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While the reviews don't have characters of their own, this page chronicles Alternate Character Interpretations from SFDebris's reviews

Star Trek

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Astromech Spy

    Astromech Spy 
  • Deadpan Snarker: R2-D2. Especially when he has to deal with C-3PO.
    • The Snark Knight: To the point where he has barbed sarcasm prepared for practically everyone (except Chewbacca).
  • The Nicknamer: R2 spends most of the series coming up with nicknames for people who annoy him.
  • Genius Bruiser: Chewbacca. Well-read on holochess strategies, and the only one smart enough to not drive R2 nuts.
  • Idiot Hero: R2's impression of Luke seems to be that he's a little bit dim.
  • The Load: C3-PO, leading to R2 dubbing him at one point "Baggage".
  • Surrounded by Idiots: R2 spends most of his time just trying to get away from everyone else.

Babylon 5

    Doctor Stephen Franklin 
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: His obsession with putting anyone and everyone on a food plan to save their lives or make them well.
  • Tempting Fate: Repeatedly scoffs at others who endanger their bodies by polluting them with chemicals and unsafe foods, declaring he would never do anything like that.

Batman Beyond

    Batman Beyond 
  • Grumpy Old Man: Notes that the message of show seems to be that a lifetime of costumed vigilantism leaves people crotchety.
    Elderly Barbra Gordon: When you've turned into a hollowed-out husk of a man pantomiming a life in this endless cesspit of a city, then you can come in—SO I CAN TELL YOU TO PISS OFF!
  • The Guards Must Be Crazy: Subverted in "Rebirth Part 2", commenting that the security at Wayne-Powers is so good, they manage to get the jump on Terry by sneaking up on him on an outside ledge. Played straight in "Return of the Joker", when the lone Wayne Enterprise security guard is easily taken out by the Jokerz, leading him to joke that Powers may have been evil but under his leadership, the security was much better.
  • I Have Your Wife: Parodied. Terry refuses to marry Dana because that would make her the target of villains who want to get to Batman. Chuck points out she'd be a target anyway as the woman he's loved for 15 years straight, and the only real difference is if the villains found out he hadn't married her yet, they'd console her and tell him to be ashamed of himself.
  • Joker Immunity: Invoked towards Harley in "Return of the Joker", after she falls down a deep chasm and is presumed dead. Sure enough, the elderly Harley shows up as the grandmother of Dee Dee at the end.
  • Red Herring: The audience being subtly led to believe that Jordan Price (also voiced by Mark Hamill) might be the new Joker in "Return of the Joker". Chuck notes why this theory quickly falls apart under even the briefest bit of scrutiny. However, he notes that the quick pace of the enjoyable story ensures such scrutiny isn't likely to happen.

Battlefield Earth

    Battlefield Earth 
  • Damned by Faint Praise: Terl is the smartest and most cunning Psychlo we meet, which, by any objective standard, would charitably make him an imbecile.
  • Too Dumb to Live: The Psychlo species as a whole.

Dark City

    Dr Schreber 
  • Memetic Molester: Along with having an unnerving Peter Lorre-esque voice that Chuck describes as having "all the comforting tones of a child molester," the moment when Schreber implants John Murdoch with a lifetime of knowledge on how to use his powers is also tainted with a creepy dose of this: the training sequences result in Schreber retroactively adding himself to scenes from John's childhood.
    Schreber: You're probably wondering why I keep appearing in your memories...
    Chuck!Schreber: Its... because... I like to watch you while you sleep.
  • Memetic Psychopath: After assuring John that neither of them are insane, Schreber chooses that moment to point a gun at him.
    Chuck!Schreber: Now, have you met my friend, Mr Gun? You don't like it when he talks. (Giggles hysterically)

    The Strangers 
  • Creative Sterility: Notes how uninspired the names of the Strangers seem - Mr Book, Mr Hand, Mr Wall, Mr Quick, etc - and also notes that this actually extends to the naming of locations around the city: Avenue M, The Automat, even a movie theatre playing a film titled "The Evil." Despite their incredible powers, the Strangers lack not only individuality but also creativity, which becomes more noticeable as John and Detective Bumstead delve deeper into The Masquerade.
  • Memetic Psychopath: Mr Sleep. Not only did he intentionally choose the corpse of a child to be his vessel, but when Murdoch was hanging from the ledge, he decided it would be more fun to bite his hand rather than simply stamp on it. While the rest of the Strangers come across as Affably Evil, Mr Sleep comes across as utterly insane.

    Emma / Anna 
  • Missing Mom: Chuck suggests that, for all the many thousands of times that the Strangers have altered the lives and memories of their test subjects, the little girl rescued from the murdered prostitute's apartment might actually be Emma's biological daughter and not May's child at all.

Doctor Who

    The First Doctor 
  • Heel–Face Turn: Believes that Humans Are Special because Ian Chesterton prevented him from killing an injured man to escape danger. Stopping The Doctor from carrying out what he would normally consider an abhorrent act — one born of desperation and weakness — showed the Doctor that humans could be relied upon to prevent him from going too far. This belief has been passed along to all of his subsequent incarnations.
    • This is also the reason that The Doctor shows so much outward anger and disappointment whenever humanity fails to live up to this ideal.
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: Thanks to the values dissonance (i.e. the Doctor's casual racism against Arabs and Native Americans) Chuck very occasionally plays this up when impersonating him. Something that is not helped by the Doctor dropping the n-word in "The Celestial Toymaker".

    The Sixth Doctor
  • Ax-Crazy: While regeneration usually comes with some initial instability, Six goes past unstable to downright insane.
    Chuck: Good luck Peri, you've gone from travelling with an Edwardian Gentleman... to being the sidekick to the Joker.
  • Domestic Abuse: Considers Six to be a domestic abuser to Peri, given his throttling and constant insulting of her. Peri staying with him in spite of this abuse supports this interpretation.
  • It's All About Me: Even when aghast and horrified at himself for having nearly strangled Peri to death, he still somehow makes it all about him.
  • Villain Protagonist: The Sixth Doctor is an insufferable jerk who verbally and physically abuses people. While the intention was to showcase some of the side-effects of regeneration, the difference between his erratic behaviour when he's acting crazy to his normal behaviour ended up being so minuscule, invokedit's barely noticeable.

    The Tenth Doctor 
  • Foe Romance Subtext: After struggling the entire episode to ignore it, and repeating the mantra, "Damn it, there's nothing gay about this," he finally relents and admits that he agrees with the fandom that there is something going on between Ten and The Master:
    Chuck: ...Oh, I can't pretend anymore. It's gay, it's gay, it's gaaay. On a scale of one to ten, this scores a gay point gay. It is so gay, that when mathematically graphed out, it forms a fractal of gayness, bending over further and further into infinity like an MC Escher of man-on-man action where both men are simultaneously the man on the other man! On the seventh day of creation, as God prepared to create gay, He saw this from across time, blinked, and then did a Slow Clap while shaking his head, saying, "Well, there's no way I can top that, I might as well take the day off;" even as Adam protested, "You can't stop now, all you've made of the dinosaurs is the bones. And what about the Higgs boson, you were up all night working on the blueprints, you can't not create it now!"
  • Humanity Is Infectious: Chuck's theory is that his time as Smith is why this Doctor is the only one to fear regeneration as if it were an actual death when others consider it an inconvenience at worst.

    The Eleventh Doctor / The War Doctor 
  • Cosmic Retcon: States that he believes that The Day of the Doctor is not a full revealing of the Timey-Wimey Ball regarding Gallifrey's fate, but the creation of a new timeline altogether with the Moment's help-originally, the War Doctor did destroy Gallifrey. He also goes on to say he has very little problem with it, given how it perfectly fits the overall moral and character of Doctor Who.
  • Stepford Smiler: Was already a part of Eleven's characterization, but he believes this is why he's so attached and obsessed with Clara Oswald-he's become emotionally dependent on his companions to get out of bed in the morning, and the way he coddles them indicates he's trying very hard to be the man who forgets, as stated by the Moment. There's also more than a slight undercurrent of being scared to death of his impending doom, because as far as he knows he's out of regenerations.

    The Twelth Doctor 

    Elton Pope 
  • Sanity Slippage: His face-in-the-pavement girlfriend is really just a concrete slab he regularly masturbates onto, because he couldn't handle her death.
    • Chuck points out that this is actually the less depressing interpretation of events; especially considering that the classic series once treated a similar scenario as A Fate Worse Than Death.
  • Unreliable Narrator: The implausible moments in the story, like Victor Kennedy somehow being able to control the lights for the sake of a dramatic entrance or LINDA being set up like a classroom after Kennedy takes over, are really just due to Elton embellishing his story. Furthermore, Elton's also spiralling into insanity following his girlfriend's death, making his perception of events even more suspect.

