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Characters / Pokémon Reborn: Reborn League

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League Manager


Manager of the Reborn League, who gives you your first Pokémon. Also the regional Champion.
  • Author Avatar: Of Amethyst (a.k.a. the game's head designer).
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Aside from being the Manager of the Reborn League, she's the Champion of Reborn until her death at Lin's hands.
  • Badass Bystander: Turns out the friendly manager that does nothing more than sit in the Grand Hall registering newcomers and checking on gym leaders is also the champion of the Reborn League.
  • Big Good: She was responsible for helping supervise the cleanup of Reborn ten years ago and in the present, gives you info on the Gym Leaders, and is overall a Reasonable Authority Figure. Until her death at the heads of Lin's Hydreigon...
  • Creator Cameo: Beyond giving you your starter, and giving you advice for how to handle the Gym Leaders, Ame doesn't do much. Word of God is that this is intentional. It's revealed that Anna asked her not to intervene.
  • Good Is Not Soft: When a Team Meteor grunt refuses to talk at the start of the story, she has no issues with letting a Torkoal start heating up the metal chair he's sitting on till he does.
  • Killed Off for Real: She gets decapitated by Lin's Hydreigon, and her Pokémon are all kidnapped. You can later find an Absol whose Original Trainer profile says it used to be hers, but what happened to the rest of her teammates is so far unclear...
  • Our Fairies Are Different: Two-thirds of her Pokémon during your postgame fight with her are part Fairy-type — the only exceptions are her Mega Lopunny and Absol. Her dev battle swaps out said Absol for a Mega Gardevoir, making five of her seven Pokémon part Fairy-type.
  • Signature Mon: Her Alolan Ninetales seems to be this, considering it's the only Pokémon she ever has out onscreen (and the secret room she has filled with Alolan Vulpix under the Great Hall). Oddly, Word of God says that her favorite Pokémon is Sylveon.

Gym Leaders

    In General 
The leaders of the Reborn League, and some of the most powerful and skilled trainers in the region after it was largely abandoned several years ago.
  • Badass Family: A running theme: almost all of the Gym Leaders in the Reborn Region seem to know closely or be related to another Gym Leader, an Elite Four member, or a trainer that is tough enough to be a Gym Leader themselves.
  • Child Prodigy: A large number of the Gym Leaders were or are skilled battlers even at an early age.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Dear god, yes. At least half of the gym leaders have a serious psychological problem, social issue, or something in their past, that makes up a noticeable part of their characterization. If we listed all of them here, it'd be a very long list.
  • Home Field Advantage: This is more or less how their fields work - they give the trainer a Terrain that often, is built to assist their team (or rather, their team is built to work with the Terrain). Of course, if you can remove said Terrain, it's very possible to turn the tables.
  • Meaningful Name: In addition to the puns regarding their name and type, their Trainer titles that replace the traditional "Gym Leader" or are added to the Elite Four title tend to have something to do with their personality or characterization. For example...
    • Cheer Captain: Julia was the previous head cheerleader at OST, and views herself as responsible for keeping her friends happy.
    • Head Instructor: Florinia is the principal of OST now, and also took a major leading part in the reconstruction of Reborn.
    • Agent: Corey is a Admin-level member of Team Meteor, and is later revealed to have been a Double Agent planning to backstab them the entire time he worked for them.
    • Bookworm: Shelly is the Bug gym leader, and also a Child Prodigy who loves to read (and even has her gym in the Lapis ward library).
    • Entity: Shade is... well, several characters have questioned if he's alive, dead, a Pokémon, something else, or was even human in the first place, and even the Player Character has yet to get an explanation as to what he is. The post-game reveals that he was human, but sacrificed his body to help make a wish come true.
    • Sensei: Kiki is the head of Apophyll Academy, very monk-like in her demeanor, and also the teacher of Victoria. And also falls victim to the Mentor Occupational Hazard.
    • Wasteland Punk: Aya lives in the Bxybysion Wasteland, and is extremely depressed.
    • Beauty Queen: Serra is a former model who left the business to care for her son Bennett (despite loving her job), and is almost universally admired by the residents of Spinel Town, where she lives and has set up her gym.
    • Prodigy: Noel is the youngest of the Gym Leaders, seen as one of the toughest fights in the game by the fans, and generally far smarter than you would expect from someone who is likely at most 12.
    • Grandmaster: Radomus is stated to be one of the greatest chess players in the world, to the point of building a fortune off of it, and extremely adept at predicting what his enemies will do in advance, as seen with El's Ditto impersonating Radomus's partner Gossip Gardevoir.
    • Dark Dreamer: Luna is the Dark gym leader, and also sometimes thinks "outside the box" in ways that most people would see as bizarre, but which seems to work out for her (for example, turning up on Radomus and Serra's doorsteps and claiming them to be her parents, much to their confusion... and later led to both of them adopting her unofficially).
    • Strongman: Samson is the strongman at the Agate Circus, and the most blunt and straightforward member of Reborn's Fighting specialists, which shows in his team.
    • Firebug: Charlotte is the Fire gym leader, a position her mother also held, and believes herself to be (accidentally) responsible for burning down her family's old house and killing her parents Though it's later confirmed that Sirius was actually the one responsible.
    • M3G4: Terra... is, to say the least, over the top in almost everything she does, not exactly very logical, and, as the numbers in her title imply, sort of, fights you in a computer world after Cal outs her as a Team Meteor agent.
    • Skydancer: Ciel, the last member of the Agate Aces, and for her job at the circus, is an aerial performer who uses ribbons to practically "dance" around the Big Top arena.
    • Visionary: Adrienn, the Fairy gym leader, was the main person responsible for inspiring the people of Reborn to rebuild the entire city, despite the city becoming a Wretched Hive in the time xey were gone, still seeing hope in the future despite the horrible situation.
    • Guardian Princess: Represents Titania's role as Amaria's guardian and how she does everything in her power to keep her safe and protect her regardless of whether or not she herself likes this, the princess title is a nod to how prioritizes classic literature over her time in Onyx school as well the atmosphere of her gym almost feeling like a fairytale.
      • Guardian Exile: When doing the Reshiram route, Titania was tricked into attacking Taka instead of Lin, and Adding Insult to Injury, she was completely disarmed by Lin and almost died. Titania felt very guilty and like a failure after the event, and her general demeanor and pre-gym speech completely change.
    • Flotsam: A flotsam is defined as material that has not been deliberately thrown overboard and can be recovered by the owner later, similar to how Titania didn't deliberately break up with Amaria and would later get back due to Amaria's amnesia.
      • Jetsam: A jetsam is defined as material that has been purposely thrown overboard to lighten up a ship's load, a parallel to how Titania officially broke up with Amaria after her actions in the Reshiram route finally caused her to abandon the relationship.
    • Rockstar: Hardy is both a guitarist (his gym's puzzle is even based around guitar chords), and the second-highest ranking Gym Leader in Reborn (a stark contrast to canon Rock leaders), and was stated by Word of God to have consistently been higher-ranking than Titania in the online League.
    • Keeper: Saphira, is extremely protective of her family and will not allow anyone to mess with them. Something which is also reflected in her gym which revolves around protecting a chest from anyone that tries to take it from you.
    • Elite Four Wind Maiden: Heather is actually the only one to directly refer to herself by her trainer title as if she's a superhero or magical girl. Which really puts her idealism as well as her age and lack of maturity into perspective.
    • Elite Four Floral Artist: Laura, beyond just being a grass-type specialist Laura really has a fondness for making flower arrangements to the point that she even fights on the flower garden terrain type
    • Parson/Elite Four Agent: Elias is both a very religious man and formerly a secret member of Team Meteor like Corey was.
    • Lepidopterist/Elite Four Imago: Bennet. A lepidopterist is someone who studies moths and butterflies, which not only refers to Bennett's love of the bug type but also his Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness. Meanwhile, "imago" is the term for the adult stage in an insect's life cycle, which fits in with his increased maturity and conscious efforts to better himself.
    • Elite Four Starcrosser: Anna. Something or someone being star-crossed is a way of saying that fate itself is working against them. Thus, Starcrosser refers to Anna's refusal to give up hope in the face of seemingly inevitable tragedy as well as her having actively changed the course of fate through her wish.
    • Elite Four Skyspectre: Elena. Her title mostly just refers to her choices in type specialization; however, it takes on a second meaning when one realizes that, in the present, she is long dead.
    • League Manager: Amethyst. Not only refers to her public job but also the fact that, as both the champion and Author Avatar, she is in some way responsible for almost every part of the league, both in-universe and out.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: The female gym leaders noticeably outnumber the male gym leaders, and Saphira and Titania are the only Gym Leaders who directly kill their opponents in Team Meteor.

    Julia Wilde 

Cheer Captain Julia/Julia Wilde
"Kaaaaaaaa... BOOOOOOM!!!"

Electric Gym Leader of the Peridot Ward and former cheer captain of the trainer school. Her gym is also Reborn City's main power plant. Used to hang out with Florinia, Amaria, and Titania in high school. Gives out the Volt Badge.

  • Blood Knight: She's less interested in battle and more interested in explosions, but she still fits.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: After the events involving her at the beginning of the game, you meet up with her much later on. She wastes no time in lampshading this.
    Julia: It's been, like, fourteen episodes or so since we last met!
  • Cutting the Knot: When Florinia decides to hack the door in a Team Meteor hideout, Julia decides to just find some explosives and blow it down. To Julia's sadness, Florinia hacks it before she can blow the door up.
  • Genki Girl: She doesn't let anything get her down for long. At least, in the open.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: As said by Julia:
    Julia: "Is that a safety hazard? Oh, who cares! Let's do it anyway!"
  • Meaningful Name: She used to be the head cheerleader at OTS (the position was originally Amaria's, but Amaria gave it to Julia). As it turns out, she also views herself as being responsible for keeping the spirits of her friends up.
    • Joules are a unit of energy.
  • Motor Mouth: She's an Electric leader who Must Have Caffeine, so this is a given.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Coffee is her Trademark Favorite Food, or rather drink.
  • Not Me This Time: At the start of the game, despite her love of explosions, when Ame presses her, she denies that she had anything to do with the train station blowing up. In the postgame, she's pretty much automatically a suspect when the train you are on gets the engine blown up during the Red and Blue Orbs quest due to her known love of explosions, but she denies it's her fault.
    "Now, I know what you're thinking — there was an explosion, so it had to be me, right? And that's fair! That's a reasonable course of thought nobody could blame you for having! But even I'm not dumb enough to actually blow up the train we're moving on!"
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Despite her love of explosions appearing genuine, it seems that her hyperactivity and cheerful actions are at least partially a mask to help "keep spirits high." Ironically, out of her friends (who she cares for a lot), she seems to be the least mentally troubled and stressed of them (to recap, Titania has a lot of issues with her Lack of Empathy and stayed in a relationship with Amaria (Titania herself is asexual) to help Amaria herself stabilize, Amaria is a clinically depressed and borderline suicidal Stepford Smiler, and Florinia became The Spock after a Noodle Incident with Titania).
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: She drops her normal act when Titania says Florinia has a "history" of being more greatly affected by things than is deserved in the timeline where Florinia is hit by a Poison Fang at Amaria's house when Team Meteor invades, getting genuinely angry at her, and later saying very calmly that she's worried for all of her friends.
    Julia: "In case you haven't noticed, it's NORMAL for people to be hurt when their friend blows up on them! She trusted you, and you betrayed her!"
  • Punny Name: She's named after the energy unit, Joule.
  • Really Gets Around: In high school, she had a lot of boyfriends. In the Zekrom route, Terra even calls her a 'bicycle' during the Labradorra tournament. Julia doesn't get the insult, though.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Gets an excellent one combined with Badass Boast after you, her, and Florinia successfully Hold the Line against Team Meteor at Amaria's house.
    Julia: "S-U-C-C-E-S-S! That is how we spell success! We triumphed cuz we're OTS, and there's no doubt we are the best!"
  • Screw Your Ultimatum!: When Solaris tells you, her, and Florinia to give up the Sapphire Bracelets or be left in ruin, she says there's no way they'll listen to an old creep like him.
  • Signature Mon: An Electrode, what else?
  • Stepford Smiler: In Episode 18, her void-self says that she is trying to cover up to herself the "growing revelation the best years of my life are behind me and now everything else will just be a disappointment!"
  • Stuff Blowing Up: She's rather obsessed with it, frankly.
  • Womanchild: Acts rather immature, carefree, and childish. In Episode 15, if she helps you fight Solaris, it's implied this is at least partially an act, and her void self seems to confirm it.

