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Characters / Omamori Himari

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This page is for the characters of Omamori Himari and its spin-offs.

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Main Characters

    In General 

    Yuuto Amakawa
Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa, Mina (child)

The Protagonist of the series. He is an Ordinary High-School Student who lost his parents in a car crash seven years ago, with the only memento of his family being the red protective charm that was given to him by his grandparents. On his sixteenth birthday, he meets a beautiful girl named Himari who turns out to be a cat spirit, and discovers that his family is one of the twelve demon slayer families who eradicated ayakashi in the past.

  • Above the Influence: At first, to Himari's regrets, but as the series goes on, his willpower seems to be decreasing in this regard... it's getting to the point that the main thing keeping any given girl from seducing him is the other girls, who are very, very good at interrupting.
    Kagetsuki: "He is one dedicated Goody-Two-Shoes. That is not to say I don't appreciate your egging him on."
    Shizuku: "Shut know. He's just too passive."
  • Accidental Kiss: Gets one with Himari in chapter 16
  • All-Loving Hero: Yuuto just wants everyone to get along. As long as there's a chance that his enemies can be reasoned with, he'll hold off from fighting. Even when he wins the following battle, he tends to spare his opponents. He also gets drawn into people's problems pretty easily and devotes his efforts to helping them.
  • Arranged Marriage: His grandfather had arranged for him to be married to Kuesu, which wasn't discovered until his reunion with the latter.
  • Big Good: Tries to be this for both humans and ayakashi.
  • Birthday Hater: Doesn't like his birthday because that's also the day both of his parents died.
  • Chaste Hero: He is this because the other Clingy Jealous Girls in his harem are really good at interrupting another girl's intimate moment. Even Yuuto starts to realize this to his disappointment. Hilariously subverted in the last chapter.
  • Childhood Marriage Promise: Made one to Kuesu that he'd "protect her back", since her offensive spells mostly go forward.
  • Conveniently Seated: Yuuto sits on the second to last row, by the window.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Has light brown eyes and short brown hair.
  • Deflector Shields: Forms his Light Ferry as this to protect Rinko from Shuten-douji's attack in chapter 56.
  • I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: Gropes Himari in his sleep and almost reached down inside her panties in the beginning of chapter 49. Upon realizing this, he apologizes, only to get kicked in the face for not going all the way.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Yuuto just wants to live a peaceful, normal life.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Young Lord/Master"note  for Himari and "Yuu-chan" for Kuesu. Also "Stupid Lord"note  from Taizo on occasion.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Goes through this in the Noihara arc and the Kuesu arc.
  • Last of His Kind: He is the only person in the Amakawa family bloodline following his parents and grandparents' deaths.
  • Meaningful Name: His given name means "Gentle Child", while his family name means "Heavenly River". In all, his name means "Gentle Child of the Heavenly River"
  • Marshmallow Hell: Is often subjected to this, mainly by Himari, Liz, and Kuesu to a lesser extent.
  • Me's a Crowd: Does this in chapter 62 with Tama, with Shizuku's aid.
  • Morality Chain: To the main girls in his harem. Notably Himari, Kuesu, and Shizuku.
  • Non-Action Guy: Unless he's seriously threatened. Not a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass, though, since he's neither that much of a badass (compared to others) nor that much of a moron.
  • Nice Guy: His name literally means this.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: He was this before his demon slayer powers awakened.
  • Orphan's Plot Trinket: Well, it already loses importance and power in the first chapter, but Yuuto HAD a charm to protect him from demons for several years, and he's an orphan...
  • P.O.V. Boy, Poster Girl: The P.O.V. Boy to Himari's Poster Girl.
  • Puberty Superpower: His Light Ferry ability.
  • Refusal of the Call: Initially refused to become a demon slayer, due to his pacifistic nature and belief in coexistence between humans and ayakashi. He later accepts his role following the Christmas arc with Himari.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: After learning what Aiji Tsuchimikado and Kasuri were planning to do with Himari in chapter 52, he immediately leaves the demon slayer compound with her, thus severing his ties with the demon slayers for good. Also counts as a Moment of Awesome.
  • Swiss-Army Superpower: His Light Ferry can enhance ordinary objects, weapons, himself, other people (just ask Himari in the anime finale), and can also be used as a trap or a barrier.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: It's a Running Gag that this happens every time he falls onto a girl. Unusually for this trope, the girls in his unwanted harem often don't mind. Himari only objects if he does it during a battle or training session. Though he himself seems to have mixed feelings on this...
    "They're big... (Gah, what am I saying!?)"
    • At the beginning of chapter 7, he wakes up with Himari in his bed, his hand full of boob. Unlike the standard reaction of stopping, he briefly considers massaging it. Then Himari wakes up and doesn't care at all.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: Yuuto doesn't want anyone to get hurt. Most other characters are less friendly.
    • In the anime, He finally recognizes that you can't save everyone, and uses Light Ferry to power up both Himari's sword and Himari, in order to kill Shuten-douji.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He has some brief moments with this. His most notable examples is defending Rinko from Shuten-douji's attack in chapter 56 and wielding Himari's Yasutsuna to go against Tama in chapter 62 after Kuesu's death before having his arm bitten.
  • Training from Hell: He tries this once with Shizuku, but without success — since she can't bring herself to actually hurt him, the training doesn't work. Then, Lizlet, Rinko and later even Himari show up, and it turns into Training From Marshmallow Hell...
    • The training he now recives from Himari seems much less severe, though.
  • Weak, but Skilled: His family, while having no martial arts prowess, magic ability, or swordsmanship, has only gained demon slayer status because of their Light Ferry ability.
  • Wham Line: Delivers on in chapter 63 after Himari absorbs Tama's spirit energy.
    "Himari defeated the Nine-tails. It was a complete victory. But everyone who heard Himari's laugh..felt a sense of dread."
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Apparently couldn't handle heights well, first shown in chapter 14 when Lizlet threw him up with no effort, causing him to scream for his life, and in chapter 22 during an outdoor art trip where he grew nervous by a cliffside. Turns out Himari was responsible for this fear.

