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Characters / Onmyoji 2016 SSR Shikigami A To M

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Bold indicates the characters appearing in the MOBA game, italics indicates their appearing in the card game, and a star (★) denotes a Crossover shikigami, who aren't listed in the Index and don't count towards 100% Completion.

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Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin # 4 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Nana Mizuki (JP), Ji Guanlin (CN, Kessen!), Helen Sadler (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 266 (original game), 1036 (Kessen!)
Role: Mage (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
Your story ends here.
A demon storyteller who started out as a young human girl with a deep interest in storytelling and was bullied for it, and later turned herself into a yōkai after successfully telling 100 stories in one sitting.
  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Like most other playable shikigami, especially those based on oni, Aoandon received significant beautification when implemented into the game. The Aoandon in folklore is frequently described as an eerie woman with bluish skin, long stringy dark hair, sharp claws, two horns coming out from the forehead, and More Teeth than the Osmond Family. Whatever the case, she would definitely not be described as a pale-skinned beauty sitting on a flying lantern post, but more like Sadako wearing a Hannya mask and sporting wicked talons.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Not that the in-game Aoandon could be described as particularly heroic, but her folklore counterpart is pretty bone-chilling to behold. The mythical Aoandon would typically show up at the end of the hyakumonogatari kaidankai activity and, being the physical manifestation of the participant's collective fear and anxiety, would proceed to scare the living hell out of everybody present. In more grim versions of the tale, Aoandon would brutally slaughter the group before leaving.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: During her human days, she used to be shunned by everyone else because of her white hair and her storytelling hobby. After she fell under a curse, they outright tried to Burn the Witch!.
  • Anachronism Stew: The mythological Aoandon is related to the hyakumonogatari kaidankai activity which originated in the Edo period.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: She only wears stocking on one leg in her awakened form.
  • Hime Cut
  • Hot Witch: Her Kessen-exclusive skin (#4 on the right) makes her this, replacing her floating lantern staff with a broomstick.
  • Impossibly-Low Neckline: All of her kimono completely completely bare her shoulders and cleavage, but her Tale Teller Secret Zone skin (#2 on the right) in particular is only about an inch from raising the game's age rating.
  • Mana Drain: Her special attack takes the opposite team's mana.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Neck and neck with Yoto Hime and Shiranui for the position of sexiest shikigami in the game.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Zig-zagged. While she doesn't actually make the signature sound, clicking on Aoandon in the owned shikigami section has her do the proper gesture.
  • No Name Given: She decided to take on the name "Aoandon" as she began a new life as a yōkai. Her real name is not revealed.
  • The Queen's Latin: She speaks in a British accent in the English voice track of the MOBA game, even though she's a Japanese yōkai in a historical Japanese setting, and doesn't have a non-standard dialect in the original Japanese.
  • Transhuman Treachery: After the villagers tried to burn her to death, she rejected her humanity and embraced life as a spirit, choosing to take revenge upon the human race. Seimei convinces her to give up her grudge and threatens to seal her if she continues to torture humans.
  • Was Once a Man: Used to be a human girl with a knack for storytelling. But in this world, one must never tell one hundred stories in one night, else they will fall under a curse to never rest. Forgetting about the taboo, she did so, causing her to become a spirit. Hōōka saved her and Aoandon embraced her new state since it would give her all the time she needed to collect more stories.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu (JP), Li Yuantao (CN, Kessen!), Bradford Hastings (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 240 (original game), 1057 (Kessen!)
Role: Mage (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
Idiots rushing to their deaths again?
Exactly What It Says on the Tin. The ruler of the Arakawa river with water-controlling abilities.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: He sees relatively little use in the current meta due to the single-target nature of his skill. Unlike Tamamo no Mae and Ibaraki-dōji, his special attack doesn't cause team-wide damage or anything fancy, just taking away a few buffs that can be easily replaced. His main niche is the ability to snap Shōzu's life-link, or the rough equivalent of that, though at higher tiers of play it is a lot more practical to disable the enemy with status effects or overwhelm them with massive damage instead. See Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors below for more details.
  • The Bully: Is this to Kingyo-hime, constantly mocking her size.
  • The Chains of Commanding: For some unspoken reason, he is perpetually-upset and rarely ever smiles, despite his awesome power and authority.
  • Critical Hit Class: His evolution gives him a bonus 10% Crit for a base total of 20%, the highest in the game (tied with his own SP version, which just has a flat 20% Crit chance as SP shikigami cannot be evolved).
  • Dump Stat: While DEF is the Dump Stat for every shiki except Jinmenju and Samurai X, for Arakawa it's even more so since, after an update to his passive, he ignores 50% of the difference in DEF between himself and enemies that have higher DEF than him, meaning he actually does more damage the less DEF he has.
  • Everybody Calls Him "Barkeep": "Arakawa-no-Aruji" is not a name, but the title of the Arakawa's ruler. After he sacrificed himself to buy time for Kingyo-hime to retreat during the Sealand Invasion, she inherits his title of Lord of the Arakawa river.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: As Gyōrō Arakawa-no-Aruji, he sacrificed himself to defend Kingyo-hime and his subjects against the Sealand Invaders. This doesn't actually make him unplayable in the game itself afterwards, however.
  • Lightning Bruiser: High in attack, speed and critical hit rate (3002, 111 and 10% respectively, all ranked S).
  • Making a Splash: He either shoots water missiles at you or crushes you with whirlpools.
  • Noble Demon: Although more of an Anti-Hero than outright villainous. Lord Arakawa is known for his ill temper, which manifests in the mundane world as the violent thrashing of the river that is his domain. However, he also protects his realm fiercely, along with whomever living in it; this keeps the river spirits in line and scares away more nefarious forces, and in turn benefits the fishing villages along the Arakawa, who revere him as a god. He cares not for their reverence, and does as he pleases.
  • Paper Fan of Doom: Uses one in his default skin, which he wields as a weapon both in battle and for when Kingyo-hime is up to no good.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He is described as such in his official bio and in-game introduction. He rarely smiles, and you never actually get to see it in-game.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: This is literally what his special skill does. On top of dealing high single-target damage, the bigger fish also removes some of the victim's buffs, and snaps Shōzu's life-link if applicable.
  • Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors: He can snap Shōzu's life-link, allowing his team to isolate dangerous targets that are otherwise protected by her. He cannot snap links by hitting the enemy onmyōji or Shōzu herself, however.
    • This is less awesome than it sounds in practice, however, since there are many other shikigami who could outright bypass the life links by dealing indirect damage, or in the case of Onikiri, plow right through the links themselves to inflict major pain that cannot be shared. To make matters worse for him, few ever use Shōzu in PvP anymore as of the introduction of Hakuzōsu, who is miles better at defending his teammates, chiefly from the irritatingly-broken Onikiri.
  • Threatening Shark: He conjures one from a whirlpool when using his Summon Bigger Fish ability. This is displayed in much clearer detail in Kessen! Heian-kyō.
    • Which is a case of Misplaced Wildlife, since sharks don't usually inhabit rivers. While bull sharks are known to be able to thrive in fresh water rivers and lakes, their range of distribution doesn't reach up to Japan, much less throughout the Arakawa.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: His quite frankly Fanservice-y skin.

Voiced by: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), Líu Zhàokūn (CN, MOBA), Matt (EN, MOBA)
Also known as the Mara. Ashura is a former hero of the celestials and the current ruler of the Abyss Prison.
  • The Berserker: As a battle drags on, he becomes increasingly unable to tell friend from foe. Without Taishakuten's Mind Manipulation powers to help him retain control, he kills as many of his allies as he does his enemies.
  • Combat Tentacles: His Spiritual Entity manifests as six tentacle-like arms that resemble blade-tipped spines emerging from somewhere on his back and can extend to incredible ranges, destroying anything in their reach.
  • Dark Is Evil: Played with. He tries not to kill his own allies, but if no one is there to control his berserk rage, he becomes unable to distinguish between friend and foe. He's called evil later on by the Celestials even though it was the Celestials themselves who decided to betray him first and frame him as the evil one.
  • Destroyer Deity: He signs a deal with Orochi, agreeing to help him destroy the world in order to replace it with a new world In Their Own Image, with Orochi explicitly referring to him as the destroyer god.
  • The Dreaded: Almost everyone fears the Mara.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: He accidentally killed his mother when he was young. The moment clearly broke something inside him as he cried and has been traumatized ever since. Taishakuten uses a Shapeshifter Guilt Trip, disguising himself as Ashura's mother with an illusion, in order to lure him in and kill him.
  • Fallen Hero: Once one of the greatest heroes of the celestials, he fell to betrayal by both the leaders of the Celestials as well as his best friend, causing him to lose himself to rage and become a demon.
  • Glass Cannon: He has an attack of rank SS and a Crit of rank S, allowing him to completely annihilate enemy teams. His HP and Defense on the other hand, are only rank C, so it all comes down to who manages to attack first.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: As Taishakuten uses an illusion to make himself appear as Ashura's mother, he lures Ashura in close enough where he stabs him with a sword and kills him.
  • In Their Own Image: He decides to help Orochi destroy the old world to create a new one centered on Orochi while also changing the world in a way to give Ashura what he wants, which cannot be achieved in the old world.
  • Manly Gay: He is well built and filled with stereotypically masculine traits. He is also said to dislike women and is lovers with Taishakuten in all but name.
  • Nonhuman Humanoid Hybrid: He is only half celestial. His mother claims that his father is actually a god, most people think that his father was a demon.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Taishakuten's blue.
  • Retgone: The heroic Ashura Taishakuten once knew is effectively erased from history, leaving nothing but the Mara, with only a few people, such as Orochi, knowing the truth.
  • Spell My Name With An S: His name in the movies are sometimes translated as "Asura".
  • Third Eye: A trait some celestials, including himself, manage to unlock.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He and Taishakuten used to be close before Taishakuten betrays him and kills him. When they do meet again, Ashura swears he will kill Taishakuten.
  • War God: He was hailed as the god of war among the Celestials for his peerless power and unstoppable ferocity in battle.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: He seizes control of Taishakuten's plan to do the same thing, rewriting history to make himself bear all the sins of the Celestials and give Taishakuten the paradise he wanted to create.

Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin #4.
Voiced by: Mamiko Noto (JP), Fan Churong (CN, Kessen!), Misty Lee (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 255 (original game), 1063 (Kessen!)
Role: Marksman (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
The ruler of the Afterworld who passes judgement on the souls of the deceased. The superior of Hangan, the Mujō brothers, Shirodōji and Kurodōji.
  • Anti-Regeneration: To a limited degree. If she lands a killing blow, Enma's passive spawns a small ghost where her target(s) once stood, which prevents revival skills from taking effect until they dissipate.
  • The Assimilator: If a shikigami is knocked out in a battle against her, they have a chance of being revived as a hostile dumpling which will soon explode, damaging its former allies.
  • Celestial Bureaucracy: She is the head of it.
  • Fragile Speedster: While very fast (S-ranked Speed, with an additional +10 as her evolution bonus), Enma is not built for straight-up combat at all due to her low effective health and B-ranked Attack power. The only SSRs weaker than her are Hakuzōsu, Ichimokuren, Kaguya-hime and Kachōfūgetsu, who at least have the advantage of Stone Wall-grade HP.
    • She received a significant buff which alternately makes her either much more damaging or much tankier- if there are currently no ghosts (either by her morphing a living enemy into a black dumpling or summoning a white dumpling to replace a dead one) she gains a flat 50% damage bonus. If there are ghosts on the board, she instead gains a flat 50% damage reduction.
  • Forced Transformation: Can transform an enemy into a black dumpling, making them lose a turn in this form.
  • Friend to All Children: She once invited a bunch of kids to her palace, much to Hangan's chagrin.
    Hangan: As long as Enma-sama's happy, everything is fine.
  • Gender Flip: The Enma in actual mythology is male.
  • I'm Taking Her Home with Me!: She thinks the froglet disguised as her is adorable and wants to take it back home to show the others.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Moreso than you'd expect from the queen of the underworld. She even has a Panty Shot, although like Higanbana she was remodeled to cover it up.
  • Power Floats: See Reclining Reigner below.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: As seen in her conversation with Seimei: even though she finds him guilty of the horrible "soul-splitting sin", she is willing to let him redeem himself. She is also less strict to the mentally broken Kurodōji than her subordinate Hangan.
  • Reclining Reigner: Who would have imagined the almighty ruler of the Underworld would float around lazily on a chair of smoky wisps? Her skins further add to the collection of things she could be sitting on while she fights her enemies.
  • Squishy Wizard: Enma's kit focuses mostly on disabling her enemies with her third skill, which also blocks out their passives and mitama effects, if any, allowing her to potentially remove one troublesome target from the playing field for a set number of turns. She is gifted with S-ranked Speed to be able to pull this off before her enemies can even move, though if they are able to No-Sell her attack, she becomes a very juicy target due to her A-ranked HP and Defense.
  • Temporary Online Content: Formerly. She used to only be available for purchase in the Shingan shrine located in the Summoning room. She can be summoned proper now.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Voiced by: Sora Amamiya (JP), Hou Xiaofei (CN, Kessen!), Suzie Yeung (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 347 (original game), 1112 (Kessen!)
Role: Support (Kessen!)
Specialty: Support, (Kessen!)
The Takama-ga-hara Goddess of Bonds.
  • Celibate Hero: Ironically enough, she personally prefers to be single.
  • Depower: Due to being disconnected from the city of the gods for too long, and the bonds between humans being weakened by materialism, she has lost most of her power.
  • The Exile: The secondary reason she left the city of the gods is because she upset some people in a Noodle Incident she refuses to explain in detail. She only admits that she dealt with a situation more aggressively than some people felt was necessary.
  • Gathering Steam: In order to access her higher-tier bonuses, Enmusubi-no-Kami must accumulate 7 layers of Fate by completing Bonds. Due to the random nature of her passive, it can take at least fourteen allied turns not counting her own in order to reach max stacks, more if Bonds fail to form. This is why she's mostly used only in World Bosses, as the chances of accumulating a full 7 stack buff in a standard PvP match and win is highly unlikely.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: Her power is drawn from the bonds between humans. A long time ago, she was strong and luxurious, but as an increase in materialism caused the bonds to become fragile, her appearance changed to become poverty stricken. When she runs low on divine energy, she shrinks to the size of a child. If she were to ever run out completely, she would disappear.
  • Hidden Depths: She is the patron saint of coupling, but not necessarily romantic coupling; according to her memory scrolls, she can also wed people to their jobs.
  • Intrepid Merchant: Not what one would generally expect from a Love Goddess, but she's a full-time merchant, trying her hand at various ventures. That enormous bag she's carrying? It has her wares.
  • Love Goddess: She's one of them, specifically, she represents bonds.
  • Master of All: Owing to the game's rampant Power Creep, Enmusubi rapidly solidified herself in the meta as the support shiki. She heals, she shields, she buffs both SPD and damage, she grants Shelter (blocks the next CC) and can even grant a double action, and she can push the enemy's turns back when she gets frustrated. Shoyo/Bukkuman, previously utterly essential for all serious PvE team comps instantly vanished from the meta as soon as she was released.
  • Master of Threads: She can manifest her red ribbons. In the story, she can manipulate them telekinetically.
  • The Matchmaker: This is literally what she is in folklore, as well as the effects of her passive. At the start of an ally's turn, they receive one Love Knot from her. If the next team member receives a matching Knot to the last one, then they are Bonded, and gives Enmusubi-no-Kami one layer of Fate. Shikigami can be Bonded regardless of their gender, species, story canon relationships or even if they're duplicates of the same person.
  • Morality Pet: Kidōmaru feels motivated to control his violent urges in her presence.
  • No-Sell: Her special ability grants a chosen teammate the Shelter effect, which allows them to shrug off one CC effect that would have otherwise procced on them. If it's maxed out, then Enmusubi-no-Kami starts with Shelter on herself.
  • Odd Friendship: She considers herself a friend to Kidomaru of all people!
  • Physical Godess: She's a deity of love and marriage, and the one behind the whole Red String of Fate shtick in Japanese folklore.
  • Power of Love: What else would a literal goddess of love and marriage use?
  • Serious Business: Getting others to tie the knot is very serious business. If a Bond fails to form, Enmusubi-no-Kami gets mad and gains a layer of Anger. Stack five layers of Anger and she flies off the handle, cleanses herself of all CC effects, and then physically pushes every enemy back by 25%.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: She shrinks into a child when she runs low on divine energy.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Her name can also be pronounced as Unmei-no-Kami.
  • Stone Wall: She is both quite sturdy and quite fast, therefore narrowly avoiding the Mighty Glacier category. Her high HP directly contributes to how much she heals her teammates for with her special, but she hits with the force of a limp noodle even at max level.
  • Unfeeling Heavens: The main reason she left the city of the gods, despite the fact that doing so weakened her. The gods were once very close with mortals, but now are completely detached from the mortal world. As the goddess of bonds, she sees it as her duty to maintain what is left of the bond between gods and mortals rather than looking down on mortals as ants from a far away place.
  • White Mage: Enmusubi-no-Kami's role is a buffer, healer, and tertiary puller. She has access to one attack, and that is her basic. Other than that, she's practically a Support Party Member.
Voiced by: Kensho Ono
A mountain god protecting one of the artifacts used to imprison Orochi.
  • Curse: When Orochi, the Evil God, was originally sealed, some of his corruption landed on the mountain. He used it to place the mountain god under a curse for his sadistic amusement.
  • Genius Loci: He is the god of a mountain.