Dragon Age: Origins

    Tim the Enchanter
A heroic, if incredibly pragmatic, mage who at first pines to become First Enchanter of The Circle, but then joins the Grey Wardens after becoming deeply embittered with living in the Circle's tower.
  • Combat Pragmatist: If Tim's familiar with the notion of a fair fight, he shows no sign of it. Most of his spells seem modeled around blowing people up in increasingly ruinous ways, with various ancillary spells paralyzing them or tripping them up so they can be given the coup de grace.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: During the defense of Redcliffe, his means of getting Dwyn and his men to join the defenders is to have Sten tell him jokes until he loses the will to resist.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Upon confronting the Desire Demon possessing Connor, she offers to give him anything he wants in exchange for letting her secretly reclaim the kid at some point in the distant future. Instead, an extremely pissed-off Tim strong-arms her into leaving Connor empty-handed and giving him what he wants in a condition-free bargain.
  • Enraged by Idiocy: Explodes with annoyance at examples of poor planning from side-characters. Jowan ends up as the recipient of "The Reason You Suck" Speech when the extent of his dodgy dealings become known, and Amaranthine's city guards are practically machine-gunned with contempt for their inability to do their job without Tim's help.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As underhanded as he is, there's things even Tim isn't prepared to do; for one thing, he rejects the idea of annulling the Circle and openly refuses to kill children.
  • Failed Attempt at Drama: Tim's actually a pretty decent orator, especially when it comes to issuing the odd Badass Boast; unfortunately, because his status effects are always on, his speeches are often undermined by him being on transparent, on fire, shedding particles, glowing, multicolored and occasionally all of the above.
  • Fear Is the Appropriate Response: After discovering that the key to slaying the Archdemon is self-sacrifice, Tim manages to remain calm right up until he gets back to his room, whereupon he collapses into a gibbering pile of nerves.
  • Fluffy the Terrible: The fabled Hero of Ferelden, and his name is Tim.
  • Good is Not Nice: Though genuinely out to save Ferelden and more than willing to help his companions in any way he can, Tim is not afraid to get downright nasty if it means getting the job done. Case in point, Tim is having none of Jowan's self-pitying bullshit, and proceeds to bring the hammer down on him the moment it turns out he's endangering him by association. Also, when Alistair can't forgive Loghain for his crimes and threatens to wreck everything just for the sake of revenge, Tim opts to have him exiled - despite being his friend - having Anora crowned in his place.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Zig-zagged. He very much is opposed to this sort of action, and definitely did not give his life to stop the Blight. However, problems with transferring the character over to Dragon Age II means that in that playthrough, he did die... maybe.
  • Magic Knight: Chooses to become an Arcane Warrior, allowing him to cast magic while wearing plate armour.
  • Manly Facial Hair: Bears a long, black beard, and has faced down Darkspawn, the Undead, Demons, Dragons and the Archdemon.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Played for laughs - he spends a good deal of Awakening consumed with dread over the fact that having magic sex with Morrigan to capture the soul of the Archdemon might have somehow given the Darkspawn intelligence. He's wrong, thankfully.
  • Reports of My Death Were Greatly Exaggerated: Chuck's playthrough of Dragon Age II has the game erroneously declaring Tim dead due to a bug.
  • Signature Move: The Nicolas Cage Cage, a spell that surrounds his opponent with bees, leaving them vulnerable for the coup de grace. There is also the Injury to Insult, which causes a large oil spill beneath the opponents' feet, causing them to slip and leaving them vulnerable to a fireball.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Especially pronounced in Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, wherein his companions and followers were mostly comprised of The Alcoholic, the Depraved Bisexual and a ragbag of incompetent guards.
  • Taking You with Me: Chuck denies that Tim would have sacrificed himself to stop the Archdemon and suggests he would have only done so if he'd found a way of taking everyone with him.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: He might be well-meaning, but Tim definitely isn't above using underhanded tactics if it means getting what he wants or needs; in one case, he hands Jowan over to First Enchanter Irving rather than risk his newly-acquired place in the Circle, intimidates a demon into making a deal with him, learns and uses highly-illegal Blood Magic (though that's more on the basis of "know thy enemy" than interest in its power), sacrifices the long-term prosperity of the Dwarfs by siding with the traditionalist Lord Harrowmont, exiles Alistair rather than lose Loghain as a potential ally, then agrees to take part in Morrigan's ritual in order to escape sacrificing himself, and in Awakening sides with the Architect and the intelligent Darkspawn.

Dragon Age II

    Marian Hawke
Chuck's version of Hawke is Marian, the only person with any goddamn sense of the Hawke family, who fled at the last possible second when the Blight hit. She manages to make it into Kirkwall after narrowly evading darkspawn...only to find things no better, and takes to becoming an underworld thief. And it is here in Kirkwall, where her troubles really begin...
  • Action Girl: Is a female rogue; this is actually one of the factors that ends up with Isabella leaving the team, because Chuck dislikes playing with two rogues of the same weapon specialization and thus never had enough of a chance to build up approval with her prior to the end of Act II; as a result, he fails the big approval test that ensues when he refuses to let Isabella get away with the Qunari artifact she stole, leaving her to storm off and never come back.
  • Being Good Sucks: To Hawke's immense frustration, her attempts to raise funds for the Deep Roads Expedition end up repeatedly stymied by the need to do the right thing - giving some orphans enough money to help them survive, in one case, and giving the workers at the mine a raise.
  • Blessed with Suck: In Act III, Hawke's celebrity status as the Champion of Kirkwall seems mainly an excuse for people to waste her time and treat her like shit, given that nobody in town seems to be able to do their jobs unless she's around to do it for them. For good measure, it's around this time that her cataclysmic sense of bad luck plunges to new lows, what with the final failure of the mining venture, the events of Legacy in which Corypheus escapes no matter what Hawke does, the miscommunication-induced deaths of the remaining moderates among the templars and mages, the self-defense-induced genocide of everyone in Merrill's clan, and of course, Anders bombing the Chantry and kicking off a full-scale war between mages and templars.
  • Butt-Monkey: Spends most of the story suffering through setbacks, embarrassments, frustrations, and downright tragedies... and unlike Tim, she barely ends up getting compensated for it.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: To Tim the Enchanter. He's a mage who likes to blow stuff up from a distance when he isn't being a close-quarters Magic Knight, while Hawke is a rogue who restricts herself to melee. On more detailed levels, Tim was a goal-oriented Unscrupulous Hero who wasn't afraid to make the occasional Deal with the Devil, brought peace to disparate factions, ended up in a position of considerable influence over a large territory, and managed to succeed despite the odds pitted against him. By contrast, Hawke is a Pinball Protagonist with a code against killing except in self-defense, is openly refused any opportunities for Faustian Bargains, fails to resolve the Qunari conflict and the mage-templar enmity without bloodshed, is made the Champion of Kirkwall but holds no real influence over anything including the plot, and fails to achieve anything of real worth in the long run.
  • Dual Wielding: Carries two swords, similarly to Isabella. The similarity discourages Chuck from using her in battle, resulting in less opportunities to gain approval with her, ending in her leaving the team in Act II after Hawke refuses to side with her over the Qunari.
  • Every Man Has His Price: Deeply unimpressed by Fenris' rotten attitude, Fantastic Racism towards mages, and Leeroy Jenkins tendencies, Hawke remarks that he's going to have to work very hard to get back into her good graces. Then, a surprisingly contrite Fenris offers up all his money as payment for Hawke's assistance so far. Hawke immediately welcomes Fenris back into her good graces.
    For those of you who think my integrity can be bought, I have just one thing to say to you: the name is spelled H-A-W-K-E. Always leave on the end there, or they won't let me cash the checks.
  • Failure Hero: Apart from her victory over the Arishok, Hawke's attempts at heroism are often met with increasingly dismal failures. Failing to save her own mother, wiping out the moderates among the mages and templars, accidentally committing genocide in self-defense, and being unable to stop an all-out war between mages and templars are just a few examples - to the point that Chuck remarks that all parties concerned would probably have been a lot better off if Hawke had done nothing at all.
  • Heroism Won't Pay the Bills: Hawke continuously laments that every time she tries to get a big payday in Act I, something ends up blowing up in her face and leaving her with empty pockets - not helped by her need to do the right thing. As a result, she gives up the loot to a pair of orphans, offers a raise to the miners at the Bone Pit, refuses to murder an escaped serial killer for a payout from the father of one of the victims, and refuses to take a bribe from the serial killer's dad to turn a blind eye... and on every single occasion, Hawke is kicking herself for not being able to make the heartless-but-profitable choice.
  • Holding Out for a Hero: One of Chuck's biggest frustrations of Act III is that nobody seems to be able to do anything without Hawke, meaning that her supposed celebrity status amounts to her becoming a wet-nurse for an entire city.
  • Informed Attribute: Abounds over the course of the story.
    • Flemeth offers prophetic claims of just how important Hawke is to the plot; both Chuck and Hawke are rather bemused at this, given how little actually happens due to her involvement in events.
    • Cassandra claims that the Chantry needs Hawke to negotiate with the rebel mages, believing that she is the only person they would ever listen to and therefore the only chance of ending the war. Chuck finds this assertion absolutely laughable, given that Hawke tried to negotiate with rebel mages at several points throughout the story, and not only did they refuse to listen to her (believing that she was an assassin sent by Meredith), but she was also forced to kill most of them in self-defense! Also, the notion that Hawke might actually be able to change anything for the better after an entire game of accidentally making things worse is nothing short of ridiculous.
  • Killing in Self-Defense: Follows this rule to a tee, to the point where Chuck laments that she actually commits genocide in self defence. It is only because of this rule that she spares Anders.
  • Memetic Loser: Already an unlucky protagonist, Hawke's misery is exaggerated to colossal proportions - especially when a Desire Demon specifically turns down an offer of a bargain.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Hawke suffers immensely as a result of trying to do the right thing: standing up for Merrill ends up getting her tribe killed in self-defense; helping Anders only seems to drive him deeper into insanity; refusing to help Anders with an obviously sketchy plan only results in him getting it done without her help and blowing up the Kirkwall Chantry.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: To her eternal discredit, Hawke's attempts to make a Deal with the Devil are actually turned down by a Desire Demon, and Chuck will bring this up whenever he feels like reminding us of just how meaningless Hawke is as a character.
  • Opposites Attract: Ends up in a relationship with Merrill, a character who couldn't be more different than Hawke's Only Sane Man. Chuck specifically notes that, despite her use of Blood Magic, she's the only possible love interest that wasn't objectionable in some way.
  • Pinball Protagonist: Chuck is especially unfavourable to the relative lack of agency that he has as Hawke, particularly given that after everything that's happened to her, she has no logical reason to stay in Kirkwall. Also, he is especially annoyed at the fact that she is openly refused the option of making a deal with a Desire Demon - in sharp contrast to Tim's negotiation victory in the previous game - a sure sign that Hawke is ultimately superfluous as a character.
  • Rousing Speech: Tries this when sent to negotiate with the mage underground, only for them to attack in the belief that she's been sent by Meredith to kill them all.
  • Royal Inbreeding: A frequent fear of hers, especially after observing that the prevailing attitude of the nobility seems to be "no to magic, yes to hemophilia." After discussing the possibility of an arranged marriage with her mother, Hawke asks that the "chinless mockery of Darwinism" she marries not be inbred to the point of having a tail.
  • Spot the Thread: Initially cooperates with Anders' plan to separate himself from Justice, only to get very suspicious when he asks her to distract the Grand Cleric while he does something at the Chantry; over the next few lines of dialog, she dissects Anders' increasingly-flimsy justifications for doing any of this, and then abandons the mission entirely. Unfortunately, the game's on rails, so Anders is able to get the job done without Hawke's assistance and is able to end his part in the story by blowing up the Chantry.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: More pronounced even than Tim, at one point finding herself infuriated that she seems to be the only one on the team taking an imminent terrorist attack seriously.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Only reluctantly tolerates the eccentricities of her teammates. Out of all of them, Fenris and Anders are most commonly singled out for condemnation - to the point that Anders' role in the game ends with Hawke telling him to fuck off and never come back.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: Chuck jokingly observes that the one good thing Hawke has going for her is the fact that she occasionally trips up and lands facefirst on a gold ingot.
  • With Friends Like These...: Hawke seems to have become the recipient of some of the worst "friendships" in fiction. Of the companion herd, only Varric and Merrill are consistently tolerable - the former being willing to kill an old friend as a potential threat to Hawke, the latter being the one acceptable love interest in the entire game. As for everyone else? Aveline disparages Hawke's career choices, then drags her along on a ridiculous romantic comedy quest; Isabella abandons the team when her part in the Qunari conflict is revealed; Fenris is The Millstone in combat, whines constantly about his Dark and Troubled Past, and can barely get through a conversation without expressing Fantastic Racism toward mages; Sebastian turns on Hawke when she spares Anders on principle, and vows to destroy the entire city for no other reason than revenge; Anders is a hateful, mean-spirited, self-pitying sex offender-turned-wannabe revolutionary who treats everyone on the team like shit and refuses to tolerate anyone unless they're every bit as fanatical as him. Also, he ropes Hawke into inadvertently playing a part in a major terrorist attack on the Kirkwall Chantry, resulting in countless civilian deaths and a war breaking out between mages and templars.

