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Characters / Kawaiivinny's Minecraft Survivor

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The host of the series.

  • Deadpan Snarker: She spouts a couple witty comments here and there to the contestants each season.
    • From Season 6, we have this from the very first Tribal Council:
    Amatsu (referring to the tree): Wow, what's that behind us? It looks like a tree.
    Kawaiivinny: It's something you guys long for, being in the nether for so long.
    • Again, in Season 6 (Episode 2), we have this statement about Toast after the latter's supposed insanity:
    Kawaiivinny: I think he's been in the nether for way too long.
  • Departmentof Redundancy Department: Season 6 has this quote from her in a Tribal Council.
    Kawaiivinny: So you guys were winning until you started losing.
  • Game Show Host: She is the host of the series, as stated above.
  • Nice Guy: She does not treat her contestants as contestants. Instead, she treats them like friends.


A former contestant that is now a recurring member of staff.


A former contestant that is now a recurring member of staff. She won Season 2.

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    Season 1 

The Jury

Deviouskyle 251

During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he was unable to find one of the six items and was promptly eliminated.

Nemui 89

During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he ended up on the Red Tribe.

  • Ascended Extra: After this season, he helps Kawaiivinny out with the series.
  • Opt Out: He votes himself out at the first Tribal Council, instead of voting for AlcoholicRobot, who would've been eliminated.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Subverted. Robot asks if he considered himself this after the confusing result of the Tribal Council.
  • The Leader: His tribe-mates labelled him as this for the Red Tribe.
  • The Quiet One: When he does speak, he has a quiet voice.


During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, she ended up on the Blue Tribe.

  • Badass Adorable: The team name her and SilverSurge came up with ("Leviakitties").
  • Cool Big Sis: Kawaiivinny, the host, is her sister.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Her attitude can come off as this.
  • Epic Fail: The entire boat situation in Episode 2.
  • Graceful Loser: Surprisingly so. She seems very unfazed and uncaring about being eliminated.
  • Motor Mouth: Papius thought she had this.
  • Nice Girl: While she is normally nice, she compliments/comforts a tribe-mate during their first Tribal Council.
    Radiant_Oblivion: You did good out there, buddy. You did good.

  • Opt Out: If what Nemui said was true, both her and Papius voted for themselves, which left Silver with the deciding vote.]]
  • The Load: Her taking so long to get to the island cost her tribe the "good island" in Episode 2. The reception she got in the comments section in that episode didn't help.


During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he ended up on the Blue Tribe.

  • Badass Adorable: The team name him and Radiant_Oblivion came up with ("Leviakitties").
  • CloudCuckoolander: He insists that unicorns are evil.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Due to his tone, his humour is like this.
  • Epic Fail: The events that lead to his elimination count as this.
  • Genre Savvy: After knowing what the "Getting to Know You" challenge was, he tried to tell his tribe-mates as much as he could about himself, openly saying he tried to "cheat" after the challenge was done. In the end, his tribe ended up losing at the final question, which he couldn't have predicted.
  • Large Ham: He can be rather silly.
  • The Leader: His role on the Blue Tribe. Both Radiant_Oblivion and Papius also acknowledge him as this.
  • Motor Mouth: While being the tribe's leader doesn't help, he acknowledges himself as this.
  • Nice Guy: He finds the immunity idol and decides to share it with the rest of his tribe.
  • Revealing Cover-Up: He asked how the votes would work and gave the plan to eliminate Radiant as an example, without her knowing that she was the target.
  • Tempting Fate: After HystrixSA won a challenge that would allow the winner to choose somebody to be isolated WITHOUT items, he tells HystrixSA to choose him because he shot arrows at him. Nevertheless, HystrixSA chooses him and he is forced to reveal the hidden immunity idol in front of everybody. This move marked his downfall.
  • The Stoic: Subverted. Most of his emotions are in his words, not his tone.


During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he ended up on the Blue Tribe.