    Himari Noihara
Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu

The heroine of the series, she is a Cat Girl Samurai spirit who protects Yuuto from the ayakashi out to kill him due to an ancient vow set by her ancestor to serve the Amakawa family. She is a proud and noble samurai who will protect Yuuto at all costs. Though she is not above seducing Yuuto every now and then.

  • Badass Adorable: An adorable looking girl who can slay most ayakashi with ease.
  • Battle Aura:
    • She gets a dark variation in the anime, during her berserker state.
    • She later utilizes her demon aura in chapter 42 during her fight against a grown-up Tama. See Dangerous Forbidden Technique below.
  • Betty and Veronica:
    • The Veronica to Rinko's Betty for Yuuto's Archie. Though she is more of a Betty since she met Yuuto first and has known him the longest.
    • And back in Yuuto's childhood, she was the Betty to Kuesu's Veronica.
  • Bodyguard Crush: She was originally just supposed to protect Yuuto per his grandparent's wishes. But she eventually falls in love with him, like many of the other girls.
  • Cat Girl: A spirit version; Played for Laughs in that Yuuto happens to be allergic to cats. And there's the scene where she swallows a medicine pill that would heal her, but initially would "shut down" her human side and make her go completely primal. Yuuto was worried at first that she would turn violent or be in pain, but as he hilariously found out, Himari's mind was merely turned into that of a playful cat, and with Yuuto right in front of her, she had her fun.
  • Cats Hate Water:
    • Played with. She doesn't like deep water, but she's perfectly fine in shallow water, hence why she's okay with taking a bath or shower.
    • Although in Volume 0, while Yuuto and the others were near a pool, Himari was less than pleased while in it. She had the same reaction from when she went to the beach in Chapter 3, the reaction being very nervous.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Well, given that she's a cat and all...
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Unleashes her demon aura in chapter 42 to fight a grown-up Tama in the ski resort's hot spring. She explains that when her kind was made to serve the Amakawas, they stopped using this technique (which was part of their fighting style) because it will revert them to their natural state.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Being a warrior who respects honor, Himari occasionally takes offense to Yuuto's kindness when something bad happens to her.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: From chapter 63 onwards after getting a taste of Tama's spirit energy and sucking it right out her. She gets better in the end, though.
  • Fallen Heroine: After absorbing Tama's spirit energy in chapter 63, she becomes this due to its evil influence.
  • Faux Paw: Does this on occasion. In fact, the back cover of the first volume has her do just that.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Himari has known Yuuto since his childhood, which was erased as a side effect from the protective charm. In fact, part of the Noihara arc revolves around her getting Yuuto those memories back.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She sports some on some of the chapter cover pages, but they are notably worn during the Christmas arc.
  • Happiness in Slavery: She is more than happy to be Yuuto's servant and bodyguard. To give Yuuto credit, he really IS kind and caring towards her (and pretty much everyone else). Nonetheless, technically, she's a slave.
  • Heroic BSoD: Suffers one after Yuuto gets stabbed in the back (manga)/sliced across the chest (anime) shielding her and appears to die.
    • She also gets another one when she is transformed into a little girl by Kuesu's magic until Shizuku snaps her out of it.
    • In the anime, she suffers another after Shuten-douji threatens Yuuto (just threatens, mind you). She then shows what a Superpowered Evil Side really IS.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: She does most of the fighting.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Cat Princess"note  for Rinko, simply "Cat" for Kuesu and Shizuku, and to a lesser extent "Cat God"note  for Hitsugi. Some of the fan translations turned "Cat Princess" into "Miss Pompuss".
  • James Bondage: The only reason Himari doesn't need to CONSTANTLY rush out to save Yuuto is that she's usually already with him and can save him right away. Still, it happens.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Her katana, Yasutsuna, which was an heirloom from the Amakawa family. Bonus points for being a legendary sword used by Minamoto no Raiko to defeat Shuten-douji.
  • Kimono Fanservice: On some of the chapter cover pages and color inserts of each volume. Some within the chapters themselves if you know where to look.
  • Little Bit Beastly: In her Cat Girl form, with the reflexes and speed to match.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Though she will still Megaton Punch a guy for Accidental Pervert moments, Himari is quite frank and comfortable with her sexuality than most anime girls are, and openly flirts with Yuuto.
  • Madness Mantra: In her superpowered berserker mode when she fought Ageha.
  • Magical Girlfriend: To Yuuto. She is his cat-girl samurai protector.
  • Magic Pants: Entirely absent. Himari leaves her sword and clothes behind when she changes into a cat, and is naked when she turns into a girl again.
  • Mahou Shoujo: She gets the full transformation treatment after Yuuto gives her the Light Ferry at the end of the series, complete with airborne clothes-changing and frilly tutu. Think Sailor Moon with a demonic bent.
  • Mama Bear: To Yuuto. Comes with her duty as a bodyguard, after all.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "Crimson Ball". The first kanji of her name is shared with her title, "Noihara Crimson Blade",note  while the second kanji is a reference to how cats like to play with balls (of yarn), and Himari's ayakashi species is a cat monster (bakeneko). Her last name, Noihara, is taken from the village (now city when she and the gang revisited) where she was born and raised in.
