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    Oz Vessalius 
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Alice Baskerville

Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi
"I won't allow anyone to take what's mine!"

Supposedly the Bloody Black Rabbit (or B-Rabbit, for short), a Chain whom Oz meets in the Abyss. She reveals she has no memories of who she truly is, and offers Oz a way of escape from the Abyss if he will take her with him so she can find her memories on the surface. In reality, she is the daughter of Lacie and twin sister of the Intention of the Abyss. Based on Alice from Alice in Wonderland, with some elements of the Red Queen from Through the Looking-Glass.

  • Action Girl: Though her fighting moments slow down by the end, she is notably as expert at unarmed fighting, managing to dodge and finally kick Echo away while said "trained bodyguard" is swinging knives at her.
  • Alice Allusion: Played With. Even though her name is Alice, she doesn't seem to be a straight allusion—the different traits typically associated with the character of Alice are split between her and Oz.
  • Animals Hate Her: She was hated and avoided by her pet cat Cheshire, who greatly favored her twin sister. According to Alice, all animals seem to hate her for a reason she doesn't understand. Gilbert suspects it has something to do with Alice looking at animals as if they're food.
  • Badass Adorable: Her body is roughly fourteen years old, but she doesn't hesitate to get in a fight.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In the end of Retrace LXXII, she dropkicks Jack (who is possessing Oz), rescuing Oz.
  • Big Eater: Whenever possible, she'll be eating or mooching food.
  • The Big Girl: Class 4. She's the quickest to jump to intimidation and often eager to battle.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Towards her twin sister, the Intention of the Abyss. She thwarts Jack not only to save Oz, but to protect her sister from being manipulated any further as well. She also became B-Rabbit to destroy her sister's memories, as the Intention of the Abyss rationalized that this would be the most effective way to stop herself from searching Jack again, although it backfired in the worst possible way.
  • Bite of Affection: Alice mistook a kiss in a picture book for a bite. Therefore, whenever Oz and Gilbert are feeling down, she tries to cheer them up by biting their cheeks.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: She's a really childlike, arrogant girl. She gets better thanks to Character Development.
  • Broken Bird: Her domineering and abrasive bravado is her way of hiding her feelings of loneliness and fear of not remembering who she is. As she overcomes her initial fears, her attitude softens.
  • Bunnies for Cuteness: When not playing up her Hair-Raising Hare qualities, she counts as this.
  • Chaste Heroine: She's quite oblivious to things related to romance and shame. She casually mentions to Sharon that she has kissed Oz for their contract and doesn't understand the romantic implications of kissing.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Alice likes to emphasize that Oz is her manservant and she strongly disapproves of him getting attention from other girls, including his own sister.
  • Color-Coded Eyes: Her purple eyes highlight her supernatural nature as a Chain and her mysterious past.
  • Color Motif: Alice's is Red and White, a reference to Alice in Wonderland's Red Queen, although in the past she was more associated with black, a contrast to her sister's white.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: If her parents, Levi and Lacie, haven't died, Alice probably wouldn't be taking matters concerning the balance of the world and such into her own hands.
  • Cool Big Sis: Although they are twins, Alice is this persona to the Intention of Abyss.
  • Cute Ghost Girl: She isn't really a Chain, rather a ghost possessing Oz's Chain form. That's why, unlike Chains, she looks like the cute human girl she was in life.
  • Dead to Begin With: In order to save Oz the B-Rabbit from Jack's control during the Tragedy of Sablier, she killed herself.
  • Declaration of Protection: Before her Heroic Sacrifice, she told Oz the B-Rabbit he was hers and she wouldn't allow anyone to take him away from her. She would protect him with her own hands.
  • Deliberately Distressed Damsel: She pretends to be in trouble with the Chain Mad Baby to get Oz's sympathy and make him accept forming a contract with her.
  • Dies Wide Open: She died with her eyes open after killing herself.
  • Disappears into Light: With Oz in the final chapter, after freeing her sister and returning stability to the Abyss.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: Alice has a tendency to whack, hit, and kick Oz around in order to keep up some of her false bravado. Her violent tendencies soften towards the end of the series.
  • Flip Personality: According to Jack's notes, the strangest thing about Alice that he noticed was that her behavior and tastes drastically changed constantly. This was because Alice's twin sister, the Intention of the Abyss, frequently possessed her body to experience the world outside the Abyss from time to time.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Choleric. Alice is the headstrong, short-tempered and aggressive one of the four main characters.
  • Friendless Background: Her Only Friend during her life at Sablier was her stuffed rabbit, Oz. After her death, she wandered in the Abyss where her only company were hostile Chains.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She ties her hair up into an adorable pair of twin-tails when the group infiltrates Lutwidge Academy. Given her Tsundere character, that hairstyle suits her perfectly.
  • Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Oz was originally her sentient stuffed animal and she thought of him as her absolute best friend. Justified, as he was pretty much the only other sentient thing with her in the tower.
  • Go Through Me: She defends Oz from Glen's sword. What saves her is her great resemblance with Lacie, which makes Glen incapable of killing her.
  • Go Out with a Smile: Knowing that Gilbert will be waiting for them to return, Alice and Oz are able to smile as they join with the other lights of the Abyss in the final chapter.
  • Grand Theft Me: Her disembodied soul pulled this on Oz's chain body after she died, allowing her to (kind of) become the B-Rabbit.
  • Guinea Pig Family: Her father was Levi Baskerville who impregnated Lacie before she was thrown into the Abyss to see what would happen if the Core of the Abyss possessed a human body. He didn't expect at all that Lacie would give birth to twins. Only Alice's sister became the Intention of the Abyss while Alice escaped from the Abyss, but she switched bodies with her sister frequently.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She's prone to losing her temper with anyone but especially with Gilbert, who she constantly fights, particularly when it concerns Oz.
  • Hate at First Sight: Completely opposite to her sister, Alice hated Jack from the moment they first met, mainly because Jack broke her precious stuffed rabbit Oz.
  • Hates Being Alone: Being trapped in the Abyss by herself for so long made her easily lonely. She becomes very angry whenever Oz gets separated from her or makes her feel ignored.
  • Heroic Suicide: Alice killed herself by stabbing her own neck with scissors in order to free Oz and her sister from Jack's control since Alice's body was Jack's only medium to communicate with the Will of the Abyss.
