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Star and Allies

    Star Butterfly 
  • Abdicate the Throne: Like in canon she gave the throne to Eclipsa before the series thinking she would set things right for monsters, only to regret it when she sees that she’s neglecting Mewmans and learns about Globgor’s dark past.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: A very light example, she’s pretty much the same except becoming a teen mom has made her more mature. She’s also learned that she can’t run away from her problems.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: In canon she was attracted to Brunzetta. Here she’s strictly attracted to Marco.
  • All-Loving Hero: She loves Marco despite him being a commoner while she’s a princess and wants Mewmans and Monsters to coexist as equals.
  • But I Can't Be Pregnant!: Her reaction when she first finds out since she’s only fifteen and she and Marco haven’t been dating long. But she gets over it soon enough with Narcos support.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Pregnancy induced hormones aside, if you insult or hurt Marco, her friends or endanger Mewni she will destroy you.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: She calls her mother Moon out on never being there to raise her growing up when she reacts poorly to Stars pregnancy.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Lightly invoked. When in the neverzone she discretely asks if Marco and Brunzetta “quested.” She also becomes a bit clingy to Marco at her baby shower when Kelly shows up knowing she still likes Marco.
  • Facial Markings: Pink hearts.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She’s blonde and a very kind girl.
  • Hates Their Parent: She has mother issues, but it’s not full blown hatred until Moon sides with Mina and starts the new Monster-Mewman war.
  • Like a Son to Me: The Diaz’s live her like a daughter and Angie even asks her to call her mom. Which she accepts.
  • Magnetic Hero: Her kindness and desire for equality makes Star well-liked by the younger generation of royals, the monster community and non-prejudiced Mewmans. Some even prefer that Star rule Mewni when she’s older rather than Eclipsa or Meteora.
  • Mama Bear: Towards Vega before she’s even born.
  • Not Quite the Right Thing: She gave the wand to Eclipsa because she was the rightful ruler and she thought she would make things better for Mewmans. But Star realizes this was a mistake after seeing her completely disregard her Mewman subjects and that she kept Globgors warcrimes a secret from her while still defending him. She lamented over Mewni being in the rule of her and her descendants forever until Ludo and BuffFrog suggests that she chellenge her for the throne. Something that she considers doing and goes through with it after both her mother and Globgor attack.
  • Pregnant Badass: While pregnant with Vega she is able to combine the baby’s magic with hers to repel the darkest spell. Too bad the strain causes her to need a c-section.
  • Raised by the Community: Growing up she was more raised by servants than her mother and on earth she finds a Family of Choice with her human friends and the Diaz’s.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Marco.
  • Take a Third Option: When the new Monster-Mewman war starts and she is asked to pick a side. Realizing that neither her mother or Eclipsa are good rulers for Mewni (Eclipsa for blatantly favoring monsters and her mother for favoring mewmans) Star decides to challenge them both for the throne and become a Reluctant Ruler to make Mewni great for everyone.
  • Undying Loyalty: She’s outraged when the Lucitors suggest she leave Marco and stay with Tom for appearances sake.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: To Marco. Just ask Tom....
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She receives this from the Mewmans for giving the throne to Eclipsa and “ruining Mewni”. She also gives this to her mother for creating the Solarian warriors and Eclipsa for favoring monsters over Mewmans.

    Marco Diaz 
  • Adaptational Heroism: Though it wasn’t done intentionally, in canon he “found” his sword El Chappo which accidentally released a fire demon that terrorized the Neverzonians. Here he was trained by the Neverzonians king before they were wraiths and used it to avenge his death at the hands of a fire demon. And the Neverzonians wanted it back to complete a spell to while the demons out.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: He specifically says that Star was his first time having sex, as opposed to canon where it’s implied that he had relationships with both Hekapoo and Brunzetta in the Neverzone.
  • Berserk Button: Insulting Star or implying that he took advantage of her is a good way to enrage him. Hurting Star and they’re child sends him on a rampage.
  • Disappeared Dad: Subverted. Though understandably shocked upon discovering he impregnated Star he immediately makes it clear that he’s going to stay with them.
  • Like Father, Like Son: He reacted the same way his own father did seeing their children’s ultrasounds: crying.
  • Nice Guy: Just don’t hurt or insult Star.
  • Oblivious to Love: He seems unaware that Kelly has a crush on him.
  • Papa Wolf: He goes on a rampage trying to find out who nearly petrified Star and their unborn daughter.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: With Star
  • Undying Loyalty: To Star, he gives up becoming a knight so he can stay at her side and raise their daughter.
  • Violently Protective Boyfriend: To Star.