  • Meido: When she's working part-time at Cafe Relish. She can also let out her ears and tail there as well, as no one there can tell the difference between real and fake cat ears.
  • Morphic Resonance: Subverted. Himari is a white cat, and as a girl... it changes to black. Lampshaded by Yuuto in an omake:
    Yuuto: "Shouldn't your hair stay white, since it's easier to draw?"
    • The same omake explains that the hair color was inspired by another character's (Kuesu).
      • Ironically, Kuesu's hair, which has black when she and Yuuto were little (and was when Himari decided to imitate it in her human form), has turned silver by the time of the main series because of a traumatic experience she had in England.
    • In the anime, Himari undergoes a further transformation in the final two episodes, when supposedly she gives herself fully over to her demon side. Her hair changes to white, her whole body sprouts fur and gains marks, and her head/face become decidedly more cat-like. crazed cat-like, with red eyes.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She is one of the most buxom characters in the show, and often provides Panty Shots also.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: At the end of Book of the Gaiden (which took place when Yuuto's grandparents were still alive) where she was forced to kill Hime, another cat ayakashi she befriended, due to the Amakawa family's law of killing cat ayakashi that have reverted to their primal instincts (she saw her consume the flesh of a human girl whose grandmother was once her owner). In other words, she was forced to kill a member of her own kind, and it was so painful to her that she starts crying. Poor Himari...
  • Named Weapon: Yasutsuna, her katana.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Yuuto's grandparents raised her until their deaths.
  • Razor Wind: Her claw swipes in her full ayakashi state at the end of the anime has her do this, complete with Claw Lines.
  • Red Baron: The Noihara Crimson Blade
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: In the anime while in her Berserker Mode.
  • Red Is Heroic: Evidenced through her name and Red Baron title. One of her "old" school outfits even contains hints of red, the most obvious example being her blazer in the fall.
  • The Rival: To Kuesu when they first met in Noihara. It still shows even now.
  • Samurai Ponytail: Himari's trademark hairstyle.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: She is "only interested in [her] master" and her body "belongs to him alone." Now add several attempts of her to seduce him.
  • Sinister Scythe: Wields one in episode 9 of the anime when Ageha returns for Yuuto.
  • Sitting on the Roof: She does this on some occasions.
  • Sprouting Ears: Himari can do this, but her ears and tail are enough to trigger Yuuto's allergies, so she only does so if needed... or to threaten him ("I shall let out my ears and tail and meow"). If sufficiently angered, she'll do more than threaten him...
  • Super Mode: "Super Himari" in the anime's finale is Exactly What It Says on the Tin.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: The "Berserker"-version. Shizuku warns Yuuto that basically any ayakashi, no matter how "civilized", might lose to its instincts, even herself.
    • It gets worse in chapter 52 when Kasuri's mirror spell to expose Himari's dark side backfires and breaks, causing said dark side to escape from the mirror and merge inside of her.
      • It shows up later in chapter 63 when she prepares to absorb Tama's spirit energy.
    • In the anime, Himari does just this in the final two episodes to defeat Tama and Shuten-douji. berserk doesn't even begin to spell it out — she becomes destruction personified. Yuuto snaps her out of it with a hug and The Power of Love.
  • These Hands Have Killed: She doesn't show much remorse when killing other ayakashi, but at the end of Book of the Gaiden after she kills Hime, another cat ayakashi, she breaks down hard.
  • The Tease: She seem to be very seductive toward her young master and has intense feelings for him.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Accordig to Volume 0, she likes to eat mitarashi dango. She even fought Kasuri over one last piece. She's also fond of fish (she is a cat, after all).
  • Tsundere: Type B. Nice around others, teasing around Yuuto.
  • Transfer Student Uniforms: She keeps her "old" school uniform (or at least a different one) to warn demons who plan to attack Yuuto that she is there to defend him.
  • Undead Tax Exemption: Casts some spells so the people at school would "accept her presence here more easily". This starts to wear off in later on.
  • Vapor Wear: She usually doesn't wear a bra, though justified since she usually wears a kimono. Lampshaded by Rinko and explained by Himari in chapter 4.
    Rinko: (while groping to figure out her bust size) "And you're not wearing a bra, either!?"
    Himari: "As if such a thing were needed when dressed in Japanese garb!"
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: As a "bakeneko", Himari possesesses shapeshifting abilities, transforming from cat to human or in between (a catgirl), the latter which is mainly used for combat situations.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: As she is a cat, she is very sensitive to cold weather. This is prevalent in the Christmas and ski resort arcs.
  • Wolverine Claws: In the anime's finale while she was in her full ayakashi state. She can even launch her strikes from a distance.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Kimono, black hair, loyal to her love interest... and also a samurai who seduces her master.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Himari is well-aware that she will die sooner or later after Yuuto becomes a demon slayer knowing that She Cannot Fight Fate as an ayakashi, to the point of (jokingly) saying that she might be the first ayakashi he kills.