  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a couple witty lines here and there.
  • Nice Guy: He's generally calm and collected with a sense of humour.
  • Opt Out: If what Nemui said was true, both him and Radiant voted for themselves, which left Silver with the deciding vote during the Blue Tribe's first Tribal Council. Subverted in that Papius survived that round.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: During the Blue Tribe's first Tribal Council, he speaks up and says that all of them really didn't want to vote somebody off since they work so well together.



During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he ended up on the Red Tribe. It was notable that he was the last person to find an item, knocking deviouskyle251 out of the game.

  • I Knew It!: His reaction to SilverSurge revealing his idol after Silver is forced to give his items to Papius at the result of a challenge.
  • It's All My Fault: He admits to having caused Robot to be killed by a spider in Episode 2.
  • Nice Guy: Like Papius, he is also calm and collected with a sense of humour.



During the first challenge, which would determine the tribes, he ended up on the Red Tribe.

  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Early in the season, he was deemed annoying and the weakest. When the merge happens, he ends up winning two of the three immunity challenges and the game.
  • Griefer: Broke his pedestal and a glowstone in Episode 2.
  • Motor Mouth: Nemui and AlcoholicRobot himself said he was this.
  • Sole Survivor: The first.
  • The Load: In the "Getting to Know You" challenge, he and Nemui put down "AlcoholicRobot" with regards to this. During the same challenge, the entire tribe, including himself, said he was annoying.

    Season 2 

The Jury


Deviouskyle 251


  • The Leader: He tried to be this role in his tribe.







  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Her treatment of SilverSurge was actually an act as they don't hate each other.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: After getting 5th place in Season 1, she manages to win.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: When comparing to the first season, her treatment of SilverSurge puts her at this. This is subverted, as said below, due to this being just an act.
  • Sole Survivor: The second.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: She eventually lets up and ends the one-sided rivalry she had with SilverSurge, allowing them to be friends in the game once again.
  • We Usedtobe Friends: While not said outright, this was her general reaction at SilverSurge's decision to send her to Isolation Island without a moment's hesitation in Episode 1.

    Season 3 

The Jury










Deviouskyle 251

    Season 4 

The Jury


  • CloudCuckoolander: Joe is back and nothing has changed.
  • Opt Out: He voted for himself.
  • The Reliable One: He tried to be The Leader and had everybody listen to him because of his reliability. Most of his reliability came from his vast knowledge and suggestions.

Deviouskyle 251


  • The Leader: Subverted as she was SilverSurge's assistant.


  • The Chessmaster: He was shaping up to be this, on the verge of getting an alliance in order. His own ally managed to guess that he was trying to control the game and turned traitor at a crucial moment.
  • Karmic Death: He wanted to blindside Cj ... only for the opposite to happen.
  • Jerkass: And how!





  • The Reliable One: Over the course of the season, he's been very helpful at camp.

Speedwinner 1337

  • Conflicting Loyalty: Instead of following Echo's plan to blindside Cj, he turns around and helps blindside him instead in order to save himself.
  • Epic Fail: He played his idol when nobody voted for him, effectively wasting and flushing out an idol.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: After being the first one eliminated in Season 3, he makes it to the Final Four. This also doubles as What Could Have Been as, if he didn't get sick, he could've won.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: He ended up getting sick.
  • The Leader: Subverted. He wanted to be the leader of his tribe but ended up letting somebody else take on the role.



Timon 93


Brotherbird 50

    Season 5 

The Jury

Michael 918

Max 731313


  • Crazy Enough to Work: Subverted. He tried to cause a 3-2-1 vote by tricking Max, the target, into voting for Funny to avoid the inevitable tie. It didn't work.