  • God in Human Form: Dying from Orochi's curse, he divided himself into 2 divine servants, who were fragments of his essence incarnated into human bodies. Most of his incarnations aren't much different from normal humans. Fuken ultimately sacrifices himself to ressurect the original mountain god.
  • Necromancer: The souls of his people return to the mountain, and he has the power to call them forth.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Killing the evil lord unifying the region only made matters worse, since the heroes who slew him also died, leaving Bandits to fill the power vacuum
  • Past-Life Memories: His divine servants are able to recover the memories of their past lives by drinking a special mountain dew.
  • Pieces of God: Fuken and Kasagumo are fragments of him incarnated into human bodies. Fuken ultimately returns to the mountain god to revive him, putting an end to his existence as a separate being.
  • Reincarnation: His divine servants have been continuously reincarnating into different human bodies.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: The mountain god separated himself into two divine servants, a boy named Fuken, and a girl named Kasagumo. With the two of them being literal soul mates, they are always destined to fall in love. However, for his amusement, Orochi placed the two under a Curse to ensure that in each Reincarnation, they will always meet and then part tragically, never able to be together.
    • In their first life, just as they were about to be wed, the village suffered a sudden earthquake, killing many of their fellow villagers. Unable to accept that it was just a natural disaster, and needing someone to vent their anger at, the villagers declared that the two had sinned and invoked the wrath of the gods. As punishment, they were ordered to live separately forever. As there really was a divine curse, the villagers were technically Right for the Wrong Reasons.
    • In another life, Fuken was born as a poor refugee, while Kasagumo was born to a wealthy family and subject to Arranged Marriage. While this alone would have been enough to ensure they could never be together, that was nowhere near bad enough to satisfy the sadistic curse. It ensured that they did in fact meet again, as teacher and student. The two of them worked together to put an end to the local famine. However, the Ungrateful Bastards they saved had their own ideas. Their students seized power over the region, and seeing the two as threats to their rule, murdered them in cold blood, with their leader proudly boasting that he destroys anything valuable that he cannot have. They then stole the credit for their accomplishments and erased their names from history. The betrayers ultimately lived long and happily, getting everything they wanted out of life. Kohaku describes this as unforgivable, but Fuken doesn't really see the point in holding a grudge since they are all long dead.
    • Kasagumo lead a resistance movement against an evil lord. Fuken, one of the lord's bodyguards, became suspicious of how his master won his favor and helped her, commiting Bodyguard Betrayal. The two died together at the hands of the lord's other bodyguards.
    • The death of the evil lord and all of the heroes who slew him created a power vacuum, making matters worse. Bandits became the new lords and their clans were engulfed in hatred towards one another. In this era, the two were born to 2 Feuding Families, and both of them were obligated to fight on the front lines. Kasagumo's current incarnation, despairing over the war, the curse, and her feud with his clan, chose to betray Fuken, forcing him to slay her with his own hands.
    • Ultimately, it is determined that no matter how beautiful their relationship is, the world is better off if it disappears, so Fuken ultimately returns to the mountain god forever.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Voiced by: Daiki Kobayashi (JP), Feng Xiu (CN, Kessen!), Griffin Burns (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 316 (original game), 1076 (Kessen!)
Role: Ninja (Kessen!)
Specialty: Burst DPS, Charge (Kessen!)
A kitsune who's not just any other shikigami on this list - he is actually Kohaku as well as Kagura's spirit animal. For tropes about Kohaku, please go back to the main character page.
  • Damage Reduction: Hakuzōsu's niche is that he sets up an aura around his team to completely negate a certain percentage of an enemy's attacks. He either does this by casting a defensive buff on his teammates that ignore up to 40% of an enemy's attack damage and caps at 10% of Hakuzōsu's own max HP, or creating a magical kekkai that just flats out eats 35% of all incoming damage. If Hakuzōsu is awakened, he will passively protect the teammate with the lowest relative HP remaining at the end of every move, whether friend or foe, and negates all damage done to them at the cost of tanking the blows himself.
    • Immunity Attrition: It should be noted that Hakuzōsu is only good for weakening Onikiri's initial burst damage attacks, which is his main strategy. Assuming the other team could hold their own and/or deny healing, has resurrectors, and drag the fight out, Hakuzōsu's side will face increasing odds of defeat, as what Onikiri couldn't break through with damage could be worn down and broken through with lots of Scratch Damage. All Onikiri needs is an adequately-hurt victim to proc his passive, which still hurts like hell even with Hakuzōsu's protection.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: With Shadowing Shelter, Hakuzōsu passively takes a portion of the damage done to his allies. After he has absorbed enough damage with his passive, hitting Hakuzōsu himself as Onikiri would prove more effective than his allies.
  • Power Creep: While he was specifically released as a diametric opposite to the horridly-broken Onikiri, Hakuzōsu's passive is just too good (see Damage Reduction above) that he's pretty much the go-to team protector these days, while completely overshadowing past prime defenders like Ichimokuren and Shōzu in terms of effectiveness. This is despite him being geared more towards single-target defense than AoE.
    • Post-awakening, he could even passively put up a defensive aura on every turn, regardless of friend or foe, to practically nullify all damage dealt against the ally with the lowest remaining health ratio, who are prime targets for the usual Onikiri player. Since everybody uses Onikiri in PvP these days, a fully-kitted out Hakuzōsu could manage to out-power creep the power creep himself.
    • The level 5 upgrade for his passive permanently gives him 60 extra SPD and Effect RES if no ally is currently protected, so it's pretty much a given that he would move first and deny an enemy Onikiri of a chance to do harm.
  • Distressed Dude: He had his ass handed to him by a Minamoto clansman until he was saved just in time by a young Seimei.
  • Promoted to Playable: He is Kohaku rendered into a playable unit.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Really 700 Years Old: Really a thousand years old to be accurate. Hakuzōsu is a kitsune who gained sapience after living a long life, though he still appears only as a young boy.
  • Situational Sword: He was seemingly released to be this, but it ended up backfiring and turning him into pretty much the only defensive SSR anybody would bother using these days. See Power Creep above for details.
  • Stone Wall: Hakuzosu has one of the lowest ATK scores in the entire game, if not the lowest (a pathetic 1822 even when evolved and at level 40, a D-grade). Consequently, as a result of being entirely defensive in nature, he will always be built as tanky as possible. He's far from slow, though, in fact when his passive is maxed out then he is effectively guaranteed to always get the first action in battle due to the massive +60 SPD bonus it grants him for his first turn.
  • Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors: While he's a strong general-purpose defence shiki, Hakuzosu was added to the game for one specific purpose: to counter Onikiri. With his Fox Shadow passive and Shadowing Shelter active abilities, Onikiri's initial strike damage is either absorbed or redirected to Hakuzōsu instead, preventing him from triggering the follow-up strikes from his passive, which is where the majority of his power lies. Of course, because Onikiri is completely broken, even this only lasts until he can get Hakuzosu's HP low enough that he can just attack him directly to get the passives to trigger and subsequently devastate his team, but it can at least buy you a few turns.
  • Taking the Bullet: If awakened, Hakuzōsu will passively protect the ally with the lowest relative HP remaining at the end of every turn, friend or foe, by taking all of the damage done to them onto himself. While this could be beneficial if an important unit is dangerously hurt, it could make or break a fight by triggering on the wrong ally, redirecting Onikiri's damage onto and proccing the AoE passive on himself, or the enemy team just outright takes a third option and hits someone else not protected by his ward.
