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Characters / Rage of Bahamut: Genesis

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This page details the various characters presented in Rage of Bahamut: Genesis and its sequel Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul. Be wary of unmarked spoilers.

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Main Characters

    Favaro Leone
Voiced by: Hiroyuki Yoshino (Japanese), Ian Sinclair (English)
Is this the face of a man who would lie to you?'

The main character of the first season. A roguish bounty hunter with a sharp wit and a massive afro under the command of Bacchus whose drunken bragging of his adventures lead him to forming a contract with Amira.

  • Anti-Hero: Type IV. Favaro will eventually do the right thing, even if there's plenty of self-centered backstabbing in-between.
  • Artificial Limbs: His right leg gets blown off when Bahamut explodes into nothingness, and the epilogue shows that he got a replacement limb made of steel.
  • Badass Normal: He's a bounty hunter who can take on wizards and demons with nothing but his own strength, smarts and sword.
  • Bad Liar: His face screams dishonest! whether he likes it or not.
  • Bounty Hunter: His primary job, which mostly involves shady, underhanded business.
  • The Bus Came Back: Finally returns to the series proper in The Stinger of Virgin Soul 8th episode.
  • The Chosen One: Against all odds, it turns out that Favaro, of all people, was the "hero" prophesied to take down Bahamut.
  • Eyes Never Lie: Favaro always tries to convince Amira with a serious look that he doesn't have the eyes of a liar, before reverting to his goofy expression, earning him a slap from her. At one point, he even uses a fish to give off the same effect.
  • Funny Afro: Mocked repeatedly by Bacchus, who gives him the In-Series Nickname of "Bomber Head".
  • Hidden Depths: Implied to act like he does to give Kaisar a reason to live in hunting him, although he is quick to say that isn't true.
  • The Gunslinger: Uses a crossbow revolver as his main weapon.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: There's a good heart in there, somewhere. It's just hidden under thick layers of petty greed and selfishness.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: Male version. Apparently, just the act of removing his Funny Afro is enough to increase his sex appeal with the ladies, as lampshaded by Nina when she catches him wet, butt-naked, and hair transformed into a more wavy design.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: After the death of their fathers, Kaisar was quick to assume that Favaro used him all along to gather information on the raid. Favaro just plays along with it in order to give Kaisar a motivation to go on living after having lost everything in his life.
  • Loveable Rogue: Favaro's quirky and lecherous for a professional bounty hunter, but funny and appealing nevertheless.
  • Love Redeems: Try as he might to deny it, Favaro slowly grows to genuinely care for Amira over time, and even finds himself falling in love with her. This brings out the best in him in the end, leading him to muster enough courage to step up and achieve his prophesied destiny of saving the world from Bahamut.
  • The Münchausen: Whenever he's drunk at the tavern, he tells grandiose stories of his exploits. Too bad none of them are true. In fact, this trope is the sole reason for his involvement in the story's plot.
  • Screw Destiny: His father taught him as such, and he resolves to change Amira's fate as the key to Bahamut's revival.
    "Screw this! To hell with fate! We can change fate, as much as we want, whenever we want! Screw this "destruction is our only fate" crap!"
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Remerging with Bahamut in order to seal it away ultimately just kept the dragon at bay for a little over ten years.
  • Out of Focus: Has remained mostly in the sidelines for most of Virgin Soul.
  • Weak, but Skilled: He's shown to rely more on trickery and deceit to defeat his opponents rather than raw strength.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: After sealing Bahamut, few people know that he was the one who saved the world, but he is okay with it and becomes a bounty hunter again, together with Kaisar.

    Kaisar Lidfard
Voiced by: Go Inoue (Japanese), Chris Rager (English)

The only surviving member of the once glorious Lidfard family. Nowadays, he's driven by his vendetta against Favaro.

  • An Arm and a Leg: During the finale, Favaro lops off his left forearm, but it's revealed that both had planned all along to distract Gilles de Rais and seal him with the Bacchus' bracelet, which was conveniently still on the severed limb. In the epilogue, he gets a replacement arm made of steel.
  • Badass Normal: He's just an ordinary human but is still capable of fighting supernatural beings.
  • Bounty Hunter: Following his family's downfall, Kaiser was left with a distaste for Favaro and decided to become a bounty hunter for Bacchus so he could track Favaro down, even though he'd rather not be one.
  • Blue Blood: He was born into a family of nobles but an event before the show caused him to lose his title, for which he blames Favaro.
  • Cool Horse: Barina Chall Lidfard, the last bastion of the Lidfard fortune.
  • Delinquent Hair: His gigantic pompadour, although otherwise he's quite the opposite of a delinquent. For this, Bacchus gives him the In-Series Nickname "Hammer Head".
  • Foil: To Favaro. Compared to him, Kaisar's much more of a traditional Knight in Shining Armor.
  • Hero Antagonist:
    • At the beginning of the story when, despite being a pretty nice guy to most, he's out for Favaro's head.
    • He becomes this again when Virgin Soul rolls around, as he normally finds himself in opposition to Azazel and Nina due to his allegiance to Charioce.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Always brandishes his signature longsword in combat.
  • Impoverished Patrician: He was born from an old knight family that had fallen on hard times after his father was disgraced. He blames Favaro for his current situation, as well as his Fallen-on-Hard-Times Job as a bounty hunter.
  • Large Ham: If there's one thing that will shake the screen, it's him yelling Favaro even when the latter is not around.
  • Love at First Sight: You can practically hear the birds chirping inside his head the first time he took a good, close-up look at Amira. It only serves to further motivate him to keep chasing down Favaro and "rescue" this fair lady.
  • Morality Pet: To Rita, Kaisar is the only person that she cares about. Heck, Rita has even stated that she doesn't care if the world if destroyed and only cares about Kaisar and Favaro (And the Favaro part is only because he is Kaisar's friend and he cares about him).
  • Nice Guy: And perhaps one of the most genuine of the bunch.
  • Peaceful in Death: Comments that he felt at peace before he finally dies in Episode 24. Subverted in that Rita brings him back as a zombie.
  • The Resenter: Towards Favaro for being responsible of his father's death and the disgrace of his family. After he finds out that Favaro was only playing along with it to make him happy, he gets better.
  • Running Gag: His Large Hams. And in Episode 11 he spends the whole time being dropped and falling from high heights.
  • Taking the Bullet: He gets in the way of Azazel and Jeanne's simultaneous attacks in order to protect Charioce.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Kaisar and Favaro were once childhood friends, but little did Kaisar know that Favaro was the son of a thief. When the raid that saw both fathers dead (Basaro killed and Lord Lidford shamed and executed, respectively) happened, Kaisar was quick to assume that Favaro used him all along to gather information on the raid, something that haunts him even to this day.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: After sealing Bahamut and losing his forearm, he is ascended to lieutenant, but decides to forget honor and becomes a bounty hunter again, reuniting with Favaro. Though in the sequel, he is the knight again and the leader of the Orléans Knights after Jeanne's banishment.
  • You Killed My Father: To Favaro. Once Azazel reveals he is the true party responsible for that death, he still sticks to Favaro for the sole purpose of defying the demon.

Voiced by: Risa Shimizu (Japanese), Tia Ballard (English)

A mysterious woman who fell from the sky. She, by all means, wants to reach the northern land called Helheim to find her mother.