    Rinko Kuzaki
Voiced by: Iori Nomizu

Yuuto's childhood friend.

  • A-Cup Angst: Suffers from this big time - especially since three of the other girls after Yuuto are E-cup or above. One of them is even a T-cup.
  • Badass Normal: She has her moments. She actually manages to win a fight against Himari at the Summer Festival (albeit a weakened version) and by the end of the series, she's built up a resistance to demonic auras just from always being in such close proximity to ayakashi, allowing her to avoid being knocked out with the rest of the normals when Himari goes on the hunt.
  • Batter Up!: "Rinko-chan's Violent Love Nail Bat"
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Himari's Veronica.
    • Technically, Himari and Kuesu met Yuuto before her. So she's more of a Veronica or a Cheryl depending on the reader's point of view. Then again, Yuuto did forget them as a result of the protective charm's magic.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She has an obvious crush on her childhood friend Yuuto.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Rinko is shown to be an easily jealous girl who beats Yuto up or puts a cat on his face whenever he does something to a girl (usually by accident).
  • Comedic Sociopath: Part of her Tsundere nature. Played for Laughs, of course.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has short, golden brown hair with split bangs and matching brown eyes.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 9, where she and Yuuto go to a Summer Festival, and in chapter 23.
  • Death Glare: Does this in chapter 56 to Shuten-douji of all people (well, ayakashi) after he offers to take her to a secluded battlefield.
    • She also does it to Taizo in the first chapter when she was attempting to drag Yuuto out of the classroom.
  • Girl Next Door: Her house is conveniently located next to Yuuto's.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Does this with Tama in chapter 54.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Just seeing Yuuto in a Not What It Looks Like situation is enough to break out her nail bat.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Flat-chested Commoner" for Kuesu, much to her anger.
  • Literally Loving Thy Neighbor: She lives next to Yuuto and she has an obvious crush on him.
  • Neutral Female: Despite all her impressive abilities, she is nothing compared to the rest of the cast since they aren't 'normal' to begin with.
  • Ordinary High-School Student: She has no combat abilities nor powers like the other girls such as Kuesu and Himari.
  • Patient Childhood Love Interest: Rinko has known Yuto since their childhood. She is his next-door neighbor, and has had a very close friendship with Yuto, as she helped him out of his depression when he first moved to Takamiya and cried along with him when his parents died. Since then, she has cared for Yuto and eventually developed feelings for him.
  • Passionate Sports Girl: She is the best athlete in her school, but unfortunately she's still normal human, and Himari beats her effortlessly at all sports, except skiing.
  • Tomboy: Plays a lot of sports at her school.

Voiced by: Kei Shindō

A mizuchi, a water dragon deity, and the series' Token Mini-Moe. Her family was killed by the Jibashiri Family of Demon Slayers 100 years ago, and has since borne a deep-seated hatred of Demon Slayers. She appears at the beach to kill Yuuto and Himari, but after witnessing the strange events between them, she decides to take up residence in Yuuto's house so she can "observe" him. She quickly falls in love/lust with him.

  • All Women Are Lustful: Despite her personality, Shizuku is almost just as perverted and sex-crazed towards Yuto as Himari.
  • Barely-There Swimwear: Wears an extremely skimpy bikini in Chapter 27. The other characters are very surprised about it (this also answers the age-old question just how these sling bikinis look like from the backside).
  • Brutal Honesty: She has this tendency. She shamelessly lampshades her appeal to Lolicons, and in one instance, after Yuuto fainted in a bathtub, and woke up fully clothed:
    Rinko and Himari: "I didn't see anything!"
    Shizuku: "They had a good look at everything."
    • To say nothing of her Intimate Healing moments...
      Himari: "Why did you have to hug him naked?"
      Shizuku: "It made me...... feel so good...... Don't make me say such embarrassing stuff."
  • Children Are Innocent: Oh, hell no she's not...
  • Cute Bruiser: A small cute girl who's able to put up a fight against Himari.
  • Cute Monster Girl: She is a Mizuchi, a water dragon deity, who assumes the form of a green-haired child with red eyes, looking like a drowning victim just pulled out of the water, abnormally pale, cold to the touch and dripping wet.
  • A Day in the Limelight: More like an entire story arc in the limelight, starting from chapter 30 to chapter 33.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments.
  • Emotionless Girl: Her facial expression almost never changes... almost.
  • Expressive Hair: Shizuku's hair grows when she fights Kuesu, and shrinks back after the fight. It's probably related to anger, but it's hard to tell with her being an Emotionless Girl.
    • It is later shown again in her fight against Ranka Mikari, where she actually does show her thirst for revenge.
  • Hair Intakes: The two "cat ears" in her hair.
  • Healing Factor: Can instantly regenerate from water.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She was intent on killing Yuuto at first due to his lineage as a demon hunter. But after seeing that he had no interest in harming ayakashi, and how protective he was of Himari, she later decides to help him instead.
  • An Ice Person: Can create ice spikes.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Loli(ta)-snake" for Rinko and simply "Snake" for Himari and Kuesu.
  • Intimate Healing: Done once in the Noihara arc after Yuuto was injured. Himari was not impressed.
  • Little Miss Badass: Don't let her size fool you, she's a dangerous combatant who could kill many people if she desired to.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She tends to do this from time to time, such as telling Yuuto both Himari and Rinko saw his naked body when the other two tried to deny it.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Nearly on the same level as Himari.
  • Making a Splash/An Ice Person: As a mizuchi, Shizuku can manipulate water and ice and use it as a weapon or a shield, even using it to heal the wounds of others, once doing so with Yuto after Himari's battle with Ageha. However, if the water is mixed, such as with another ayakashi's blood, she cannot control it.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name literally means "a drop (of water)", albeit written with different kanji.
  • Mundane Utility: Uses her water control to cook, clean, and do the laundry with inhuman speed and skill to impress Yuuto.
  • Older Than She Looks: Her actual age is at least 100 years. She explains her household skills by noting that before the destruction of her clan, daily chores like cooking and cleaning were more important than fighting... Said destruction was about 100 years ago.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: It has its advantages.
  • Petite Pride: Unlike Rinko, she is fully aware of her appeal to Lolicons ("Few human men can resist a little girl's form like this.")
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Definitely.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Short hair, bright red eyes, abnormally pale skin that makes her look like a zombie, a deity and a cold and deeply stoic demeanor.
  • Revenge: Her entire motive was to kill the demon slayer family responsible for the genocide of her clan. She nearly achieves this in chapter 33 had it not been for Yuto's Cooldown Hug.
  • School Swimsuit: How she introduces herself in to Yuuto in the Beach Episode.
  • Slasher Smile: On occassion when her desire to kill emerges.
  • Snake People: An unusual feature is her snake-like tongue which she can extend to various lengths (which prompts Himari and Rinko to coin the nicknames "Lolita Snake" and "Loli-snake", or "Snake" for short).
  • The Stoic: Shizuku barely shows any emotions other then smug and snarky.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: A rather cold person who still has her own sweet side.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She even declares at a few points that there is "only room for one loli" in the series. Later lampshades this whenever another little girl appears.
  • Undead Child: Not literally, but she looks like it. When she joins the harem:
    • Producing a funny variant of Not What It Looks Like, since Rinko jumps to the conclusion ... that Yuuto has found a corpse in the bathtub.
    • One of the students in the art trip chapter even says that she looks like a Mini-Sadako.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: Unlike Himari whose outfits are limited to kimonos and yukata, she wears various outfits throughout the series, from simple lolita dresses to even a revealing string swimsuit. This gets lampshaded by Himari in chapter 28.
    Himari: "But why did the Young Lord shower you with gifts as well, Shizuku? You already have plenty of clothes, do you not?"
    • As to where she stores them all... Well...
      Yuuto: "Yeah, you've got a pretty big wardrobe. So where do you store it all...?"
      Shizuku: "That's a girl's secret. ...You know."
    • In fact, according to Himari in chapter 32, all she has in her room are just clothes; the rest of her belongings disappear without a trace.
  • Verbal Tic: "Na no", which is translated as "You know" in the English manga.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Like Himari, she too is very sensitive to cold weather because of her reptilian blood. This is justified in one chapter when she hid inside a kotatsu for warmth.