    Florinia Sevilla 

Head Instructor Florinia/Florinia Sevilla
"I might wish you 'Good luck,' however 'luck' is merely an illusory essentialization of statistics, and is not inherently good or bad."

Grass Leader of the Onyx Ward and Head Instructor/former student of the trainer's school, which also functions as her gym. Gives out the Canopy Badge.

  • Aloof Big Brother: To Fern. Despite being his older sister, she doesn't seem to care much about him. When he's revealed as a member of Team Meteor, she says she's going to kick his arse. However, she also says flat out that he should leave them for his own good, indicating she might not be as aloof as she seems.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Joins the team fighting to liberate Agate City in Episode 18.
  • Broken Bird: Fern, Julia, and her diary all reference an event with Titania that hurt Florinia so much, she decided to discard/suppress all her emotions.
  • Character Development: At the end of the game and in the post-game, she's actively working on not suppressing her emotions and talking normally.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Averted: When she shows up again at Amaria's house, she has non-Grass Pokémon in her team.
  • Crucified Hero Shot: When investigating the attack on the Obsidian ward, you can see her strung up in vines, though you can't reach her.
  • Green Thumb: She's a Grass-type specialist, after all.
  • In-Series Nickname: Fern calls her the Flobot, and Julia calls her Rini.
  • Meaningful Name: "Flor" is Spanish for flower.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite how she acts most of the time, her talk with Fern when he tells her he has joined Team Meteor, as well as her refusal to tell why and how she decided to act so emotionlessly, indicate that she's not as emotionless as she wants to be.
  • Not So Stoic: If you managed to defeat Solaris on Pyrous Mountain, Fern will give Florinia a "The Reason You Suck" Speech when Team Meteor attacks Titania's hideout. She answers his accusations in terse monotone, but considering the ellipses she uses in her speech, it's clear that he struck a sensitive nerve. Implied further by her void-self, whose only words are "Please notice..."
  • Signature Mon: Her Cradily.
  • Spock Speak: She's borderline robotic in how she speaks, which is how she picked up the name "Flobot".

    Shelly Citra 

Bookworm Shelly/Shelly Citra
"I know this pain it feels... it's lonely..."

The Bug-type Leader of the Lapis Ward. She runs her gym in the Ward's library, and is the little sister of Bugsy. Gives out the Cocoon Badge.

  • Apologizes a Lot: She tends to do this when she's talking to people. This is especially visible when she meets up with Cal in Ametrine City and mistakes him for Blake.
  • Big Brother Worship: She adores her brother, Bugsy, and became a gym leader to try to get his approval. It didn't work. Despite that, she still really loves him.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: She became a Bug specialist to get respect from her brother Bugsy.
  • Broken Bird: Her family ignoring her, and her sort-of substitute brother Cal yelling at her during a Noodle Incident both contributed to her Shrinking Violet/Broken Bird status.
  • Child Prodigy: Is only twelve, but she's a Gym Leader. She's also stated to be a college-level reader.
  • Cute Bookworm: Her trainer title is "Bookworm", even!
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: She complains that her big brother Bugsy doesn't pay attention to her, even after becoming a gym leader. Of course he wouldn't, considering her status as a character made for a fan-game.
  • Nice Girl: She's very sweet when she starts to talk.
  • The Nicknamer: She nicknames her Signature Mon. This is especially visible in the later parts of the game, where her entire team is nicknamed after her friends.
  • The Quiet One: While she's got nothing on Shade, she's not exactly talkative.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Heather's red.
  • Shrinking Violet: Though she grows out of it a little later on, she's still this.
  • Signature Mon: Her Yanmega and Volbeat, who are named after Heather and Bugsy respectively. Later on, Bugsy is replaced by a Leavanny named after the Player Character.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Her Pokémon are all in the 60s by the time you meet up with her at Mt. Ametrine. She's actually tougher than Bugsy ever was now! And in the Glass Factory, when you fight her and Cain, her Pokémon are all in the low 80s. In the postgame, this is taken up to eleven. During the Celebi questline, in which the protagonist and Elias travel to the future — a future in which they suddenly vanished — Shelly wound up taking the main character's position of Champion.
  • The Worf Effect: Against former Ice gym leader Blake, she apparently lost badly. Considering her team was lower level than his, several of them were part Flying type, and Blake was fighting her on a Snowy Mountain, a terrain that gives him a huge advantage, it's understandable.


Entity Shade
The enigmatic Ghost-type Leader of the Abandoned Power Plant close to the Beryl Ward. He's... unusual. Gives out the Omen Badge.
  • Added Alliterative Appeal: Your encounter with him at the Water Treatment Plant after defeating Taka has him talking like this.
  • Ambiguously Human: Even in-universe, Normal Leader Noel and Bug Leader Shelly are uncertain if he's even human, and DJ Arclight questions on air whether he's human, a ghost, or something else entirely.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Reappears in Episode 18, helped point Luna and Radomus to the Glass Workshop, and later fishes you out of the Void.
  • The Bus Came Back: Appears by surprise at the end of the Water Treatment Plant storyline to talk to you, and then at the Glass Workshop.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Appears to be an undead/ghost, specializes in Ghost types, and his gym is in an abandoned power plant. Despite this, he's one of the good guys.
  • Foreshadowing: Even if it wasn't apparent at first, all of the images seen in his gym's four monitors have come true; Corey's suicide, Amaria's (failed) attempt at suicide, Kiki's death at the hands of Solaris's Garchomp, and what appears to be Lin being cut to pieces after your second Champion battle with her.
  • The Grim Reaper: Evokes this and takes Corey's corpse away after his suicide. The screens in his gym also all involve images of people seemingly dying. However, when you meet him in the Treatment Center, Shade says that "four screens foretold four souls fortune forsaken—from now, forsooth, only two will be taken." Possibly indicating that Amaria and Lin, the two of the four who have yet to die, may survive after all.
    • His Gengar is named after Corey, as well, implying it may very well be him—especially given that it's the only one of his Pokémon with a nickname.
    • Don't Fear The Reaper: Is apparently thought of as nice by Anna and helps open the Railnet up to you when you beat him. Too bad Sigmund and Team Meteor were there to kidnap them.
  • Meaningful Name: Shade describes areas covered in shadows, and is also another name for a ghost.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: There's no real explanation yet as to just what he actually is. This gets cleared up during the postgame.
  • Oblivious Guilt Slinging: In his backstory, he went on a rant at Dr Connal about how Connal could help him, but wouldn't, and that it seemed like Connal wanted to delay actually helping Euphie as much as possible so he'd keep getting paid. In the process, he used some of the same phrases Connal's father had said to the doctors who failed to help his sister, which greatly upset him.
  • The Quiet One: Barely speaks at all.
  • Signature Mon: Chandelure at first, but after E17, it's changed to Mimikyu.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's only been seen directly in a few scenes throughout the game, but it's heavily implied that he's doing a lot of work behind the scenes. For starters, it's said in now-removed content that he told Luna to run away from El, it was implied by Gardevoir in an interview/report on TV that he might have recommended Noel to be the Normal type Gym Leader, Anna for Elite 4, and that's not getting into his apparent ability to project scenes from the past/future on the screens in his gym...
    • Later on, he calls Luna to the Glass Workshop, who brings Radomus and Gardevoir, who encounter Serra there before they enter thanks to Gardevoir calling her.
  • Soul Power: He's a Ghost-type specialist. Also, he may be a ghost himself...
  • Was Once a Man: The post-game reveals that he used to be Euphie Mittelward, the Ghost-type Leader, who went to Dr Connal seeking medical approval to transition and never got it. However, he met and became close with the twins, and when Anna made her wish to rewrite the timeline, it required a sacrifice, so Euphie gave up his body, but not his life, becoming Shade in the process. He's completely fine with it, since he wasn't exactly happy with his body.

    Aya LaRue 

Wasteland Punk Aya/Aya LaRue
"I'd be better off if everyone just left me alone."
Cain's sister and the Poison Gym Leader, setting up shop in her home at in the Byxbysion Wasteland. Gives out the Blight Badge.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Has a moment of this when she's reunited with Cain. They insult each other beforehand, but it's clearly not serious.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She has this towards Cain, no matter how much she denies it.
  • Damsel in Distress: Team Meteor takes her prisoner, and she spends a lot of the game at their mercy.
  • The Eeyore: Aya is downright depressed at times, saying she's a terrible person who doesn't deserve to be gym leader and that she just wants everyone to leave her alone. This seems to be because of how she treated Cain before he left.
  • Everyone Can See It: Aya and Hardy say they're not dating. Cain doesn't buy it.
  • Fish out of Water: She's the Reserve Poison Gym Leader, who never expected to actually become Leader. It doesn't help that Cain was the Leader before he ran away.
  • Freudian Excuse: Her void-self is found begging Cain and their mother to stop fighting, saying she'll do anything they want if they'd just love each other again. It didn't work.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: It's implied her gloomy attitude and low self-esteem comes from her regret of how she treated her brother when she discovered his sexuality.
  • Poisonous Person: She is the Poison leader, after all.
  • Ship Tease: With Hardy.
  • Signature Mon: The news claims that it is Seviper, though in the current build she doesn't have one in her party. In actuality it is Dragalge.
  • Took a Level in Badass: When she joins up with you later in the game, her Pokémon have all made it into the 60s.
  • Tsundere: The news claims she is one, but she doesn't display it when you meet her, most likely because she had just gotten beaten by Fern. It shows up later when you meet her on Route 3 and talk with her, as well as in her concern for Cain when he is nearly killed by a deflected PULSE attack, then denying it when he points this out to her.

    Serra Voclain 

Beauty Queen Serra/Serra Voclain
"Within reflections and crystal imperfections, there's art."

Ice Leader of Spinel Town who used to be a famous model, but gave up her career in favor of taking care of her son, Bennett. Gives out the Rime Badge.

  • An Ice Person: It's her specialty.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: Attempts this with Radomus after the Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers! below.
    Serra: And what about you? Aren't you upset over losing her? Over both of them?!
    Radomus: Of course I am. But for better or worse, I am a veteran when it comes to losing "hers". One might say I've been bearing an awful lot of wounds through some mean times. Another might say we very often tell others the advice we ourselves need to hear.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: When she shows up at the Glass Workshop, she's able to recognize the remains of Glaceon's Ice attack that made the elevator with you and Hardy drop aren't glass from roughly 20-30 feet in the air, and that it has yet to melt, meaning it was recent.
  • Breakable Weapons: Using Earthquake, Bulldoze, Boomburst, or Hyper Voice will completely shatter her Mirror Arena field, causing all combatants to take heavy damage. The broken mirrors will even show up on the overworld if you do this during your gym battle with her.
  • Broken Bird: In addition to the aforementioned loss of her modeling career, she's terribly lonely after Bennett and Luna leave. Her various comments throughout the game imply that she's deeply depressed and sees no point in trying to be happy.
  • Deadpan Snarker:
  • The Eeyore: Generally pessimistic, and much of her dialogue is about how everything goes away over time.
  • Good Parents: Despite missing her old modeling career, it's clear she does care for Bennett and Luna, and is heartbroken by their departure.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Sort of, but it's not fatal; in the void, one of her appearances has her ripped in half, but she's fine otherwise.
  • Heroic BSoD: At the Glass Workshop, after Bennett leaves and Luna is seemingly swallowed by a black hole. Radomus and Anna snap her out of it.
  • Mama Bear: When Gossip Gardevoir tells her that Bennett has aligned himself with Team Meteor, after a brief shock, she orders Gardevoir to take her to Bennett. Gardevoir asks they finish the interview first. Serra repeats herself more slowly. Gardevoir quickly shuts up and agrees after that.
  • Mirrors Reflect Everything: Most beam attacks can be reflected if they miss, and physical attacks that miss cause damage to the user as they hit a mirror.
  • Parents as People: She had a life she really enjoyed, but gave it up when she got pregnant. She doesn't regret her choice... or at least, she says she doesn't, but she still misses her old life. Bennett also somewhat resents her treating him as a child, but he still clearly cares for her even after he leaves.
  • Rousing Speech: She gets one in Episode 18 from Radomus and Anna that seems to help her outlook become more positive.
  • Ship Tease: In Episode 18, there's some between her and Radomus, much to Luna's delight.
  • Signature Mon: Froslass.
  • Tragic Ice Character: Between the loss of her modelling career, her unlucky love life, Luna and Bennett leaving, and her belief that nothing lasts, she isn't exactly the happiest person.
  • White-Dwarf Starlet: Laments her glory days, and believes she's too old to relive them. Subverted in her ending when she decides to start her own age-positive, body-positive modelling agency.