  • Action Girl: Amira is more than capable of defending herself even without resorting to her demon form. She even goes hand-to-hand against zombies, which for anyone else would just be a one-way trip to zombification.
  • Adult Child: For a young woman, she's quite childish once Favaro and Kaisar get to properly know her. It's justified in that she is actually five years old.
  • Anti-Magic: Amira has innate magic resistance to gods and demons, which was useful in stealing the key. It's because she is half-god, half-demon.
  • Badass Adorable: A cute five-year-old girl with the innocence expected of a child, who is capable of transforming into a form strong enough to curb stomp most enemies, be they human, demon or angel.
  • Big Eater: Food seems to be the main thing that can get a reaction out of Amira outside of her quest to get to Helheim. Her first reaction to every one of the increasingly strange succession of creatures in episode 4 is "Is it tasty?".
  • The Big Girl: Hands down the biggest powerhouse in the group!
  • The Bus Came Back: Just as she merges with Bahamut in Genesis to seal the dragon, Amira returns in the final episode of Virgin Soul appearing to Nina inside Bahamut's light.
  • Child by Rape: Not sexually, but Beelzebub abducted her mother and brutally forced her to combine her magic with his own in order to create Amira.
  • Cute Bruiser: And an adorable one at that.
  • Cute Monster Girl: She's a beautiful girl with the mind of a child... and the blood of an angel and a demon coursing through her veins.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crosses it when Martinet and Beelzebub make shocking revelations about her true purpose; she's nothing but a construct meant to retrieve the God Key so that it would be united with the Demon Key. Also the mother she spend the whole series looking for never knew of her existence, was technically raped so she could conceive Amira and is killed by Beelzebub after her purpose is done. She then screams in anguish and turns into the Transcendent Key, after which Bahamut absorbs her, completing his revival.
  • "Do It Yourself" Theme Tune: She sings the ending credits, "Promised Land".
  • Girlish Pigtails: After her make-over in episode 2. Suddenly, she reveals more childish aspects of her personality as the story progresses.
  • Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Favero talks her into being one.
  • In Vino Veritas: Becomes a lot more gentle and expressive during the Binge Montage.
  • Last Kiss: Tearfully shares one with Favaro just before she's sealed away, likely forever.
  • MacGuffin Turned Human: Amira reveals that since she absorbed the 'soul' of Heaven's God Key, that she has become the God's Key.
  • Nonstandard Character Design: A subtle example. Most character designs in this show are, simply put, homely. However Amira is extremely beautiful by human standards in this show, and it emphasizes her non-humanity.
  • One-Winged Angel: Her demon form, which quite literally has one wing, usually curbstomps anything that's not called god or archdevil.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Her occasionally-revealed cute side (which comes out much more easily when she's tipsy) would imply she's a good example of one.
  • Skilled, but Naive:
    • Amira is a one-woman powerhouse, capable of taking down towering monsters on her own. However she's painfully uninformed about the world in general. It's later revealed that it's because she's five years old by way of accelerated growth.
    • She's also more-or-less unaware of the seriousness of the situation she's in and the chaos she has caused.
  • Younger Than They Look: Amira is chronologically only five years old. Lavalley muses that this was caused by Beelzebub, who kidnapped Amira and her mother and accelerated the former's growth.note 

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro (Japanese), Apphia Yu (English)

Rita is a seemingly young necromancer, known for being the only surviving citizen of the Nebelville massacre. After being spared by Kaisar and becoming an undead, she now follows the main cast in their travels.

  • Anti-Hero: Type V. Rita says that she is only worried about "those kids" and doesn't care about what happens to the world. It is this interest that leads her to work with the rest of the protagonists.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: Cute zombie girl, that is, given that she seems more like a sassy eight-year-old than a flesh eating monster.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She's a demonic product of necromancy, but is by no means evil... just super snarky.
  • Detachment Combat: Is capable of throwing her arm around since she's become a zombie. She usually does it to interrupt a quibble between Kaisar and Favaro.
  • Emotionless Girl: Has two emotions: mild irritation and snark.
  • Familiar: Has one in the form of a severed hand named Rocky in Virgin Soul. Specifically, it's Kaisar's severed hand, and acts as her pet/assistant.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: She brings Kaisar back to his senses more than once, usually by throwing a limb at him.
  • Immortal Immaturity: Subverted, while Rita is introduced using illusions to pretend she is living a life as a child with her parents, she has a sour and cynical outlook towards the world and often smacks Favaro and Kaisar when the behave rashly.
  • Little Miss Badass: Rita is far from being a helpless child; because she's immortal by virtue of having become a zombie, she is shown to take down Azazel's minions with little trouble. Her infection powers also save the day more than once.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She's presented as the most no-nonsense character out of Favaro's travelling companions, and having lived for over 200 years, she doesn't mince words when noting she has to deal with the equivalent of kids from her perspective.
  • Necromancer: Used the Black Bible to raise her parents and the rest of her village after they got massacred during a monster attack.
  • Not So Stoic: She has her moments. Like when she lets her zombified parents bite her or when Hamsa accidentally drops Kaisar in the finale.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: She manages to retain her snarky personality even after getting zombified. Kaisar even notes how unusual it is.
  • Pet the Dog: While more or less a neutral person, Kaisar is by far her top priority. In general she's quite willing to do essentially anything for Kaisar whether he wants her to or not. Give him an illusion when he is trapped in her zombie village, put up with Favaro...
  • Really 700 Years Old: She looks no older than a ten year-old girl, but she's a 200 years-old necromancer, and has the wisdom to back that up.
  • The Smart Guy: She's very knowledgeable about magic and is the first one in the group to catch on to what Martinet is up to.
  • The Stoic: She generally holds the same, bored expression while giving out heaps of sass to anyone around her.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She's the only important child character in the series, although she's actually older than the main cast.
  • Undead Child: Zigzagged, despite her young appearance she became a zombie at 200.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Despite being a very prominent and supportive character she is entirely left out of the epilogue, leaving her fate unknown. She reappears at the end of the first episode of Virgin Soul.
  • Wild Card Excuse: Every fantastical necromancy feat she accomplishes in the story is waved away because "she's a zombie".

    Nina Drango
Voiced by: Sumire Morohoshi (Japanese)

The main character of the second season. A 16-year old weredragon who has arrived to Anatae to become a bounty hunter. Favaro was her mentor before coming to the city.

  • Always Save The Boy: Her actions over the course of the series, including the finale, make it clear that she puts Charioce over everyone else.
  • Big Eater: Eats quite a lot.
  • Break the Cutie: When she finds out that Charioce, the man who she hates with a passion, is actually Chris, the man she utterly fell for during the festival, she doesn't take it well.
  • Cute Mute: She loses her voice helping defeat Bahamut in the finale. She doesn't lose her cheerful disposition, though.
  • Deus Sex Machina: She becomes a dragon if she gets aroused.
  • Disappeared Dad: Her father died when she was young. The second season shows this incident as the catalyst that started her transformations— men that look or act like her father were what got her to do them.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: She can barely focus when she sees a handsome man. Justified as she can transform if she gets too aroused. It decreases a bit in the second cour though.
  • Genki Girl: Very energetic not even being imprisoned will put a damper on her spirit.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Her father was a dragon but her mother is human.
  • Idiot Hair: Sticking out in the right side of her headband.
  • It's All About Me: Nina is fairly self-centered, and the results can vary from hilarious to devastating.
  • Luminescent Blush: Whenever she sees a pretty man.
  • The Pollyanna: Little can break her spirit, and she usually gets up and running the very next episode anyway.
  • Power Incontinence: Has little control when she transforms into a dragon, until mid-season, when she gets a Relationship Upgrade with Chris.
  • Pretty Freeloader: Starts out as this for Bacchus and Hansa, apparently having just decided to crash in their wagon without asking for permission.
  • Relationship Upgrade: Pretty much the whole point of Episode 17 with Chris/Charioce XVII.
  • Shapeshifting Excludes Clothing: She is left naked every time she transforms into a dragon and back.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Around Chris, after Episode 6. Even when he reveals himself as Charioce XVII, she can't bring herself to hate him completely, especially when he mentions their Dance of Romance.
  • Super-Strength: She can effortlessly carry various large bags of sand unlike the males who barely carry one.
  • Unable to Cry: After Mugaro had been killed, Nina just can't work up a sob because she's so shocked.
  • Unstoppable Rage: When she turns into a dragon, she loses the ability to think and simply mindlessly attacks everything in the vicinity. She doesn't even remember her actions in this state.
  • Weredragon: She comes from a village of were dragons.
  • Weapon Specialization: Her weapon is a whip. She doesn't use it for quite a while after the initial episodes.