  • Hot-Blooded: It doesn't matter who you are—foreign dignitary, friend, or only chance of getting out of an awful hellish dimension—if you make her angry, she will hit you.
  • Humanizing Tears: Alice can stop acting like a tyrannical little brat and break down crying like a child when something very sad happens, usually involving her lost memories and Oz.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Even before the Tragedy, she was technically a Chain and clearly possessed supernatural abilities.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: She gets pissed at Jack for making Oz cry when she is the only one in the world allowed to do that.
  • I'm Crying, but I Don't Know Why:
    • The first time she comes into contact with what she believes to be a fragment of her memories, Alice becomes overwhelmed by emotions and starts crying without understanding why.
    • When she sees Oz trying to destroy all the Humpty Dumpty copies, Alice breaks down crying even though she doesn't get why she feels so sad. It's later revealed that seeing Oz destroy something reminds her of how much Oz suffered when Jack turned him into a weapon for murder in the Tragedy of Sablier.
  • Is It Something You Eat?: When she first hears about Ada, she asks if that's something to eat. She also thinks that romance and jealousy are some kind of food.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's rude, but she's still a good person at heart, which becomes much more obvious thanks to Character Development.
  • Large Ham: Aside from the Incredibly Lame Pun, in the manga she's very prone to shouting whatever the hell she wants.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Accidentally did this to herself during the Tragedy of Sablier.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Will go toe to toe verbally with Gilbert, Break or Rufus, even if she finds all the subtleties in the way they talk pointless.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: To Oz. He adores her so much that he goes completely crazy when he thinks she died and when she's feeling pain. This, however, is recognized as not a good thing and part of Oz's Character Development is to grow out of his unhealthy emotional dependency on Alice.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The masculine girl to Gilbert's feminine boy. Alice enjoys combat, voracious and carnivorous eating habits, and holds spite for things such as fashion/romance/refinement. Contrasting Alice's masculinity, Gilbert enjoys sewing, cooking, cleaning, household chores in general, and handicrafts. Besides this, he is also sensitive and emotional.
  • The McCoy: Out of the main trio, Alice is the most emotional, hot-headed and impulsive one.
  • Meido: When she and Oz disguise themselves.
  • Memory-Wiping Crew: She tried to erase her twin sister's memories at White Alice' request to put a stop to her Yandere tendencies. Unfortunately, the Core got in the way and Alice only partially succeeded at it.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Due to a complicated incident involving a yuri romance novel, a confused and shocked Sharon thought Alice was a "Sapphist" (a dated term for a lesbian). After the Alice x Oz ship was sunk, much of the fandom guessed that Alice may have been gay after all, and others generally say she was asexual.
  • Morality Pet: Alice is this to White Alice when the latter remembers they're sisters. Alice is the only one that can make White Alice get a hold of herself and her obsession with Jack even for a moment. The reason White Alice realized just how far she had gone and wanted to forget about Jack was because Alice killed herself to keep White Alice from talking to Jack anymore.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Bloody Black Rabbit. Subverted as that's not Alice's name, it's Oz's.
  • Nephewism: After both Levi and Lacie are dead, Uncle Glen!Oswald has to take care of Alice on his own.
  • The Nicknamer: She tends to nickname the people she meets, with Oz being one of the few exceptions.
  • No Social Skills: In her past, Alice then either lived alone in a tower save for her sentient stuffed animal or in the Abyss among man-eating Chains without any clue who she was. Despite at times being arrogant, bratty and brash, Alice is actually quite innocent and unaccustomed to human conventions.
  • The Not-Love Interest: Alice is the female lead and has a very close as well as affectionate relationship with the protagonist Oz. Even though this creates the expectation that Alice is Oz's love interest, they never get together as a couple, nor ever indicate a desire to do so. They're still each other's most precious person in the platonic sense.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her mother Lacie died before she was born, and her father Levi died too shortly afterwards.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: A subversion. She was initially believed to be B-Rabbit, the most powerful and dangerous Chain in existence. Gil even puts a Power Limiter on her, because—theoretically—B-Rabbit's powers should have been too much of a strain for Oz, her Contractor, to handle. But as it turns out, the powers aren't hers in the first place and the Limiter proves useless in limiting the being they truly belong to (who is, ironically, the same "Contractor" they were trying to protect).
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Oz. Word of God states their relationship isn't romantic, but they clearly consider each other their most important person and love each other beyond measure.
  • Polar Opposite Twins: Alice is rough, wild, and loud in contrast to her twin sister who is soft-spoken, gentle, and ladylike when she isn't insane.
  • Property of Love: Alice always calls Oz her property and says he belongs to her only. Given the reveal of Oz originally being her stuffed rabbit, her claims that he is her property aren't entirely unfounded.
  • Quest for Identity: She formed a contract with Oz and came to the human world because she wanted to find her lost memories and discover who she really is. It gets complicated as the memories she ends up finding aren't hers in the first place.
  • Reincarnation: She and Oz die in the final chapter in order to repair the damage done to the Abyss by human hands, but they are reincarnated 100 years later and eventually reunite with Gilbert.
  • Significant Name Overlap: She and her twin sister are both named Alice.
  • Sinister Scythe: Before Oz begins to reclaim her powers, she's the one who uses B-Rabbit's scythe in battle.
  • Slasher Smile: Especially in early chapters, Alice likes making scary grins when asserting her dominance over others.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: She acts like an obnoxious brat because she's terribly lonely from spending a long time trapped in the Abyss without memories of who she is and no one to care for her. She starts growing out of this attitude after she becomes closer to Oz and Gilbert.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She looks nearly identical to her mother Lacie.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: She proclaimed to Jack that she would never forgive him for making her sister and Oz into his pawns and causing them to suffer.
  • Tiny Tyrannical Girl: Tiny, bossy and treats Oz as her manservant.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl:
    • The Tomboy to Sharon' Girly Girl. Alice is an ill-mannered and unladylike Big Eater, while Sharon has a resonating passion for romance, fashion, and "ladylike"/refined mannerisms.
    • The Tomboy to the Intention of the Abyss' Girly Girl. Alice is an abrasive and reckless tomboy while her twin sister behaves like a graceful and polite lady when out of her crazy state.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: She's tough and wild, but despite her tomboyish demeanor, she adores stuffed animals and does not mind wearing elaborate dresses much.