  • Dumb Blonde: Referred to as a "big blonde moron."
  • Fair-Weather Friend: Oozes praise to Hawke when she supports his ideas, but when he believes that he has a chance to begin a mage revolution, goes ahead with it even though it will end up getting Hawke branded a terrorist and a criminal in the eyes of the templars. Chuck notes that this is doubly infuriating because Anders claims that her unwitting role in the mission was supposedly for her own protection, even after spending the entire game pointing out how mad and violent the templars are.
  • Flat Character: As Chapter 9 of Part 3 discusses, Anders' one defining character trait seems to be "Pro-Mage Fanaticism," and that's about it. All the more egregious considering the happy, freedom-seeking hedonist he used to be.
  • Gender Bender: Apparently has a tendency to do this without meaning to. Due to some rather ropey graphics in his introduction, Chuck jokes that Anders ends up healing his "female" patient by turning her into a male child. Later, when discussing his plan to free one of his friends from templar custody, he remarks that they'll all soon be "free men"... only for Hawke to wonder aloud if this is going to be the result of his magic again, and warns him that her clothes won't fit if that's the case.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Even moreso than his canonical characterization, where it's due to him being overwhelmed by Justice. Here, he flies off the handle and starts doing irrational things with zero provocation; his very first scene involves him noticing Hawke and co peacefully entering his clinics with their weapons sheathed, and immediately screaming about them violating his sanctuary. And this is when he's not treating party members such as Aveline like shit for not tolerating every single rabid demand that pops into his head.
  • Hate Sink: Though Chuck regards the DA2 teammates with exasperation at times, he's still aware of their positive traits and devotes an entire chapter of Part 3 to discussing their good points alongside the bad; even Fenris ends up being given a fairly sympathetic perspective. The same cannot be said of Anders, who Chuck absolutely despises.
  • Hope Spot: Any conversation in which Hawke and Anders appear to be on the same page ends in tears, usually with the latter becoming all the more fanatical for Hawke's attempts at friendship.
  • Insane Troll Logic: His method of saving the mages in Kirkwall and improving the status of mages as a whole involves blowing up a church, leaving the local mages as scapegoats for the inevitable templar reprisal, and starting a war between mages and templars that will probably leave the former even worse off than ever before.
  • It's All About Me: Words cannot express how self-absorbed this guy is. Disagreeing with him on even the slightest issue is a guaranteed method of being declared his enemy; he has no sympathy for the rights of other minorities, claiming that the elves should be "on our side"; finally, he doesn't seem to care about the fact that his plan to start an uprising will leave Hawke in Knight-Commander Meredith's crosshairs.
  • Memetic Molester: In the review of Awakening, Anders was merely regarded as a Depraved Bisexual who'd screw anything if it stood still long enough to give consent. In Dragon Age 2, however, he's substantially worse: he comes on to the player without them instigating it, refuses to take it graciously if you refuse him — opting instead to mope and complain about it at length, and asks Aveline a number of shockingly inappropriate questions about her and her recently deceased husband's love life. On top of declaring him a pervert, Chuck angrily declares that Bioware's attempt at a progressive character has resulted on the player being sent into the Deep Roads in the company of Harvey Weinstein.
  • Moral Myopia: Chuck points out that he will excuse every single action he commits, no matter how reprehensible, but will erupt with rage at even the slightest misdemeanor committed by people he doesn't personally agree with.
  • Narcissist: Refuses to listen to any opinion but his own, considers reasonable disagreement a sign of templar sympathies, and styles himself as the Rebel Leader of a mage rebellion even though he has no reasonable ability to do so.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Notes the utter pointlessness of Anders' "victory" at the end of the game, noting that it's not only signed the death warrants of the entire Kirkwall Circle thanks to him blowing up the Chantry, but permanently damaged the already-tenuous position of magi in society across Thedas, and forced mages who had nothing to do with his revolution into a brutal free-for-all that - if they lose - will result in them being even worse-off than ever-before if they're lucky.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Points out that his goals of leading a pro-mage revolution seem grounded more in egotism, selfishness and pure stupidity.
  • Skewed Priorities: Anders' revolution takes priority over literally everything, and he can be heard bitching about how Knight-Commander Meredith might be up to no good - right in the middle of a massive assassination attempt on Hawke.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: His ego becomes downright tumescent at even the slightest act of support from Hawke, declaring himself a Rebel Leader in the inevitable mage revolution.
  • The Unfettered: Combined with Meaningless Villain Victory - Anders is prepared to do anything it takes to win... but this only ends up making his victories completely meaningless because he fails to take into account that the methods he used to get there have completely invalidated his own successes. Case in point: Act III. He blows up the Chantry and gets his revolution. However, a hopelessly-paranoid Meredith declares the Rite of Annulment on the Kirkwall Circle, meaning that the mages he supposedly cared so much about are going to be executed because of him. Plus, countless innocent mages will be killed in his glorious revolution, and thousands more will probably be forced to turn to blood magic just to survive, resulting in an entire generation of law-abiding mages being reduced to Maleficarum and Abominations.
  • Wangst: Chuck is not impressed with Anders' efforts to feel sorry for himself, particularly in the scenes where he ends up consumed with self-pity when his unwanted advances on the player are turned down, and later masturbates about how alone he's always been when Hawke refuses to participate in his efforts to commit an act of terrorism and mass-murder.
  • We Used to Be Friends: "Friends" might be putting it a bit strongly, but after he blows up the Chantry, kicks off a civil war and dooms the mages to annulment, Hawke decides she wants nothing more to do with Anders and tells him to fuck off.
  • With Us or Against Us: As Chuck observes during the final chapter of the game, Anders is a fanatic who cannot tolerate anyone unless they are every bit as demented as he is, and will regard even his friends as potential opponents if they don't play along with every single deranged idea that pops into his head.