    Lizlet L. Chelsie
Voiced by: Asuka Oogame

A maid from England who works at Cafe Relish, a local Maid Cafe in Takamiya City where Himari also works. In actuality, she is a tsukumogami, an artifact spirit that becomes alive after 100 years. She suspected Yuuto to be a demon hunter upon him visiting and tries to spike his tea with poison. After a brief scuffle with Himari that exposed her true form, she tried to save her teacup body but fails until Yuuto caught it. Since then, she developed a crush on Yuuto.

  • Animate Inanimate Object: Her original form is that of a teacup.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: See Soul Jar below.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: Full stop when it comes to Yuuto.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Chapter 27.5.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She made brief cameos in the first two episodes of the anime. She doesn't make her official appearance until episode 3.
  • Fantastic Arousal: It's heavily implied that Lizlet's teacup body is actually quite sensitive in this way.
  • Genki Girl: A rather energetic girl.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She has two big one in her hair.
  • Gorgeous Gaijin: She's from England, with large breasts and sex drive.
  • Idiot Hair: It shows up on some panels.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Uses tea leaves to distract her opponents.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Liz" for others. Though she has many others depending on the character.
  • Limited Wardrobe: She is always seen wearing her maid outfit. The only time she is seen outside of her outfit was during the ski resort arc.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Pretty much on the same level as Himari and Shizuku.
  • Minor Major Character: Despite being labeled as a main character, she has the least amount of focus of them all.
  • Meido: She works as one in a maid cafe.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Her human body technically can't be harmed. The only way to hurt her is to go for the not-so-obvious weakness, her teacup body.
  • Pacifist: Though when the situation demands it...
  • Rescue Romance: She falls for Yuuto after he saves her (not her in general, but her teacup body).
  • Single-Target Sexuality: After her teacup body was saved by Yuuto, she starts to proclaim herself as his "significant other" and even asks Yuuto to be her master, much to the other girls' consternation.
  • Shout-Out: Makes one to Ghostbusters in her introductory chapter.
  • Soul Jar: This is the actual "Badass" part of Lizlet's "Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass". Lizlet is by far not the only rather strong girl in this series, but being sliced and stabbed and just complaining about the ruined clothes? Being the manifestation of a sentient tea cup has its advantages.
  • The Tease: Even more so than Himari.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Uses "Milk Tea" and "Lemon Tea" on occasion.
  • Vague Age: Her real age is left ambiguous, but given that she was "born" after 100 years of being a teacup and spent some time in England before being brought to Japan by the cafe's boss, her biological age might be the same, if not slightly older, as Shizuku's.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: She is the only character of Yuuto's harem with the least amount of screentime, which leads to this trope on occasion.

    Kuesu Jinguuji
Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka

The heiress of the Jinguuji Family, a demon slayer family who are masters of Western dark magic. She is Yuuto's fiancee who holds a strong sense of justice when it comes to her demon slayer duties, which is a result of her family being constantly ridiculed and mocked by both demon slayers and ayakashi alike, and will do anything to obtain power and respect.