Voiced by: Masakazu Morita (Japanese), Kent Williams (English)

A powerful demon sent by Lucifer to investigate on the case of Amira, who stole the God Key from Heaven through suspicious means. He is accompanied by Pazuzu and Cerberus, and operates aboard the living ship Gregor.

In a strange twist of fate, he returns in a more heroic role as one of the main protagonists of Virgin Soul.

  • Agent Peacock: Quite literally when he sits on his ornate throne-chair which alludes to a peacock's tail, or given the enthusiasm he and Lucifer praise each other's features, feathers to be precise.
  • Breakout Character: He's surprisingly very popular with fans, to the point where the creators have made him, more or less, one of the main heroes of Virgin Soul.
  • Combat Tentacles: Grows shadowy snakes to fight, those can further transform into solid objects like the longsword he used against Beelzebub.
  • Didn't Think This Through: His entire plan to kill Charioce depended on Nina transforming in a dragon to aid his rebels, ignoring the possibility that either Nina could not care about helping him, or that she would transfer her affection to someone else. The results aren't pretty for the demons.
  • Enemy Mine: Decides to aid the protagonist in their quest to stop Bahamut's revival, but he's only doing so because he wants to get back at Beelzebub for trying to plot against Lucifer.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's a murderous demon, but he's willing to look past his grievances with the protagonists if it means preventing Bahamut's resurrection and saving the world. He is also very loyal to Lucifer.
  • Evil Gloating: He attempts to do this, claiming to be the responsible of Kaisar and Favaro's father's death. He gets quickly shut down by the two.
  • Fallen Angel: He's the second in command of a faction comprising of them within the Demons, made obvious by his feathered wings.
  • Femme Fatalons: Has impressive nails.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: His clothed form hardly leaves questions.
  • A Glass of Chianti: He enjoys fine wine, getting his butler to serve him a glass every so often. Prior to his involvement in Anatae he's rarely seen NOT drinking, to the point of stopping mid-battle to take a drink from a wine barrel.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Black feathered wings, definitively on the evil side.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn:
    • In Genesis, he starts in a purely antagonistic role, but after finding out Beelzebub's plan he turns against the demon lord and even helps the main characters in the finale. Mostly because Bahamut is an existential threat to everyone, including himself and his fellow demons, and not out of any change of heart over his previous misdeeds.
    • Likewise in Virgin Soul, he hasn't actually changed that much aside from the way he cares for Mugaro and later Nina. He's still basically the same person he was in Genesis, but the way that humans abuse their demon slaves and how he primarily targets those who profit from that slavery make his actions more sympathetic.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: All black, naturally, matching his wings and creating a contrasting, dark figure to the bright Lucifer.
  • Horned Humanoid: Two ram-like horns on the sides of right behind his ears, and two asymmetrical ones on the upper part of his head.
  • Humiliation Conga: Dude just can't catch a break.
    • During the course of the series, he: is ambushed by the Orlean Knights who destroy his castle, thus letting his captives flee; manipulated by Martinet into the raid on Anatae and is then soundly defeated by Jeanne during said raid; is almost killed by Beelzebub for knowing too much; then, finally, ran over by Bacchus' carriage, before being held captive by him and Rita.
    • Season 2 just makes it worse for him: His people get enslaved, he's reduced to a fugitive vigilante, all of his forces get wipes out, his only remaining close one is killed, and his new opponent gets almost everything he wanted from the series.
  • Immortal Immaturity: Petty, often immature and with a poor sense of priorities, likened to a "naughty little boy" by Satou and, as Rita puts it, regardless of how long he has lived his mentality is still at the level of a grade schooler.
  • Intrigued by Humanity: Admits to be, and fuels some of his acts.
  • Left Hanging: His major character motivation: repairing his status under Lucifer remains unresolved and his fate after the battle remains unknown.
    • Subverted in bonus material which specifically mentions of a happy end for Azazel, in which he safely returned home with Lucifer.
  • Mythology Gag: Though it's only shown briefly, Azazel was one of the fallen angels Lucifer commanded in the game version of Rage of Bahamut, which was carried over to the Anime.
  • Not So Stoic: Initially very calm and composed, this attitude eventually breaks revealing his hot-blooded and emotional nature. Then there's his fit of rage after the failed raid at Anatae.
  • Number Two: He's Lucifer's second-in-command.
  • Pet the Dog: Him saving Mugaro from slavery is an oddly selfless thing coming from him.
  • Put on a Bus: After the gang gets captured in Episode 7, he mostly stays out of the second half of the first cour, since he's been strung up in the kingdom dungeon.
  • Summon Magic: He can also summon hordes of skeletons.
  • Red Right Hand: Not red but black, skinless, with sinews of muscle visible outside, hook-shaped fingers and reptile-like growths over the shoulder. This demonic deformation reaches parts of his torso.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Essentially spurs Lucifer and the demon army into motion to kill Charioce after Mugaro is killed.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: In Virgin Soul. While still a huge jerk, his most unpleasant traits (sadism, evil gloating, and petty cruelty) have been largely toned down in favor of portraying him in a more positive, humane light. It's shown that he genuinely cares for the people he works with, and even deeply mourns those who've died.
  • Tragic Keepsake: He keeps Mugaro's ocarina.
  • True Companions: He is Lucifer's right-hand man, after all. While we don't get to see much of it onscreen, what little we do see shows that Azazel and Lucifer appear to have quite a close relationship despite Lucifer being his superior. Azazel even felt comfortable enough to get in his face after Lucifer's indifference toward their whole situation pissed him off. A character commentary between the two of them describes them as being "fallen angel brothers".
  • Undying Loyalty: More concerned about his master Lucifer being betrayed than being burned alive himself.
    "No matter the cost, I must return to Lucifer-sama's side. No matter the cost..."
  • Vigilante Man: In Virgin Soul, he takes on the identity of the "rag demon" who punishes humans who abuse and enslave demons.
  • Villainous Breakdown: He didn't expect Kaisar to trick him, so when he gets hit in the face by the full might of the Maltet's beam of light, his amused attitude gives way to anger at getting bested by humans. Again.
  • Villainous Rescue: Saved Kaisar from one his his many falls during the struggle against Beelzebub in Abos. Although he claims it's only to personally deal with him later, it may have been a not-so-villainous rescue at that point. Later on he joined the barrier which helped Favaro and Kaisar get to Bahamut, and finally, it has also been confirmed that it was Azazel who brought Favaro to safety after he'd been blasted off by the disintegrating dragon.
  • Waking Up Elsewhere: After being seemingly killed by Beelzebub, Azazel is found lying unconscious on the road. Bacchus' carriage runs him over, and they take him in, where he wakes up and realizes he's being held captive.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Grey-ish white hair, and a nasty piece of work. Subverted as of Virgin Soul where he's taken a level in kindness.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Azazel is an incredible fighter, but after being unexpectedly wounded by Jeanne, is no match for Beelzebub, who nearly kills him on the spot. When the two clash again, Azazel is seen to be evenly matched with the Demon Lord.


