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Characters / Ōkami

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The cast of the video games Ōkami and Ōkamiden.

WARNING: Unmarked, very sensitive spoilers are present with most of the characters, especially those of the Sei-An arc of the first game (Western Nippon folder) and the sidekicks in the second (Main Characters folder in Ōkamiden). Read at your own risk.

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Characters who appear in Ōkami or both games

Main Characters


The Protagonist, the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu in the form of a wolf. After being sealed for one hundred years as a statue, she's revived to deal with evils that have been released. Nicknamed "Ammy", Amaterasu is shown to be a benevolent and caring being, helping anyone and anything who may need her help. Amaterasu herself is a Heroic Mime, so she lets Issun do the talking for her while she provides the muscle. A noble being, she's also a bit eccentric and quite playful. She's not above following along with other character's shenanigans.

At the start of the game, Amaterasu's incarnation on earth is extremely weak because her death 100 years ago resulted in the loss of her powers. Also, 100 years without Divine Intervention have led to faith in the gods to wane critically, resulting in the gods having lost a lot of their influence and power. Half of the game is as much Amaterasu dealing with the evils that now plague Nippon as it is about her searching for and recovering her power, which includes both recovering her Celestial Brush Techniques and the faith of the people.

  • 11th-Hour Superpower: The prayers of Nippon restore Ammy to full power, allowing her to defeat Yami.
  • Action Girl: Amaterasu is a goddess taking the form of a white wolf armed to the teeth with reflectors, rosaries, and glaives along with the powers of a god, the Celestial Brush Techniques, at her disposal. Throughout the game she beats every living thing in her path with ease and elegance and is mostly unmatched in a fight.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Ammy has, on more than one occasion, shown interest in human women. She's seen panting excitedly when Sakuya reveals her Stripperific outfit after reviving a few Guardian Saplings as well as ogling Rao's two bouncing friends when she reaches Sei-An City. This is likely a reference to the legend of how Amaterasu hid in a cave, only to come out after the goddess Ame-no-Uzume "danced promiscuously". However, no explicit confirmation one way or the other has come out due to the game being mostly No Hugging, No Kissing.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Heavily downplayed; despite the game's efforts to keep Amaterasu's gender in the dark, there are heavy implications that she's supposed to be female, from being called "mother" by the Celestial Brush Gods, to her true form being a maiden.
  • Animorphism: In earlier versions of the game, Amaterasu was supposed to also have transformed into an eagle and a dolphin. This feature was removed for technical reasons. Played straight though, as Amaterasu's true form is implied to be that of a maiden.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!: Ammy has a tendency to take naps, wander off, or chase something during important exposition.
  • Awesomeness Meter: Godhood; either by using a certain item or by landing hits without getting hit yourself, Ammy will gradually build up her Godhood, represented by a symbol of Amaterasu encased in a spherical aura. There's a maximum of three levels of Godhood, and as long as Amaterasu has at least one, she's flat-out invincible.note  Godhood loses one level of potency by getting hit.
  • Badass Adorable: A number of characters just see her as a cute doggie, nevermind that she's a goddess of creation and tussles with other ancient beings.
  • BFS: Her glaive Divine Instruments are as long as she is.
  • Big Friendly Dog: Just TRY not to think that when she lets Kushi pet her every time she sees her, feeding helpless kittens, or when she's licking Waka.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Sparkles emit from her when she wakes up, when she gains new weapons, when she runs...
  • Bullet Time: The Veil of Mist technique will slow everything around Ammy down.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Despite being fairly airheaded and, well, dog-like, she still manages to excel at her duties as the sun goddess quite well, whether it be restoring the environment, helping mortals, or whacking demons senseless.
  • Cherry Tapping: Golden Fury (where she urinates on enemies) and Brown Rage (where she takes an explosive dump on them). Thankfully, you can easily go through the entire game without ever using these attacks if you don't find that kind of humor appealing.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Nothing says it more than her laying down and taking a nap when people are giving her important information.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: She seems to be very distracted by Rao... Even back when Ammy restores the trees of Kamiki Village and renews Sakuya's vitality, she pants upon seeing the more bodily-exposed sprite.
  • Dub Name Change: In the Japanese version, Issun calls her "Amako", whereas in English, she's called "Ammy".
  • Dung Fu: She can take a dump that explodes like a landmine. Brings a whole new meaning to "holy crap"...
  • Eastern Zodiac: She represents the dog.
  • Facial Markings: Those red markings on her body are invisible to everyone besides those in tune with spirits.
  • Fertile Feet: Everywhere she walks, flowers and grass blades sprout from each step. They even get an upgrade after you get Bloom.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: To most characters and animals, Ammy lacks her weapons and red streaks, appearing as an ordinary, but beautiful white dog. Only one spirit senses her true form is "a maiden most fair".
  • Future Badass: An odd example. She's the present, and thus future, self of Shiranui, who was way more badass than her, since they were her at peak strength. However, since they are the same being, Shiranui represents what Ammy is to become once she regains her full powers, and this incarnation of Ammy ends up doing way greater things than what Shiranui accomplished.
  • Gender Bender: According to Ōkami, Shiranui is a previous avatar of Ammy, but their gender is never specified. In Ōkamiden, they are referred to as male, but the original Japanese has no gendered language. Shiranui could be interpreted as something like a father to Ammy, since they apparently view Chibi like a "grandchild" in Ōkamiden. And given that Ammy is a god, Shiranui and Chibi are more accurately aspects of her, rather than separate entities. Confused?
  • God Is Good: The origin of all is also a loving mother of the world and working on saving it.
  • A God Is You: Amaterasu is the goddess of the sun, though most of the people she helps don't know that and just think she's a regular wolf or dog.
  • God of Good: As the Brush Gods and Otohime put it, she is the "origin of all that is good and mother to us all...".
  • God of Light: Amaterasu is the Shinto Goddess of the Sun.
  • God Needs Prayers Badly: A major gameplay element and plot point is that Nippon has lost faith in its gods, and as a result, these gods have lost much of their power; particularly Amaterasu. By performing various acts of Divine Intervention, which include doing odd favors and quests for NPCs, exterminating demons, feeding hungry animals and purifying the land, Nippon's faith in Amaterasu and the gods is slowly restored—this faith acts as experience points to strengthen Amaterasu. At the end of the game, all the good you've done for the land is repaid in full when every single person in the land who you've helped prays for your sake, empowering Amaterasu and restoring her to her full glory, allowing her to finally defeat Yami.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: Ōkamiden has Amaterasu attain this status as despite Chibiterasu being her son, and her role in defeating Yami in the first game, apart from being implied to have sent him to Nippon in the first place, she only has an indirect influence on the plot because she's still busy trying to retake the Celestial Plain. Her actions also ended up indirectly creating the new Brush Gods and the Brush God children (Save for Bakugami's) encountered by Chibi during the game due to their disruption of the Balance of Good and Evil, and Akuro and most of the other bosses were released from Yami upon his defeat by her.
  • Heavenly Concentric Circles: She is the Japanese Top Goddess and deity of the sun and carries Divine Instruments floating on her back while in her true form. She's the only one who can wield them as weapons. One class, the Reflectors, is based on the Yata no Kagami and has the form of a spinning disc with concentric or spiral patterns on its surface.
  • Heroic Mime: Since Amaterasu takes the form of a wolf, she is unable to orally communicate with the human characters. Instead, it's her companion Issun who does the talking for her.
  • I Call It "Vera": All of her Celestial Instruments have names, though she did not name them herself.
  • Infinity +1 Sword: One for each type of Divine Instrument:
    • For her Reflectors, Solar Flare. It's the straightest example and her most iconic one — she regains it after recovering her last Celestial Brush Technique, and it is also the Instrument used by her past incarnation. It also functions as a portable always-available catalyst for her Fire techniques.
    • For Rosaries, Tundra Beads. The best range in the game, with fast attacks and decent power, it's perfect for building up Godhood. You can use it to use Blizzard techniques whenever you want.
    • For Glaives, the Thunder Edge. Slow and difficult to master, but with the highest damage potential in the game. Used properly, you'll be slicing through anything that gets in your way in no time at all. Its sub-attack will allow you to get around quickly in the middle of fight. It also allows you to use Thunder techniques whenever you want.
  • In Harmony with Nature: Her ink-based powers allow her to restore and manipulate the forces of nature to her will.
  • Lady of War: As befitting of a sun goddess, Amaterasu fights with refined elegance and poise, even as a wolf.
  • Light Is Good: She is the Goddess of the Sun, a purifier of nature, defender of the helpless, and the undisputed heroine of the story.
  • Meaningful Name: "Amaterasu" literally means "Illuminating Heaven".
  • The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: She's a maiden in wolf form but behaves more like an actual dog than a person in disguise. That is, assuming she isn't naturally like that.
  • No Listening Skills: She has a very, very short attention span and is prone to napping in the middle of other characters explaining something to her.
  • Noble Wolf: The goddess of light reborn in the body of a wolf; she's a very good girl.
  • Phrase Catcher: "Ah, Amaterasu. Origin of all that is good, and mother to us all." Mostly used by the Celestial Brush Gods, but a few others, who are in the loop about Amaterasu's true nature, use it as well.
  • Physical God: She's a goddess who walks the earth in the physical form of a white wolf.
  • The Power of the Sun: You get to play as the divine incarnation of the sun itself. What did you expect?
  • Pure Awesomeness: Her Godhood is functionally this, as it is tied to how many hits she's landing without taking one in return. She's too awesome to take damage!
  • Reality Warper: By virtue of having the Celestial Brush, she can create and destroy things at will from trees to the clouds in the sky to the sun itself.
  • Sadly Mythtaken: Mythological Amaterasu was associated with ravens, crows, roosters and horses and even snakes and kitsune, but not wolves; stories of sun devouring wolves are a staple in eastern Asian religions, though admittedly not as common in Japan. In fact, her form as a wolf is entirely because of a pun - the word Okami can mean either as "wolf" or (roughly) "god(dess)", depending on which kanji are used, but are indistinguishable in hiragana.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: She gets revived from a statue at the beginning of the first game.
  • Silent Snarker: Amaterasu, being a wolf, never actually talks, but her expressions can convey a lot.
  • Spinning Piledriver: She can perform an SPD as a counterattack when she has the reflector equipped in her second weapon slot.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Like any dog, bones. Unlike any dog, they have to be holy bones. Another character suggests she likes "cherry cakes", or sakuramochi.
  • Urine Trouble: She can pee on enemies.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: Ammy may as well be the patron saint of this trope—the entire game revolves around being a benevolent goddess and helping everyone live happier lives. And you'll like it.
  • Vocal Dissonance: You can bark freely (for little to no real reason, though characters and animals react), and the sound is more fitting on a yappy little dogs than a fierce and majestic wolf. More subtlety, the growl sound effect they chose to use for her is also not very impressive. Thankfully, her howls at least are more appropriate.
  • Walk on Water: When you equip the water tablet, Ammy can walk atop water.

click here to see him close-up (Ɨ 1000 magnification)

One of the members of the Poncles, a race of tiny people. He's a wandering artist. Later, just before the Ark of Yamato, Waka shows up and explains that he won't be able to board. Issun thinks it's a ploy to not have him come on. He tries and fails. The reason he couldn't was because he refused to become a Celestial Envoy. He does become a Celestial Envoy later, which helps Amaterasu defeat Yami.

  • Bishie Sparkle: He occasionally looks like he sparkles. When you shrink down to his size, he sparkles CONSTANTLY. Note that this applies to Poncles in general, not just him.
  • Catchphrase: "What the heck?!"
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Not that chivalrous, mind you.
  • Exposition Fairy: He's essentially the Navi of the game, telling you about how to perform moves as well as how to get past problems.
  • He Knows About Timed Hits: Whenever a new mechanic crops up, he'll be the one to explain it, namely in regards to brush techniques.
  • Identical Grandson: It's revealed at the end of the True Orochi fight, which takes place 100 years in the past, that he looks just like Isshaku did at that age.
  • Insistent Terminology: He's a wandering artist. Not a bug. A WANDERING ARTIST. He looks like a bug for most of the game, but when you shrink down to his size, you find that he's actually a really tiny person, wearing a helmet that makes him look like he's got insect antennae.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While he's rather harsh to Himiko at first, he does have a point that she's somewhat suspicious. She vanished during the Blight incident, and the inside of her palace looks like a Boss Corridor. Plus, she is actually planning something, it's just that Himiko is planning on defeating Ninetails, not anything actually evil.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Issun is rude and abrasive, with motivations that are ultimately self-serving, but when push comes to shove, he'll do the right thing.
  • Leitmotif: A rather upbeat tune.
  • Lilliputians: He's a Poncle, a race of diminutive insect-size people. Most of the time, he's so small compared to everyone else that his only visible feature is his green glow.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Doesn't have to foreknowledge to understand many of the remarks characters in the know like Waka and Himiko make that Amaterasu does understand. Due to him being the Audience Surrogate that has the added effect of leaving the player out of the loop themselves.
  • Magikarp Power: The Thief's Glove gives him the ability to attack enemies and steal items. While at first it does next to no damage, it gains strength as its used and eventually, Issun is able to one shot enemies.
  • Meaningful Name: Issun literally means "One-Inch"note .
  • Meta Guy: Whenever something doesn't seem to make sense, Issun invariably points it out.
  • Mistaken Age: Based on his overall (relative) maturity and interest in women, Issun seems to be at least an adult. However mid-way through the game, Ammy shrinks down to his size and it's revealed that he's still a kid. If you're familiar with the mythology though this comes as no surprise.
    • In addition, the in-game story art, as in the post-boss woodblock prints and the cover of the bestiary scroll in the New Game Plus extras, depicts him as a young adult, but this could be a case of Issun making himself look more attractive. Given that Poncles are small and age slower than humans, it's even more difficult to tell.
  • Narrator All Along: It is heavily implied that the narrator of the game is an Older and Wiser Issun.
  • The Nicknamer: He calls Amaterasu 'Ammy' and 'Furball', Waka is 'the half-baked prophet', Kokari is 'crybaby'...
  • Porn Stash: His house in Poncle Village has several acorn sketches hanging up, but pulling away the multiple banners hiding the back shows several nude female body sketches, with the aforementioned acorns clearly meant to be breasts.
  • Reality Warper: Albeit a very weak one. He is shown to be able to use some celestial brush techniques. He knows Restoration at the start, and he demonstrates a mild form of Bloom late into the game, while claiming that he remembers all 13 and will eventually figure out how to perform each of them.
  • Unimpressive Progress Reveal: The punchline of the "Issun's Masterpieces" story in Ōkamiden shows him scaling an icy mountain, only for the final panel to reveal he had mistook Susano's bowl of shaved ice for a mountain.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy:
    • He believes Beauty Equals Goodness, which is only understandable during the first third of the game. He immediately trusts Rao because of her boobs and immediately distrusts Queen Himiko because she isn't showing her face. Rao has been Dead All Along, impersonated by Ninetails, while Queen Himiko wasn't actually trying to hide anything.
    • He regards Waka with suspicion due to his odd mannerisms, habit of spouting vague prophecies, and tendency of appearing at key locations. While he does little to instill trust and duels with the sun goddess (twice, in fact), he's not on the side of evil.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: The reason why Issun decides to accompany Amaterasu is because he has to become a Celestial Envoy to help Amaterasu, despite his reluctance.


