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Characters / Maggot Boy

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  • All Deaths Final: Not for these guys!
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Davey and Chainey.
  • I Am a Humanitarian: All Zombies by default.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: There are two types: the typical Romero zombies (called 'Mindless') and the zombies that can think (called 'Awares').
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
    • Scars Are Forever: Let's see:
      • Chainey has a scar on his left cheek and hand. Also a big gash at the back of his skull.
      • Davey has a few on his face, as well as a large Y-shaped one which he received at the hands of Marianne.
      • Owen: LOTS! Several on both his hands (looks like he's wearing hobo gloves. He's not), one around his neck, and one across his cheekbones. It's been suggested that these are self-inflicted . As of Chapter 10: Avalanche, he's probably got more now thanks to Davey.

Anthony Michael Chainey

The main protagonist of the story, Chainey is a tall, narcoleptic, Aware with amnesia.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Gets REAL fed up with Davey in Ch. 11: Call out.
    • In later chapters he is also willing to wield weapons, such as trying to attack Lazaro with a baseball bat
  • Character Development: He's noticeably less of a push over now then in the first few chapters.
  • Gentle Giant: Considered a pacifist. Subverted when he's in feral mode.
    • Also subverted in chapter 12, when Davey is under threat.
  • Sidekick: The Sidekick to Davey/Maggot Boy.
  • Heavy Sleeper: Narcoleptic. Pretty much played for laughs and makes him more of a dork.
  • Perpetual Frowner: The only time he's smiled in the comic so far was when talking to a stranger (who ran from him).
  • Pretty Boy: Not all that bad looking for a member of the undead.
  • Shrinking Violet: He hates the thought of leading, is rather soft-spoken, and insecure about his height.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Word of God say he's a follower by choice.
  • The Speechless: After chapter 12.
  • Straight Gay: In chapter 16, we learn he had a boyfriend when he was alive.

Jeremiah David Jones
Self-proclaimed Hero called... Maggot Boy.

Owen Nathaniel Wright
The main antagonist of the story, and appears to have some history with Chainey.

     Palmer Institute Employees 

Samatha Hyde
A young but talented Necromancer working at the Palmer Institute. Her job is to observe the resident Awares.

Lazaro Palmer
A bitter but powerful Necromancer who saved Sovereign city, now heads the Palmer Institute for Undead Studies.
  • The Ace: Saved Sov. City - and to some extent the world - from becoming Zombiechow.
  • Younger Than They Look: Due to casting a zombie-destroying shield over a whole city for several days.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Chainey about Zombies and feeding.
  • Jerkass: For the most part!
    • Jerkass Has a Point: He might be an ass, but he has good intuition in how to handle most situations. This doesn't stick later on.
  • Big Secret: Keeps his infected daughter Claire hidden in the Institute.
  • Perpetual Frowner
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: As the chapters progress he has become more willing to take risks and allienate his allies.
  • The Unfettered: Will go to any lengths, be it losing his sanity or life, to find a cure for his daughter.

Noah/Li Xiang Fei

Lazaro's right-hand man. His life currently revolves around his pregnant wife and the shenanigans at the Palmer Institute.

Marianne Sutton

A (Ex-)surgeon(?) that recently got reinstated to capture Owen.

  • The Ace: Besides the obvious pun, is said to be one of the best surgeons of the Palmer Institute.
  • Cute and Psycho: How most characters and fans see her.
  • Knight Templar Mad Scientist: She see nothing wrong with dissecting an aware (while they're fully conscious).
  • Terms of Endangerment: Davey meets the doctor who dissected him when he was freshly undead. She calls him "sweetheart" and says "I missed you terribly". Davey is less than civil.
    • Refers to Owen as "Cupcake" during their first meeting after shooting him in the arm, considering she wants to continue her experiments on him...
     Cult Members 

In General

  • Cult: Duh. They worship the minor Voodoo loa/deity Boli Shah.
  • Self-Harm: Members do this to themselves as an initiation

Damien Carville

The cult's leader. Interested in Sam, to Davey's chagrin.

  • The Dragon: For someone who may be an even bigger threat than Owen, no less!
  • Faux Affably Evil: Despite being in charge of a self-mutilating, zombie-worshipping cult, it seems that he just wants to date Sam in peace. In chapter 12 he appears to have ulterior motives.
  • Jerkass: Is rude to Davey, is keeping his true identity from Sam (although both actions are somewhat justifiable) and, in chapter 12, kills a couple of his fellow Cult members and purposefully misgenders Owen
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Although his comments to Davey are harsh, he is right about Davey being against him for personal reasons.

Parker "PJ" Jones

  • Break the Cutie: Constant stalking and tormenting via Owen wore poor PJ down. Finding out Davey has become a zombie seems to have been the last straw.
  • Camp Gay: Averted. It's not until we learn that he's into Bastian that we realize which team he plays for.
  • Fanboy: He's a Brony and loves super-heroes, mostly Spiderman and... Maggot Boy.
  • First-Name Ultimatum: Calls Davey by his first name at one point when frustrated and ranting about Davey not telling PJ he was an Aware.
  • Technical Pacifist: Started off more as a Pacifist, but later develops into this.
  • Took a Level in Badass


Micah Mc Quistan

Parker's best friend. Micah is a rich gothic boy who likes to complain, usually about being bored.