    Vega Butterfly-Diaz 
  • Blue Is Heroic: Her magic is blue like her grandmothers.
  • Child of Two Worlds: Born of mewman royalty and earth commoner.
  • Facial Markings: Dimensional scissors, that move as she opens her mouth.
  • Fan-Created Offspring: Of Marco and Star. Her conception is the main idea behind the plot.
  • Premature Birth Drama: She is born a few weeks early due to Star straining herself and Star has to be immediately taken to the hospital and have a c-section performed. Thankfully Vega still comes out healthy.

    Janna Ordonia 

    Tom Lucitor 
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: He was raised by cold unloving father whose told him since birth that he has no purpose other than to marry Star to set up a Butterfly-Lucitor alliance. In fact all his actions up until dating Janna are from a feeling that he’s nothing without Star because of this.
  • The Atoner: He feels terrible about what he’s done to Star and Marco later on and does what he can to make it up to them. Including saving them from a dark-magic raven.
    • He fakes this by passing it off as an attempt to break Star and Marcos blood moon bond to help them break a curse when it’s just another attempt to get her back. He enters a form of Unstoppable Rage resembling a giant dragon when it doesn’t work.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: To Star, he gets over it after he accepts they are over and gets together with Janna.
  • Didn't Think This Through: He left Star a vague message before walking out of her life for weeks without contacting her in any way, leaving her in the care of a guy who he knew she used to have feelings for, and now knew had feelings for her as well, and then pops back into her life out of nowhere expecting to pick up right where they left off.
  • Entitled to Have You: A tragic variant. Due to his fathers abusive parenting he thinks he HAS to be with Star otherwise he’s useless so he goes to any lengths he can to get back together with her. He gets over it later and enters a healthy loving relationship with Janna.
  • Fatal Flaw: Anger and being unable to properly convey his feelings.
  • Freudian Excuse: His desperation to make Star his, no matter what the cost or actions he must commit, is fueled by his father pushing him to marry into the Butterfly lineage and gain power for the Lucitor regime.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Janna helps him over his depression he becomes genuinely sorry for what he’s done to Star and Marco and makes amends with both of them.
  • Honorary Uncle: To Vega after he makes amends with Star and Marco. When she’s born he buys her a lot of weapons to defend herself on earth.
  • Idiot Ball: Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom....WHY would you think leaving Star and Marco alone together after finding out they kissed, and telling him to “take care of her” was a good idea.
  • Never My Fault: He acts as if Star had unjustly cheated behind his back on Marco and only says “(she) messed up.”
  • Poor Communication Kills: The whole plot is started because Tom told Marco to “take care” of Star before leaving. Given his turbulent relationship with Star up until that point and him saving Marcos life even after admitting he KISSED Star, it would have been reasonable to assume he was stepping side to let them be together. He really just left to take time to get over his anger at the kiss and only wanted Star to unwind with her friend. He is furious when he finds out they got together.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: He becomes possessive and controlling when he finds out Star is pregnant wuth Marcos child, trying anything he can to get her back to him.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: While he does have feelings for her, Toms real reason for wanting to be with Star is because it’s what his father wants. He wants nothing more than to please his unloving father, but he gets over this later when he starts dating Janna.