  • Anime Accent Absence: She spent most of her childhood studying in England and traveling across Europe, but she barely has the accent to prove it.
  • Arranged Marriage: She was arranged by Yuuto's grandfather to marry his grandson, which, according to her, is a Perfectly Arranged Marriage. Her fiancee, however, doesn't quite agree.
  • Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence: Post-Disney Death.
  • Badass Bookworm: She was so knowledgeable she was able to read a grimoire that would have killed anyone else who even touched it from the amount of knowledge it possessed and is able to use its knowledge in combat.
  • Berserk Button: Do not call her out on her family's heritage, and especially don't harm her beloved Yuu-chan, or else she will bring <Death> upon you. Shizuku and Shuten learned this the hard way.
  • Black Magician Girl: Her family's specialty.
  • Blood Knight: She has been killing numerous ayakashi for as long as she can remember, even those who don't as much pose a threat to her. Toned down after Character Development.
  • Blood from the Mouth: During her (supposed) last moment with Yuuto.
  • Boring, but Practical: Her magic attacks take some time to charge up and are highly directional. That's why she relies on a plain old handgun.
  • Cats Are Mean: She dislikes cats according to her bio in Volume 0. No wonder she hates Himari so much.
  • Childhood Marriage Promise: She had Yuuto promise her to watch her back in their childhood.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She doesn't tolerate Yuuto being close to so many girls who also like him.
  • Complete Immortality: Gains this when the Book of Truth activated during her death. To her it's a case of Blessed with Suck and a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Cool Gate: She creates one from her room to the closet in Yuuto's room.
  • Cool Sword: She wields Caladbolg, a legendary Irish sword, during her one-on-one duel with Shuten-douji.
  • Covert Pervert:
    • In chapter 41, she has an Imagine Spot of her and Yuuto in the hot springs bath. When asked by Kaburagi what's wrong, she denies that she was thinking dirty thoughts at all.
    • Then there's the moment when she "accidentally" expresses her desire to have sex with Yuuto after the latter remembers his past with her.
    Kuesu: "But it's self-evident that if you just went out with me more, you'd see how I'm a far better match for you. It doesn't help matters that you leave yourself so darn open. You're a teenage boy so there must be times when you look upon that cat (Himari) with less-than-decent thoghts in your mind! If you had me, that would be the end of that. I swear it!"
    Yuuto: "Uh, what on earth are you going on about?"
    Kuesu: "I'm saying!! I'll take care of any sexual desires you may be inadvertently directing towards those ayakashi...!" (Beat) "...Look what you're making an upstanding witch such as myself say."
    Yuuto: "You're the one who said it!!"
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her family has a long history of being discriminated by both the demon slayer families and ayakashi due to their use of Western magics, and Kuesu is no exception. And it even follows her halfway across the globe.
    • Then again, her family's age-long quest for power and dominance hadn't quite helped ease her reputation, either.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She acts rather hostile towards Himari when they first meet. However, she does eventually start warming up to Yuuto's harem.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Her family's goal is to be relieved of that. It is also ingrained in their credo.
  • Dramatic High Perching: Her introductory scene, where she is situated on a lamppost looking down at Himari and Yuuto.
  • Dynamic Entry: In chapter 43, which also counts as a Funny Moment, Blank White Eyes included.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She gets a brief cameo in episode 1 of the anime. She doesn't make her official appearance until the end of episode 5.
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita: Her main wardrobe.
  • Fantastic Racism: At first, before accepting the ayakashi of Yuuto's Unwanted Harem as her allies. Sort of.
  • Forceful Kiss: Kissed Yuuto twice in front of Himari, and then told her that the second is actually the third.
  • Forgotten Childhood Friend: It is later revealed that she and Yuuto used to be friends in their childhood.
  • Genius Bruiser: Not only does she pack the most power out of all the haremettes despite being human (just ask Shuten in his last bout with her), but she also has the most brains due to her mastery of dark magics.
  • Goth Girls Know Magic: Dressed in black gothic lolita with a cold personality to match.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Laevateinn, named after the legendary Norse sword, in chapter 60 during her (supposed) Last Stand against Shuten. It was powerful enough to blast the oni's physical body away.
  • Knight Templar: Says to Yuuto that they are The Chosen Ones and eliminating ayakashi, friendly or not, is their duty as demon slayers. This changes when she accepts the ayakashi siding with Yuuto as her comrades (sort of).
  • She's Back: In chapter 64 during her Big Damn Heroes entrance when Tama's Co-Dragons attack Yuuto at his school.
  • Tsundere: Type A, after Character Development. Lampshaded by Himari in chapter 21.
    Himari: "'Yuu-chan?' So you go from hard as nails to soft as putty, is that it?"
  • Unwitting Pawn: She was used by a former classmate of hers to act as a medium to gain access to the Book of Truth during her stay in England in Volume 0. Unfortunately for that classmate, she didn't expect Kuesu to be amazed by the vast amount of knowledge that was in it and continuing diving right in, leading to her Karmic Death via the means of her head exploding.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Almost became this near the end of her bacstory in Volume 0 if it weren't for her past self reminding her about the promise Yuuto made to her in her childhood.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: After gaining Complete Immortality following her death.
  • Yandere: Big time, although that's more arrogance and a ploy to forcefully awaken Yuuto's power and reawaken his memories (and trying to keep Himari away from him by making him allergic to cats). She becomes Tsundere after that.


    Tamamo no Mae 
Voiced by: Kaoru Mizuhara

  • A-Cup Angst: She dislikes her Sleep-Mode Size, the main reason she wishes to regain her adult form.
  • Asian Fox Spirit: And a legendary one, to boot!
  • Big Bad: She wants to eat ayakashi to gain power, and has Himari set as her next meal, making her the prime enemy’s of Yuuko.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: In chapter 50 when she is visited by Rinko, she does not remember her at first because she looked normal to her, to Rinko's frustration.
  • Cheerful Child: After chapter 63, after having her ayakashi energy sucked out of by Himari.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Does this in some chapters.
  • The Corruption: Her demonic energy seems to be this. Just ask Himari when she took a bite of it for herself.
  • Cute Mute: Subverted; she's devouring fellow youkai and demon hunters to increase her own power. And she doesn't really care if they're dead or not before she starts eating. And what's more, by the time she's done feeding, she turns out to be a Kitsune, and has already acquired Nine Tails, making her an Eldritch Abomination!
  • Defeat Means Friendship: In the anime's Gecko Ending.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: How did she react in the ski resort when she has her pinky cut by Himari's Yasutsuna? She goes full-on berserk and pins Himari to the ground in a neck hold, rips open her kimono (to Yuuto's delight and the girls' anger), and tries to bite her (it was blocked by Himari's Yasutsuna). Then when she was knocked back to her child form by the girls' Combination Attack and receives a headbutt from Himari, she blasts the latter out of the sky. Disproportionate Retribution at its finest.
  • Not So Stoic: As of later chapters, after having her evil energy sucked out by Himari.
  • One-Winged Angel: In the anime during her fight with Himari, where she assumed her full kitsune form.
  • Psychic Link: Tama seems to be unable — or unwilling — to communicate in any other way.
    • Though it's never actually explained what it is. It might be anything from Mindlink Mates to actual telepathy. Or Shuten-douji is just the only one who knows her enough or is observant enough to note what she means. This slowly gets subverted in later chapters.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After Shuten defends her from a fatal blow in chapter 62. It does not end well.
  • Sexier Alter Ego: Her adult form in the ski resort arc.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: In the ski resort arc where she reveals her adult form in the hot springs, she doesn't even bother to cover herself up. Even when sharing a brief moment with Yuuto.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Says this to Rinko and the Class Rep in chapter 61 in their attempt to sway her.
  • Sleep-Mode Size: Her current form, much to Shizuku's displeasure.
  • The Social Darwinist: She wants to wipe out the human race to create a new world for ayakashi, and will take down anyone who opposes her.
  • Sweet Tooth: When not eating ayakashi.
  • Worthy Opponent: Sees Himari as one.