A mysterious prophet who speaks in riddles. He first shows up to fight Amaterasu, then later helps her. His intentions remain unknown for most of the game, until we find out that he's one of the Moon Tribe. He brought the Ark of Yamato to the Celestials, but Yami was lurking on board, and he was the only person to survive the carnage. He also saves Amaterasu from Yami when she is stripped of her divine powers and nearly sacrifices himself.

  • The Atoner: One of the only survivors of the otherwise extinct Moon Tribe. The only survivor of the Celestial Plain, aside from Ammy who is a Physical God.
  • Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: What do you mean, Yoshitsune Minamoto was some 200+ year old guy from the Moon?
  • Bishie Sparkle: Waka sometimes emits these mid-sentence.
  • Combat Stilettos: Not exactly, but those ridiculously high tengu geta don't seem to impede his ability to hop about like a mad thing at all.
  • Compressed Hair: How the hell was he hiding all that hair underneath that headress?
  • Cryptic Conversation: His prophecies make no sense when you first hear them. Issun gets extremely riled up by it.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He used to be a member of the Moon Tribe, which was destroyed by demons and inadvertently caused the destruction of the Celestial Plains.
  • Deadpan Snarker: If one talks to him outside of Orochi's lair before the festival in Kamiki, he says he wants to dispel the barrier so he can go have a drink with the monster. It flies way over Issun's head.
  • Dub Name Change: He's "Ushiwaka" in Japan.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: The Knowledge Stone in Ōkamiden mentions that no one is quite sure if Waka really is a "he."
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened to Waka from Ushiwaka.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: In-game example.
  • Eyes Always Shut: His in-game model's eyes never open.
  • Good All Along: It's easy to mistake him for a antagonist at first. Issun certainly does. But he really does have the world's best interests at heart.
  • Gratuitous Foreign Language: Perhaps to make him seem even more cool and enigmatic. If Kaguya is anything to go by, he may be an outlier.
  • Gratuitous English: In the Japanese version.
  • Gratuitous French: In the English-language version.
  • Hair Wings: The design of his hair looks like this.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Initially acts like a flippant trickster that only seems to want to hinder and annoy our heroes (or at least poor Issun); however, his over-cryptic prophecies always seem to be on to something in the long run, and against Yami he drops the act and reveals he's been as determined to rid Nippon of his darkness as everyone else due to Yami slaughtering his people at least once.
  • I Call It "Vera": His main sword is named "Pillow Talk"; named after a music piece from another Hideki Kamiya project.
  • Instrument of Murder: His flute turns into a glowing lightsaber thing.
  • Laser Blade: He can turn his flute into this.
  • Leitmotif: A flute piece.
  • Lunarians: As a member of the Moon Tribe.
  • Magical Flutist: And it helps that he is named after a form of poetry. He serves as the page image for the trope.
  • My Greatest Failure: He doomed the Celestials, because he didn't realize that the Ark of Yamato contained Yami.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: His Japanese name, "Ushiwaka", comes from Ushiwakamaru, which was Minamoto no Yoshitsune's childhood name.
  • The Nicknamer: He refers to Amaterasu as 'ma cherie' half of the time and Issun as a 'bug' or 'my little bouncing friend.'
  • Omniscient Morality License: He could actually have done a lot more to prevent certain events.
  • Pretty Boy: Very much so. Especially when we see his hair. Issun even calls him "pretty boy" a couple of times.
  • Psychic Powers: He has the ability to see the future.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He's over two hundred years old. An interesting thing to note is that the newest Tao Warrior tells Amaterasu this.
  • Taking the Bullet: He does this right before the final battle. Luckily he escapes relatively unharmed.
  • Trickster Mentor: He almost never gives a straightforward answer, but his prophecies usually turn out to be reliable.
  • Wakeup Call Boss: The first time you fight him, you'll probably use up all your health items and/or die. The trick is to equip your newly-gained rosary.
  • Walk on Water: The first sign that he's definitely not a normal human. Interestingly, not even Ammy can do this (without the Water Tablet item, anyway), but no one really seems surprised.
  • Warrior Poet: Or so he would like to think.

Celestial Brush Gods

A group of 13 gods who were separated from Amaterasu when she died 100 years ago. Each one holds one of the 13 celestial brush techniques that did not stay with Amaterasu when she died. Reuniting with them and recovering her former strength is a major part of Amaterasu's mission in the game. Each one of them has hidden away somehow. Some of them are bound in some fashion, while many of them are simply hiding in the form of constellations, waiting for Amaterasu's return.


God of Restoration, and bearer of the power of Rejuvenation/Garyounote . He is a dragon rising out of a picture scroll. Amaterasu reunites with him at the River of the Heavens after fixing it.


God of the Sword, and bearer of the Power Slash/Issennote  technique. He is a rat bearing an enormous Tachi sword. Amaterasu reunites with him at the Cave of Nagi after Restoring the blade the statue held.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: His Power Slash technique can rend trees and boulders into pieces with a single (brush) stroke, at its weakest level. At its strongest state, the Power Slash can shred even through diamond.
  • BFS: Many times larger than himself, and while he is a mouse, he's still about half the size of Amaterasu. And he can still adeptly wield it. With his mouth.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Rat.
  • Meaningful Name: "Tachigami" means "Rending God". A Tachi is also the sort of sword he bears.

    The Hanagami Trio

A trio of floral gods, bearing the powers of Bloom/Hanasaku, Lily Pad/Suihasu, and Vine/Tsutamakinote , collectively known as a single power, called Greensprout/Oukanote . Their names are Sakugami (Saki-no-Hanagami), Hasugami (Hasu-no-Hanagami), and Tsutagami (Tsuta-no-Hanagami). Each one is an ape playing a different musical instrument. Amaterasu reunites with them in the Hana Valley, Kamiki Village, and the Tsuta Ruins, respectively.


God of Explosions, and bearer of the Cherry Bomb/Tekadamanote  technique. He takes the form of a large boar balancing on a similarly large bomb. He is followed by four flame-bearing piglets, attempting to light his bomb. Amaterasu reunites with him outside the Pyrotechnist Tama's house.

  • Ascended Extra: He is accompanied by a bunch of piglets who are constantly attempting to light the bomb he balances on. Those are his children, who show up again in Ōkamiden, taking their father's place in granting the Cherry Bomb power to Chibiterasu.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Boar.
  • Having a Blast: His power summons explosive bombs used to destroy obstacles or damage enemies.
  • Meaningful Name: "Baku" means "explode".


God of the Moon, and bearer of the Crescent/Gekkounote  technique. She takes the form of a rabbit bearing a large mallet, for pounding mochi cakes. Amaterasu reunites with her in the Agata Forest, after she returns the moon's reflection to the water there.

  • Carry a Big Stick: Nearly strikes Amaterasu with her mochi-pounding mallet when Amaterasu tries to take a bite out of the unfinished mochi.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Rabbit.
  • God of the Moon: She's the goddess of the Moon. Her associated power-up summons a crescent Moon, instantly turning day into night.
  • Lunacy: Crescent summons the moon, and with it, night.
  • Moon Rabbit: Surprising absolutely nobody, the rabbit is the god of the moon. She comes complete with a mochi-pounding mallet, and she and Amaterasu take turns pounding and kneading some mochi before they get down to the exchange of power.
  • Meaningful Name: "Yumi" means "Bow", referring to the stylistic crescent shape, or "bow-shaped" moon.
  • Put on a Bus: Nowhere to be seen in the sequel.


God of Water, and bearer of the Waterspout/Suigyounote  technique. She takes the form a large snake sealed up inside a flask filled with water. Amaterasu reunites with her in Sasa Sanctuary, after returning the flow of water there.

  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Snake.
  • Making a Splash: Waterspout manipulates the flow of water. Its higher forms can manipulate whirlpools and call rain.
  • Meaningful Name: "Nure" means "Wet".
  • Semantic Superpower: While Waterspout is mainly used with water, turns out this works with nearly any other kind of liquid, such as sake or lava.
  • Warp Whistle: Whirlpool allows Amaterasu to activate Mermaid Springs without throwing in a Mermaid Coin.
  • Water Is Womanly: The God of Water takes the form of a dignified, polite female serpent.


God of the Wind, and bearer of the Galestorm/Shippuu technique. He takes the form of a large horse with a fan on his back. Amaterasu reunites with him in the windmill at Kusa Village, after bringing back the village's divine wind.


God of Fire, and bearer of the Inferno/Gurennote  technique. He takes the form of a phoenix, with the crest of a rooster and smoking a large pipe. Amaterasu reunites with him in the Moon Cave, after freeing his statue there encased in ice.

  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Rooster.
  • Meaningful Name: "Moeru" means "to burn".
  • Playing with Fire: Inferno allows the user to conduct flames from one source to another. Its upgrade creates a blazing inferno wherever the user desires.
  • The Phoenix: Evokes the firebird, but its rooster inspiration is also clearly visible, and it has shades of the yokai Basan, which is also a fire-breathing rooster.


God of Mist, and bearer of the Veil of Mist/Kirigakurenote  technique. She takes the form of a sheep with a large waterskin filled with alcohol on her back. Amaterasu reunites with her in Sei-An City, after releasing her from a gourd.

  • The Alcoholic: She's even drinking upon reuniting with Amaterasu for the first time!
  • Bullet Time: Veil of Mist slows down time for everyone but Amaterasu, allowing her to get the most out of limited windows of opportunity, more safely charge Glaives, and other such things.
  • Drunken Master: Subverted by way of parody. In her intro, Kasugami is attacked by a few Imps. She drinks from her waterskin, and leaps into the air, only to utterly fail to dodge anything. Turns out that alcohol just makes her drunk.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Ram.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kasumi" means "Mist".
  • Put on a Bus: Downplayed. While Kasugami and her offspring (if any) are absent in Okamiden, Chibiterasu can tap on their powers with Kagu's charm, allowing him to warp between Origin Mirrors.
  • Quick Nip: Really likes drinking from that waterskin on her back.
  • Warp Whistle: Mist Warp allows Amaterasu to step between any two Ultimate Origin Mirrors.


God of Walls, and bearer of the Catwalk/Kabetarinote  technique. She takes the form of a white cat clinging to a wall mural with a fish sculpture on top. Amaterasu reunites with her atop the Catcall Tower, after feeding her familiar.

  • Cats Are Mean: The first thing she does in her entrance is to start batting Issun about. Of course, Amaterasu quickly joins in, so it seems wolves aren't all that much better.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the "missing" sign of the Cat. No comment is made about it, however. If there is any ill will between her and Tachigami, it's never mentioned.
  • Expy: On top of an insanely tall tower lives a cat god with its Eyes Always Shut... Give it a staff and call it Korin.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kabe" means "Wall".
  • Power-Up Letdown: The power to endlessly wall jump sounds awesome, as it would provide for handy shortcuts while exploring vertical areas. Too bad it can only be used in a few extremely specific places...
  • Put on a Bus: One of the four Celestial Brush gods to not make a reappearance in Okamiden.
  • Wall Crawl: Catwalk imbues walls with Kabegami's power, allowing people to cling to them until the power wanes. This allows for infinite Wall Jumps upon such surfaces. A few places have permanent Catwalk symbols already on them, but for the most part, one has to seek out a statue of Kabegami to use it. Kabegami herself calmly stands sideways on a painting.


God of Onslaught, and bearer of the Thunderstorm/Jinrainote  technique. He takes the form of an ill-tempered tiger with a longbow on his back that fires lightning. Amaterasu reunites with him on Oni Island, after restoring the statue that he was trapped in.

  • Cats Are Mean: Fires a lighting bolt really close to Amaterasu, with no provocation. However, he's just as kind and polite as the others during the formal speech. People born the year of the Tiger in the zodiac are reputed to have fierce tempers.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Tiger.
  • Meaningful Name: "Geki" means "attack" or "conquer", and is part of "Raigeki", which means to be struck by lightning.
  • Panthera Awesome: A tiger god, no less.
  • Shock and Awe: Thunderstorm allows the user to conduct electricity from one source to another. The Lighting Bolt power allows the user to call lightning from anywhere.


God of Ice, and bearer of the Blizzard/Fubuki technique. He takes the form of an ox bearing a large conch horn. Amaterasu reunites with him at the Wawku Shrine, after disabling the blizzard machine.

