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Characters / Prehistoric Park Reimagined

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Ape Men/Kzamm

A race of ape-like hominids.
  • Benevolent Boss: Downplayed, but the Ape Man hunt leader in "Ice Time" is at least willing to take the advice of his subordinates, ordering a retreat when one of them - seemingly - suggests it.
  • Black Speech: Their language is described as this, sounding like a cross between spoken words and ape-like chattering.
  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Being large, hairy, hulking ape-like humanoids, who are first encountered in a cold, northern region, they have this vibe. They're much more advanced than most examples, though.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: The hunt-leader manages to grab Jack by the throat and lift him easily three feet off the ground... with one hand.
  • The Dreaded: Most creatures seem to be terrified of them - in Building Bridges, the subadult male Florida jaguar is noticeably cagey about stealing a capybara kill from them and in Ice Time, a Neanderthal mentally remarks that he fears them more than any beast.
  • Frazetta Man: They manage to simultaneously invert this trope while still playing it straight. They look like anthropomorphic apes and are portrayed as violent and brutish. The inversion comes in when you consider that, comparatively, they are the most advanced creatures the crew have ever encountered.
  • Horned Humanoid: The hunt leader in Ice Time wears a horned helmet made from an auroch skull that gives him this look. Also counts as Horns of Villainy.
  • Large and in Charge: The hunt leader of the band Jack and Nikolai encounter in Ice Time is taller and more muscular than his subordinates.
  • Knight of Cerebus: When they appear in Ice Time, things immediately become darker for our protagonists, with the hunt leader nearly strangling Jack to death and the whole band coming close to killing Jack, Nikolai and the mammoths. Even before they appear, their indirect presence darkens the narrative.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: The Ape Man hunting party is quick to retreat when they realise that Jack, Nikolai and Martha are too much for them.