  • Tomboyish Voice: She speaks in a low, gruff voice, which emphasizes her tough, tomboyish demeanor.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: She starts out as an arrogant, bossy brat who will have her way no matter what, then evolves into generally a much nicer girl as the series goes on.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Meat.
  • Transferable Memory: In the last chapters, Alice restores the damaged mind of her twin sister by transferring her own memories to her.
  • Tsundere: She's abrasive, arrogant, bratty, violent and treats Oz as a servant, yet she can show a vulnerable and affectionate side when she wants to.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Ended up telling Vincent that the Baskervilles were planning to kill his brother thanks to false information given to her by Jack.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: The current tyrannical Alice is nothing like the sweet and gentle Alice seen in the memory fragments. This is because that Alice isn't her, but her twin sister who often possessed her body when she was alive. When we see flashbacks of her true past, Alice was always rough, but she was a lot nicer before she lost her memories.
  • Vague Age: Determining her true age is impossible. She was born in the Abyss, which is known for its time-warping properties. She first appeared to the Baskervilles as a small child mere weeks after her (not obviously pregnant) mother's death, and appeared to be physically somewhere in her early teens (at most) when she died. Timeline analysis concludes that she couldn't have been more than three years old tops when she committed suicide, putting her between 100-103 years old chronologically at the time of the story.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Gil. They bicker constantly, with her insulting him frequently and forcing him to do things at her request like buying food. Their relationship started on an especially bad note, too, but it softens up overtime and eventually it becomes clear that she's come to care about him and see him as a close friend.
  • Was Once a Man: She used to be human. Or, rather, she used to be a living human, and is actually a subversion of this trope. She ended up impersonating a Chain for 100 years by possessing her best friend Oz's nonhuman body, but started revealing herself to be a relatively normal human soul when Oz began reabsorbing his Chain self, to the point where she loses the powers she borrowed and can only exist on the physical plane with Oz's permission.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: She asks Sharon if romance is something to eat. Also, Alice doesn't really know the meaning of a kiss.
  • When She Smiles: Every time Alice shows a truly charming smile, Oz feels the happiest.
  • Younger than She Looks: Alice looked about 14 years old at the time of her death, but she's implied to have been far younger because the flow of time in the Abyss made her age her faster than normal immediately after her birth. It's speculated Alice must have been three years old at most when she committed suicide.

    Gilbert Nightray 

Gilbert Nightray / Gilbert Baskerville

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi, Azuma Sakamoto (as a child)

The mysterious man who shows up along with Sharon and Break after Oz escapes from the Abyss. Turns out Raven is in fact the name of his Chain and what everyone calls him within Pandora, and he's actually Oz's most trusted servant and best friend, aged ten years during Oz's time in the Abyss. His Chain is based on the Monstrous Crow. Based on Bill the Lizard from Alice in Wonderland.

  • Absurd Phobia: Gil deals with monstrous Chains as part of his job, yet he completely freezes in fear at the sight of cats. The author says the reason for the fear, however, is not a laughing matter, but chooses to leave it to the audience's imagination.
  • Act of True Love: After the reveal that Oswald was Gilbert's real master all along and that Oz is actually a Chain possessing Jack's body, Oz believes Gilbert must hate him now. However, Gilbert burns off his own arm to break free from Oswald's control, betrays the Baskervilles to rescue Oz and then reaffirms that he wants to be by Oz's side no matter what. Oz cries Tears of Joy at seeing that Gilbert's devotion to him goes so deep that it overrides his loyalty to Oswald.
  • Adopted into Royalty:
    • After Oz was casted into the Abyss, Gilbert got himself adopted by the Nightray Dukedom, the sworn enemies of the Vessalius Dukedom, to obtain the Raven Chain that would give him the power to travel to the Abyss and rescue Oz.
    • A hundred years ago, Gilbert and Vincent were Street Urchins who were found by Jack and adopted by the Baskervilles.
  • Adoption Diss: The Nightrays, except for Elliot, aren't fond of Gilbert at all and find it insulting that an adopted son could make a contract with Raven when no true member of the family could.
  • Aloof Big Brother: He has been keeping his distance from his younger brother Vincent ever since their reunion many years after escaping the Abyss. The first reason for this is because Gilbert doesn't remember him (he only remembers this part of his life very late into the manga), while the second is that Vincent creeps him out. Vincent himself is fine with this and in fact wants it to stay this way.
  • Ambiguously Gay: He is very popular with the ladies, which is portrayed through drooling schoolgirls in the anime and swooning noblewomen in the manga. He does not appreciate this at all, avoiding the fawning groups of women as much as possible and panicking when he can't. In the light novels, it's revealed that he has repeatedly sabotaged marriages and relationships arranged for him by the Nightrays, even at the expense of his reputation in some social circles. And though he shows absolutely no interest in women, he is certainly fixated on Oz, who he cares for more than anybody else and will protect at all costs.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He burns off his own arm to break free from Oswald/Glen's control and prevent himself from hurting Oz again.
  • Attractive Bent-Gender: The author will do nothing but to demonstrate this, repeatedly.
  • Badass Longcoat: He prefers to wear long black coats and seems uncomfortable in anything else.
  • Battle Butler: He's Oz's servant and he happens to be very efficient at protecting his master.
  • Best Friend: Ever since their childhood, Oz has considered Gilbert his most important and trusted friend.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Vincent, his foster brother Elliot, and to a lesser extent Alice. An unnamed merchant mistook the two for actual siblings in Retrace X. Gilbert wasn't amused.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He did this twice, first by appearing when Break tried to give his life to try to kill the Baskervilles attacking in Yura's mansion. The second time is him stopping Oswald from killing Oz after the latter loses his will to live.
  • Bodyguard Crush: He has the personal mission of protecting his master Oz, who he loves dearly and, arguably, a little more than platonically.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: He's been controlled twice by Duldum's strings, once at the coming of age ceremony and the second time at the same place just after rescuing Oz.
  • Broken Bird: Those ten years he spent separated from Oz and doing shady jobs for Pandora in hopes of earning a chance to save Oz did a number on Gilbert, changing him from a timid boy to an aloof and jaded young man.
  • Butt-Monkey: He gets bullied by just about everyone but his brother.
  • The Champion: There's nothing Gilbert wouldn't do out of loyalty to Oz. He even goes as far as to burn his own arm off to prove that Oz is the only person he wants to follow and protect.