  • Brutish Bulls: He may be one of the Celestial Brush Gods, but he is still a Bull, as he nearly charges into Amaterasu as they reunite.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Represents the sign of the Ox
  • An Ice Person: Blizzard allows the user to conduct cold and ice from one source to another. It comes with a variant that calls down a hailstorm of ice and snow.
  • Meaningful Name: "Iteru" means "To Freeze"
  • Put on a Bus: Nowhere to be seen in Okamiden. Instead of Blizzard, Chibiterasu uses Waterspout to draw water from ice blocks in order to attack.

Characters from Eastern Nippon


The wood sprite who inhabits a number of mystical trees scattered across Nippon. She revives Ammy at the beginning of the game and continues to provide advice and help.


The descendant of the legendary hero who slew Orochi 100 years ago — and don't you forget it. Considers himself a great warrior, but he only fools the people who haven't known him too long.

  • Acrofatic: He has a prominent gut, but is very agile in addition to being strong.
  • The Alcoholic: Drinks ludicrous amounts of sake.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Before his Character Development, he was very full of himself.
  • Booze-Based Buff: Apparently, it helps him get the nerve to train.
  • BFS: His sword is about as long as he is tall.
  • Butt-Monkey: Most of his screentime has him suffer in some way. The story starts easing up on him once he starts to prove himself.
  • By the Eyes of the Blind: He reveals that, yes, he can see Amaterasu's markings.
  • Character Development: In the beginning, he was an Agent Scully who didn't think his ancestor, Nagi, actually destroyed Orochi and was quite cowardly. The events leading up to the boss fight with Orochi snap him out of it, especially when Kushi is chosen as a sacrifice. He gathers the courage to face Orochi and admit his mistakes.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Thinks he is one. He's not wrong.
  • Cowardly Lion: He's a coward who'd rather make excuses than fight most of the time, but he'll always muster the courage to protect his loved ones in the end.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Make no mistake, for all that Ammy helps him, he is still a competent swordsman and offhandedly mentions pushing a boulder to block a path before the game started, without anyone noticing.
  • Dirty Coward: At first, as indicated by his initial desire to go, train. He grows out of it.
  • Drunken Master: He's a master swordsman who loves his sake.
  • Dumb Muscle: He's a powerful swordsman, but also a rather enormous buffoon. On top of that, the sign in front of his house in Okamiden implies that he's only semi-literate.
  • Generation Xerox: Despite the beliefs of those around him that he is an Inadequate Inheritor, it is later revealed that Susano is almost completely identical to his ancestor and the original Legendary Hero, Nagi, in both appearance and personality.
  • Gonk: He's a paunchy, balding middle-aged guy with a big red nose.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: At the end of Okamiden, Susano disowns Kuni and furiously orders the boy to leave him. However, this was only so Kuni wouldn't give up on his quest to find out about his origins. Susano cries profusely once all is said and done.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He attacks innocent sleeping bears as 'foul beasts' and assumes Amaterasu has been sent by the gods to harass him for their amusement. The latter of which is the biggest clue that he knows who and what Amaterasu is.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: The people of his village mostly see him as a lazy oaf and a disgrace to Nagi's legacy. Subverted as the game progresses, where it's not only revealed that he's a hero in his own right, but that Nagi was actually pretty much identical to him in every single way.
  • Lazy Bum: Spends most of his time getting drunk and sleeping. He grows out of it as the game goes on.
  • Leitmotif: A heroic if somewhat comic piece which suits him perfectly.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: When he finally gets himself together and confronts Orochi.
  • Manly Facial Hair: Has a thick black beard and grows into a powerful swordsman.
  • Master Swordsman: Susano is a capable warrior, but you wouldn't know that from interacting with him.
  • Miles Gloriosus: For a while. Then he decides he's had enough, and starts curb-stomping Orochi.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Finding him in the Noob Cave and talking to him after defeating Orochi has him reveal he is, and has been, quite aware Ammy is a god. It's implied that his faith in the gods has something to do with it.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Wears mostly purple and is a Master Swordsman with a heroic bloodline.
  • Religious Bruiser: He's a warrior and fervently believes in the gods. This may be how he's able to see Amaterasu's markings and Divine Instrument.
  • Screw Destiny: His rant at the Gale Shrine essentially says this.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: during the boss fight at the Moon Cave Orochi tries to tempt Susano into releasing him by granting him enormous power. Susano tells him in no uncertain terms where to shove his offer.
  • Spell My Name With An S: His name is rendered in Japanese as Susanoo.
  • Sticks to the Back: When not in use, his sword simply sticks to his back without any way of attachment.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Goes from a lazy coward to a hero who slays Orochi.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Ugly guy to Kushi's hot wife.
  • Wooden Katanas Are Even Better: Subverted in that his sword is pretty much worthless. Double Subverted when it absorbs magical energies from the moon and becomes stronger than a normal sword ever could be.
    • As an amusing point, Susano's sword actually has seen so little use that there's a tiny branch growing off of it. After he draws on the moon's power, the branch blooms into a flower and stays that way the rest of the game.
  • World's Best Warrior: Claims to be such and, to his credit, eventually proves that he may very well be the strongest warrior of his time.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: He realizes that when he cuts through boulders and trees that it's not his doing, but assumes that it's because of a spirit possessing his sword sent by the gods to either punish him for his laziness or just mess with him, not aware it was simply Amaterasu helping him out using Power Slash. Justified as he's using a wooden sword, of all things.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Despite everything, he winds up slaying Orochi (or rather, helping Amaterasu slay Orochi) anyway.


Susano's Love Interest, the local sake brewer. When Orochi revives after a century of somnolence, Kushi is chosen as the first sacrificial maiden.

  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: Her hair resembles a rake, fitting with her job in making sake out of rice. It also resembles a hair comb as a reference to Kushinada's original legend where Susano turned her into a hair comb as a disguise and to keep her safe for the time being.
  • Babies Ever After: Kuni, sort of, and an unborn child revealed at the end of Ōkamiden.
  • Chained to a Rock: Chosen to be a sacrifice to Orochi.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: It's never really explained how, but she manages to lug a container of forest water that's bigger than she is from Agata Forest all the way to Kamiki Village, presumably all by herself. Bonus points for the implications that she had to swim part of that, since there's an unavoidable body of water between Kamiki and Agata.
  • Closest Thing We Got: After Susano drunk all of her 8 Purification Sake out of grief for causing Orochi's revival in the first place and winds up getting rid of one of the most important things needed to slay it, Kushi immediately brings out her second-best sake called Thunder Brew, which does the job.
  • Damsel in Distress: Once she's taken by Orochi.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened from Kushinada to Kushi.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Best exemplified when she runs up and starts petting Amaterasu whenever the latter gets close.
  • Nice Girl: She's very kind, with nary a bad word to say about anyone.
  • Plucky Girl: Tries to defeat Orochi all by herself with her sake! And it's not even the right sake!
  • Satellite Love Interest: Predominately defined as being Susano's love interest.
  • Ugly Guy, Hot Wife: Hot wife to Susano's ugly guy.

    Mr. and Mrs. Orange

Mr. Orange is Kamiki's village elder and Mrs. Orange is his wife.


A young boy living in Kamiki village with his faithful companion Hayabusa who is secretly one of the Eight Canine Warriors and not the original Hayabusa.

  • Dub Name Change: Shortened from Mushikai to Mushi.
  • Friend to Bugs: Mushi has a pet dragonfly tied to a string which he keeps around him at all times.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: With digging up turnips.
  • Meaningful Name: Mushi means bug in Japanese, referring to his pet dragonfly.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He reveals after Orochi's defeat that he knew Hayabusa isn't the real one, as the real Hayabusa would've died with his master and not abandoned him. He's still thankful for Hayabusa saving his life, however, and feels guilty for treating him badly recently.
  • The Prankster: A minor one, but he and Hayabusa spend their days trying to dig up his mother's field.

    Mushi's Mama

Mushi's mother who spends most of her day trying to keep her son and his dog out of her turnip field.

  • Memetic Badass: In-Universe example. Even Issun is afraid of her!
  • Never Mess with Granny: While not quite a granny, you really don't want to be on the receiving end of her hits...

    Camille and Camellia 

A pair of sisters seen travelling Nippon. The younger one, Camellia, is able to see Ammy's markings, but Camille doesn't believe her at first.

  • Children Are Special: Camellia is one of the few characters able to see Ammy's true form, apparently due to her youth and idealism. There is a minor sidequest to use Ammy's brush techniques to convince Camille of the same.
  • Dub Name Change: In Japan, they're called "Tsubaki and Sazanka" respectively.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Camille and Camellia's ancestors from Past Kamiki are responsible for planting Konohana and the Guardian Saplings, as they heard that Nippon was "a land of sadness". It is their work that helps Present Ammy restore Nippon, and if you never walk around the torii leading to Konohana in Past Kamiki, you'll never find this out.


A child living with the forest. Him and his dog, Umenote , are inseparable friends.


Kokari's father. That's pretty much all you need for him.

    Madame Fawn

A Fortune Teller that lives in a litte cabin in Agata Forest. She gives Amaterasu clues about her next assignements. She reappers in Ōkamiden where she serves the same purpose.

  • Door to Before: If you find the secret passage in the first part of Ryoshima Coast, Amaterasu accidentally knocks down the wall in the back corridor, creating a shortcut between Ryoshima Coast and Agata Forest.
  • Madame Fortune: Like many other psychics, her name follows that trope. Although one can wonder whever the title was even heard of in Medieval Japan.
  • Nominal Importance: Any interactions with her are completely optional in Ōkami. Averted in Ōkamiden, where she has some plot relevance.

    Princess Fuse

The current and last remaining head-priestess of the Satomi house, with Crimson Helm's resurrection, she was overcome by demons until Amaterasu rescued her. Princess Fuse wishes to defeat Crimson Helm and let the divine winds flow again, however, to do so, she needs her eight Canine Warriors to reassemble, and guess who is going to help her. She is Yatsu, the previous head priest's wife. But for some reason, she doesn't seem to ever mention him.


A priest of the Satomi house who died fighting Crimson Helm and his demon minions. He is now a ghost who holds guard over the door leading to the Wind Shrine. Despite being blind, he can use his inner eye to see a person's true form. Yatsu is in fact Princess Fuse's deceased husband, after Crimson Helm's defeat, he contently leaves this world.

    The Satomi Canine Warriors 
Eight dogs each representing one of the right Confucian virtues, they are:
  • Tei/Teikou (Brotherhood)
  • Shin/Shinkou (Faith)
  • Chi/Chikou (Knowledge)
  • Rei/Reikou (Honor)
  • Ko/Koukou (Wisdom)
  • Gi/Gikou (Duty)
  • Chu/Chuukou (Loyalty)
  • Jin/Jinkou (Justice)

When their master, Princess Fuse, summoned them back, only five returned, and Amaterasu was forced to find the rest of them.

  • Adaptation Species Change: In Nansō Satomi Hakkenden the Canine Warriors were human, albeit with a complicated backstory which made the dog Yatsufusa their spiritual father.
  • All There in the Manual: Their breeds are only confirmed in the Official Complete Works book: Rei is a pointer, Shin is a boxer, Chi is a Japanese Spitz, Ko is a collie, Tei is a Tosa, Gi is a husky, Jin is a miniature Shiba, and Chu is a Kai Ken.
  • Anachronism Stew: Four of them (Shin, Rei, Ko, and Gi) are based on Western breeds that hadn't been introduced to Japan during the time period the game (roughly) takes place in and two (Tei and Chi) are based on Japanese breeds that weren't created until the 20th century. Jin and Chu are the only ones who fit in the setting, being based on Japanese dog breeds that have existed for centuries.
  • Animals Not to Scale: Chi and Jin are based on small dog breeds (Japanese Spitz and Shiba Inu, respectively), yet they're about the same size as Amaterasu and the other Canine Warriors. Jin is even officially stated to be a Mameshiba, which is a particularly small variation of the breed.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Tei is the leader of the group and also the strongest member, as seen during the Kusa Five Optional Boss fight.
  • Big Eater: "I'm hungry, give me some food."
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: They start off being capable of putting up a decent fight against Amaterasu and only get stronger from there, culminating in becoming a tough Optional Boss fight after Ninetails is defeated. Considering that they can go toe-to-toe against a Physical God and win, they could probably have handled Crimson Helm just fine if they hadn't been too lazy to bother with it.
  • Dung Fu: It seems that Ammy is not the only one who enjoys explosive dog droppings.
  • Hot-Blooded: All of them up to a certain degree, but most noticably, Tei, the biggest and most fierce of the warriors.
  • I Owe You My Life: Jin (Ume) refuses to return because Kokari and his father saved him when he was gravely wounded.
  • Last Request: Chu (Hayabusa) refuses to return because the real Hayabusa, who died defending his master, requested him to protect Mushi from Orochi's arrow, which is prophecised to kill him.
  • Optional Boss: After clearing Oni Island, Ammy can go to the Gale Shrine to fight all eight of them across three rounds. Victory grants a Stray Bead.
  • Smurfette Principle: Though the lack of gendered first-person pronouns can make it hard to tell in non-Japanese versions, Chi is the only female in the group.
  • True Companions: To such a degree where even if they are seperated, the eight can still fight together through the Satomi Power Orbs. Or as they say, "Even when seperated, the Satomi warrior's hearts beat as one." Issun asks in return: "Then how come they didn't help us fight that Crimson Helm guy?"
  • Urine Trouble: If Ammy get stuck in one of the holes that the warriors dug, they will pee on her, instantly draining away all her ink.
  • Wolfpack Boss: In the Optional Boss battle against them, the first two rounds have Ammy face off against four, then three of them all at once.
  • You ALL Look Familiar: Played seriously, nobody can tell Hayabusa isn't the original Hayabusa because they're the same breed


Mr. Bamboo's granddaughter. As her name and hair color suggests her to be, she is one of the Moon Tribe, sent to Earth for obscure reasons and saved by Mr. Bamboo.