  • Flanderization: In one of the more comedic segments of the review, Chuck deliberately pumps up Fenris' Fantastic Racism to the point that hating mages is literally his only character trait, resulting in Fenris offering monotonous suggestions on good music to listen to while murdering mages.
  • Kick The Son Of A Bitch: Chuck admits that he's been prone to doing some rather nasty things just for the sake of pissing Fenris off - not that this is any great challenge. In his review of Dragon Age, he actually confesses to enslaving someone simply because he knew it would get on the resident angst-machine's nerves.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Despite the aforementioned flanderization, Chuck's more serious analysis of Fenris as a character can be summed up as "scarred." As abrasive, violent and bigoted as he may be, he at least has a halfway decent Freudian Excuse for it - unlike Anders - and can at least be relied upon to realize when he's done wrong. Granted, it doesn't stop Chuck from getting annoyed with him, but it nets him a much more positive overall review than the resident sex-offender.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Refuses to make use of stealth to any degree, openly shouting challenges at his foes from afar, much to Hawke's exasperation.
  • The Millstone: Manages to alert enemies to the team's presence by shouting revenge-crazed war-cries, and then nearly gets the team barbecued by parking his clumsy feet on a pressure-plate booby trap.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Tends to respond to favors done on his behalf by getting grouchy, spouting Fantastic Racism and wandering off.
  • Wangst: Chuck specifically remarks that he appears to be the physical incarnation of an angry teen's angst.
  • With Catlike Tread: The plate armour clad, battle-crying, BFS swinging Elf with glow-in-the-dark tattoos is not at all conducive to stealth.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: Already part of her canonical characterization in the game, this is taken to extremes in Chuck's review at the beginning of Part 3; here he points out that in any other story, Merrill would be a villain thanks to her use of Blood Magic and her need to bring back the lost glories of the Elves by means of a highly-suspicious artifact. In this game, she's a sweet-natured idealist who ends up being the most approachable love interest in the entire plot, especially compared to Anders, the supposedly civic-minded healer of the group.
  • Innocent Inaccurate: Occasionally pesters Hawke with offers to watch the heartwarming sight of two rats "playing".
  • The Pollyanna: Rather than dismissing her as naive or ditzy, Chuck states that Merrill's defining characteristic is her innocence; notably, she lacks the cynicism of the other characters and demonstrates genuine kindness throughout the story, wishing to believe the best of those around her despite the extremely grimdark mood of the game. Tellingly, most of the heartbreak in her life seems to be due to people being less reasonable than her, specifically her Keeper and her clan - all of whom make use of profoundly stupid precautions against Merrill's research that ends up getting them killed in increasingly stupid ways, ultimately forcing Hawke to commit genocide in self-defense.
  • Token Good Teammate: Of all the potential love interests in the game, Merrill is the only one Chuck could tolerate, given that the others were too morally repugnant to tolerate. Yes, Merrill's a blood mage and more than just a bit eccentric, but she's miles better than a brooding asshole (Fenris), a sexual predator (Anders), and a character so promiscuous she'd probably cheat on you before you even leave the room (Isabella).
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Chuck notes that Merrill is an extremely downplayed example of this; she's prepared to do things that might be considered dangerously radical or even taboo if it means accomplishing her goal, but never crosses the line into actual wrongdoing.

    Knight-Commander Meredith 
  • Kick the Dog: Her sole hobby, when she isn't actually executing mages for no good reason.
  • Pointy-Haired Boss: Despite styling herself as the sole bastion of law and order, Meredith proves unable to maintain either at the best of times. In the first two acts of the game, serial killers and Tevinter mages ran free under her nose, while in the third act of the game, she couldn't deal with any of the escaped mages without Hawke's help.
  • Rabid Cop: Chuck does not buy Meredith's canon characterization as a Well-Intentioned Extremist driven mad by the power of the Red Lyrium sword, noting that her behavior was taking a turn for the irrational long before then. As a result, acts of charity are punishable by flogging, and any frustrations over missing mages can be resolved by flogging orphans and their three-legged dogs.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Harold the Lesser
As opposed to the pragmatic but brave Tim, and the beleagured but determined Marian, Harold is...decidedly not a hero in waiting. A failure son of a noble in the Free Marches, he was brought to the Temple of Sacred Ashes to observe the procedings to hopefully end the Circle-Templar war...and then it blew up, and he was the only survivor. Poor dumb Harold.
  • Blame Game: Routinely the loser of these, and bemoans that after the veil is ripped and he's blamed for it that it's just another bad day for him.
  • Born Unlucky: Harold's life has just been one bad string of humiliation and woe after another.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: As is tradition; Harold is a near-gutless coward only fighting because he's either been conscripted or has just accepted his lot in life is to be pulled by the nose into doing things. But most importantly in comparison to Hawke and Tim: Harold eventually starts to show that he's actually the most unambiguously heroic character Chuck has ever played.
  • The Eeyore: Years of being blamed for everything have shredded his self confidence, and routinely asks for someone else to do his job because of a fear he'd screw it up.
    • He doesn't believe, after having been chained up with a rift in his hand, that things can't get worse- he believes that they will if only by sheer momentum.
  • Failure Hero: Harold's entire first act is him just barely doing anything right for half a day, which in-story means having blown up the Chantry and unintentionally started the Circle-Templar war up all over again.
  • Good Feels Good: Seeing the appalling state of the refugee camp in the Hinterlands — not that he expected a refugee camp to be nice, but this is awful — he decides to pitch in how he can, such as by hunting up some game for them to eat. He's dumbstruck when he's not only thanked profusely for his effort, but earns the Inquisition some serious good PR. He states he didn't do it for the goodwill, though that's a nice added bonus. Given his Hilariously Abusive Childhood, it's possible that this is one of the few times in his life he's actually been thanked for something.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Harold wasn't named after his father, he was named after his father's horse, and he was called the Lesser because he was so useless.
  • Humble Hero: He frequently tries to get the NPCs to backpedal on their praise of him, saying they'd probably do much the same thing if they were in his shoes.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Harold only ever fights from the rear.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Has this opinion regarding "The Inquisition."
  • Nervous Wreck: Unlike Tim and Marian, Harold is terrified of fighting and demons, and only ever took up archery because it meant if it ever came to it, he would never have to be up close and personal.
  • Punny Name: It's clear that Chuck chose the name of the character because the player character is known as "The Herald of Andraste," so it turns into a case of "Spell My Name with a "The"".

Fallout 3

Chuck's version of the Lone Wanderer. Beth is like any woman who was born in Vault 101, having a normal childhood for someone who will never, ever leave their underground home; she deals with bullies, loves her father, gets a pip-boy for her 10th birthday, and does her G.O.A.T. test at 16. However, her father leaves the vault one day, and is convinced by her friend the only way she'll make it out of this alive is if she follows him into the Capital Wasteland.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Beth has a moderately olive/Mediterranean complexion. She inherited that from her father, apparently.
  • Action Girl: Beth is a woman who takes absolutely no shit; She sticks up for the Overseer's daughter when the tunnel snakes harass her (in spite of having no actual fighting prowess), and has been fighting him for years, and readily handles Radroaches when asked for it.
  • A-Team Firing: Absolutely hopeless at aiming, to the point that she speculates that Arkansas the sniper will probably die of old age before she manages to actually deal fatal damage.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Present and accounted for. She clearly doesn't care for her dad running out on her to an apocalyptic wasteland, and is pretty reticent about helping Butch if she's not actively fighting him.
  • Jumped at the Call: Beth practically does a gymnastics flip at the call.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: She gets dinged with a shot in a battle with some raiders. She feels it, but she's happy it wasn't a direct hit, because who knows what could happen then, it might even result in brain damage!note 
  • Only Sane Woman: Practically the only woman with any sense in the Capitol Wasteland.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: She doesn't have any caps because she wouldn't have had a clue that the economy of the wasteland now involved bottlecaps, and further, she's only ever lived life as a scientist in a vault, and not as a Science Hero, meaning she only barely survives her early combat encounters (including ones with mole rats) with a pistol and a baseball bat she found lying around.

Fallout: New Vegas

Whoever Bud was before he got stopped halfway to New Vegas was blown out the back of his head when he was caught by Benny. Brought to Goodsprings with only some vague notes and an old-pip boy, Bud's on a mission to find out who he is, find the chip he was carrying, and try to survive the Mojave Wasteland.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Understandably, getting popped in the head did kind of a number on him, robbing him of a lot of his previous faculties, including what his name actually was.
    Bud, after not being able to fix a radio: I think I've had it for long enough to say this, but brain damage sucks.
  • Batter Up!: His preferred weapon after finding it in a safe is a Baseball bat, right up until he realizes he has a grenade launcher.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Routinely flashes back to his superior at Mojave Express, who was apparently a talking garden gnome with an Irish accent and a notable prejudice towards ghouls; later, he mistakes the eight-foot-tall Nightkin for Ewoks, to the point of trying to communicate with them via the Ewok language. Then again, he's still recovering from having been shot twice in the head and being a very recent recipient of ersatz brain surgery, so we can cut him a little slack.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: To Beth from Fallout 3. After being shot he starts largely focused on physical strength and survival, with his attempts to do anything social or science-related ending in failure.
  • Dumb Muscle: His speech and tech skills are miserable, but he's jacked in a way few others are, and uses that muscle well.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Upon hearing that another courier turned down the job of delivering the platinum chip the moment he saw Bud's name up next on the ledger, Bud thinks that said courier must have been responsible for having him attacked and shot due to having some past grudge against him, even coming up with an elaborate theory for how Benny was actually the client behind the delivery all along and in cahoots with the other courier. As Part 2 reveals, the client behind the delivery was actually Mr House and the other courier had nothing to do with it; the other courier, AKA Ulysses, actually does have a grudge against Bud, but is leaving his revenge until much later.
  • Every Man Has His Price: Gladly signs up with Mr House once he offers him a generous delivery bonus for the platinum chip and gives him a room at the Lucky 37.
    Can you really put a price on being shot in the head? Yes. Yes, you can.
  • From Zero to Hero: By Part 2, Bud is rather bemused to find that some of the most powerful factions in the Mohave are now personally offering the brain-damaged courier their favor.
  • Good Is Dumb: He's not the brightest after getting his brain scrambled by a bullet, but is nice to pretty much everybody in Goodsprings.
  • Grenade Launcher: He deals with Joe Cobb's gang by realizing he'd somehow picked up one, and uses it to devastating effect.
  • Hidden Depths: He possesses a surprising grasp of French, though he can only use said Cunning Linguist abilities while under the influence of additional brain damage, as he discovers when a Nightkin smashes him over the head with a concrete hammer.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: His aim is terrible, but he figures that having a Grenade Launcher meant he wasn't ever thinking too hard about accuracy in the first place.
  • Mad Bomber: Bud really loves dynamite, often to the exclusion of all other weapons apart from his baseball bat and grenade launcher. Plus, as his flashback sequences demonstrate, he may not have been entirely sane even before he got shot in the head.
  • Non Sequitur, *Thud*: After getting smacked about the head with a piece of concrete during a fight with the Nightkin, Bud begins speaking in French for several minutes before another head injury causes him to lapse back into English long enough to complain that the impacts are not helping his brain damage. Also, he briefly forgets what the hell he was doing at REPCONN in the first place and has to recap.
  • Robosexual: According to a flashback sequence, he once mistakenly had sex with a fembot - which his companion will never let him forget. Apparently, Bud thought the wires trailing from it were due to "some kind of a health thing."
  • Seinfeldian Conversation: One of his earlier flashbacks features him getting stuck in one of these with his previous travelling companion, much to Bud's irritation; it apparently concerned the ethics of having sexual feelings for a fictional character considered sexy when you were younger... or, as Bud puts it:
    ...are you asking my permission for you to jerk off to Daria?
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: He starts as this. But then he gets shot in the head.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After a very long and painful journey across the Mohave spent being a near-indestructible Butt-Monkey, Bud is rewarded for his loyalty to Mr House with a cash bonus and a fancy suite at the Lucky 37.
  • Waking Non Sequitur: Our first sign Bud's probably not in his right mind. Most of what he says up until he gets out of Doc's office is gibberish.