    Noel Doe 

Prodigy Noel/Noel Doe
"Nomos and Nostra are just dolls, but hi. Nomos says 'Hi,' too."

A patient of Dr Connal as well as the Normal Leader, and Anna's brother. Has a Cleffa doll called Nomos. Unlike his sister, he doesn't think it's alive. Gives out the Standard Badge.

  • Adorably Precocious Child: Very with it despite his young age, thus the "prodigy" title.
  • Child Prodigy: It's in his title, and he lives up to it.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: In his versus cut. He's easily the more restrained and sombre of the twins, as well.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: His Signature Mon is the Fairy-type Clefable, despite being a Normal-type Gym Leader. Justified, since he had Clefable in his online team before Fairy-types were released in Generation 6 (and Ame (the game character) specifically mentions allowing him to keep using it beforehand).
  • Good with Numbers: Using complex mental math, he helps solve a switch-flipping puzzle in the Underground Railnet to make a rail lead out. He's so smart that when Cain asks how he knew, he says it's obvious.
  • Hollywood Autism: Downplayed. Amethyst states he's autistic, and he has the stereotypical stoic personality and genius level talent with numbers, but besides his low self-esteem, he's one of the better adjusted characters in the cast. He also cares deeply about others, including his sister despite being jealous of her.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Some of his dialogue in Episode 18 implies that he wants to be more like Anna.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: He and Anna are Radomus's children, who were separated from him a long time before.
  • Meaningful Name: Noel uses Normal-types. His real name Painter also ends up becoming this in the postgame as he starts gaining an appreciation for colour and art and as the another time sequence shows he eventually becomes a famous artist.
  • Non-Elemental: His Normal-types are this.
  • Only Sane Man: Definitely the most mentally stable of everybody who ever went to the Orphanage (including Connal himself), and one of the largest contenders for this among the Gym Leaders in general.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: As mentioned above his signature mon is a Clefable rather than any Normal type. He also end up bonding with a Xerneas in the postgame that he lets you borrow.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Noel is, frankly, one of the toughest leaders in the League, a Child Prodigy, and earned his rank fair and square. But compared to his sister, who's the last member of the Elite Four at the same age... well. Anyone would feel as if they're Always Second Best.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With his twin Anna; he's The Stoic, while she's cheerful and energetic.
  • Signature Mon: Clefable.
  • Successful Sibling Syndrome: He's admittedly jealous of how his sister Anna is always the "special one" of the two of them, and gets more attention and success. At the same time, however, it's clear that he still loves her, and that the feeling is mutual. And to her credit, Anna openly offers to let him keep the Amethyst Pendant when he voices that he's upset.

    Radomus Vanhanen 

Grandmaster Radomus/Radomus Vanhanen

A peculiar but gentlemanly Psychic-type Gym Leader who lives in the Vanhanen Castle on Route 1, with his Gardevoir sidekick and his adopted daughter, Luna. Gives out the Millenium Badge.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall / Fourth-Wall Observer: Refers to the Player Character as "a player character with no dialog".
  • Chess Motifs: He is apparently very good at chess and his gym's challenge has you attempt to checkmate the enemy king to get to the next room. He also talks about El putting himself in check when he kidnaps his Gossip Gardevior.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: He can be pretty eccentric.
  • Disappeared Dad: Not by choice. His wife vanished and he sent his children away to protect them, but it didn't work.
  • Family of Choice: Lampshaded by him about his Parental Substitute relationship with Luna, and her antagonistic relationship with her own father Elias.
    Radomus: "Is blood a stronger tie of family than those who care for her?"
  • First Girl Wins: He says he only fell in love once during his life with his soulmate, and that after she "spun away" (what happened wasn't explained further) he had no further interest in romance.
  • Gray-and-Gray Morality: He admits freely that things are rarely just "black and white".
  • Good Parents: Despite not being her actual father, Radomus treats Luna as his own, and much better than her actual father.
    • When he reunited with his biological children Anna and Noel he instantly takes them back in and is overjoyed.
  • I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: Says that in response to Cain's innuendo-laden dialogue.
  • Master of Disguise: Has made himself appear as a Team Meteor agent and Elias both.
  • Mysterious Past: He is heavily implied to have had previous dealings with El, possibly before he took in Luna. Also, the Emerald Brooch used to be his before he gave it to Luna, it's stated by Luna; how he got it is not explained. And according to El's personal journal, the Emerald Brooch used to be El's, and was given to him by Solaris, all but confirming Radomus's had a former connection with El, but also leaving unclear how exactly he got it. Episode 19 revealed that he used to be part of Team Meteor under the name 'Tuomas', and he stole the Keys, had them fashioned into jewellery and gave/sold them to various people, before stealing a lot of Team Meteor's money and leaving.
  • Oblivious to Love: His (Gossip) Gardevoir is in love with him, and she expresses her frustration once during an interview with him when he doesn't notice despite her rather blatant hints.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he accidentally knocks Cain off a ledge.
    Radomus: ...Well, now I've done it.
  • Parents as People: He loves both Anna and Noel, but the last time he saw them was over a decade ago, and due to his fears of Anna becoming dreamsick (the ailment that took his wife Zina), he unintentionally neglects Noel. To be fair, considering what happens in the Anna route, he had good reason to be worried about her — however, Noel's feelings of being the lesser sibling did not get any better because of this.
  • Psychic Powers: He doesn't have them himself, but Psychic-types are his specialty.
  • Signature Mon: None other than the Gossip Gardevoir herself.
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!: To Serra, pointing out that if she believes she will lose everything, she is just taking the pain from losing it now instead of when it takes place, even if it might never take place—or if what she loses returns.
  • Tears of Joy: When he finally finds Anna and Noel again in the Glass Workshop.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe / Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: Is seen spinning around to change his clothing regularly.

    Gossip Gardevoir 

Gossip Gardevoir

Reborn's news anchor, responsible for several different TV channels, and the partner and main Pokémon of Psychic gym leader Radomus.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: In an easily-missed interview on the television, it's pretty much stated outright that she's in love with her trainer, Radomus, who has sworn off romantic relationships entirely.
    • She admits that her own feelings are a reflection of Radomus's longing for his deceased wife when she appears in the void.
  • Cut Short:
    Gardevoir: Today, we're meeting one of Reborn's strongest trainers! She's big! She's bad-ass! And she's set to tear you a new one-
    Anna: Hey! I'm not any of those things!
    Gardevoir: Only joking! Everyone say hi to Anna!
  • Damsel in Distress/Damsel out of Distress: She is briefly kidnapped by El before you can challenge Radomus. She mentions that she could have escaped anytime she wanted to; she was just waiting for Radomus's word to Teleport away.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: To Radomus in Episode 18 after you're Brainwashed and Crazy by the PULSE Hypno.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Uses her powers to take out the PULSE Hypno, sucking in the player, Cain and Luna with it. Even after the player escapes, she's under Lin's control, being used to pull more people into the void.
  • Intellectual Animal: In a setting where many Pokémon are implied to be just on the low edge of sapience, she is a very sapient, very vocal reporter, who is apparently more famous than her eccentric, chess grandmaster/Gym Leader trainer.
  • Pass the Popcorn: Asks for bets as to whether Adrienn will go crazy after finding out what happened to Reborn City.
  • Rich Bitch: The only people she seems to respect (or at least act normally to) are her master and Luna, and to a lesser degree Serra. She also seems to be fond of Adrienn, but mostly expresses that by teasing xem. She's never a true Jerkass, however, so this trope is overall downplayed.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Radomus. She says when she appears in the void that she doesn't mind dying, if this is what it was like to die, because she was of use to her master.


Dark Dreamer Luna/Luna Vanhanen
"Darkness is love. There's nothing to fear."

Initially appearing to be a maidservant in Radomus's castle, Luna is in fact the Dark-type Gym Leader, with her gym being located in Iolia Valley. Gives out the Eclipse Badge. She was born Lukah Hazel.

  • Accidental Innuendo: With Cain.
    Luna: Hearts beat faster in the darkness. Do you know why?
    Cain: Because it's better with the lights off?
    Luna: ...Oh my. Well, be that as it may, it wasn't quite my intention...
  • Alice Allusion: All of her Pokémon are named after creatures Alice met from Wonderland.
  • Archnemesis Dad: She both hates and fears her birth father El/Elias, and ran away from him, claiming Radomus and Serra are her parents. They agree to put aside their past conflicts during the Necrozma quest, and one of the future timelines in the Celebi quest suggests that she will eventually accept him as her father again.
  • Badass in Distress: She's one of Reborn's higher-ranking gym leaders, but she still runs away from El. Given that he's an Elite Four member, and capable of mopping the floor with her, it's pretty understandable, though.
  • Big Damn Heroes: After Gossip Gardevoir summons a black hole and pulls you, Cain, and herself into the Void in order to destroy the PULSE Hypno, she goes in herself, and helps Shade get you out.
  • Child Prodigy: At most, she's a young adult.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She turned up at both Serra and Radomus's doors and insisted that they were her mother and father (Word of God is that she decided to "invert" the typical adoption method). And while both Radomus and Serra were happy to take her in, Luna insists on calling Radomus (at least) 'Master' and acting as his maid, for her own reasons.
    Luna: "Oh? Perhaps I've lost my way after all. How wonderful!"
  • Damsel in Distress: She's the target of her birth father Elias, who insists that she is his daughter and that Radomus has brainwashed her to forget this (she is El's daughter by birth; she just doesn't view him as her father, no brainwashing involved).
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She's a Dark-type specialist, in a clear contrast to her birth father El's Light Is Not Good.
  • Determined Defeatist: Goes up against you when you're Brainwashed and Crazy, and says she's aware she likely wouldn't win—and as it turns out, she just wanted to soften you up for Radomus and Serra.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: How she dresses up, with a black and white theme.
  • Happily Adopted: Her relationship with both Serra and Radomus, despite the two not being married (though both are Gym Leaders, and Word of God is that they know each other through her). Radomus and Serra meet up in Episode 18, and there's at least a little Ship Tease between them, to her delight.
  • The Hermit: When you see her in the Nightclub in the postgame, she's mostly hanging out in a corner without talking to anyone.
  • Jerkass to One: She's a very kind-hearted girl. Except towards her biological father. But considering he was an example of Abusive Parents towards her, it's easy to see why.
  • Like Brother and Sister: How she views her relationship with her adopted brother Bennett, even saying she forgives him for briefly joining her birth father El (who she hates a lot). However, this means she has no idea how to react to his Anguished Declaration of Love beyond leaving and trying to avoid the topic.
  • Meaningful Name: Luna means moon, which is fitting for the darkness.
  • Naytheist: Despite her father El being a massive believer in Arceus, she states bluntly that she doesn't acknowledge said Pokémon as a god.
    El: Excuse you. I do the Lord's work.
    Luna: And you wonder why I deny him…
  • Nerves of Steel: The only thing that makes her lose her cool onscreen is the Accidental Innuendo above—and El. Walking into a black hole to an Uncertain Doom didn't even faze her.
  • Nice Girl: She's a kind-hearted and friendly woman, in spite of her Cloud Cuckoolander antics and elegant speech patterns.
  • The Nicknamer: Has nicknamed all of her Pokémon after Alice in Wonderland characters.
  • The Sacred Darkness: How she seems to view the type she specializes in.
    Luna: Darkness is love. There's nothing to fear.
  • Sand In My Eyes: When Radomus and Serra meet for the first time, she starts crying.
    I am perfectly fine; there is no need to worry about me. I am just very—happy. I am happy to have you both back.
  • Signature Mon: Her Umbreon, Cheshire.
  • Uncertain Doom: As of Episode 18, she's stuck in the void with Cain and Samson/Ciel. However, when she shows up she's walking on the void and seemingly making a path for herself, and calls it her home. And considering you're released from the void by Shade, who she appears to know, "doom" may be too strong a word... And sure enough, she shows up in the postgame, on the Cresselia quest (the first quest you get, no less), fine as can be.
  • Undying Loyalty: She's this to Taka, who she was raised to serve—Taka himself gets freaked out when it's brought up, but clearly cares a lot for Luna.
  • You're Not My Father: She refuses to acknowledge her birth father Elias as her parent. In the future timeline in which Taka and the player vanished, she and Elias reconciled, and she acknowledges him as her father.