  • The Chew Toy: He's usually on the short end of the stick of everyone's abuse, particularly Break and Oz. Even the mangaka gets in on the fun. Again, there's a reason for it.
  • Chick Magnet: In the anime, a group of schoolgirls fawn over him. In the manga, noblewomen are seen swooning over him at Oz's second coming of age ceremony. It's mentioned in the Caucus Race novels that an astronomical amount of women have tried to get together with him. But in any case, it's not like any of these women actually have a chance...
  • Childhood Friends: With Oz and Ada, the latter of whom managed to keep contact with him even after he was adopted into the Nightray family and gave him his hat.
  • Classy Cravat: He always wears a cravat, which makes him look like an elegant gentleman.
  • Color Motif: He's always seen wearing the color black, which is the color of the Nightray Family. Blue seems to be his secondary color, especially in artworks.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: He had a short one after he regained his memories, stuck between his natural loyalty to Oz and Glen's artificial one. But he decided to stick with Oz and cut of his left arm binding him to Glen, much to Oswald's consternation.
  • Cosmic Plaything: The universe seems to be against him. There's a reason for it...
  • Cowardly Lion: He gets scared easily and cries a lot when in anxiety-provoking or frightening situations, however minor. But if you try hurting his master Oz, he might be screeching in fear but he will fight you and, if necessary, to the death. For a specific in-series example of the Cowardly Lion trope, he faced the Cheshire Cat to protect Oz and screamed the entire way.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Downplayed, but he sure spends a lot of time fighting with Alice over Oz's attention. Takes a darker turn when Vincent triggered his urge to kill everything that snatches his master away from him. Thankfully, he gets over this.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He wears black all over, has one of the black feathered chains and is a part of the Nightray Family. Yet underneath it all he's a sweet and gentle guy. Just don't hurt his master or anyone else that he cares about.
  • Declaration of Protection: He swore when he was a child that he would protect Oz. And again after saving Oz from being killed by Oswald.
  • Determinator: Gil is nothing if not determined. He spent 10 years preparing himself to contract Raven to rescue Oz out of the Abyss. Even if he's injured, he'll just shrug it off and will try his hardest to protect his master from harm. And then in perhaps the greatest act of determination, he promises Oz and Alice he will wait for them to be reborn so the three of them can be together again, even though the reincarnation cycle means he must wait 100 years. Even accounting for the increased lifespan of those in the Baskerville clan, that's a long time to live. He ends up outliving everyone else in the cast just to see Oz and Alice once again, somehow fueled purely by this desire.
  • Devoted to You: It's hard to find words that could do justice to Gilbert's undying devotion to Oz. 'Obsession' seems too harsh, but mere 'devotion' seems too weak. Gilbert devoted ten years of his life—which he spent killing people and living among mostly people he hated—just for a chance to get Oz back. Later, Gilbert burned his own arm off so he could be sure he would never lift a finger against Oz again.
  • Dirty Business: He didn't want Oz to recognize him at first because he felt too ashamed of the shady jobs he did for Pandora for the past ten years.
  • Doesn't Know Their Own Birthday: Because of his amnesia, Gilbert can't remember his birthdate. When they were kids, Oz decided to celebrate Gilbert's birthday on the anniversary of the day they met.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: As an adult, his black hair and pale skin emphasize his serious and jaded character. He can turn back to his dorky self around Oz, though.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: We learn that he actually doesn't like being called "Seaweed Head" by Alice when he was drunk.
  • Endearingly Dorky: His friends, Oz in particular, find Gilbert's awkward dorkiness adorable and they have fun teasing him to make him flustered.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: His brother Vincent has a bit of an unhealthy obsession with him, and Oz gets possessive of him, too.
  • Expository Pronoun: As a kid, he used the boyish 'boku' to refer to himself. When he got older, Break convinced him to switch to the manlier 'ore' to imitate Oz and Oscar. Hilariously, when Gilbert gets drunk, he ponders whether to use 'boku' or 'ore'.
  • Failure Knight: Gilbert has been eagerly devoted and protective of Oz from day one because he's subconsciously trying to compensate for failing to protect his former master, Glen/Oswald from Jack.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Melancholic. Gilbert is brooding, introspective and the most loyal of the four main characters.
  • Freak Out: Seeing his former master Glen/Oswald's severed head turns Gilbert into a screaming mess.
  • Future Badass: Who would believe that shy and timid Gilbert would grow up into a cool and handsome adult, contracting with one of the Five Black-Winged Chains to boot?
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: He literally slaps some sense into Oz when the latter goes into Yandere mode after witnessing the memory of Alice's death.
  • Goth: He has some qualities of a Gloomy Goth, being an Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette with a brooding personality and a habit of only wearing black clothing. He can't even wear light-colored clothes without feeling uncomfortable.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: At one point, Vincent exploits Gilbert's possessive side to the fullest and cultivates it to the point where Gilbert expresses a desire to murder anyone who could possibly get closer to Oz than him. This is especially accented in regards to Alice, who is Oz's Protectorate, and Gilbert actually did almost kill her before deciding otherwise. Eventually, Gilbert gets over this toxic behavior when he learns to value others' lives as much as Oz's.
  • The Gunslinger: Since Raven is exhausting to use, his main weapons are his guns.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He snaps very easily when it concerns Alice. Then again it goes both ways especially when they fight over Oz.
  • Handicapped Badass: He willingly gets rid of his own left arm later in the series and he stays as badass as before.
  • Hero-Worshipper: He greatly admires Oz's uncle, Oscar, as his role model.
  • Heroic BSoD: Once after Oz was dragged to the Abyss, although he pulled through and made an effort to try and save Oz. He had another one later after he unwillingly shot Oz.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He thinks so little of himself that just a little praise will make him sputter and give a long laundry list of reasons why he's not a cool person.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Oz, although the "heterosexual" part is debatable on Gilbert's end.
  • Hired Help as Family: Oscar hired the foundling orphan Gilbert as a servant as an excuse to give his lonely nephew Oz a friend, because Oz's father refused to let Oz go out and meet other children. Oscar later calls both Oz and Gilbert his beloved sons. Oz also openly calls Gilbert his Best Friend despite Gilbert's reluctance to accept he's Oz's equal and not a mere servant.
  • Hot for Student: In the third anime omake, Gilbert is a teacher at the Pandora Academy and Oz is his student whom he has a blatant crush on.