    Jeanne D'Arc
Voiced by: Megumi Han (Japanese), Jad Saxton (English)

Leader of the Orléans Knights.

  • Action Girl: She leads a massive army against Azazel's battleship and is capable of killing giants with a few slashes of her lance. In Episode 7, she slays Pazuzu and injures and drives off Azazel, who was tied down fighting Favaro and Kaisar.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Episode 10 of Virgin Soul centers around her after the end of Genesis and what led to Mugaro's birth and later her imprisonment.
  • Badass in Distress: In Virgin Soul, she first shows up imprisoned by Charioce XVII.
  • Boom Stick: Jeanne's blessed lance, the Maltet, which can shoot out a massive Spear Beam or an energy-based Macross Missile Massacre.
  • Brought Down to Normal: The death of her patron deity meant she no longer has access to any of her former divine powers.
  • The Chosen One: Legend tells of a chosen knight who will arise to save the world from Bahamut. Jeanne D'Arc is convinced she is that chosen one.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Following her transformation into a demon, Jeanne wears a stripperiffic getup with black chunks of armour here and there, and her pupils turn red as a sign of having become a demon.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Through Martinet's ruse, Jeanne, who at that point was to be burned at the stake for apparent treason and watched protesters of her execution getting slaughtered by the king's soldiers, gives in to despair and inhales the demon's concoction, which turns her into a Tyke-Bomb of a demon and flies away with one objective: slay the Archangels holding Bahamut's seal.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Light blonde hair, and she's very dedicated to her mission, all while earning praise from everyone around her.
  • Freak Out: While burning at the stake for treason, Jeanne is haunted by visions of the Archangels revealing they never cared for mankind, a half-truth exaggerated by Martinet. She promptly screams in despair and inhales the concoction Martinet prepared for her.
  • It Sucks to Be the Chosen One: Her status as the gods' chosen warrior gets her accused of treason and burned at the stake, repeatedly imprisoned, transformed into a demon, and separated from her child and later forced to watch that child die.
  • Jeanne d'Archétype: She's the Jeanne D'Arc. Born a simple peasant girl in a remote village, after hearing the voice of the gods, she is now the leader of the Orleans Knights armed with the legendary spear Maltet, which she uses to kick a lot of ass. Then again, in this series, the gods definitely exist and regularly appear and speak to humans.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Averted. while it's revealed she's Mugaro's mother, the latter already knows.
  • Mission from God: She was just a simple farm girl before she was personally given the call of gods. In one of the pantheon's conversations it is revealed that the angels were planning to revive Zeus using her body as a vessel for his manifestation.
    "I can hear the word of the gods, loudly and clearly. They tell me to cut them [ghouls] down without hesitation!"
  • Mystical Pregnancy: When El was conceived, Jeanne was blessed with the baby by Michael. She had no actual partner for it.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: El is killed right before they were going to return to the realm of the gods.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: After being granted back her divine powers, her hair regrows and glows gold.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After Mugaro is killed, Jeanne has Gabriel transform her into a god so that she can take out Charioce.
  • Unholy Holy Sword: Following the battle of Anatae, Michael rewards her with the Précieuse, a sword that is both blessed and cursed, which can slay even the gods. It initially appears golden, but once Jeanne pulls a Face–Heel Turn through Martinet's manipulation, the sword turns black with a red glow. It is then used to successively slay Raphael, Uriel and Michael, the last of whom ends up reverting Jeanne back in his dying breath.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She suffers from aracnophobia.

Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata (Japanese), Tyson Rinehart (English)

One of the captains under Jeanne's command.

  • Dreadlock Warrior: An unusual sight among the European-themed Knights of Orleans.
  • Parental Substitute: Amira thought he was her father due to the hazy hints he leaves her with. However, when finally confronted by her, he quickly reveals that he's just a human soldier who had the opportunity to encounter Amira's mother, the angel Nicole, as well as an infant Amira when he fell on hard times. At the very least, he kept Nicole's pendant until the time he would find Amira.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: He's just a cover for Giles de Rais.
  • Walking Spoiler: The finale makes it clear that both Lavalley and Martinet are just a front for Gilles de Rais, the notorious bounty Bacchus alluded to and the one manipulating everyone for Bahamut's revival.

    Charioce XIII 
Voiced by: Tesshō Genda (Japanese), Barry Yandell (English)

The king ruling over the city of Anatae.

  • The Caligula: He's a Momma's Boy coupled with intense paranoia at the mere thought of getting replaced as king. This makes him extremely easy to manipulate, something which Martinet does at the tip of a hat.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: He dies alone in his burning castle during Bahamut's destruction. Then, his mother's portrait falls on him, killing him.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He envies Jeanne, whom he feels is more loved by the people and the gods than him.
  • Momma's Boy: Apparently, he is very fond of his mother and keeps a big portrait of her in his room. This only contributes in Martinet manipulating him, after he impersonates Charioce's deceased mother and convinces him that Jeanne plots to kill him.
  • The Paranoiac / Sanity Slippage: Thanks to Martinet manipulating him, Charioce loses his shit at the thought of Jeanne usurping his place as ruler, and conveniently ends up convicting the latter of treason, leading to a public execution and the Saint's own corruption by Martinet.

    Charioce XVII
Voiced by: Yuichiro Umehara (Japanese)

The new king of Anatae, who has brought great prosperity to humanity in the 10 years of the aftermath of Bahamut's rampage, but at the cost of enslaving the demons and looking for forbidden power from the gods.

  • The Ace: There's pretty much nothing he isn't good at. He's a smart and charismatic leader, a strong warrior, a crack shot with a crossbow, and skilled at dancing.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In the collaboration with Granblue Fantasy, his campaign against the demons is more justified. Apparently, demonkind was hiding Dromos the whole time, and after repeated negotiations with them went sour, he decided he had no choice but to take it by force.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's strong enough to almost match Nina in arm wrestling and a deadly warrior in his own right.
  • Big Bad: He's both this and Anti-Villain in Virgin Soul.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Rather unfazed by everything. A gigantic red dragon laying waste on the city in front of him barely gets a smirk out of him.
  • Eye Scream: One of his pupils loses all its color after he activates Dromos, and its iris fades to show that he's completely blind in that eye now. At the end of Virgin Soul, he's completely blind.
  • Fantastic Racism: Towards Demons and Gods.
  • The Good King: But only towards humanity. The people of Anatea love him.
  • Freudian Excuse: Ten years ago, humans bowed down to gods and constantly feared demons that played with them ala Azazel or Martinet. He made his mission in life to put humanity above them all, including above Bahamut.
  • Friend to All Children: He's seen playing with some demon children in episode 17, in what looks to be a genuine display of friendliness. The children take to him very well.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's cold and ruthless towards demons, gods, and any human that opposes his cause, but is shown to contain genuine compassion and care towards Nina, hinting that while he's not the best person in the world, he's certainly not the worst.
  • King Incognito: Tends to wander around Anatea disguised with a turban and some shades. When one of his advisers tells him he should at least tell them when he's going out, he tells him to shut up, as if it's the only free time he gets from running the country.
  • Master Swordsman: Good enough to match Kaisar and Azazel.
  • Noble Demon: He has more or less enslaved demonkind and wages wars on the gods, but he's a universally beloved king who works hard for the safety and advancement of mankind.
  • Power at a Price: Using the weapon of mass destruction Dromos leaves him blind in one eye, as well as giving him a manacle that visibly damages his left wrist. The finale upgrades this to total blindness.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: When Kaisar tells him Gods and Demons will rebel against him for his actions, he calmly declares he's gonna crush them when they do.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: And how! He joins his men in battle as he wages war against the gods, puts himself out in the open to challenge the rag demon, and nearly arm-wrestles Nina to a draw.
  • Son of a Whore: His mother was a concubine. The attack of Bahamut ten years ago wiped out enough throne candidates to put him in a position of ruling.
  • Super-Strength: Enough to nearly manage to arm wrestle Nina to a draw.
  • Unexpected Successor: He was the child of a simple concubine when he ascended to the throne.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: While he's beloved by the human populace, he has enslaved demons and intends to defeat the gods.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His ultimate goal in his reign is to gain enough power in order to protect what's left of the world against Bahamut, since his arrival is coming faster than one would think. He does at least have conscience enough to know that he's been spilling blood along the way.

Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya

A quiet boy and Azazel's assistant at his demon funeral home. He was rescued by Azazel from slavery 2 years prior to the start of the story.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Azazel thinks he is a boy, Nina believes he's a girl. In episode 9 of Virgin Soul, Jeanne reveals he's a boy.
  • Ambiguously Human: It's not clear at first if he's a human with powers or a demon that looks like a boy. He's actually the Half-Human Hybrid son of Jeanne D'Arc.
  • Anti-Magic: His eye can nullify the magic Charioce's forces use to enslave demons.
  • Cute Mute: He can't speak due to a threat injury he received when he was younger. Subverted after awakening as a god, which eventually healed his injury and restored his natural hair color.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: To the point Nina thinks he's a girl.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Of the Light Is Not Good variety near the end of Virgin Soul's first cour. Once he goes with Sofiel, he goes back to being a blond and gets a new, white sleeveless outfit with a hood and shorts. He goes back to the black-and-red outfit he used to wear when he returns to the overworld.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: His mother is a human, his biological father an angel.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Flashbacks to his early childhood establish that he was a blond at one point. Jeanne dyed his hair using Demon blood in an attempt to protect him from Charoce's forces. The hair color is a dead give-away to the other half of his parentage.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: It covers the right side of his face to hide his mismatched eyes
  • Kiss of Death: Seems to be able to do this to demons.
  • Magical Eye: What he inherits from his father.
  • Meaningful Name: Gabriel reveals his birth name is El, which basically means God.
  • Messianic Archetype: Born from a virgin, the son of a divine being and a human, dies from a stab wound and buried in a tomb, and very much a loving hero. Unfortunately that's where the similarities end; Mugaro never comes back from death after being betrayed.
  • Protectorate: Azazel and Jeanne are deeply protective of him.
  • Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: When he awakens his god powers and joins Sofiel, Mugaro wears an outfit that shows off more skin than he ever did while he was with Nina and the gang.
  • Two First Names: While he is referred to as either Mugaro or El, his gravestone shows his full name to be both of them.
  • The Voiceless: Didn't say anything in the first episode of Virgin's Soul. Turns out is because humans crushed his windpipe when they enslaved him. He did speak in the flashbacks with his mom and later when his injury healed.

    Alessand Visponti 
Voiced by: Kensho Ono

A young knight who used his noble birth to secure a place in the Orleans Knights. However that same order, having lost its former glory, is now the cause of his frustration.

  • Blue Blood: Comes from an influential noble family.
  • Death by Irony: Gets killed by a demon child after he killed the child Mugaro.
  • Did Not Think This Through: He's so hungry for glory that he kills Mugaro to impress the leader of the Onyx knights in the hopes that they'll let him join, without knowing that the gems on their chest drain their life force. Once he finds out, he backpedals immediately.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: After Kaisar's imprisonment, he gets wasted at a demon hostess club.
  • Fanboy: Of Jeanne D'Arc.
  • Glory Seeker: Wants to earn glory for himself and his family by serving on the celebrated Orleans Knights, unfortunately they have lost most of their prestige, leaving him feel insignificant.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Alessand kills Mugaro in an attempt to get into the Onyx Knights. When he's brought into the room where the Knights recuperate and he sees how they really function, he immediately regrets killing Mugaro for nothing.
  • Odd Friendship: Has one of sorts with Cerberus.
  • Rank Up: Becomes captain of the Orleans knights after Kaisar second imprisonment
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: A combination of this trope and Nice Job Fixing It, Villain. His selfish murder of El/Mugaro spurred the forces of Heaven and Cocytus to finally take action against Charioce XVII,leading to massive revolt and casualties for the human army. In the long run, however, the angels' and demons' attack put them in position to help fight against Bahamut, saving thousands of lives, and led to better relations between the three races and an end to demon enslavement.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Given that he stabs and apparently kills Mugaro, he definitely qualifies for this trope.

    Bardolomew Dias 
Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya

A knight who provides aid to Kaisar as an adjutant of the Orleans Knights. A very caring person, he's always worrying about his subordinate Alessand.

    Onyx Task Force Captain 
Voiced by: Hiroshi Shirokuma

The leader of the Onyx Knights and Charioce XVII's second in command.

  • Black Knight: Leads an army of them.
  • The Dragon: Of Charioce XVII's.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Used to be a mere butler at the royal palace before becoming Captain.
  • Last Stand: He and his men, despite fatally overloading their stones, fight against Azazel and Jeanne to protect Charioce.
  • No Name Given: Never referred to as anything other than captain.
  • Power at a Price: The stone on his chest drains their life-force and turns their blood black.
  • Tragic Villain: He wanted nothing more than to serve his king, and died a pitiful death for it.
  • Undying Loyalty: He and his men to Charioce XVII.

Gods and Angels

Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (Japanese), Brian Mathis (English)

The God of wine and boss of the bounty hunters. Travels around with Hansa in a magic carriage and spends most of his time drinking.

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Who would have thought that the middle-aged looking drunkard could singlehandedly fight off a rampaging demonic Jeanne D'Arc?
  • Defiant Captive: When imprisoned by the other angels in Heaven, he remains nonchalant about it.
  • The Exile: He was apparently exiled from Heaven, although he claims he chose it.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: His reaction to pretty much anything that upsets him.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being a drunkard most of the time, he has shown he truly cares about Nina and Mugaro.
  • Physical God: Not a very impressive one, admittedly.
  • Ship Tease: With Sofiel at the end of Virgin Soul.
  • Spit Take: When Nina reveals Favaro is her mentor.

Voiced by: Showtaro Morikubo (Japanese), Kyle Phillips (English)

Bacchus's duck-like sidekick.

Voiced by: Shouta Aoi (Japanese), Micah Solusod (English)

  • Big Good: With Jeanne being a Deuteragonist, Michael is her prime backer, and imbues her weapons with his power, allowing Jeanne to be a threat to powerful demons like Azazel.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: Posseses a pair of shiny, white wings as befitting for a good guy.
  • Holy Halo: Combined with Holy Backlight.
  • Intimate Healing: Mouth-feeds Rita's medicine to the demonic Jeanne.
  • Killed Off for Real: By a corrupted Jeanne.
  • Oh, Crap!: He, Uriel and Raphael were reinforcing Bahamut's barrier when Jeanne appeared on a demonic ride. He realizes too late what is going to happen, costing Raphael, then Uriel's lives.
  • The One Guy: The only male out of the four Archangels introduced.

Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura (Japanese), Alexis Tipton (English)

  • Big Good: She is the leader from the gods following the events of Genesis. However, story wise she might not be that different from Charioce or any other character.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Convincing Mugaro to fight to rescue his mother was one thing. Unfortunately he refused to retreat when Charioce XVII unleashed the Dromos, resulting in heavy losses to the Gods.
  • Holy Halo: Just like Michael.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Convinces Mugaro/El to aid the angels against Charioce and seems eager to manipulate him to his side. Sophiel and Bacchus are clearly uncomfortable about the whole ordeal.
  • The Leader: Michael may be the closest thing to a Big Good for Jeanne, but it is Gabriel who leads the Council of Angels that is Heaven.
  • Poor Communication Kills: You know, maybe if you'd actually told your soldiers (and El, by extension), exactly what was summoned instead of just telling them to retreat, then you could've prevented quite a few deaths.
  • Sole Survivor: Of the four original Archangels, she's the only one that remains alive after Bahamut's rampage.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: While declaring war on humanity and manipulating Mugaro into helping is a pretty drastic action, is not as if Charioce XVII gave them other choice. The fact that Charioce created a weapon using lost magic meant they weren't quick enough.

Voiced by: Ayumi Tsuji (Japanese), Brina Palencia (English)

  • Holy Halo: Just like the other angels.
  • In the Back: Only Michael realized that Jeanne has been somehow corrupted, but it was too late; the saint-turned-demon stabbed Raphael from behind while latter was still focused on maintaining the barrier around Bahamut. This instantly kills her.
  • Stripperiffic: Less so then Uriel but she still shows a good portion of her skin.
  • Those Two Guys: Rarely seen without Uriel in tow, and even then, neither of them get screentime without the company of Michael.

Voiced by: Eri Ōzeki (Japanese), Trina Nishimura (English)

  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Fares a little better than Raphael, but Jeanne still avoids all of her beams and slices her in half after falling from above.
  • Holy Halo: Just like the other angels.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Her top has an open neckline that leaves her navel and cleavage exposed.
  • Stripperiffic: Her dress does not leave much to the imagination. It consists of tiny straps of cloth that barely cover her breasts.
  • Those Two Guys: Her only appearances are always with Michael and Raphael, though the former does get some individual screentime.

Voiced by: Maaya Sakamoto

An angel in service to Gabriel and a candidate to become one of the four archangels. Disguising herself as human, she has come to the capital on assignment; find the child with mismatched eyes

  • Pet the Dog: While she tends to be haughty around mortals, she showed true kindness towards Mugaro and seems to truly want to reunite him with his mother.

Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto

An angel encountered by Nina and Jeanne when they arrive to the Realm of the Gods.

  • Jerkass Has a Point: While she's rather hostile to Nina and Jeanne while touring them throughout the angel city, it is pretty understandable. Ten years ago the gods suffered massive casualties against Bahamut, and now humanity threatens to destroy those who are left despite everything the gods did prior. While gods weren't the only ones to lose people, it is rather justified her attitude towards humans.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite her previous antagonism, at the end of Virgin Soul she's seen eating alongside Sofiel with Bacchus and the others.


One of the deities who participated in the prologue's battle against Bahamut, Zeus sacrificed himself along with Satan by turning respectively into the God Key and the Demon Key, which are required to lift the seal on the defeated and dormant Bahamut.

  • God Is Good: Zeus was said to be the one who made cooperation between humans and Angels possible. With him out of the picture, Michael laments that Heaven has become complacent in their relationship with humanity, treating them as cattle.
  • Posthumous Character: He turned himself into one of the two keys required to lift the seal on Bahamut. His absence is felt two millenia after the prologue's battle, as Heaven no longer works alongside humans as they used to.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: His role in the prologue's fight is fairly limited since he's stuck helping the demons temporarily bind Bahamut. To counter that, he opens a portal which summons Odin, who is roughly the size of a city and with the firepower to boot.


Another deity who participated in the fight against Bahamut 2000 years prior to the main story, Odin tagged along with Satan to overpower the dragon's defences.

  • Cool Horse: He comes through a portal riding a horse the size of a city!


A low-rank angel. Amira's mother and her motivation to go to Helheim.

  • And I Must Scream: She was imprisoned by Beelzebub and used for his experiments. For nearly five years he kept her restrained and forced to endure an endlessly cycle of pain. By the time she's released, she can only barely process Amira before being unceremoniously killed.
  • Damsel in Distress: Was kidnapped by Beelzebub five years ago.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: Beelzebub abducted her and brutally forced her to combine her magic with his own in order to create Amira.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Is killed in front of Amira once her purpose is done.


Voiced by: Tsuyoshi Koyama (Japanese), Brandon Potter (English)

One of the demons accompanying Azazel in his mandate to investigate the theft of the God Key, Pazuzu is a blue-furred, anthropomorphic lion who wears a mussle concealing most of his face.

  • Animal Jingoism: Being a feline and a canine respectively, Pazuzu's interactions with Cerberus are little more than snark and bickering.
  • Blow You Away: Uses wind related powers to repel and overwhelm Jeanne.
  • The Brute: Azazel's go-to man for carrying out field operations, and a Blood Knight at heart.
  • Cats Are Mean: Underneath his mask is a blue-skinned lion face. Cerberus nicknames him as such, and he's a ruthless demon.
  • Cool Mask: A mussle.
  • Dying Smirk: Dies while mocking Jeanne for how meaningless her acts of bravery are before the menace that is staging both gods and demons against each other, all for the search of a single key.
  • Torture Technician: Tortures Amira to know where the key is.

Voiced by: Eri Kitamura (Japanese), Leah Clark (English)

The other demon accompanying Azazel on his investigation of the God Key, Cerberus is a playful and childish girl tasked with scouting through the use of her two minor "heads", which are talking mittens shaped like stuffed plushies.

  • Back for the Finale: Disappears for a few episodes following the raid on Gregor, only to show up alongside multiple gods and demons just as Bahamut is about to break out of its seal.
  • The Bus Came Back: Reappears in episode 9 of Virgin Soul owning a demon hostess club.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Most of Cerberus' appearances consist of her lounging around in suggestive poses with her stripperiffic getup, as well as providing some plucky comedy relief with her sockpuppets' interactions.
  • Odd Friendship: Seems to have one with Alessand.
  • Perky Female Minion: Doesn't do much aside from commenting on Azazel's actions and tauting Pazuzu.
  • Sadist: The two puppets attached to her hands start listing tortures they´ll enjoy doing, and call Pazuzu whipping on Amira "boring".
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Once the humans attack Gregor, she is quick to leave the place and inform Martinet of Azazel's blunder.

Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai (Japanese), Todd Haberkorn (English)

The leader of the Fallen Angel faction within the Demon Realm, Lucifer united most of the demons following Satan's sacrifice, though he does not rule over them all. However, he is unaware that his rival, Beelzebub, is subtly plotting to revive Bahamut. His hobby is reading books.

