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Characters / Guilty Gear

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Here comes daredevil!

The various characters of the Guilty Gear franchise can be found in these sheets:

  • Guilty Gear: The Missing Linknote 
  • Guilty Gear Xnote 
  • Guilty Gear XXnote 
  • Guilty Gear 2: Overturenote 
  • Guilty Gear Xrdnote 
  • Guilty Gear -STRIVE-note 
  • Guilty Gear - NPCs note 
  • Guilty Gear - Othernote 

The Captain Ersatz, Expy, "No Celebrities Were Harmed", Mythology Gags, Continuity Nods and Shout-Out references go here.

Common tropes shared across the roster:

  • Author Appeal: Daisuke Ishiwatari loves belts, although not to the ridiculous extremes like Nomura. So far, Justice is the only character who's never followed this trend. Baiken and Anji's original designs originally did not include belts either, but the former's -REV-2 redesign has them as the straps of her eyepatch, and the latter's -Strive- redesign features two on each of his gloves.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: The series is very offense heavy, and every character is a gorilla to some extent, so that, combined with you gaining Tension by going on the offensive (and, as of Xrd, lose all of it if you're too defensive) means that you'll be pressing the attack more times than not.
  • Bounty Hunter: Everyone except Dizzy and Testament in GGX, and that's due to Dizzy having a big bounty on her head and Testament trying to keep her safe.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Everybody except Dizzy and Bedman will routinely call out their stronger attacks as they perform them.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: The special in-game "Gold" Palette Swap not only gives the characters brilliant gold coloration, but also give them Purposefully Overpowered character-specific benefits to match it, serving as a Spiritual Predecessor to Unlimited characters.
  • Impossibly Cool Clothes: In the sense that they could all be outfits of a rock and roll band of some kind.
  • Improbable Weapon User: As a rule of thumb, everybody has some interesting and distinctly unique weapon. The series has seen people use dull sword-clubs, pool cues, an anchor, a yo-yo and a teddy bear, etc. etc.
  • Musical Theme Naming: With the exception of Baiken and Zato-1, all the characters and some of their attacks are named after rock artists and their music. Read them here.
  • Random Power Ranking: The PWAB's risk ratings. These rankings are more of assessment of possible threat to PWAB than the character's actual fighting power, though said fighting ability is factored into their assessments.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Barring in-universe examples (such as Ky or Elphelt), everyone is capable of this with the special in-game "Black" Palette Swap, which gives them red eyes (or miscellaneous touches of red for characters whose eyes aren't visible in their sprites, like I-No or Johnny) to contrast their generally pitch black coloration.
  • Rummage Sale Reject: Just look at how detailed and in-depth many of the characters' outfits are, and they only got even more detailed and crazy in the jump to Xrd.
  • Too Many Belts: The number of belts in Sol's outfit alone can outnumber the belts in the whole cast of BlazBlue. Everyone has a belt or ten on their person after Xrd came out.
  • Vague Age: Except for Dizzynote , Kliffnote , Solnote , Justicenote , Ericanote , Jack-O'note , as of Xrd That Man himselfnote , and as of Strive's Another Story, Sinnote , we're left to guess the ages of the cast. There's a few that can be narrowed down a good deal (for example, Sin must have been born in the time period between Accent Core and Overture) but most still don't have exact dates.