  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: She's wearing a bamboo space suit with a clear helmet, and the back of her kimono depicts a rocket ship flying towards the moon.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She's a blonde like Waka and is a very nice girl.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Kaguya has no recollection of her life before meeting Mr. Bamboo. It's revealed that she's one of the last remaining members of the Moon Tribe and leaves Earth to find out about her origins.
  • Really 700 Years Old: As a member of the Moon Tribe like Waka and as suggested by Mr. Bamboo's dialogue, she likely never aged since Mr. Bamboo saved her.

    The Sparrow Clan

A clan of sparrows led by Jamba. Lives in Sasa Sanctuary and runs an inn that receives few visitors for obvious reasons.

  • Daddy's Girl: Chun to Jamba.
  • Damsel in Distress: Chun has to be saved from being eaten by Mr. and Mrs. Cutter.
  • Mafia Princess: Jamba's daughter Chun, while not technically a mafia princess, is treated as one.
  • Phrase Catcher: Every time Jamba "speaks" (with only chirping sounds), one of his underlings will exclaim "Uh-oh" before explaining what the boss means.

    The Spider Queen 
A spider demon residing in the Agata Ruins. She kidnaps Ume and our protagonists must free him.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed from Jorogumo (Spider Prostitute) to The Spider Queen.
  • Eyeless Face: She doesn't appear to have any eyes on her face, however...
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: The flower that serves as her abdomen has eight eyes in it. Said eyes are her weak points.
  • Giant Spider: She is not called the Spider Queen for nothing: this monstrosity towers above Amaterasu.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Her arms make up her spider legs, and she's the first boss you fight.
  • Slasher Smile: Her default expression, made more prominent with huge slashes of red on the corners of her mouth. If you make contact with her spirit in the Ghost Ship, you get to see it up-close as her face covers the entire screen.
  • Starter Villain: She's the first boss that Amaterasu fights in the game.
  • Towering Flower: She masquerades as a giant and creepy flower with eyes in place of the stamens to lure unsuspecting prey. After defeat, she transforms into a giant lotus flower several times bigger than Amaterasu.

    Crimson Helm 
An armored centaur-like boar demon that takes over the Gale Shrine in Kusa Village.
  • The Brute: Very huge, very powerful, very murderous. He doesn't really have any characterisation beyond that.
  • Dem Bones: Underneath its armor, it appears as a flaming boar skeleton.
  • Dual Wielding: With katanas that it can set on fire.
  • Dub Name Change: Called what means Red Helm in Japanese which is changed to Crimson in English, possibly to sound more menacing.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Fights with not one but two flaming katanas.
  • Playing with Fire: Flaming swords, flaming shockwaves, and just plain fire-breathing.

One of the primary antagonists and Amaterasu's archnemesis. A hundred years ago, he was killed but due to Susanoo removing Tsukuyomi, he has resurrected and intends to finish what he started by consuming one last maiden and obtaining godhood; in this case, Kushi.
  • Affably Evil: To some extent. While he rules Eastern Nippon with an iron fist, he doesn't actively cause trouble around the village and is perfectly willing to leave them in peace so long as he gets his yearly sacrifice.
  • Arch-Enemy: Out of all Ammy's foes, her emnity is greatest with Orochi.
  • Bad Boss: Implied since his minions are afraid of him killing them over screwing up an appetizer to his meals. note 
  • Butt-Monkey: The Thunder head. It can't see you due to its eyes being obstructed by its helmet.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The first of these, even. This game likes fooling the player with story arc climaxes.
  • Draconic Abomination: Came from outer space, was a living Soul Jar that contained the other villains (except Yami), and his reappearance alone devastated the world.
  • The Dragon: Both literally and figuratively.
  • Dragons Are Divine: Orochi, Amaterasu's Arch-Enemy, has as his goal becoming the god of the underworld through the maidens sacrificed to him every year prior to his sealing by Nagi, and his true form especially gives off the appearance of a divine being by being covered in golden armor.
  • The Dreaded: To the point that merely speaking his name is said to be a curse.
  • Dub Name Change: Called just Orochi rather than Yamata-no-Orochi.
  • Elemental Powers: Each head has its own element: fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, poison, light, and darkness.
  • Flunky Boss: The Water head summons small, leech-like Orochi heads to attack the player while he submerges himself and the battlefield in water.
  • Godhood Seeker: Has as his goal becoming a god of the underworld through all the maidens he's been sacrificed.
  • The Heavy: While Yami is the Greater-Scope Villain of the setting, it is Orochi who drives most of the plot.
  • It's Personal with the Dragon: Yami is simply a threat, but Orochi is the Arch-Enemy and The Heavy.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While downplayed in comparison to Ninetails, the game starts off pretty lighthearted until Ammy and Issun meet him face to face.
  • Law of Chromatic Superiority: The Fire head (with the red hat) is the dominant one - getting to say all of his lines, and getting the character portrait.
  • Mighty Roar: Really, REALLY mighty. Too mighty, in fact.
  • Multiple Head Case: The Water, Earth and Lightning heads are noticeably sillier than the other five heads, complete with goofy quirks like humming to himself while submerged in water, knocking himself out by slamming into the ground to cause earthquakes or losing sight of Ammy and looking around in bewilderment.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: After his first defeat, all the other major demons of the game are released into the world.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Doesn't do anything after being released until he demands his sacrifice. Most dialogue indicates he always acts like that.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Technically he's a serpent, but it's impossible to see him and not think 'dragon.'
  • Power Floats: He floats above the ground.
  • Recurring Boss: Fought three times.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: At least until Susano frees him in an attempt to disprove the myths surrounding his ancestor.
  • Soul Jar: For the other demons.
  • Thanatos Gambit: If Susano completes the blood pact with him, Orochi is restored to full power. If this fails and he's defeated, then he can release the other demons that he contained. Either way, Orochi wins. Subverted in that Amaterasu destroys all those demons anyway, nullifying Orochi's victory.
  • Villainous Legacy: Orochi makes sure the yet-to-be-lifted evil curses cast by him wouldn't fade away after his defeat by Amaterasu and Susano. In addition, as his soul flies away to the north of Kamui to reactivate the Ark of Yamato to summon Yami, the Lord of Darkness, he releases several monsters originating from that place so they can terrorize all of Nippon, starting with Kamui itself.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: He's effectively invincible unless you get him drunk.
  • We Can Rule Together: To Susano, though it's justified. Since it was Susano originally freed him, he needs Susano's help to get back to full power.
  • Worf Had the Flu: The first time you face him, he's not at full strength because of the seal that put him away. The next two times, he's back to his old self.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Coupled with Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, Orochi mistakenly believed Susano undid the seal to gain greater power. In reality Susano wanted to disprove the legend about his bloodline and didn't actually believe Orochi existed. When he learned the truth he was terrified and only allowed a portion of Orochi's power to return because he feared he would be killed otherwise. When Susano confronts Orochi later, the serpent thinks it's to complete their pact. In actuality, Susano is there to save Kushinada and has no intention of letting Orochi gain anymore power than he already has.


The incarnation of Amaterasu from 100 years ago. Shiranui appeared to assist the legendary hero, Nagi, in his struggle against Orochi in that time period. Though Nagi successfully defeated Orochi with Shiranui's help, Shiranui was mortally wounded in the process and soon succumbed to their wounds. A statue of Shiranui was erected in their honor, which is from where Amaterasu was recalled into the world by Sakuya.

Many of the tropes that apply to Amaterasu also apply to Shiranui, since they are the same being. Note that "Shiranui" is actually the name given to it by Kamiki Village's residents, as they originally thought Shiranui to be one of Orochi's familiars. They're still Ammy, as proven when Isshaku calls Amaterasu by this nickname and not by "Shiranui". Still, for the sake of differentiating between the present and past Amaterasus, the past one will be henceforth referred to as "Shiranui."

  • A God Is You: A strange case in that Shiranui is the previous incarnation of the player character, although they're never playable. Although they ARE your ally for one boss battle.
  • Badass Adorable: Being an even more badass version of Ammy doesn't stop them from being so goddamned cuddly.
  • Bishie Sparkle: As Shiranui is Amaterasu at her peak, they are wreathed in light, evoking the optical phenomenon that they were named after. Amaterasu regains this coat of light at the climax of the battle against Yami.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Delivers an absolutely epic one to Nechku, with you at their side. Shiranui can actually take it down entirely by themselves, but no, the devs just had to let you witness it first hand. That battle is more "Shiranui and their Future Self" than "Amaterasu and her Past Self".
  • Facial Markings: They have more markings than Amaterasu, again, due to being at full power. Amaterasu gains all the same markings once she is empowered at the end of the game.
  • Finishing Move: Once Nechku is weakened enough, they will proceed to shroud themselves in fire and completely own Nechku and reduce its health to nothing in a few seconds.
  • Flight: During its Finishing Move on Nechku, they're essentially flying all around it as they devastate the demon.
  • Future Badass: As Shiranui is Amaterasu, they represent what Ammy was, and what she will become once more.
  • Gender Bender: According to Ōkami, Shiranui is a previous avatar of Ammy, who is female in both her true form and her present-day wolf form. In this game, they are never referred to with gendered language in the original Japanese or in the English localization. However, they are referred to by male pronouns and even called Chibi's grandfather in Okamiden. (However, the Japanese had no gendered language, and the English translation is known for being rushed.) A common theory is that Amaterasu is using a wolf as a vessel and the wolf itself is male.
  • God Is Good: As a previous incarnation of Amaterasu, thye are devoted to protecting the world from malevolent demons, ultimately sacrificing themselves for the benefit of mankind.
  • God of Good: A deity who gets their powers from doing good deeds to others. They also work as a sort of mentor to Amaterasu while time traveling.
  • Help Yourself in the Future: When Shiranui senses that their future self is in danger, they travel to the future to assist Ammy.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Initially, Shiranui was assumed by the residents of Kamiki to be a familiar of Orochi's; as a result, they were met with open hostility. Assisting Nagi in defeating Orochi and succumbing to their wounds vindicated the wolf.
  • Heroic Mime: And just like Ammy, Issun's past counterpart does all the talking for them. In this case, that's Issun's grandfather.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In their backstory and for Oki, which gives him his My God, What Have I Done? moment, snaps him out of his attitude and causes Kutone to deem him worthy of its true power.
  • I Am Not Shazam: An In-Universe example. "Shiranui" is actually just a nickname given to them by the villagers of Kamiki, associating them with a phantom sent by Orochi. Its real name is Amaterasu—but for the sake of convenience, everyone refers to it as Shiranui in order to not confuse it with Amaterasu. Proven when Isshaku, Amaterasu's Celestial Envoy from 100 years ago when she was Shiranui, calls her "Ammy" and not Shiranui.
  • Meaningful Name: Shiranui's name is written to mean "White-wild Majesty", and a homophone of it is a real word that describes a kind of Will-o'-Wisp effect, typically associated with ghosts and spirits—fitting, since the people of Kamiki Village thought it a familiar of Orochi's sent to prowl around the village at night.
  • My Future Self and Me: When Amaterasu travels to the past, she briefly crosses paths with Shiranui. When Shiranui travels to the future to assist Amaterasu, they even team up against Nechku.
  • Playing with Fire: Their favored weapon is the Solar Flare, a reflector imbued with the fire element.
  • Physical God: Shiranui, being a previous version of Amaterasu, is also a god.
  • The Power of the Sun: Shiranui, being Amaterasu's previous incarnation, is the sun god.
  • Purposely Overpowered: It's deliberately set up and presented as such, especially in comparison to the playable Amaterasu, in order to drive home the point that for all of the amazing things Ammy can and has done, she isn't anywhere even near close to what she could do if she was actually at full strength. It also serves to demonstrate just how strong Amaterasu actually is...and then you remember that these are merely earthly incarnations of the Sun Goddess.
  • Reality Warper: Their capabilities as one are orders of magnitude above Ammy. They use super powerful versions of your own Celestial Brush Techniques.
  • Secret A.I. Moves: During the one battle in the game where Shiranui steps up, they prove their absurd superiority over an incarnation which isn't even close to full power yet. All their parameters and abilities are superior to yours, and they can outright do things you'd only dream of doing with Ammy. The fight with Nechku is less "get help from Shiranui" and more "dodge the occasional attack and watch Nechku get horribly stomped by Shiranui." What makes the trope qualify is that during the final battle against Yami, Ammy supposedly recovers all her powers, signified by her gaining all the markings Shiranui has as well as the aura of light, and yet you can't do any of the things Shiranui could do.Specifics:
  • Taking the Bullet: For Nagi and Oki. The injuries gained from this are what directly lead to their death.
  • Tangled Family Tree: According to the English translation of Ōkamiden, Shiranui considers Chibi their grandson/grandchild. But given that Ammy is a god, Shiranui and Chibi are more accurately aspects of her, rather than separate entities.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Shiranui dies by being stabbed by the owls and then being poisoned by Orochi. Then the sequel reveals that, in addition to these injuries, they also spent months sealed in ice after going back in time and ultimately died by colliding with a meteor.
  • Wreathed in Flames: Shiranui is enveloped in light and fire, as a sign that their divine nature is at full power. During the battle with Nechku, as a Finishing Move, they will surround itself in an orange aura, shoot itself at the demon and repeatedly ram and slice it all over until it dies.


Susano's ancestor from a hundred years ago. Legend says that he defeated Orochi with the help of Shiranui.

  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Nagi's a skilled warrior, but like his descendant, he's also very lazy.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's incredibly lazy and one of his tactics for defeating Orochi involved dressing in drag, but he undoubtedly earned his combat prowess and bravery can't be disputed.
  • Combat Pragmatist: The guy isn't afraid to use dirty tricks to get his opponents to underestimate him.
  • Cowardly Lion: Defied. Unlike Susano, Nagi isn't really a coward. He only pretends to be to get the jump on his enemies.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened to Nagi from "Izanagi".
  • Warts and All: He's been talked up in the legends as a noble warrior whose name Susano disgraces with his drunken laziness. It turns out that him and his descendant are virtually identical in terms of personality.