    The Crew of Moya 
  • Born Unlucky: Both Moya and her assorted passengers have such bad luck that Chuck can't even suggest that they're cursed, if only because curses stand a chance of being lifted.
    • In fact, when the crew seeks out old enemies from the previous season in order to hire them as mercenaries, the bad luck actually manages to spread: somehow, all of these once-deadly enemies are either horribly injured, on the run from the Peacekeepers, under new management, or retired following a religious conversion. And for various reasons, only one of them is able to complete his mission and survive to collect payment.
    • In "Different Destinations," the crew visit a peace memorial commemorating a truce that was declared over five hundred years ago, a place that not even they could possibly screw up... whereupon Stark's freakout sends them back in time to accidentally turn the truce into a massacre.
  • Cosmic Plaything: At one point, Chuck just gives up and claims that life itself has something against Crichton.
  • Failure Hero: To an impressive degree. Embarrassments, injuries and outright defeats are common throughout just about every episode, with clear-cut unambiguous happy endings being pretty rare. Even on occasions when they do succeed, there's a good chance that something awful will occur to spoil their victory; one of the few exceptions to this rule is during combat, where they constantly roll critical hits, because they've rolled all the ones out of their dice doing everything else.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Chiana's attempt to rob the visiting Peacekeeper commandos in "A Bug's Life" manages to determine the future of the entire universe, thanks to a long chain of consequences starting with her accidentally unleashing the Intellant Virus and ending with Crichton being forced to infiltrate the Gammak base in search of medical supplies - where he gets the attention of Scorpius. As Chuck himself summarizes it:
    The future of the galaxy is decided by a girl looking for something she can sell at a pawn shop.
  • Her Code Name Was "Mary Sue": In "The Ugly Truth", sums up D'Argo's testimony of the incident as "Ka D'Argo: Big Damn Hero".
  • Language Equals Thought: Suggests that, even with translator microbes, the crew have no word for "luck."
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Observes that for all their bad luck, the Moya crew kick a surprising amount of ass in firefights ("Liars, Guns, and Money"), if only because they've exhausted all their bad luck in non-combat escapades.
  • Take That, Scrappy! / Talk to the Fist: Observing Crichton and D'argo's interactions with Raxxil in "Snatch 'n Sniff," Chuck gleefully notes that the crew of Moya react to annoying con-artists very differently than the crew of Voyager, in the sense that rather than giving them the keys to the galley and letting them become permanent members of the crew in spite of their idiocy, they simply punch their lights out.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: During the first season, Crichton never knowingly kills sentient beings, attempting to resolve situations through negotiation, trickery and non-lethal beatings, while leaving the killing to Aeryn and D'Argo. According to Chuck, this is the reason why "A Bug's Life" is so significant for Crichton: after being forced to kill while possessed by the Intellant virus, and after seeing Aeryn near-fatally stabbed by the possessed Captain Larraq, Crichton finally breaks his code against killing - igniting the Marauder's Vapor Trail and killing both Larraq and the virus in the resulting explosion. And while Crichton doesn't seem to enjoy this, he does seem satisfied.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Nothing good will ever happen to Crichton and co... and if it does, it's another horrible problem in disguise. Case in point, the successful heist of the Shadow Depository, which resulted in the stolen money coming to life and trying to eat Moya.

    The Intellant Virus 
  • Knight of Cerebus: Recognized as the first villain that actually manages to get Crichton to knowingly and willingly break his code against killing and shift him towards a much darker tone for the rest of the series. Plus, the crew's interactions with it also result in them inadvertently getting the attention of Scorpius, further setting the tone for the series.
  • I Die Free: In one scene, the virus (via Crichton) endangers its own life by breaking the only weapon that could be used to incapacitate it non-lethally; Chuck offers two suggestions for this: either it's trying to stall Larraq and buy time to escape, or (more likely) because it would rather die than be under the control of the Peacekeepers.
  • Take Over the World: Seems to be very interested in possessing Larraq and reaching the secret base that the Peacekeepers were taking it to (later revealed to be a wormhole research station), suggesting that this microscopic lifeform might just be having macroscopic ambitions.

  • Brick Joke: The eventual punchline to the joke about Janeway's armies of Warrior Cobalt Tarantulas back in "Dark Frontier."
  • Foil: Notes that Natira appears to be one of these to Scorpius; whereas Scorpius is a deadly-serious Well-Intentioned Extremist who treats torture as a means to an end, Natira is a gleeful power-loving sociopath who sees everything as a game and treats torture as an end in itself.
  • Hive Queen: Of the Warrior Cobalt Tarantulas, evidenced by her blue carapace, spidery head-claws, and penchant for stabbing people's eyes out.
    • Hive Drone: Chuck also speculates that the "Metalites" that end up infesting Moya thanks to Natira are actually these, being the Warrior Cobalt Tarantulas themselves.

    The Builders 
  • Meaningful Name: The "Builders", the creators of the Leviathans, are so named because they're often extremely unhelpful and take their sweet time getting around to dealing with problems.
  • Neglectful Precursors


  • Meta Guy: Speculates that River Tam has the power to read Summer Glau's script ("Objects in Space").

Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon 
  • Dick Dastardly Stops to Cheat: Ming the Merciless has fully read the Evil Overlord List, he just chooses not to follow them.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Ming knows he is a villain and enjoys the villain lifestyle.
    Ming the Merciless is not what he was called by his enemies, but the name he has taken for himself...don't waste your time on a name that pretends you're a good man. Why conquer the universe if you're going to spend the rest of your life being a spin doctor.


    Gundam 0080 
  • The Load: Bernie is so incompetent that not even divine intervention can help him.

Knights of the Old Republic

    "Traven Rhad" 
  • Doom Magnet/Weirdness Magnet: Traven has terrible luck and a tendency to attract crazy people who blame him for events he had nothing to do with, if not outright trying to kill him or, even worse, sending him on tedious fetch quests.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: All of Traven's victories get attributed to Carth. Traven goes crawling through the sewers of Taris, killing dozens of mutants, slavers, and gangsters and then goes on to win Bastila's freedom in a swoop race with no prior experience racing? Bastila kvetches at him and only backs off when she learns that he's working with Carth. Traven kills Bendak Starkiller, the greatest duellist in the galaxy? The crowd cheers for Carth.
  • It's Up to You: Laments how even the party members do nothing without Traven.
  • The Main Characters Do Everything: Specifically, this main character.
  • Pragmatic Hero: How he sees the Canon version of the character, and how he plays him during his playthrough, as a Grey Jedi.
  • Significant Anagram: Darth Revan.
  • The Face: Subverted, Travan seems to have traded in persuasiveness for a high repair skill. Which bites him in the ass when it comes to Korriban.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: When presented with a choice between a certain way to escape and live at the cost of the shark's life, and following a hunch by a scientist that'll kill them if it goes wrong, he takes the former, noting that "he prefers an actual solution over a hunch". Problem is, he's in Star Wars, where Gut Feelings are actual magical messages pointing the right way to go, and he accidentally kills the Selkath's deity, wipes out all kolto on Manaan causing countless additional casualties in the war due to a lack of medical supplies, and gets thrown offworld. He doesn't even seem to know he did anything wrong.