  • I Am What I Am: After he finally recovers his past memories, it doesn't take Gilbert long to gain the resolve to defy his former master Oswald and continue protecting Oz because even if Gilbert is a Baskerville, that doesn't change him being Oz's loyal servant.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: When drunk.
  • Interclass Friendship: Oz has only ever thought of Gilbert as his Best Friend instead of a servant, even though Gilbert said that was inappropriate.
  • In the Back: As a child, by Jack.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: He's an emotional and sensitive person underneath his facade, noted to be excellent at cooking, sewing, cleaning, and other household chores, as well as having a knack for handicrafts. Break and Sharon lampshade that none of these skills are actually useful since Gilbert is a noble...
  • It Gets Easier: His first kill leaves him on his knees shaken and feeling regretful. Ten years later he's willing to kill a little girl in order to free his master from getting dragged by the Abyss and he shot his comrades controlled by Zwei without remorse.
  • It Was a Gift: His hat was a gift from Oz's little sister Ada, which is why he treasures it so much.
  • I Will Find You: Spent ten years training to contract Raven and bring Oz back from the Abyss.
  • I Will Wait for You: In the final chapter, right before Oz and Alice disappear, Gilbert promises that he will wait for them to return to him, even if he has to wait 100 years for their reincarnation cycle. His wait is not in vain, as they do get reunited in the end.
  • The Lancer: He backs up Oz in all situations, but contrasts heavily with him in personality and outlook.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Raven is Gilbert post-Time Skip.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: He's this to Vincent.
  • Luminescent Blush: Just a little praise from Oz can cause this. Embarrassment works well too.
  • Made of Iron: He's been slashed twice in his chest and once in the back and he can stand up after a few moments. It's a sign of him being a Baskerville.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The feminine boy to Alice's masculine girl. Gilbert is a sentimental young man who is very skilled at traditionally feminine activities like cooking, sewing, and cleaning. On the other hand, Alice is a short-tempered and violent girl who loves eating.
  • Mirror Character: With Break, of all people. Break warns him many times to not do something despicable for someone else else or he will regret it in the end. And knowing Break's past, it's implied that Break doesn't want Gilbert to follow in his footsteps.
  • Missed the Call: Gilbert was meant to become the next Glen Baskerville after Oswald. The day Gilbert was going to receive the first of Glen's black-winged Chains, Raven, Jack and Miranda manipulated Vincent into opening the Door to the Abyss so Oz the B-Rabbit could come out of it. Jack made a contract with Oz and with that power, he caused the Tragedy of Sablier and killed Oswald. 100 years later, Glen Baskerville's collective soul reincarnated into Leo.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After shooting Oz, albeit unwillingly.
  • Narrator All Along: The epilogue implies that the "retraces" might have been Gilbert recalling the events of the story.
  • Older Than He Looks: At the end of the final chapter, Gilbert is over 100 years old, but he hasn't aged a day since Oz and Alice died because the bodies of Baskervilles like himself don't grow old.
  • Older Sidekick: Is this purely by circumstances out of his control. Gilbert met Oz when they were roughly around the same age but Oz got sucked into the Abyss and popped out 10 years later having not aged a day, with the similarly aged Alice in tow. Gil, on the other hand, grew up in the meantime. In spite of this, Oz jumps back into his friendship with Gil at earliest convenience. The result is Gil is a 24-year-old adult spending most of his time running around with a pair of not-fully-grown teenagers.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Subverted. It's just a façade and he actually gets flustered very easily.
  • Power Limiter: He uses his left hand to seal the power of B-Rabbit within Oz and prevent Oz's body from breaking apart.
  • Pretty Boy: As the female students in Lutwidge and the female nobles in the Isla Yura's party can attest to. He's uncomfortable with it.
  • Prone to Tears: He's very prone to crying, even as an adult.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: He has black hair and pale skin, and he is considered handsome by noblewomen.
  • Real Men Cook: Noted to be a good cook by Alice.
  • Scars Are Forever: He has a scar across the chest from the time Oz slashed him with a sword.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Seemingly towards Oz. While pretty much the entire fandom generally agrees Gilbert is gay, it is also worth noting that his attraction to Oz has been the only sign of attraction he's shown at all.
  • Smoking Is Glamorous: He certainly looks so while doing it.
  • Smoking Is Not Cool: He's trying to quit smoking and gives a laundry list of reasons why Oz shouldn't imitate him.
  • Sole Survivor: He outlives all of the original incarnations of his friends, and even his brother. Also the last one to carry the Nightray name aside from his brother.
  • The Spock: The most serious, brooding and logical member of the main trio.
  • Subordinate Excuse: Even after becoming a nobleman, he still wants to be Oz's servant and be by his side. Oz mostly encourages the idea.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: He acts as a brooding, serious man, but he's still the sweet, sensitive person he used to be as a child. He's just had to put up a front in order to protect himself.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: He has yellow eyes and he's later revealed to be a Baskerville.
  • Super-Toughness: Survives both Oz slashing him during the coming of age ceremony and later a direct attack from Cheshire. The first two times, his survival appears to have been luck and from non-fatal attacks. It's really a sign of him being a Baskerville.
  • Supreme Chef: The food he cooks is so good that it's the only skill Alice praises him for.
  • Sympathetic Murder Backstory: In flashbacks, he is seen throwing up and crying after killing someone, and still feels awful about the murders the Nightrays had him commit, even if he knew most of his targets (illegal contractors) were as good as dead and condemned to a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Taking the Bullet: For Vincent.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: By appearance but not by personality.
  • The So-Called Coward: Will freak out if there's a cat nearby, and sometimes gets easily scared. But if Oz or someone he cares about is in danger, he holds pretty well together and is actually an effective bodyguard to Oz.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: After a long series of other shocking revelations about himself, he is shocked to discover that his former master wasn't Jack, but Glen/Oswald Baskerville. Furthermore, he realizes that he himself is a Baskerville, which means he's nearly immortal and explains why his body is so resilient and he doesn't succumb to major injuries easily.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Once after Oz disappeared for 10 years and again after he regained his memories.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: In the omake "Me, the Baskerville, and My Master, The B-Rabbit," Gilbert's reaction to being told Oz was one of the only beings in existence that could permanently injure or kill him was to blush fondly about the fact that the only lasting mark on his body had been put there by Oz. Break lampshades this by calling Gil a pervert.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Thanks to his brother's eye, he and Vincent have to live in the streets until Jack found them. And when their life was about to get better, the Tragedy of Sablier happened, Gil was backstabbed by Jack and both are sent 100 years to the future. After which his new master was sent to the Abyss and he spent 10 years doing everything he can just to get him back. Poor guy can't catch a break.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: He couldn't recall the Tragedy of Sablier for most of the manga despite having been there.