Stripytails 777/Snover

  • Dig Your Own Grave: Snover spoke to Yomu, who was already going to keep him, about why he should keep him, while also telling Yomu about the allies he has on the opposite tribe and how they can betray them. This causes Yomu to not trust him, resulting in Snover's elimination.
  • Establishing Character Moment: When Max is eliminated, Snover tells Max why he lost— that he was trying to use people—that he wasn't here to make friends/allies, he was trying to make pawns. Snover proceeded to be seen as the closest thing this season had regarding a protagonist up until his own elimination.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: He gave one to Max at his elimination as well as one in his vote to eliminate him.

Gamer 888

  • Opt Out: Sikey had voted for Huffle and Huffle had voted for Gamer. Gamer chose to vote for himself.
  • Outof Focus: Suffered a bit of this, like the rest of the Yellow Tribe (The Titans) due to the Purple Tribe's (Gouf-Troop)'s losing streak. This ended in episode 8, when the Yellow Tribe lost again, resulting in his elimination.
  • Nice Guy
  • Shrinking Violet
  • The Quiet One


  • Outof Focus: Suffered a bit of this, like the rest of the Yellow Tribe (The Titans) due to the Purple Tribe's (Gouf-Troop)'s losing streak. This ended in episode 8.


  • Big Bad: Subverted. If you exclude FunnySwirl's elimination, it really seems like he is taking a lot more credit for the situations than he should considering how most of his "evil plans" are explained in the comments section, compared to the show itself where we don't see them.
  • Combat Pragmatist: His decision to target FunnySwirl came from the fact that FunnySwirl had won a season of somebody else's survivor, which had nothing to do with anything in this game. Unsurprisingly, people thought this was unfair.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He would throw his allies under the bus constantly.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: Him being mean was just a ploy to make him look more like a villain.
  • It's All About Me: While the season was airing, he would constantly brag about himself and why he was such a great villain.
  • Jerkass

Beccy 89

  • Bash Brothers: With Sikey.
  • Nice Guy
  • Outof Focus: Suffered a bit of this, like the rest of the Yellow Tribe (The Titans) due to the Purple Tribe's (Gouf-Troop)'s losing streak. This ended in episode 8.




  • Back from the Dead: Thanks to a twist! He was originally ejected due to his absence but he managed to win his way back into the game due to the Ghost Twist's challenge.
  • Brutal Honesty: He told Michael that he was the intended target and that he needed to find the idol to save himself or else he would be doomed.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: Big time!
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Echo, in this season, was a lot nicer compared to his run in Season 4.


  • Back from the Dead: Thanks to a twist! He was originally eliminated but he managed to win his way back into the game due to the Ghost Twist's challenge.



  • Bash Brothers: With Beccy.
  • Born Lucky: He found an immunity idol moments after the Yellow Tribe arrived at the camp as well as became the eventual winner.
  • Outof Focus: Suffered a bit of this, like the rest of the Yellow Tribe (The Titans) due to the Purple Tribe's (Gouf-Troop)'s losing streak. This ended in episode 8.
  • Sole Survivor: The fifth.

    Season 6 

The Jury


"Hey, guys, EnderSean here and welcome. I'm playing in Survivor Season 6."

  • Epic Fail: What caused him to lose, as stated below.
  • Genre Blindness: In a game where communication is key, he did not campaign to get Rachel out and, instead, assumed everybody but Toast would vote for her due to her "bragging" about the idol.
  • Nice Guy: When he did speak, it was always in a happy tone and he didn't say anything negative during his run.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: We didn't see too much of him or know too much about him before his elimination.

Blockie 329

"I'm Blockie and I am one of the fans. Go orange!"