Characters from Western Nippon


Rao was a young priestess in Sei'an City. Turns out that she was killed before the start of the game by a kitsune named Ninetails. It then shapeshifted into her and tricked Amaterasu and Issun into giving the Fox Rods.

  • Action Girl: Citizens of Sei'an City will mention seeing Rao fighting off monsters, and the Queen calls her to the city every time there's trouble.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Ninetails is referred to as the demon "lord" in some versions of the game, which is often considered a masculine term. The English version of the artbook also refers to the fox as male. On the other hand most of its time on screen is as the very feminine Rao. Issun also continues to refer to Ninetails as a she even after the reveal that Rao was an illusion. The German version of the game even out right uses feminine analogy when referring to Ninetails. Since kitsune are commonly known to transform into beautiful maidens and elderly men in order to trick others, it may be that Ninetails's gender is variable. In Japan, Ninetails is referred using gender-neutral language, and is not called a Demon Lord Ninetails, but rather a KyÅ«bi no Yōko (Literally "Nine-tailed demon fox").
  • Arc Villain: Of Ryoshima Coast. Ninetails acts as The Man Behind the Man by infecting the Emperor with Blight and being (unintentionally) responsible for the Water Dragon's rampage. Once its full power is restored, it promptly murders Himiko and takes off for Oni Island, where its boss battle marks the end of the game's second arc.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Fox Rods, by virtue of being Ninetails' power source and the true cause behind the Water Dragon's rampage.
  • Asian Fox Spirit: Ninetails is a fox with magic powers (can shapeshift into a human and use the Celestial Brush) and has multiple tails. He is based on the Japanese tale about a fox that acted as a Treacherous Advisor to the emperor and infected the ruler with a Blight. However, Ninetails is not naturally a nine-tailed kitsune, but rather a Fusion Dance of nine lesser foxes.
  • Asteroids Monster: The first phase of his battle involves using Thunderstorm on his glaive. This causes Ninetails to split into as many copies of Rao as he has tails left, which must all be killed in order for the next phase to begin.
  • Batman Gambit: Ninetails' plan to send Amaterasu to the sunken ship to retrieve the Fox Rods, lying and saying they were needed to stop the demons, in hopes that the Water Dragon would show up and swallow her and let her retrieve them inside it. Didn't work because Amaterasu evaded the Water Dragon.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Nine of them, true to the name of its monster form.
  • ā€¦But He Sounds Handsome: Shortly before fully revealing itself, Ninetails, under the guise of a frightened Rao, speaks in awe over the the demon's power and how it is truly unstoppable.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Red beads indicate that this is Ninetails in disguise. The original Rao had blue.
  • Consummate Liar: Manages to fool Amaterasu after she doesn't find the Fox Rods on the sunken ship by saying she got the location wrong.
  • Cunning Like a Fox: A very evil version of this trope.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: Killed the real Rao a long time ago, as her skeletal corpse can be found at the bottom of a well.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The second in the game after Orochi, as it's set up as an epic final battle, even with a constellation. After you beat it, though, the real Big Bad is revealed.
  • Doppleganger Attack: The spirits of Ninetails' tails split and gang up on Amaterasu after Thunderstorm is used on its sword. Doing this is necessary to start the second phase of the battle.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened from Tsuzurao to just Rao. Ninetales itself as well, being changed from Kyuubi-no-Youko.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: In-game example. Rao even distracts Amaterasu.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Amaterasu. Both are supernatural beings taking the form of canids that fight with Glaives and the Celestial Brush techniques.
  • Evil Overlord: Rules Oni Island and is the leader of the demons threatening Ryoshima Coast.
  • Faux Affably Evil: In the form of Rao, Ninetails acts like a kind priestess, but is anything but.
  • Foul Fox: Ninetails is the lord of Ryoshima Coast, and an evil fox demon who murders and impersonates the priestess Rao to get the Fox Rods needed to restore themselves to full power.
  • Fusion Dance: Ninetails' towering, ninetailed form is actually a single fox merging with the fox spirits inside the Fox Rods. Their profile entry implies all of them have some measure of influence, even if the 'tired old fox' that is left when all the others are killed is the main 'Ninetails.'
  • Gender Bender: Assuming the fox itself is male, Ninetails takes on the form of a woman named Rao in the game.
  • God Guise: Ninetails emulates the appearance and trappings of one of the Brush Gods, and pretends to be in the same league as they are. However, Ninetail's true form is a tired old, one tailed fox reliant on external means to assume such a form.
  • Girly Run: Rao's running animation is this.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: The right side of her face is covered by her bangs, indicating Ninetails' deception. It should be noted that the real Rao had both eyes uncovered. Its true form, beneath all its illusions, is missing its right eye.
  • Hypocrite: Ninetails calls Amaterasu and the Brush Gods 'false gods' of 'fairy tales.' When in fact, not only is his power not his own, but he's actually a single tailed mortal fox, while Amaterasu's divine might is anything but false.
  • Impersonation-Exclusive Character: All we really know of Rao is of Ninetails impersonating her. The actual Rao has been dead well before Amaterasu and Issun got to Ryoshima Coast, and all we see of the true Rao pre-mortem is the Dragon Orb's vision of Ninetails cornering her, followed by her ghost guiding the two to the secret passage, and then her corpse at the bottom of it. That said, since nobody seemed to notice any change in "Rao's" personality prior to the revelation of "her" true identity, it's likely that Ninetails' impersonation was very in-line with who she was in life.
  • Jiggle Physics: Whenever Rao moves abruptly, her breasts bounce up and down.
  • Kill and Replace: Does this to Priestess Rao before Ammy even arrives in Ryoshima Coast.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Once Ninetails reveals their true colors, it is the only villain with no humorous moments, in addition to being the only one to actually cause any character deaths.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite towering over Ammy and looking like a large fox, it is FAST, often leaping across the arena and will attack relentlessly. If Ammy is too slow with her Celestial Brush, Ninetails will use it against her. Also, when Ninetails is on its last legs, it gets even faster. If you're not prepared, the fox will mop the floor with you.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Rao was able to make Amaterasu and Issun think she was on the good guys' side, as did with the population of Sei-an City. At first it appears like Queen Himiko was fooled as well, until it's revealed that she did expect to be killed.
  • Master Actor: Ninetails was able to play the part of the kind and benevolent priestess perfectly. If not for the suspicious nature of the Fox Rods themselves, there'd be practically nothing to give away the deception.
  • Mirror Boss: If you're not fast enough at drawing, Ninetails can use the Celestial Brush against you.
  • Non-Indicative Name: "Ninetails" seems like an obvious name when you first look at the creature. However, Ninetails is not actually old or powerful enough to be a nine-tailed fox to begin with, and is only able to assume the form and power of a nine-tailed fox by combining their power with that of the eight Tube Foxes within the Fox Rods.
  • Obviously Evil: Rao's true identity should be obvious to anyone with an ounce of knowledge on Japanese mythology, but even in-game anyone should be tipped off by her desire to retrieve what is clearly an Artifact of Doom. Ammy and Issun trust her anyway, which would have been disastrous if it wasn't for Queen Himiko pulling a Thanatos Gambit.
  • Out-Gambitted: By Queen Himiko, in whose spiritual form after her death she manages to pinpoint the exact location of Oni Island.
  • Reality Warper: Ninetails has a Celestial Brush of its own.
  • Smug Snake: Ninetails is very crafty, no arguing that, but its overconfidence leads to the fortress being found, and looks down on gods as weaklings.
  • The Sociopath: The real Rao was implied to be a benevolent priest who was loved by everyone. Ninetails is able to mimic her perfectly, fooling even Amaterasu, but is realy a cold-blooded and sadistic demon.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: Rao literally pulls her prayer slips out of her shirt just before the Sunken Ship portion of the game. Later, she manages this with the freakin' Fox Rods.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Ninetails' true form is a giant scarred fox, but it spends most of the game using its powers to disguise itself as the female priest Rao. It can also turn itself into a fox-human hybrid, which it does during the battle against Evil Rao and after Amaterasu electrocutes it on Oni Island.
  • Walking Spoiler: Nearly every plot twist of the Sei-an arc and its resolution involves this character.

    Queen Himiko
The queen and ruler of Sei'an and all of Nippon. When Issun and Ammy arrive in Sei'an in its cursed state, they found out that the queen was holed up in her palace and not doing a thing to help. Issun, having one of his intelligence moments, guesses that the queen is secretly responsible for this mess. However, this is not true as the queen was in fact praying the whole time for a solution for these problems. Amaterasu was what she had been waiting for, and she requests the duo to seek out and destroy Oni Island. Her plans apparently fail when Amaterasu fails to save the water dragon and she is murdered by the evil Rao. However, it is later revealed that this was what she planned all along and both her and Amaterasu knew that she had to die from the beginning.
  • All According to Plan: Her story arc is a very strong plot point and involves lots of plans and out-gambitting, with her plans eventually succeeding.
  • Backup from Otherworld: Using Veil of Mist against Yami summons Himiko's spirit, who restores Ammy's health.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: The number of people that mention her at all after her death can be counted with one hand, though this is not the case in Ōkamiden.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Subverted, that's what Issun thinks anyway.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Her Thanatos Gambit obviously involved her death, and in her last moment in this world, she managed to determine Oni Island's location for this one sunset.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Her character is likely directly inspired by the shamaness-queen Himiko, who ruled over the early Japanese country of Yamatai and is viewed as an important figure in Japan's early history.
  • Thanatos Gambit: Amaterasu gave Rao the fox rods so that Rao would kill Himiko and attempt to steal her crystal ball, and by doing so, the crystal ball gains her dark powers and becomes able to determine the location of the Oni Island. It seems that Amaterasu and Himiko knew of this from the beginning, judging by the conversation with Waka, but Issun did not.

Queen of the Dragon Palace, she foresees Amaterasu's coming and asks her for help by retrieving the Dragon Orb from the berserked Water Dragon's body. The water dragon is in fact her husband Wada, and after hearing both his and Queen Himiko's death. She transforms into a dragon herself in order to help Amaterasu across to the Oni Island.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In Japanese myth, Otohime is Wada(tsumi)'s daughter. In Okami, they're husband and wife.
  • The High Queen: She's this to the other residents of the Dragon Palace.
  • Shapeshifting: Can voluntarily transform into the Water Dragon if she has the Dragon Orb. In Okamiden, using Sunrise in a very specific way also causes her to shapeshift, though under a time limit and in a presumably weaker state.
  • Someone to Remember Him By: After King Wada's death, we find out she's pregnant.

    The Water Dragon King Wada 
The deranged water dragon that once was the guardian of Ryoshima Coast, one day it suddenly started terrorizing the coast, sinking any ships passing by. He is in fact the king of the Dragon Palace, Otohime's hushand, Wada. He transformed into a dragon to combat Ninetails and her army of monsters, swallowing the Fox Rods, Ninetail's treasured weapon, in the process. However, its dark powers caused him to go berserk.

  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Wada (or rather, Watatsumi) is the father of Otohime in Japanese mythology, but here, they're married.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: He's not evil, he's just been cursed by the Ninetails.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Fighting Ninetails' in his attempt to save his kingdom cost him his sanity. Letting you succeed in retrieving Dragon Orb cost him his life.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Especially considering that they are human(ish), royalty, have different features according to whoever is transformed into one (but all are still know as the one dragon) and are the only ones with the power to break the barrier on Oni Island.


Emissary of the Dragon Palace and your main means of traversing the waters off of Ryoshima Coast.

  • Adaptation Species Change: Orca takes the place of the turtle from the Urashima Taro tale.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Issun himself points out that Orca is not a very creative name.
  • Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: In a variety of pastel colours!
  • Awesome, but Impractical: He might be strong enough to be able to brush off the Water Dragon's attacks and be a gorgeous mode of transport around Northern Ryoshima Coast, but after beating Oni Island and buying the Water Tablet, he's completely useless. Even before then, if you have Mist Warp when he first takes you to Dragon Palace, you've officially made his main purpose worthless, as his job is to take people to the Dragon Palace and you can now simply go there in less than half the time by warping as there is an Origin Mirror there.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed from Shachimaru to Orca.


A fisherman who is frequently tormented by three local bullies.

  • Older Than They Look: Due to visiting with the mermaids, he appears to be pretty young, but is in fact supposed to be an old man. You can actually reverse this. It doesn't affect the end.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: When you bring him the Magic Box, he, knowing exactly what it is, opens it of his own free will, welcoming its effects. He's grateful to the Dragonians for saving his life, but he is glad to be rid of a body that never ages, because it means he can live a normal life with his wife again. This is perhaps the first time that a rendition of the tale of Urashima has used the Magic Box as a positive force in his life.


An archer who was once guarding the drawbridge between Taka Pass and Sei-An City. Has since gone travelling in order to further improve his archery skills.

  • Cosmic Plaything: Starts to think this about himself after Amaterasu starts messing with his arrows.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: He's either supposed to be or named for Nasu no Yoichi, a famous samurai who is said to have once shot down a fan pinned to the top mast of an enemy ship. From a swimming horse. While the ship was moving.

    The Emperor 

Technically a former emperor as Queen Himiko now rules Sei-An City. Was the cause of the poisonous mist in Sei-An City due to Blight living inside of his body. Later on, Amaterasu can buy special items from him with Demon Fangs.

  • Adipose Rex: He's quite portly, and is the ex-ruler of Sei-An City.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: You very briefly play as him after Blight's defeat, due to Issun deciding to try and make him unlock Kaguya's cell rather than explain the whole mess to him.
  • The Emperor: Albeit a mostly ineffective one, who is visibly more interested in his hobby than ruling the city. The official artbook clarifies that the Emperor is no longer the ruler of Sei'an City, having stepped down from the position to allow Queen Himiko to rule. Nonetheless, he's quite nice to Ammy since he likes dogs.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In the English version, he's simply called the Emperor. The Japanese version names him "Emperor Takara".
  • Global Currency Exception: He sells unique items for demon fangs.
  • It Must Be Mine!: He collects Demon Fangs this way.
  • Poisonous Person: Due to Blight's presence within him. Appropriately, artwork shows his clothes are marked with biohazard symbols.
  • Womb Level: Inside him takes place the fourth boss battle in the game.