  • Weaksauce Weakness:
    • Strong as he is, Hakuzōsu couldn't defend against certain Percent Damage Attack types, like those of Chin and Shoyo, whose damage procs deal Indirect Damage that subtracts from the victim's HP instead of hitting them in the face with a strong attack.
    • Scratch Damage, ironically enough. As Hakuzōsu himself eats a portion of the damage he mitigates for an ally, just repeatedly wailing on his team will lower his HP enough for an up-and-ready Onikiri to land a solid hit and proc his passive, thus inflicting massive damage on all of them. Or at the very least blow Hakuzōsu off the playing field, and exposing his allies to actual burst damage.
    • There's a rather more prominent flaw in his defence against Onikiri- while he gives all allies significant single-target damage reduction, it's his personal protection (redirecting all the damage an ally takes to himself) that really negates Onikiri's attacks. Unfortunately he only grants this to the ally with the lowest health ratio each turn. If one of the Glass Cannon or Squishy Wizard shikis on your team doesn't have the lowest HP ratio, Hakuzosu will leave them to their fate- and even with the flat damage reduction he applies, Onikiri will still tear them to shreds, using them as an easy target to trigger his AoE slash on and devastating the rest of the team.
    • Single-hit AoE attacks that deal a ton of damage, like that of Rengoku Ibaraki-dōji or Tamamo-no-Mae. Due to his kit being made to counter Onikiri, Hakuzōsu only protects against single-target damage, as in only against attacks that hit one shikigami at a time. Overwhelming AoE bursts will still deal significant damage to him and his team, even if they probably won't die immediately, though it remains somewhat of a tall order considering his innate Stone Wall nature.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin #4.
Click to see skin #5.
Click to see skin #6.
Click to see skin # 7 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Yu Wu (CN, Kessen!), Misty Lee (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 288 (original game), 1056 (Kessen!)
Role: Mage (Kessen!)
Specialty: Burst DPS, Control (Kessen!)
A beautiful woman residing on the bank of the Sanzu river in the Afterworld where spider lilies bloom.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She falls madly in love with the only one not scared of her or her flowers but then she proudly stated that she also ate this person and became her flower's foam. It seems she has no qualms on doing it to other humans, as well.
  • Damage Over Time: When a battle begins, she automatically summons a bed of spider lilies below the enemy team which deals damage to each foe at each of their turn. This skill also ignores Seimei's Deflector Shield for good measure.
  • Dump Stat: SPD, since she's capable of much mayhem by virtue of just being there. Investing into Speed upgrade for Higanbana would be very impractical and for very little gain, since the nature of her passive basically allows her to always acts first anyway. In fact, making Higanbana too fast could result in her using her skill and spending orbs unnecessarily on her first turn without real effects, thus gimping the other shikigami behind her in the move order.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: A scary dark-haired and fair-skinned woman.
  • Flower Motif: The lycoris radiata, otherwise known as spider lily or higanbana in Japanese; this flower is commonly associated with death. Her attacks are also modeled after this flower.
  • Hime Cut: The hairstyle is spot-on and at least she tries to act like a Proper Lady.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Her extended biography implies that she gains sustenance by feeding those brave (and/or foolish) enough to visit her domain to her sea of flowers.
  • Lady of Black Magic: With her beauty, kimono, and polite demeanor she has an elegant air. Her skills' floral motif give them a sense of grace while still focusing on damaging enemies.
  • Love Interest: The man she was talking about in her Bios. However, it is unknown who this man was and we'll most likely never know since she stated that she had consumed him with no regrets.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Higanbana is very popular among players and artists for many reasons, but chiefly her design, with many of her skins being best-sellers resulting in a great demand for more. The developers themselves seem to have noticed as well, as she has the most loading screen illustrations out of anyone in the game not counting the main quartet, with one literally depicting her with her shapely rear faced towards the screen, despite only being a side character at best.
  • Paper Talisman: Has lots of these flying around her.
  • Plant Person: Her fourth bio describes this in detail: she was originally just a cluster of flowers that grew on the bank of the Sanzu river, that slowly gained sentience by luring in the souls of the dead to feast on as sustenance. Since this went unbothered by Enma's Celestial Bureaucracy, the flowers continued to grow and spread across the river, turning the water red and giving Higanbana herself a physical human form.
  • Power Floats: While sitting and moving around, no less. The spin-off game Kessen! Heian-kyō has her move around the battleground by hovering lazily through it, as if she's sitting on an invisible motorised recliner. It's not that she cannot walk, however, as her default character art has her standing upright, and she goes around on foot in the player's realm and during the Hyakkiyakō minigame.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Comes with flames radiating from the right eye for extra creepiness.
  • Squishy Wizard: Higanbana's true might lies in the unfair advantage granted by her passive, which locks down or destroys the enemy team before they could act. However, she is rather fragile on her own, with A-ranked HP and C-ranked Defense and a moderately-sturdy passive shield. Should the enemy be able to shrug off her crowd-control effects, they could retaliate and blow her off the playing field. This is why shikigami who can counter-attack (e.g. Nura Rikuo, Inugami, etc...), or those that can be built to do so (Kyuketsu-hime, Onikiri, etc...) are so commonly used to fight her.
  • The Underworld: She lives there, but doesn't belong in its Celestial Bureaucracy.
  • Was Once a Man: Implied by her short bio. The implication being that she was once a mortal woman who died, likely due to being murdered, and floated in the Sanzu river before her spirit was absorbed by a cluster of higanbana flowers on the bank. Instead of being consumed, her personality merged with the flowers' collective sentience, and eventually (re)gained a humanoid appearance. According to Word of Saint Paul, her first skin depicted her as the spirit before becoming Higanbana herself.
  • Weaksauce Weakness:
    • Because Higanbana relies mainly on her passive and mitama to do damage or proc crowd-control effects, she's vulnerable to sealing effects from those like Hannya, Yaobikuni, or being Morphed by Enma and Yamausagi. With both rendered useless, Higanbana is reduced to a slow, not particularly hard-hitting opponent who cannot raise a shield to defend herself when her HP dips low. Sealing her passive doesn't remove the flower bed, however.
    • Shields of any kind that are reasonably strong and not Seimei's Deflector Shield. Higanbana has the caveat of needing to be able to damage enemies with her flower bed in order to apply her CC effects. Should an enemy be having a personal shield, whether that be from an allied skill or the Hamaguri no sei (Sea Sprite) and Jizō no Zō (Jizō Statue) mitama, her flower damage will bite into that first. Unless Higanbana's own damage is high enough to break through the shield and deal HP damage, the protected enemy will be practically immune to her CC effects.
  • Younger Than They Look: Implied in the High School AU; she and fellow SSR Ichimokuren both have the looks of adults in their 30s, but she is a student while he is a teacher.
  • You Are Already Dead: Due to how her passive works, enemies will always take a considerable hit to their HP at the start of their turns. If an enemy is low enough on health, and is not protected by an allied effect or has a passive heal from Kachōfūgetsu waiting to proc, they may literally drop dead when their ticket's up.
    Hōzuki ★
Click to see Awakened form.
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto
ID: No. 308
To replace the fertilizer, or to replace the feed, that is the question.
The stoic aide of King Enma (no relation to the Enma in this game).