    Samson Alvarez 

Strongman Samson/Samson Alvarez
"Ready to take me on, pipsqueak?"
The Fighting Gym Leader, and a strongman at the Agate Circus. Gives out the Strike Badge.
  • Abusive Parents: His father was a fan of corporal punishment. When Samson got bigger than him, this posed a problem for his father.
  • Always Someone Better: In the past, he apparently had a bet with Terra for a six on six match; if Samson won, Terra left the circus, and if Terra won, he did whatever she wanted. Terra won, and asked him to sign on as another Gym Leader, which led to him becoming the backup Leader.
  • Cutting the Knot: When they can't find Terra after she's fled into her Game World, he decides to just turn off the computer, turn it back on, and talk to her when she gets sick of the isolation.
  • Dumb Muscle: An insult often levelled towards him. While he's hardly an idiot and is fairly mature emotionally, it's clear that he's a lot less disciplined and self-controlled than Kiki.
  • Everyone Has Standards: In a previous version of the game, he's initially delighted to be the new Fighting leader, and wonders why the previous leader Kiki retired. He's slightly depressed and upset by how he acted when he finds out she died.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: His Umbral self is this. It's a startling contrast from his normal self, who has some old-fashioned moments, but isn't that bad.
  • Signature Mon: Conkeldurr.
  • Tranquil Fury: In the route where you give Blake the Ruby Ring, after Lin either kills Ciel or sends her into the Void, he's angry... till he isn't.
    I learned from getting back at my old man that getting even doesn't make anything better. But I can't shake this anger. It's quiet by now, but it's there. It doesn't leave, no matter what I take it out on. I can barely breathe, like a vat of lava being poured down my throat. Fire in my fucking bloodstream, eventually it just settles into stone. A weight in my core. Hard to walk. Hard to think. And I'm sure it's not half as bad as whatever's happened to Ciel.
  • Uncertain Doom: In one route of Episode 18, he's sent to the void, and is stuck there with Luna and Cain.
  • World's Strongest Man: The strong man at the Agate Circus. He also was strong enough to send the bell on the High Striker flying off the top during his Establishing Character Moment (and it's stated this wasn't the first time it happened), so he's probably the strongest human character in the game.

    Charlotte Belrose 

Firebug Charlotte/Charlotte Belrose
"Awesome kind of runs in our family. No big deal."

Initially one of Dr Connal's patients at the orphanage, this snarky delinquent is the latest in her family to be the Fire-type Gym Leader of Calcenon City once she manages to escape. Gives out the Cinder Badge.

  • Accidental Murder: She started the fire that killed her parents when she was a kid. While she did intend to start a fire (she was playing with her Vulpix), she did not intend for it to grow out of control. Sirius, on the other hand...
  • Child Prodigy: She's not even 18, and her Pokémon team are all in the high 60s to low 70s.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Very much so.
  • In the Blood: She's a gym leader and her sisters Saphira and Laura are another Gym Leader and an Elite 4 member, respectively. Her mother was also a Fire gym leader.
  • Irony: The Cinder Badge, which she gives out, allows the use of Dive in the field. She even lampshades it.
    "Don't ask me whose bright idea it was to make the Fire leader enable a water Machine."
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She cusses, can be rude or coldly pragmatic, and is highly sarcastic, but she cares for all the kids in the orphanage and wants to stop Team Meteor just as much as anyone else.
  • Lady Swears-A-Lot
  • Living Emotional Crutch: Episode 18 implies that Saphira is hers.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She's a heroic version, but she is very good at getting people to dance to her tune.
  • Meaningful Name: "Char" means to partially burn something.
  • The Nicknamer: Slaps Cain with the nickname "Princess" for his "fruity" ways. The player character, meanwhile, is nicknamed "Wrecking Ball".
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: Played with. Anna sees her as covered in burn scars, even though she doesn't have any. Turns out these are her emotional scars from losing her parents in a fire, and blaming herself for accidentally starting it.
  • Playing with Fire: She's the Fire specialist, after all.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Calls you naive if you say you wouldn't throw others to the wolves to defy Team Meteor.
  • Self-Made Orphan: See Unwitting Instigator of Doom. Actually subverted. Charlotte says that she accidentally burned her parents' home down, killing them, but as it turns out, Team Meteor did it, specifically Sirius, intending to kill the whole family so they could get the Sapphire Bracelets.
  • Signature Mon: Ninetales.
  • Smoking Is Cool: She used to have a cigarette in her battle sprite—this was later changed. She still smokes in-game, though.
  • Sociopathic Hero: Downplayed. Dr Connal diagnosed her with Antisocial Personality Disorder, noting her manipulative tendencies and outward Lack of Empathy. She does indeed seem willing to risk others' lives to gain the upper hand in power struggles, however she shows emotions at times, they're just heavily repressed from trauma. She's capable of guilt, and in fact lives with it on a daily basis, despite her claims to the contrary.
  • Survivor's Guilt: Played with; while she says she doesn't have any regrets about surviving, or starting the fire that killed her parents (since she figures that feeling guilt for the rest of her life over one act she didn't intend would be foolish), she also admits that she's not as free of guilt as she herself thought.
  • Tranquil Fury: After Sirius tells her in Victory Road that he was actually the one who started the fire that killed her parents.
    If you want to hear my venom, then listen closely, because I'm only going to say this once—fuck you.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She says that she was responsible for (accidentally) starting the fire that killed their family's parents and got them sent to the orphanage. However, it turns out that it was actually Sirius.

    Terra Pierce 

M3G4 T3RR4/Terra Pierce

Ever the clown, Terra is the Ground-type Gym Leader, one of three at the Agate Circus. Gives out the Gravity Badge.

  • Became Their Own Antithesis: According to the couple in Episode 16—implied to be Terra's parents—and DJ Arclight, she used to be quiet and shut-in before she joined the circus. And before she met what may have been Lin when her parents tried to adopt said girl... one of them even mentions it's like she became an entirely different person.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Terra has been known to do this on occasion. For example, during the Labradorra Tournament, she refers to the player character as "Save Scum McGee" and "the F12 Combo" (F12 being the hotkey used to soft-reset the game, something you likely will have been doing rather frequently, given the game's difficulty).
  • The Bus Came Back: In Episode 18, she, or at least her "void-self" is briefly glimpsed within the black hole. She returns properly in Episode 19.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Her grasp on reality is... vanishingly thin. Though at least part of it is implied to be Obfuscating Stupidity.
    Ame: ...I'm not going to question how she managed to enter a computer world at all; that girl already defies logic.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: When asked about her backstory, she tries to pass off Batman's backstory as her own. It doesn't work.
    • She later attempts to pass off Luke Skywalker's backstory before her Gym Battle. At least, before Episode 16.
  • Hammerspace: Lampshaded by Cain when she puts her hammer away without a trace by spinning around. For reference, said hammer appears to be bigger than Terra herself.
    Cain: "Okayno, hold on, what did you just do with that giant mallet? Like really, what, where could that POSSIBLY have gone?!"
  • I'm a Humanitarian: She says when you're in Agate City and seeing the asleep Aya and Hardy that they're exhibits "A and C." She also says there was an exhibit "B" and that she ate him. Like everything else coming out of her mouth, take that with a grain of salt.
  • Leet Lingo: Talks like this.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: To the point that when Florinia gives her a physical form during the Labradorra Tournament, Terra's first response is to joyfully exclaim that now she can jerk off.
  • Meaningful Name: 'Terra', meaning earth, and she's the Ground-type Leader.
  • The Mole: She secretly works for Team Meteor because she was bored.
  • The Nicknamer: All her Pokémon have nicknames based on her personality. Her Nidoking, however, is nicknamed Giovanni.
  • Not Even Bothering with an Excuse: Beyond some somewhat half-hearted evasion of the topic, Terra doesn't even bother to say "no" when asked if she's part of Team Meteor.
  • Only Friend: Terra is probably the only real friend that Lin ever had, and she considers it to be mutual.
  • Retreaux: Her gym battle is done in an area that's a massive throwback to Generation 1.
  • Signature Mon: Garchomp (or as she says, RAWRCHOMP).
  • The Tease: Enough of one that Cain is freaked out by her.
    Cain: "I – Please tell me I'm not this bad."
  • Toon Physics: Seems to be the only possible way she can pull off half of what she does. Such as resisting a signal that knocks everyone else in Agate out somehow, carrying around a hammer bigger than she is, sending two humans flying for what appears to be miles without killing them, and entering a (glitchy) computer world that she created herself.
  • Uncertain Doom: After you defeat her and leave the Computer World, Samson turns off and restarts the computer she was in while she was inside. While they haven't been able to find her yet afterwards, they weren't able to before he turned it off either.
    • She later reappears in Episode 19, and is the catalyst for your Gym Battle with Saphira.

    Ciel Featherstone 

Skydancer Ciel/Ciel Featherstone
A pleasure to meet you, darling!

An acrobat and the Flying-type Gym Leader, one of three at the Agate Circus. Gives out the Suspension Badge.

  • Bilingual Bonus: Her name means "sky" in French.
  • Change the Uncomfortable Subject: When Samson teases her about her and Terra's "position 52." Though it's just a joke, as there's no indication they are dating otherwise.
  • Heroic BSoD: Has one in Episode 18, in the storyline where Samson sacrifices himself to save her from getting sent to the void. Afterwards, she blames herself and rambles about her feelings for Samson, and her past.
  • I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: When she first sees you and Samson talking after you return from Ametrine, and Samson (falsely) claims you were talking about "the thong she was apparently wearing."
    Ciel: Right. We're going to try this again, you and I.
    Ciel leaves the room, then reenters.

    Ciel: Hello, <name> and the ever-cordial Samson. How are you each on this fine day?
  • Lady of War: Combines a ceaseless air of class and style with a lot of Flying-type ass-kicking.
  • Lonely at the Top: Ciel hints after your battle with her that, as much as they annoy her, she does see Samson and Terra as her friends because they are the only people she can talk to equally, especially after kicking out Ace, her cousin, after they attempted to join her at the Circus, and it's even more clear in Episode 18 if Samson is pulled into the void.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Has a Noivern and an Altaria, whose sound-based moves are amplified by the Big Top Arena.
  • Nice Girl: Infallibly polite to everybody, even her fellow Agate Aces (who both annoy her, even though the three are all still friends).
  • Signature Mon: Altaria, which is capable of Mega Evolving.
  • Uncertain Doom: In one route of Episode 18, she's stuck in the void along with Cain and Luna.

    Adrienn Flores 

Visionary Adrienn/Adrienn Flores
"I'm not going to stand for anybody who treats their Pokémon badly."