Voiced by: Masami Kikuchi

  • Affably Evil: Has conversations with Yuuto and the girls on a timely basis.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: The sole reason why he seeks revenge is because he was tricked by Minamoro-no-Raiko into drinking poisoned sake, which contributed to his demise.
  • I Owe You My Life: Tama was the one who found him and brought him back to life, thus why he supports her in her plans.
  • Taking the Bullet: He (in his spiritual form) dies saving Tama from a fatal attack from Himari in chapter 62, which led to Tama's Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • True Final Boss: Of the anime.
  • Worthy Opponent: Finds Yuuto and Kuesu to be this, going so far as to remind Tama in chapter 55 that he's the only one allowed to defeat them.
  • You Remind Me of X: Says this during his duel with Kuesu, claiming her fearless expression reminded him of the time when one of the two girls he kidnapped in Kyoto challenged him for their freedom. Although she died, he was moved by her persistence. The other girl, however, was so traumatized by her sister's death that she committed Seppuku.

Voiced by: Mariko Honda

A zashiki-warashi who maintains Yuuto's deceased grandparents' home in Noihara.

  • Death Glare: Likes to do this to Yuuto.
  • Deflector Shields: In the anime. Later done in chapter 61 of the manga.
  • Hidden Buxom: Let's say her bust is quite... ample for her age. And yet no one seems to take notice of it or point it out.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: In later chapters.
  • Little Miss Badass: In her fight with Tama in the city with Himari.
  • Psycho Lesbian: HEAVILY implied to be this way in terms of her feeling towards Himari and her actions towards those who get in the way.
    • It isn't explicitly (stated as) sexual, but she definitely wants to be the center of Himari's attention.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: In her ninja outfit.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Delivers one to Tama, of all people (well, ayakashi), before doing a magic Clothing Switch on Himari.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In chapter 56 when she goes to Takamiya city to aid Himari in her fight against Tamanote .
  • You Are Not Alone: Delivers this line to Himari in chapter 56.

Voiced by: Chiaki Takahashi

A Hinoenma, a vampiric succubus who feeds off the blood of men, that attacked Yuuto and Himari at Noihara. She developed feelings for Yuuto after he defended her from Himari's Unstoppable Rage, although she won't admit it.

  • Cool Shades: Sports these in her second appearance.
  • Cool Sword: Her sword closely resembles a kunai, albeit single-edged.

Voiced by: Mayako Nigo

An Ippon-dattara, a one-legged cyclops, and Ageha's Kid Sidekick that aided the Hinoenma in her attack at Noihara.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: The main reason why he stopped Himari and Ageha's fight is because Rinko treated him to ice cream.
  • Cyclops: Played straight in the manga; averted in the anime.
  • Death from Above: Summmons giant wooden pillars out of nowhere to crush his opponents.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Him wearing a skirt doesn't help.
  • Gender Flip: Sasa is portrayed as a boy who wears a skirt when he transforms in the manga, while in the anime he/she is portrayed as a girl.
  • Going Commando: In the anime, for some reason, she doesn't wear underwear while in her Japanese clothes. Shown in episode 5.
  • Hair Antennae: He has one in his hair.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In later episodes of the anime alongside Ageha.
  • Kid Sidekick: He is this towards Ageha.
  • The Nicknamer: Calls Yuuto "Mister", Rinko "Miss", and Himari "Miss Kitty".
  • Sidekick: To Ageha.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Fixes up Himari's Yasutsuna in the anime. Also a case of Shown Their Work, since Ippon-datara were implied to be master blacksmiths that lost their eye and leg from their line of work.
  • Unsettling Gender-Reveal: Revealed to be a boy in chapter 26. Later lampshaded in an extra chapter, which took place one year after the anime aired.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Appears to be this in the manga. Especially in chapter 56.5 where he dresses in a maid outfit.


A giant ayakashi that attacked Yuuto and Himari at Yuuto's grandparents' estate in Noihara.

  • Character Death: In the anime where he gets taken out by the Pillar of Light created when Yuuto's Light Ferry awakens for the first time. He survives in the manga, based on Sasa saying in chapter 26 that he "sends his regards".
  • Easily Forgiven: After being forced by Ageha to battle Himari and Yuuto, he seems to let it all be in the past when he saved her and Sasa from Tama, according to Sasa in chapter 53.
  • Gentle Giant: According to Himari, they are rather docile creatures that would never consider taking a person's life.
  • Giant Mook: For Ageha.
  • In-Series Nickname: 'Bocchi for Sasa.
  • The Voiceless: Subverted in the anime where it has him do deep groans.


An ayakashi acquainted with Shizuku.

Voiced by: Mami Kosuge

A fuguruma-youbi, a messenger spirit, under the service of Himari and Kaya.