  • Bash Brothers: With Vayne. This is ultimately subverted due to his blindside and Vayne's inability to prevent it.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Toast would help him get the idol, which, after an unpredictable series of events after his elimination, would lead to the craziest Tribal Council in the series that would involve his idol.
  • Epic Fail: He was voted out with an idol.
  • Irony: Toast would help him find the idol, only for Toast to blindside him to flush it out.
  • Karmic Death: His elimination was the result of his closest ally throwing the challenge to get rid of somebody else.
  • My Death Is Only The Beginning: While completely unintentional, his idol would be given to Amatsu. After Toast suggests to Amatsu about giving it to Dawson, Amatsu eventually decides to go through with the plan and the idol would be used to, not only save Dawson, but unintentionally cause DeviousKyle's idol play that resulted in AlcoholicRobot's elimination.
  • Noodle Incident: While edited out of the show, he did have audio issues. Blockie, himself, would bring this up in the comments section in Episode 1.
  • The Scapegoat: Vega was the one who truly sabotaged the 2nd immunity, leading him to become an unintentional scapegoat.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Aside from being Vayne's closest ally, we didn't know much about him.


"Hi, I'm AlcoholicRobot and I'm here for this season. It should be a lot of fun."

  • The Ace: From other seasons, which caused him to be a target immediately in this one.
    • Episode 3's PVP Challenge had the Fans Tribe eradicating the Favorites Tribe in Round 2, only for him to take out three of their members back-to-back before finally being defeated by Amatsu. Either way, it was quite a spectacle to see.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Just a tad.
  • Poor Communication Kills: This caused his elimination. When Timon told him to vote "Dawson", he assumed "Dawson" was Speedy but didn't clarify who "Dawson" was and didn't write "Speedy" either, which would've caused a vote and would've possibly saved him.
    • Before that, he told Aimee that he didn't know what was going on and was out of the loop on his tribe.
  • Worthy Opponent: DeviousKyle, among others, think of him as this due to him being The Ace and, as such, want him eliminated. DeviousKyle managed to eliminate him.


"Hi, I'm Rachel, or EpicFailTeen and thank you for having me here."

  • Bash Brothers: With Toast.
  • Butt-Monkey: In a small sense. She's been a couple of peoples' targets for elimination and she also lost her idol in Episode 1.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Her attempt to trade Dawson for 24 shrooms.
    • She asks, during the fourth immunity, if everybody has accepted Julius Caesar as their lord and savior.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She can come off as this.
  • Epic Fail: Twice in the first episode. The first one is justified as, while she would find the idol in episode 1 and lose it after dying soon afterwards, it was revealed to be stolen. Unfortunately for her, the rules say that somebody had the right to steal it.
    • As for the second time during that episode, she would, during her investigation, reveal that she had the immunity idol. She would be saved due to her alliance and other people, most notably Vayne, targeting Sean.
  • Funny Background Event: In the fourth immunity, which was trivia, she managed to catch herself on fire twice.
  • Genre Blindness: Her revealing she had the idol and panicking about it. Luckily for her, Sean did not have the votes to eliminate her, nor did he campaign.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After costing her team the win, she told them to vote her, despite Kyle and Vega being outside the Conductors alliance.
  • Loophole Abuse: Attempted by her to Amatsu when told that suicide was not an option to get their health back in the third immunity challenge.
    EpicFailTeen/Rachel: Just accidentally fall off.
  • Nice Guy: From what we've seen, she is energetic and is nice to everybody, although her revealing she had the idol (that was taken) in Episode 1, as well as her investigation, rubbed a couple of people the wrong way. Aside from this, she is a genuinely nice person.
    • Not to mention that, in the 2nd episode at the Tribal Council, she was not sad about losing the challenge but rather that somebody would lie about losing the stick.
  • Opt Out: Averted. Thanks to poor scheduling and her performance in the challenge, she sacrificed herself so the team wouldn't have to figure out who would be going.
  • Running Gag: Her investigation to find out who took the idol.
  • True Companions: Episode 3 solidified Amatsu, Rachel and Toast as this.
  • Verbal Tic: "Brah"

Deviouskyle 251

"Oh, yeeeaaahhhh! Kool Aid Man here! I'm DeviousKyle251."