The Fairy-type Gym Leader, who's gym is located in the Coral Ward. Xey were indirectly responsible for the Reborn Gates being shut for almost a decade, as they were frozen in time. Gives out the Amaranth Badge.

  • Big Good: Once they're rescued from the Citae Astrae, they set out to make Reborn City better, and become the driving force behind turning a lumbering wreck into a truly beautiful place to live.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Wakes up and finds out that Reborn City has changed a lot in the many years since they were there.
  • Flat "What": Upon Radomus deducing that xe spent more than a decade frozen in time in the ruins under Reborn.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: In Episode 16, after Ame's death, xe admits that xe didn't really expect that xe would be able to make too much of a difference in the Wretched Hive Reborn had become during xyr absence, but decided to try anyways.
    Adrienn: We cannot blame ourselves in the present for mistakes we made in the past. Down there, outside… There's a truly wonderful city. It is, even now, lumbering, insurmountable, putrid, horrifying, unknowable… but still altogether wonderful. And not a day goes by, that I don't think… for the past however many years that did not exist for me, if I had been here, maybe I could have kept things stitched together long enough that none of this would have ever happened. Maybe this city would be the shining paradise that it is now only in our memories. If I hadn't made a trivial mistake like falling into a fairy ring – but no. Those thoughts will not fix the city. They will not bring those we've lost back. And they will not help us to move forward. We must choose to move forward. And we'll drag the world along with us, even if it's kicking and screaming the whole way. You have that power too. So, will you help me?
  • Our Fairies Are Different: Xe's the Fairy Leader, after all.
  • Rip Van Winkle: Fell in a crevice behind the Grand Gates ten years ago investigating a light shining through the floor and got stuck in time until El, Cain, Radomous and the Player Character discover xem ten years later. Oddly enough, when xe got stuck in time, so did the Grand Gates, preventing them from being opened for that time. Gossip Gardevoir even refers to xem by this trope.
  • Signature Mon: A shiny Florges, named Rhyannon.
  • This Cannot Be!: Xyr first reaction to seeing the sorry state of Reborn, is to briefly ask what has happened, and then to ask "This is a joke, right?" upon seeing xir Gym after more than a decade of neglect.
  • Walking Spoiler
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: Adrienn says that the 10+ years for Reborn xey spent underground trapped in the ruins of the Citae Astrae seemed to be only about an hour to xem.

    Titania Andersen 

Guardian Princess Titania/Guardian Exile Titania/Titania Andersen
"There's no need for your shining armor here."

The tough as nails and scary as hell Steel-type Gym Leader, whose gym is located in the Tourmaline Desert. Gives out the Alloy Badge.

  • Bridal Carry: How she handles Amaria when she finds her in the Water Treatment Center, still unconscious.
  • Brutal Honesty: She's usually very blunt with her words.
  • Cassandra Truth: When Amaria finds her diary, Titania says that the entry she read is just some notes for a new story. If you read the diary afterwards, it actually is notes for a new story, though it's very obvious to anyone who knows that Titania based it off her relationship.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She used to be a Rock type trainer with Hardy, before leaving the Rock type behind and becoming a Steel type trainer when they were discovered. This is apparently a sore spot between the two of them.
  • Extra-ore-dinary: She's the Steel-type specialist of Reborn's Gym Leaders.
  • Fiery Redhead: She's got red hair and a strong, intimidating personality.
  • Good is Not Nice: She's on your side, but she's not at all pleasant about the fact.
  • Good Is Not Soft: A lot of the members of Team Meteor who were in the Water Treatment Center are no longer alive thanks to her.
  • Hidden Depths: She likes writing stories along the Fractured Fairytale line. Her Gym is set in a fairy tale world, and her good ending has her becoming a successful author.
  • Hypocrite: Titania is not very good at following her own advice to Taka to face his issues and not run away from them. As soon as Amaria wakes up, revealing to not remember why she tried to commit suicide, Titania runs away rather than deal with the problem. She does, however, move past this in the Reshiram Route after Amaria tries to kill you, and breaks up with Amaria for good.
  • Incompatible Orientation: Titania is asexual, and Amaria is not.
  • In-Series Nickname: Amaria calls her Tania.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She does care for her friends, even if she's really not too good at showing it.
  • Kick the Dog: She does a lot more damage to Team Meteor's Mooks in the Water Treatment Plant than you do over the entire rest of the game. To be fair, she wasn't in the best state physically or mentally at the time (though it wasn't really too out of character for her from what we see later...).
  • Knight in Sour Armor: She invokes this with her fairy tale motif, but she herself doesn't quite qualify.
  • Lady of War: Tends to wield her Aegislash like an actual sword.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: To Amaria. It hasn't ended well for either of them, and both of them are aware of this fact, but aren't willing to bring it up to each other except in the Reshiram route.
  • Meaningful Name: 'Titania' is the name of the queen of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Titania's Gym resembles a castle, features the Fairy Tale field, and has several notes about how vicious fairy tales really are. Titania is also similar to titanium, a kind of metal.
  • Never My Fault: She blames you for what happens between her and Amaria after the latter discovers Titania's... true feelings for her, despite the entry in which it is written being out in the open in their house, and even if Amaria asks you what the entry is and you refusing before she reads it herself. As of Episode 19, Amaria finds the diary on her own.
  • Noodle Incident: Something happened between her and Florinia that resulted in Florinia deciding to turn herself into an Emotionless Girl.
  • Not So Stoic: After Amaria reads her diary and leaves her house, she yells "Amy!" and sprints out the door after her.
  • Out-of-Character Moment: Possibly, during her time in the Water Treatment Center—she hasn't eaten in quite some time by the time you get to her, and wasn't exactly in the best state mentally even before that, considering Amaria had just tried to kill herself.
  • Pet the Dog: Later in the Plant, she spares a pair of enemy Mooks despite wanting to just kill them. At one point in Calcenon, Shelly's trying to talk to her, but thinks that Titania's annoyed. Titania says that she isn't annoyed, and tells Shelly to stand up straight and look her in the eyes, and then tell her what she wants. Shelly says that as two bookworms, she wants them to be friends, and Titania basically tells her to go for it.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: When she's freed in the Water Treatment Center to a pair of Team Meteor cultists. Counts as a Kick the Dog moment. Which she has a lot of in the Center.
    "Fine, live by your orders. Die by them, too."
  • Questionable Consent: She was Amaria's girlfriend for some time, but only entered into the relationship because she was afraid that Amaria would kill herself if she didn't do it. She has no romantic feelings for Amaria at all—Word of God confirms she's asexual.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Taka, saying that being the Token Good Teammate of Team Meteor and claiming to not support their overall goals while still going along with their plans makes him pathetic and weak, too cowardly to just leave.
  • Roaring Rampage of Rescue: Deconstructed; when she goes on one of these with you to find Amaria at the Water Treatment Center, this leads to her murdering several defenseless Team Meteor mooks in cold blood. It's very disturbing to watch.
  • Running Gag: She gets trapped in part of the Water Treatment Plant due to water level, machinery, or something else going wrong, and you having to rescue her. She finds this rather annoying.
  • Sarcasm Mode: When Amaria arrives right after her talk with you… and overheard part of it.
    "Perfect timing. Couldn't be better. Really."
  • Signature Mon: Aegislash. She doesn't just use it as her main Pokemon, she also wields it as a sword and shield.
  • Superdickery: In Shade's death prophecy, she's shown seemingly pushing Amaria off of a cliff. What actually happens later on is Amaria jumps, and Titania tries to stop her.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: She's definitely one of the good guys, but she's not very good at empathizing with other people, and is entirely willing to do things that are morally questionable (like killing Mooks even after she's already beaten them).
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She found the Sapphire Bracelets in the ruin of Charlotte, Laura, and Saphira's family's house and later gave them to Amaria as a gift, thus putting Amaria in danger by sheer accident.

    Amaria Fiore 

Flotsam Amaria/Jetsam Amaria/Amaria Fiore
After all, the love of my life is waiting for me.

The sweet and bubbly (at first) Water-type Gym Leader located at the Fiore Manor atop the Celestine Cascade. She lives with Titania. Gives out the Torrent Badge.

  • Amnesiac Lover: Downplayed. After being rescued from her Bungled Suicide, she is revealed to have forgotten everything since just before you came to Reborn, including why she tried to commit suicide in the first place. She still remembers everything else, though. Which only makes it worse for Titania (and you, since this means she also forgot about you and your accomplishments against Team Meteor).
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's the third highest-ranking leader in the Reborn League, and is more than willing to show it if you're part of Team Meteor.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves the PC from being killed by Solaris at the last minute with her Kingdra, Atlantica.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: To Titania, and it really shows in the Reshiram route.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: When you first team up with her, her Pokémon are level 80. That's about forty levels above you and the Meteor grunts you're fighting. The battle goes pretty much how you'd expect.
    • Later on, when her amnesia is discovered and a trainer is sent to test her to see if she's still capable of being a Gym Leader, she defeats him in a 6-0 victory while Gossip Gardevoir is still telling the audience what is happening.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Hits her after reading Titania's diary and finding out that Titania doesn't love her. Interestingly, in the Zekrom path, before her gym battle she tells the player that despite not remembering reading the diary, she still knows that Titania doesn't love her because her lack of attraction is obvious, implying that she already suspected it when she read the diary, and having it confirmed is what pushed her over the edge.
    • She crosses it again in the Reshiram route after you defeat her, and it's implied that she might not recover this time.
  • Driven to Suicide: When she discovers that Titania is only pretending to love her back so that Amaria doesn't slip into despair.
    • Bungled Suicide: Her suicide attempt fails, but not without consequences.
    • Her dialogue before her battle in the Zekrom route implies that she's tried to kill herself many times before.
  • The Dreaded: To Team Meteor. Some of the grunts who ran into her have been having nightmares about her and her Lapras, and Solaris backs off from his goal of killing you as soon as she appears to fight her instead.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Her first appearance has her worried over a baby Popplio (Oshawatt, before Episode 17), and expressing relief when Cain helps rescue it.
  • Incompatible Orientation: She's a lesbian, and Titania's asexual.
  • In-Series Nickname: Her friends call her Amy.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: She's dating Titania, and is one of the most traditionally "feminine" characters in the game.
  • Made of Iron: Takes a Superpower from a Tyranitar and survives, albeit with several broken ribs. Later on, when she tries to kill herself, she jumps off the top of the Celestine Cascade. Again, she lives through it.
  • Making a Splash: She's on par with the likes of Misty and Wallace as a Water trainer.
  • Manipulative Bitch: On the Zekrom route, when she manipulates Titania.
  • Morality Pet: To Titania. When she's missing after trying to kill herself, Titania goes on the warpath against Team Meteor.
  • Nice Girl: Stepford Smiler or not, she's one of the nicest characters in the game. As long as you don't get her mad at you...
    • After the aforementioned run-in with Team Meteor and Solaris's Tyranitar, she gives you the keys to her boat so you can cross Azurine Lake, knowing you'll need the boat more than she does.
  • One-Woman Army: She tears down a literal small army of Meteor grunts before confronting their boss Solaris, and it was clearly a complete Curb-Stomp Battle in her favor.
  • Reluctant Psycho: While "Psycho" is usually a strong word for her, except when she goes Yandere on the Reshiram Route and tries to kill you, Amaria's got a very nasty case of depression, has been dealing with it for quite some time, and it's pushed her into some less-than healthy coping mechanisms. And she reveals in her diary that she knows her mind is screwed up, but she has no idea how to fix it and heal herself mentally. And in the Reshiram Route, she actually goes into a rant about it before her gym battle with you.
    That's why you're here, right? You're standing there thinking "she's unforgiveable, just give me my Badge already, stop whining for attention, there's nothing really wrong with you." Right? [If the player says 'no'] But you don't get it! Even if there were nobody here at all (but her), there's still somebody there saying those things. It's the part of me that only shuts up when she's around. It's the part of me that I can't kill. You know I've tried. And the worst part is... I don't know who I am without it.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: To Agent Borealis/Corey Molinar before you fight the third PULSE-Tangrowth.
    "...are you always this edgy? Like, sure? Everything is pointless, nothing brings true happiness, yadda yadda— But at least some of us are out here trying, yeah?"
  • Signature Mon: Her Lapras, Deliverance. She apparently was saved by Deliverance when she was younger and nearly drowned while swimming in the ocean, and the two have been together ever since.
  • Stepford Smiler: While she's extremely sweet and likable, reading her diary in the school reveals that none of the things in her life are making her happy, no matter what she does. She's deeply upset and frightened by this, but can only plaster on "another fake smile" because she doesn't know what else to do.
  • Yandere:
    • In Episode 17, during the Reshiram route where Taka dies, she takes out her anger on the player when she thinks you "stole" Titania from her, trapping them in an underwater room to drown. Titania rescues the player and finally dumps Amaria, and she winds up furious at them, saying that they're the reason Titania left her, outright telling them that she wants them dead.
    • In the Zekrom route, after Titania warns her of a threat to her life, Amaria emotionally manipulates her into saying that she'll always stay and protect her, by pretending she doesn't know that Titania doesn't love her when she told the player previously that she knew otherwise.

