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Characters / Kalevipoeg

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Kalevipoeg ("Kalev's son", often Anglicised as "Kalevide")is a giant hero in Estonian (mainly East Estonian) legends, Kalevipoeg carries stones or throws them at enemies, and also uses planks edgewise as weapons, following the advice of a hedgehog. He also forms surface structures on landscape and bodies of water and builds towns. He walks through deep water. Kalevipoeg eventually dies after his feet are cut off by his own sword owing to his own prior—and fatally ambiguous—instructions.

Kalevipoeg was the youngest son of Kalev and Linda, born after his father's death and surpassed his brothers in intelligence and strength. It is often thought that Kalevipoeg's real name was Sohni/Soini, but it actually means simply 'son' and he never had other name than Kalevipoeg. Alevipoeg, Olevipoeg and Sulevipoeg were his friends and more distant relatives.


King Kalev was the father of King Kalevipoeg and the husband of Linda. Toompea, a hill in the centre of Tallinn, was said to be the tumulus over his grave, erected by Linda in memory of him. It is now Estonia's centre of government.


In the Estonian mythology and Kreutzwald's epic Kalevipoeg, Linda was the mother of Kalevipoeg and the wife of Kalev. She has given the name to several Estonian locations, including the Lindakivi (Linda boulder) in Lake Ülemiste. According to the epic myth "Kalevipoeg", her son, the title character, named the Estonian fortress settlement at the location of modern Tallinn in her honor - Lindanise


Varrak is Lappish mage in Kalevipoeg epic.


Sorts is evil magician in Kalevipoeg epic.