  • Troubled, but Cute: He's brooding and pessimistic, but surprisingly cute when his softer side surfaces.
  • Undying Loyalty: Gilbert reacts to Xai's abuse of Oz and Oz's subsequent fears of abandonment by swearing that he will forever loyally be by Oz's side. Oz doesn't believe him, claiming that he doesn't believe in "forever," but Gilbert manages to convince Oz to have faith in this kind of permanence by the end of the series as shown by Oz's last words being a reaffirmation of Gilbert's promise to see each other again. Throughout the series Gilbert wavers back and forwards in his ability to show this loyalty in a healthy manner, both because he was subjected to enforced magical obedience as a servant of Glen Baskerville and because his greatest fear was that knowledge of his Mysterious Past would change him as a person and invalidate his oath to Oz. After learning of his past, he discards that fear, going so far as to burn off the arm that binds him to Glen's orders and launch a rescue attack against his former master to save Oz.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Alice. He frequently expresses displeasure in her company, and at one point even tries to kill her. However, their relationship improves considerably over the course of the story and he starts to display Big Brother Instinct tendencies towards her. While they never stop bickering, he eventually comes to see her as a close friend. By the end of the story he openly weeps for and hugs not only Oz, but also Alice, when it becomes clear that they will have to disappear, showing that she has become important to him.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Gil is fearless when fighting deadly Chains, but almost passes out when facing the Cheshire Cat because he's terrified of cats.
  • With Friends Like These...: Look at this trope in Oz's folder.
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    They are not children, they are illegal contractors!
  • Yandere: For Oz in the earlier parts of the manga. He gets jealous very easily, and Vincent exploits this to the extreme, so much so that at one point Gilbert concludes that he has to murder anyone who gets close to Oz. Luckily, just as he's about to kill Alice, he realizes his current state of mind is batshit insane. Part of his Character Development is learning to adore Oz without feeling the compulsion to hurt anyone else Oz loves.
  • You Are What You Hate: He hates the Baskervilles to death for sending Oz into the Abyss. Late into the series, Gilbert finds out (or more accurately, remembers) that he's a Baskerville himself.

    Xerxes Break 

Xerxes Break / Kevin Legnard

Voiced by: Akira Ishida
"Use everything and everyone around you to your advantage."

Sharon Rainsworth's servant and Oz's boss at Pandora. Has a habit of slipping into the room without warning (and appears to enjoy scaring the occupants, especially if it's Reim). His Chain is Mad Hatter and his previous Chain was Albus, the White Knight.

  • Asleep for Days: After his confrontation with the Baskervilles at the ruins of Sablier, Break is unconscious for almost three entire days.
  • The Atoner: Though he denies it, he wants to atone for his past crimes as "The Red-Eyed Ghost" and his failures to protect the Sinclair family.
  • Attractive Bent-Gender: When subjected to the whims of the Rainsworth women.
  • Battle Butler: He serves as a manservant to the Rainsworth women, primarily Sharon, and is very adept in combat thanks to being a former knight.
  • Badass in Distress: He has a lot on his plate in later chapters, what with trying hopelessly to get the situation with the sealing stones under control, getting imprisoned and beaten up by the Baskervilles,then collapsing from strain. All of this happens just after he has been hospitalized at that. It's no wonder he's a little bit flustered.
  • Badass Longcoat: He wears a white longcoat and along with having a powerful Chain, he's an unrivaled swordsman.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He's the only known individual to succeed in changing the past. However, the Sinclair family still died. Only this time the survivor from the original timeline became a contractor instead, in a desperate bid to revive her assassinated sister.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Though he may come across as peppy, eccentric, and a little bit creepy, you do not want this guy pointing a sword in your face.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Has shades of this for Gil, especially after Oz was thrown into the Abyss at the start of the manga. However in the present timezone of the manga he's more of a Big Brother Bully to the poor man.
  • Blind Weaponmaster: He eventually goes completely blind and still remains a Master Swordsman all the way to his demise.
  • Blood from the Mouth: When he overuses the Mad Hatter's power.
  • Bound and Gagged: In Retrace LXXV, though he never seemed to worry about it badly.
  • Break the Haughty: From being manipulated by Vincent into destroying Alice's memory, to going blind, Break had to reconsider the whole I Work Alone thing and rely more on others. See Badass in Distress for details. It culminates with him breaking into tears and saying he doesn't want to die as he holds Reim and Sharon close in his last moments.
  • Broken Bird: Break has A LOT of self-esteem issues that he stubbornly deals with himself. Part of his Character Development is opening up to others about it and learning to rely on them for emotional support.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Back when Sharon found him, Break was a bitter and angry person, never smiling. However, through the kindness of Sharon's mother Shelly, he began to open up.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: As eccentric as he can be, he's one of Pandora's best Chain contractors and an excellent swordsman thanks to having been trained as a knight.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: In one drama CD, he declares that he can never get along with a man that doesn't like big boobs. Hilarity Ensues when Sharon overhears him.
  • Byronic Hero: Break is a morally neutral man whose actions are mostly heroic, but he likes to emphasize he only acts out of his own personal interest. He has a tragic past that still haunts him and is a former serial killer. Despite of that, he's charming, intelligent and charismatic. However, his past has made him intensely self-critical, jaded and emotionally conflicted.
  • Character Development: First there was the whole fiasco with Kevin Legnard. Then there was going through the grief, angst, bloodshed, and not to mention the Eye Scream. The Rainsworth household helped him to mold himself into the present-day Xerxes Break.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: He makes a creepy-looking grin in the moments he makes himself look scary.
  • Cool Old Guy: He's mentally the oldest of the main characters, although he doesn't look like it due to being a Contractor. And he's one of the coolest guys to hang out with.