For tropes relating to Hōzuki's character, see Hozuki's Coolheadedness

  • Boring, but Practical: He hits the enemy with his club and they can't hit back because he's dazed them. Then he hits them some more. This is what Hōzuki does.
  • Carry a Big Stick: An iron warclub to be precise. Pretty much the entirety of Hōzuki's kit revolves around him smacking his enemies (and sometimes, allies) with this big stick in various ways to deliver different effects. Nothing fancy, but it gets the job done.
  • Dump Stat: Almost uniquely for a DPS shikigami, Crit- you don't want Houzuki to crit opponents normally, you'd rather he Daze them with his passive (which requires Effect HIT instead) and then crit them automatically, so any Crit points he gets are stats that could have been used for more Effect HIT or Crit DMG instead.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: After a skill update, Hōzuki now has an additional passive where he bashes an ally on his team twice (don't worry, it's only for 10% of his ATK per hit and he can't Daze them) at the end of his turn if they're under a crowd control effect, removing the negative effects (even ones that supposedly can't be removed like Daze) and boosting their move bar by 30%. Don't make him tell you twice...
  • Glass Cannon: S-rank ATK, SPD and Crit, C-rank HP (although the A-rank defence slightly mitigates it).
  • Spam Attack: His basic Club Strike hits twice. His special attack, Ghost From Hell, hits three times. Literally Hōzuki's entire schtick is bashing the enemy with a spiked club until they've had enough.
  • Status Effects: Hōzuki is specialised at dazing a single target, with his passive giving him a 20% base chance of inflicting it on a target whenever he strikes them (as well as guaranteeing a critical hit whenever he hits a dazed target) and his other abilities being multi-hit single-target attacks. Even his basic attack is a double swing, with the weaker initial hit ideally stunning with 30% of his ATK and the second benefiting from the guaranteed crit for the remaining 70%.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin #4.
Click to see skin # 5 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (JP), Shen Lei (CN, Kessen!), Gideon Emery (EN, Kessen!)
Musical actor: Kōsuke Asuma (Heian Emaki), Kazumi Doi (Ōezan-hen)
ID: 265 (original game), 1004 (Kessen!)
Role: Samurai (Kessen!)
Specialty: Burst DPS, Control (Kessen!)
A highly masochistic oni who values his friend Shuten-dōji over all else.
  • An Arm and a Leg: His right arm was severed by Onigiri while he was crossdressing, no less.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Just like his best friend, Shuten-doji, despite being a very powerful Yokai, he gets his ass handed to him every time when fighting Seimei. Unlike Shuten-doji who is a Sore Loser, he's actually pretty fine with losing, so long as you don't hurt Shuten-doji, that is.
  • Blind Obedience: Displays this at one point.
    Shuten-dōji: You're talking too much, Ibaraki-dōji. Shut your mouth.
    Ibaraki-dōji: Since you said so, I'm shutting up.
  • Combat Sadomasochist: He longs to have a fair-and-square duel with Shuten-dōji in which he's completely and utterly defeated. Note that he only wishes to be bested by Shuten-dōji and Shuten-dōji only; he's still quite ruthless fighting anybody else.
    • The reason he wants Shuten-dōji to defeat him is that, when they first met, Ibaraki-dōji constantly tried to defeat Shuten-dōji but was unable to. However Shuten-dōji always encouraged him to try again and they eventually became friends that way. After the massacre on Mount Oe where Shuten-dōji was killed and after Ibaraki-dōji recovered his head and resurrected him, Shuten-dōji lost his memories of their friendship, so Ibaraki-dōji wants Shuten-dōji to defeat him again like he did before, in the hopes that the familiar experience would help bring his friend's memories back.
  • Creepy Long Fingers: He's not a scary evil monster, but just look at his fingers. Look at them.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: How he came to be best friends, so called, with Shuten-dōji. Per lore, when he first encountered Shuten-dōji, Ibaraki-dōji tried to defeat him in combat, but failed miserably and got his ass thoroughly handed to him. He tried it again on another occasion, and also failed. And he tried again, and again, and again, with Shuten-dōji encouraging him to keep improving himself. They eventually became best buds, and Ibaraki-dōji still gets his ass kicked by his friend on a regular basis, which seems to be his only goal in life nowadays.
  • Energy Ball: He carries one in his hand and throws it at foes.
  • Extreme Doormat: Not only is he okay with the idea of being beaten by Shuten-dōji, it's pretty much his only goal in life. If anything, he seems to get a kick out of being absolutely thrashed by his "best friend", much to the latter's annoyance.
  • Fiery Redhead: He has red hair in his skin, which many fans note that makes him look more like pre-Awakening Shuten-dōji than anything else.note 
  • Finish Him!:
    • Ibaraki-dōji's passive lets him perform as a weaker, but more economically-viable version of Susabi, in that should an attack finishes an enemy off, any excess damage from the move will "spill over" onto their team members, potentially blowing them all up in one swipe. And as the icing on the cake, both his basic and special attacks could trigger the passive, whereas Susabi's only buff his Scourge: Star.
    • His SP version operates on a similar principle. However, his new passive only buffs his special attack, which deal Area-of-Effect damage by default on top of the usual hand grab. Should the summoned fire finish off an enemy before the hand does, it will trigger another AoE hit, while the hand will attack the one with the highest remaining HP.
  • Gathering Steam: His default form's passive lets him stack up to three levels of Fury if his attacks fail to down an enemy. This lets him snowball from very high to obscene levels of single-target damage at 3 stacks. This encourages careful target picking to gain the most out of his passive to deal huge amounts of damage per blow, and works wonders when battling things that shouldn't die in one hit, like world bosses.
  • Gender Flip: In a most confusing way. In most folk tales and illustrations, Ibaraki-dōji is described as a kijo, meaning female oni, and in such cases is also the lover or wife of Shuten-dōji. In-game, Ibaraki-dōji is definitely male, but also once crossdressed as a woman.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: His special skill. He first plants his severed right arm into the ground, causing a giant hand to rise from under an enemy and crush them.
  • Handicapped Badass: He has one of his arm chopped off by Onigiri, but you sure don't want to mess with him.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has a pair of red horns, one of which appears to have been broken off.
  • Misery Builds Character: He believes this. Must be the reason for his masochism.
    Ibaraki-dōji: When you can overcome your misery, you can obtain true strength.
  • Mr. Fanservice: He has earned himself this status with the release of one of the most Stripperific skins in the game.
  • Mythology Gag: Ibaraki-dōji's female disguise does have some historical truths to it depending on who you ask. While the gist of the story is the same, there are versions of the tale which depict Ibaraki-dōji as a female oni and companion, if not lover, of Shuten-dōji. Regardless of difference, most versions seem to agree on the part where Ibaraki-dōji disguised himself as an elderly woman to try and trick Watanabe no Tsuna into giving him back his arm, ultimately stealing it when his cover is eventually blown.
  • Splash Damage: His passive skill allows him to deal this once an individual enemy is knocked out from his attack, and since he's just that powerful, consider yourself very lucky if you have managed to summon him.
  • Stripperific: His second skin.
  • Undying Loyalty: Oh so very much. He insists on mending the friendship between him and Shuten-dōji even though the latter treats him like utter shit for reasons unrelated to him — namely, being refused by a Love Interest.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: He's not such a bad guy, especially for an oni lord, but we get to see a glimpse of him as a young child during a story snippet in the "Return of the Mara" event (recounting his first meeting with Shuten Doji)... and he's adorable!
  • Violently Protective Friend: He is not kind to anyone trying to hurt Shuten-dōji. He risked his life and eventually lost his arm protecting Shuten-dōji from the demon slayer Onigiri and hates Momiji for breaking Shuten-dōji's heart and leading him astray. He borders on Yandere many chapters later when he threatens to beat up Seimei, whom he has always been nice to before, for trying to attack Shuten-dōji even though it is Shuten-dōji's idea that he and Seimei have a rematch.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Seimei's Spell: Protect shuts him down instantly, because even though his Demon Hand can shatter the barrier with contemptuous ease, the overkill damage just vanishes after he does. He's equally helpless against the Protection of Shiro granted by Shiro's Soul Call if he can't get an ally to strip away the shield before he acts, because while it only blocks one hit, it can block a hit of any power, completely negating his immense damage.
    • Shouzu also cripples him, as she does almost all single-target attacks- his massive One-Hit Kill ability isn't so impressive when the damage is being split up to 6 ways, and his AoE is entirely dependant on being able to kill an enemy target first. Averted with his SP form, though, who laughs at Life Link.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: He pulled this on Onigiri. It didn't work.
  • With Friends Like These...: Not as bad as Shuten-dōji, but on his part, he is also guilty of not knowing the most basic information about Shuten-dōji, like where he lives. Even Seimei fails to understand how their friendship works.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Of all the people he perceives as harming Shuten-dōji, Momiji is the only one he doesn't engage in a fight. Although he's probably just holding himself back from killing her only because he knows Shuten-doji would absolutely hate him or might even murder him in return if he did. And no, he doesn't want that.
  • Yandere: A platonic version with his fierce devotion to his friend and never hesitating to ruthlessly beat up or in the least insult anyone perceived as standing in his way of being with said friend.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin # 4 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (JP), Xie Tian Tian (CN, Kessen!), Liam O'Brien (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 272 (original game), 1020 (Kessen!)
Role: Support (Kessen!)
Specialty: Support, Control (Kessen!)
A kind former powerful god who watched over a human village until he was Brought Down to Normal after sacrificing one eye to protect said village, which is already abandoned by the time he is discovered weakened and dying from a diminishing life force.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: In the Kessen! High School AU skin as a Hot Teacher.
  • Badass Teacher/Cultured Badass: As a literature teacher in the High School AU. He has attacks such as shooting book pages and creating calligraphy tornadoes, looking exceedingly cool throughout.
  • Blocking Stops All Damage: This is what makes him dangerous. Once he cast a protective spell over his entire team, all enemy damage will be absorbed unless it is broken by an Armor-Piercing Attack, which needs to be harder than that needed to break Seimei's Deflector Shield.
  • Brought Down to Normal: He used to be a god until he sacrificed an eye to stop a flooding, after which he was downgraded to a yōkai.
  • Horned Humanoid: Grows a pair when Awakened.
  • Hot Teacher: In the official High School AU.
  • Impossibly-Low Neckline: In his Awakened form and second skin, his kimono is secured so loosely as to expose a large portion of his chest and even part of his abdomen in the former.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: When he is discovered, he is already letting out bouts of these as he is dying from his power's diminishing.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: He is saved by being bound by contract to Seimei, so he now depends on Seimei to stay alive.
  • No-Sell: The nature of his shield allows it to negate all incoming damage until it breaks, therefore making damage-based crowd-controlling mitama like Mimic entirely inert. Of course, it has to be up before the damage actually connects to be of any use, and he himself is vulnerable to crowd-control while setting it up.
  • Physical God: Formerly a wind deity.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: He gave his all for the sake of the village that he oversaw, even sacrificing one of his eyes and thus most of his powers. The result? Said village being abandoned and he ending up on the brink of death.
  • Stone Wall: He has bar none the highest HP value out of any playable shikigami in the game, and can envelop himself along with his entire team in an incredibly durable shield to take this to new heights.
    Inuyasha ★
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin.
Voiced by: Kappei Yamaguchi (JP), Liu Jie (CN, Kessen!)
ID: 313 (original game), 1071 (Kessen!)
Role: Samurai (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
Let's go!
The heroic half-dog demon from the eponymous classic feudal fairy tale.

For tropes relating to Inuyasha's character, see Inuyasha Main Characters.