  • Chekhov's Gunman: He would end up finding the secret idol in episode one and would later play a prominent role in getting the two time finalist out thanks to the idol.
  • Delicious Distraction: In Episode 4, he would mention the pizza he ordered and admitted that it was hard to concentrate due to it.
  • Foreshadowing: He would mention Robot being a major asset but also being a huge threat. During the crazy Tribal Council, he would ensure his elimination.
  • Genre Savvy: He pointed out to Speedy that AlcoholicRobot, the only two-time finalist, is both an asset to the tribe and a threat to win.
  • Large Ham: He can be one from time to time.
  • Take a Third Option: While Timon was gathering people to eliminate Dawson and Dawson was thinking of targeting DeviousKyle, he decided to set his eyes on AlcoholicRobot, and after an insane Tribal Council, he would be the only one of the three to be successful.
  • The Funny Guy: According to Dawson and Gamer. We do see quite a bit of his humour. There is also his vote to Dawson in Episode 3.
    The vote: Tonight we dine on roasted duck.
  • Verbal Tic: Oh yeaaaah!

Emperor_Vayne / Vega

"Hi, I'm Vega of the Zelda Arch-age and I like to slap people with fish. Yes."

  • Bash Brothers: With Blockie. Unfortunately, they didn't get far enough to successfully cover each other's back as Blockie was the 2nd person eliminated, leaving Vayne in his lonesome thanks to Toast's betrayal.
  • The Chessmaster: He is shaping up to be this due to him taking out Sean and starting the P.I.N. Alliance between him, Blockie and Toast (who came up with the name). This is slowly becoming subverted due to Blockie's elimination and his inability to do anything about it, while his target, Rachel, is saved. He managed to lose all influence in the game, not even being able to convince Kyle that Toast was up to something, which was Kyle's own demise. He would become the new member of the Conductors but be voted out the next episode when their tribe loses at Final 7.
  • The Determinator: After losing his closest ally in Episode 2, he finally starts to fight for his life in the game in Episode 4.
  • Genre Savvy: Acknowledges that he may have made moves that ruined his chances at winning.
  • Irony: He would become the newest third member of The Conductors, the same alliance that took out his closest ally.
  • Last Ditch Move: Believing that he is on the outs and decides to try to convince Toast to break up Amatsu and Rachel. This wouldn't work. Later, he would try to convince Kyle to turn on Toast. That didn't work either.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Sabotaging the 2nd immunity rewarded him with his closest ally's elimination.
  • Team Killer: He would throw the challenge to try and get Rachel out but failed to get her out. He would later throw a challenge to get DeviousKyle out.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: He believes that he is the next target in the Fans Tribe after Blockie's elimination. While he was, Rachel had to go/unintentionally cost them the challenge, causing her to go instead ... and then the target turned onto Kyle.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: His decision to target Seancame from him thinking that he was a "weak link".
    • This was ultimately Amatsu's reason for getting rid of him over Toast, believing that Toast would've been a more useful asset in the future.

Speedwinner 1337

"Steeeallltttthhh—no, I'm kidding. Hi, I'm Speedy. I played in Season 3 but no one likes my Season 3 and I played in Season 4. Uuuuuuuhhhh—yay, I'm a dragon."

  • Bash Brothers: Him and Timon are turning out to be this.
  • Call-Back: To Season 3 in his intro. He acknowledges that his Season 3 run was not ... good and mentions the "stealth" line.
  • Captain Obvious: By the way, he is a dragon (if his intro didn't help).
  • Foreshadowing: When Speedy and DeviousKyle were discussing the idol, Speedy mentions the special idol, in the real show, caused a tribe swap. When Kyle uses it, only he (Kyle) is swapped.
  • Genre Blindness: After the horrific but completely epic results of the Episode 4 Tribal Council, he chooses to turn on Timon when it was only Dawson, Gamer, Timon and him left on their tribe, knowing that Dawson and Gamer were a tight duo and still chose to get rid of a potential threat in Timon, not knowing that he would've been next had they lost and had gotten rid of Timon.
  • Genre Savvy: He acknowledges Timon as a threat and thinks the best time to take him out would be at the merge.
  • Irony: Took the gold nugget from the zombie pigman Rachel killed, only for the zombie pigmen to target him in retaliation.
    • He would end up going out before his pawn and former closest ally, Timon.
  • Nice Guy
  • Wild Card: His game plan was up in the air for half of the game. It's subverted as his plan to use Timon for challenges and take him out ended up becoming true.