  • Cursed with Awesome: As a Child of Ill Omen, Break's mere existence defies the laws of the "story" created and overseen by the Jury. Meaning that he is essentially disconnected from the threads of fate, can't be touched by what is essentially the gods, and doesn't suffer the repercussions that regular humans experience when getting in contact with the Abyss (essentially the gods' "programming software"). This also sadly results in him, and other CIO, bringing misfortune upon others; as the Juries desperately try to get other humans to ostracize or kill him in their stead.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: While under the name of Kevin Legnard he was the descendant of a lineage of knights serving under Lord Roman Sinclair; who was tragically slaughtered alongside his family (and many of Kevin's friends) while Kevin had an outing with his youngest daughter. His guilt over the event led him to abandon the Sinclair girl and form a contract with the Chain Albus the White Knight in order to change the past. He offered up a total of 116 people to this chain and became known as "The Red-Eyed Ghost", before being forcibly dragged with Albus straight into The Will of the Abyss's chambers. After having his eye torn out he managed to strike a deal with the Will to change the past. But when he returned to the real world 30 years had passed and although his wish was fulfilled, his killing spree was never undone and the family had died anyway; this time with no survivors. At the start of the series mentions of it is a big Misery Trigger for him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a habit of beating people down with his witty quips, notably Reim and Gil. Even Sharon isn't immune. Though, this usually results in his lady beating him half to death.
  • Deal with the Devil: At least twice, first when he made an illegal contract with Albus and again when he offered the Intention of the Abyss anything in exchange for granting his wish. Neither turned out well.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: He uses his last strength to give Reim and Sharon a big (depressing) hug.
  • Dragged into Drag: Forced to crossdress by the others in the "Knave of Hearts" sidestory, to stunning results. Sharon lets it drop that her mother used to dress him up all the time, when he wore his hair long.Oh, the possibilities...
  • The Dreaded: The Baskervilles' fear of this man is only matched by their hatred of him and his Chain, the Mad Hatter. Given how the Mad Hatter is the only Chain that can permanently neutralize anything related to the Abyss, and Break is more than capable of using this power to One-Man Army levels, there's a good reason for this.
  • Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes: He is always drawn with half-lidded eyes, which is fitting for his snarky and devious nature.
  • Eccentric Mentor: To Gilbert, and to a lesser degree, Oz. Break is odd in many ways and loves making jokes about Gilbert and Oz, but he's also a very good adviser and one of the few people who can make them face their self-doubts.
  • Eye Scream: The Intention of the Abyss ripped his left eye out so she could give it to her blinded cat Cheshire.
  • Failure Knight: In the past, Break was a knight assigned to protect the Sinclair family. One day, the entire family except for the youngest daughter was murdered in his absence. Break felt so guilty that he became an illegal contractor in a desperate attempt to change the past. When that failed, he was taken in by Sharon's family and eventually became loyal to them.
  • Fatal Flaw: His Heroic Self-Deprecation. He shows little to no consideration for his own health while fighting the Baskervilles and uses the Mad Hatter as though it wasn't Cast from Hit Points; not really hiding the fact that he doesn't mind kicking it. It comes back to bite him in his final chapter when he finally comes to realize that he values the life that he's living... But at that point he had overused his power so often his body just couldn't keep up anymore.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The foolish to Sharon's responsible, although Sharon's not above dark-siding with Break when they want to mess with someone's head, ie: bets against Gil. Break himself can also be lethal when the situation calls for it.
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: Phlegmatic. Break is the most coolheaded, perceptive and good-humored of the four main characters.
  • Fun Personified: He sure comes across at this, what with all the jumping-onto-tables-during-official-meetings and the whole trading-candy-for-friendship thing.
  • The Gadfly: He really enjoys pressing people's buttons and messing around to make them lose their composure. His favorite targets are Reim and Gilbert.
  • Handicapped Badass: Over the course of the series, he goes blind. It barely hinders him and beats the Baskervilles with his sword multiple times.
  • Heroic RRoD: He lost his eyesight after using his power during the events in Sablier. Then he was bedridden for nearly a week after pushing his body trying to fight the Baskervilles in Yura's mansion. His body didn't even have the chance to properly heal before he was chained and beaten by Vincent. Finally, he pushed his body to the limit fighting off Glen, Vincent and the Juries at the same time, giving the last of his powers to pull Oz and company for them to follow Glen before dying in Sharon's arms.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He's entirely self-deprecating about his past actions, declaring in a "I'm complete scum" manner that he killed the youngest daughter of the Sinclair Family.
  • Hesitant Sacrifice: He uses his last bit of strength to let Oz and co. enter the Jury's chamber and follow Oswald after he travels to the past. At first, Break is about to accept his end, but when he hears Sharon and Reim, he embraces them and admits he doesn't want to die.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: He only has one eye, so he covers the empty socket with his hair. It also fits his sly behavior.
  • Hiding the Handicap: He starts to go blind in the middle of the series, but doesn't let anyone know about the loss of his eyesight. Only Reim realizes it and agrees to not tell anyone. Eventually, Break tells Sharon about it and Gilbert figures it out.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: Near the end of the series, he starts coughing blood, as a sign that his time is running out.
  • I Gave My Word: Break claims that his primary motivation is fulfilling his promise to the Will of the Abyss, even though she didn't comply her part of the deal the way Break would have liked. In his final moments, one of Break's major regrets is not having been able to live up to his promise.
  • I Hate Past Me: He's not proud of his past since his mistakes caused the death of everyone he wanted to protect and by trying to undo what happened, he just caused even more death and regrets for himself.
  • I Owe You My Life: Feels this way towards Shelly, and the other Rainsworths to a lesser extent.
  • In-Series Nickname: Alice refers to him as "Pierrot", referencing a type of clown from French pantomime.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: He's substantially older than the rest of the main cast, but is still good friends with the younger members of Pandora.
  • It's All My Fault: He initially loathed the Intention of the Abyss for what she did to the Sinclair family. By the main storyline, he firmly believes that it wasn't her fault but his.
  • I Work Alone: He says this (Sharon calls him "Mister One-Man Show" for a reason), but part of his Character Development is learning to rely on others.
  • Legacy of Service: His family had been dedicated to serving the Sinclair Family for centuries.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: He's usually quite easy-going in an eccentric manner. But put him in a fight...
  • Like a Daughter to Me: He admits to Sheryl that he cares for Sharon as if she was his daughter. It makes sense considering that Break was in love with Sharon's mother.
  • Mad Hatter: Based on this and even has a chain called Mad Hatter.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He will play you like a fiddle if it benefits his goals.
  • Master of the Mixed Message: He goes from attacking Lottie to asking if she'd be his friend. Needless to say, the poor woman is slightly flabbergasted.