    Hardy Andersen 

Rockstar Hardy/Hardy Andersen
"You're gonna rock this fight, aye?"

The Rockstar and Rock-type Gym Leader of Agate City. Gives out the Geode Badge.

  • Always Someone Better: To his sister Titania—while Titania's relationship with Amaria is rather unstable and built on lies, Hardy's probable relationship with Aya is apparently very stable long after the game ends (to the point Adrienn mentions him postitively to Aya in Pokémon Rejuvenation, which takes place roughly 5 years after Reborn). Also, he's a higher-ranking Leader than she is.
    • Also to Fern, his Foil, as while Fern was unable to defeat his sister Florinia and grew bitter, Hardy proved himself to be a better trainer than him, Florinia, or Titania, and never let his defeats get to him.
  • Arch-Enemy: Fern seems to be this to him; the two disliked each other even during their time at the Onyx Trainer's School, and it's clear he doesn't like him when Hardy arrives at the Wasteland Hideout.
    Hardy: "I think seein' Fern get beat is worth the trip out here in itself."
    • And Fern joining Team Meteor and them taking Aya prisoner just made things worse on Hardy's end.
  • Awesome Aussie: He talks like this. Word of God says he intentionally affected the accent to sound like singers he admires.
  • Badass Family: He's Titania's brother, and both are Gym Leaders of their own merit.
  • Brutal Honesty: When you beat Fern at the Wasteland Hideout, he makes his opinion clear on the fight (see above).
  • Breather Episode: Unlike the previous Gym Hardy's gym is just a straightforward Gym with no major story reveals happening.
  • Butt-Monkey: Greatly downplayed, but Hardy's luck isn't the best. In-Universe, his (possible) girlfriend is kidnapped by Team Meteor, he's knocked out by the sleeping effect on Agate City when he took her there to see his gym, and he gets hit with it again in the Glass Workshop. Out of universe, his preferred strategy in the online league was apparently Triple Battles, which have been stated by Word of God to be something that will not be included in Reborn. With that said, he's also one of the best battlers in the League, almost without a doubt the best Rock Pokémon trainer there is, and he's never let a grim situation keep him down for long.
  • Determinator: Pretty much nothing will stop him from trying to find Aya. Even if he's momentarily halted, he won't stop. He also admires this in the player should you lose your first Gym match against him and return to try again.
    (When he sends out his last Pokémon): What happens here is one thing... But don't think our spirit can ever be broken!
  • Foil: To Fern. Both have an older sister, both specialize in a specific type (at first, on Fern's part), both attended the Onyx Trainer's School, and their relationships with said sisters are not exactly the best. Also, their personalities and how they act are in clear contrast; for example, when Fern defeats Aya, he rubs it in that he won (and ignores that Aya beat him once already). Hardy comes in to welcome Aya to the Reborn League, and is shown to be a lot nicer than Fern.
  • Graceful Loser: He takes his loss to you very well, saying cheerfully that it just means he "still has a ways to go".
  • Lightning Bruiser: In stark contrast to Rock's usual Mighty Glacier strategy, Hardy focuses more on this.
  • Made of Iron: Was tossed over the Agate Circus and Route 2 by Terra, landed near the Fiore Mansion, and survived. It might border on Nigh-Invulnerable if it wasn't Terra that did it. Cain lampshades it later on Route 3.
    "Geez, first Terra, and then you slam into the rail? You've taken a beating, and not in the good way."
  • Nice Guy: Beyond a dislike of his older sister Titania, who he doesn't get along with, he's a rather pleasant guy.
  • Ship Tease: With Aya.
  • Signature Mon: His Dusk form Lycanroc, and before that in the online League, Gigalith.
  • Tempting Fate: After discovering the PULSE Avalugg generated iceberg preventing passage to Ametrine City, Hardy says that the next city, Calcenon, is "right around the corner." The stairway leading to Calcenon is then blown up by Team Meteor's PULSE Clawitzer. Then, right afterwards, he says "the road will be a straight shot" due to the bridges that were built to make the Route easier to traverse. Collateral damage from Team Meteor's PULSE Clawitzer blows up all but one of said bridges (again) and leads to you and Aya fighting a gauntlet of Team Meteor agents, including a battle with Aster and Eclipse (though on the other hand, the PULSE Clawitzer gets turned off).
  • You Keep Telling Yourself That: Said word for word to Fern when he says that Hardy was "just another loser" at the Onyx Trainer's School and that he (Fern) was on top.

    Saphira Belrose 

Keeper Saphira/Saphira Belrose
Revenge is a dish that is best served now.

The cold, ruthless Dragon-type Gym Leader of Labradorra City, and the last Gym Leader in the Reborn League. Gives out the Treasure Badge.

  • And Then What?: She spent a good deal of her life focusing entirely on killing Dr Connal as revenge for what he did to her and her sisters. After he's killed by either Lin or the PULSE Mr Mime, Saphira is furious and admits that she feels lost.
  • Anti-Hero: Has every intention of eventually turning Dr. Connal into an Asshole Victim at her own hands, and was directly responsible for the deaths of several Team Meteor grunts. She also kills Sirius in Victory Road by shoving him into a lava pit. Granted, this was right after he gloated to her sister Charlotte's face that he was actually responsible for their parents dying.
  • Badass Boast: Just before she fights Hardy in the Labradorra Tournament, after they're told they'll fight on the Rocky Field, which gives Hardy a massive Home Field Advantage.
    Saphira: Oh. You weren't listening? I already said... I can win on any field.
  • Badass in Distress: In the storyline where you rescue Anna instead of Heather at the Yureyu building, Sirius takes her prisoner instead of the kids by having his Seviper hit her with a Poison Fang.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Fuck with her family, and she'll kill you.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Has no problem whatsoever with overtly killing Team Meteor grunts. She would have killed one of their superiors too, but he managed to survive the attack.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Befriends the giant Steelix after you defeat it.
  • Freak Out: After Laura is found and goes off with Bennett to find Zero and then go to the Elite Four, instead of coming to see her and Charlotte.
  • Freudian Excuse: After her parents died, she spent her childhood being tortured by Dr Connal and being unable to prevent her sisters from also being tortured. It gave her a permanent 'Us against the world' mentality, and she only really cares about and trusts her family. She starts growing out of it by the end of the game and in postgame, but it's a work in progress... so far.
  • Knight Templar Big Sister: She'd probably be willing to let most of the world burn if it meant that Charlotte and Laura were safe.
  • Lethal Chef: Her baking attempts in the Champion Shelly timeline are...questionable.
    "Today's Special: Labradorra Brownies"
    ...Somebody has drawn a tiny skull and crossbones below this.
    • She admits in her ending that she's burned water. Twice.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Saphira might be blunt and direct, but she is far more crafty than she seems.
  • Meaningful Name: Saphira is likely a reference to Eragon.
  • No One Could Survive That!: Is attacked by Lin's Hydreigon and falls off a mountain as a result. She's perfectly fine when you go looking for her ten minutes later, and has singlehandedly destroyed Meteor's mountain base to boot.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: When talking to Connal in the storyline where she's captured when you first run into the PULSE Abra's room, when he claims all he did was "care" for the kids and restrain "the psychotic woman who attacked him" (Saphira herself, who he and Sirius threw in a cell after her Dragonite blasted him through a wall).
    Saphira: "Caring for her? You think pinning a child down and lighting her up like a Christmas tree is "caring" for her? You think HALF of the things you've done to me were "caring" for me?! Don't talk to me about caring, "Doctor." You don't know the meaning of the word."
  • Signature Mon: Her Dragonite.

Elite Four

    Heather Molinar 

Elite Four Wind Maiden Heather/Heather Molinar
"Salamence, it's take-off time!"
Corey's adventurous daughter, who's much more lively than her father. Specializes in Poison and Flying types.
  • Adaptational Nice Girl: She was a Tsundere before Episode 19, whereas after the official release she's more or less just very sheltered and rebellious.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Corey's Crobat is the only Pokemon of his that you can't find in-game and recruit onto your team after he kills himself, and was last seen flying north of Beryl Bridge. And as it happens, Heather has a Crobat that's the same gender (male) as his, who she uses in nearly every fight you have with her. While there's no explicit confirmation it was his, there's nothing indicating it isn't.
    • Also, she uses a Gengar — who again, is male — on many of her teams, and when Shade, who originally possessed a Gengar named Corey, fights you in the postgame, the Gengars he uses aren't nicknamed Corey any longer.
  • Break the Cutie: (Potentially) discovers her dad is part of Team Meteor, then her dad commits suicide, then she gets tortured by Dr. Connall, then Blake locks her up when she tries to help the people of Ametrine.
  • Child Prodigy: She's a member of the Elite Four, and she's not even a teenager yet.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When she learns that Corey is part of Team Meteor, and he comments that he's "made some mistakes."
    "You THINK? 'Oh, oops! I joined a secret evil team destroying the region, whoopsie-daisy!' Some mistake!"
  • Giant Flyer: Her ace Pokémon is a Salamence, and in the online Reborn league, she was a Flying gym leader.
  • Heroic BSoD: Suffers one after being electrically tortured by Connal the 2nd time. She gets better.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Even though she's a Tsundere, when Blake steals Ametrine City's food, Heather sneaks out at night and gives the people food, though she eventually gets caught by Blake and locked up.
  • Kirk Summation:
    • He gives one to Dr. Connall earlier in the game when he asks why she doesn't want to stay with him.
      "Because you're a creep! No girl would ever want to be around you!"
    • She also gives one to Blake, not that it has any effect.
  • Missing Mom: Her mother Elena died just after she was born. It wasn't a Death by Childbirth—Sirius poisoned her IV bag to get the Ruby Ring.
  • Odd Friendship: With Shelly. Opposing personalities? Check. Friends anyways? Check.
  • Only Friend: She's this to Shelly. They both make more friends later.
  • Poisonous Person: As mentioned, she uses a Crobat like her father, as well as Poison being the other type besides Flying she specializes in as an Elite Four member.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: She seems to be convinced that she's the typical Kid Hero of a Pokémon game. This being Reborn, it doesn't go well for her. Though given that she's an Elite Four member, it's understandable why she thinks she could do it.