  • Awesome, but Impractical: Like the Medicine Seller before him, Inuyasha suffers from having an absurdly overcomplicated kit in a misguided attempt to replicate how he fights in the manga and anime. To reach his full power, he has to use Backlash Wave no less than four times to evolve his Tessaiga to its Red, Diamond, Dragon-Scaled and finally Black forms, and his chance of using Backlash Wave is dependent on his ability to stack layers of Wind Aura, which reset every time he uses it. As a result, he's vastly overshadowed by other DPS shikigami that just man up and get on with it, including (ironically) his brother Sesshōmaru.
    • Adding insult to injury, the "ultimate" form of his weapon, Black Tessaiga, is frankly garbage. All it does is cause half of Backlash Wave's damage to permanently reduce the target's HP, which might be actually pretty neat, if it wasn't for the fact that it's capped at a maximum HP reduction of only 20% at most.
      • No longer the case after an update that came with the third Inuyasha event buffed him, adding a powerful additional effect to Black Tessaiga- once he reaches it, Backlash Wave no longer consumes his stacks of Wind Aura, meaning Inuyasha will rapidly snowball out of control until he's almost unstoppable.note  His Black Tessaiga also seals up to 80% of an enemy's max HP now, instead of 20%.
    • On the bright side, Tessaiga unleashes a pretty decent 7 randomly-distributed hits, which can add up to a pretty good amount of damage, particularly against a single target.
  • Barrier-Busting Blow: Kind of. After evolving into Red Tessaiga, Inuyasha flat-out ignores all shielding effects of his enemies, bar Seimei's Deflector Shield.
  • Counter-Attack: Bakuryūha lets him unleash a counter attack at random towards an enemy who has just recently used orbs.
  • Evolving Attack: Every time Inuyasha uses Backlash Wave to counter an opponent's orb-using skill, his Tessaiga transforms into its next state, enhancing Backlash Wave's abilities. The Red Tessaiga ignores all shields except for Seimei's Protect, Diamond Tessaiga ignores 40% of the enemy's DEF. Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga steals a random buff from the enemy to increase its critical damage, and Black Tessaiga permanently reduces the enemy's max HP by up to 80% and causes Backlash Wave to no longer reset his stacks of Wind Aura.
  • Forgot About His Powers:
    • Not Inuyasha himself, but the Tessaiga, which had the ability to "steal" an enemy's technique if it's used to defeat them in its home series. Needless to say, this was done for the sake of balancing, as having Inuyasha just trotting about stealing everybody's special abilities would make him incredibly broken.
    • What better example of this than Black Tessaiga being unable to unleash Meidō Zangetsuha? You know, the one technique that transformed it into its black form in the first place?
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: He manages to wield all forms of the Tessaiga from the various stages of the story which have similar effects to in the manga, and Backlash Wave (Bakuryuuha) can only be used to counter an enemy unleashing their power (i.e activating an orb ability).
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: On the other hand, they played a bit fast and loose with Inuyasha's iconic Wind Scar attack: his basic attack is called Wind Scar and that's what he shouts when he uses it, but he just uses Tessaiga to throw a single blade of Razor Wind at his target. The iconic "kill one hundred yokai with a single swing" attack is his special attack, and is simply called "Tessaiga".
    • His iconic Robe of the Fire-Rat is supposed to be fireproof, blast-proof, and impervious to attacks from lesser yōkai. However, fire-based attacks, explosive Splash Damage and basic hits from even N shikigami are fair-game here, likely for balancing.
    • Bakuryūha is supposed to be an added effect to Wind Scar that lets him reflect an enemy's attack right back at their faces if hit at the right moment, and Inuyasha himself is sufficiently powerful. Here, it's its own skill independent of the power disparity between Inuyasha and the enemy, and its damage is calculated after his own, instead of the opponent's with some of his added on top. Its further mechanics are also nothing like the true Bakuryūha, being evolutions of Tessaiga itself instead of the technique it's supposed to be.
  • Gathering Steam: His Bakuryūha starts off as a pretty lame single-target, single-hit counter that might fire after an enemy uses orbs, with no additional features to its name. The more he uses it, however, the more abilities it gains, as explained by the other tropes above and below this entry.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: See Awesome, but Impractical; both Inuyasha and his brother Sesshōmaru were made available during the Inuyasha crossover event, but summoning shikigami could only give you shards for one of the brothers at a time, forcing you to effectively choose between them. Sesshōmaru is universally considered by far the better choice.
  • Series Continuity Error: Wound That Will Not Heal is a property of the Dragon-scaled Tessaiga, and is only inherited by the Black form and not one granted by it.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Literally with his skin, where he undoes the top half of his robe, revealing his bare chest for all to see.
  • Wound That Will Not Heal: Half of the damage done by a Black Tessaiga-enhanced Backlash Wave cannot be healed, permanently reducing the target's HP.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP), Yang Jing (CN, Kessen!), Karen Strassman (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 279 (original game), 1062 (Kessen!)
Role: Mage, Support (Kessen!)
Specialty: Heal, DPS (Kessen!)
Kachōfūgetsu came into being as a wall scroll painting of a beautiful woman by a talented artist. Having poured his heart and soul into the work, the man fell so deeply in love with his own creation that he spent the rest of his days just speaking to her inanimate picture, trying hopelessly to will her to life. She eventually gained sentience and stepped out from the scroll to seek out the artist who loved her so, however he had long since died, bitter and alone.
  • Art Attacker: Or is it Attacking Art?
  • Dub Name Change: Her name is changed into a very confusing "Hana" in the English version. Unlike several others whose alternative names are based on different readings of their titles, there is no real explanation in Kachōfūgetsu's case other than the light Flower Motifs of her design.
  • Flower Motifs: Featured in all of her designs, and her special ability heals her teammates using the nectar of a magical flower that blooms underneath her feet.
  • Healing Hands: Can heal the entire team like Hotaru-gusa.
  • Life Drain: Not only can she take enemies' HP for herself, she can also take it for a teammate.
    • Becomes oddly-hilarious when she hits a friendly under the confusion status effect, only for the stolen HP to go right back to the target and heal them for more than the amount they lost.
  • The Medic: Her kit consists of a basic Life Drain attack that heals up to three different allies with her mystical birds by stealing HP from enemies, and a team-wide restoration that passively mends friendly units at the start of their move phase for three turns.
  • Power Floats: She hovers around on a huge wall scroll, that she herself floats above.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She is not at all aggressive and maintains a peaceful disposition at all times even in battle. She uses beautiful skills and plays a supportive role in combat, but still gets the job done.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin # 4 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (JP), Xinyue Bingbing (CN, Kessen!), Cristina Milizia (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 280 (original game), 1030 (Kessen!)
Role: Support (Kessen!)
Specialty: Support, Control (Kessen!)
The protagonist of the eponymous Kaguya-hime no Monogatari, she is a bamboo spirit that gained sentience after hearing the beautiful songs played by Mannendake. No longer feeling lonely and wanting to seek out the one whose music gave her existence company, she went to look for him, but was found shortly afterwards by a bamboo cutter who took her in as his child. Now living a luxurious life and being loved by many, she still longs for the sound of flute and wishes to one day meet and thank the musician herself.

She is close friends with Kingyo-hime, and is definitely the saner of the duo.

  • Dump Stat: SPD, surprisingly- her basic attack is like flogging your opponent with a strand of cooked ramen, so her only function on a team is to sit there and sustain her realm in order to to buff her teammates' defences and let them constantly generate more orbs. Her realm lasts for 2 of her turns before needing to be recast and can only be deactivated by killing her, so having her move faster only results in increasing the number of times she has to expend orbs herself to reactivate it, reducing the entire purpose of having her on the team in the first place. Significantly reduced after the change to her realm which allows her to trade its duration for casting power which may cause it to end early, as well as reducing its cost when cast while already up, giving her a better reason to move faster.
  • Lunacy: She's Kaguya-hime, what do you expect?
  • Meat Shield: And a very tough meat shield at that, due to her Stone Wall traits. The most practical build for Kaguya-hime consists of a 4-piece Soul Edge/Teikon mitama, to let her tank as many hits as possible in place of an ally, primarily to proc her passive orb generation, as well as defending from attacks that normally would have killed them.
  • Mystical White Hair: When Awakened.
  • Random Number Goddess: While Kaguya is potentially the most powerful orb-provider in the game, she's also the least reliable- while the odds are technically in your favour, a string of bad luck can make it like you don't have an orb provider at all. Her realm gives all your shikis a 2/3 (67% to be precise) chance of gaining an orb at the start of their turn and a 30-40% (depending on passive rank) chance of gaining an orb any time they take a hit from the enemy (a passive she herself retains even when her realm is down), but unlike Zashiki or Oitsuki she has no guaranteed way of improving orb generation, and if you consistently fail your metaphorical dice rolls with her you can end up left high and dry.
    • She received a major buff which rectified this issue- if an ally attempts to use an orb skill while she has her realm up but doesn't have enough orbs, she allows them to cast the skill anyway at the cost of 1 turn off her realm's remaining duration and 5% of her HP per missing orb. Since this also encourages her to recast her realm even when it has a turn left on it, its cost was also reduced from 2 to 1 if she renews it while it's already up.
  • Stalker with a Crush: The Heian Monogatari animated adaptation seems to portray her as this to Mannendake. Having finally met him in person, she stalks him absolutely everywhere in order to listen to his music.
  • Stone Wall: She posesses very high HP (13785, ranked S) and average-high speed (108, ranked A), but hits with the force of a limp noodle.
  • Straight Man: Even though she agrees with Kingyo-hime's silly "conquer the world" plan, she sometimes acts as the voice of reason for her.
  • Support Party Member: When her kekkaijutsu is set up, she can randomly generate Mana, so her role in the team boils down to this.
    Kamado Nezuko ★ 
    Kamado Tanjirō ★ 
Click to see Awakened form.
Voiced by: KENN (JP), Ye Xinjie (CN, Kessen!), Griffin Puatu (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 345 (original game), 1110 (Kessen!)
Role: Marksman, Ninja (Kessen!)
Specialty: Burst DPS, Charge (Kessen!)

  • Adaptational Badass: Kidōmaru in folklore is actually a laughably weak oni compared to the likes of Ibaraki or Shuten. The most he had done in his life was attempting to assassinate Minamoto-no-Yorimitsu and failing miserably due to him and his retainers seeing through Kidōmaru's Paper-Thin Disguise almost every time. During his last attempt, Kidōmaru was even felled in one hit.
  • Chain Pain: His weapon is a collection of cursed chains that he wield as whips.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: While stealthed, Kidōmaru's attacks ignore 33% of an enemy's DEF.
  • Evil Counterpart: Surprisingly to Seimei; during one of Kidomaru's backstory videos the two of them trained under the same master onmyoji with Kidomaru as Seimei's sempai, and Seimei was able to tell at a glance that Kidomaru was a half-human half-spirit like himself (the son of a human and a kitsune). Of course, Kidomaru turned out to be a savage man-killing monster.
  • Fragile Speedster: Doubles as Glass Cannon. Kidōmaru can deal a lot of damage and he's quite fast to boot, but his defenses are extremely lacking, with both HP and DEF being merely D-ranked by default, and graduating to rank C post-awakening.
  • Heroic Second Wind: If he's Awakened, Kidōmaru can shrug off lethal damage once per battle and regain all health similar to Shiranui. He also props up a Deflector Shield that absorbs damage equal to 120% of his ATK.
  • No-Sell: If he can accrue 3 stacks of Madness, Kidōmaru will be completely immune to CC effects for a short duration.
  • Semi-Divine: In most versions of the myth, he is the son of the divine Shuten-dōji and a mortal woman. And the resemblance between father and son is quite noticeable if one compares them side-by-side.
  • The Sneaky Guy: After using his special ability, Kidōmaru will become stealthed until he attacks again. While stealthed, he cannot be actively targeted by single-target attacks, but AoE is still fair game. Leveling this skill to level 5 allows Kidōmaru to start the fight already cloaked.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Only when he's feeling particularly pleasant. Kidōmaru always seethes with malice and hatred, but due to him being raised by an onmyōji in his youth, he typically presents himself with good mannerism and polite speech, and bows after killing his quarry. All of this goes flying out the window once he feels he should get serious, though.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Some of the Chinese announcement sites claim his name to be either "Shura" or "Onidōji".
    Kikyō ★
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin.
Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka (JP), Wang Rui Qin (CN, Kessen!)
ID: 319 (original game), 1073 (Kessen!)
Role: Marksman (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
I will eradicate Naraku along with the Shikon jewel from the face of this world.
Inuyasha's first love, brought back from the dead as a soul-powered golem, but with her personality and all her powers intact.

