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Characters / Super Comet: After the Impact

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Main Protagonists

The main survivors, who we follow throughout the story of the comet's impact.

    Fernando Martinez 
Played by: Dennis Cubic

  • Action Survivor: After the impact destroys everything around him, he tries his best to survive alone while searching for his family. Tragically, he doesn't make it.
  • All for Nothing: His entire story is about trying to return to his family in Mexico. He never finds them, and dies alone at the edge of the comet's impact crater.
  • Determinator: Nothing will stop him from getting back to his family. Not even a comet strike that turned the entire local area into a literal wasteland.
  • Fatal Family Photo: He carries around a picture of his wife and daughter throughout his whole story. In the end, he never finds them, and dies without ever knowing for sure if they made it.
  • The Hero: His story takes up most of the documentary, and his actor is given first billing in the credits.
  • The Hero Dies: He dies at the crater, never making it to see his family again.
  • Heroes Love Dogs: He saves a couple of dogs from starving to death after the comet's impact, and they become his companions. They abandon him when he runs out of food and water, and we are never shown what happens to them.
  • Plot Armor: He's caught up in the blast radius of the comet's impact, but survives the ensuing wave of fire by hiding in a nearby concrete bunker. It runs out when he climbs up to the rim of the impact crater.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: All of his efforts to find his family lead to him dying alone at the edge of the impact crater. It’s unclear whether his family is even still alive.
  • Sole Survivor: He's implied to be the only human survivor in the entire area that used to be Mexico.

    Noah Boyle 
Played by: Pascal Langdale

  • Action Survivor: The only thing "special" about him is the fact that he's a scientist working at NASA. Other than that, he's just like anyone else trying to survive the cataclysm. He makes it.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Nothing comes of it, but the group of survivors on the yacht treat him and Shiang with suspicion and slight disdain because of their limited supplies.
  • Babies Ever After: In the ending, he and Shiang have a child together.
  • Disney Death: He's thought to be dead along with everyone else in the yacht after it's destroyed. He's shown alive floating on driftwood with Shiang. He tries to keep her spirits up that they'll be rescued, and they are not long after.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: All of his efforts to survive after the impact are rewarded when he and Shiang are rescued somewhere in Southern China. They have a baby together, and are shown living in relative happiness together with the Chinese folk.
  • I Choose to Stay: He stays in Hawaii when most other people leave the NASA facility.
  • My Parents Are Dead: His parents died in a car crash when he was 15.
  • Nice Guy: Every scene with him shows him as a truly decent man.
    • When he and Shiang first encounter survivors, his first order of business is to try and help them since one of them has an injured hand, though the strangers don't trust either of them and run off.
    • He doesn’t hesitate to rescue Shiang when she’s attacked by a hungry shark.
  • Rescue Romance: He and Shiang grow closer while surviving together, and share a kiss after he saves her from a starving shark.
  • Token White: He's one of the only white men in the Chinese village at the end, though there are plenty of other people of other ethnicities shown as well.
  • True Companions: With Chad. He's nothing but glad to see Chad when he and Shiang are investigating what's left of Hawaii.

    Shiang Yatan 
Played by: Nina Liu

  • Action Survivor: Just like Noah, the only thing special about her is her position as a scientist working at NASA in Hawaii. She struggles as much as anyone else trying to make it in the destroyed world. She even kicks a hungry shark to escape from it. And she lives all the way to the end.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: It's never expanded upon, but when she and Noah are brought to Chad's group of survivors, the strangers are not fond of the duo because they have limited supplies.
  • Asian and Nerdy: She's a scientist working in Hawaii's NASA center. She appears to specialize in geology, seismology and volcanology.
  • Babies Ever After: In the ending, she and Noah have a child together.
  • Disney Death: She's thought to be dead along with everyone else in the yacht after it's destroyed. She turns up alive floating on driftwood with Noah, barely clinging to life when they're rescued by people in Southern China.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Her efforts to survive are rewarded when she and Noah are rescued in Southern China after a horrible storm. Sometime later, she gives birth to a baby and they're shown living happily together in the Chinese village.
  • I Choose to Stay: She stays in Hawaii along with Noah. Specifically, she wants to preserve as much data as possible for the future, believing the information to be invaluable.
  • Nice Girl: She is nothing but kind to everyone around her. When she and Noah find other survivors in Hawaii, she leaves some medicine in the bag left behind for them in case they return.
  • Rescue Romance: She and Noah grow closer while surviving together, and they share a kiss not long after he saves her from a starving shark.
  • True Companions: With Chad. She's nothing but happy to see him when he's revealed to have stayed in Hawaii after the impact of the comet.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Her accent fluctuates between various accents as she speaks.

    Henry Vuton 
Played by: James Matthews-Pyecka

  • Action Survivor: He barely manages to survive the disaster that befalls Paris 14 hours after the impact. He gets separated from his wife Catherine, and is left alone to care for his daughter. He also survives.
  • Idiot Ball: Seriously, man? Why would you leave your exhausted sleeping wife alone in a car that's turned on? You're just begging for someone to come and steal it. You're extremely lucky that said people were kind enough that they didn't just kill her.
  • The Smart Guy: He has enough knowledge to hotwire an old car. Too bad it gets stolen not long after with his wife inside of it. He even manages to fix up a working radio by the end to allow some long-distance communication to occur.

    Catherine Vuton 
Played by: Megan Gay

  • Action Survivor: Yet another normal person who just tries to make it in the destroyed world. She also survives to reunite with her family.
  • Hero of Another Story: How she survived and how the group she was with found her is never shown on camera.
  • Pet the Dog: On the receiving end. The people who stole the car she was sleeping in didn't kill her.
  • Uncertain Doom: She gets separated from her husband and daughter when the car he hotwired for them is stolen. The former thinks she's dead, but the latter believes she's alive. She's alive, and they find her in a small village.
    Michelle Vuton 
Played by: Helena Lindemann

  • Action Survivor: You get the idea by now. Just like everyone else still alive in the new world, she's just barely making it. She at least has the benefit of a father and mother who care for her dearly, though they get separated from her mother early on. She also makes it, and she and her father find her mother at the end.
  • Accidental Hero: When her dog escapes the shelter she and her family are residing in, she goes after her. In doing so, she inadvertently saved her father and mother from roasting to death as the ejecta from the comet strike heats the atmosphere to oven-like temperatures.
  • Children Are Innocent: She seems rather calm and slightly oblivious to the true danger that lies ahead. Her parents likely were trying to downplay what would happen to her. Thanks to her happy ending, she retains this through to the end.
  • Determinator: She's determined to find her mother when they get separated during the disaster. Her father isn't so helpful and believes she's dead, and Michelle is furious that he's willing to give up. Ultimately, her mother survived.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: She makes it through all the chaos and trauma.
  • The Load: Averted. She never gets in the way, and in fact, she finds a handcar at a rail station that gives her and the rest of her and her father's group a chance to reach the Mediterranean coast, where temperatures are not as harshly cold as before.
  • Morality Pet: When she and her father's group encounter their first group of survivors, they're hostile and ready to attack, though they don't do so right away. Her presence in this situation inspires faith in the strangers that they are not bad people. Turned out that they also found her mother.

Played by: Errol Shaker

    Pygmy Baka Tribe 
Played by: Baka Pygmies from Kribi/Cameroon