Moons Rebellion

    Moon Butterfly 
  • Adaptational Personality Change: Thanks to not having all her memories back there is a lot of selective memory affecting Moons judgement, giving her a antiquated view of things that more makes her more upright and snobbish. Disapproving of Marco as Star’s boyfriend being one since he’s not nobility when in canon she cared for him.
  • Always a Child to Parent: Because of her selective memory she doesn’t remember all the character development Star went through and thinks she’s as immature and irresponsible as she was in season ** Finding out Star got herself pregnant from what she thinks was a one-time-fling with her squire doesn’t help.
  • Amnesiacs are Innocent: She’s happy and Childish without ANY of her past memories on pie island.
  • Disappointed in You: She doesn’t hide her disappointment at Star getting pregnant or being with Narco very well.
  • Facial Markings: Purple diamonds.
  • Fantastic Racism: She considers monsters a threat to Mewman survival and intends to reinstall the status quo of monster subjugation to “protect” her people and family.
  • For Your Own Good: Her justification for siding with Mina and Dave to overthrow Eclipsa.
  • Freudian Excuse: She hasn’t recovered all of her memories so she doesn’t remember that she prefers Marco to Tom, she does remember that monsters killed her mother and has been further influenced in her amnesic state by the racist displaced Mewmans and Mina that Monsters are bad. This and thinking she knows what’s best fit her daughter and future granddaughter drives her actions.
  • Hands-Off Parenting: She wasn’t there much for Star growing up because if her duties as queen.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Though creating the Solarians and planning to re-subjugate monster kind is wrong, she’s right that Eclipsa isn’t a good ruler for displacing Mewmans.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Spending time in the realm of magic wiped her memory which she is barely getting back in pieces.
  • Love-Obstructing Parents: She’s not just mad that Star got herself pregnant so young, but that she got pregnant from Marco (a human commoner) over prince Tom. She bemoans that love doesn’t forge alliances and that if past Butterflies married for love the dynasty would have ended ages ago.
  • Missing Mom: She’s missing by the time the story starts.
  • A Mistake Is Born: Her reaction to Stars pregnancy.
  • Not Quite the Right Thing: She agrees to join Mina and Dave’s rebellion thinking she will be making Mewni safe for her daughter and granddaughter.
  • Parental Abandonment: Right after getting some of her memory of Star back she immediately leaves Mewni again due to not feeling comfortable around Eclipsa. Star feels as if she’s abandoning her again.
  • Parents as People: She doesn’t approve of Star’s choice to be with Marco and doesn’t react to her pregnancy very well but she’s still determined to make Mewni safe for her Star and her daughter. Although her methods aren’t the best.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Because of the Lazer Guided Amnesia she suffered in the neverzone she has a lot of gaps in her memory. The main things she remembers are monsters killing her mother, Star being irresponsible and in a relationship with Tom. This makes it easy for Mina to get her on her side.
    • While working with Mina and Dave she is oblivious to the fact that they both intend to kill Star despite the laters promise not too.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Along with being horrified at the way Eclipsa is running things (favoring monsters while leaving Mewmans to starve), her main reason for creating the Solarian warriors to overthrow Eclipsa is to provide a good life for her granddaughter daughter.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She isn’t proud of her daughter giving the wand to Eclipsa resulting in the way Mewni currently is.

    Dave Lucitor 
  • Adaptational Species Change: He’s a warlock here.
  • Adaptational Villainy: A hot tempered but loving parent in canon, to an emotionally Abusive Parent and sociopathic social climber here. His portrayal more matches backwolfwrites signverse fanfiction.
  • Evil Is Petty: He reveals Stars pregnancy to the public just to spite her for rejecting his son.
  • Government Conspiracy: First wuth Mina and Manfred. Later Moon joins out of a misplaced belief in them. They later get the Kelpbottoms and pigeons on their side.
  • It's All About Me: He’s interested in his own power and nothing else.
  • Jerkass: When not evil.
  • Knight Templar Parent: Has told his son that he has no purpose other than to marry into the Butterfly line since he was born to secure his own power.
  • Magnificent Bastard:
  • Social Climber: He ascended to king of the underworld by impressing the old king to marry his daughter and intends to have his son marry into the Butterfly line.
  • The Sociopath: Doesnt care for his son beyond being his Meal Ticket and is perfectly willing to start a rebellion for his own benefit as well as kill a pregnant teenage girl.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: King if the Underworld and a warlock.
  • Tom The Darklord: His name is Dave and he’s king of the underworld.
  • Vicariously Ambitious: He wanted Tom to marry Star to form an alliance with the Butterflies. No other reason. Now his plan is to kill Star and overthrow Eclipsa.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Tried to feed Star (whose also pregnant) prettifying yadds-yadda berries.