    Darth Malak 
  • Compensating for Something: The motivation behind destroying Taris.
  • General Failure: Malak is a proud graduate of the Zapp Brannigan School of Tactics, and would be lost without a paddle if he didn't have Hyper Competent Sidekicks like Saul and later Bastila to help him with the strategy part.
  • Stupid Evil: Not bothering to evacuate his own troops before devastating a planet. This is a sentiment actually shared by some of the Sith teachers at the Sith academy: him betraying Revan wasn't a show of strength, but sheer opportunism, and thus he's not even a very ideal Sith Lord. What makes him threatening is this idiot is in charge of a giant Star Forge that can pump out endless swarms of fighters and droids. If only he weren't using them on someone who knows a Force spell called "Destroy Droid." D'oh!
    • It gets to the point where Malak's idiocy keeps making things bad even in the future, as when he's playing the Sith Inquisitor storyline of The Old Republic, he runs into a Force Ghost of one of Malak's Sith underlings. As Chuck points out, the ghost was rightfully pissed off.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

    My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Twilight Sparkle as an expy of Rorschach.
    Sparkle, Twilight: Equestria is afraid of me; I've seen its true face. The Mare in the Moon is coming, and when the night foams around their waist, all the horses and politicians will look up and shout, "Save us!" And I'll look down and whisper, "Neigh."
  • Malcolm Xerox: "And when the black pony tries to get ahead, there's the white pony keepin' her down!"
  • Stoners Are Funny: Pinkie Pie's eccentric personality and ability to laugh in the face of pure terror comes from marijuana.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica

    Hitomi Shizuki 
  • Armored Closet Gay: She's in deep denial about her lesbian tendencies. He was more than a little surprised that she turned out to have a crush on Kyousuke.
    Chuck: Someone's in a Narnia-deep closet, I'll bet.

    Madoka Kaname 

    Junko Kaname 
  • Lady Drunk: This is actually canon, but he plays it up a lot.
    Junko: [slurring] Madoka! Did you shit in my pants again?!
  • Pink Elephants: Lists "invisible snakes" as her chief weakness.

    Tomohisa Kaname 
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Chuck suspects he is actually a robot.
    • Transforming Mecha: Chuck assumes that he has this ability because the character is a Japanese robot.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Reacts to his daughter bursting into tears at the breakfast table with, "What's wrong, don't you like your breakfast? Is it because your head is so fat? Is it your mother's alcoholism? Because we have agreed that for group harmony we will pretend that does not exist."

    Kyoko Sakura 
  • Addiction-Powered: Chuck proposes that her constant eating is self-medication that holds off despair. She's survived the loss of her family by developing an eating disorder.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Her eventual desire to help Sayaka comes from her failure to protect her own sister.

    Kyubey (Bunny-cat): a dick 
  • Consummate Liar: Chuck does not buy a word he says when his propensity for half-truths come out, tearing down his "farmers of humanity" metaphor and being very suspicious of his claim that magical girls led to modern technology.
  • Memetic Molester: Chuck pretty much sees him as a borderline child predator. He puts forth the idea that Kyubey's actual motivation for getting young girls to fight each other is so he can touch himself at night.
  • Hate Sink: Chuck really...REALLY despises Kyubey. Hence the oft spoken statement "Bunny-cat is a dick" in his reviews.
  • The Sociopath: Chuck's arguments that Kyubey's willing deception of the magical girls for his own ends coupled with utterly malicious actions leave him in this category. Especially after his Breaking Speech to Homura in which he smugly reveals she is the cause of Madoka's eternal cycle of suffering and death.

  • Tragic Hero: Discussed and subverted. Chuck concludes that Homura should not be qualified as a tragic character since she never gives up hope of succeeding.
  • The Champion: His explanation as to why Homura is a magical girl in the new world.

    Mami Tomoe 
  • Combat Pragmatist: In the timeline in which she kills her friends, she quickly, efficiently, and ruthlessly takes them out in order of the level of threat each one posed.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Suggests that someone made a wish to see Mami topless, which given that only teenage girls could make wishes...
  • The Fundamentalist: Believes in the mission of killing witches above all else. In an alternative timeline when she finds out Magical Girls are nascent witches, she starts killing the other Magical Girls.

    Nagisa Momoe 
  • Hell of a Heaven: When she mentions that her main reason for joining the other girls on their mission was for a chance to eat cheese again, Chuck wonders just what kind of a crummy "Heaven" Madoka has created for the Magical Girls, seeing how cheese is apparently impossible to get there.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

    Nwabudike Morgan 
  • Deadpan Snarker: Really lets the other faction leaders have it, whether behind their backs or while speaking to them directly.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Reacts this way when he has to deal with Deidre Skye. And Yang. And mind-worms. And. . .

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    Anakin Skywalker 
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Anakin uses this tactic so much that when he orders his troops to fall back, they have no idea what to do. At best, they'd assume the enemy is trying to confuse them with false orders.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Anakin will attack any target with berserk confidence, regardless of the danger to anyone around him who isn't a One-Man Army. Losing his hand to this approach has done nothing to wilt his enthusiasm for suicidal assaults.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Anakin gives Ahsoka a thumbs-up for not killing someone in "Brain Invaders."
  • Start of Darkness: Non-comically, Chuck notes that Anakin's attachment to others is leading towards The Dark Side, noting the very extreme actions he's taken when Asoka is danger, such as helping Cad Bane when he has her hostage and that he's by far the most frightened about the idea of her dying in the cave in in "Weapons Factory."
  • We Have Reserves: References Zapp Branigan when describing Anakin's command style, suggesting he's trying to make the Genosians' trigger fingers get tired from shooting his troops, and will only stop getting them killed because if they're all dead you're not allowed to be a general anymore.
    • Consequently, his troops can't wait for Order 66. Poor bastards.

    Battle Droids 
  • Insistent Terminology: Refers to the B1 model as "Comic Relief Droids," and rarely anything else.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Despite being a vast army of killer robots, Battle Droids aren't particularly interested in fighting.
  • Robot War: Jokes that without a controlling intelligence, all droids default to "Kill All Humans."
  • Sacrificial Lambs: Points out that all of the humor the show attempts with battle droids is rather depressing, considering that they come across as victims forced to fight in a war they want nothing to do with.
    Chuck: It's funny because they're helpless!

    Cad Bane 
  • Fiction 500: Considers a subversion of this. One of the most deadly and effective bounty hunters/mercenaries in the galaxy should be rather wealthy, but he has to keep taking more jobs—someone needs to pay for the all the gun turrets, death traps, and self-destruct devices he puts in his hideouts.
  • Signature Headgear: The wellspring from which Bane's badass flows. Taken from Kung Lao, which is, needless to say, no mean feat.

    Clone Troopers 
  • Evil All Along: One of the clones laughs off the idea that they have orders to kill the Jedi...then whispers to his comrade to let Palpatine know that the Jedi are onto them.
  • Hidden Depths: Chuck's observation on Rex and LaQuain and their debate over the war is that while he had initially thought that Order 66 was the result of Clones being, basically, programmed biological robots, the way that the two debate made him think that there might be something more to them—that the Clones did what they believed was right. Turns out that Season 6 and Rebels would later prove both versions correct- Season 6 and the final arc of the show implied that once the chip takes over, it basically lobotomizes the clones while active and makes them act according to programming. However, Rebels had Wolffe betray the crew of the Ghost to the Empire because he thought it was the right thing to do, and would spare his brothers, despite not having the chip in his head anymore.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Chuck's interpretation is that most of the Clones can't wait to enact Order 66, and that most of that is Anakin's fault.

    Count Dooku 
  • Only Sane Man: His boss orders him to kill valuable pawns in the middle of crucial battles, his new apprentice is a brute, his minions are morons, and nothing he ever orders comes sized for him.
  • Running Gag: nothing he orders comes in the right size, which is why his chair, house, and assassin are all roughly ten times too big for him.

    Plo Koon 
  • The Alcoholic: Plo will find that lead to solve the case, no matter how many bars he has to drink dry to do it!
  • Dirty Old Man: Plo's investigative skills seem limited to "Bar Crawl through the Red Light district."

  • Blood Knight: Who knew?
    Yoda: A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense; never for attack. That's what the flamethrowers are for, yes? [Manic Laughter] FLAME ON!
  • Dirty Old Man: Has a very odd interest in Padmé's love life.
  • Jedi Grand Masters Live Longer: And he makes sure everyone knows it.
    Yoda: Ha! Outlive you all I will. Kiss my green ass you will.
    Obi Wan: Yes, master. You always tell us—
    Yoda: ...For my ass has the Force, and a powerful ass it is.

    Admiral Wulff Yularen 
  • Commander Contrarian: His role as admiral seems to be to object to everything Anakin suggests. He even asks for a moment to get his monocle so it may pop out to emphasize just how mad Anakin's plans are.
  • General Failure: Even in a war against armies of killer robots, Admiral Yularen doesn't have any contingency plans.
  • Stiff Upper Lip: He is the quintessential stuffy British officer.

    Darth Maul 
  • Berserk Button: Doesn't like Obi-Wan. Unlike canon, it's not just that Obi-Wan cut him in half- it's that Obi-Wan won't stop making fun of him for it with things like "Half the man he used to be," or asking how Obi-Wan can kick his butt if he doesn't have a butt.
  • The Chessmaster: Chuck points out that him seeming to settle for being a Crime Lord instead of being ruler of the galaxy seems like a weakness, but is actually in keeping with Sith ideology- if you can't acquire power through traditional means, then seek it through untraditional ones. And since Maul just wants power, and none of the loot that the pirates are interested in, it works out well for him to have a criminal empire.
  • Continuity Nod: In his review of Scorpion, made well before Maul was brought back, Chuck joked that since Episode One, Maul was making a living advertising for Red Roof Inn. When Mother Talsand mentions Maul to Count Dooku in "Monster," Dooku brings up these ads to her.