  • Adaptation Personality Change: The Anime version of Lucifer is much mellower than the games incarnation of him, who was largely a Jerkass and a generic doomsday villain until a follow-up event fleshed him out. As well, despite appearing to be Lucifer post-fall, he lacks game Lucifer's desire for revenge against the Gods and is outright stated to be indifferent toward the whole thing, despite it being game Lucifers' primary motivation before his redemption.
  • Badass Bookworm: He's usually seen reading and is the leader of the Fallen Angels.
  • Benevolent Boss: Appears to be quite lenient with his underlings and unfazed with their failures. Going as far as organizing a rescue party for Azazel during Bahamut's awakening. It explains Azazel's utter shock at a possibility of being rejected, which as it later turned out wasn't the case.
  • Bishie Sparkle: His entire being is immaculate, as if everything, even his clothes, was polished. As a result, the outlines of his appearance are sparkling.
  • The Bus Came Back: Reappears at the beginning of episode 15 of Virgin Soul.
  • Fallen Angel: He's the leader of the Fallen Angel faction within the Demon realm, in contrast to his rival Beelzebub. His heritage shows, as one set of his six wings is still white, and he shines very brightly.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has two red, bull-like horns on his head; one of the few signs that he is a Demon Lord.
  • Mythology Gag: Though it's only shown briefly, Azazel was one of the fallen angels Lucifer commanded in the game version of Rage of Bahamut.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Following the demons' defeat at the hand of Charioce in Virgin Soul, Lucifer has been doing pretty much nothing except reading his books. He considers that the humans' power is temporary, and he prefers to bid his time. In short, his policy is to wait and watch. Some of his brethen don't entirely agree, but the majority considers that it is the wisest course of action.
  • Out of Focus: As described in Red Herring, he doesn't play as big of a role as he was built up to, and he disappears from the plot fairly quickly.
  • Perpetual Molt: Has several wings and feathers drop of them continuously around him.
  • Red Herring: His introduction leaves a strong impression and would lead anyone to believe he'll play a major role in following episodes, he however hardly ever appears again and his actions, or lack of thereof are inconsequential to the plot.
  • Red Right Hand: His left arm (and possibly both) is demonized below his shoulder similarly to Azazel's right arm.
  • True Companions: While we don't get to see much of their dynamic onscreen, what little we do see shows that Azazel and Lucifer appear to have quite a close relationship despite Lucifer being his superior. Azazel even felt comfortable enough to get in his face after Lucifer's indifference toward their whole situation pissed him off. A character commentary between the two of them describes them as being "fallen angel brothers".
  • While Rome Burns: In the character commentary for episode 12, we learn that Lucifer is far more indifferent about the whole Bahamut affair and fate of the world than at first glance, as the only reason for his appearance on the battlefield was out of worry for his subordinate, Azazel.

    Martinet/Gilles de Rais
Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda (Japanese), Christopher Sabat (English)

  • Ambiguously Gay: He has very campy mannerisms and even sticks his tongue down Favero's throat at one point. The only reason the ambiguity still stands following said action is because he only did it to get Favero to drink a potion.
  • Big Bad: He just used his boss for his own means and even casually betrays him when he's no longer needed.
  • Black Magic: What he dabbles in.
  • The Chessmaster: By the end of the series, he has manipulated gods, demons and humans alike into clashing with each other while subtly setting up plans that would accelerate Bahamut's revival, without anyone, not even Beelzebub, realizing his treachery until it was too late.
  • The Corrupter: He manipulates several key characters into doing his bidding through subtle temptations. He tricks King Charioce XIII into condemning Jeanne for treason; he then proceeds to ingrain doubts into Jeanne's faith, before turning her into a demon with his special concoction after she snaps; the same kind of concoction is used on Favaro to bring him to Beelzebub's side.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He not only enjoys the carnage Bahamut unleashes with his awakening, but also asks the protagonists to keep quiet and not interrupt the moment.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: He works under Beelzebub, but he does all the manipulating and acts required to bring about the freeing of Bahamut. Also, once the titular dragon is freed, Martinet reveals that he couldn't care less if Bahamut is uncontrollable (Beelzebub thought he modified Amira to be able to control it, but that's not the case); he just wants to enjoy the apocalypse brought by the dragon, so he manipulated everyone just for that.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Frequently lapses into melodramatic, almost delirious rants when psychologically tormenting his victims.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Hamsa mistakes his name for that which would fit with an attractive woman. Azazel quickly puts him back on track by telling him Martinet is a man.
  • Guyliner: His face is painted white with black lipstick, black eyeliners and a teardrop tattoo on the left eye. His mannerisms also border on Sissy Villain.
  • The Heavy: He carries out Beelzebub's intent to revive Bahamut, so he put everything into motion to accelerate that, starting from crafting Amira into a Tyke-Bomb capable of stealing the God Key, to thwarting Heaven's efforts to keep the seal on Bahamut by way of turning their human champion, Jeanne, against them.
  • In the Hood: Puts a heavy cloak on while doing his deeds in the castle.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Conceals Beelzebub's involvement with the intrigue by disrupting communication between Lucifer and Azazel after the latter has found out about it, manipulates Azazel into raiding Anatae in order to keep him away from Cocytus, turns the king against Jeanne, then Jeanne against the Gods. He also has been manipulating Amira from the very start, as Helheim and her childhood memories are nothing but a big fat lie created by Martinet's memory manipulation.
  • The Man in Front of the Man: As the true antagonist of the series, he executes his sinister plans while feigning servitude under Beelzebub, orchestrating hostilities between humans, angels and devils to cover his tracks. When Beelzebub loudly declares his intent to rule the world by controlling a resurrected Bahamut, the latter quickly turns on him and proceeds to go on a rampage, revealing that Martinet, or rather the guise that Gilles was using, fooled Beelzebub with the promise of power and gained his support, without ever guaranteeing control over the dragon.
  • Milking the Giant Cow: Gestures wildly and dramatically whenever he has something important to say.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He's said to be obsessed with death, and it's the main reason why he's been manipulating everyone to revive Bahamut, just so he could marvel the apocalypse with his own eyes.
  • Lean and Mean: He's spindly even when compared to Azazel, and he's quite the malevolent manipulator.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: It's implied he knew that Bahamut could not be controlled, but since Martinet just wants to destroy everything, he couldn't care less about Beelzebub's plans to bring it under control.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Blood red pupils that are visible even in the dark.
  • Serial Killer: When describing Martinet, Bacchus says that not much is known about him, not even if he's human or a demon. One thing's for sure, though: he's unnaturally obsessed with death, and he has left a mountain of corpses in his wake.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: His regular outfit is sleeveless; ideal for his favourite pastime, which is wetwork.
  • The Shadow Knows: As he tries to corrupt Jeanne his side his shadow grows abnormally into a freakish demonic creature, showcasing a hint of his true nature.
  • Villain Ball: For a smart guy who loves death, he sure does pass up a lot of chances to kill Favero and Kaiser in lieu of watching Bahamut do its thing. Not surprisingly, it's this carelessness which leads to his downfall.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Freaks out when he realizes that Favero and Kaiser tricked him to get close enough to use the bounty on Gilles de Rais to capture him.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: His concoctions allow him to take on the form of anyone he wishes, though he usually poses as Lavalley, who never existed in the first place. By the finale he admits that his body is becoming unstable as a result of having consumed so many of them.

Voiced by: Ryūzaburō Ōtomo (Japanese), Vic Mignogna (English)

A rival Demon Lord to Lucifer and Martinet's master, Beelzebub seeks to revive Satan at all costs, even if it means opposing the angels. His true motive, however, is to unseal Bahamut and control its power, and has been plotting for countless years to achieve that.