Timon 93

"Hiiiii, my name is Timon 93 and I'm one of the favourites."

  • Bash Brothers: Him and Speedy are turning out to be this. Later, Speedy would think otherwise and turn on him.
  • Big Bad: He is turning out to be the villain of the season, having people wrapped around his finger, as well as being a threat. While he didn't do anything "villainous" after Episode 4, he manages to become a target of everybody.
  • Determinator: He becomes determined to get Dawson out and fails both times.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: He was a target for many people, unable to be taken out until the Final 5.
  • Genre Savvy: In Episode 4, after Dawson plays the idol, he assumes that he'll be in trouble and plays his idol, despite being wrong. He then, assuming that a re-vote will happen, tells Speedy to vote Gamer, Dawson's closest ally.
  • The Funny Guy: He has his moments.
  • Moose and Maple Syrup: Where he's from. He even lampshaded a stereotype after the Favorites Tribe lost the third immunity challenge.
    Timon: Canadians are not great at fighting; we're very polite.
  • The Rival: While one-sided at this moment, he, especially, wants Dawson out and is trying to get people on his side to take him out. He would achieve his goal in taking Dawson out. However, it was a Fake Tribal Council. He would then fail again the next episode and gives up, reconciling with him.
  • The Sneaky Guy: According to Dawson.
  • The Social Expert: His specialty and why he is viewed as a threat.
  • The Strategist: He had managed to use manipulation in order to bring about Dawson's demise, while Dawson was trying to do the same. However, it was a Fake Tribal Council. In the next episode, he would, once again, fail to get Dawson eliminated due to an idol being played. He would then sit back as the Fans Tribe kept losing and, ultimately, ran out of moves.
  • Unwitting Pawn: In Episode 1 at the Oasis, Speedy mentioned to DeviousKyle about taking Timon out at the merge since Timon is a threat, while using him for the challenges until then.
  • With Us or Against Us: He tries this on Gamer in Episode 4.
  • Worthy Opponent: Is seen as a major threat due to his game in Season 4 and, as such, other contestants have planned to either use him or try to take him out.


"I'm Amatsu. This is my first season and I'm hoping to have a lot of fun here and if I don't have fun, I'll be sad. So I better have fun."

  • Action Survivor: Both he and Toast managed to survive nine Tribal Councils.
  • Badass Boast: When coming up with the name for the Conductors alliance, he followed it with "we will conduct and direct everyone else".
  • Berserk Button: You better not screw around with the sticks/sabotage the challenge.
    • Buttons! Especially wooden ones.
  • Big Damn Heroes: When Dawson was scrambling, Amatsu, after a lot of thinking, gave Dawson that idol that would keep him in the game.
  • Captain Obvious: During the first Tribal Council, we got this gem:
    Amatsu (referring to the tree on the other side of the window): Wow, what's that behind us? It looks like a tree.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Very much so.
    At the PVP challenge: You can do it. You only have to defeat all of them.
    Again at the PVP challenge: I don't think lava is healthy for kool-aid.
    • In Episode 4, he tells Vayne that he wouldn't be any good to them on fire or as a corpse.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Averted. He isn't actually villainous but, while being hammy, he can sound like this. This is most notable in Episode 4 with his quote to Vayne below.
  • Genre Savvy: In the 2nd immunity, he points out that there wouldn't be anything that they are looking for in the immediate start area.
  • Large Ham: If the first episode is anything to go by, he has shown a lot of shades of this.
    Amatsu: We'll have to build a GRAND fortress out of netherrack!
  • Nice Guy: He likes to joke around and is generally nice to everybody.
  • Running Gag: Episode 4 had Amatsu in the fourth immunity towards Vayne.
    Amatsu: Goddammit, Emperor_Vayne! You've failed me for the last time!
  • Team Killer: He would throw the challenge to try and get DeviousKyle out.
  • The Spock: In Episode 4, Amatsu tells Toast that giving the idol to Dawson wouldn't be tactically sound.
  • True Companions: Episode 3 solidified Amatsu, Rachel and Toast as this.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Him giving the idol to Dawson was this as, after some thinking, realized that any outcome would've benefited them.