For tropes relating to Kikyo's character, see Inuyasha Supporting Characters.

  • Deflector Shields: She projects a barrier of soul power at the end of each of her turns, similar to Yuki Onna. Unlike Yuki Onna, however, it's based on 100% of her ATK, rather than a percentage of her HP, rewarding her for building as a Glass Cannon.
  • No-Sell: While Kikyo's soul shield cannot be that strong (as it is only equal to 100% of her ATK and pointedly cannot crit), it effectively makes her immune to any single hit, as any overkill damage done by the hit which exceeds the shield's strength (such as that done by Ibaraki Doji's Demon Hand) is fully absorbed by the shield as it breaks. She's still vulnerable to multi-hitting attacks like Yoto Hime's Savage Combo or Susabi's Scourge: Moon, though.
  • Power Nullifier: Her basic attack can remove enemy buffs on hit, while her special attack can not only prevent enemies from receiving any further buffs, it can also seal their passive abilities.

Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin.
Voiced by: Yoshino Nanjo
ID: No. 353
A.k.a. Kiṃnara, the god of music in Hindu and Buddhist mythology.
  • Anachronism Stew: Her case is a bit confusing. Kinnara's default instrument is a biwa, which is historically-accurate for the period. However, awakening her replaces it with a shamisen, which was introduced in the Edo period.
  • Artistic License – Religion: It is safe to say that she's Kinnara In Name Only, and has basically nothing to do with the eponymous mythical figure of the same name aside from being a musician herself.
    • In Japan, the kinnara is one of several deities in the Buddhist pantheon. While typical depictions of the kinnara do portray them as musicians, they're also described as part-bird or part-horse, with distinctly classical Buddhism visual traits instead of a beautiful but otherwise mundane-looking Oriental woman. Furthermore, kinnara is typically male or masculine-looking. For a visual representation of what a kinnara actually looks like, even in the Japanese pantheon, click here.
    • Kiṃnara is also part of the Eight Legions, the Twelve Heavenly Generals as a representation of the Tiger in the Eastern Zodiac (referred to as General Shindara in this case), and Thousand-Armed Guanyin's Twenty-Eight Legions. Her design and story have no elements of this fact, and she operates alone, not part of any divine army or organization.
    • Furthermore, the mythological Kiṃnara along with fellow music god the Gandharva (Kendatsuba among many names in Japanese) are servants of the deity Indra/Śakra (Taishakuten in Japanese). In this game, the former isn't known to exist, while the latter does not seem to be acquainted with her in any way.
  • But Not Too Foreign: She's a deity of two Indian religions, but isn't depicted even remotely Indian here.
  • Deity of Human Origin: She was originally a human charged with using her Magic Music to keep her island's Always Night curse from devouring the surviving humans. But when the curse became too powerful for her to handle, the spirits of the dead gave her their support, causing her to discard her human life and ascend as a goddess to keep the curse suppressed.
  • De-power: She has to use up most of the power in her artifact to cleanse Orochi's sigil, leaving her weakened for some time.
  • Expressive Accessory: According to Akaname, the wings on her head flutter with her mood and will hang down when she is disappointed.
  • I Have Many Names: A.k.a. "Oto".
  • Impossibly-Low Neckline: Her kimono in her base and evolved form is just as low around her shoulders as Aoandon's, if not more so, showing off a daring amount of cleavage.
  • Musical Assassin: Kinnara's kit revolves around her playing different musical notes.
  • Sealed Evil in a Duel: She sealed herself and a monster called Nightly Aramitama inside of her instrument. When she is finally released, this also allows the monster to escape. In the end, Kagura and Hiromasa manage to hold the monster back long enough for Fujiwara no Michitsuna to trap it in a Lotus-Eater Machine, freeing Kinnara from her duties.

The Maker of the Mantra Realm and a goddess of language.
  • Curse of Babel: Angry at a village spreading lies about her, she cursed them to say the opposite of what they mean.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: She was originally worshipped as the realm's goddess, but Evil God Hitokotonushi overturned the truth upon his descent and convinced the Wordlings that he was their true God, while Kotodama was a God of Evil.
  • It Is Beyond Saving: After witnessing the memories of the past and seeing how her last follower suffered at the hands of the other Wordlings, she decides that there is nothing left in the Mantra Realm worth saving and that it should all be destroyed.
  • The Maker: While Goddess Amaterasu created the Mantra Realm Pocket Dimension as a Prison Dimension for one of the Evil Gods, it was Kotodama who was born from its Genius Loci that shaped the realm.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: After killing her last follower, Evil God Hitokotonushi defeated her, scattered her powers, and placed her under a magic seal. Ironically enough, the seal's weakness was based on the lie that she was the true God of Evil. When Seimei's companions say that she does not seem like an evil god, the seal lifts.

The dancing queen of the Peacock Realm.
  • Broken Pedestal: Her beloved older sister supported her despite being born a cripple. After her sister was seemingly betrayed, everything Kujaku did was to avenge her death, only to eventually learn that her sister was still alive and apparently Evil All Along. Kujaku then vowed to redeem her, or failing that, kill her with her own hands.
  • The Chosen One: Of the Peacock God.
  • Rebuilt Pedestal: Everything her sister did was a Deal with the Devil to set the Peacock Kingdom free from the God of Lust.
  • The Tease: She is one of the women to express an interest in Seimei, and out of them all, she is the most aggressive in physical contact.

    Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller ★
Click to see Awakened form.
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai
ID: No. 305
I'm just a medicine seller.
The infamous "just a simple medicine seller".

For tropes relating to the Medicine Seller's character, see Mononoke

  • Awesome, but Impractical: See Difficult, but Awesome; while Revealing and executing a target is impressive and fun, it's considered too difficult to be really practical, especially compared to simpler shiki like Ootengu and Ibaraki Douji.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: At one point, the Medicine Seller had possibly the most complicated mechanics in the game, although Serial Escalation had made him pale in comparison to the many newer SP and SSR shikigami - whenever an enemy takes an action they have a 40-50% chance of being marked by one of his special scales (and 100% chance if he hits them with Defense and they survive). Each scale increases his damage to the target, but if the number of scales exceed the current % of their HP (30/40/60% at 1/2/3 scales respectively) they are Revealed as the Medicine Seller discovers their Shape, Truth and Reason. If Defense is used on a Revealed target, it's an almost guaranteed One-Hit Killnote , bypassing all shields, souls and other effects. This is rewarding, but incredibly hard to set up.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: His Truth and Reasoning and Defense combo is designed to replicate the nature of how he defeats the mononoke he hunts in the anime.
  • Gathering Steam: The Medicine Seller needs to amass three scales on a target to Reveal them, after which his Defense will deal massive damage that cannot be shared or mitigated. Prior to stacking all three scales, however, his damage is pretty unimpressive.
  • Lightning Bruiser: When evolved he has S rank attack, speed and crit, and good survivability (A HP and B Defense) too. In fact, he's tied with Tamamo-no-Mae at 3350 ATK when maxed out, close to the highest in the game.
  • One-Hit Kill: His speciality- if you can set up an enemy shiki to be Revealed by Truth and Reasoning (and good luck with that), then Defense is almost a guaranteed kill, inflicting 100% of the target's remaining HPnote  and ignoring all defensive measures such as shields, defensive souls, or Shouzu's Life Link. Even if you can't Reveal the target, Defense is still just a plain big hit which can devastate squishy targets (an impressive 263% of Medicine Seller's attack even at rank 1).
  • Percent Damage Attack: His Defense operates like this, dealing damage equal to 100% of an enemy target's remaining HP, capped at 600% of his own ATK, basically allowing him to one-shot all shikigami in the game, even without dedicated mitama support.
    • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: In fact, it is somewhat unnecessary to go with dedicated mitama sets while playing Medicine Seller, since all he ever needs are ATK and SPD, in order to chase down and Exorcise his targets to death. He is also one of a tiny handful of burst damage shikigami who don't rely on Crit to do damage for this reason. Should one still want to give him a specific set, however, those that confer large bonuses to ATK are always welcome.
  • Power Up Letdown: Has probably the single most-disappointing evolution upgrade bonus of any shiki in the entire game- aside from the usual stat bonuses, all he gets is a tiny increase in the chance of Truth and Reasoning triggering on an enemy shiki when it acts (from 40% to 50%).
  • Situational Sword: His special attack is this, both in-game and in his home series. Due to the odd complexity of his kit, the Medicine Seller fills a very small and uncommon niche, and that is to burst down high-HP targets or those with unusual mitama or passive mechanics that can be sidestepped by his Defense, like Onikiri, Hitotsume and Sesshōmaru.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Due to his awkward kit, almost nobody uses the Medicine Seller unironically in normal gameplay, as there are plenty of other shikigami with simpler abilities who can end fights much more elegantly. However, he finds his true worth when tackling World or event bosses with massive amounts of HP, whom the aforementioned simpler shikigami may struggle against. Against such bosses, pairing him with a powerful single-target stack nuker like Ibaraki-dōji and supported by damage amplifiers such as Ushi-no-koku-mairi and/or Shoyo can result in disgusting amounts of damage dealt per turn.
  • Transformation Sequence: The Medicine Seller only adopts his dark-skinned alter-ego when he uses Defense, then immediately reverts back after attacking.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Due to a clumsy oversight by the developers, the Medicine Seller's One-Hit Kill isn't as infalliable as it's meant to be: while it automatically does 100% of the target's remaining HP to it (regardless of the target's DEF) and ignores all shields, damage sharing effects and passive effects that would reduce this damage, it says nothing about active, non-shield effects that would reduce damage, such as Seimei's Amulet: Life, Kagura's Summon: Umbrella, or Hakuzosu's Shadowing Shelter. Since the damage is fixed at the target's remaining HP before being reduced by the flat damage reduction of these abilities, it actually becomes impossible for Medicine Seller to execute a Revealed target with Defense, even if their HP is only in the single digits! This was later fixed by an update that changed the damage Defense does to 300% of the target's remaining HP (still capped by his maximum ATK for boss balance purposes), guaranteeing that nothing can save a Revealed target.
    Kurosaki Ichigo ★
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Voiced by: Masakazu Morita (JP)
ID: 336 (original game), 1108 (Kessen!)
Role: Samurai (Kessen!)
Specialty: Charge, DPS (Kessen!)
The ordinary high school student turned part-time Soul Reaper who is the protagonist of Bleach.