Master thief who Amaterasu has to, naturally, catch from time to time.


A somewhat crazed inventor living in a tower in Sei-An city.

  • Ascended Extra: It's possible to finish the first game without ever meeting him, as you only need him to get an optional brush technique. In the second game he plays a role in the main plot and in the ending.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened from Gennai to Gen.
  • Mad Scientist: In the first game, Issun points out that his invention can't possibly work, and in the second game he ends up building a Time Machine and a Cool Spaceship.


A lightning ghost lingering in Sei-An for unclear reasons.

  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: In Okamiden, he passes on, feeling satisfied that he was able to help Chibiterasu in his quest.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed to Raiden from Sanda.
  • Invisible to Normals: In the second game, even Chibi can't see him if he isn't with Kagu.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: In the first game, help apprehend a thief, and in the second game resuscitate a man who is having a stroke.
  • Nominal Importance: While he seems important at first glance, being named and all, his only role in the first game is as a source of lightning for the final Hayazo race. He gets a small upgrade in the second game where he helps save a man's life, but his role is still very minor.
  • Punny Name: His name in Japanese sounds like the English word "Thunder".
  • Shock and Awe: He is a lightning ghost, so both Ammy and Chibi can draw lightning from him.


A piece of floating, talking paper found on Oni Island, he acts as the guard for the racing trials inside the fortress. When you meet him, he acts both as your guide and competitor through the trials, but becomes more and more friendly as you continue to beat him. In the end, Tobi decided to abandon his post as guard to race you one more time, knowing full well that it would destroy him. However, racing was all he ever wanted in his existence, and the races with Ammy had fulfilled his wishes.

  • Dub Name Change: Shortened from Hayatobimaru to just Tobi.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He doesn't know it himself, as far as Tobi can see, he disobeyed his orders to guard the trials (and therefore destroying him) in order to race you, which he felt fulfilled his existence. But he did also act as a guide and died as a result of helping you across the fortress.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: His job is to guard the trials, but he feels you are a Worthy Opponent and enjoys racing with you.
  • Tear Jerker: In universe example, Tobi dies because of his passion for racing, and when he perishes he tries to bloom into a bundle of flowers like other enemies when they die. However, he only manages to become a single, tiny flower. This seems to have touched Issun more than anything before this point.
    • When you play the HD edition of the game on PS3, a trophy pops up shortly after this cutscene saying "RIP Tobi". Up 'til this point, trophies were mostly reserved for major events and difficult sidequests, and this one serves as little more than a meta-memorial.
  • Worthy Opponent: He sees you as this, or maybe even more.


Taking the form of a floating suit of empty armour penetrated from all sides by katanas, its true form is actually a cursed katana named Goldnail. He went into the emperor's body and caused him to fall ill, and using his body, it polluted the entire city with a poisonous fog before being vanquished by a shrunken down Amaterasu.

  • Dub Name Change: Ekibyou in Japanese means "plague," which was changed to Blight in English.
  • Evil Weapon: The weapon, Goldnail, is its true form, not the armour.
  • Flash Step: His primary ability, which he uses to teleport or perform a Single-Stroke Battle.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Blight is way too fast to fight normally and only by using Veil of Mist can Ammy hope to damage him.
  • Meaningful Name: Its modus operandi? Covering the entire city in a plague-like mist.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: He has several and attacks by hurling them at Amaterasu. Power slashing the one that looks different from the others is how Blight can be stunned.

Characters from Kamui


A warrior of the northern lands. Oki's goal is to restore peace to Kamui by slaying the twin demons, Lechku and Nechku. After his initial duel with Amaterasu, he becomes an on/off ally. He stole the precious blade Kutone from the village of Wep'keer and desperately tries to make its prophecy: "The wall of ice shall shatter and open the way to the heavens when Kutone, the guardian sword, glows silver." come true, as he believes that this will empower the sword and allow him to destroy the demons. However, he does not know how, so he thought he could empower the sword by killing as many demons as possible. He eventually gains the power to defeat Lechku and Nechku by using his sword to protect instead of kill.

  • Anti-Hero: He's more concerned with preserving his village and people than anything else.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: At first, he gets better.
  • Assist Character: Plays a role in the battle against the owls and can be summoned against Yami.
  • Blood Knight: Absolutely obsessed with demon killing. It becomes abundantly clear he's more interested in fighting than actually doing good for the village.
  • Character Development: After Shiranui saves him from a fatal time-stopped attack from Lechku, he realizes there's more to being a hero than just fighting. It's at this moment that Kutone finally accepts him as its wielder.
  • Cool Mask: All Oina wear one, but he is the only one with the mask of a wolf.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened to just Oki from Okikurumi.
  • Fastball Special: You have to fire him like a crossbow in the battle on top of Wawku Shrine to launch him at the weakened Nechku or Lechku.
  • Heroic BSoD: His attempt to kill Orochi resulted in Orochi curb stomping him. The shame and embarrassment that followed resulted in nothing good.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: To a certain extent. Next time he'll think twice before trotting right up to an ancient, eight-headed dragon and swinging his sword at it.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: His Japanese name, Okikurumi, is a name Minamoto no Yoshitsune went by according to the Ainu's historical records. That is, if you believe that he didn't commit seppuku and instead fled to Hokkaido.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The impulsive red to Samickle's calm blue.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Between engaging the damaged Lechku and Nechku or saving Ammy and Shiranui from being crushed by a tree and falling off a cliff, he swallows his pride and cuts down the tree before it can harm anyone. It's this act which powers up Kutone, not the obsessive demon-killing.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: As with all Oina, into a wolf.
  • Weaponized Animal: In wolf form, carries Kutone over his back much like Ammy with her glaives.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Wep'keper villagers were quick to defend him that his heart is in the right place for saving Kamui... but his actions kept becoming more blinded to the point he ignored Lika's peril of being Orochi's sacrifice and opened the Wawku Shrine gate to try and fight the owl demons himself, causing the blizzard to get even worse.
  • Wild Hair: Appears to have this.


The Oina tribe's greatest warrior and current leader of Wep'keer.


A girl who is special in that she, as a child, found Ponc'tan. As a result she is the one who leads Amaterasu through Yoshpet, the Forest of Illusion to said village.

  • Action Girl: She leads Amaterasu through Yoshpet, a very dangerous forest, and is apparently the fastest in the tribe.
  • Cool Big Sis: Is literally this for her kid sister Lika but also seemed to be this for Oki, Samickle, and to a degree, Issun, when they were young.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened to just Kai from Kaipoku.
  • Like Brother and Sister: She and Issun seem to be very close, but there are no romantic underpinnings to their interactions, a far cry from how Issun interacts with every other young and attractive woman in the game.
  • Nice Girl: She goes out of her way to let Ammy and Issun stay warm in her house and tell them the whole situation about Wep'keer despite Samickle forbidding the Oina from having anything to do with them, and she defends Oki's actions and motivations when everyone else was willing to think the worst of him.


Kai's kid sister who happens to be extremely powerful. Is perceived to be a threat by the twin demon owls Lechku and Nechku.


Elder of the village and former leader before handing the position over to Samickle.


A shaman who prays for Kamui's safety.

  • Cool Mask: It basically has two prongs jutting out to the side and an owl sits on each one.
  • Domino Mask: He wears one made of wood with branches jutting out the sides for a pair of owls to perch on.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed from Tousukuru to Tuskle.


One of the Poncles and Grandfather of Issun as well as the sixth Celestial Envoy, the companion of Shiranui 100 years ago just like Issun is now to Ammy, he disowned Issun after some disputes until Issun actually chooses to become a Celestial Envoy.

  • Cool Old Guy: Though strict with Issun's training, he is a former Celestial Envoy that fought alongside Shiranui 100 years ago. Therefore, he's more friendly with Amaterasu.
  • Hidden Badass: You get to see more of him in Okamiden. A highlight is when he joins forces with Chibiterasu to Power Slash a rift through space and time.
  • I Have No Son!: Or in this case, Grandson.
  • Meaningful Name: "Shaku" is an Asian measuring unit roughly the length of a "foot". Issun means "One-Inch", Isshaku can be translated as "One-Foot".
  • Spell My Name With An S: Oddly, his name is spelled as Ishaku in Ōkami, but Isshaku in Ōkamiden.
  • Was Too Hard on Him: While at first angry at Issun for running off and stealing one of his paintings, Ishaku comes to regret pushing Issun too hard with his training and recognizes that it was what led to Issun acting out and running off, all while abandoning his desire to paint. Fortunately for him, Issun eventually comes around and becomes a true Celestial Envoy.

    Lechku and Nechku 

The twin demons of Kamui, Gold Demon Lechku and Silver Demon Nechku are responsible for summoning the blizzard that plagues the Oina tribe.

  • Arc Villain: Of Kamui.
  • Clockwork Creature: Aside from being made of gears and other mechanical parts, Lechku has an actual clock on his chest. Nechku has what appears to be a lunar calendar or digital clock.
  • Dual Boss: While you first start off fighting Nechku, eventually Lechku joins the fray. Good thing you've got Oki and Shiranui on your side.
  • Dub Name Change: Moshirechiku and Kotanechiku were changed to Lechku and Nechku respectively.
  • High-Class Glass: Both sport fancy monocles.
  • Mechanical Abomination: They are demons that take on the form of clockwork owls.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Let's see... Clockwork Demon Gentlemen Owls with Time Control powers? That sounds about right.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: While they don't speak, their whole goal seems to be simply wipe out all non-demons in Kamui with their blizzard.
  • Ominous Owl: Ominous mechanical demon owls. For a while, they were the trope picture.
  • Time Stands Still: When the clocks on their stomachs both hit twelve.
  • The Voiceless: Unlike other bosses, they seem to be unable to speak normally.

The God of Darkness, Yami is the origin of all the demons in Nippon as well as the one responsible for wiping out the Moon Clan.
  • Badass Finger Snap: How he uses his Sunset power in his final form.
  • Big Bad: Of Ōkami, though he's simply alluded to by various characters until the end. He is also the main antagonist in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
  • Chainsaw Good: In his first form, one of the attacks he can use involves revealing two chainsaws hidden inside the mecha and spinning around the arena to try to slash Ammy.
  • Dark Is Evil: As the leader of all demons that terrorize Nippon, Yami is the single cause of everything that goes bad in the first game. His Japanese name even translates to Emperor of Everlasting Darkness.
  • Dub Name Change: Tokoyami-no-Sumeragi is shortened to Yami.
  • Energy Weapon: Utilizes this in its first, fourth and final forms.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Amaterasu herself.
    • Just as Ammy is a white being with red markings, his is black with blue markings. In addition, like how Ammy is a Big Good that acts independently and her allies work towards her success of her own accord, Yami does his own thing as Big Bad and his minions serve him without any order needed.
    • Just like the Sun Goddess, Yami never speaks. Rather, he allows his actions and demeanor to "speak" for him in the same vein as her.
    • He has a myriad of destructive powers and weapons hearkening back to or closely-replicating Ammy's own weapons and Brush Techniques.
    • While Ammy is a nature goddess who uses her powers to heal the land, Yami is a god of science who uses technology to destroy all who stands before it.
    • Ammy was sealed away and woke up to stop the forces of evil. Yami was sealed away and woke to spread evil.
  • Evil Overlord: Commonly addressed as the Dark Lord, and ruler of the Land of Darkness.
  • Fetus Terrible: Yami's true form is a small fetus-like creature that is hidden inside the nearly invincible robot. Figuring out ways to expose it is the main challenge during each segment of the fight.
  • Final-Exam Boss: His boss fight has a use for every brush technique, even if it has to make up a use for one.
  • Fisticuffs Boss: At the outset of the fight, Yami steals Ammy's brush techniques. The first four rounds of the fight is Ammy literally beating her powers out of the Emperor of Darkness.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: He doesn't really have any motivations for his actions and is portrayed as more of a force of nature rather than an actual villain. Though Ninetails states that he has some degree of sentience and is at least capable of expressing rage.
  • God of Evil: God of Darkness and machines, and true ruler of the game's other villains and demons. His Japanese name translates as "The Emperor of Everlasting Darkness".
  • God of Knowledge: It is considered the originator of technology within the setting. Despite this (as well as Ammy being a nature goddess), technology itself is not considered inherently evil.
  • Greater-Scope Villain:
    • The plot kicks off when the seal on Orochi is broken, and even though the dragon looks like the perfect candidate for main antagonist, he is nothing but a lesser minion and gets killed off a third into the game. Yami is the source of all evil plaguing Nippon, but his existence is only foreshadowed in the very end of the game's second arc.
    • Ōkamiden produced a Continuity Snarl. It's possible that he was the Greater-Scope Villain of that game or Ōkamiden's Big Bad was the Greater-Scope Villain of Ōkami.
  • Killer Rabbit: The Emperor of Everlasting Darkness looks like a Fetus Terrible - fish thing, which is the source of no end of jokes from the fandom, but he's still the God of Evil and a powerful and serious threat.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Despite being a large metallic ball, Yami is surprisingly mobile, often leaping across the room and attacking relentlessly.
  • Lightning Lash: His fourth form has whips made of lightning for arms.
  • Lottery of Doom: His slot machine form. Power Slash three blue symbols and Ammy gets one of her powers back. Miss and Yami retaliates with one of his attacks. Using Veil of Mist to slow down time helps, but it also makes Himiko's assist move go to waste.
  • Lunacy: Downplayed. While Amaterasu represents the life-bearing Sun, Yami is at his strongest during a solar eclipse. However, given that the Moon itself reflects sunlight, the satellite can be used against Yami during the boss battle. Using Crescent summons Nagi to slash him and expose his core.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: Does this liberally during the fight. The missiles he sends out can be returned with Power Slash.
  • Mad Bomber: In his fourth form, he can retract his limbs and fly around the arena dropping bombs.
  • Mechanical Abomination: He appears to be mechanical, as the antithesis of life and organic matter. No information whatsoever is given on where he came from or why he's doing anything he's doing. However, and perhaps even more disturbingly, his core vaguely resembles an embryo.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: In Okamiden, it's revealed that, while Yami's body was destroyed by Amaterasu, his spirit survived, but was split into five pieces. Four of those infect new hosts, while the fifth and most powerful retains Yami's cunning and malice and seeks to merge with the other ones, becoming the game's main antagonist.
  • One-Winged Angel: Yami has five forms, which get progressively more complex as the fight goes on. He starts out as just a sphere with a bunch of weapons concealed inside it, then becomes a huge robot with lightning whips for arms and finally a demonic hand that can spread his darkness with a simple finger snap.
  • Power Parasite: One of the first things it does at the start of battle is strip Amaterasu of her powers, forcing her to fight like a wolf at the start and gradually reclaim all of her powers back.
  • Sequential Boss: With five forms, he is also a Marathon Boss.
  • Smash the Symbol: It does this to all of the constellations representing Amaterasu's godly powers after electrocuting her to near-death.
  • There's No Kill like Overkill: This seems to be Yami's "fighting style." Each new form adds more weaponry to the last one. Its final form has him throwing out meteors, missiles, electric blasts, melee attacks, and laser beams. He'll even combine the meteor and missiles together.
  • Transforming Mecha: His sphere can transform into a slot machine, a huge mecha and finally a demonic hand.
  • Tron Lines: All over his sphere, to emphasize how it's much more advanced technology than anything else you've seen throughout the game.
  • The Voiceless: Like Ammy, it doesn't talk. It can roar in rage however.
  • Weakened by the Light: In his final phase, Ammy can stun it with Sunrise.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Yami's stated to be so alien that he cannot be portrayed in either human or animal form. The closest thing you get to his true form is a deformed fetus inside a sphere.