    Mina Loveberry 
  • Ax-Crazy: Wants to slaughter all monsters, monster smoochers and is happy to die as long as she can take some of her enemies with her (including children).
  • Fantastic Racism: In addition to wanting to slaughter all monsters and monster smoochers she’s also against blood mixing in general. Looking down on Star for getting pregnant with a human and mocks Dave for his son dating a human.
  • Government Conspiracy: Part of one with Dave and later convinces Moon to join. They also get the Kelpbottoms and Pigeons to join them.
  • Knight Templar: As far as she’s concerned she’s right and anyone who disagrees is wrong.
  • The Oath-Breaker: Moon agreed to make the Solarian warriors of Mina promised not to hurt Star or her family. Mina swore as a servant of the Butterfly house, then she tries to kill Star and take Marco as a hostage when she thinks she’s going to die just to take him with her. The fact that the current butterflies are either imposters or monster smoochers probably serves as her justification for this.
  • Oh, Crap!: Seeing Star rebound the darkest spell causes the normally fearless Solarian warrior (who goaded Eclipsa into continuing the spell) to immediately drop her hostages and start trembling.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: Part of her Solarian warrior transformation. She loves violence and Mewman supremacy.
  • Super-Soldier: Patient zero of Solarias Solarian warrior program. The first to volunteer and the first to survive.
  • Speak Ill of the Dead: She considers all previous butterflies weak in comparison to Solaria and mocks Moons mother Comet for getting herself killed while trying to make peace with monsters.
  • The Juggernaut: As a Solarian warrior.
  • The Sociopath: She’s a blood thirst racist warrior that wants to kill all monsters, monster smoochers and anyone that gets in her way. And will happily do whatever it takes to achieve her goals.
  • Taking You with Me: When Eclipsa summons the darkest spell she immediately grabs into Marco and Janna intending to not go alone.
  • Would Hurt a Child: See Taking You with Me.
  • With Us or Against Us: Despite trying to kill Star when she learns that she planned to challenge Eclipsa for the throne someday she offers her the chance to join her rebellion. Otherwise she will kill her with Eclipsa.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Still racist to monsters but cares about Star, vouches for Marco and sacrifices himself to save Star.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sacrifices himself to save Star from an attack from Mina.
  • Shipper on Deck: Supports Marco and Star’s relationship.

Eclipsa’s Court

    Eclipsa Butterfly 
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While Eclipsa did return mewman homes back to their original monster owners, displacing Mewmans like in canon this version takes her favorite up to 11. She blatantly favors monsters and, unlike canon where she still had Mewman guards, only hires monster ones and even bars Mewmans (including servants) from attending her coronation. There’s also the fact that she’s still with Globgor even though he admits to killing her mother in this continuity.
  • Anti-Hero: She truly wants to make things better for monsters, she just forgets to take care of Mewmans as well.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Favors monsters over Mewmans to the point of removing all Mewmans from her royal guard, but is Mewman herself.
  • Facial Markings: Purple spades.
  • Lady of Black Magic: Naturally she’s the queen of darkness.
  • Parental Substitute: Becomes one to Star before Star decides she isn’t a good ruler for Mewni. She even hosted Stars baby shower and gave her advice on talking to Marco about her pregnancy.

