storm Island and used them to build a temple to protect the Lazarus Well, the source of his powers.

  • Blow You Away: Axor can blast hurricane force winds from the hole on the top of his head.
  • A God Am I: Axor uniquely demands to be worshipped by humans as a god.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Axor is destroyed when his own Slave Ray is reflected back at him.
  • Hour of Power: Axor gets his power from the Lazarus Wells hidden beneath a temple, with the boost in power being temporary. After his access to the temple is cut off, Axor's power begins to wane, allowing Godzilla to shrug off Axor's mind control.
  • Informed Species: It's said to be a mutated cobra, although it has arms and legs.
  • Mind Manipulation: Axor's Slave Rays are able to take control of any person who looks into his eyes, forcing them to do his bidding. However, it's not perfect as at least one of Axor's victims is able to temporarily regain some control over his actions, and Pete is completely unaffected due to having a cold at the time.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has a pretty epic one when the entrance to his temple collapses, cutting him off from the Lazarus Wells.
  • Snakes Are Evil: A cobra-esque kaiju and one of the more explicitly malevolent enemies Godzilla fights in the series.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Axor's Slave Rays are completely ineffective on Pete due to the boy having a cold at the time.

    Power Dragon

Debut: "The City in the Clouds"

The Power Dragon came to Earth from a distant planet, following an alien civilization that came to Earth and hid their city by disguising it as a thunderstorm.

  • Aliens Are Bastards: Both it and the city in the clouds that it menaces are from a different reality.
  • The Dreaded: Ze-us and his city fled to Earth just to get away from the Power Dragon.
  • Dragons Are Demonic: A villainous dragon from another dimension.
  • Expy: Of King Ghidorah, being an alien dragon that shoots lightning from his mouth. It even resembles a one-headed version of Ghidorah, and produces a sound somewhat similar to Ghidorah's trademark "chirp."
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: It's eyes appear to be glowing, especially when the creature is standing in shadow, adding to its monstrous appearance.
  • Shock and Awe: It shoots lightning from its mouth.

    Cyborg Whale 

Debut: "The Cyborg Whale"

The Cyborg Whale is an autonomous submarine built to farm and harvest plankton that went haywire when its computers were damaged in a thunderstorm.

  • AI Is A Crap Shoot: It goes berserk after being hit by lightning during a thunderstorm.
  • Crippling the Competition: Its weapons and durability make the Whale strong enough to hold its own against Godzilla, so rather than fighting it, Godzilla instead bends its rudder over, forcing it to drive in circles until it runs out of fuel.
  • Non-Indicative Name: It's neither a cyborg or a whale, it's an autonomous submarine (though it does greatly resemble a whale).

    Giants (Giant Ants, Giant Dragonfly, Giant Black Widow Spider, Giant Bees) 

Debut: "Valley of the Giants"

Deep in the heart of Africa, a strange mist caused plants and insects in a secluded valley to mutate to monstrous proportions.

  • Applied Phlebotinum: Sunlight coming through the valley's perpetual haze causes insects and plants exposed to it to grow to gigantic proportions.
  • Bee Afraid: Majors and Quinn are carried off by a pair of bees the size of pickup trucks.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: An entire valley in Africa full of them.
  • Boss in Mook's Clothing: The Giant Black Widow arguably comes the closest to defeating Godzilla of any monster in the series, and is notable for being the only opponent to cause Godzilla to visibly bleed.
  • Darkest Africa: The giant insects inhabit an isolated valley in eastern Africa.
  • Dire Beast: Aside from their colossal size, the giants have no special abilities
  • Dreadful Dragonfly: The first giant insect encountered by the Calico crew is a giant dragonfly.
  • Evil Is Bigger: The Giant Black Widow is one of the only monsters in the show that is noticeably larger than Godzilla himself.
  • Expy: The Giant Black Widow is one of Kumonga, being a kaiju-sized spider that battles Godzilla.
    • The giant ants are likely a reference to the ants from Them!.
  • Food Chain of Evil: The Giant Dragonfly ends up being caught in the web of the Giant Black Widow after trying to prey on the heroes, presumably ending up as the spider's meal instead.
  • Giant Flyer: A number of the giant insects are capable of flight, including the Dragonfly and Bees.
  • Giant Spider: The largest of the giants encountered is a black widow spider. It eventually grows bigger than even Godzilla himself.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Godzilla tricks the giant black widow into biting its own leg, paralyzing the spider with its own venom.
  • Man-Eating Plant: In addition to the giant insects and arachnids, the valley hosts Venus flytraps large enough to fit a grown man inside its gaping maw. One of them nearly devours Brock until Godzooky rescues him.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: Neither black widow spiders nor venus flytraps are native to Africa.
  • You Have to Burn the Web: Godzilla uses his Eye Beams to free himself from the spider's webs.