The characters who appear only in Ōkamiden

Main Characters


Amaterasu's son, and the protagonist of the game. He appears in Nippon just as things are getting bad again.

  • A God Is You: Chibiterasu is a Physical God just like Amaterasu. He may or may not actually be another incarnation of her, in fact.
  • Badass Adorable: Ammy was already one, but Chibi's a Precious Puppy!
  • BFS: Like his Mother, his glaive Divine Instruments.
  • Butt-Monkey: Constantly being dragged into things, as well as always being given poor nicknames.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Chibiterasu gets understandably upset when his partners give him stupid call-names (Mutt, Squiddy, Pooch, Boy / Dude, Pork Chop).
  • Eastern Zodiac: He represents the dog in this game.
  • Facial Markings: Chibiterasu's facial (and body) markings look very similar to Amaterasu's.
  • Fertile Feet: Again, like Amaterasu.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Chibi gets stuck with a new one with each partner—Mutt, Squiddy, Poochnote , Dude or Boy note , and Pork Chop.
  • Generation Xerox: Characters in the game often remark that he looks just like his mother. Some will even mistake Chibi for her.
  • Heroic Mime: Just like his mother, he never talks, and relies on other characters to act as his proxies.
  • Invisible to Normals: Chibi's markings and divine instruments cannot be seen by normal humans.
  • The Power of the Sun: His starting and primary power is Sunrise.
  • Kid Hero: He's only a puppy, yet is put through a trial that is even more strenuous than the one Amaterasu had to go through.
  • Reality Warper: Like his mother, courtesy of the Celestial Brush.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: The son of a goddess, but takes the appearance of an adorable puppy.
  • Sticks to the Back: Chibi's Divine Instruments inexplicably stay firmly on his back even as he jumps, runs and fights.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Holy bones.
  • Weaponized Animal: Fights with Glaives, Reflectors and Holy Beads, which he carries on his back.


Susano and Kushi's son, and Chibi's first partner. Personality-wise, he's a lot like his father.

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: His original concept art and Dummied Out model from Ōkami portray him as having inherited his father's appearance down to a tee. Ōkamiden made him significantly cuter, though it's possibly justified by him being revealed to not be Susano and Kushi's biological child.
  • Advertised Extra: Appears on the cover box art, but is playable only in the game's first dungeon. After that, he make some random cameos throughout the story before finally being revealed to be the final boss. He's still ultimately important to the story, though, making this a downplayed example.
  • Badass Adorable: Loses the "adorable"after being possessed by Akuro.
  • BFS: Wields a sword as big as his body.
  • Cowardly Lion: Like Susano, he tends to start shaking and sweating profusely whenever someone talks about danger and monsters. When push comes to shove, however, he'll join Chibi in kicking demonic butt.
  • Demonic Possession: Taken over by Akuro sometime after being separated from Chibi.
  • Dub Name Change: Shortened to Kuni from Kuninushi. It was originally going to be Nushi.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Kuni has a habit of coming to the aid of young girls he's just met.
  • Exposition Fairy: Takes this role until a little after the first dungeon.
  • Eyes Always Shut: His default appearance, at least until Akuro possesses him. Then he gets Black Eyes of Evil.
  • Journey to Find Oneself: In the end, Kuni leaves Susano, Kushi, and Chibi in order to find out about his past.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: He knows he isn't Susano and Kushi's son, but he doesn't remember who his real family is.
  • Like Father, Like Son: He acts a lot like Susano did.
  • Narrator All Along: It turns out it was an older version of him narrating.
  • Sticks to the Back: Much like his father's sword.
  • Stable Time Loop: Of multiple varieties. He's possessed by Akuro in the past, washes up in the present where he's discovered by Susano and Kushi, and eventually goes back in time to be possessed. This is part of why he goes on a Journey to Find Oneself, as this timeloop means he doesn't actually have an origin point.


A draconian mermaid who Kuni and Chibi meet in the Agata forest, and Chibi's second partner.

  • Exposition Fairy: Fulfills this role while Chibi's partner.
  • Have We Met Yet?: Somehow recognizes Chibiterasu early on in the story. Later revealed to be because she had first met him when he was travelling to the past.
  • Making a Splash: You can draw water from her hair with Waterspout. Her combo finisher also surrounds Chibiterasu with a damaging shower.
  • Meaningful Name: The name Nanami means "seven seas" in Japanese.
  • Seashell Bra: She only wears a (turtle) shell bra. Obvious, since she is a typical mermaid.


A popular child actress from the theater at Sei'an City, and Chibi's third partner.

  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Is rude and arrogant before Character Development kicks in. In fact, in the Japanese version, her nickname for Chibi even translates to "Useless," an aspect that was dialed down far in the localization because it was changed to "Pooch".
  • Dub Name Change: Her name was shortened to Kagu from Kagura.
  • Exposition Fairy: Fulfills this role while Chibi's partner.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Her ofuda, which are controlled with the Guidance Brush, similar to Rao's ofuda in the previous game.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Regarding her Miko powers. She comes to accept them in the end.
  • Instant Expert: Her Miko powers become even more powerful in a few hours of training or so.
  • Meaningful Name: Her Japanese name, Kagura, is a type of religious dance performed by Miko.
  • Miko: Starts training to become one after defeating the demons at the theatre.
  • Paper Talisman: Uses them to exorcise demons.
  • Paper Fan of Doom: Her first weapon. She later replaces them with prayer slips.
  • Power Floats: Learns to fly after developing her powers.
  • The Prima Donna: At first, though she becomes more humble with her development.
  • Soul Power: Her Miko powers allow her to exorcise evil spirits.
  • Tsundere: At first, though she mellows out slightly after development.
  • Zigzag Paper Tassel: She uses them as hair decorations after becoming a Miko.


A member of the Moon Tribe who runs into Chibi in Sei'an City, and Chibi's fourth partner. Bears an uncanny resemblance to Waka.

  • Anti-Villain: Post Faceā€“Heel Turn. He does not like what he is doing, but given that he is doomed if he sticks to his original role...
  • Artificial Human: He's a doll made by Waka, destined to be used in a Thanatos Gambit to destroy Akuro.
  • Bishie Sparkle: In more than a few cutscenes, Kurow's face sparkles, complete with an Audible Gleam.
  • Dreadful Musician: Implied by his rather off-key sounding flute when he plays it during battle, as well as an image shown in the credits of him playing his flute while Chibi covers his ears. Perhaps that's the reason his flute hurts enemies.
  • Exposition Fairy: Fulfills this role while Chibi's partner.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Furthering his resemblance to Waka, his eyes are never seen open.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: His despair upon discovering he is just a doll doomed to be sacrificed in order to stop Akuro ultimately causes him to turn to the demon instead.
  • Feet-First Introduction: The first time he appears, it only shows his feet, then it pans up to reveal a Bishie Sparkling face.
  • Gratuitous English: In the Japanese version.
  • Heroic BSoD: Upon learning what his destiny is, he is horrified and leaves Chibi to reflect about it.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Of the Kill Us Both variety. Kurow tricks Akuro into possessing him, knowing that his body would trap the demon long enough for Chibiterasu to destroy them both.
  • Instrument of Murder: His flute has two energy blades in it, which he uses against Chibi during his boss fight.
  • Kid A Nova: The age difference doesn't stop him from flirting with the scholars in Sei'an City.
  • Killed Off for Real: The last stage of the final boss is entirely dedicated to the other characters coming to terms with the fact that he has to die. Kurow survives just long enough to say goodbye to Chibiterasu, and dies surrounded by his friends.
  • Laser Blade: Just like Waka, Kurow's flute doubles as one of these, only Darth Maul style.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In his boss fight, his attacks are a lot like Waka's in the first game, but unlike Waka, he has a power that can double his speed. He will end you if you're not prepared.
  • Magical Flutist: Kurow, like Waka, plays a flute (Only Kurow's playing is... not so good). He has a mystery surrounding his existence, which he spends a large portion of his screentime unaware of.
  • Mistaken Identity: Issun thinks that he's Waka when he first meets him, but Kurow has no idea who that is.
  • Musical Assassin: His combo finisher is that he plays his flute, which sends out damaging musical notes.
  • Precocious Crush: While Kurow tends to flirt with pretty much every pretty girl he meets, in particular he crushes on the Scholar Lady, calling her "magically delicious."
  • Redemption Equals Death: He pulls a Heelā€“Face Turn just in time to accept his fate of dying alongside Akuro.
  • Screw Destiny: The whole reason he avoids fulfilling of his destiny and joins Akuro is because he doesn't want to die by becoming Akuro's seal.
  • Stationary Wings: His (pink, of course) wings hardly ever beat, and when they do it's far too slowly to actually hold him aloft.
  • Taking You with Me: To Akuro. Kurow absorbs him inside his body and asks Chibi and Kuni to deliver the coup de grĆ¢ce.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: One of his attacks during his boss battle.
  • Totally Radical: He, like, totally talks in this manner in the English version, dude.note 
  • Tragic Villain: All of the horrible things he does later on are just because he wants to live and feels that Akuro is the only one that can grant him that.
  • Walking Spoiler: Kurow is by far the most important character in Ōkamiden, and it's near impossible to talk about him without spoiling his role later on.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: What he believes until he joins Akuro in a desperate attempt to Screw Destiny.


A boy from 100 years in the past, whom Chibi encounters near the Moon Cave. Chibi's fifth partner.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Near the end of the game, when he violates space and time, and breaks through a closed portal to rescue Chibi along with Kagu and Nanami.
  • Big Eater: Deconstructed. He had to send his dog to live with his cousin because he couldn't afford to feed both of them, his mother skips some meals, and there's rarely any food in the house for very long.
  • Butt-Monkey: Constantly suffering from hunger pains, getting squashed by Chibi or his other partners, and getting shot out of cannons, sometimes right at bosses. The animation of him riding on Chibi has him looking like he's about to fall off. Quite obviously played for laughs.
  • Cold Turkeys Are Everywhere: Supposedly is on a diet, but cheats often because he has trouble resisting.
  • Extreme Omnivore: Implied by Manpuku telling Chibi to enter a specific room in the Moon Cave (which is actually for the purpose of acquiring a potentially missable collectible) because he smells food, only for it to be frozen demon body parts, like ears and noses and eyeballs. There's also the fact that the enormous pot of soup which he drank to save himself and Chibi's hide from getting Stewed Alive (literally) more than likely contained such ingredients in it, and yet he found so delicious that he asked the imp for the recipe.
  • Exposition Fairy: Fulfills this role while Chibi's partner.
  • Fainting: Happens when he gets too hungry. Thankfully, this is only in cutscenes and not actual gameplay.
  • Flaming Hair: And you can use it as a fire source!
  • Human Cannonball: He can be placed inside cannons and then shot using his fire hair to light the fuse.
  • It's All My Fault: Regarding his mother's kidnapping.
  • Ironic Name: In Japanese, the word manpuku means satiety. Being that Manpuku is constantly hungry... well... he sure isn't satiated.
  • Obsessed with Food: Unsurprisingly, his responses to checking objects and speaking to NPCs usually results in him mentioning food. Not only that, but he named Chibi Pork Chop. Really.
  • Personality Powers: Not a typical example of what fire usually entails, but perhaps just like a flame requiring constant fuel in order to continue burning, Manpuku is always hungry.
  • Precision-Guided Boomerang: His combo finisher has him withdraw into his pot and fly into the enemies in a curve, returning atop Chibi's back like a boomerang.
  • Undying Loyalty: Violates the rules of space and time to follow through with his promise to Chibi. See Big Damn Heroes.

New Celestial Brush Gods

Like with Chibiterasu, the Celestial Brush Gods have stepped down as deities of the world and bequeathed their positions to their children, as they have lost their original power during the final confrontation in the first game. In addition to nine of the original Brush Gods' children making appearances, two completely new Gods with their children also appear.


Offspring of the God of Light, and bearer of the power of Guidancenote . They are a trio of baby penguins following their parent who wields a banner on his back. Chibiterasu meets them at the River of Heavens.