  • Master Swordsman: There's no one who can beat him in a Sword Fight, not even after he goes blind.
  • The Mole: He is this alongside Sharon to both Pandora, the Baskervilles and the other main characters. He and Sharon actually make up a secret third party that is fighting on the side of the Will of the Abyss, while the Baskervilles and Pandora either want to kill or use her, and is using intel from both organizations to his advantage. In addition it is revealed that he has been ordered by Sheryl to supervise and, if necessary, kill Oz.
    • The mole part is later subverted when Pandora is corrupted and the other main characters end up joining his little group of rebels. Also as he eventually refuses Sheryl's orders to kill Oz.
  • Morality Chain: Whenever the Rainsworth women (mainly Sharon) yank, Break is sincerely sorry for whatever bad deed he happened to commit. No yank, no guilt (in most cases).
  • Never Gets Drunk: A Type 2 variant, though he credits Heroic Willpower.
  • Never My Fault: Subverted. He initially blamed the Intention of the Abyss for the fate of the Sinclair family, though he can now admit his own fault in that he might have done well to make his entreaty more specific.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: After he failed to protect the Sinclair family, he became an Illegal Contractor in order to change the past. When he met the Intention of the Abyss, she did change the past, but the family ended up dead anyway and the young daughter, who was the Sole Survivor in the original history, ended up dead too as a result of becoming an Illegal Contractor.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: During his first impressions with Lottie, he makes no attempts to respect her personal space.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: Far more cunning and dangerous than his bizarre antics would suggest.
  • Older Than He Looks: He's retained his youth for the last 15 years, thanks to his contract with Mad Hatter. Word of God states he was 24 at the time, making him 39 when Oz emerged from the Abyss. When taking into account the 30 years he was lost in the Abyss, he was born around the same time as Duke Barma and Sheryl Rainsworth.
  • One-Man Army: He succeeded in almost completely wiping out the Baskerville Clan when all of the rest of Pandora failed. Thus far, there are only six survivors: Glen and Vincent (who weren't there), Zwei, Lottie, Lily, and Doug.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: "Xerxes Break" is an alias. His birth name is Kevin Legnard.
  • Papa Wolf: He loves Sharon as if she was his own daughter and anyone who lays a hand on her will have to deal with Break's wrath. In one fight with the Baskervilles, he vows to make them pay for hitting Sharon and then proceeds to leap into battle despite his withering body.
  • The Promise: The Intention of the Abyss has charged him with granting her wish. He takes it quite seriously.
  • Red Baron: During his days as an Illegal Contractor, Break was called the "Red-Eyed Ghost".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: He has a red eye and can be deadly. In his past, people called him "Red-Eyed Ghost" when he was a mass murderer.
  • Reflectionless Useless Eyes: After he loses his eyesight, his eyes are drawn with no shine in them.
  • Reformed Criminal: In the past, he was an infamous Serial Killer who murdered 116 people with his illegal Chain. However, all he was trying to do was changing the past and saving the Sinclair family he failed to protect. After the family ended up dead anyway, Break was taken in by the Rainsworth Household and eventually joined Pandora, an organization that deals with illegal contractors who are similar to how he used to be.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Subjects the Baskervilles to this first when he thinks Reim has been killed, then when they hit Sharon at their execution.
  • Screw the Rules, I Make Them!: Sharon calls him Mister One-Man-Show for a REASON. He does his own thing and he does it his own way.
  • Serial Killer: Driven by a desperate Deal with the Devil, he killed 116 people without being caught and only being dragged into the Abyss stopped the killing.
  • Servile Snarker: Although he barely gets away with his life once Sharon goes into beatdown mode...
  • Shipper on Deck: Has shipped Sharon with Gilbert and Oz, if only for five minutes each. Like Sharon, he loves teasing Gilbert about his rather suspicious feelings for Oz. He also has a detector for the Rufus/Sheryl thing going on as when Rufus fatally wounds Sheryl to get the the sealing stone, Break surprises him by calling him out for attacking Sheryl rather than for joining the Baskervilles.
  • Slasher Smile: He can make a very unhinged grin when he wants to be intimidating.
  • The Smart Guy: As a Trickster Mentor. He starts out knowing more than anyone else about the situation and easily manipulating both friends and enemies.
  • Sorry That I'm Dying: Break's main goal is to fulfill his promise to free the Will of the Abyss from her position as ruler, but he dies before he can accomplish it. One of his final thoughts are the following: "I'm sorry, Alice... I have no more strength in me to grant your wish."
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Seems to teleport a la Narnia, as he inexplicably enters and exits rooms via high-storied windows, otherwise empty wardrobes, and the underside of your bed. How he does so is never explained.
  • Stepford Smiler: His entire backstory messed him up very bad. Now, he's just all smiles.
  • Survivor Guilt: He felt so guilty for surviving while the family he was supposed to protect was murdered that he became and
  • Sweet Tooth: He seems to carry candy with him everywhere, even into battle. He also adores sweets and cakes.
  • Sword Cane: He carries a sword disguised as a cane.
  • Sympathetic Murder Backstory: He murdered 116 people in a desperate bid to change the past and save the family he served.
  • Team Dad: As the mentally oldest member of the main group, Break plays the role of a slightly goofy, but wise and protective father figure to his companions. This is especially evident in his interactions with Sharon and Gilbert.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: He loves eating sweets.
  • Tranquil Fury: It's kind of scary. And after that, he gives the Slasher Smile. He certainly freaks the Cheshire Cat out with these tactics.
  • Undying Loyalty: Despite his laconic insistence of only looking out for himself, he has sworn absolute loyalty to Sharon and her mother Shelly.
  • Ventriloquism: He has a puppet whom he calls Emily and can make it speak through ventriloquism.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Reim. Gil's beginning to faction in there as well, though.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He has white hair and was a Serial Killer during his time as the Red-Eyed Ghost. By the time of the series proper, however, it's subverted since he's one of the heroes.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Break doesn't hold back against an enemy even if he's facing a girl. He tortures Echo/Noise, would have killed Lily if it wasn't for Fang, and attacked the Intention of the Abyss with a dagger.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He gives the little Lily a couple of kicks to the face when chained in the prison, the first one being unintentional.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Due to the strain two contracts have put on his body, he knows he won't last much longer. As of Retrace XCII, his days are finally up.