  • Curtains Match the Window: She has blue eyes along with light blue hair.
  • Fan Disservice: She pukes out weapons and other things from her stomach.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: She can store many stuff inside her stomach which include weapons, clothing and messages.
  • The Nicknamer: Not verbally, but from a panel in chapter 53 while discussing the group's plans to defeat Tama and Shuten-douji, she calls Tama "Hungry", Himari "Cat in Heat" (to her consternation), Rinko "Flat Chest", Yuuto "Klutz", Shuten-douji "Stud", and Kuesu "<Death> Yandere".
  • Paper People: Her true form is an envelope. And her human form is made of paper as well as pointed out in Volume 0.
  • Pit Girls: Dresses like one (per Ageha's suggestion) in episode 10 of the anime.
  • The Tease: Does this to Yuuto in the hot springs chapter in Volume 0, only for Rinko to kick Yuuto in the water and receiving a Les Yay moment from Shizuku soon after.
    • She later does this to Yuuto in chapter 64 during the latter's Shower of Angst over Kuesu's death.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: It's never shown onscreen how she pukes out the items she stores in her stomach.

    Other ayakashi 


A Yuki-onna who lives with a human ski resort owner on Mount Hakugin.

  • An Ice Person: Well, she is a Yuki-onna. It's sort of her specialty.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name literally means "little winter", referring to her ayakashi species.

Tesuma the Sentoro

An ayakashi Yuuto, Rinko, and Himari encountered in chapter 39.


A cat ayakashi who appeared in the two-part comic from Book of the Gaiden.

Ekou and Kurozakura

A pair of ayakashi serving under Tama.

Demon Slayers

    Gennosuke and Sawako Amakawa 

Yuuto's late grandparents.

  • The Hermit: It is explained by Himari that Gennosuke gave up his daily life to become a demon slayer.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Grandpa/Old Man Gen" and "Grandma Sawa" for Himari.
  • It Was a Gift: Sawaka gave Yuuto the protective charm right before her death.
  • Posthumous Character: They both died before the story began.

    Kasuri Kagamimori 

The head of the Kagamimori family of demon slayers.

    Hisuzu Kagamimori 

Kasuri's younger sister.

  • Badass Normal: According to Hitsugi in chapter 52, she killed fifteen ayakashi with her martial arts alone. Emphasis on "killed".
  • Big Sister Worship: She rather worships her sister a lot.
  • Cute Bruiser: See above.
  • Defeat by Modesty: In chapter 52 when Hitsugi tricks Yuuto into taking off her hakama by stepping on it, revealing her striped panties to Hitsugi's delight.
  • Hot-Blooded: At least when her sister isn't around.
  • Miko: She wears the clothing of one.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Based on the number of ayakashi she killed (some of which are much bigger and stronger than a normal human) aaccording to Hitsugi, she might count as this.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: Tries to do this in chapter 52 in an attempt to keep Yuuto from getting to Himari. Hilarity Ensues.

    Aiji Tsuchimikado 

The head of the Tsuchimikado family of demon slayers, and leader of all the demon slayer families.

    Hitsugi Yakouin 

A demon slayer from the Yakouin family and part-time detective.

  • Idiot Hair: Despite being a genius.
  • Neutral Female: She doesn't fight ayakashi directly, rather she uses her genius traps to kill them.
  • Kid Detective: She's a kid and works as a detective on the side.
  • Medium Awareness: In one chapter during a phone conversation with Yuuto, she quotes that she is providing some Fanservice for the readers.

    Meruhi Jinguuji 

Kuesu's mother.

  • The Unseen: She is only heard talking to her daughter in her early appearances. She gets her full appearance in chapter 56.

Other characters


Taizou Masaki

Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki

Yuuto's classmate and best friend.

Class President/Yuu Shimamura

Voiced by: Yu Shimamura

The Class Representative of Yuuto, Rinko, and Himari's class.

Sae Kisaragi

Voiced by: Michiko Neya

Yuuto, Rinko and Himari's homeroom teacher at Touryou High.

  • The Alcoholic: Is shown drinking beer with her colleague in the side chapters.
  • Demoted to Extra: In the anime and light novels.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: She smokes in chapter 8. Played for Laughs in chapter 22.
    Sae: "But I more or less get that when it comes to art, it's hard to demonstrate genuine artistic creativity when you're crammed in a room with four walls and a ceiling."
    Students: "We think you only feel like you're suffocating 'cos of all those cigarettes you smoke, Sae-chan."
    Sae: "Very funny, asswipes. I'll skin you alive and hang you out to dry, got it?"
  • Harem Nanny: Shows shades of this, despite her rare appearances.
  • Hot Teacher: She's a teacher and has some rather nice proportions.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Sae-chan" for the students. She doesn't want to be called that.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In one of the side chapters, she gripes over the fact that her Light Novel self was Demoted to Extra and lashes out at one of the editors (Editor M) for not letting Matra feature her on the back cover for Volume 8 (she was replaced by Hitsugi).
  • The Reveal: She reveals in chapter 37.5 that she is an ayakashi, and a powerful one back in her day. She even claims to be more powerful than Himari and Shizuku combined.
  • Sadistic Teacher: If you think her "Ultra-Sadistic Instruction" for failing class is enough...
  • Statuesque Stunner: The tallest female character in the series, dwarfing Yuuto's Unwanted Harem by a head according to a height comparison chart in Volume 0.
  • Unflappable Guardian: Is implied to be this during her reveal to her colleague in chapter 37.5.

Hyogo Kaburagi

Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara

Kuesu's retainer who works for Section 4 of the Branch of Public Peace, a covert branch that centers on the supernatural and paranormal.

Yuko Akutsu

Sae's colleague and an art teacher at Touryou High.

Ranka Mikari

A young woman acquainted with Kuesu.

  • Last of Her Kind: She's the last survivor of the Jibashiri family.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: She has no idea that her ancestors are the ones who wiped out Shizuku's family, almost to the brink of extinction.

Vilma Heartring

An upperclassman whom Kuesu met during her stay at England. Appears in Volume 0.

Haru Masaki

Taizou's little sister.

    Light Novel characters 


A sacred tree spirit that appears in the first light novel


A wolf spirit appearing in the second light novel


A character featured in the fourth light novel.

  • The Rival: To Himari in terms of swordsmanship.