    Laura Belrose 

Elite Four Floral Artist Laura/Laura Belrose
"Oh, um, excuse me. I have to get out of here..."
Grass-type and later Grass and Fairy type Elite Four member, former resident of the Orphanage, and sister of Charlotte and Saphira.
  • Accidental Discovery: How she finds the switch that opens the gate in Tanzan Mountain; she's looking around, and accidentally sticks her hand into the rock that opens it.
  • All-Loving Heroine: She's never failed to be compassionate and kind to anyone—before the raid on Labradorra, she even expresses a degree of sympathy for Dr. Connal. Well, except maybe you, if you burned or poisoned her flowers.
  • Badass in Distress: While she's a skilled trainer, due to being an Elite 4 member up until she's fired, she rarely gets to show it off in person. At Tanzan Mountain, she's either kidnapped by Dr. Connal because he had his Electivire attack Laura herself instead of her Pokémon, or she does help you (albeit in an Offscreen Moment of Awesome), but gets knocked out by the giant Steelix before she can call on any of her Pokémon.
  • Damsel in Distress: Aside from her potentially being kidnapped by the Doctor at Belrose Manor, she also was kidnapped and knocked out by Team Meteor after leaving Calcenon when she lost her position as an Elite Four member.
  • Easily Forgiven: Even after Bennett flat out tells her that he's her enemy who cost her the position as an Elite Four member, she still forgives him and helps him.
  • Green Thumb: Both in the old Reborn League online as well as the game itself, Laura is a Grass-type specialist although in Pokemon Reborn proper she also uses Fairy types due to Elite Four members getting to specialize in two types.
  • Humans Are Flawed: She's fully aware of her own psychological problems, as well as those of her sisters, but maintains the view that their flaws don't have to define them.
    Laura: Do people have to be defined by their flaws and mistakes?
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Threaten her family and she will step up to the plate… and remember, she's good enough to become an Elite 4 member.
  • Nervous Wreck: She stammers constantly whenever she's talking.
  • Nice Girl: She's entirely willing to welcome you and Shelly into her home along with Anna, Noel, and Charlotte (though the latter is her sister, and she knew Anna and Noel from the Orphanage). And later on, she is willing to forgive Bennett for his part in getting her kicked out of the Elite 4, saying that he's clearly trying to change and giving him another chance.
  • Not So Above It All: At the end of the Mirage Tower New World quests, she says she's going to "drag these two (Saphira and Charlotte) home by their ears." (And then, when Saphira offers to grab Charlotte's other ear if she spares hers, she accepts. Charlotte panics.
  • Only Sane Woman: She's probably the most stable member of both her family and the Elite Four.
  • Reluctant Psycho: Very downplayed example; she's upset when there aren't an even number of things, as seen by the eight-set of flowerbeds outside the Belrose house (and her self-admitted hate of the number seven). She's aware it's weird, but admits she's always been that way.
  • Retired Badass: She was fired from the Elite Four for unknown reasons by Ame. As it turns out, putting the pieces together, she wasn't fired; it seems that someone faked her signature and made a letter of resignation with her name on it. Given El's promise to get Bennett into the Elite 4, and how he's working with Team Meteor and Bennett is loosely working with him, he's the prime suspect. It's later revealed that they hypnotized her into making the letter and then told her she was fired.
  • Shout-Out: Possibly to Death the Kid, given her aversion to the number 7 and conversely, her fixation with even numbers, particularly 8.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The first day she turns 18, she gets the hell out of the Orphanage.
  • Shrinking Violet
  • Signature Mon: Lilligant.

    Bennett Voclain 

Elite Four Imago Bennett/Lepidopterist Bennett/Bennett Voclain
"Something about how little insects can go from what they are to something so much more is just so exciting!"
Ice gym leader Serra's son, and initially, a prospective Bug-type Gym Leader, who decided to try for greater heights when El said he could make it into the Elite Four with his determination.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Serra becomes this to him briefly in her ending. He's understandably mortified when she starts talking about how her bosom size has decreased as she got older.
  • Anime Hair: He says his time is better spent studying than for personal hair care, ironically.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: He specialises in Bug-type Pokémon, and his team is butterfly-themed.
  • Brainy Specs: On his VS sprite and overworld sprite. Oddly, they're absent from his trainer sprite.
  • Character Development: He changes between joining Elias and turning up again in Episode 18, becoming more self-aware and mature. While he still hasn't fully gotten over his entitlement and other issues, he's working towards it and has acknowledged them.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When he meets Radomus, his exact (while inaccurate) words are "Mother, how do you manage to make every new boyfriend weirder than the last?"
  • Entitled to Have You: Has this towards his recently adopted sister Luna, who he thinks is the prettiest girl he's ever seen. The only reason it's not outright Stalker with a Crush is because he admits he might be "just pathetic" and is willing to admit she might not like him that way. To his credit, he later apologizes to her about this.
  • Graceful Loser: He doesn't mind his loss to you in his mother's house, and after a bit of anger (directed mostly at himself) after you defeat him in Iolia Valley, he leaves peacefully, wishing you luck in your battle with Luna (at least, if your relationship value with him is positive). And while he's very much crushing on Luna, he's mostly willing to back down after his loss to you.
  • Hypocrite: Downplayed, but Radomus points out that he's sort of running away from his own problems by continuing to assist Meteor, even if he doesn't like them and is only helping to repay his debt to El.
  • I Hate Past Me: He admits in Episode 18 that he would like to forget how he used to act, and he apologizes to Luna for how he treated her when he sees her again.
  • Kick the Dog: While he may have been correct in his analysis of Zero, saying that he's clinging to Lumi and Eve just because they were his chance to stand out was pretty cold, considering that as far as he knows they're dead, and that Zero is clearly undergoing Sanity Slippage.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Elite Four or not, he isn't going to pick a fight he cannot win, especially when it's one on two against you and Hardy (the Rock leader).
  • Like Parent, Like Child: Calls Radomus's mask ridiculous, and Serra apparently "told him it was awful."
  • Personal Space Invader: With Luna when he finally gets to see her again. She seems somewhat creeped out by it, judging by how she continually tries to keep away from him when he gets too close, and eventually flees outright.
  • Pet the Dog: Pulls Laura away from Gardevoir's black hole, despite being her enemy.
  • Playing with Fire: Though he's a strict Bug type specialist in the main game, he also starts using Fire types in the post game, and it's officialy his secondary specialty as an Elite Four member.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives an vicious one to Zero after they hypnotize you into defeating Luna, Radomus, and Serra.
    Bennett: The only thing that's been tested is your willingness to indulge.
    Zel: I'm—I'm sorry, I don't understand…
    Bennett: You've just been enjoying puppeting them around as an outlet for your frustrations with them.
    Zel: That's—
    Bennett: Nothing is gained by battling now when we'll just put them to rest anyway.
    Zel: But you said—
    Bennett: I said to actually do something; not to waste time and jeopardize the PULSE's security in a 1-vs-2 scenario. I will take responsibility for the battle with Luna, but this fight served no purpose than to stroke your own ego.
    Zel: I just wanted to make sure they were fully under control…
    Bennett: You wanted to feel that control. I assume because you've lacked autonomy over your own body for so long. Am I wrong?
    Zel: …
    Bennett: And I read your file. You were just a grunt before joining with those girls, correct? Not an effective one either. They were your only chance to stand out, which is why you cling to them even now. The kind of behavior you've demonstrated today exemplifies your incompetence. You let your emotions get in the way of your outcome. Until you learn to set ambitions aside and truly focus on your self and your goals, you will never change.
  • Self-Deprecation: He repeatedly calls himself "stupid" for different reasons after your second battle with him just before you fight Luna.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In Episode 18, he takes the opportunity granted by Gardevoir fucking everything up with the black hole to flee Team Meteor.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Points out that Zero could have just used the PULSE Hypno to knock out Serra, Radomus, Gardevoir, and Luna from the start when they arrive at the Glass Factory instead of having you fight them.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While he believes himself that he's not capable of living up to the title of an Elite 4 member, the fact he was able to make it in at all, even if Laura was fired, speaks well of him.

    Elias Hazel 

Elite Four Agent Elias/Parson El/Elias Hazel
"Prosperitas, Pax Pacis, Obseqium. Blessings of the Lord Arceus upon your house."
A priest and friend of Solaris. Specializes in Normal and Dragon types.
  • Badass Boast: When he speaks to Cain after the latter has told you to leave at Vanhanen Castle, despite knowing El's an Elite Four member and the best he can do is buy you time to escape. (Don't worry, Cain survives).
    Elias: "You will bow before the Lord."
  • Blind Seer: He was born blind—being granted actual sight is implied to be a large part of why he's so faithful. He gained it after he received Emerald Key from Solaris.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: An inversion—he's Solaris's "servant", and is extremely loyal to him. However, while Solaris's Pokémon are all around the 70s when you fight him, at least, El's part of the Elite Four and has maxed out the levels of all of his Pokémon.
  • Church Militant: He and his cult are able to imprison you without so much as a fight beforehand. Given they're all equipped with appropriately leveled, very powerful Pokémon, and El himself is apparently a known member of the Elite Four, whose Ditto can transform into Arceus itself during your first battle with him, this is justifiable.
  • The Comically Serious: In response to Cain's innuendos.
  • Enemy Mine: He decides in Episode 19 that since Solaris no longer leads Team Meteor thanks to Lin, he's now going to focus on her.
    "Then a common enemy is decided."
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He does care for his daughter Luna (even going so far as to threaten Bennett, and in his private journal, wishing both her and Taka "all the blessings of the Lord they have turned from"). However, the trope is also deconstructed; due to him being The Fundamentalist who sided with Team Meteor, abused her emotionally, raised her to be Taka's servant like he was Solaris's, and who knows what else, Luna herself hates El and has no problem telling him this.
  • The Fundamentalist: He doesn't seem to be capable of understanding the idea that he might be wrong, and that him acting the way he did was what drove Luna away.
  • Gratuitous Latin: Latin is his religion's holy tongue, and he is quite fond of (over)using it.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: On both routes, by the time you fight him in the Elite Four, he's on your side of his own will due to Team Meteor mostly abandoning Solaris.
  • Heel–Face Brainwashing: By Radomus, in order to get his stolen accessory. It doesn't take permanently, however, and that was the actual intention- El was adamant that Radomus must have brainwashed Luna, so Radomus brainwashed El to demonstrate that it actually doesn't last that long.
  • He Is Not My Boyfriend: In Labradorra.
    Bennett: What, did something happen to your boyfriend?
    El: I will overlook your phrasing in the name of urgency.
  • Holier Than Thou: He acts like he's better than you and the others even when he's talking about using the power of Arceus to burn the "old world" to the ground and start again from "pure innocence".
  • In the Blood: His daughter Luna is a gym leader, and he's apparently an Elite 4 member. With that said, the two are nothing alike morally.
  • Light Is Not Good: His cult's robes, and the Pokémon they worship, are all brightly colored, as are his clothing, but they're not at all above illicit activity to get what they want.
  • Politically Correct Villain: While absolutely not a good father towards Luna, he appears to respect her gender identity and doesn't deadname or misgender her.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Solaris. He's loyal more to Solaris than he is to Team Meteor, really, enough that when the team itself fractures after Taka's death in the Reshiram route, he's one of the only members to not follow Lin, to the point that he pulls a Hazy-Feel Turn to your side.
  • Vague Age: It's said he's about ten years older than Solaris, and with Luna appearing to be younger than Taka, it's hard to pin down how old he is.
  • Villainous Friendship: In his personal journal, found in Episode 16, he says that he knew Solaris from the time they were both young adults, and that the two view each other as friends, even today. Sadly, we never get to see them interact in the game itself.

    Anna Doe 

Elite Four Starcrosser Anna/Anna Doe/Fantasia Vanhanen
"If two stars fall, passing like ships in the night, do you think they would wish upon each other?"

A patient of Dr. Connal's Orphanage of Fear, Noel's sister, and the highest-ranking trainer in Reborn despite her youth. Specializes in Fairy and Psychic types.