Star Wars A New Hope

    Daine Jir 
  • No Badass to His Valet: Darth Vader is a giant who can pick up a man one handed and break his neck, can deflect blaster fire with his hands, and has magical powers. After the Tantive IV incident, Jir talks to this huge, magical, cybernetically augmented killing machine like he caught a coworker stealing office supplies. Chuck dubs him; "The Guy With the Biggest Balls in the Empire".

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Chuck's Imperial Agent character. A miraluka, an inherently Force-sensitive people who compensate for their natural blindness with the ability to see through the Force. And since the Sith Empire is taking everybody with even a hint of Force potential and shipping them to the meat-grinder that is the Sith Academy, Rex instead poses as a human with cybernetic implants to disguise his true heritage.
  • Anti-Villain: Willingly lies and murders people for a corrupt totalitarian regime, but also prefers their be a reason behind said actions, which is more than can be said for his superiors.
  • Bad Liar: Not generally, but his attempts to pass himself off as human don't go over great. When he talks to the subclass trainer and decides to try the Operative class, he does a dance under the assumption of being invisible... except the stealth belt was broken, and he couldn't tell due to his blindness. Luckily the trainer assumes he was being sarcastic. When the trainer gives him a sniper rifle, he points out the scope is backwards... so Rex tries to claim he likes the challenge.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Will not hesitate to snark at anybody he feels deserves it, even an Ax-Crazy Sith who'll "flay him alive along with everyone he knows".
    Chuck: But... you're one of the people I know.
  • Inhuman Eye Concealers: Rex is a Miraluka - an eyeless Human Alien with the power to "see" through the Force - and given that the Empire is conscripting any Force sensitives they can get their hands on, Rex is careful to hide his true nature in order to avoid being sent to the meatgrinder that is the Sith Academy. To that end, he wears clunky cybernetic implants over his face to make it look as if he's just a blind human. Much to his annoyance, though, everyone in the game seems to already know that he's an alien no matter how carefully he tries to hide it.
  • Only Sane Man: Frequently exasperated with the sheer insanity of the Stupid Evil Sith Empire. Unfortunately, he's powerless to do much but complain, and he knows it.
  • Overt Operative: His initial attire is a loud yellow jumpsuit with the Imperial logo on the front. Justified on account of being blind.

    Sho Winter 
Chuck's Sith Inquisitor character. When a group of Imperials came to her home planet of Rattatak to hunt her kind for sport, Winter saw fit to return the favor. As punishment, she was Made a Slave, only for her Force sensitivity to be discovered, resulting in her being shipped to Korriban for training. Arguably a worse fate, but she makes it work to her advantage.
  • Author Appeal: As Chuck explains, the concept of a Sith Inquisitor who would dabble in dark-side magics was a concept he had been fascinated with for a while, but could never have realized with his roleplaying groups. It was the prospect of playing this sort of class that was the catalyst for playing the game in the first place.
  • Confusion Fu: She'll sometimes be crueler or kinder than the situation calls for, to keep anyone from getting a read on her. After all, if you're evil all the time, you grow predictable.
  • Contrasting Sequel Main Character: Where Rex was an Only Sane Man who frequently bemoans the sheer madness of his Sith overlords, Winter is one of those overlords, and absolutely revels in her own madness. Though she does lean more towards the pragmatic.
  • Had to Be Sharp: Her backstory. She is a ruthless survivor and cunning manipulator because she had to be to survive, something that serves her well in the Sith.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: Well, how much is faking, and how much is real madness can be debated, but she'll certainly use the image to her advantage.
    Chuck: And besides, people have respect for a little healthy madness. Hehe, fools...
  • Properly Paranoid: Winter assumes that nothing is guaranteed, her plans will fall apart, and everyone is plotting against her. She's often right.
  • Weight Woe: The medical droid assures Winter she's lost weight. After being reprogrammed, yeah, but...
  • You Will Be Spared: She has no problem with showing mercy to people, either because they'd be useful in the future, or just because she feels like it. As Chuck points out, being a Sith means being free to choose, so if Winter chooses to show mercy, than the Sith, by their own philosophy, can't tell her not to.

    Angela Ripley 
Chuck's Sith Warrior character. She used to be an ax-crazy murder-happy Sith like Winter, but she's been going to therapy and is trying really hard not to fall back into the stereotypical Stupid Evil methods of traditional Sith. As such she's far more in tune with the Light side of the Force than most Sith and one of the more merciful characters Chuck's played... to a point.
  • Absurd Phobia: Suffers from "pantaloonaphobia", which is why even on Hoth she refuses to cover her legs.
  • Aerith and Bob: Compared to Inquisitor Sho, Angela's name sounds very little like that of a Sith lord.
  • Badass Long Robe: She wears what appears to be Marka Ragnos's robes, coloured midnight blue and gold.
  • Bling of War: The metallic components of her armour appear to be gold.
  • Blunt "Yes": When confronted by Tremel's daughter over whether Angela thought she'd get away with "killing" her father, Angela just says "yeah". After all, Darth Baras told her specifically that she would be able to get away with it, so she had no reason to assume otherwise.
  • Dramatic Irony: Upon learning that one of her companions is a traitor, she decides, after much consideration, that Quinn is the most trustworthy.
  • Egocentric Team Naming: "Ripley's Immortals," what Ripley hopes to one day have under her command: a crack team of elite specialists, so named because the places they go are death for any lesser beings. In reality, she just wants some saps to go clearing the various mines, sewers, caves, and whatnot her job requires without going through them herself.
  • It's All About Me: While she is a "better" person than the average Sith and is trying to be less of a murderhappy monster, she still has a monstrous ego and it's implied that pride is what fuels her connection to the dark side.
  • Kick The Son Of A Bitch: Angela may be trying to go Light Side, but Duke Kendoh (a smug, backstabbing, rapist aristocrat) so thoroughly disgusts her that she makes him bow to her just for the satisfaction of it, threatens to torture him whenever he gets demanding, and eventually has him killed by his own guards.
  • The Needs of the Many: She'll still do Dark Side actions on occasion if they qualify as this. For example, she gets General Organa to talk by strangling one of her soldiers rather than by going to fight for her, reasoning that hurting one person is less harm than killing many soldiers.
  • Noodle Incident: Something happened at her old job within the Sith Empire that ended in a wild vehicle crash and required her skull to be reconstructed, which explains her cybernetics, her anxiousness in keeping her new job, and her subsequent stint in therapy.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Pretty much literally. Simply refers to being selected as Darth Baras' apprentice as "getting that job," and repeatedly compares it (favorably or not) to her last job, and notes that she can't afford to screw up this job because her prospects if she gets fired are pretty dim (understandable, since murder is apparently her main marketable skill). She even goes on a spiel about being devastating, that devastating is the job, but when she goes home, devastating doesn't get to come home with her.
  • Recovered Addict: She used to be a standard kill-crazy Sith, but is trying to get the murder monkey off her back and turn from the dark side after a terrible accident. A Running Gag is that she goes to a Tropaholics Anonymous support group for it, but the sheer number of people she ends up killing in her everyday life makes it hard not to slip back into her old Card-Carrying Villain ways.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Wears a skull belt buckle for intimidation. On the one hand she blames it for nobody trusting her attempts at diplomancy, but on the other it makes her confused that Jedi keep accusing her of being subtle.
  • Stripperiffic: Fancy robe. Armored knee-high boots. Bikini bottom that leaves her legs completely bare.
  • Throw 'Em to the Wolves: She prefers this form of vengeance, letting Vette choose what happens to Cada Bliss and respecting her choice to spare him, and letting Duke Kendoh's guards kill him.
  • Token Human: Of the Dark Side characters Chuck makes, she's the only human, with the others being Rex (Miralukan), Sho (Rattataki), and Lone Rose (Cathar).
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Tends to call out Jedi who betray their own Order's ideals by attacking unprovoked or committing immoral actions. Part of the reason she hasn't just defected outright is that she sees their Holier Than Thou attitude as a slippery slope and would rather remain where she can be called out for her actions.