Gamer 888

"Hi ..." *walks away*

  • Bash Brothers: Him and Dawson.
    • When threatened by Timon to vote for Dawson in episode 4, he tries to defend Dawson by saying that they would be getting rid of a potential vote.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: If the Oasis was any indication, he can strategize and even came up with a gambit, although Dawson didn't like it. It's to be seen if Gamer makes any moves due to their position as outcasts. Not only were they no longer outcasts by Episode 5, he didn't make a single move either.
  • Nice Guy: This has not changed from his run in Season 5. He is very kind-hearted.
  • No-Damage Run: He did not get a single vote to elimination him at any point in the season.
  • The Hero: His gameplay in the season, as he did not back stab a single person.
  • The Lancer: To Dawson.
  • The Quiet One: While he hardly said a thing during his introduction, he doesn't speak too much from what we've seen so far. He was a bit vocal when both Dawson and AlcoholicRobot accused him of taking Rachel's idol.
    • This is ultimately subverted as Gamer's shown to talk quite a bit to Dawson.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Dawson. While this resulted in him being insulted at the jury questioning, he's proven to be one of the more loyal contestants in recent seasons.

Epic_Duck3 / Dawson

"Hi, I'm Epic_Duck3 or Dawson and—uhh—yeah, favourites for the win. All those fans—yeah, they suck. Bye."

  • All of the Other Reindeer: With Timon plotting against him, he is becoming the target for his tribe.
    • As of Episode 3, he's become the target of everybody—even from the other tribe! The only person currently on his side at the moment is Gamer.
    • After the dramatic tribal in Episode 4, Timon reconciled with him.
  • Badass Boast: During the 2nd immunity, we got this quote from him.
    Epic_Duck3: Don't get too cocky just because I fell in lava.
  • Bash Brothers: Him and Gamer. They even strategized together.
  • Born Lucky: Episode 3's Tribal Council was a fake, allowing him to continue in the game after Timon's betrayel.
  • Genre Savvy: After the theft of Rachel's idol (which was not against the rules due to Rachel dying), he told Gamer (who didn't take it) not to give it back.
    • As of Episode 2, he's shown to be the most genre savvy player in the game, as he's acknowledged both of the Kyle's as threats and found them suspicious of wanting to keep Amatsu, acknowledged Timon as a sneaky player, acknowledged Toast's relationship with Speed and that Speed may side with Toast at merge and managed to correctly guess that Speed was allied with both of the Kyles.
    • After almost being voted out in Episode 3, in Episode 4, he insists on playing in the challenge to avoid having them throw the challenge.
    Dawson: I'll play since I'm kinda playing for my life.
  • Epic Fail: At the beginning of the 2nd immunity, he, almost immediately, caught on fire.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Averted. While Timon reconciling with him and Speedy flipping on Timon gave Dawson all of the power on his tribe, he wouldn't be able to make a move until the Final 6, where he took out Speedy.
  • History Repeats: Subverted. If Episode 3's council was not a fake council, he would've been eliminated in the same placement as his Season 5 placement.
    • He, once again, attempts a 3-2-1 vote and fails at doing so.
  • Irony: He put his faith and and trust in Timon, only for Timon to screw him over. Luckily, it was a Fake Council.
  • Nice Guy
  • Powerof Trust: After this failed the first time, he decides to sit out in the immunity challenge in Episode 4, having to force himself to trust his tribe after almost being voted out the previous episode. He made sure they promised not to throw the challenge.
  • The Strategist: Averted. His attempts to change the game in the future via manipulation in Episode 3 only proved to be pointless as his fate was sealed due to Timon.
    • While he was denied making any moves pre-merge, thanks to the Fans Tribe's agenda, he would then mastermind Speedy's elimination.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After most of his tribe refused to cooperate with him in Episode 4, Amatsu would give him an idol, which would save him.
    • After Episode 4, he would no longer be a target and managed to gain all of the power on his tribe, albeit not being able to use it.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Toast, who plans to use him at the merge to take out Timon.
  • Worthy Opponent: To Timon, in a sense. After he plays the Imunimelon, Timon responds.
    Timon: GG, Dawson.