  • Aura Vision: She can sense some people, like the player, who she describes as 'glowy'.
  • Big Bad: Of the post-game in her route, but it's not intentional.
  • Big Good: As the game continues, it's apparent that she's the closest thing the game's got.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She swears her Jirachi doll is alive and can speak, and when she becomes ill, somehow pouring medicine onto it cures her. She sees strange things others don't. But the things she sees that others dismiss as delusions almost universally turn out to be foreshadowing or character insights of some variety.
  • Genki Girl: She's constantly happy and energetic, regardless of the situation.
    Cain: Haha, heyyy. I'm Cain. You're pretty peppy.
    Noel: She is. And always when it's least appropriate.
    Anna: But being cheerful when it's least appropriate is when it's most necessary!
  • Like Father, Like Son: Her personality greatly resembles her father's, aka Radomus, and she apparently inherited her mother's Aura Vision.
  • Little Miss Badass: She's the highest-ranked member of the Elite Four, and an extremely talented trainer, even more so than her high ranking gym leader twin.
  • Nice Girl: She's friendly, pleasant, and kind to everyone, regardless of the circumstances.
  • Not-So-Imaginary Friend: She thinks her Jirachi doll Nostra, and her brother Noel's Cleffa doll Nomos, are this. She's right about Nostra, and Nomos directly saves Noel's life from the PULSE-Clawitzer—possibly due to Shade.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: If you talk to her in the Glass Workshop in the Reshiram route and didn't beat Solaris's Garchomp, she all but breaks down.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: Cheery and energetic compared to her dour and quiet brother.
  • Psychic Powers: Her only known Pokémon (from before episode 16) was a Gothitelle (and she has a Jirachi doll, to boot). In the online Reborn League, she was also a Psychic gym leader.
  • Sanity Slippage: In her post-game route, she starts out believing that Lin is still alive somewhere in the New World. Then she starts believing that the player is Lin, and it all goes downhill from there.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She and Lin used to play chess at the Orphanage. One day, Anna managed to take a game she was on the verge of losing and turned it into a win. Lin flipped her shit at this, which led to Connal putting her in the Circuit, which led to Lin running away, which led to Lin falling into the New World, which led to Lin finding Arceus...
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Despite her Cloud Cuckoolander tendencies, she can be surprisingly wise for her age, offering comfort to Laura when the latter is crying about her parent's deaths, and pointing out the trope itself to Gossip Gardevoir in an interview with her.
    Gossip Gardevoir: Anyway! Anna, you may not be big or bad-ass, but if your rank is any indication, you sure know how to battle. Tell us, what's your secret? How can you be so talented at such a young age?
    Anna: "Huh? I'm not sure I understand the question. Because it doesn't matter how old you are as long as you're good at something, right? There are talented people who are old, so it only makes sense that there would be talented people who are also young."
    Gardevoir: "Surprisingly wise words! Or I guess we shouldn't be surprised by now."
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: On her route, it becomes clear over time that wielding the same power that Lin once did is not exactly healthy mentally for Anna.

Retired Gym Leaders

    Corey Molinar 

Agent Borealis/Corey Molinar
"Hope is weakness. It's an illusion meant to sugarcoat this sickening reality."

Pharmacist, former Poison Leader of the Beryl Ward and father of Heather. Known to shut himself in his room for days at a time. Also a high-ranking Team Meteor Agent, who eventually kills himself over the loss of his daughter, and possibly his outing of being a Meteor Agent.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the revised version of the story introduced in Episode 19 Corey no longer tries to kill you if he's exposed, the battle with him is instead him testing you to see if you can take care of Heather.
  • Came Back Strong: Maybe. It's not really clear if it's that or [[spoiler: just Shade messing with you by nicknaming a Gengar after him.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Whether or not the Gengar that Shade named after him is actually him. While there are implications that it's the case, the only explicit confirmation takes place in the postgame, and is revealed to be Shiv screwing with you by making it appear he was Back from the Dead only for it to be All Just a Dream. However, the scenario itself wasn't disproved.
  • Combat Pragmatist: If you expose him as a Team Meteor Admin, he releases mind controlling gas into the lobby of his gym, forcing the police that reached the building before you to battle for him. After that, as of episode 13, he fills the battlefield you challenge him on with poisonous gas, a field effect his team benefits from even more than the alternate one.
  • Death by Childbirth: His wife, and the reason for his worldview. Interestingly, he does not blame his daughter, instead blaming a machine that failed. In reality, Sirius poisoned her IV bag to get ahold of the Ruby Ring which Corey used to propose to her. Corey knew, and was planning to get even.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Heather running away, either because he was exposed as a Team Meteor Admin before her eyes, or because she's just sick of his nihilism, causes him to lose what's left of his hope.
  • Driven to Suicide: He kills himself after you defeat him and Heather runs away.
  • Good All Along: In Episode 15, after obtaining the Silver Card, you can read in his journal that he originally joined Team Meteor to sabotage them and get revenge on Sirius for killing his wife Elena, which just makes his death even more tragic than it already was.
  • In Spite of a Nail: It doesn't matter if you reveal Corey's identity as a Team Meteor Admin to Heather or not, she'll still run away and drive Corey to commit suicide. You do, however, get more story insight and a more believable scenario in the former case.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: After she runs away after your battle with him, he points out to Heather that 'you can't just fly away and hope all of your problems will be solved'. Heather doesn't listen to him. Later on, she probably wishes she had.
  • Meaningful Name: Corey fights you on a corrosive field.
  • My Beloved Smother: A male example—in Episode 19, he's stated to keep Heather constantly at home, and to often forbid her from doing anything. She usually ignores him, and it's a source of constant friction between them.
  • Papa Wolf: He's this to Heather.
  • Pet the Dog: He spends his time giving medical treatment to people who can't afford it.
  • Poisonous Person: The Poison specialist of the Gym Leaders before he kills himself.
  • Signature Mon: His Crobat. When he releases his Pokémon to commit suicide, it is the one that takes it the hardest and the last to go.
  • Straw Nihilist: He claims to be this, but he doesn't give up entirely out of love for his daughter Heather.
  • Take Care of the Kids: Before he kills himself, he asks you to watch out for Heather due to the Ruby Ring she has making her a target for Team Meteor.

    Kiki Mikael Argall 

Sensei Kiki/Kiki Mikael Argall
"We mustn't let our inner turmoil complicate outside affairs."

The head teacher of Apophyll Academy and mentor to Victoria. She used to be the Fighting Leader.

  • Abusive Parents: The words of her void-self imply that she was raised in a family that "communicated mainly in drugs and violence".
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: She's a master of the Fighting-type, and is entirely badass even when she's not using her Pokémon.
  • Beneath the Mask: It's heavily implied by her void-self that her calm demeanor was just on the outside, and that her brief breakdown from after she collapsed was constantly happening inside of her, saying she was "made of chaos."
    "The only thing I ever taught was mercy. And no one could teach that to me."
  • The Bus Came Back: Not physically; she reappears in Episode 18 as part of the void.
  • Despair Event Horizon: She's dying, but has managed to keep it from her students. After the player beats her, she faints in front of everyone watching the battle, leading her to break down over the fact that she's dying, no amount of serenity or calmness can do anything about it, and her facade of healthiness has just been broken. However, she manages to pull herself out of it to try to help you face off against Team Meteor.
  • Determined Defeatist: It's clear where Victoria learned this sort of principle from. No matter what the world throws at her, no matter how bad she feels, how much doubt she has in herself or everyone else, if she breaks down, or how much despair she feels, Kiki will always get up and try again.
  • Handicapped Badass: She drags herself to the top of a volcano to help you, Cain, and Victoria despite being so sick it's hard for her to walk.
  • Meaningful Name "Ki" is a force in various beliefs.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: While it's pretty clear her days were already numbered low due to her sickness, Solaris's Garchomp sped up the process considerably.
  • Only Sane Man: Stated to be what she felt like, considering Apophyll an "oasis of serenity" in the "fucking ballistic" world.
  • Optional Boss: You can battle what seems to be her ghost later in the game, but is in actuality a low level Gastly (Misdreavus in later episodes) somehow mimicking her and her strongest Pokémon.
  • Parental Substitute: Served as a mother-figure for Victoria.
  • Signature Mon: Medicham.
  • Stepford Smiler: Episode 18 implies that she was this when she was alive. Her void-self goes into a furious rant about how unfair it was that despite everything she knew and taught, her body was killing itself and she couldn't stop it or do anything about it.
  • Together in Death: Nonromantic version, but she only has one Pokémon when you rematch her Optional Boss variant; the Medicham that was thrown into a volcano shortly before she was killed. Ultimately subverted when you discover the whole encounter is an illusion, and that Cal saved the Medicham and took it into his team.

    Cal Whitaker 

Cal Whitaker
"I guess I have a habit of not really being what people want me to be."

Former Fire-type gym leader, he retired to find himself and became Kiki's top apprentice at her academy. Is actually a part of Team Meteor; after he indirectly helps kill Kiki, he is horrified enough to leave and become a rogue agent.

  • Abusive Parents: His father would beat him and Blake, and locked them outside in the snow for long periods of time.
  • Always Someone Better: He was always trapped in his elder brother's shadow; all his achievements had been done by him first, and all his failures stood out even more for it. In the void, you see Cal standing alone and dozens of versions of Blake behind him.
  • Be Yourself: Cal admits that he's spent most of his life trying to one-up Blake and escape his shadow by being better than him. After his stay at Apophyll and the incident where Shelly accidentally set him off, he's decided that he should be just try to be his own person instead of somebody better than Blake.
  • Big Brother Instinct: For Shelly, since they both know what it's like to be ignored by their families, and especially their older brothers. He apparently at some point in the past became angry with her when she said "something" that set him off (later dialogue implies Shelly thought he was trying to please Blake, like she was with her brother Bugsy). He regrets this almost as much as how he indirectly got Kiki killed, but admits that he finally managed to let go of his anger towards his brother afterwards.
  • Broken Ace: He's skilled, handsome, and a good student, but has a load of issues and doesn't regard himself as anything special.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Solaris killing Kiki is what causes him to do a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Foil: To his brother Blake.
  • Hot-Blooded: He's this when you first meet him outside the Lapis Ward Gym—to be fair, this was just after Shelly had witnessed Corey's suicide, and then shortly afterwards was subjected to I Shall Taunt You by Fern before losing a gym battle to him. He cools down a lot later on in the story.
  • Incompatible Orientation: In the timeline where Victoria asks him out. Turns out he's gay.
  • Journey to Find Oneself: Left on one a while ago.
  • Meaningful Rename: He goes from Volcanic Cal when you meet him to Reborn Cal, after you meet up with him in Ametrine.
  • The Mole: At first.
  • Mr. Fanservice: In-Universe, all the girls at Apophyll Academy find him very attractive.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: His exact reaction when he inadvertently gets Kiki killed.
  • "No More Holding Back" Speech: When Solaris says that he's as pathetic as Blake said he was, Cal initially begins to get mad, before agreeing with him, and admitting that he's always been weak and pathetic. Then, he says that real weakness is not doing anything to stop the things you hate from happening, decides he'll stop doing that himself, and orders his Magmortar to Blast Burn the PULSE Camerupt.
  • Rogue Agent:Since the protagonists haven't forgiven him, he strikes out to fight Meteor on his own.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: On Mount Ametrine, Cal tells Blake that he's not going to define himself in opposition to him anymore, or let him aggravate him when Blake tries to rile him up.
  • Title Drop: When you team up with him on Ametrine Mountain, his Trainer name is Reborn Cal. Also mixed with Meaningful Name, given his Character Development.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He once hit Shelly after she said that he was trying to please Blake, not become better than Blake, he immediately regrets this though.

Reserve Gym Leaders


Reborn's Reserve Ground-type Leader.
  • Animal Wrongs Group: She's a Pokémon-rights extremist.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: As expected of the Ground-type Leader.
  • Grey-and-Grey Morality: She and the player battle city workers cutting down trees in Malchous Forest because the deforestation is harming resident Pokémon. Adrienn then shows up and explains that one, the city is going to need the wood for the restoration project no matter what, and two, the trees they're cutting down aren't indigenous trees—they were created by the Tangrowth PULSE incident. Sandy concedes the point after that.
  • Making a Splash: She uses the Waterium-Z despite training Ground-types. She gives it to the player at the end of her sidequest.
  • Too Dumb to Live: After the Water Treatment Plant part of her sidequest, Adrienn explicitly tells her that xe'll let her off that time, but that Sandy should keep her nose clean now. So Sandy's response is to decide to... break into the Grand Hall and destroy certain confidential papers. That is, she wants to break into and commit vandalism in the place where Adrienn works and spends all xyr time. Of course she gets caught.