  • Anime Hair: His hair is shaped like gigantic bull horns.
  • Archnemesis Dad: He's Amira's father.
  • Beard of Evil: Part of his hair forms large, curled mutton chops that simply scream evil.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He's the one seemingly upsetting the status quo, ordering his subordinate Martinet to stir chaos within humans and gods so he can proceed with Bahamut's revival, after which he'd control the dragon to rule over the world. At least, that's what he thinks but for all his power and malevolence, Beelzebub realized too late that he was played for a fool by Gilles de Rais, who gleefully went along with his plan, but never intended for the archdevil to control Bahamut.
  • Big Red Devil: His overall appearance is more demonic than any of the other demons in the cast; his skin is red, his hair resembles massive horns, and his upper body is adorned with multiple horns.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: The sclerae of his eyes are pitch-black, highlighting his red pupils and augmenting his obviously devilish appearance.
  • Blood Knight: Much more interested than Lucifer in instigating a conflict between demons and angels, though it's all part of his plan to distract them all from his true motives.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: Despite having molded Amira into a being capable of fusing with Bahamut, which would hypothetically give him control over the monster, the dragon blasts Beelzebub first. Even as he lies dying, he mouths off his utter incomprehension, before realizing that Martinet might have had a hand in it.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Has the lowest pitch of the cast, and is the villain attempting to pull an Empty Quiver scenario through Bahamut's awakening.
  • Facial Markings: Two blue slits going down his eyes that glow brightly. It's one of the characteristics that made Azazel realize that Amira is somehow protected by Beelzebub's power.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: When Bahamut is revived and blasts him first, his entire lower body left arm are obliterated. He only dies when Azazel silences him.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Was about to curse Martinet with his dying breath for having played him for a fool, before Azazel shuts him for good with a shadow snake down his mouth.
  • Large and in Charge: As one of the Demon Lords, Beelzebub is easily thrice the size of a human. And it's not even taking into account his gigantic floating platform which he uses to move around.
  • Oh, Crap!: Beelzebub confidently makes a grand speech in front of gods and demons alike about how he'll rule over the world with Bahamut under his control, before the wyrm redirect its first attack... on Beelzebub.
  • Power Echoes: Unlike the rest of the cast, his voice reverberates, fitting for an archdevil.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His pupils flare red when the focus is on him, further highlighted by his black sclerae.
  • Technicolor Fire: His "tail" is generated by blue fire, and his powers are equally marked with blue flames, be it trying to incinerate Azazel or restraining Favaro and Kaisar in a magic barrier.
  • You Know Too Much: His reason for trying to dispose of Azazel once the latter tries to go back to Lucifer and inform him of Beelzebub's schemes.

Voiced by: Rena Maeda

A demon woman member of the resistance along with fellow demon Dante. She supports Azazel in his rebellion against Charioce XVII.


The ruler of the Demon Realm 2000 years prior to the series, Satan collaborated with the gods and humanity to stand against Bahamut's threat, and turned himself into the Demon Key, which would keep Bahamut sealed away as long as it and Zeus' God Key are never reunited.

  • Posthumous Character: Though victorious in overpowering Bahamut with the help Odin, Satan turned himself into one of the two keys required to lift the seal on the dragon. His leadership is given to Lucifer, though this gave rise to rival factions like Beelzebub's.
  • Satan Is Good: Not only did he cooperate with the gods and humanity to quell Bahamut, but he also sacrificed himself to keep the dragon sealed.
  • Technicolor Fire: The outlines of his eyes are literal blue flames.


The titular dragon. For eons, Bahamut waged cycle after cycle of destruction upon the world, but each time was thwarted by the combined efforts of mankind, the gods and the demons, with the most recent occurrence happening 2000 years ago, where Zeus and Satan sacrificed themselves to seal the monster. The key to the seal was then divided into the God Key and the Demon Key so that they would never reunite, thus preventing Bahamut's revival.
  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: One of two major creatures fully rendered in 3D animation, making it stand out from the rest of the setting. Neither Satan or Odin in the prologue get this treatment, despite being around Bahamut's size.
  • Attack Deflector: Its wings can glow red and put up a barrier against Satan and Odin's energy beams, both coming from opposite sides.
  • Boom, Headshot!: How it was "defeated" in Virgin Soul, the aftermath of the final battle shows its headless carcass. But if Favaro is to be believed, it is not yet dead.
  • Draconic Abomination: It's an apocalyptic, mountain-sized dragon whose powers transcends time and space note , and poses a threat to even powerful mythical beings like gods and demons. Had it not been stopped each time it appeared, the world would've been destroyed.
  • The Dreaded: Its power was such that everyone put aside their differences and joined forces to stop its rampage. Even to this day, signs of its awakening are a terrible omen.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Generic in the sense that it's more of a force of a nature than a character. Doomsday is definitely right considering that every single breath it exhales produces fireballs that explode with the force of a tactical nuclear warhead.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The plot revolves much less around Bahamut than the dread it inspires by starting to show signs of awakening after two millenia of slumber, with unknown forces conspiring to revive it and harness its power.
  • Here We Go Again!: Despite being apparently killed at the end of Virgin Soul, its remains simply disappear from the area one day, showing it can't be permanently killed.
  • The Juggernaut: Night unstoppable and crushes through all resistance without even needing to move.
  • Hero Killer: Being the harbinger of apocalypse in the setting, Bahamut has slain countless mythical figures before being sealed, and does it again in the finale, annihilating multiple gods and demons like they were nothing.
  • Kick The Son Of A Bitch: After being revived, Bahamut quickly turns on Beelzebub, the same person who plotted to revive it.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Bahamut has been sealed for over two millenia following the epic Action Prologue in which gods and demons banded together against his apocalyptic power. The barrier that keeps his slumber in place is maintained by thousands of angels, but they are slowly getting decimated by Bahamut's violent signs of awakening. When Jeanne (turned into a demon by Martinet) slays three out of four Archangels and Amira is turned into the Transcendent Key following her despair, more gods descend to reinforce the seal, but it's too late: Bahamut absorbs Amira and finally awakens.

    Ancient Forest Dragon 
Voiced by: Shōzō Iizuka (Japanese), R. Bruce Elliott (English)

A dragon residing in a parallel dimension who was forced into a deep slumber when his foot was hit one of Bahamut's stray barbs during the war 2000 years ago.

  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The other major monster besides Bahamut who is fully rendered in 3D, though it's less obvious since he's practically merged with the scenery.
  • Brutal Honesty: Doesn't sugarcoat his words when Amira ask him if she'll cause everyone's downfall should Bahamut revive, to which he bluntly answers "yes".
  • Mr. Exposition: Sheds some light on what Bahamut is; an existence that sporadically appears over the millenias to wage destruction, with the seal currently placed on him about to broken by way of Amira.
  • The Omniscient: Asserting himself to be an eternal observer, he is up to date with the events of the story, knowing exactly that Amira is the person fated to unite both Keys and revive Bahamut. He's also aware that both gods and demons are already on the verge of declaring war on each other no thanks to Amira leaving the city of Anatae.
  • Scared of What's Behind You: Favaro picks up a tooth-like object that neither Kaisar or Amira in demon form were able to remove, much to his own surprise. Little did the trio know it's one of Bahamut's barb, much less that it was stuck not on the ground, but on the Forest Dragon, who promptly wakes up, with Favaro unaware of what's putting Kaisar and Amira on their guards. Fortunately, the dragon is not hostile.
