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Characters / Star Wars: Red Harvest

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Sith Academy

    Darth Scabrous

A Sith Lord and alchemist who served the headmaster of the Sith academy on the frozen world of Odacer-Faustin. Scabrous sought to extend his life indefinitely, and so attempted to create an ancient Sith formula devised by Darth Drear that would grant him immortality using the Murakami orchid.

    Rance Lussk 

Rance Lussk

A Sith Acolyte who studied at the Sith academy on Odacer-Faustin.

    Wim Nickter 

Wim Nickter

A Human male serving as an apprentice at the Sith academy on the world Odacer-Faustin in 3645 BBY.

    Jura Ostrogoth 

Jura Ostrogoth

A Human male who served the Sith Order as an acolyte during the period of strife that followed the Great Galactic War. Ostrogoth hailed from the Inner Rim planet of Chazwa, but spent much of his teenage life on the frozen Sith academy planet Odacer-Faustin, studying to become a warrior and leader of the Sith Empire.

    Mnah Ra'at 

Mnah Ra'at

A male Human Sith Acolyte attending the academy on Odacer-Faustin in 3645 BBY. Born on 3662 BBY, it is unknown how he became a sith during the Great Galactic War and the Cold War. As a sith student and apprentice, Ra'at was highly ambitious, and aspired to be the most powerful and renown student at the institution.



A female Human Sith student during the Cold War who trained at the Sith Academy on Odacer-Faustin.

    Pergus Frode 

Pergus Frode

A Human male hangar technician employed by the Sith Empire during the Cold War. Frode served in the hangar of the Sith academy on Odacer-Faustin under the direction of Darth Scabrous.


    Hestizo Trace 

Hestizo Trace

A Human female and a member of the Jedi Agricultural Corps during the Cold War.

  • Determinator: Even after everything that she goes through, she resumes her duties as a Jedi to continue helping the Republic against the Sith Empire.
  • Fertile Feet
  • Final Girl: She's the only character that survives the whole ordeal at Odacer-Faustin.
  • Green Thumb
  • Human Sacrifice: Scabrous intended to extract her heart and use it's midiclorians to gain immortality.
  • In-Series Nickname: She's nicknamed Zo.
  • Trauma Conga Line: First she's kidnapped, Scabrous tries to sacrifice her, then her brother is killed trying to save her, and finally she barely manages to escape Odacer-Faustin.

    Rojo Trace 

Rojo Trace

A male Human Jedi Knight who served the Jedi Order during the Cold War and is also the brother of Hestizo Trace.

Other Characters



A male Whiphid bounty hunter who was employed by the resurgent Sith Empire during the Cold War. Tulkh was one of the many bounty hunters who was hired to hunt down and find the Murakami orchid.



A Human bounty hunter who operated during the Cold War.

  • Oh, Crap!: Upon realizing that he's the latest in a line of many to bring Scabrous a fake Murakami orchid.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Dranok was planning to betray his bounty hunter partner, which Scabrous knows. Before killing Dranok, he serves his partner's head to him on a platter.
  • You Have Failed Me: Dranok becomes a victim of this, via Darth Scabrous.