    Globgor Morningstar 
  • Adaptational Badass: He’s the one who taught Eclipsa dark magic and combines it wuth his natural size-changing abilities to actually leave dents in the Solarian warriors armor.
  • Adaptational Name Change: He’s given a last name here.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The author describes this version of Globgor as a mix between his canon self and the version of him from his signverse au where he is an outright villain. His past as a warmonger is given more emphasis.
    • For instance, he was allied with the Septarians here whereas in canon they were too violent even for him.
    • Unlike his canon counterpart who rejects Eclipsas offer to free himself from the Crystal and has mellowed out greatly from his past. This version takes the opportunity to free himself without Eclipsas knowledge and still hates and distrusts all Mewmans except for his wife. Then he contemplates killing Star and her unborn baby in her sleep to prevent her from challenging Meteora for the throne.
    • In his second appearance he admits that he killed queen Solaria in this continuity (when in canon he told Eclipsa he didn’t), outright attacks Star and summons a Bat People army.
  • Anti-Villain: Despite the above, he only attacked Star when he discovered she was planning to challenge Eclipsa for the throne some day and his summoning of the desmodon was only to defend his people and family from Moons Solarian army so his actions are not completely unjustified.
  • Deal with the Devil: Surprisingly not the devil in this situation. But he made a deal with the desmodon that he would free them from the underworld for their service.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Loves his wife and daughter.
  • Fantastic Racism: He hates and distrusts all Mewmans except for Eclipsa. Not unsurprising given Mewnis history.
  • A Hero to His Hometown: Zig-Zagged, as stated by Bengy. Some monsters consider him a great leader who defended his people from Mewmans along with the brave septarians. But others saw him as a viscious warmonger who caused more harm to monster-Mewman relations, such as him destroying the spiderbite village.
  • I Have Many Names: Lord of the Musty Mountains, Inheritor of the Stone Throne and Silver Chair, Master of Shadows, Ghoul of the Wild, Watcher of the Moon and Listener of the Stars, Hunter of Mewmans, Slayer of Solaria, Queen's Bane, Last of the Size-Shifters and Prince of Darkness.
  • Last of His Kind: The last (pure) size-shifter.
  • The Legions of Hell: His army of desmodon. Demons banished to the pits of the underworld millennia ago by his ancestors, who he freed in exchange for their service. With them he can truly oppose Moons rebellion which consists of Solarian warriors.
  • Satanic Archetype: Besides his big-eyed devil-like appearance he also gains a bat-demon army, his is called the prince of darkness and his last name is Morningstar.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Attacked Star when she was pregnant.
  • Your Size May Vary: As a size shifter he can shrink to hand size or grow large enough to punch a Solarian mech.

Other Characters

    Raphael and Angie Diaz 
  • Family of Choice: For Star, as they did more to raise her than their own parents.
  • Manly Tears: Raphael cried at both Marcos and Mariposas ultrasounds.
  • Open-Minded Parent: They don’t scold their son for impregnating Star, just glad that they are together and promise to help them.

    Sherry Apothecary and Bengy 
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Their children are half monster half Mewman.
  • Happily Married: To each other. And lucky for them they live in a village farther from the castle where people are more accepting of monsters and their relationship.
  • Maligned Mixed Marriage: A Mewman woman and a monster husband.
  • Racist Grandma: Sherrys extended family. She admits they are as Janna describes typical Mewmans as: backwards renaissance hill-billies.

  • Adaptational Badass: Graduated knight school and became a teacher at a knight school before Marco could become a knight.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Though she still belittles Marco at first she grows to respect him through his determination and skill and even compliments him when he finishes knight school. She also, though angry and disappointed with him for it, lets him leave without a fuss when he decides to quit. Her canon counterpart was a completely self-centered and hypocritical jerkass who would downplay his skills as “cheating” only for her to do the same thing.
  • Jerkass: Not as bad as in canon though. Here she actually has redeeming qualities, such as true loyalty to her knight duties and ability to respect other people’s skills if they prove themselves, even Marco.
  • Stern Teacher: She doesn’t tolerate weakness in her school.

    Magic High Commission 
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Inverted, they still don’t like Eclipsa or monsters but rather than try to oppose her like they did in canon they simply leave Mewni for their own dimensions.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Don’t like monsters but are pretty weird looking themselves.
  • Greater-Scope Hero: Glossaryck. He has plans that he claims will change Mewni forever.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: About Globgor, Rhombulus was right to not want to recrystallize him here.
