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    Land-Native Animals 

In general

  • Ascended to Carnivorism: A lot of herbivorous animals are instead represented as carnivores who can eat any animal in a lower tier, such as rabbits or deer.


  • Nice Mice: These mice are pacifists, mainly because they're first tier and therefore can't eat other animals.



  • Gluttonous Pig: They are capable of eating much more than they could in previous tiers; gaining access to brown mushrooms and seaweed.
  • Messy Pig: Unlike most other animals, pigs enjoy mud.


  • Mole Miner: They can tunnel underground and become invincible. Originally, they could only dig from hiding holes, but after getting a buff, they could dig anywhere on land.


  • Bambification: Deer are quite delicate, they have lots of predators and can be vulnerable while foraging. However, they have Ascended to Carnivorism, meaning they aren't afraid to hunt for prey.
  • The Marvelous Deer: Deer are capable of foraging for food to eat for itself. As in, they create food out of nowhere.


  • Cunning Like a Fox: These foxes are cunning indeed, being able to force animals out of hiding.



  • Genial Giraffe: Subverted. Giraffes are in the middle range in the food chain, and they will kick any animal in their way to stun them.


  • Kidnapping Bird of Prey: Eagles can kidnap their prey (with them being unable to struggle free) and drop them into dangerous environments. Before the Nerf, they could attack higher-tier animals and even each other!
  • Nerf: They used to be extremely overpowered, being able to pick up their predators and even other eagles. Now, they can only pick up predators smaller than them and they lose water quicker when flying.



  • Rhino Rampage: Rhinos can charge to attack and stun other animals.



Giant Spider


  • Red Is Violent: The T-Rex is colored red, and it is very violent indeed.


    Ocean-Native Animals 



  • Artistic License – Biology: Stingrays can release stunning pulses to immobilise animals, rather than injecting venom with their tails like in the real world.




  • The Juggernaut: They are capable of moving extremely fast when boosting, and they can mow down any animal in the way.
  • Threatening Shark: With their powerful bites and quick boosts, these sharks are indeed very dangerous.

Killer Whale

The Kraken

  • Giant Squid: Much more giant than regular-sized squids.

King Crab

  • Giant Enemy Crab: It's an extremely massive one, and it's in the penultimate tier beside the T-rex.
     Arctic Animals 

In general

Arctic Hare



  • Underground Monkey: Despite having the same ability and tier, they have many differences to deer; reindeer can steer well on ice puddles (and were able to throw snowballs prior to their abilities being changed alongside the deer's). Reindeer also wear scarves whereas most animals including deer don't wear any clothing.

Arctic Fox


  • Make Me Wanna Shout: The wolf's ability is a unique variation of other Make Me Wanna Shout abilities. It can howl to stun animals in front of itself, earning itself lots of space to escape.
  • Savage Wolves: When the wolf was first released, it was a tier higher than polar bears, and combined with its howling ability, it became a very powerful predator. Even after it was nerfed to be the muskox's upgrade, it's still an efficient threat to its prey.


  • Wily Walrus: Good luck trying to run if you're a walrus' prey. Walruses are capable of climbing hills and eating snow leopards.

The Yeti

    AI-Only Animals 

Honey Bee

    Black Dragon 