"Hello, hello, hello! I am Toast von Nomonberg V, 3rd emperor of the empire of Toastania! Also, I am a toast. Dun dun duuuu!"

  • Action Survivor: Both he and Amatsu managed to survive nine Tribal Councils.
  • Bash Brothers: With Rachel, if Episode 2 was any indication, or the shipping between those two.
  • Brutal Honesty: Aside from his vote to Sean and Blockie, we have this gem from the first Tribal Council:
    ToastCrumbley (describing how they didn't have enough time to get to know eachother): All I know is that Amatsu has a deep voice, EpicFailTeen is a girl and some other people are whatever so ...
  • Chewing the Scenery: He has a habit of doing this.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: While he was a bit torn between the P.I.N. alliance and Amatsu, he would end up siding with Amatsu after the latter had shown to be "competent" due to the stick incident at the 2nd immunity.
    • He was the swing vote in Episode 2 and chose to send Blockie home due to Blockie's idol and Vayne's one-sided rivalry with Rachel.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The finale after the final challenge.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Averted. While not deadpan, we do have this quote from him:
    ToastCrumbley: Toast's doing so well he's on fire. (while on fire)
  • Determinator: In Episode 4, he kept messaging Dawson that he shouldn't give up and what he could do to save himself in an attempt to keep Dawson in the game.
  • Gambit Roulette: His plan to blindside Blockie was to convince Vega and Blockie that he was with them to vote out Rachel so that Blockie wouldn't feel obliged to use the idol. It worked.
  • Heroic BSoD: Amatsu's fake elimination caused Toast to go into this, having lost all thought and speech until he realized Amatsu was still in the game during the auction.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: His friendship with Rachel caused him to turn on Vayne and Blockie after Vayne pushed for Rachel to go. This was also his reason for targeting Blockie instead of Vayne as he wanted to flush out Blockie's idol.
    • The challenge throws were to keep Dawson safe, without knowing that Dawson, at that time, was completely safe.
  • Large Ham: He usually goes into this mode, most notably in his introduction and a tad bit while at Base Camp and the Tribal Council. He amps this up in the 2nd episode.
  • Nice Guy: He is chipper, energetic, nice to everybody and, as stated above, a Large Ham.
  • Sanity Slippage: As shown in Episode 2's Tribal Council.
  • Sole Survivor: The sixth.
  • Team Killer: He would throw the challenge to try and get DeviousKyle out.
  • The Social Expert: He is shaping up to be this. He is part of two alliances and is in a good position in the game due to everybody (so far) liking him, without any suspicion.
    • With the P.I.N. Alliance basically ending at the end of Episode 2 and Dawson suspecting Toast and Rachel of taking out Sean, this might eventually be subverted.
    • His answers to the jury's questions were all well-thought-out speeches that helped secure their votes.
  • The Strategist: In the chat, he is usually seen strategizing.
  • True Companions: Episode 3 solidified Amatsu, Rachel and Toast as this.