    Gravity Goliath

Debut: "Moonlode"

The Gravity Goliath is a giant humanoid alien from the Moon that is launched from the moon's surface by a moonquake and ends up landing in the Pacific Ocean.

  • Battle Aura: The Gravity Goliath can surround his body with an omnidirectional gravity field, which appears as a glowing arua surround him.
  • Expy: Of the Ymir from the science fiction film 20 Million Miles to Earth.
  • Gravity Master: As its name implies, the Gravity Goliath is able to create beams of gravitational energy from the spots on his body. These beams are powerful enough to pull a cruise ship underwater or to hold back Godzilla.
  • Lunacy: Having originated on the Moon, the Gravity Goliath also draws power from it. The Goliath hastily retreats from a battle with Godzilla when a lunar eclipse starts to weaken his powers.
  • Lunarians: It originated on the Moon before a volcanic eruption launched it to Earth.
  • Super-Strength: The Gravity Goliath is strong enough to lift Godzilla over his head.
  • Wrestler in All of Us: When it's not spamming gravity beams from its body, the Goliath is quite capable of lifting and tossing Godzilla around.

    Golden Guardians

Debut: "The Golden Guardians"

The Golden Guardians are giant golden statues guarding the ancient Indian city of Kali-Noor, brought to life by a xenophobic high priest using a mystical object known as the Dreamstone.

  • Anti-Magic: The Golden Guardians' Eye Beams are at the exact frequency to cancel out Godzilla's own laser-vision. Later, the Calico's crew uses the same trick to free Godzilla from the gold encasing him.
  • Expy: Of Daimajin; both are Living Statue brought to life to protect a nearby village, and in both cases, the summoner is unable to control their rampage.
  • Eye Beam: The Golden Guardians are able to shoot beams of energy from their eyes that encase enemies in gold.
  • Fangs Are Evil: The Golden Guardians have fang-like canines protruding from their upper jaws.
  • Gem Tissue: Each of the Golden Guardians has green gemstones for eyes.
  • Living Statue: Giant Hindu statues animated by the Dreamstone.
  • Multiarmed And Dangerous: Each Guardian possesses four arms.

    Macro Beasts 

Debut: "The Macro-Beasts"

The Macro Beasts are a collection of sea creatures enlarged and mutated by exposure to a purple substance leaking from a volcano.

  • Dire Beast: All of the Macro Beasts are ordinary sea creatures that have grown to gigantic proportions after consuming a strange "super-food" substance.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: A giant crab attempts to drag the Calico's minisub, containing Quinn and Brock, back to its underwater lair.
  • Flying Seafood Special: One of the more troublesome of the Macro Beasts is a manta ray that has gained the ability to fly and shoot lightning from its tail.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Extreme cold causes the Macro Beasts to return to normal size, due to extreme heat being part of the equation that caused them to grow in the first place.
  • Misplaced Wildlife: The electric eels are a combination of this and Artistic License – Biology due to them being freshwater fish that live in the Amazon, not the Pacific Ocean, and to being designed to look somewhat like moray eels.
  • Mutagenic Goo: The Macro Beasts are all mutated by a combination of a strange purple substance leaking from a volcano and the unusually warm water around the volcano.
  • Psycho Electric Eel: A whole pack of giant electric eels attacks Majors and Brock while the latter two are trying to form a barrier around the Macro Beasts so they can be shrunk back to normal.
  • Threatening Shark: Made even more threatening because they've reached gigantic sizes.

    Magma Lizard

Debut: "Pacific Peril"

The Magma Lizards are reptilian monsters that dwell in an underground cave system beneath the Pacific Ocean, feeding off magma.

  • Breath Weapon: They can breathe fire, although there is a limit to how much fire they can produce before they run out of fuel.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: The Magma Lizards consume molten rock as a fuel source for their fire breath.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: After menacing the Calico crew and Godzooky repeatedly, they turn tail and run the instant Godzilla makes his presence known.
  • Malicious Monitor Lizard: Although not explicitly stated to be monitor lizards, they do resemble monitors and are certainly threatening to the heroes.
  • Spikes of Villainy: They have rows of spikes down their backs.