For tropes relating to Ichigo's character, see Bleach: Ichigo Kurosaki.

  • Adaptational Wimp: Tensa Zangetsu is Ichigo's bankai in his home series, and represents the final evolution of his Zanpakutō. Here, it's simply his basic slashing attack with no strings attached.
  • Last Ditch Move: Upon taking lethal damage, Ichigo will discard all of his buffs and debuffs, as well as Hollow stages if he's entered at least one, and launch an attack dealing 600% of his ATK to a random enemy. This special attack doesn't trigger mitama or passive effects, and Ichigo will kick the bucket immediately after using this move.
  • Token Human: Albeit a human with decidedly non-human powers. In his home series, Ichigo is a flesh-and-blood human-Quincy hybrid (the Quincy being spiritually-gifted humans with honed powers to fight and defeat Shinigami), meaning he's effectively a mortal man with some Shinigami powers courtesy of his mixed heritage.
  • Version-Exclusive Content: Like Nura Rikuo, Ichigo (and his companion Rukia) are unavailable in the English version of the game due to licensing issues.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP), Yun He Zhui (CN, Kessen!), Catherine Taber (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 311 (original game), 1075 (Kessen!)
Role: Mage (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
A very lonely girl who befriends seven Noh masks crafted by Hata no Kawakatsu that her father owned. She is later possessed by a malicious soul and develops a split personality.
  • Cool Mask: Seven Noh masks – namely ko-omote, fuku-no-kami, semimaru, ōtobide, kitsunemen, uba, saru – made by the famous Hata no Kawakatsu, no less.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Menreiki is atrociously complicated to use- her Forbidden Face recalls any masks that she's deployed on the field, damaging any enemies who had one and accelerating any allies, before reissuing new ones to her allies. Each mask on the field passively buffs her and the ones on her allies switch to an enemy after the ally acts, setting them up to be damaged by Forbidden Face, but preventing Menreiki from pulling the ally any more. Unfortunately, it's so hard to work out what kind of team composition Menreiki fits on that she skews more towards Awesome, but Impractical, as she's unpredictable as a DPS and unreliable as a support.
  • Expy: Her purple color scheme, long dark hair plus the beads in her skin makes her look like Juzumaru Tsunetsugu.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: With the original naive girl personality as the Jekyll and the new Menreiki personality as the Hyde.
  • Lonely Doll Girl: Only with masks instead of dolls.
  • No Name Given: The young girl herself is not Menreiki. "Menreiki" is the name of the gestalt consciousness formed by those of the seven masks and (what's left of) the girl.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Her father will never be coming home again- not since she killed him.
  • Talking to Themself: Literally, when Seimei temporarily frees her from her Jekyll & Hyde state to let her 2 personalities talk to one another.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: She spent her lonely past with seven talking masks in order to cope with the loneliness over her father's absence.
Click to see Awakened form.
Click to see skin #1.
Click to see skin #2.
Click to see skin #3.
Click to see skin #4.
Click to see skin # 5 (Kessen! only).
Voiced by: Ayako Kawasumi (JP), Tang Xiaoxi (CN, Kessen!), Catherine Taber (EN, Kessen!)
ID: 304 (original game), 1064 (Kessen!)
Role: Marksman (Kessen!)
Specialty: DPS (Kessen!)
A kind and benevolent Takama-ga-hara goddess.
  • Asian Fox Spirit: She is an inari, so it's expected that she'll be accompanied by foxes.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Gentle Girl to Susabi's Brooding Boy.
  • Composite Character: She seems to be the combination of Amaterasu and Inari.
  • Foil: To fellow god Susabi. He deems the world an irreparable corrupted hell-hole, while she believes in bringing back hope and happiness.
  • Hair-Contrast Duo With Susabi.
  • Hidden Buxom: Her chest is actually quite ample, however it is usually hidden by her outfit. This becomes more noticeable with her fourth skin.
  • Hime Cut: She wears her hair like this in her Awakened form.
  • Horse Archer: Not in the strict sense, since the animal she's riding isn't a horse, but still a mounted archer nonetheless.
  • Horse of a Different Color: She sits on the back of a fox.
  • Lightning Bruiser: And how! She is high in attack, HP and speed (3002, 12646 and 119 respectively, all ranked S) and has quite formidable defense (450, ranked A).
  • Mage Marksman
  • Mystical White Hair: By default.
  • Night and Day Duo: Day to Susabi's Night, not only by real-world mythology reference but in terms of personality contrast.
  • Not Drawn to Scale: According to Word of God, Miketsu is supposed to be 170cm tall. And no, it's this Miketsu who's 170cm tall, not her original SP version, who actually looks the part despite the fact.
  • Older Than They Look: Also according to Word of God, Miketsu has the appearance of a late teen despite being Really 700 Years Old. To put it into perspective, she considers Ōtengu of all people little more than just a child, while standing barely up to his waist.
  • Power Nullifier: Her basic attack allows her to fire Sealing Arrows that, aside from a possible 75% penalty to healing effectiveness, temporarily disable either the target's passive, mitama, or special abilities.
  • Physical God
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: She doesn't have the personality associated with them, but is still a red-eyed badass nonetheless.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: Like Onikiri, Miketsu is one of the rare SSR shikigami one could just summon and use immediately for great effect. Assuming one is using her as a CC unit and not DPS, Miketsu doesn't rely as much on skill improvements as other shikigami, due to them only boosting damage, while she relies chiefly on her basic attack's Sealing Arrow, which has a 100% base chance to either disable an enemy's passive, mitama, or inflict them with a 75% healing penalty for two turns. While it has a low proc chance, Miketsu's Fox Realm passively activates immediately upon match start after Awakening, bumping the probability up to 40%.
  • Ship Tease: With Susabi.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Miketsu's Sealing Arrows only fire after an enemy has made their move, so if they target her first and blow her off the playing field, she's dead weight.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: According to her introduction, she has a calm and collected personality and even gives an impression of weakness, but shows a fierce side when protecting her people.
Voiced by: Rie Takahashi
The current goddess of Food.
  • Big Eater: As per what she personifies, her divine energy is replenished by eating, and she needs to eat continuously to maintain her human form or use magic.
  • Charged Attack: She works by building up layers of "Emergency Rations". After building up enough, she is able to fire off her special attacks, consuming them.
  • Con Man: She is a self-described scammer. After stealing food, Hiromasa gets hired to capture her and force her to Work Off the Debt by hosting a festival.
  • Deity of Human Origin: She was originally a human beggar girl that died of starvation. A miracle spawned by Shokurei's offering to a shrine caused her to ascend and manifest as a deity.
  • Ghost Amnesia: When she first manifested as a goddess, she had no memory of who she was before and simply assumed that she was previously an upper-class deity. After getting fed what she was craving, she then remembered that she had just been an ordinary beggar that died of starvation while enduring the mocking laughter of nobles.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: She needs to eat continuously to maintain her divine power. When she runs low, she becomes Sleep-Mode Size. If she were to ever run out, she would disappear again.
  • Horse of a Different Color: She rides a large pig.
  • Motivation on a Stick: One of the loading animations features her guiding her pig mount with a rice ball hanging from a stick.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: When a Voluntary Shapeshifter mentions that it would be possible to take on her appearance, she says she would prefer that said shapeshifter not, because she's not all that fond of herself.
  • Passing the Torch: The original Goddess of Food, Ukemochi, told Mishigē to inherit her duties and ensure everyone was well fed.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: When she uses up too much divine energy, she gets reduced down to a flying "chibi" appearance until she gets another meal. If she runs really low, she gets reduced into a paper doll.

Alternative Title(s): Onmyoji SSR Shikigami A To M