  • All in a Row: How the elder Michigami leads his offspring in.
  • Escort Mission: Basically what the power of Guidance is used for. Draw a line from your partner to a destination and watch as they move towards it.
  • Info Dump: During their introduction they give an explanation as to why the Celestial Brush Gods are all the children of the previous Gods in this game.
  • Light 'em Up: The power of Guidance appears as a pathway of light.
  • Meaningful Name: "Michigami" means "Divine Guidance".


Offspring of the God of Polarity, and bearer of the power of Magnetismnote . They are a pair of baby baleen whales, one with a red Yang on their forehead, the other with a blue Yin. Chibiterasu meets them at the Underground Ruins.

  • Dragons Up the Yin Yang: Dragonless example, but Kyokugami both have part of the taijitu on their foreheads, and when they give their powers to Chibiterasu their bodies also evoke the classic Yin-Yang symbol. The elder Kyokugami has a completed red and blue taijitu on his forehead as opposed to the incomplete versions his children have.
  • Hollywood Magnetism: The power of Magnetism is easy to control with both magnetism and anti-magnetism options at Chibiterasu's disposal.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: The power they give to Chibiterasu.
  • Meaningful Name: "Kyoku" means "Polar", as in polarity.
  • Noodle Incident: They claim that they've served Chibiterasu's ancestor in the past, but since Amaterasu never met them, we have to assume they are referring to Shiranui.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: How they speak.
  • Sapient Cetaceans: Also not part of the Eastern Zodiac, Kyokugami are a pair of sapient whales.
  • Selective Magnetism: The power of Magnetism generally only effects objects with a 'U' adorned on them, with the exception of enemies.
  • Space Whale: As a trio of Celestial Whale Gods, this can be assumed.


    Dr. Redbeard and Dr. Bluebeard/Akahige and Aohige 

Founder and doctor of Yakushi Village and a doctor in Sei-an City, respectively.

  • Dub Name Change: From Akahige and Aohige respectively in Japanese.
  • Non-Indicative Name: They don't have beards. Their moustaches are red and blue. Possibly justified as beard and moustache are the same word in Japanese, and a name ending in -beard is way handier than -moustache.
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: They are identical, right down to moustache shape, except for their moustache color.


A deathly ill child living in Yakushi Village. She has a great love of fireworks.

    Female Scholar 

A scholar and second in command of the expedition to explore the Ruins near Sei'an city. Kurow develops a crush on her.

  • No Name Given: She promised to tell Kurow on their date. Fate, however, has other plans.


A strange girl who lives inside a shrine at the bottom of the ocean and is tasked with protecting the Knowledge Stone. She appears to have some Miko-like powers and writes (bad) romance stories in her spare time.

  • Art Initiates Life: Her character Genji comes to life.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: She will scream with little provocation. She says that screaming makes her feel better.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Whenever she screams, which happens often, a sound effect similar to that of a teakettle is heard and and the angler fish on her head glows red and emits steam.
  • No Social Skills: Which isn't surprising considering that she lives a lonely life living in a tiny shrine at the ocean floor with not a single other soul... unless Genji counts. She asks Chibi and Nanami to come visit her again as they're leaving.
  • Shout-Out: She's named after Murasaki Shikibu, who wrote The Tale of Genji. You can see where this is going.


Shikibu's creation, a pretty boy who is obsessed with the ideas of romance and love.


Manpuku's mother, who works herself to the bone to keep him fed. She is a master chef, and was kidnapped by imps while out gathering food in order to make a meal for Orochi.

  • BFS: In this case, a BFC - Big Freaking Cleaver that also Sticks to the Back. You would think she'd be able to defend herself with that thing.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed from Motenashi to Charity.
  • Meaningful Name: Motenashi means hospitality, which Charity carries a similar meaning to.
  • Parents in Distress: Manpuku teams up with Chibi to save her.
  • Supreme Chef: She is able to make meals even out of simple weeds, which is the reason she was kidnapped. Umami wants to kill her out of jealousy for replacing her as Orochi's head chef.


    Master Anura 

The leader of the Red Toads that took over Hana Valley. He ate the fruit of the local Guardian Sapling, weakening it and opening the valley up to demon occupation.

  • Attack Its Weak Point: His bellybutton, which you must Power Slash. Sometimes a clam will be protecting it, requiring you to Bloom it open first.
  • Dub Name Change: Changed from what can be translated as "great toad monster" to Master Anura.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Leader of the toads, and sports an eyepatch on his left eye.
  • Exposed Animal Bellybutton: Despite being a toad, which is not a mammal, he has a large, prominently exposed navel.
  • Fat Bastard: He is grossly obese, and not only caused Hana Valley to be taken over by demons, but the Red Toads are said to be incarnations of rage and murder.
  • Flunky Boss: He summons smaller toads with his croaking.
  • King Mook: Looks like an oversized version of the red toads that have taken over Hana Valley.
  • Meaningful Name: Anura, literally meaning tailless in ancient Greek, is the taxonomic name for frogs.


A giant Catfish who wants to become a dragon by swimming up a waterfall. To this end, he floods Agata Forest with the stolen Wet Jewel.

  • The Catfish: Although, interestingly enough, he is not the same catfish as in the first game. Apparently Agata is home to multiple giant catfish.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He was implied to be just a trickster with a foolish dream before being infused with Yami's power, as he did steal Nanami's gems, but didn't hurt her otherwise. When Chibiterasu confronts him, he is bigger, nastier and remains a threat even after his death, as Akuro brings him back along with every demon who had once housed Yami.
  • Insistent Terminology: He's a carp, dammit.note 
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: The silliness of his quest doesn't diminish the fact that he hosts a fragment of Yami's essence.
  • Shock and Awe: He has a nasty lightning attack.

    Witch Queen 

The ruler of the Demon's Market, a hideously ugly demon who smokes a pipe.

    Sen & Ryo 

A duo of Youkai that took over Sei'an City's playhouse, trapping the actors and the spectators inside. They were once a duo of terrible actors whose dream was to perform on the playhouse, but were always refused. Upon death, they spirits became Youkai under the servitude of King Fury, and they took over the playhouse to force themselves onto the stage.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Upon hearing their backstory, Kagu expresses pity for them. invoked
  • Dub Name Change: Senryou and Manryou changed to Sen and Ryo respectively.
  • Empty Shell: They are brought back to life by Akuro after he absorbs the Yami fragment infused in them, but are just his mindless servants.
  • Feathered Fiend: Sen, a flamingo Youkai.
  • Humongous Mecha: They fight in giant mechanical Kabukis, thought they're only from the waist up. They can also combine.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Two evil spirits that house an even worse one. They are both vessels of a fragment of Yami.
  • The Prima Donna: Both of them. Even in life their hatred over not being able to achieve their dreams is what ultimately caused them to become demons in the first place.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: Their backstory. They were both aspiring actors who never got to set foot on stage due to being terrible in their jobs. Upon dying, their resentful spirits became demons that took over Sei'an City's playhouse.

    King Fury 

A demon terrorizing Sei'an City with an obsession with Kagu.

  • Demonic Possession: Serves as Akuro's main vessel for the first half of the story.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: His death marks the point where Chibiterasu and his allies start actively confronting Akuro. Too bad it is also the last thing Akuro needs in order to collect the final fragment of Yami.
  • Dying as Yourself: Or rather, passing on as yourself.
  • Giant Mecha: The Daidarabotchi, a giant war machine from the Moon tribe that he intends to use to his own ends.
  • Empty Shell: His King Fury form is brought back to life in the endgame, but he doesn't speak and has no will of his own, being a mere puppet of Akuro.
  • Instrument of Murder: Hidden in his Lute.
  • Lightning Gun: his swords can shoot thunderclouds which can be countered with Galestorm.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He was a politician who did everything he could to help people, but he was betrayed by some of his allies. After his death, he was possessed by Akuro, which used his frustration and grief to turn him into a Nietzsche Wannabe convinced that Humans Are Bastards.


A female imp who is Orochi's chef 100 years in the past. She is less than pleased that a human has been brought in to do her job.

  • Cute Monster Girl: She is noticeably more human-like than the other imps. She's just as evil, though.
  • Evil Chef: She's planning to cook Charity.
  • Foil: To Ajimi, or as he's known as in Okamiden, Aji. Ajimi is very sweet and cordial to anyone he meets, and even though he didn't know that his enemy was helping him, showed a lot of gratitude to Amaterasu for helping him create Orochi's appetizer. Umami has no such sweetness, and is quite brutish. And despite her being a cook, she's never seen cooking anything, except for attempting to cook Charity.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She's jealous of a human being superior enough to her in culinary arts to warrant replacing her as Orochi's head chef, which is why she wants to kill Charity.
  • Pink Means Feminine She's pink so you know she's a female imp.
  • Punny Name: According to the extra information given in-game, she and her assistant Aji are known as "Sweet" and "Sour", respectively.
  • The Unfought: Despite being built up, once confronted she calls in Mooks to fight you for her and then is never spoken of again.

Boss of Ice Room, and guardian of the Mystic Amber (the only relic that can dispel the seal blocking the entrance to Moon Cave in the past).
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: According to the Bestiary, Mizuchi used to be the guardian deity of a seaside village, but upon witnessing mankind endlessly start wars, it grew disgusted of humanity and decided to join Orochi's forces.
  • He Was Right There All Along: Not too far from the Ice Room's entrance, no less.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Loosely based on the legendary sea creature of same name.
  • Stationary Boss: Justified, since a large part of his body remains frozen even after he comes back to life.

Click here to see his second form (Warning, endgame spoilers)

The Big Bad of this game, a malevolent entity that seeks to restore Yami's rule. He was broken into 5 pieces, and Chibi & co. destroy those pieces, reuniting them and making him strong enough to carry out his plan.

  • Badass Boast: Likes giving these out.
    Akuro: If you think you have the power to face me, then come at me with all you have!
  • Batman Gambit: When Ammy defeated Yami in the previous game, he was forced to find five different vessels that each gained a will of their own. He manipulated both Chibi and Issaku into destroying these vessels to regain his strength and bring them under his control. Yes, that's right. The entire plot of the game was one big Batman Gambit.
  • Bishōnen Line: Of a sort. While already powerful enough on his own, to obtain true power he needs to possess a vessel of pure light. This vessel wound up being Kuni, who appearance-wise is much less intimidating than Akuro's default form. Also applies to his boss fight, as his second form is an almost literal mirror image of Chibi.
  • Breaking Speech: Delivers a vicious one to Chibi while wailing on him. Made worse by the fact that he's possessing Kuni while doing so.
  • Breath Weapon: Spits out Fire, Ice, Lightning from his mouth during the first phase of the boss fight with him.
  • The Chessmaster: When you get right down to it, even after he's been reduced to a fifth of his former glory, that Akuro could play the field so effectively and remain in control from start to finish really speaks wonders; especially when you consider he was a voiceless, raging harbinger of doom in his previous incarnation.
  • Continuity Snarl: Akuro is either as described above, or the one who was controlling Yami the whole time. The game tells you both, but what should we believe?
  • Clipped-Wing Angel: His third "form", in which he tries to possess Kurow, but ends up trapped inside the boy's body. All it takes is a single Power Slash to kill him.
  • Dark Is Evil: This is actually what his name means. "Aku" can be translated as evil, "kuro" means black.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: In the form shown, he has an eyeball in his mouth.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: In his first form, they look a lot like Yami's.
  • Hero Killer: Poor Shiranui...
  • Invincible Villain:
    • In terms of tactics anyway. Thanks to his Batman Gambit above, the entire game was basically him getting what he wanted without any effort.
    • Even after being defeated in battle and stripped of his human vessel, Akuro still manages to survive. He only goes down thanks to Kurow, who was a living trap specifically designed to allow Akuro to be slain.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The game starts off pretty lighthearted at the beginning with copious amounts of humor... then comes this guy, who's devoid of any humorous qualities and all but locks the game into Cerebus Syndrome. And it lasts all the way until his death.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In the same vein as Ninetails. As Dark Sun, he is fast, often leaping across the room and will attack relentlessly. Much like Ninetails, if Chibi is too slow with the Celestial Brush, he will use his against him and can even counter some of his drawings.
  • Literal Split Personality: When Ammy defeated Yami in the previous game, he was forced to find five different vessels, each gaining a will of their own. Akuro is one of those pieces.
  • Mirror Boss: His second form, Dark Sun. It can even use the Celestial Brush against you.
  • Non-Indicative Name: His Japanese name, Akurou'ou, literally means "dark wolf king", even though he has nothing to do with wolves. Not until his Dark Sun form, at least.
  • Oh, Crap!: His reaction when he realizes he has been tricked into sealing himself inside of Kurow.
    Akuro: ... Huh? Wh-what's happening... No... I can't... I can't control... this body...
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Not initially. His plan to regain his full power required him to possess a vessel of light. Said vessel just happened to be Kuni.
  • Power Glows: Akuro's Dark Sun form's Facial Markings glow.
  • Reality Warper: As Dark Sun, he has access to the Celestial Brush, though Sunrise is replaced by the ability to cover the arena in darkness.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: His hands and his Dark Sun form sports this color scheme.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The eye in his mouth is red. In his second form, his red eyes are all you can see when he covers the arena in darkness.
  • Sequential Boss: He is fought immediately after Kurow, and must be defeated in both his spirit form and as Dark Sun.
  • Stationary Boss: His first form only. The second one is a Lightning Bruiser.
  • Tron Lines: On his hands, furthering the resemblance to Yami.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Upon realizing that he is about to be killed by Chibiterasu and Kuni, he can only scream in impotent rage.
    Akuro: Gyaaaooorr! Release me! Free me now!
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Akuro's strongest attack in his first form is a powerful beam of dark energy from his mouth. This also has the effect of healing him if he hits Chibi.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Has no problems possessing children and delivers a brutal No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to Chibi while doing so.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Akuro is an ultimate force of darkness, but to use his full strength, he needs to possess someone with a large quantity of light.

Alternative Title(s): Okamiden