    Lone Rose 
Chuck's Bounty hunter character. A Cathar who seeks fame and fortune to join "The Great Hunt" with his bounty hunting crew...that he himself did not have any interest in working with because he effectively inherited it from his old boss. He also uses an understudy sometimes when he believes some work is below him.
  • Adaptation Expansion: Chuck's in-depth explanation as to the logic of certain decisions and particular bits of backstory for Lone Rose, moreso than any of the other TOR characters, greatly expands on decisions and logic that are rarely more than hinted at in the actual in-game dialogue. This is primarily due to even the most erudite of the Bounty Hunter's lines being short and gruff, which wouldn't quite work for the Badass Bookworm that Chuck plays Lone Rose as. You'll notice that there are far fewer scenes where the in-game Bounty Hunter lines are used instead of Chuck's in-character dialogue as opposed to the other three Imperial classes (though it may also be because the Bounty Hunter gets a lot of simple stuff explained to them due to how the Bounty Hunter storyline is set up, and that's not very interesting to watch).
  • Bad Ass Normal: Takes on Jedi and Sith alike just as casually as any other target.
  • Badass Bookworm: Actually went to college to study Bounty Hunting, and apparently did fairly well. Though he did have another college career in another field of study that apparently didn't go quite so well.
  • Bad Boss: Doesn't exactly ingratiate himself towards his follower characters, preferring to work alone and prefers shunting them into extremely mundane support roles. He only marginally cares about his understudy, and even then he berates him when he can't keep up an emotion during a cutscene. However, by the end he's shown as slightly warming up to his companions.
    • He does force Mako to sit down and read his college textbooks on bounty hunting, since she's extremely green. While this might seem like a good thing, he admits it's primarily so that he's had to stop her doing stupid things, followed by telling her why what she is doing or saying is stupid, so many times that he's afraid it'll come across as mansplaining.
  • Better the Devil You Know: The reason why Gault tends to be by his side is that his scheming nature means that not only is it safer to have him by the Rose's side than out of sight as well as being useful for negotiation, but it also means he's ultimately expendable compared to Mako.
  • Big Ego, Hidden Depths: His gigantic ego and constant boasting are to make up for the fact that he's spent his entire life being demeaned and his talents going unappreciated because he's a Cathar, no matter where he goes. He even admits to hating the Mandalorian way of life and most Mandalorians in general, but joins anyway because they're the first people to accept him.
  • Bling-Bling-BANG!: Wields a pair of very fancy blaster pistols with long bodies and curved grips that appear to be gold-plated.
  • Boring, but Practical: in contrast to all the other glory-hungry Mandalorians or young, inexperienced bounty hunters, The Lone Rose prefers to operate like this. He's admitted that he would like to make plans to take out his bounties rather than just run in guns blazing, or not go to extremes because it would be bad for business.
  • Broken Pedestal: The last piece of backstory concocted for the character was that he once had hopes of serving in the Republic military, but after being rejected from the Officers Academy and the various miseries that he's had to deal with from a Jedi in the storyline the character's idealism towards the Republic has long faded.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's a total braggart and about as friendly as a knife through your hand, but he is very good at bounty hunting, able to think at least a step and a half ahead of any potential marks and shoot up a room full of heavily armed bandits with only a pair of blaster pistols.
  • Catchphrase: "I'm the Lone Rose", followed by the intro of "Kiss from a Rose"
  • Challenge Seeker: He's in the Great Hunt primarily for the thrills and the reputation boost, the money is just a bonus...though he also likes the money.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: He credits his ability to go toe-to-toe with Force users to his fitness regimen, which starts with running a 5k as a warm-up before even hitting the gym every day.
  • The Cynic: Is this in regards to the galaxy at large. He's especially cynical over the Republic and the Jedi, whom he sees as just as bad as the Sith, but at least the Sith are honest about what they're doing. Given that part of his backstory is that everyone in the galaxy apparently looks down on Cathar, and he had to work three times as hard to get accepted, it's not as if this attitude comes from nowhere.
  • Furry Reminder: Tries to keep cat-puns to a minimum...key word being tries.
  • I Work Alone: He didn't choose the name "Lone Rose" for nothing. Though unlike other examples, it's more a matter of him not suffering fools.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: While he is a boorish asshole, the Lone Rose is much smarter than he looks.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He's "The Lone Rose," and doesn't go by any other name.
  • The Other Darrin: In the first part of the series, due to an audio glitch, the Lone Rose is replaced by an understudy. Said Understudy used to do Broadway performances in Hamilton, but isn't the best, so he got put on the matinees.
    Trae Quosh 
Chuck's Jedi Knight character. A Padawan that showed up on Tython to complete the final leg of his training, presumably after attending a rock concert. After defeating a Dark Jedi, he's placed into the apprenticeship of Orguss Dinn, a Jedi council member who takes an interest in his dueling abilities.
  • The Ace: Trae's ability to duel is unparalleled.
  • The Casanova: Trae's implied to be a bit of a ladies man, using the justification that he's not exactly getting attached to anybody as is forbidden by Jedi teachings, just enjoying one night stands as they happen in his life. Which is implied to be often.
  • Cassandra Truth: Points out multiple times to the Republic Commander that the decision to make super weapon after super weapon that is poorly guarded is a horrible idea, and by the time he's reached Nar Shadda he's basically correctly assumed everything the commander's entire plan of attack is horrific.
  • Reluctant Warrior: Trae would rather be meditating on Tython than fighting people, but winds up having to fight anyway because people won't stop trying to kill him or innocents around him.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He shows nothing but contempt for the Republic creating superweapons in secret black site projects without oversight.

Wonder Woman (Unaired 2011 Pilot)

    Wonder Woman
  • All Crimes Are Equal: If you work for Veronica Cale. At no point is Wonder Woman arrested for hospitalizing a man she had almost no evidence on, did a pointless illegal search, and tortured in a hospital bed, then went on to do some breaking and entering, and assaulting and killing multiple people, some of whom might very well have been too low on the corporate totem pole to know about any illegal activities. But a low-income kid trying to get a scholarship by cheating with performance enhancing drugs? Wonder Woman will visit you in your hospital bed to give you encouragement with nary a word about how this was a bad idea.
  • Attention Whore: Some lawbreakers blurt out threats in moments of weakness, or anger. Wonder Woman holds a press conference.
  • Beware the Superman: Imagine a world where Kim Kardashian has godlike powers and the patience of Atilla the Hun..
    • Bizarro Universe: Alternatively (and just as plausibly), we are viewing the adventures of the Bizarro Wonder Woman.
  • Brainless Beauty: "The only way that she'll be a role model is if feminism laps itself."
  • Can't Get in Trouble for Nuthin': Her public slandering of Veronica Cale without evidence makes Chuck wonder if she's deliberately trying to sabotage herself so she can retire as Diana Prince. The fact that she's still considered a paragon of virtue despite almost everything she does hinders this plan.
  • Controversy-Proof Image: In spades.
    "She could throw babies at war amputees and still be called a hero!"
  • Crapsaccharine World: This is like setting Jack Bauer loose in Mayberry!
  • Destructive Savior / Evil Overlord: The only explanation for this bimbo rising to the top is because she has terrorized her city into praising everything she does.
  • Dumb Muscle: Odd for a female character, but it's the closest trope that fits. She's hopeless as a business leader; as a superhero, she's one tiara removed from Frank Castle; and her 'normal life' is a hermetically-sealed bubble with no friends, job, or bills to pay.
    "There is only one thing she's good at. The only thing. She knows how to hurt people."
  • Eagleland: Type 2. Far from the idealism of Diana of Themyscira, this Wonder Woman embodies the spirit of Amerika.
  • Evil Counterpart: Mixed with Corrupted Character Copy, Chuck muses that the only way this version of Wonder Woman to have worked is to be a villainous Foil to the real Wonder Woman, who would be revealed and gradually prove why she is the better version.
  • Famous Ancestor: Not by Chuck, but there were several commenters that came to the conclusion that she's Psycho!Janeway's ancestor.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Such a big apartment for one girl? Well, there was a boyfriend, but Diana shoved his face in a food processor for drinking from the milk carton again.
  • Implausible Deniability:
    WW: Why do you think I had anything to do with her disappearance?
    Ed Indelicato: Well, there was you saying in front of the entire world that if you had your way, she'd wind up dead and stuffed standing in your lobby, and... well, there she is.
    WW: (Oblivious) What's your point?
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Had the show gone to air, Chuck hypothesizes that the next episode would have shown Diana reacting to her ex-boyfriend's new bride by planting a stiletto heel in her eyeball, then claiming it was really Hitler in disguise.
    "And then everyone stands around shocked at this near-miss that only Wonder Woman could have averted!'
  • Right-Hand Cat: Kills people, then goes home to brag about it to Mister Whiskers.
  • Screw This Index, I Have Tropes: Suggests that she gets away with the crap that she does for some of the following reasons:
    "Well I hope everyone has learned their valuable lesson: If you're rich and popular enough, you can get away with whatever you want."
    • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: A lot. When reactionary politicians and TV personalities are applauding your efforts, something is probably off.
    • The police want to search Veronica Cale's secret laboratory but can't do so lawfully because Wonder Woman tortured the information out of a suspect she hospitalized in order to do an illegal search that didn't even give any results, so they tell Wonder Woman to break into the lab so it becomes a crime scene, allowing them to move in. The authorities seem to be (routinely) using Diana as a workaround to circumvent the U.S. Constitution.
    • Then when Wonder Woman meets up with her ex-boyfriend on the judiciary board...
    Wonder Woman's ex-boyfriend: This concludes our investigation!
    Chuck: Ah, so when the government official connected to the bad guy upholds the law, that's bad. When the government official connected to the good guy ignores the law, that's good. Because this is what Superman looks like this in this world *Picture of Bizarro*.
  • Spot the Imposter: Chuck eventually gave up and realized the only way to redeem the pilot is to have the real Diana Prince combating evil in the shadows, while the city is under the stiletto heel of some wackjob in a skyscraper calling herself "Wonder Woman."
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Suggests that people let Wonder Woman do what she wants because the alternative is to piss off Wonder Woman, who violates due process, ignores the law, tortures people with no evidence as a matter of course, and seems to have immunity to prosecution.
    "She pushes to be given time alone with this fellow that she actually put in the hospital in the first place, yeah, that doesn't sound like a bad idea at all. But the detective, for some reason, decides to go along with it, because, well, nobody can say no to Wonder Woman. Or at the very least, no one dares to say no to Wonder Woman."
  • Villain with Good Publicity: In the All Star Superman review, he all but name drops the trope when making a reference to the pilot.

You Better Watch Out

    You Better Watch Out 
  • Santa Claus is a former con-man, stuck forever in an Ironic Hell.
    • After a fan told him a little about the real St. Nicholas, who had a dead arm and slapped Arius for denying Christ was God, he changed his mental image of Santa a bit:
    Chuck: Can you picture a Santa who waits for kids to come out and see the presents only to greet them with a slap across the face? Because I can! Ho, ho, ho! Naughty children get jolly ol' Nick's pimp hand, kiddies!
